Financial Analysis of Information and Technology Industry of India (A Case Study of Wipro LTD and Infosys LTD)
Financial Analysis of Information and Technology Industry of India (A Case Study of Wipro LTD and Infosys LTD)
Financial Analysis of Information and Technology Industry of India (A Case Study of Wipro LTD and Infosys LTD)
Keywords Abstract
Information and Financial analysis now a day is an important instrument
Technology (IT), Return for the critical review of the performance of a business. It
on Capital (ROC), New helps the concern to analyse the financial data and provide
York Stock Exchange information which is required to take decisions regarding
(NYSE), Earning Before investments and also help to understand financial position
Interest and Taxes better. The financial analysis portrays the financial health
(EBIT), Return on Equity of a company and helps the companies to improve their
(ROE), Net Profit Ratio financial resources and manage generated funds
(NPR) efficiently.
Information and technology industry has grown up
Jel Classification extraordinarily in India during previous years. Its
F65, D80. contribution in economy has also increased with a huge
margin. Investment in IT industry is considered as a
profitable and less risky investment destination in the
Indian context. The paper is an attempt to facilitate the
investor and the management to asses the financial
position of a firm from the proprietor’s point of view. In
order to identify the financial management efficiencies
this paper will analyse management of proprietor’s funds
in IT Companies of India, Specifically for Wipro Ltd. &
Infosys Ltd. The paper will also suggest the initiatives to
be taken by both the companies for improving their
financial management techniques and achieving the
optimum capital structures.
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies 3/3 (2017) 1-13
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies 3/3 (2017) 1-13
Area of the study: For the present study, two companies, Wipro Limited and Infosys
Limited are selected. The companies are leading companies in the information and
technology industry of India.
1. WIPRO Ltd It is one of the most successful technological companies in India and
around the world. Wipro an Indian based company was founded as a peanut oil
company with name of Western Indian Vegetable Products in 1945 by M.H. Premji
and later was renamed "Wipro Ltd." by his son Azim H. Premji.
2. Infosys Ltd. Established in 1981, Infosys Ltd. is a NYSE listed global consulting
and IT services company with more than 199,000 employees. From a capital of
US$ 250, it has grown to become a US$ 10.1 billion (LTM Q3 FY17 revenues)
company with a market capitalization of approximately US$ 34.1 billion.
Review of Literature
1. Bhunia, A., MukhutI, S., (2011) identified that understanding financial statements is a
key to fundamental stock analysis and overall investment research. Financial statements
provide an account of a company’s past performance, a picture of its current financial
strength and a glimpse into the future potential of a firm. The goal is to enhance an ability
to make a sound judgment about a company’s financial strength and future prospects by
using financial statements in your personal investment research.
2.Thomson, R., (2008) said that financial analysis is the process of identifying the
strengths and weakness of the firm with the help of accounting information provided in
the Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet.
3. Anthony, R., (2007) identified that Accounting as a means of collecting, summarizing,
analysing and reporting in monetary terms, information about the business. This simple
definition highlights the importance of accounting and financial information in the
business enterprise. There is a reference to the following accounting principles and scope
of the field of accounting and finance.
4. Gordon, M., Shilinglaw, G., (2006) the author explains the importance of business and
financial reporting. He highlighted that the economy depends on the business
organizations for goods and services. The financial activities of business enterprises of
production and sale are of utmost importance.
5. Wilson, P. R., Carpenter, J. H., (2005) said that the financial statement assumes an
important place in modern management. Executives, officers, and directors of
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies 3/3 (2017) 1-13
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies 3/3 (2017) 1-13
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies 3/3 (2017) 1-13
20 Wipro
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
The return on capital employed of Infosys Ltd. is higher than wipro through out the study
period because of better management of assets and dividend decisions. It is suggested to
Wipro to manage the funds in the same way as managed by the Infosys so that return on
capital employed can be increased.
Return on Equity: Return on Equity is another magnified parameter for testing the capital
utilization for profit generation. The ratio is a strong indicator of efficient fund
management for profit generation from the equity share holder’s point of view. It reflects
a relationship between the profit after tax and preference share dividends and the equity
share capital invested in a business. The higher ratio represents a better and efficient
management of equity funds.
Table No.2
Return on Equity
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies 3/3 (2017) 1-13
Wipro Ltd not only this but it also got alert of their performance and initiated some rehab
actions within time which was not reflected in Wipro Ltd.
Exhibit No.2.1
15 Wipro
10 Infosys
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Net Profit Ratio: The net profit percentage is the ratio of after-tax profits to net sales.
It reveals the remaining profit after all costs of production, administration, and financing
have been deducted from sales, and income taxes recognized. As such, it is one of the best
measures of the overall results of a firm, especially when combined with an evaluation of
how well it is using its working capital. The measure is commonly reported on a trend
line, to judge performance over time. It is also used to compare the results of a business
with its competitors.
Table No.3
Net Profit Ratio
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies 3/3 (2017) 1-13
Exhibit No.3.1
15 Wipro
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Exhibit no. 3.1 is clearly showing that NPR is always placed better in Infosys Ltd. than
Wipro Ltd. Infosys had always succeeded in maintaining a handsome margin of net profit
over the Wipro Ltd.
Proprietary Ratio: Proprietary ratio refers to a ratio which helps the creditors of the
company in seeing that their capital or loans which the creditors have given to the
company are safe. Proprietary ratio can be calculated as follows – Proprietors
funds/Total Assets
In the above formula proprietary funds includes equity and preference share capital of
the company and reserves and surplus of the company, while total assets of company
includes both fixed assets and current assets of the company but it excludes fictitious
assets which company may have.
Table No.4
Proprietary Ratio
As far as proprietary ratio is concerned it seems that both the firms are relying upon their
own funds rather than debt capital although Infosys has a higher proprietary ratio than
Wipro Ltd through the study period. It is depicted from the table no. 4 that Wipro Ltd is
diluting its capital structure with a very slow rate which means that the company is
representing more of debt capital in its capital structure where as Infosys Ltd. is
strengthening its capital structure by its own funds the Prop Ratio in Wipro Ltd got
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies 3/3 (2017) 1-13
decreased every year and reached 0.59 from 0.69 during the study period where as in
Infosys Ltd. the same was increased from 0.78 to 0.83 at the end of study period.
Exhibit No.4.1
0,4 Infosys
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Debts Equity Ratio: The debt to equity ratio is a financial, liquidity ratio that compares
a company's long term debts to total equity. The debt to equity ratio shows the
percentage of company financing that comes from creditors and investors. A higher debt
to equity ratio indicates that more creditor financing (bank loans) is used than investor
financing (shareholders).
Table No.5
Debts Equity Ratio
0,1 Infosys
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
As per the table no. 5 in comparison to Wipro Ltd, Infosys has no debts capital in its
capital structure. As a result the debts equity ratio in Infosys Ltd. were 0.00 through out
the study period although in the beginning years it was of negligible value as Infosys Ltd.
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies 3/3 (2017) 1-13
have some long term debts. But Wipro Ltd is using its debts capital in its capital structure.
Although it is also trying to reduce the part of capital financed through long term debts
which is also reflected in its ratio, the debts equity ratio which was 0.22 in the year 2011-
12 reached 0.18 in the year 2015-16.
Hypothesis Testing: For the analysis of financial position of companies under study, an
inter comparison of firms from five dimensions is made by applying the student’s t test
at 5% level of significance. The following table depicts observations and conclusions of
the application of test. As shown in the table no 6 the null hypothesis is rejected in all
cases. The acceptance of Ho denotes that there is no significant difference between the
financial positions of companies under study but the rejection of null hypothesis
indicates that there is a significant difference between the same.
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies 3/3 (2017) 1-13
Table No. 6
Hypothesis Testing
Conclusion There is a significant There is a significant There is a significant There is a significant There is a significant
difference between the difference between difference between the difference between the difference between the
mean ROCE of Wipro the mean ROE of mean NPR of Wipro mean PROP Ratio of mean D/E Ratio of
Ltd. and Infosys Wipro Ltd. and Infosys Ltd. and Infosys Wipro Ltd. and Infosys Wipro Ltd. and Infosys
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies 3/3 (2017) 1-13
Wipro and Infosys Ltd. both are leading companies in the information and technology
industry. Both the companies have an important role to play for the economy as well as
investors. With reference to the above analysis the financial position of Infosys Ltd. can
be said as better than that of Wipro Ltd. As seen in the above analysis, almost on every
parameter the performance of Infosys Ltd. surpassed the Wipro Ltd. Although it is not an
alarm warning situation for Wipro Ltd but in comparison to Infosys Ltd. it should improve
its management efficiency in utilizing the proprietors fund. Moreover Infosys should also
give their emphasis on using debts capital in order to increase its value and getting
optimum capital structure.
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