Let Instructional Schemes and Learning Retention Skills in Araling Panlipunan Among Grade Vi Pupils
Let Instructional Schemes and Learning Retention Skills in Araling Panlipunan Among Grade Vi Pupils
Let Instructional Schemes and Learning Retention Skills in Araling Panlipunan Among Grade Vi Pupils
Teacher III
Alfredo A. Aledia Elem. School
This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of LET Instructional Scheme to improve
the learning retention skills in recalling history events in Araling Panlipunan VI. Descriptive-comparative
research design was utilized in the study. The respondents were the fifty four (54) Grade Six pupils of
Alfredo A. Aledia Elementary School, Paquibato District, Davao City of School Year 2016 - 2017. The
researcher made use of the probability sampling using simple random technique. Pre-test and post test
data were collected and evaluated using Mean and Standard Deviation, and the Eta Squared Statistics.
The study revealed that there was a significant difference in the performance of learners specifically in
learning retention skills when exposed of E-Material and Timeline. It was recommended that teachers
should implement E-Material and Timeline to improve the skills of their pupils in learning retention.
Two of the most important educational goals are to promote retention and to
promote transfer (which, when it occurs, indicates meaningful learning). Retention
requires that students remember what they have learned, whereas transfer requires
students not only to remember but also to make sense of and be able to use what they
have learned. If children cannot retain information presented to them in the classroom, it
becomes very difficult for them to pass exams and have the necessary knowledge to
study more advanced concepts. However, individuals often forget important skills, which
lead to decreased performance. Infrequent use of learned skills can cause skill decay
(Kim, 2011).
In the study conducted by Anderson (2012), the result showed that students with
learning disabilities frequently struggle with memory retention, which unfortunately often
leads to academic problems. Children with memory retention problems, especially those
unable to retain information on a short-term basis, usually have poor learning skills.
Thus, children who have deficits in attention often have trouble with this first memory
process. Students who have deficits in encoding information in memory may have
trouble remembering directions or what they have just read. They may also have trouble
remembering what their teachers said during class lectures. Further, they may have
trouble remembering what others said during conversations. Their deficits may be more
pronounced in certain sensory systems or modalities, such as visual, auditory or
kinaesthetic (Gaddes and Edgell, 2010).
The study made use descriptive-comparative research design using the simple
random technique. Data on the pre-test and post test were gathered, recorded and
analyzed to determine the effectiveness of Lecture, E-Material Application and Timeline,
using the (SPSS) Statistical Package for Social Sciences (Student Version). The
statistical tools used in the analysis of the data were Mean, Standard Deviation, and
One-way ANOVA. Respondents of the study were the fifty four Grade VI pupils of
Alfredo A. Aledia Elementary School, Paquibato District, Davao City Division of School
Year 2016-2017.
A letter was sent to the school administrator before the conduct of the study. The
researcher administered the post test after the intervention of Lecture, E-material and
Timeline teaching strategies. Each method was applied to three different groups.
The following are presentation of the results and discussion of implications of the
study. It is presented through a tabular and textual form.
Table 1. Mean Scores of the Three Groups When Exposed to LET Instructional
Instructional n sd Mean Descriptive Interpretation
Lecture 18 2.87 10.6000 Satisfactory
E-Material 18 1.13 18.7667 Excellent
Timeline 18 1.12 18.667 Excellent
Table 1 reveals the mean scores of the three groups when exposed to LET
Instructional Scheme. It displayed that E-Material Approach obtained the highest mean
rating (M= 18.7667, sd= 1.13) which is described as excellent. Subsequently, Timeline
Approach obtained the mean rating (M= 18.667, sd= 1.12) which is described as
excellent. Lecture Approach registered the lowest mean rating (M= 10.6000 sd= 2.87)
which is labelled as satisfactory.
Table 3 shows the One - Way ANOVA on the significant difference of students’
Learning Retention Skills when exposed to LET Instructional Scheme. It reveals that
there is a statistically significant difference at the p < .05 level in the performance in
understanding Learning Retention Skills for the three levels of diversified strategies (F=
183.002, p=.000 ). Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected stating that there is no
significant difference in the performance of the learners’ in understanding Learning
Retention Skills when exposed to LET Instructional Scheme. Further, this implies that
learners’ performance significantly differ when exposed to the three teaching strategies.
Table 4. Tukey- HSD Test on Multiple Comparisons of LET Instructional Scheme
Other Instructional Mean
Instructional p- value Remarks
Scheme Difference
E-Material - 8.16667 .000 Significant
Timeline - 8.06667 .000 Significant
E-Material Lecture 8.16667 .000 Significant
Timeline .10000 .977 Not Significant
Timeline Lecture 8.06667 .000 Significant
E-Material - .10000 .977 Not Significant
Table 5 reveals the effect size of LET Instructional Scheme to the Learning
Retention Skills of Grade VI pupils. The Eta- squared statistic (.807) indicated large
effect size.
In the light of the findings revealed in this study, the following conclusions were
1. The mean score of the three groups when exposed to LET Instructional Schemes
that E-material and Timeline score excellent while Lecture scores satisfactory.
2. The level of performance in Learning Retention Skills of pupils when exposed to LET
Instructional Schemes was very satisfactory.
3. There is a significant difference in the performance of learners in learning retention
skills when exposed to LET Instructional Schemes.
4. Among the three teaching strategies E-material and Timeline contribute significantly
in developing learning retention skills.
5. The level in LET Instructional Schemes to the learning retention skills of grade six
learners of Alfredo A. Aledia Elementary school has large effect size.
Based on the findings and conclusion on this study, the researcher proposes the
following recommendation:
The teachers may introduce E-material and Timeline approach in teaching
Araling Panlipunan to improve learning retention skills of learners. The school head may
regularly monitor the implementation of the strategy to ensure better performance of
pupils in Araling Panlipunan. Conduct similar study on the effectiveness of E-material
and Timeline approach in other content areas.
Gaddes, W.H., & Edgell, D. (2010). Learning disabilities and brain function: A
neuropsychological approach. (3rd edition). New York: Springer-Verlag.
Jong W. Kim, P. (December 2011). An integrated theory for improved skill acquisition
and retention in the three stages of learning. Skill Retention Theory Revised v11 ,page
Levine, Melvin D., and Martha Reed. (2012). Developmental Variation and Learning
Disorders. Cambridge, Mass.: Educators Pub. Service