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m_eval 'is_null(decimal_strip(" "))'

option 1 or 0 (answ 0)

2. how to create dml from cobol copybook.

Answer:- cobol-to-dml utility

3. what is the layout of watcher file.

option :- upstream or downstream.

Answer upstream.

4. which of the true about GDE automatically cleaning up watcher file.

5. input file --> PBRR --> sort --> Rollup --> output file

output will be correct or wrong (answ --> wrong)

6. rollup on null key ( out.* :: in.*)

answ : last record

7. m_eval 'string_index("abc45673","^[0-9]+")'

answ : will give wrong out put and give 0 output

8. m_eval 're_index("abc45673","^[0-9]+")'
answ :

9. what is graph

i. flow diagram


10. ab_data_dir what is the use of this variable

11. ab_air_root what is the use of the variable

12. to save intermediate data in update table which thing we need to use

answ : commit table and commit count

13. m_db gendml --> how to use

14. how to connect different server

15. What is the effective use of ab-initio.

16. which use to vectorize the

outpu.Option:-denormalize or rollup


1. What are the ways of backing up eme?

air repository bckp

air repository create-image

ans:-both 1 and 2

2. difference between reformat & redefine ? difference

b.none of the options

c.value of data cannot be changed in both components records can be changed only in reformat

ans:- d

3.what is a breakpoint?

a.breakpoints &checkpoints are same.

b.breakpoints are points where graphs can fail explicitly

c.when the execution reaches breakpoint

,it stops for the user to examine the value of records.

d.none of the above


4.whih component is used to send email in ab initio

5.which of the following functions return the same datetime

value everytime as returned in the first call.



ans:-now(1) can user remove all the watcher files in gde ?

a.debugger-debug-delete watcher datasets

b.cannot remove watcher files

c.m_del watcher file

d.debugger-debug-remove watchers

ans:-a.debugger-debug-delete watcher datasets(if it watcher files)

ans:-d.debugger-debug-remove watchers(if it is remove watcher)

7.How many ports join can support

ans :-20

8.Facts about lookup files

a.lookup file can only be serial.

b.if a file is too large to fit in main memory

use input file followed by join use lookup file,file must be small enough

to fit in main memory.

d.lookup files can be serial or partitioned.


9.what does m_cleanup do?

a.removes all .dat from ai_work

b.removes all temporary file left by failed jobs.

c.removes all temporary file left by all jobs.

d.removes all .rec files

ans :-c.removes all temporary file left by all jobs.

10.what does floor function do?

a.returns the samllest integer value less than equal to value

b.floor function is same as decimal_round_down

where specified number of decimal places is 0

c.function returns null if arguement is null.

d.all of the above.

ans:-d all of the above

11.col1=="01" this is given in a filter, will run without a conversion needed.

b.give compile time error,invalid expresssion.

c.give run time error.

d.abintio will do internal data type conversion.

ans :-b give compile time error,invalid expresssion



13.dml full form

data manipulation language

14.what is not example of abintio vector

a.defined vectors

b.fixed size vectors

c.delimited vectors sized vectors

ans:-a.defined vectors

15.documentation component

a.dependency analysis
b.doesnot have any effect of data at run time

16.file managemet utilities


b.air tag ls -0 <tag name>

c.all of the options


e.both m_chmod & m_expand

ans:-e.both m_chmod & m_expand

17.Redefine format copies the records from input

to output without changing

whic options in record.





ans:-a.values multiple files reads the contents of files specified in folder name parameter. writes contents to single multifile reads the files specified in list of filenames. and processes all the records in files. reads files specified in list of filenames.

e.processes all the records of the files present in the list of files.


19.relicate and broadcast

replicate is used for component parallelism

broadcast is used for data parallelism

both 1 and 2


1. What value of var. ‘X’ would be retained in graph if

a. ‘X’ = 30 in sandbox.
b. ‘X’ = 20 in graph.
c. ‘X’ = 10 in start script.
2. Difference between rollup and scan
a. Rollup returns record/key while scan returns the same records as i/p.
b. Rollup returns same records as i/p while scan returns record/ key group.
3. Output of length of (“”)?
a. 1.
b. NULL.
c. 0.
d. Runtime Error.
4. How do you share parameter between graphs?
a. Declare in start script.
b. Declare as sandbox parameter.
c. Declare as graph parameter.
d. Declare in end script.
5. Continuous graphs keep running in background until you kill then explicitly.
a. True.
b. False.
6. Decimal_strip (“garbage”).
a. NULL.
b. 0.
c. True.
d. False.
7. String_return on a NULL will return.
a. Blank.
b. Error.
c. Junk Char.
d. NULL.
8. What is today() and today1() function?
9. $AB_WORK_DIR point.
10. How do you backup EME datastore
a. Using the air repository.
b. Using air repository create image to create an image of the repository in portable
interchange file (.pif) and running the air repository load from image command to re-
create the EME datastore on another machine.
11. Best practice of AbInitio
a. Sometimes uses the DB sometimes unloads data into file.
b. Use DB as much as possible.
c. Unload data to a file and process files.
d. All.
12. Value of $AB_AIR_ROOT.
13. Output of first_defined(NULL,””).
14. Co-op on the run host can use the following methods to connect the processing computers in a
a. SSH.
c. DCOM.
15. Meaning of broken pipe.
16. M_touch updates the access time of an existing file/multifiles.
a. True.
b. False.
17. What are pset files?
18. What does job folder in EME indicate?
19. Output of string_index(“”,””).
20. How can you remove all the watcher files using GDE?
21. Mode of connecting to the server through?
22. How do you create a dml using cobol copybook for MF file.
23. M_eval ‘string_index(“1234abc”,”^[0-9])+”)’.
24. Difference between phase and checkpoint.
25. What is plan > it and purpose
26. Which component is used to create a vector record in output?
27. Output of is_defined(NULL).
28. Can you reverse engineer a graph?
29. Global variable
a. Used across project
b. Used across component.
c. Used across graph.
30. Different types of joins.
31. When a job does not complete normally it leaves a file in the working directory on the host
system 
32. Replicate/Broadcast.
33. Schedule an AI job in unix.
34. Limitation of compress.
35. What does dependency analysis do?
36. Connecting output table of data flow.
37. $AB_DATA_DIR points to?
38. Global variable is a transform function.
a. True.
b. False.
39. What does m_cleanup do?
40. What is a catalogue file if Null key is given in dedup sort keeping unique option?
41. NCR delete rows implements
a. Teradata delete task
42. What is the layout of watcher files?
43. What is the output of decimal_strip(“”)?
44. Which is the component used to read ad-hoc multifile?
45. What will be the output for string_lrtrim(NULL).
46. Start script can be used for post processing before a graph runs.
47. Component used to create a vector record in AbInitio.
48. What is MAX-CORE?
49. What is string_index(), re_index()?
50. Use of $AB_AIR_WORK directory.
51. Use of $AB_AIR_DATA directory.
52. Difference between m_cleanup and m_rollback.
53. Purpose of component folding.
54. How to take repository backup?
55. AbInitio ETL is what type of system?
56. Rollup require sorted data.
a. True.
b. False.
57. Data parallelism always improves performance.
a. True.
b. False.
58. 2-Ques to identify type of parallelism.
59. How to departition data after partition by round robin?
a. Concatenate.
b. Gather.
c. Merge.
60. How to convert 2-way partition to 4-way partition?
61. How to compress data?
62. How to decompress data?
63. How to create a vector?
c. Etc
64. How joiner will join a set of 2 records and other set of 1000 records with NULL key?
65. How rollup will work with NULL key defined and (out :: in) is given?
66. When the data is partitioned by round robin upstream, how rollup on a key will work?
67. Can output table be created by a graph when it does not exist in database?
68. How to convert the ebcidic to ascii?
69. Result returned by decimal_strip(“ “)?
70. AIR command to list objects under one tag.
71. Result returned by first_defned(NULL,””)?
72. Working of first_defined()?
73. Difference between reject and error.
74. Conditional component.
75. Can output table be created by graph when it does not exist in database?
76. Ab I ETL is what type of system?
77. Functions like string index(), re_index()
78. Ksh – > graph—is it possible?
79. Straight flow may only connect ports having equal depthserror when?
80. String (“,”) name – if null is input what will be the output?
81. XML to dml utility
82. Read multifile component
83. m-wc?
84. Command for generat dml for databse table.

1. Reserved keywords can be placed as dml name(field name)?

a)True(I have given as true but I don’t know wat u guys can give)

2. How and from where we can connect to the run host?

a) GDE
b) EME repository
c) Data profiler
d) ….

3. How do allocate max core to the graphs?

a) Based on no of components
b) Based on process weightage
c) All the above
d) ….

4. What are all the possible ways that you can schedule abinitio jobs in unix?

a) Union cron tabs

b) Data profiler
c) ….
d) ….

5. Identify the correct statement below

i) all checkpoints are themselves phases
ii) phases store its temporary information to recover incase of failure

a) i
b) ii
c) Both i and ii
d) None of the above
6. What is plan>it?
a) Create, manage and track the flow of graphs….(something like that) better study well

7. What is the Adhoc multi control file will have control partition??

8. Consider ded up sort component doesn’t have any key (i.e..,{}) . Then what it will do?
a) It will keep first
b) All the records will be passed to the output flow
c) It will keep last
d) None of the above

9. Consider partition by round robin you are going to partition the data then using which component
could be used to repartition the data to get the same value as before?
a) Concatenate
b) Interleave
c) Gather
d) merge

10. what is the use of AB_AIR_ROOT?

a) It holds the run package for the abinitio server
b) It points to EME repo
c) ..
d) ..
11. Replicate VS broadcast?

Mention the true statement below.

i) Replicate makes componentparallelism

ii) Broadcast makes data parallelism

a) i
b) ii
c) both i and ii
d) all the above

12. What are the Operating system we can use to connect to abinitio?

a) Red hat linux

b) Window NT
c) ….
d) All the above

13. Mention the correct below commands to generate the dml using m_db utility?
i) m_db gendml dbc_file [ options ] -table tablename
ii) m_db gendml dbc_file [ options ] -select 'sql-select-statement'
iii) m_db gendml dbc_file [ options ] -insert 'sql-insert-statement'

a) i
b) ii
c) i and ii(Actually all the answers are correct here but I couldn’t see any options
like that)
d) none of the listed options

14. some question regarding variable return status?

a) m_return
b) m_gtrn
c) m_gretn
d) …..

15. Consider if rollup component doesn’t have any key and if we give out.*::in.* in rollup
function what will be the output?
a) First record will be passed
b) All the record will be passed
c) Last record will be passed
d) No recordwill passed

16. How to remove all watchers from the graph

a) m_rm – watchers
b) Debug -> remove all watchers
c) Debug- > remove watcher datasets
d) None of the listed option

17. How to generate sequential number for an input multiple file?

b) next_sequence()
c)none of the listed options
d) not possible to generate sequential number

18. To intermediately commit data, what are all the required parameter we need?
a) Commit table
b) Commit number
c) Commit table and commit number
d) Nothing needed

19. What is the command to run a graph (I know that this is a very tuff question but anyhow we need
to do this)
a) air sandbox run <pset_name>
b) air sandbox run <pset_name> -reposit-tracking
c) air sandbox run <graph_name>
d) all of the above

20. What happens if we use the function force_error() in the transform parameter with never abort ?
a) Graph will fail
b) Logs, rejects and errors will be sent to its port and process rest of the data
c) No data will be processed
d) ……

21. What is the output of the following statement

m_eval string_index(“1234 abc”,”^[0-9]+”)

a) 0
b) 1
c) Null
d) Compiling error

22. Mention the correct below statements

a) Generate record component will have log and not error port
b) Generate record component will not have input port
c) ..
d) …

23. When we invoke a script to run the graph what are all the things we come to know?

a) Jobname, invoked graph name,

b) …. BUZZ
c) ….
d) …..

24. Is that possible creating the table using OUTPUT_TABLE component(two times)?
a) True
b) False
25. How we can convert the cobol copy books to dml(Two times in different manner)
a) Cobol-to-dml utility
b) m_gen command
c) ….
d) ….

26. What are the file management utility?

a) Chmod
b) Chown
c) Chmod and chown
d) …..something like that

27. Question like from the given string how to filter out a secondary string?
m_eval ‘String_filter(“Sarfroz is a good boy”,”Sarfroz”)’

b) is a good boy
d) Sarfrozooo

28. What are all the possibilities we can compress a given file?
a) Inflate
b) Deflate
c) Write block compressed block lookup data component
d) …..

29. What is the output of the function first_defined(NULL,””,1,2)


30. How we can generate a vector? (Options I didn’t remember guys)

Using denormalize component
31. What is called a broken pipe error?( Options I didn’t remember guys)
a) downstream component has gone away

b) failure of a downstream component, often a custom component or a database component

32. What layout will watcher has?

a) Neighbour source layout(downstream layout)
b) Neighbour target layout
c) …
d) ….


33. How to back up an EME datastore?

a) air repository online-backup(only if eme is active)
b) air repository backup
c) …..
d) ….

34. Questions regarding data parallelism(study well)

35. What is the relationship of fan-in flow?
a)many to one
b)one to many
c) many to many
d)one to one
36. What are all the options available for maintaining reject threshold?

a) Never abort
b) Limit/ramp
c) Abort on first reject
d) All the above

37. Questions like how you can make 2 way and 4 way partitions? Options dono boss
38. What are all the mode of connections available?
a) Ssh, rexec
b) Ssh,rexec,telnet and DCOM
c) Ssh
d) Rexec

39. What is the use of AB_DATA_DIR configuration variable?

a) Use to store temporary data for abinitio graphs
b) Used to store log informations

c) Use to store temporary data files for abinitio graphs

a) ….

40. What is the use of documentation?

a) The business rules have no effect on the data; they simply express relationships

b)it gives more info regarding the graph.

c)dependency analysis
d)both A &C (not sure)
41. How to initialize a vector variables?
a) Allocate()
b) 0
c) 1
d) All the above
42)Best practice in abintio?
Unload the file and use
43)connect to sever through?

45)start scripting doing post processing before executing the graph
a)true b)false

Data manipulation language
47)can we check in a folder to EME using GDE?
a)True b)false


1) Types of Layout



C. A&B (Your Answer)

D. None of the above


2) Reformat has

A. Multiple transform and one dml (Your Answer)

B. Multiple transform and multiple dml

C. One transform and one dml

D. One transform and multiple dml

3) With which component you will fetch the first 100 records alone

A. Redefine

B. Gather

C. Leading record (Your Answer)

D. Generate record


4) When the graph is executed what happens

A. Dml

B. Xfr

C. Deployed script is generated (Your Answer)

D. Run


5) What is the count value of redefine

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. Not mentioned (Your Answer)


6) Which is the advanced version of Aggregate component

A. Replicate

B. Normalize

C. Rollup (Your Answer)

D. Filter by expression



Which belongs to multistage component

A. Redefine

B. Rollup (Your Answer)

C. Trash

D. Multiple read

E. Gather


8) Command to generate dml

A. M_dm .dml

B. M_dump .dml

C. M_db .dml

D. M_db gendml (Your Answer)

E. None of the above


9) Which component gives cumulative output

A. Rollup
B. Normalize

C. Scan (Your Answer)

D. Trash


10) When you want the output to be in sorted format which component you opt for

A. Merge (Your Answer)

B. Sort

C. Concat

D. Interleave

E. Gather


11) Ways to execute the graph


B. Unix

C. GDE/Unix (Your Answer)

D. None of the above



Broadcast component support which parallelism

A. Data parallelism (Your Answer)

B. Component parallelism (Your Answer)

C. Pipeline parallelism

13) Generate record component need dml to specified

A. Yes (Your Answer)

B. No


14) Which belongs to de partition components

A. Gather (Your Answer)

B. Partition by key (Your Answer)

C. Concatenate (Your Answer)

D. Broadcast (Your Answer)

E. None of the above


15) Is it possible to run a graph with out co>op

A. Yes (Your Answer)

B. No (Correct Answer)


16) Which is the system admin which is installed in unix or windows NT


B. CO>OP (Your Answer)

D. None of the above


17) Is it possible to run a graph without EME

A. YES (Your Answer)



18) Which component is used to call the ksh file

A. Run sql

B. Leading record

C. Run program (Your Answer)


19) Inputs should be sorted for join component note without using in memory

A. Yes (Your Answer)

B. No


20) Flow buffer is automatically embedded in which version

A. < 1.8 version

B. >1.8 version (Your Answer)

21) Command for checkin

A. Air project import - basedir (Your Answer)

B. Air project export - basedir


22) Use of abinitiorc file

A. Stores the co>op

B. Stores the abinitio env settings (Your Answer)

C. Stores the graphs



When you use priority in join

A. Inner join

B. Full outer join (Your Answer)

C. Both

D. Non of the above


24) Compare record component is used

A. Compare the table

B. Compare the records in one file

C. Compare 2 input files (Your Answer)

25) What are the ways of MFS

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 8

E. All the above (Your Answer)


26) In which departition component round robin concept is used

A. Gather

B. Merge

C. Interleave (Your Answer)



Mx how many count values can be used in join component

A. 10

B. 20 (Your Answer)

C. 30

D. 40

E. 50


28) What are 2 main keys used in sort with in group

A. Major (Your Answer)

B. Minor (Your Answer)

C. Used

D. Un used


29) Vector field is used in which component

A. Rollup

B. Join

C. Normalize (Your Answer)

D. Scan

E. Reformat


30) Can private project share the objects with other projects

A. Yes

B. No (Your Answer)



Replicate supports which parallelism

A. Data parallelism (Your Answer)

B. Component parallelism (Correct Answer)

C. ETL parallelism
D. Pipeline parallelism

E. All the above


32) Is phasing and checkpoint inter related

A. Yes (Your Answer)

B. No


33) In memory is used in which component

A. Join (Your Answer)

B. Rollup (Your Answer)

C. Scan (Your Answer)

D. Replicate

E. Reformat


34) Which component follows ordered data

A. Concat (Your Answer)

B. Merge (Your Answer)

C. Gather

D. Interleave (Missed)


35) Maximum how many components can be included in Phasing

A. 5

B. 10

C. 15

D. 20 (Your Answer)

E. 25


36) Max core is used in which component

A. Sort

B. Join

C. Rollup

D. All the above (Your Answer)

E. None of the above



What happens when you give unsorted data for join component

A. Graph run successfully

B. Graph fails (Your Answer)


38) Which is used for version control


C. EME (Your Answer)

D. None of the above


39) Which component is used to avoid duplicate records

A. Rollup (Your Answer)

B. Dedup (Your Answer)

C. Join (Missed)

D. Redefine

E. Replicate


40) How many inputs and how many output in join as default

A. 1 input 1 output

B. 2 input 1 output (Your Answer)

C. 2 input 2 output

D. None of the above



Which compoment is advanced version of Aggregate

A. Scan

B. Rollup (Your Answer)

C. Normalise

D. Redefine

42) What is the use of checkpoint

A. Re run the graph

B. Recovery (Your Answer)

C. Stop the graph

D. Abort the run

E. None of the above


43) Command for check out

A. Air project import - basedir

B. Air project export - basedir (Your Answer)


44) Embedding of xfr,dml,sql is

A. Good

B. Bad (Your Answer)


45) Which component is used to read the serial type of file

A. Multiple file

B. Adhoc multiple file (Your Answer)

C. Look up file
D. Intermediate file


46) Which is key based component

A. Merge (Your Answer)

B. Gather

C. Concat

D. Interleave


47) Which is partition component

A. Gather

B. Replicate

C. Broadcast (Your Answer)

D. Trash

E. Leading record



relation of sandbox and project

A. 1 sandbox, 1 project (Your Answer)

B. 1 sandbox, multiple project

C. Multiple sandbox, 1 project (Your Answer)

49) Driving port in join is for which table

A. Smaller table

B. Large table (Correct Answer)

C. Both (Your Answer)

D. None of the above


50) Which is not possible using redefine

A. Can change the value (Your Answer)

B. Can change the output

C. Can change the datatype

1) Which one of the following is a miscellaneous component?

A. Broadcast

B. Merge

C. Trash (Your Answer)

D. Denormalize


2) How can an explicit join perform inner join?

A. Record required parameter for both ports are set to false

B. Record required parameter for both ports are set to true (Your Answer)

C. Record required parameter for port0 is set to true and other port is set to false
D. Record required parameter for port0 is set to false and other port is set to true


3) Which component gives sorted output?

A. Merge

B. Sort (Your Answer)

C. Rollup

D. All of the above (Correct Answer)


4) Function of Throttle component?

A. Reads the records from its inputs and compares the records one by one (Your Answer)

B. Combines all the records from input in the append fashion

C. It can copy record from input to output at the rate specified (Correct Answer)

D. None of these


5) Component used to create surrogate keys?

A. Assign Key Component (Your Answer)

B. Fuse

C. Run Program

D. Sample


6) What does a Broadcast component do?

A. It arbitrarily combines all the data records it receives into a single flow and writes a copy
of that flow to each of its output flow partitions.(Your Answer)

B. It appends multiple flow partitions of data records one after the other.

C. It echoes the final status of the graph run

D. None of these


7) What are the different types of parallelism in AbInitio?

A. Process parallelism, Data parallelism, Component parallelism

B. Phase parallelism, Component parallelism, Pipeline parallelism

C. Component parallelism, Data parallelism, Pipeline parallelism (Your Answer)

D. None of the above


8) Which of the following is incorrect?

A. Gzip reduces the volume of data in flow

B. Compress reduces the volume of data in flow in UNIX platform

C. Gunzip reduces the volume of data in flow (Correct Answer)

D. Gunzip reveses the effect of compress. (Your Answer)


9) What is the control partition?

A. It is partion where the same data is run simultaneously in different components

B. Location of multifile's datapartition (Your Answer)

C. A partition which divides the control informations

D. None of these


10) Which component is more powerful and easier to use than the aggregate component?

A. Rollup (Your Answer)

B. Join

C. Sort within groups

D. None of the above


11) What does layout of a component mean?

A. The place where the component works

B. The depth of parallelism (Your Answer)

C. Number of partitions

D. All of the above (Correct Answer)


12) Which component among the following is the most efficient?

A. Concatenate

B. Interleave

C. Gather (Your Answer)

D. Merge

13) What does the max-core parameter refer to?

A. The maximum memory the component can use (Your Answer)

B. The maximum CPU utilization the component can use

C. The maximum time limit the component can use

D. The maximum number of rejects the component can alllow


14) Which of the following has got a deselect port?

A. Filter (Your Answer)

B. Join

C. Sort

D. Reformat


15) Which of the following component will you use to parse programatically?

A. Run program (Your Answer)

B. Readraw (Correct Answer)

C. Reformat

D. Run sql


16) Which of the following components need a sorted input?

A. Merge (Your Answer)

B. Interleave
C. Gather

D. All of the above


17) Explain maxcore parameter?

A. Amount of main memory allocated to a component (Your Answer)

B. Amount of main memory allocated to an instruction

C. Amount of main memory allocated to store a data permanently (Correct Answer)

D. Amount of main memory allocated to store and manipulate data permanently


18) The component stops the execution of the graph if the number of reject events exceeds the
result of the formula:

A. Limit + (ramp * number_of_records_processed_so_far) (Correct Answer)

B. Limit * (ramp + number_of_records_processed_so_far) (Your Answer)

C. Limit + ramp

D. Limit * ramp


19) Which is the generally used De Partitioning component?

A. Concatenate

B. Gather

C. Merge

D. All of the above (Your Answer)

20) Replicate component supports which type of Parallelism?

A. Data Parallelism

B. Component Parallelism (Your Answer)

C. Pipeline Parellelism

D. All of the above


21) What is max core parameter?

A. Maximum number of core components

B. Maximum memory usage interms of bytes (Correct Answer)

C. Maximum number of records that can be passed through

D. Both (A) and (B) (Your Answer)

E. All of the above


22) What does a redefine component do?

A. It changes the value of the data records according to expression

B. It renames the fields in record format and changes its value according to expression

C. It renames the fields in the record format without changing its value (Your Answer)

D. It copies the data records from its input to output record format and changes its values
accourding to key expression.

23) Component that is used to reduce the volume of data flow due to narrow band width or lack of
enough disk space to store data?

A. Compress

B. Compress,Gzip (Your Answer)

C. Compress,Gzip,Gunzip

D. None of the above


24) Which component produces intermediate summary records while aggregating?

A. Roll up

B. Scan (Your Answer)

C. Aggregate

D. All of the above


25) Denormalize sorted

A. Requires grouped input

B. Consolidates groups of related data records into a single output record

C. Generates a vector field for each group and optionally computes the summary field in
the output record (Your Answer)

D. All of the above (Correct Answer)

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