Bill of Lading PDF
Bill of Lading PDF
Bill of Lading PDF
By Carrier: TOP CARGO DOO SARAJEVO Ferde Haptmana 7, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
this document "without any obstacles" charges its principal Vectura Transport&trading B.V for
damages in the form of truck day lost and costs in total the amount of € 765,00, plus cost of transport
in amount of 575,00 eur with the request that the ordering party act by no later than 29 March 2018
until 11:30 am on one of the following ways as per the carrier's request as follows:
- Issuing an authorization in the specified amount of € 765.00 through the addition of the
shipping order
Compensation for lost time is, in essence, a compensation for damages sustained by the carrier due
to the retention of vehicles caused by the rights of the right holder. Costs that were necessary and
useful were also paid.
In the case of the Customer's ignorance and when things are placed in the place of affiliation, the
receiver himself has the right to request the handing over of the ticket and things only if he meets the
foregoing conditions. When the receiver considers that he is not obliged to pay the carrier as much as
he or she demands the rights from the contract of carriage, he should have the disputed amount to
lodge with the competent court.
This "no-obstacle" document is a confirmation and proof that during the carriage of goods there has
been damage caused by the danguba and the cost of loading the shipment.
With this document "without any obstacles", the supplier is provided with an estimate of the carrier
in which the gadabout and the extra charges burdening the shipment are stated. The invoice does not
include a contracted fare for which the customer has issued a written order with the contracted
transport price for which the carrier, upon completion of the carriage, shall deliver the transport
invoice to the originator in accordance with the transport order.
This "no-obstacle" document is a certificate as evidence of the damage caused by the claim for
damages in the form of the determined danguba and the costs of the shipment in the total amount of
EUR 955,00, namely:
1. Dormancy as a gadabout caused by leaving the consignment from the EU zone for which the
consignor has not provided all necessary and relevant documentation or issued an export charge, and
for which reason the consignment could not leave the EU territory until the consignor has submitted
specific documentation on the basis of which the export duty was made, goods being dumped at the
exit from the EU area and further transport to the place of destination in Albania. For this reason,
damage caused by dangue occurred in the period from 24 March to 26 March 2018 for which the
carrier required:
- Compensation of damages in the form of a gadabout for two cars in the amount of € 300,00
- Fee for the export duty paid, which was paid to the consignor by the carrier in the amount
of € 35,00
✓ Item 1 as compensation for damages in the form of gadabout and costs is 335,00 EUR.
2. Day lost at Customs Terminal Vore, Tirana, Albania, is caused by the fact that the customer has
misdirected the goods to the cargo terminal at Vore, Tirana. On 28 March 2018 due to the impossibility
of import duties on your goods at the customs terminal Vore - Tirana, a customs duty has been applied
to the importer to apply for a customs warehousing and cargo warehousing by a freight forwarder for
a day longer and left at the customs terminal to make a customs reference - overpayment of the goods
to the customs terminal Skhodr on 28 March 2018 for which the carrier required:
✓ Item 2 as compensation for damages in the form of gadabout and costs is 150.00 EUR.
3. Given that, according to your official information, your goods are sent by the competent customs
authority from the customs terminal Vora - Tirana to the place of customs in the Customs Tarmina of
Skhodr, there is inevitably an additional manipulative transport cost which in the new relation:
- Customs Terminal Vore, Tirana - Cargo Terminal Skhodr costs € 150,00 plus the cost for the
transboart request to the custom agency that must be done in order to send truck to the
Skhodr 50,00eur
4. As your goods are sent by the competent customs office to the Skhodr customs terminal, there is no
damage to the daylost and the additional cost of the customs terminal and the additional costs of
further carriage of your goods to Skhodr, but there is also the need to transfer the other two goods to
another means of transport for their carriage to the point of unloading these goods. Therefore, due to
your incorrect instructions on the place of destination of the customs office, it is damaging to the
carrier, but damages to the other carriers of goods for which the goods were to be delivered yesterday
(28 March 2018), when it is okarina but the disturbance of your goods which will not and will not be
cleared at the customs terminal Vore - Tirana and on this basis we will send you the following basic
- The cost of engaging another vehicle that must get the other two goods from our truck for
their unloading, which costs 80, 00 EUR
✓ Item 4 as a fee for additional transportation and expenses costs EUR 80.00
➢ TOTAL: € 765.00
Remark- If other costs appear in the meantime, we will also charge you for the payment.
At the end of this state of affairs, the CARRIER has the authority to claim damages in the calculated
amount of € 765.00, for which the mandator is obliged to provide compensation for damages and
costs by the CMR Convention on 29 August 2018 , ie it is obliged to provide a valid guarantee for costs
and compensation for damages in one of the following ways:
- Issuing an authorization in the specified amount of €765.00 through the addition of the
shipping order
According to the CMR Convention, it is imperative to provide the requested benefit for costs and
damages, if the carrier so requests. Therefore, the carrier has submitted the above-mentioned
requirement regarding the vehicle.
Compensation for lost time is, essentially, damages the carrier suffered as a result of holding the
vehicle caused by the actions of the right holder. Costs that were necessary and useful for both shipper
and recipient were also paid.
Given that your conduct as our customer in the past has been contradictory to the application and
respect of the CMR Convention, with this "no obstruction" document we reiterate the rights and
obligations under the CMR Convention:
1. International road haulage carriers are under an obligation to apply the Convention on the
International Carriage of Goods by Road ("Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage
of Goods by Road" to the CMRConvention ').
2. Sender's Obligations: Properly informing about the transport and surrender of all necessary
documents. The consignor has a general obligation to notify the road haulier of the intended carriage
by giving him all relevant information (the content and quantity of the shipment, the place of
destination, the recipient's name, etc.). Notification includes the obligation of the consignor to provide
all the information and documents, which are entered in the bill of lading as well as the surrender of
documents accompanying the bill of lading. Generally, this obligation implies giving notice in order to
make proper reception and transportation of items. Giving false information or incomplete and
inaccurate data and vice versa, or not giving them, entails the sole responsibility of the sender.
3. Responsibility of the Shipper to the CMR Crane: Shipper is responsible for his or her actions or
omissions. The sender shall be liable for damages incurred due to: inaccurate and incomplete
information entered in the record sheet; lack of documentation, inaccuracy or inaccuracy of data and
documents accompanying the bill of lading; incorrect transfer of a negotiable bill of lading in
accordance with the rules of the law of minorities; transportation of dangerous things without warning
to the transporter; Failure to comply with the instructions of the carrier when loading, unloading and
unloading of the goods.
4. Subject to the provisions of Article 7 of the CMR Convention, the Sender shall be liable for all costs
and damages incurred by the carrier due to the lack of documentation of inaccuracy or incompleteness
and for all delays. Therefore, only the sender of the goods is liable for the resulting liner for the period
from 24 March to 26 March 2018, for which the carrier requires: compensation of damage in the form
of a danguba for two cars in the amount of € 300,00 and the cost of the export charge duty, which was
paid by the carrier to the sender in the amount of € 35.00, but the accountant is responsible for giving
the wrong information about the customs office of destination which is not and can not be the customs
terminal Vore - Tirana, but by the competent customs and the recipient must be in the Durres customs
terminal. Therefore, the Principal is responsible for compensation for damages in connection with this
harmful event on the basis of which the carrier requests damages in the form of a danguba in the
amount of € 150,00 and the additional cost of the Customs Terminal Vore-Tirana.
Charges for transport in the new route: Customs Terminal Vore, Tirana - Customs Terminal Durres,
which costs € 150,00, plus the cost for the transboard Skohdr Customs Terminal in the amount of €
50.00 and the cost of engaging another vehicle that must recover the other two goods for their
withdrawal to transport users for which a fee of €80, 00 is required
5. Freight, gadabout and transportation charges also include compensation elements. Deductions on
freight are amounts added to the fare when calculated on the basis of the standard elements of the
transport order would not result in equivalence of the performance of the contract of carriage.
Compensation for lost time is, essentially, damages the carrier suffered as a result of holding the
vehicle caused by the actions of the right holder. Costs that need to be made necessary and useful are
also paid.
6. Payment of the transport fee: The fee for transportation includes the agreed fare, but also the
additions to the fare, damage, gadabout and costs.
7. In certain cases in which an ordering party (consignor) leaves the agreement or does not intend to
recognize and pay to the carrier the incurred damages, the carrier is entitled to, at the expense and
the risk of the right holder of the shipment, that things: unloading and shredding to the public
warehouse or another person or thing is immediately exposed to the sale if it is at risk of non-pecuniary
damage to the carrier or the cost of keeping it unmatched by the value of the item. In all cases,
transportation is considered to have been completed. Selling things can also be accessed in any other
case if, by expiration of a reasonable time, no warranty is given for the payment of the fare and
compensation for damages from the authorized person at the disposal of the consignment (CMR,
Article 16). From the equivalent of selling the goods the carrier rejects the charges that are charged to
the shipment and the remainder makes available to the owner the right to shipment. If the cost
exceeds the value of the thing the carrier has the right to the difference.
1. On 28 March 2018 you received our written notice in which we as a holder of the right to
change the operation of the transport order informed that the situation at the customs
terminal Vore - Tirana was such that the other two goods that are on our the truck together
with your goods, and that only your goods are not cared for and that for this reason your
merchandise is a disturbance to the delivery of other goods, which are carved.
2. We have also informed you that you are required by your competent customs to send your
goods to the Skhodr Customs Terminal because you can not import cargo at the Customs
Terminal Vore - Tirana and you, as our principal, have not acted in accordance with the CMR
Convention. That is why we warn you that as a carrier we act solely on the instructions of the
right-holder, and you have the right to us.
3. Attention is drawn to the fact that with the appropriate financial compensation there is the
possibility of giving such instructions, which change the orders contained in your original
contract transfer order, so there is a possibility of changing our contract as in any contract for
the delivery of things. It essentially means changing the contract by a one-sided declaration of
will, with the right of the carrier to reimburse the costs.
5. Only with adequate financial remuneration, you as our principal may, at the time of transport
and up to the delivery of the bill of lading to another person, issue orders to the carrier in the
sense: to suspend the transport of the goods; to return the item to the place of shipment; that
the thing is handed over to another receiver; to make a point in the second place of affiliation;
to surrender the stuff. The same order may also be issued by the receiver provided that the
sender has entered such authorization of the recipient in the bill or has handed over his copy
of the bill of lading or if the thing has come to the place of his or her choice. Orders must be
issued in writing with confirmation of their receipt by the carrier. Therefore, we invite you to
immediately submit a supplement to the transport order in which you will receive the
instruction on placing the goods at the Durres customs terminal at the calculated amount.
Without a written order there is no referral of the goods to the second place of affiliation.
6. If the importer makes a statement that the goods are to be placed in another place of
destination, then such notice must be issued to the carrier, but solely by you as our principal
with the rejection of the required dangube and additional costs. You have issued a warrant
with instructions that the import customs will be at the Tirana Customs Terminal, but this is a
threat to the impossibility of picking goods. That is why you must immediately submit a New
Order or a Supplement to a shipping order, which will provide you with relevant information
that the item (goods) on our truck will be placed in the second place of customs clearance and
approve the required danguba as well as the manipulative costs of transportation and the
dependent costs.
7. It is not permissible for multiple instructions to be issued such as, for example, your order of
instructions means that the customs office of the Customs Terminal Vore - Tirana is the place,
and the importer tells us that the matter is destined to another place of destination (Durres)
8. According to the CMR Convention, an Authorized Person exercising his right to give
instructions shall compensate the carrier for the appropriate costs and damages incurred by
the carrier and we have calculated the damage as a danguba and have filed a claim for
damages and corresponding costs which can not be ignored.
9. Under the CMR Convention, it is compulsory to provide a guarantee for costs and damages, if
the carrier so requests. We have provided you with such a request, and you are persistently
avoiding providing the required benefit and even further to the importer, who is not our
customer, changing the shipping location or the place of customs commitment, thereby
jeopardizing the delivery of other goods within the bulk carriage and thus incurring huge
damages, which is inapplicable under the CMR Convention to create great problems for us and
persistently defrauding the carrier.
10. Under the CMR Convention, the Carrier may reject any revised instructions if this would
jeopardize the delivery of other commodities within the aggregate transport as in our case or
damage to the other user, and you all violate and fail to respond to the application of the CMR
11. Under the CMR Convention, the Carrier may refuse the amended instructions but also the
delivery of the item in particular where the customer does not intend to provide compensation
for damage (danguba) and reimbursement of costs, or where the supplier refuses to provide
a valid guarantee for the costs and compensation for damage and if execution of the order is
not contrary to customs and other imperative regulations. Unjustified rejection of the carrier's
liability entails the responsibility of the principal, but also the sender and the recipient of the
12. 12. If an unsuccessful dispute arises, we will engage an attorney who will require the receiver
under the CMR Convention to be able to exercise his rights under the contract of carriage, he
or she must issue the disputed amount from which he or she is charged with the court (ZOO,
Article 670 ). As the transferable warrant of securities is transferable, its holder is obliged to
hand over the paper to the transporter when taking over the shipment.
13. When things get to the place of affiliation, then the receiver himself has the right to demand
the surrender of the ballot paper and the stuff only if he fulfills the conditions stipulated by
the contract. By taking the items and the ticket, the receiver agrees to pay the fee for
transportation, unless otherwise specified in the contract or in the cargo list. When the
recipient considers that he is not obliged to pay to the carrier as much as he or she requires,
in order to be able to exercise the rights under the contract, he or she must issue the disputed
amount to the court (Zoo, Article 670). As the transferable warrant of securities is transferable,
its holder is obliged to hand over the paper to the transporter when taking over the shipment.
Sarajevo 29.03.2018
TOP CARGO d.o.o. Sarajevo
Legal Representative: Alen Mahmutović
- Originator
- a lawyer as needed
- to the competent court where necessary
- Archives here