Learning Factory
Learning Factory
Learning Factory
In the Learning Factory, students actively experience the directly experiencing the interdependency of design and
product realization process in its entirety, from design concept manufacturing covered in Concurrent Engineering.
to finished hardware. Our vision is a facility where students
continually seek to implement their ideas, hone their skills and Seniors in the design projects class work in cross-disciplinary
practice engineering in an environment similar to an industrial product teams on a wide variety of projects requiring the use
setting. We seek an experience where every semester (or of advanced design and manufacturing concepts and facilities.
quarter), students participate in a course that uses the Learning The needs of our industrial affiliates are a prime source of
Factory as an integral part of its syllabus. For example, in the these projects. Other projects may revolve around student
freshman year, students in Product Dissection benchmark design competitions sponsored by the various professional
products, document designs using CAD equipment, perform societies, or student inventions resulting from the
measurements, critique manufacturing and design decisions entrepreneurship class or independent studies. Typical
and use prototyping facilities to implement their ideas for activities in the Learning Factory are illustrated in Figure 4.
product improvement. Sophomores and Juniors are likely to Also shown is an example of the layout of a typical Learning
be found honing their basic manufacturing process skills, and Factory (the 3,500 square feet PSU facility).
Students will work at the university or industrial sites in cross- The members of our industrial partnership span the spectrum
disciplinary teams on real-world problems. Industry-supplied from large multi-national corporations to small family-owned
projects provide these problems, and in the process, help shape businesses. Represented industries include aerospace,
the careers of a new generation of professional engineers. automotive, electronics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals,
Industry partners directly benefit from this partnership by: computers, machine tools and consumer products. Each
• Availability of well-prepared engineering graduates who member brings with it a unique perspective and a valuable
understand the product realization process; contribution. These members form the project’s Industrial
• Opportunities to evaluate potential employees through Advisory Committee and meet quarterly to critique the
internships, collaborative projects and classroom progress of the Learning Factory and offer strategic guidance.
interactions; The current industrial affiliates of this project are:
These partners contribute in several critical ways, providing Factory. The approach will also help retain those students who
physical and personnel resources including: are not stimulated by the traditional lecture environment, but
• Manufacturing/design student projects who have the intellectual and creative abilities to become
• Engineers in the classroom exceptional engineers. The partnership will develop virtual
• Opportunities for faculty experiences in industry manufacturing facilities and will provide electronic access to
• Donations and loans of equipment these extensive and capital intensive facilities from remote
• Direct financial support locations, including those that serve historically under-
• Summer student internships represented groups. Our curriculum materials will be modular,
transportable and available to the academic community at
• Expertise to develop Learning Factory
large. Extensive use will be made of electronic techniques for
• Tours of industrial facilities for students and faculty
communication and curriculum export, such as satellite
• Case histories
transmission, multi-media computer tools, the National
• Advice and feedback on MEEP activities Information Infrastructure, and video conferencing.
5. Outreach 6. Summary
The MEEP partnership is dedicated to changing engineering A unique partnership of universities, industries, and the federal
education and ensuring that the benefits of those changes are government has been formed to revitalize design and
available to all students. Our approach will attract outstanding manufacturing engineering education. This partnership is
students who wish to supplement the traditional lecture developing an integrated curriculum and physical facilities for
environment with real-world experiences in the Learning
The Making of an Engineer - An illustrated history of engineering education in the United States and Canada, Lawrence Grayson,
John Wiley and Sons, 1993, pg x.
Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education , R.M.Felder, L.K.Silverman; Engineering Education 78(7), April 1988, pp
Cognitive Aspects of Learning and Teaching Science, Jose P. Mestre, Pre-College Teacher Enhancement in Science and
Mathematics: Status, Issues and Problems, S. J. Fitzsimmons and L.C. Kerpelman (Eds.), Washington DC: NSF
Toward a Strategy for Teaching Engineering Design, Billy V. Koen, Engineering Education, 83(3), July 1994, pp 193-202.
A Different Way of Teaching, P.C. Wankat, F.S. Oreovicz, ASEE Prism, January 1994, pp 15-19.
Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education , R.M. Felder, L.K. Silverman, Engineering Education, 78(7), April 1988, pp
Engineering Education Coalitions-Meeting the Need for Reform , National Science Foundation, publication NSF 93-58a
ECSEL Coalition (Engineering Coalition of Schools for Excellence in Education and Leadership) -- A Foundation for Educational
Change, M.L. Walker Jr, J.R. Bowen, and B.B. Schimming, Proceedings of 23 rd Frontiers in Education Conference, Crysal City,
VA, Nov 1993, pg 35.