EoI For Energy Storage System-APTRANSCO
EoI For Energy Storage System-APTRANSCO
EoI For Energy Storage System-APTRANSCO
APDISCOMs require peak power during mornings and evenings, across the year. Peak
power requirement can be partly met by wind for 2-3 months, during the months of June to
August. During other parts of the year, peak power requirement is mostly met through
purchases from IEX. Power Purchase from IEX during the peak hours mostly increases the
power purchase cost of APDISCOMs. Peak Power requirement can be met by planning a
thermal plant but it would be inefficient as the plant will have lower utilization.
The challenge of peak load management can be addressed through an energy storage
solution. CERC Staff Paper on ‘Introduction of Electricity Storage System in India’ (Jan-
2017) emphasizes the need of energy storage and its benefits.
“In the coming decade, the need for modernizing the grid will help the nation to meet
the challenge of handling projected energy needs as well as increasing energy from
renewable sources while maintaining a robust and resilient electricity delivery system.
These challenges warrant a specific energy storage solution to cater to peak demand
and to address the variability of intermittent generation. In this context, need is felt for
specific Electricity Storage System (“the ESS”) that would provide economically
feasible Electricity Storage Services to address these challenges. Energy storage can
play a significant role in meeting these challenges by improving the operating
capabilities of the grid, lowering power purchase cost and ensuring high reliability by
maintaining unscheduled interchange as well as deferring and reducing infrastructure
investments in new projects.”
Energy Shifting Solution is defined as a storage solution which shifts energy from one
time to anotherfor peak load management during the day time.
Energy shifting solution shall be able to discharge continuously for atleast 3 hours. (3 hours
of continuous discharge during morning & evening peak hours and 2 hours of discharge as
required during the day).
APTRANSCO has already indicated its plan to procure energy storage system in Multi-year
Tariff filings for 4thControl Period (FY 2019-20 to FY 2023-24) with Honourable APERC.
APTRANSCO plans to set-up energy shifting solution by paying fixed annual charges to the
developer. On account of scale, energy shifting solution at centralized location would be a
cost effective solution.
In addition to peak load management, Energy Storage System as part of transmission
system has additional benefits such as;
c. Deviation Control
Energy shifting solution can be of any technology such as battery storage, pump storage,
compressed air energy storage, flywheels, super-capacitors, molten salt technology or any
other storage technology that can cater to centralized grid-scale storage requirement.
This invitation for EoI has been designed for inviting responses from interested companies
owning/developing storage plants, using any storage technology to participate in the
procurement of 400 MW and 8 hours of discharge per day (3200 MWh) of storage services
by the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Energy shifting solution shall be located/developed in the state of Andhra Pradesh and
connected/ has ability to connect to APTRANSCO system.
Annual Charges per MW would be determined by Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (APERC)
for shortlisted projects. However, in case annual charges quoted by applicant is lower than charges determined
by APERC, the former would act as ceiling charges.
2 Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI)
2. Generation Mode
In the Load Mode, the Energy shifting solution shall be considered as a deemed consumer.
In the Generation Mode, the Energy shifting solution shall be considered as a generator.
Any deviation from the schedule given by APSLDC shall be treated as per the APERC
regulation on Deviation Settlement Mechanism.
2.1 Disclaimer
Issues of this document do not in any way commit or otherwise oblige APTRANSCO to
proceed with all or any part of a tender process. The EoI Request is not the subject of any
process contract or any contractual obligations between APTRANSCO and the applicants to
the EoI. Further, APTRANSCO may, at its absolute discretion either modify or abandon any
part or whole of the document and / or process, without giving prior notice to any or all the
applicant. All Expression of Interest documents, upon submission by any applicant to this
EoI shall become the property of APTRANSCO. APTRANSCO is not liable for any costs or
compensation in relation to the consideration of this EoI. Proposed parties willing to
participate have to submit their responses to this request at their own cost with no liability
3 Technical Specifications
The energy shifting solution offered by the Applicant shall confirm to the following
technical specifications/requirements:
4 Eligibility Criteria
2. The Applicant shall own an operational energy storage plant or in the process of
developing a storage plant of any technology, capable of providing storage services at
the capacity quoted.
3. The storage plant shall confirm to the technical specifications specified in Section 3.
4. The storage plant shall be located within the state of Andhra Pradesh
5. The storage plant shall be of minimum 100 MW capacity. The storage plant shall have
atleast 8 hours of discharge per day. In addition, the storage plant shall be able to
discharge continuously for 3 hours.
6. The Applicant shall have minimum networth of 1.5 Cr/MW of the capacity applied,
during the last 3 financial years. (Applicant shall attach the financial statements for the
last3 financial years).
8. The capacity of the storage plant shall be equal to or more than the quantum of storage
capacity offered by the Applicant.
b. Shall not have been contracted with any other buyer at the Time of submission
of EoI
5 Project Preparedness
If the storage plant is in under-development phase, the project shall meet the requirements
specified in Section 5.1 and Section 5.2
5.1 Project Preparedness
For Site centric energy storage technologies such as pump storage, compressed air etc,
theproject shall meet the following requirements.
Site allocation/approval for atleast the offered capacity of the storage plant.
Preliminary water allocation (where applicable).
Applicant shall furnish the necessary documents for site allocation and water allocation (if
For Technology centric energy storage technologies such as battery storage, fly-wheels etc,
theproject shall meet the following requirements.
6 Evaluation Criteria
EoI shall be evaluated based on the annual fixed cost and the conversion loss of the storage
Criteria A: Annual fixed cost3 of the storage plant in INR Lakh per MW
∗ 105
Summation of criteria A and B shall be arranged in ascending order and quantum shall be
allocated till 400 MW.
1. The Storage plant shall provide a minimum availability (in MW) of 90% 6. For
availability > 90%, an incentive shall be provided to the developer and for availability <
90%, a penalty shall be levied on the developer, as determined by the Honourable
2. The Annual fixed charges paid shall be ex-bus at Storage plant’s location. The plant shall
be STU connected. The responsibility of wheeling of power from and to the Storage
plant shall be of APTRANSCO or agencies nominated by APTRANSCO.
3. APTRANSCO has the right to reject the EoI of any developer in case of any conflict of
interest or for any other reasons. Mere participation in the bid shall not be construed as
a right of the developer to enter in to the agreement with APTRANSCO and the decision
of APTRANSCO in this regard shall be final and binding on all the parties. APTRANSCO
also reserves the right to modify the storage quantity anytime before the contract
3 Annual fixed charges per MW determined by Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (APERC)
shall be used for payment. However, in case annual fixed charges quoted by applicant is lower than charges
determined by APERC, the former would act as ceiling charges.
4 Conversion loss is defined as the difference between the energy stored and energy generated by the storage
system. Conversion Loss (%) is 1-Conversion Efficiency (%).
5 Average power purchase cost approved in Retail supply tariff order for FY 2018-19
6 Energy shifting solution shall be available for atleast>90% of the time in a year
signing. However, the storage owner/developer can opt out if the there is any material
change in the quantum or specification.
4. Impact of any Force Majeure condition, of any kind, or any other risk impacting the cost
of storage, directly or indirectly as well as delay in Commissioning of the project due to
any unforeseen reasons covered under force majeure will not affect the annual charges.
Extra cost incurred on this account shall be borne by the developer. Only the increase in
statutory taxes and duties as amended from time to time, if any, shall be
borne/reimburse by APTRANSCO.
8 Timelines
3 Last date for Submission of EOIs, Presentation to APTRANSCO and Bid 25.02.2019
4. Commissioning certificate
5. Feasibility Report with complete details regarding Project cost, availability of storage
and project financing details
6. Completed project cost with break-up and item wise comparison with cost as per
feasibility report along with reason for variation
10 Contact Details
Dear Sir,
Subject: RESPONSE To– Expression of Interest (EoI) No.ESS.01/2019,dated 12-02-
2019 -Procurement of Energy Shifting Solution of 400 MW and 8 hours of discharge
per day (3200 MWh) on long term basis from Q3 FY 2021-22 for Peak Load
1. We, the undersigned, offer the following information in response to the Expression of
Interest sought by you vide your Notification No. ________________dated________________
2. We are duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of ________________
3. We have examined and have no reservations to the EoI Document including Addenda
No(s) ______________________.
4. We shall assist APTRANSCO and/ or its authorized representatives to obtain further
clarification from us, if needed.
4.1. APTRANSCO and/ or its authorized representatives may contact the following
nodalpersons for further information on any aspects of the Response
S.No Contact Name Address Telephone/Mobile E Mail
5. We offer a capacity of ____MW from our ____MW { Name and address of the Project} for
__hours (total ____ MWh of daily discharge) against the required the Capacity of 3200
MWh given in the EoI.
6. We have submitted our response to the invitation for EoI strictly as per Section 3, 4, 5
and 6 of the invitation for EoI, without any deviations, conditions and without
mentioning any assumptions or notes in the said formats.
7. We confirm we have not signed-up for the offered capacity to any other buyer.
8. We confirm that we have studied the provisions of the relevant Indian laws and
regulations as required to enable us to submit this response to invitation for EoI.
9. We confirm that there is no conflict of interest of any kind in our response to this
invitation for EoI.
10. We confirm that the outcome of this EoI shall be binding on us and no claims, legal or
any other kind, shall be made against APTRANSCO in any court of law.
11. In response to the EoI, we hereby submit the following details annexed to this
11.1. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation
11.2. Copies of financial statement for the last three years
11.3. Details of the proposed storage plant
11.4. Commissioning certificate
11.5. Feasibility Report with complete details regarding Project cost, availability of
storage and project financing details
11.6. Completed project cost with break-up and item wise comparison with cost as per
feasibility report along with reason for variation
11.7. Necessary certificates demonstrating the project preparedness for the under-
development project
12. The undersigned declare that the statements made and the information provided in the
duly completed application are complete, true, and correct in every detail.
Yours sincerely,
In the Capacity of
duly authorized to sign the
response for and on behalf
Brief Description of the products / solutions offered by the firm (500 Words)
Brief Description of the storage solutions implemented by the firm (500 Words)
Financial Performance (Last 3 Years)
Annual Turnover
Yours sincerely,
In the Capacity of
duly authorized to sign the
response for and on behalf
Yours sincerely,
In the Capacity of
duly authorized to sign the
response for and on behalf
Criteria A: Levelized Annual Fixed Cost (in INR Lakh per MW) : ________________
Criteria B: Cost of Conversion Loss (in INR Lakh per MW): ________________
(Refer Section 6 for calculating the cost of conversion loss)
Evaluation Parameter = Criteria A + Criteria B = ________________ (INR Lakh per MW)
Yours sincerely,
In the Capacity of
duly authorized to sign the
response for and on behalf
Based on its books of accounts and other published information Authenticated by it, this is
to certify that …………………………………..(Name of the Storage Plant) was commissioned on
…………………..(Date of Commissioning of the Plant).
Provide Certificate as per this format only. Attach explanatory notes to the Certificate, if
necessary. In jurisdictions that do not have statutory auditors, the firm of auditors which
audits the annual accounts of the Applicant may provide the certificates required under
this invitation for EoI.
15.2 For plants to be commissioned at the time of EoI submission:
Based on its books of accounts or other published information Authenticated by it, this is to
certify that ……………………. (Name of the Storage Plant) is likely to be commissioned on …………….
(Expected date of commissioning of the Plant).