Liquid Drop Model Prediction For Fusion Interaction Cross Section, Binding Energies and Fission Barriers On The Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions
Liquid Drop Model Prediction For Fusion Interaction Cross Section, Binding Energies and Fission Barriers On The Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions
Liquid Drop Model Prediction For Fusion Interaction Cross Section, Binding Energies and Fission Barriers On The Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions
The liquid drop model(LDM) is used to calculate and describe the binding energies (BE) as a function of the mass number (A)
for the most stable nuclei, liquid-drop fission barriers for some heavy nuclei, b-coefficients for the isobaric mass multiplet
equation (IMME), Probability profile of 208pb, fusion cross section of some nuclear reactions and calculations for root mean
square (rms) charge radii as a function of the atomic number. Some of our calculated characteristics are compared with
experimental data, it`s found that there is a good agreement between our calculations and that data. Also, our LDM
calculations gave a good agreement with the quantum molecular dynamic (QMD) calculations.
Received: June 10, 2015 / Accepted: June 17, 2015 / Published online: July 15, 2015
@ 2015 The Authors. Published by American Institute of Science. This Open Access article is under the CC BY-NC
* Corresponding author
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18 A. Abel-Hafiez: Liquid Drop Model Prediction for Fusion Interaction Cross Section, Binding Energies and Fission
Barriers on the Nucleus–Nucleus Interactions
Temporary Address: Faculty of Education, Hadramout experimental masses and fission barriers.
University, Yemen Republic
F 〉= l `F 6m
and the rms radius is the square root of this quantity denoted
& = n F〉
The rms radius for this sharp-surface distribution is given by Nuclei (solid line). Liquid drop model calculations (open
1 + exp r s
The rms radius is given by
&[ = q E qV + %
Where V = F[ , F[ = 1.15 ?@ , = 0.35?@ . In Fig. 3. The liquid-drop model for BE/A (closed circles). QMD model for
the Fermi distribution model for A nucleons the interior BE/A ( open circles).
density is given by:
In Figure 4 the fission barriers is obtained. Liquid-drop
`' =uv models are plotted for 232Th and 240Pu. The barriers are
yz {z
wx dz
plotted as functions of distance R12 (in R0 units) between the
fission fragments.
vz |z
the rms radius for neutrons is the same as that for the protons
V = F[ 56 `' = uv Mw = 0.16 [•w
Q4€ℎF[ =
1.15 ?@
5. Results
Figures 2 and 3 shows binding energies as a function of A.
LDM calculations are in comparison with experimental data
and the quantum molecular dynamic model calculations. We
could see that there is a good agreement between LDM
calculations and both experimental data and QMD model [
21] as a theoretical calculations.
Physics Journal Vol. 1, No. 1, 2015, pp. 17-23 21
Fig. 5. b-coefficients for the isobaric mass multiplet equation. The closed
symbols show the values obtained from experimental binding energies. The
dashed line is the prediction of the liquid drop model.
6. Summary
Rotational Liquid-Drop Model with the volume, surface and
Coulomb energies is introduced to calculate many
characteristics of nuclear reactions for light, medium and
heavy systems. The binding energies as a function of the
mass number for the most stable nuclei, liquid-drop fission
barriers for some heavy nuclei, b-coefficients for the isobaric
mass multiplet equation, probability profile of 208pb, fusion
cross section of some nuclear reactions and root mean square
charge radii as a function of the atomic number are
calculated on the frame of LDM calculations. LDM
calculations are compared with experimental results and
QMD model calculations as well. The comparison was
somewhat good and this is indicate that LDM is a good
predication for all these characteristics.
Fig. 9. Fusion cross section of 48 Ca + 96Zr. Liquid drop model calculations
( closed circles) and QMD model calculations ( open circles).
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