Analyzing Distribution Strategies of Aci-Colgate Based On Retailersfeedback
Analyzing Distribution Strategies of Aci-Colgate Based On Retailersfeedback
Analyzing Distribution Strategies of Aci-Colgate Based On Retailersfeedback
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
MD. Safiul Bari
ID: 13304070
BRAC Business School
Dear Madam,
Sincerely yours,
MD. Safiul Bari
BRAC Business School,
66 BirUttam AK Khandakar Road, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
I would start by thanking the Almighty Allah for all His blessings. Firstly, I want to sincerely
thank my internship adviser MS. Tania Akter,Lecturer, BRAC Business School for giving me the
opportunity to do my internship report under her supervision and for her unending support and
providing the necessary help for the completion of this report. I would like to thank Md. Adnan
Quayum(Product Executive, ACI Consumer Brands) for teaching me all the basics of my tasks
and patiently showing me every elaborate details and guiding me throughout my internship
period, Mohammad Mazharul Islam(Sr. Product Executive, ACI Consumer Brands) for all his
guidelines and support, necessary tips and guidelines during the activation period, and the entire
team for being helpful and supportive in every little help I needed and for creating the
opportunity for me to bring out my best performance.
Executive Summery
ACI Limited is one of the most leading FMCG’s of Bangladesh. Beside own products ACI
Consumer Brands import globally acclaimed home care products. Among them Colgate is one of
the most successful brands in Bangladesh. Colgate Palmolive is the current leader in
manufacturing and distribution of oral care and general hygiene products in the world
(Crescendo Networks, 2011). In Bangladesh, the product is so popular and still running
successfully. ACI Limited has many distribution strategies to distribute Colgate to the utmost
customer. To develop the distribution channel, the organization conducted a Retailers study to
learn from the shopkeepers.
This report includes the distribution strategy of ACI. Also, it includes the structure of distribution
strategy and the controlling and maintaining process. Beside this, competitors’ strategies are
thoroughly analyzed based on retailers’ feedback. ACI conducted this retailer’s survey to analyze
market gaps and based on that a fair recommendation has been provided to develop distribution
During the study, Dhaka zone was covered only. First, entire Dhaka zone was divided into
territories. Then some areas (mostly called beat) had been selected within those territories. After
that, the shopkeepers were interviewed and they share their opinions about the product, its
distribution system, policy, suggestion and everything.
With all the information and findings from survey, adequate analysis has done in terms of
Colgate present distribution’s situations. Suggestions are provided at the end of the report for the
betterment of the brand in future.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.01: Origin of the report .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.02: Objectives of the Internship program.............................................................................................. 3
1.03: Methodology.................................................................................................................................... 4
1.04: Sampling Plan ................................................................................................................................... 5
1.05: Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.06: Limitations ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2................................................................................................................................................... 6
Company Overview ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.01: ACI Historical Background ................................................................................................................ 7
2.02: Logo.................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.03: Company Mission............................................................................................................................. 8
2.04: Company Vision ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.05: Company Values .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.06: Company Profile............................................................................................................................... 9
2.07: The Management Committee and Board of Directors .................................................................. 10
2.08: Support Activities ........................................................................................................................... 11
2.09: Business Units ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.10: Fundamental Departments of ACI ................................................................................................. 13
2.11: Quality Policy ................................................................................................................................. 13
2.12: Environmental Policy ..................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 3................................................................................................................................................. 17
Literature Review .................................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 4................................................................................................................................................. 19
Job Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................. 19
4.01: Nature of the Job ........................................................................................................................... 20
4.02: Different Aspects of Job performance ........................................................................................... 20
4.03: Critical Observation ....................................................................................................................... 26
Chapter 5................................................................................................................................................. 28
Distribution Strategy of ACI Colgate ....................................................................................................... 28
5.01: What is Distribution Strategy? ....................................................................................................... 29
5.02: Formulating Distribution Strategy ................................................................................................. 30
5.03: Controlling and maintaining the distribution chain in ACI............................................................. 32
5.04: Competitors’ Product Analysis....................................................................................................... 35
Chapter 6................................................................................................................................................. 38
Analysis market gaps and Findings ......................................................................................................... 38
6.01: Inception ........................................................................................................................................ 39
6.02: Finding Gaps in the Market based on Survey ................................................................................ 39
6.03: Other Observations ........................................................................................................................ 45
Chapter 7................................................................................................................................................. 46
Recommendations for Developing Distribution Strategy ....................................................................... 46
7.01: Recommendations ......................................................................................................................... 47
7.02: Additional Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 49
Chapter 8................................................................................................................................................. 51
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 51
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 53
Chapter 1
ACI is the trusted brand in Bangladesh. To expand its business category ACI imports
international products. As a part of this, they import Colgate brand in Bangladesh which is very
successful in India and going well in Bangladesh as well. To finish my BBA program, I have to
complete internship program and so that I joined Colgate Department in ACI Consumer Brand.
ACI-Colgate is conducting a survey program on retailers. Here, all the shopkeepers’ in Dhaka is
interviewed about the Colgate. It does not include any super shop like, Agora, Shopno or any
other branded super shops. It includes the retailing shop including pharmacy shop around Dhaka.
All the retailers’ shops are divided into three categories. They are Category A, B, C that indicates
big, medium and small shop respectably. Also, ACI divides the Dhaka into four zones to survey
better. Also, within these 4 zones, there are many territories where this survey work was
conducted. The main reason is to do this survey to learn about the consequence of distribution
channel strategy of Colgate. During this survey, certain criteria and rules have been followed.
Analyzing the survey data, distribution strategy will be developed in future. Moreover, some
general gaps and judgment are recommended. Furthermore, this research work will continue time
to time as it is the way to develop better distribution strategy.
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1.01: Origin of the report
This report has been as a part of my BBA program. The report I prepared on, “Analyzing
Distribution Strategies of ACI-Colgate Based on Retailers Feedback” based on the organization
of ACI Ltd. This report gave me the opportunity to explore the efficient, innovative and effective
analysis of distribution strategies of Colgate. The report on “Analyzing Distribution Strategies of
ACI-Colgate Based on Retailers Feedback” is prepared by individually under the supervision and
guidance by Ms.TaniaAkter, Lecturer, BRAC Business School.
Broad Objective
Specific objective
Broad Objective:
The broad objective is the one which exists in the long term output basis during the whole
internship program. In this case, the broad objective is to learn to analyze distribution strategy of
ACI-Colgate based on retailers’ feedback. Also, I would like to observe every step following to
distribute the product to its ultimate customer. Similarly, it is a great opportunity for me to learn
real life research and implement the outcome to develop the distribution channel. Beside this, it
is the only way to know about the competitors strategy and handle own distribution channel.
Specific Objective:
Except the broad objective, there are several short or specific objectives. The following
objectives are:
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To develop the distribution strategy by recommending possible judgments.
1.03: Methodology
Several methods have been used while establishing and doing the analysis part of the report are
given below:
Primary Sources:
Most of the cases, the information was extracted from primary sources which is from the
retailers. The survey was conducted in Dhaka and covered 465 individual shop or retailer. The
shops are divided into three categories:
Category A- These outlets are financially well enough to stock more products. They have hard
cash in hand and have the ability to buy more.
Category B- These category shops are moderately good. They also stock product more and buy
the products weekly basis.
Category C- Category C shops are not good financially. They are not interested to stock more.
They just buy the product and sell it.
After conducting the survey, all the data was noted down and was gathered all information using
Microsoft Excel. In addition to, different shop and pharmacy in different location has been
surveyed. The locations names where survey was conducted are given below:
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Secondary Sources:
In some events, I used secondary sources from their website, such as: Colgate’s previous reports,
sales report, beat name etc.
1.05: Scope
After reading this report, the reader will easily understand the distribution policy of ACI-
Colgate. Also, it includes the distribution process which is strategically maintained and
controlled. Beside this, the competitor’s distribution strategy, its effects; promotional offers are
mentioned in this report. Along with this, the reader will observed the market gaps and
possibilities of developing the distribution channel.
1.06: Limitations
Confidentiality issues of some information.
Reluctant behavior of some retailers when taking interviews.
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Chapter 2
Company Overview
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2.01: ACI Historical Background
ACI was established as the subsidiary of Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in the then East
Pakistan in 1968. After independence the company has been incorporated in Bangladesh on the
24th of January 1973 as ICI Bangladesh Manufacturers Limited and also as Public Limited
Company. This Company also obtained listing with Dhaka Stock Exchange on 28 December,
1976 and its first trading of shares took place on 9 March, 1994. Later on 5 May, 1992, ICI plc
divested 70% of its shareholding to local management. Subsequently the company was registered
in the name of Advanced Chemical Industries Limited. Listing with Chittagong Stock Exchange
was made on 22 October 1995.
Bangladesh is a country which is small in size but large in population. ACI Limited is one of the
most popular corporate names in Bangladesh. It is the most trusted brand as well as ensured
quality product supplier. ACI Ltd plays an important role as a contributor to national economy.
Along with this, they have left their footsteps in international platform through foreign
investments, joint ventures and brand affiliations. ACI has been accepted as a founding member
of the community of Global Growth Companies by the World Economic Forum which is the
most prestigious business networking organization.
3.02: Name
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ACI Limited stands for the name “Advanced Chemical Industries limited” which refers that they
started their business with Pharmaceutical goods. After that they spread different brunches of
product lines within their operation.aci-bd (2017)
2.02: Logo
The logo of ACI Ltd is very fascinating. It is green in color and there are waves in the logo.
Provide products and services of high and consistent quality, ensuring value for money to
our customers.
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Endeavour to attain a position of leadership in each category of our businesses.
Develop our employees by encouraging empowerment and rewarding innovation.
Promote an environment for learning and personal growth.
Attain a high level of productivity in all our operations through effective utilization of
resources and adoption of appropriate technology.
Promote inclusive growth by encouraging and assisting our distributors and suppliers in
improving efficiency.
Ensure superior return on investment through judicious use of resources and efficient
operations, utilizing our core competencies.
Customer Focus
Continuous Improvement
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Address ACI Center, 245 Tejgaon Industrial Area,
Dhaka 1208
Phone 880 2 887 8603
Fax 880 2 8878619 & 8878626
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Mr. WaliurRahmanBhuiyan,OBE Director
Mr. GolamMainuddin Director
Mr. Md. Fayekuzzaman Director
Mrs. NajmaDowla Director
Ms. ShusmitaAnis Director
Mr. Abdul-MuyeedChowdhury Director
Mr. Juned Ahmed Choudhury Director
Ms. Sheema Abed Rahman Director
Basically, strategic business unit and joint venture are operated individually but both are strongly
controlled by ACI Center. ACI Center (ACI Headquarter) is the in charge of HR, Financing and
planning and Commercial exercises, Training and development, Distribution and MIS. To
managing the whole operation, the assisting functions fall under a key segment:
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Figure 4: Support Activities of ACI Limited
1. Pharmaceuticals
2. Consumer Brand and Commodity Products
I. Household Insecticides.
II. Antiseptic and Personal care.
III. Home Care
IV. Female Hygiene
V. Commodity Foods
VI. ACI Electronic Division
3. Agribusiness
I. Crop Care Public Health.
II. Livestock and Fisheries.
III. Fertilizer
IV. Cropex
V. Seeds
VI. Motors
4. Subsidiaries
ACI Formulations Ltd.
Apex Leather Crafts Ltd.
ACI Pure Salt Ltd.
ACI Pure Flour Ltd.
ACI Foods Ltd.
Creative Communication Ltd.
ACI Motors Ltd.
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ACI Electronics Ltd.
ACI Logistics Ltd.
ACI Godrej Agrovet PVT Ltd.
Tetley ACI Bangladesh Ltd.
Asian Consumer Care Ltd.
5. Joint Venture
ACI Godrej Agrovet PVT Ltd.
Tetley ACI Bangladesh ltd.
Asian Consumer Care Ltd.
Administration Department
Financing and Planning
Commercial Department
Training and Development
ACI is the first company in Bangladesh who obtained ISO 9001certification for quality
management system in all categories.
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Figure 5: ISO 9001 Certified for Quality System
One of the important visions is to provide products and services of high and consistent quality,
ensuring value for money to their customers.
ACI is the first company in Bangladesh to who obtained ISO 14001 Certification for
Environmental Management System.
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ACI is committed to formulate and conduct all its operations in an environmentally friendly
manner, ensuring continual improvement in the utilization of resources and prevention of
pollution or degradation of the environment.
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Chapter 3
Literature Review
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Marketing Channel decisions are the most critical decision now days. If one considers major strategy of
the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and distribution), the greatest potential for achieving a
competitive advantage now lies in distribution (Obaji, 2011). Also, specialist paid a big attention to
elaborate the procedures of marketing channel design (Gudonaviciene&Alijosiene, 2008).
In the past, distribution channel focused on the functions performed by a distribution system, the
associated utility of these functions and overall system. However, gradually it is changing and viewed as
the set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making goods or service to consume or
use (Coughlin, Anderson, Stern, & El-Ansary, 2001). This institutional perspective pays more attention to
its relative members like wholesaler, distributors, retailers etc.
In general, the concept of distribution refers to where and how the product and service are to be delivered
to sell, all the essential mechanism and logistical support for the transfer of foods and service to its
customer (Stern et al, 2006). A successful marketing channel ensures that a desired product is distributed
in a desired amount to a desired channel to satisfy customers (Kotler&Keller, 2009).
Nowadays, marketing channel ensures global environment where serving their product and service. In
today’s world marketing channel structure and strategy must be formulated based on globalization
(Rosenbloom& Larsen, 2008). Every organization must follow basic code regarding to globalization in
distribution policy.
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Chapter 4
Job Responsibilities
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4.01: Nature of the Job
I joined ACI Consumer Brand as an intern on 01 May, 2017 and my core brand was ACI Pure
Salt. After working there for several weeks I was replaced in Colgate. To learn more, I also
observed Equal-Canderal brand. I have to do the regular office work from 8.30 AM to 6.00 PM,
5 days a week. Also, I learned basic official assignment. In this short time, I acquired the
corporate culture of ACI. Maintaining a good relationship with supervisors, line managers and
the Directors as well as others internee mate. We would like to help each other and establishing a
perfect corporate environment. Along with this, my core job responsibility was to survey Colgate
market. To do my job, I have to collect the name of the retail shop and survey there associated
with sales representative. After that I documented all the data and submitted to my supervisor.
Moreover, I was assigned several works regarding Colgate’s branding. I got opportunity to work
with very talented person at office which will leave a great impact in my future career.
I accomplished several different tasks in my internship period. Furthermore, the major jobs I
performed are given below:
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ASM (Assistant Sales Manager) contact number, SR (Sales Representative) contact
number, retailer shop list etc. I collected all the documents from ACI server that is
confidential and I had the right to use it.
2. Maintaining internal and external relationship: After getting the entire necessary
document I had to discuss with the concerned party about the survey procedure. If they
want any specific information, I had to focus more on that point. Most of the time,
supervisor instructed me what to do. Also, I had to maintain some external relationship
with ASM, ZSM, SR, and DSR. As, I had to contact them before visiting the place under
their territory.
3. Visiting market with Sales Representative: Sales Representative (SR) is the person
who takes the order from the market. Basically, they take the order of every consumer
product along with Colgate. Before visiting the market I used to contact them and receive
related information about the market. SR did his duty and I observed the retailers. Also, I
observed how SR approaches to retailers, how they motivate them to take order, how they
approach trade offers to them and the reaction of retailers towards trade offer. Along with
this, I asked retailers open ended questions and they responded more or less.
4. Collecting Data: I tried to visit each and every shop to collect data. Every necessary
point I counted responsibly. Also, I noted down the survey response collecting from the
market. As, I have the list of the shop, so I could specify the problem of individual shop. I
have visited almost every zone in Dhaka and surveyed 465 shops in Mirpur, Gulshan,
Mohammadpur, New Market, Kawranbazar zone.
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Here, the survey questionnaires are given below:
Retailer Study
Territory: Mirpur
Question: Hello brother, how are you? I am coming from ACI Headquarter. I am
conducting a survey on retailers study. It will be benefited for you. We can give you a
better service if you cooperate with us. Would you like to give me some time?
Respondent: ok.
Respondent: Yes.
Respondent: Basically, I stock Colgate Active Salt, Colgate Total, Colgate Max Fresh,
Colgate visible white etc. Most of the time, I don’t stock Colgate Herbal as customer
preference is very low for it.
Respondent: Almost all. 50 gram, 100 gram, 150 gram, 200 gram.
Question 4: What types of customer prefer what SKU and what kind of Colgate?
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Respondent: General people like Colgate Active Salt, Colgate Total. Medium or upper
class prefers Max Fresh most. They buy 200 gram and 150 gram.
Respondent: Sometimes. As I don’t have hard cash every time, I can’t accept it. I accept
offer if sell is more. It is not possible to stock more if sell is low.
Respondent: yes. But I did not get the product according to time schedule.
Respondent: Yes.
Respondent: Yes, of course. I stock Pepsodent, Colgate, Close up, Sensodyne etc.
Question 9: What types of benefit you got from others toothpaste related to Colgate?
Respondent: Other companies provide the trade offer like you. Also, their SR is very
much punctual about time and promise. Moreover, Pepsodent gives us 250-500 taka for
‘Product Display’.
Question 10: What will encourage you to stock our product more?
Respondent: You should increase consumer benefit more, so that they will buy your
product and we can stock more. Also, you should give an offer we can afford to. You
should promote your product more. In addition to that, we are the person who interact
and motivate the customer to buy product. Some customers do not have any brand
preference and we give them the product we like. So, it should be a good relationship
with the company and us.
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Question 11: Thank you very much. We will work on that.
Respondent: welcome.
5. Documenting the collected data:After collecting raw data, I have to pile up all the raw
data in a excel file. All the information are kept in the excel file with individual name.
The report include the name of the territory, beat name, SR name, Retailer shops’ name
and the reason to deny our product.
Here, one of the documents is given below:
ACI Colgate Retailers Study
Mediplus MP
Colgate CG
Brush UP BUP
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Beat name Outlet Name Available SKU Reason for Not Buying
Ibrahimpur- Abdul Huqe
1 Adorsho General CG,CL,PP 100GRAM COLGATE)
Ibrahimpur- Al Modina
1 BipaHelthKeyar CLOSED
1 Bismillah store CG,CL,PP ORDER TAKEN
1 Bismillah store CG,CL,PP ORDER TAKEN
1 Borisal General CG,CL,PP COLGATE)
1 Doli store PP,CL DISPLAY
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Market overview:
Internship Overview:
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Moreover, it was a fantastic 3 months with learning and having a good memory at ACI
Consumer Brand (CB).
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Chapter 5
Distribution Strategy of
ACI Colgate
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5.01: What is Distribution Strategy?
Distribution strategy is all about how effectively a firm distributes goods or service to its
ultimate consumer. It includes several steps from distributor to wholesaler and retailer and finally
the consumers. According to Kotler& Keller (2009), a successful marketing channel ensures a
desired product is distributed in a desired amount to a desired channel to satisfy the desired
consumer. It is one of the important parts of marketing mix.
1. Direct Distribution: Direct distribution involves distributing the product or service from
manufacturer to ultimate consumer. It does not have any intermediaries between
manufacturer and consumers. The benefit of this distribution is manufacturer can control
the whole process.
2. Indirect Distribution: Indirect Distribution involves distributing the product or service
by the use of an intermediary. In this process, manufacturer can sell their product to
wholesaler or retailer and consumer buy from them.
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5.02: Formulating Distribution Strategy
ACI-Colgate formulates a smooth and effective distribution strategy where they follow both
Push and Pull Strategy.
Push Strategy: A push strategy is where manufacturer focuses their marketing effort on
promoting their product to the next party in distribution chain (retailer or wholesaler). It includes
convincing them to stock ACI’s product. Also, ACI conducts various promotional activities to
connect with the retailers. Mostly, ACI provides Colgate to retailer and retailer sells it to
ACI (Manufacturer)
Figure 10: Push Strategy
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Pull Strategy: A pull strategy involves the manufacturer promoting their product to the target
market to create demand. ACI uses this strategy to create demand in the market for Colgate and
force retailers to stock their product.
ACI Colgate uses several promotional mixes to create demand in the market:
1. Providing discount.
2. Free gift
3. Major event sponsorship
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5.03: Controlling and maintaining the distribution chain in ACI
There are twenty six distribution centers across the country which is strongly maintained by
distribution department. ACI is expanding its distribution network to reach the target market
properly. Also, it has strong distribution network that is highly streamlined, computerized and
automated. Beside this, ACI strictly follows ISO 9001-2008 Quality Management System
(QMS) in all aspects of its distribution system.
ACI divided the country in different zone which is maintained by ZSM. Within this zone there
are several territories which are in controlled by ASM. To provide better service they are divided
into two teams which are called GP and SP team. This team is strategically instructed by ASM.
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They lead the root level employees called SR and DSR who are responsible to sell the product to
SP (Special Product) and GP (General Product) teams are mostly responsible to distribute the
product through SR (Sales Representative). The products belong to them:
SP Team:
Colgate Active Salt, Colgate Total, Colgate Visible white, kids, toothbrush, mouthwash.
GP Team:
Colgate CDC, Colgate Herbal, Max Fresh, Sensitive org and Sensitive Relief.
The main reason to divide the product with different teams is to sale more and focus individually
all the product. SR can give extra effort to the product. However, there is a problem in these
teams. It was found in the market that there are miscommunication between SP and GP team.
Sometimes retailer demands SP products to GP teams and they cannot provide it. Also, they
cannot inform it to GP team about the demands. So, this miscommunication is happened in the
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Responsibility of ZSM and ASM
ZSM and ASM are the most important persons who lead the team strategically. They set the
strategy along with upper level management and implement those with the association of SR and
DSR. They have a target and try to fulfill the target strategically. After a time period they
evaluate the sales volume and take further decision accordingly.
Responsibility of SR is the most important part of distribution strategies. SR is the person who
receives the order from the retailers. First, they start to visit the market and offer their products to
retailers. If retailers need those products, he gives order to him. Also, SR presents trade offer (it
trade offer is available) to retailer like “Buy 12 get 2 free”. Beside this, they provide gifts to their
valuable customers (retailers).
Here, the most important element is building relationship between SR and retailers. I observed it
closely that a good relationship always effects in sales volume. It is noticeable that the retailer
has enough products in stock but he orders again due to SR’s motivation. Sometimes, the
shopkeeper has no hard cash to order but they can order because of the good relationship with
DSR’s responsibility starts after taking order from SR. DSR is the person who is responsible to
deliver the ordered product according to shop’s address. Also, DSR collects money from the
It is important to deliver the product in time. Sometimes, the retailers need to stock product
based on customer excessive demand but unfortunately he did not get the product in time. So, it
causes loss to the retailers. That’s why DSR must be punctual about time and session.
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5.04: Competitors’ Product Analysis
During survey, it was found that so many competitors’ product available in market. Major
toothpaste which are available in the market:
Close Up
Brush Up
Medi Plus
Among them Pepsodent and Close up are the close competitors of Colgate. In Bangladesh,
people use Pepsodent, Close up and Colgate mostly. Also, Sensodyne is used frequently because
of dentists’ preference. Here, overall analysis of the competitors’ product is given below:
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Figure 14: Promotional Activities of Pepsodent
Source: Unilever BD (2017)
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3. Sensodyne:Sensodyne already set their image as dentists’ preference brand. Along with
little shop you can find it medicine shop too. It is so much popular to teeth conscious
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Chapter 6
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6.01: Inception
According to Obaji (2011), marketing channel decision is the most critical decision in the
management. He believes if the company wants to achieve competitive advantages, he/she must
focus on distribution.
ACI Colgate is the international brand in which distribution is considered to be important and
gives more attention to it. They survey constantly to observe the market, its gaps, and problems
lying on retailers and consumer behavior also.
To know the current market situation retailers feedback was taken. Also, the market gaps, reason
behind decreasing sales volume and others information related was needed. By conducting
retailers’ survey lots of valuable information extracted from the market as well as retailers
In survey, it is found, almost every outlet stocks Colgate. Also, retailers order Colgate regularly.
However, almost every pharmacy keeps Sensodyne mostly. On the other hand, some categoryA
pharmacy who keeps other toothpaste, orders Colgate too. Moreover, there are some internal
issues behind this. As it is confidential those reasons are ignored in this report. Here, every gap
and its details are included. However, based on location it may changes as it was
mentionedearlier. Also, it is different based on the category of the outlet. Along with this, SR’s
skillful presentation about the product effects on sales volume. The main gaps are given below:
1. Trade offers unavailability: Most of the A category retailers want to profit more. As,
they have no problem in cash, they can stock more. This type of retailers always seek
trade offer. Basically, ACI-Colgate offers “Buy 6 get 1 and Buy 12 gets 2”. So, A and B
category retailers take the advantages and profit more. Unfortunately, they did not get
this trade offer often. It causes them turned away from Colgate as competitor still gives
them trade offer.
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2. Not interested in trade offer: On the other hand, there are some retailers who are not
interested in trade offer at all. As, if you want to take the offer, you have to order at least
6. Retailers like C category or small shop do not interested to stock more. Rather they
will take 2-3 pieces as they have other toothpaste in stock to sell.
30% Retailers
10% 12%
Gulshan New Market Mohammadpur Mirpur Kachukhet
Figure 17: The percentage of retailers not interested in trade offer based on location
3. Window Display Wanted:Pepsodent toothpaste applies this strategy usually. They rent a
place where they display their product only with a big banner. This is called ‘Window
Display’. Most of the time, retailers demand this type of display where all the category of
Colgate will be shown.
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Figure 18: Window Display of Pepsodent
40% Retailers
30% 25%
20% 15%
Gulshan New Market Mohammadpur Mirpur Kachukhet
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4. Dentists Recommended Toothpaste: Basically, medicine shop does not sell general
toothpaste like Pepsodent, Close up or Colgate. They prefer Sensodyne as dentist
suggests it more to their patients. However, A or B category medicine shops stock all
kinds of toothpaste including Colgate.
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Retailers(Medicine Shop) prefer Dentist
Recommended Toothpaste
60% 55%
50% 45%
30% Retailers
Gulshan New Market Mohammadpur Mirpur Kachukhet
Figure 21: The percentage of medicine retailers prefer dentists’ recommended toothpaste
5. Miscommunication with SR: As it was mentioned earlier, there are two teams GP and
SP who are responsible to get orders. However, product is different based on team.
Sometimes, retailers demand the product to SR that does not belong to their team causes
misunderstanding between SR and retailers. Also, the deadline given to retailers cannot
be fulfilled by DSR. So, they cannot sell on time. Along with this, SRs’ behavior is a big
factor because they do not take products from that SR they do not like.
6. Small market, smallsell: There are some beats (Market or place) where outlets are
mostly in C category. These type of markets stock less, even order less than any location.
Since their market is small, they do not have enough money to stock or even order more.
7. Customers’ preference: Customers’ preference is another issue to stock less or
decreasing order of Colgate. According to the retailers, customer prefers Pepsodent or
Close up first. They do not use Colgate usually although it is an international famous
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Customers' Brand Choice
8. Lack of hard cash: As it was mentioned earlier about some C category shop who cannot
order because of hard cash. They are not interested to stock Colgate at all. While they do
not have enough money, they cannot take the advantage of trade offer.
9. Missing outlets: It is not happened usually but a few outlets complain that SR does not
come regularly. The retailers wait for Colgate even ACI products but unfortunately SR
misses those outlets somehow.
10. Exhibition of Colgate is not appropriate: Most of the outlets exhibit Colgate a place
where people can hardly be seen. As we know, several customers cannot recall brand
name at the time of shopping. Seeing the brand at the shop he or she can recall his
preferred brand. Unfortunately, maximum outlets display Pepsodent and Close Up in
sight. Where customer hardly finds Colgate to see.
11. Lack of preferred SKU: It happens rare but it can hampers distribution channel for a
while. As an example, retailers want 100 gram Colgate max fresh that is unavailable at
that time. Sometimes, Colgate cannot provide proposed SKU due to unavailability of
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12. Lack of branding about Colgate: It is true that Colgate is a known and famous
international brand. According to You Me and Trends (2017), Colgate is the number 1
toothpaste brand in India in 2017 and the most leading toothpaste brand with the 55%
share of the toothpaste industry. However, a few retailers do not know about this product
even its customers. It is not famous brand in Bangladesh because of less branding.
1. Building Relationship: Building relationship between ACI and retailers are the most
important factor to gain competitive advantages. Since, ACI is not selling Colgate only;
they sell over 100 of different products. Also, retailers are the medium to reach desired
customer. So that, they should focus on more building a fair relationship with them.
According to Alexander, Miesing and Parsons (2005), to continue relationship with
stakeholder, quality offering and service are needed.
2. Effective Service: A good effective service is better than any good product you are going
to sell. ACI should analyze the whole service they are giving to the retailers. They should
create an effective service blueprint to fulfill its ultimate customers. Every step must be
included on this blueprint. It includes how to behave with the retailers, how to approach
something, its timing. Moreover, SR must professional enough to handle the situation and
learn to satisfy its customers.
3. Finding out the importance of retailer: Since, it was found trade offer is not important
to some retailers. On the other hand, some retailers wait for this eagerly. So, first identify
what is their needs, what could be the better option to satisfy him, what will encourage
the person to order more. When they identify each and every problem, they can come up
with a fair solution.
4. To know market, go market: Survey work is always helpful to know the market. A
company must do research on the current market to know what is going on there.
Research is the most effective way to identify the gaps and develop strategy to fulfill the
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Chapter 7
Recommendations for
Developing Distribution
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7.01: Recommendations
According to Kotler& Keller (2009), a successful marketing channel ensures that a desired
product is distributed in a desired amount to a desired channel to satisfy the desired consumer.
So, it is the most important element of marketing complex. After conducting retailers’ survey,
several strategies are suggested that can be taken into account.
1. Lucrative Trade Offer for A & B category shops: As, it was found in the survey that
trade offers are mostly accepted in A & B category shops. Since, the retailers have hard
cash to order so that ACI should offer something lucrative to them. By doing this, they
can increase their sales volume.
2. Product Display: According to Abidin& Aziz (2010), window display is one of the
methods that sells silently, increase store’s image and assist to make decision. The
authors added that, it is so influential to youth in Malaysia. So that product display or
window display could be another strategy for ACI to spell.
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activities. Customer always trusts expert’s opinion. It is psychologically proven that,
people trust anything from the specialist. So, if ACI tries to conduct promotional dental
facilities, it will create an image of trusted medically proven brand.
4. Petty Credit for small shop: As it was mentioned before, a few retailers cannot order
product due to lack of money. So, for this type of retailers if ACI introduced small credit
option that could bring significant changes to distribution channel. However, this process
should be conducted after consulting financial folk.
5. Consulting SR regularly: SR is the person working at the root level and responsible for
ultimate processing. Since, ACI has got so many complaints from the retailer; they
should be trained properly according to market condition. Also, it can increase their self-
efficiency. Barling and Beattie (2008) stated that, self-efficiency beliefs enhance sales
performance. If ACI wants 100% efficiency from them, they should give adequate
training and consultation to them. Beside this, SR is more knowledgeable about the root
level market. So that, ACI should discuss more and more gradually to develop strategy.
Moreover, by doing this kind of activity ACI can understand ‘Area Sales Managers’ role
in the ground. According to The Daily Star (2011), without a good area manager, SR
cannot be efficient enough.
6. Conducting various promotional activities: ACI-Colgate should introduce various
promotional activities for their customers too. They should give proper advertisement on
TV, radio, newspaper etc.The response of consumer is positively related with brand
promotional activities. (Cotton and Babb, 1978). Also, they can promote their brand at
social network that is the strongest place nowadays. According to Habibi and Richard
(2013), brand communities established in social media has positive effects on brand
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Figure 24: Promotion on Social Network
Source: Colgate Palmolive (2017)
7. Keeping the product available: ACI-Colgate must keep their product available. They
should maintain their whole distribution chain properly and keep it smooth to meet the
desire of the customers.
8. Focusing on location to apply strategy: As the survey findings enlightened that,
everything is different depend on location. What found in Mirpur, it was absolutely
different in Kawranbazar. As an example, when I visited a beat in New Market, I found
retailers want credit to order. On the other hand, in Kawranbazar they are interested in
trade offer more. So, ACI should execute their strategy based on individual location.
1. Consulting SR regular basis: ACI should consult their SR on the regular basis. There
will be a fair discussion where SR can speak out about the difficulty facing in the market.
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It will motivate them to work more too. Also, their opinions must be regarded
respectfully. Along with this, SR must be trained to provide effectiveservice.
2. Forming caring image to retailers: Besides building a fair relationship with them, ACI
must create an image that they care about them. Providing necessary help beyond
company policy might build a lifetime relationship. Also, it will be a good example of
humanity and good promotion too.
3. Dividing retailers based on the location and their needs: This is the most important
point, ACI should consider. When they divide their retailers based on location, they
would know what strategies should appropriate. Some of the market is not big and trade
offer is not appropriate. So, they have to fulfill this market with another way. On the
other hand, for wealthy customer, ACI should bring lucrative offer, they cannot refuse.
4. Surveying the market on regular basis: Last of all, survey work must be going on. This
is the only way to know about the market, identify gaps, gain knowledge, analyze
strategy, and face competitors. So, they should carry on this sort of research once a year
at least.
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Chapter 8
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ACI is the most prominent and trustable organizations in Bangladesh. From 1968, they are
fulfilling customers’ needs and building a sustainable relationship. It produces good quality
products. Now, ACI Consumer Brands are the most efficient name to serve its ultimate users. It
was initiated with two major brands- ACI Aerosol and Savlon in 1995. The division started to
take new business through off shoring trade as well as local manufacturing. Also, they import
international products in Bangladesh. Colgate is the brand internationally recognized and trusted.
However, in Bangladesh it is not yet market leader. So that developing effective product analysis
is needed. For this reason, ACI-Colgate is conducting a survey finding its gaps. Also, this survey
helps them to find the problems have in the market. Moreover, it is the only way to identify their
market position. According to the consequence of the survey, ACI must take proper action as
soon as possible. Furthermore, it will help them to create an effective strategy and fight back to
the ground. By doing this kind of research work they ensure their quality, better service,
customer satisfaction and the sustainability of this brand.
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