V41 Paper
V41 Paper
V41 Paper
0021-9193/04/$08.00⫹0 DOI: 10.1128/JB.186.13.4276–4284.2004
Copyright © 2004, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Divercin V41, a class IIa bacteriocin with strong antilisterial activity, is produced by Carnobacterium diver-
gens V41. To express a recombinant version of divercin V41, we constructed a synthetic gene that encodes the
mature divercin V41 peptide and then overexpressed the gene in pET-32b by using the T7 RNA polymerase
promoter in the Escherichia coli Origami (DE3)(pLysS) strain. The DvnRV41 peptide was expressed as a
translational fusion protein with thioredoxin and accumulated in the cell cytoplasm in a soluble anti-Listeria
active form. The fusion protein was then purified and cleaved to obtain pure, soluble, folded DvnRV41 (462 g
per 20 ml of culture). This paper describes the first design of a synthetic bacteriocin gene and the first
bacteriocin expressed in the E. coli cytoplasm.
C. divergens Divercin V41 natural producer 47
Listeria innocua F Indicator organism DSVb
E. coli JM109 F⬘ traD36 lacIq ⌬(lacZ)M15 proA⫹B⫹/e14⫺ (mcrA) ⌬(lac proAB) thi gyrA96 (Nalr) endA1 hsdR17 Stratagene
(rK⫺ mK⫹) relA1 supE44 recA1
E. coli Origami (DE3) F⫺ ompT hsdSB (rB⫺ mB⫺) gal dcm lacY1 ahpC gor522::Tn10(Tcr) TrxB::Kan (DE3) Novagen
pPR16 Apr, cloning vector 21
pET-32b Apr, expression vector Novagen
pLysS Cmr Novagen
pCR01 Apr, pPR16 with Ncol-HindIII fragment of double-stranded fragment 1 This work
pCR02 Apr, pCR01 with Mscl-HindIII fragment of double-stranded fragment 2 insert This work
pCR03 Apr, pET-32b with the Ncol-HindIII insert of pCR02 This work
Apr, ampicillin resistance; Cmr, chloramphenicol resistance.
DSV, Direction des Services Vétérinaires, Nantes, France.
terminator and the T7 promoter in pCR03 was determined by the dideoxynucle- ranking from 0 to 100% over a period of 55 min. Peptides were detected at 280
otide chain termination method (54) in an ABI 370 automated sequencer by use nm. The polypeptide purity and molecular masses were assessed with an ion-trap
of a Taq Dye-Deoxy TM terminator cycle sequencing kit (Perkin-Elmer, Boston, mass spectrometer equipped with an electrospray ionization source at atmo-
Mass.) and the universal T7 terminator primer. spheric pressure (LCQ Advantage electrospray mass spectrometer; Thermo-
Expression of dvnRV41 in E. coli. Overnight cultures of E. coli strain Origami Finnigan, San Jose, Calif.).
(DE3)(pLysS) harboring the plasmid pCR03 or pET-32b were diluted to 3% Immunoblot analysis. The proteins separated by Tricine-SDS-PAGE were
(vol/vol) in Terrific-Broth medium containing ampicillin (100 g ml⫺1) and transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane (0.2-m pore size; Bio-Rad) at 250 mA
chloramphenicol (30 g ml⫺1) and then were grown aerobically at 37°C. When for 55 min in a buffer containing 25 mM Tris, 0.1% (wt/vol) SDS, 192 mM
the optical density at 600 nm (measured in a spectrophotometer; Biotek Instru- glycine, and 20% (vol/vol) ethanol by using a Mini Trans-Blot cell apparatus
ments, Winooski, Vt.) reached 0.8, gene expression was induced by the addition (Bio-Rad). After transfer, the membrane was saturated at room temperature for
of isopropyl--D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (Sigma) to a concentration of 1 1 h with PBS containing 5% (wt/vol) freeze-dried low-fat milk and then washed
mM. The cells were grown for another 3 h, harvested by centrifugation (8,000 ⫻ three times with PBS/T. The membrane was incubated at room temperature for
g, 6 min, 4°C) (2K15 laboratory centrifuge; Sigma) at regular time intervals, and 1 h with a polyclonal antiserum (anti-DvnCt-KLH) (48) diluted 1:2,000 in PBS/
used for different experimental needs. T/M. After three washes with PBS/T, the membrane was incubated at room
Recombinant and native divercin V41 purification procedures. The divercin temperature for 1 h with goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G (heavy plus light
V41 (DvnV41) produced by C. divergens V41 was purified as previously described chains)–horseradish peroxidase conjugate (Bio-Rad) diluted 1:30,000 in PBS/
(42). The recombinant divercin V41 (DvnRV41) was purified as follows. The T/M. The membrane was washed three times with PBS/T and twice with PBS.
cells from 20 ml of a 3-h E. coli/pCRO3 IPTG-induced culture were harvested by The substrate (Super Signal West Dura extended duration substrate; Pierce) was
centrifugation (8,000 ⫻ g, 6 min, 4°C). The cell pellet was resuspended in 2 ml of deposited for 5 min onto the membrane. The chemiluminescence produced was
binding buffer (BB) containing 10 mM imidazole (BB10; pH 7.9) (Amersham revealed on Kodak X-OMAT film (Sigma) with Kodak Polymax RT solutions
Biosciences, Freiburg, Germany). The cells were disrupted by sonication (Aero- (Sigma).
sec Industrie, Fecamp, France) in ice-cold water (225 W; five times for 2 min Nucleotide sequence accession number. The nucleotide sequence of dvnRV41,
each) until the required visual viscosity was obtained. The separation of the encoding the recombinant divercin (DvnRV41), has been deposited in the Gen-
cytoplasmic soluble fraction (CSF) from the cytoplasmic insoluble fraction and Bank database under accession number AY463965.
cell debris was performed by centrifugation (14,000 ⫻ g, 15 min, 4°C). The CSF
was filtered (0.45-m-pore-size filter; Sartorius, Goettingen, Germany) and then
TABLE 2. Purification of recombinant divercin V41 from heterologous expression in E. coli Origami
Protein Total Fold Total
Volume Activity Sp act Yield
Fraction concn activityb increase protein
(ml) (AU ml⫺1) (AU g⫺1) (%)
(g ml⫺1) (AU) in sp act (g)
Cells 20
CSF 2 4,015 100 200 0.0 1 100 8,031
Filtered CSF 1.3 4,015 800 1,000 0.2 8 62.50 5,019
Fusion proteina 2 352 800 1,600 2.3 91 8.76 704
Desalted fusion protein 3.5 351 400 1,400 1.1 46 15.28 1,227
Enterokinase cleavage products 3.8 410 102,400 389,120 249.8 10,031 19.40 1,558
Purified DvnRV41 3.8 122 102,400 389,120 842.8 33,842 5.75 462
Second IMAC-immobilized eluted fraction 2 271 800 1,600 3.0 118 6.75 542
Elution fraction of the first IMAC step.
DvnV41 AU per milliliter ⫻ volume (milliliters).
observed by Tricine-SDS-PAGE corresponded to the remain- firmed that the cleavage of the fusion protein could be opti-
ing uncleaved TRX-(His)6-DvnRV41 fusion protein, as con- mized in order to obtain 100% cleaved protein.
firmed by its detection on a Western blot (Fig. 3B, lane 4). To achieve the purification of DvnRV41, we subjected the
The anti-Listeria activity of the enterokinase cleavage prod- protein collected in the flowthrough of the second IMAC and
ucts was determined (Table 2). The liberation of DvnRV41 the native divercin V41, purified from a C. divergens V41 cul-
from its fusion protein resulted in a 278- and 227-fold increase ture, to HPLC. The RP-HPLC patterns of native divercin V41
in the total (389,120 AU) and specific (249.8 AU g⫺1) anti-
shown). Indeed, mass spectrometry returned a single polypep- proteins produced in E. coli (9). The expression of genes en-
tide mass of 4,923.2 Da, in full agreement with the expected coding recombinant human DNA methylguanine transferase,
theoretical molecular mass (4,927.6 Da). This value corre- interleukin-5, and apical membrane antigen 1 was improved by
sponds to the molecular mass of native DvnV41 bearing an the replacement of E. coli low-usage codons in the DNA se-
N-terminal four-amino-acid extension (AMDP) as a result of quences of the corresponding synthetic genes (9, 19, 41). The
enterokinase proteolysis and in order to fit the requirements of dvnRV41 synthetic gene was inserted into the pET-32b expres-
both the DNA polymerization strategy and the chemical cleav- sion vector in frame and as a translational fusion with thiore-
age procedure target. This result also confirmed that all of the doxin. The expression of dvnRV41 was placed under the con-
cysteine residues of DvnRV41 were involved in the disulfide trol of the inducible T7 promoter. Thioredoxin enabled a more
bond. soluble fusion protein and the establishment of the disulfide
After 3 h of induction, the expression system developed and bonds (58). LaVallie et al. proposed that the high solubility of
successfully tested in this study allowed 12.5% (wt/wt) fusion thioredoxin imparts to the hybrid a lower propensity to aggre-
rotein to be obtained from the total cytoplasmic protein. gate (36).
This system is very promising with regard to the amount of The production of several protein-TRX fusions has been
DvnRV41 obtained. We purified 462 g of DvnRV41 that led previously described. The bovine enterokinase catalytic sub-
to 389,120 AU of antilisterial activity by starting with 20 ml of unit was successfully produced in E. coli with a TRX fusion
culture (Table 2), and we expect to obtain 23 mg of purified partner (63). However, this strategy involves a cleavage proce-
DvnRV41 from 1 liter of culture. Additionally, this DvnRV41 dure to obtain the protein without its TRX partner. Generally,
protein cross-reacts with anti-DvnCt-KLH polyclonal antibod- the enterokinase cleavage site is used. The aspartyl-prolyl bond
ies, has the same migration level as natural DvnV41, and is has been shown to be extremely labile upon an acidic incuba-
active against Listeria innocua F, with a specific activity of 842.8 tion (34). Given that the first residue of mature divercin V41 is
AU g⫺1, despite the three amino acid residues added to its
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