GUALITY Assurance
GUALITY Assurance
GUALITY Assurance
1. Setting standards
The nursing profession should have to design standards of nursing practice that are specific to the
patient population served. These standards could serve as the foundation upon which all other
measures of quality assurance are based. An example of a standard is: Every patient will have a
treatment chart.
2.Determining Criteria
After standards of performance are established, criteria must be determined that will indicate if the
standards are being met and to what degree they are met. Just as with standards of care, criteria
must be general as specific to the individual unit. One criterion to demonstrate that the standard
regarding care plans for every patient are being met would be: A nursing care plan is developed
and written by a nurse within 10 hours of admission. This criterion, then, provides a measurable
indicator to evaluate performance.
3.Data Collection
It is the 3rd step in quality assurance. Sufficient observations and random samples are necessary
for producing reliable and valid information. A useful rule is that 10% of the institutional patient
population per month should be sampled. The devised tool to collect data should leave as little
room for interpretation by the data collector as possible. Data collectors need to be taught the
purpose of quality assurance along with the principles of data collection.
Data collection methods include:
a. Patient observations and interviews
b. Nurse observations and interviews.
c. Review of charts.
A policy should outline guidelines of the reporting of quality assurance data so it is clear who in
the organization needs to receive quality assurance information. The policy should also states at
what level in the organization the analysis of the different criteria is to take place, to whom these
analyses and recommendations are to be reported, who is responsible for implementing the
recommendations, and who is responsible for follow-up. Unless definite policies are established,
the system may fail and changing in nursing practice are not likely to occur.
4.Evaluating Performance
Various methods can be used to evaluate performance.
1. Reviewing documented records
2. Observing activities as they take place
3. Examining patients
4. Interviewing patients, families and staff.
Records are the most commonly used source for evaluation because of the relative ease of their
use, but they are not as reliable as direct observations. It is quite possible to write in the patient’s
chart activities that were not done or not to record those things that were done. The chart only
indicates that care was provided, it does not demonstrate the quality of that care. For example,
care plan could be checked nursing diagnosis, interventions planned, and discharge planning.
5. Making plans for change based on the evaluation
It includes taking the actions for improving quality care by changing the present scenario and
incorporate new policies for the same.
Step 1-Assign Responsibility
Nursing departments and services must assign overall responsibility for their monitoring and
evaluation activities.
Step 2-Delineate Scope of care and services
Intended to assure that all nursing activities are considered in monitoring and evaluation
Types of patients served
a. Types of patients served
b. Condition and diagnosis
c. Types of nursing staff providing care and services
d. All existing standards of patient care.
Step 3-Identify important Aspect of care and services
It is important for nursing staffs to remember that important aspect of care are activities of
department that will be continually monitored and periodically evaluated to determine if care can
be improved or if problems are present. Nursing staff should identify those aspects of care and
services that:
Occur frequently or affect large numbers of patients.
Place patient at high risk.
Have intended in the past to produce problems.
Some possible actions, if the problem involves deficiencies in staff knowledge, include:
Modifying orientation procedures
Providing focused in-service education
Providing focused continuing education
Circulating written policies and procedures or other informational material.
Some possible actions, if the problem involves behavior or performance deficiencies, include:
Revising job descriptions
Informal counseling
Changing assignments
Disciplinary sanctions
Limiting staff prerogatives relating to patient care
Transferring to another unit/Department.
General Specific
Peer review
Approaches Approaches committee
s The Audit
It involves large governing of official body’s evaluation of a person’s or agency’s ability to meet
established criteria or standards at give time.
1) Credentialing;-
A person generally defines it as the formal recognition of personal or technical competence
and attainment of minimum standards by a person or agency. According to Hinsvark [ 1981]
credentialing process has four functional components;
To provide a quality product
To confer a unique identity
To protect provider and public
To control the profession.
2) Licensure;-
Individual licensure is a contract between the profession and the state, in which the is
granted control over entry into and exists from the profession and professional practice the
licensing process requires that regulations be written to define the scopes and limits of the
professionals practice. Law has mandated licensure of nurses since 1903
3) Accreditation;-
National League for nursing[NLN], a voluntary organization has established standards
for inspecting nursing education’s programs. In the part the accreditation process primarily
evaluated on agency’s physical structure, organizational structure and personal qualification.
In 1990,more emphasis was placed on evaluation of the outcomes of care and on the
educational qualifications of the person providing care.
4) Certification;-
Certification is usually a voluntary process within the profession. A person’s
educational achievement, and performance on examination are used to determine the person’s
qualifications for functioning in an identified specialty area.
Quality assurances are methods used to evaluate identified instances of provider and client
A. Peer Review Committee
These are designed to monitor client-specific aspects of care appropriate for
certain levels of care. The audit has been the major tool used by peer review committee to
ascertain quality of care.
Utilization Review (UR) has been used primarily in hospitals to establish need for client
admission and the length of hospital stay. The UR process includes the development of explicit
criteria that serves as indicators of the need for services and length of services.
Advantages of Utilization Review
It is designed to assist to avoid unnecessary care.
It may serve to encourage the consideration of care options by providers, such as home
health care than hospitalization.
It can provide guidelines for staff of program development.
It provides a measure of agency accountability to the consumer.
This method evaluates the setting and instruments used to provide care such as facilities,
equipments and characteristics of the administrative organization and qualification of the health
providers. The data for the structural evaluations can be obtained from the existing documents of
an agency or from an inspector of a faculty.
2. Process Evaluation
This method evaluates activities as they relate to standards and expectations of health provider in
the management of client care, data for this can be collected through direct observations of
provider encounters and review of records, audit, checklist approach and the criteria mapping
approach are used to establish the client encounter protocol.
3. Outer Evaluation
The net changes that occur as a result of health care or the net results of health care. The data of
this method can be collected from vital statistical records such as death certificates or telephone
client interviews, mailed questionnaire and client records.
The Tracer Method
It is a measure of both process and outcome of care. To use the tracer method, one must identify a
volume of client with a particular characteristic resuming specific health care management.
Physicians and nurse practitioners, to identify persons with certain illness such as HTN, Ulcers,
and UTI and to establish criteria for good medical and nursing management of the illness have
used the tracer method. This method provides nurses with data to show the differences in
outcome as a result of nursing care standards.
The Sentinel Method
It is an outcome measure for examining specific instances of client care. The characteristics of this
method are;
Cases of unnecessary disease, disability deaths are counted.
The circumstances surrounding the unnecessary event or the sentinel is examined in
In review of morbidity and mortality are used as an index.
Health status indicator such as changes in social, economic, political and
environmental factors are reviewed which may have an effect on health outcomes.
In the first phase Description, we identify the values and attitudes that lead us to nursing. Then we
select criteria for excellent nursing in standards covering the structure, process and outcome.
ii. Measurement:
In the second phase Measurement, we choose the methodology that is used to determine what our
practice is like in comparison with standards and criteria for excellent nursing, which we have set
internally or we st externally. The resuls obtained are analysed and then we decide if and why we
need changes.
iii. Action:
In the third phase Action, we choose the changes and paths along which the changes will
run in our environment and finally introduce the changes in our routine work.
Frameworks for Quality Assurance
Maxwell(1984): Maxwell recognized that,in a society whole resources are limited, self-
assessment by health care professionals is not satisfactory in demonstrating the effiency of a
service .The diamensions of quality he proposed are
Access to service
Relevance to need
Social acceptance
Efficiency and economy.
2.Wilson(1987): Wilson considers four essential components toa quality assurance program.
These are
Setting objectives
Quality promotion
Activity monitoring
Performance assessment.
3.Lang(1976): This framework has subsequently been adopted and developed by the ANA. The
stages includes:
Identify and agree values
Establish structure,plans,outcome criteria and standers
Review literature
Analyze available programs
Determine most appropriate program
Evaluate current levels of nursing practice
Identify and analyze factors contributing to results
Select appropriate actions to maintain or improve care
Implement selected actions
From the foregoing, it can be clearly seen that professional nursing education can be
greatly enhanced by quality assurance . The importance of evaluation to ensure this can never be
overemphasized. This is because both nursing education and practice are practically oriented. In
the course of course of training student nurses, there are skills (both simple and complex),
concepts, values and concrete body of knowledge to be acquired by the students. When Quality
assurance is implemented as suggested above, the quality of product from nursing education is
sure to improve and their ability as care givers greatly enhanced. There can be no improvement
in nursing efficiency without adequate information about the structure , process and outcome of
quality nursing services rendered to the health needs of the 21st century society.
1. Soni Samta,2013, Text book of Advanced Nursing Practice, , Jaypee Brothers Publishers, New
Delhi, 2013 : 14 - 22
2. Brar Navdeep Kaur, Text Book of Advanced Nursing Practice, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi ,
2015 : 76-91.
3. Shebeer.P.Basheer, Text Book of Advanced Nursing Practice,1st edition, Emmess Medical
Publishers, Bangalore, 2013 : 50-60.
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