Peru Porphyry Field Guide 2017 Final
Peru Porphyry Field Guide 2017 Final
Peru Porphyry Field Guide 2017 Final
Figure 7. Geologic map of the Cuajone porphyry Cu deposit. Coordinates in Peruvian Coordinate
System (PSAD56); zone 19S. Modified from Manrique and Plazolles (1975), Concha and Valle
(1999), Southern Peru Copper Corporation (2007a) and Simmons et al. (2013).
The Toquepala Group including basalt, Group rhyolitic and andesitic host rocks (Figs.
andesite and quartz porphyry, is present in 7 and 8). The porphyries are spatially and
the Rio Torata, which crosses the temporally related to the porphyry Cu deposit
northwestern part of the deposit (Fig. 7 and (Manrique and Plazolles, 1975). The oldest,
8). Late Cretaceous diorite (66.7 ± 1.7 Ma; mapped in the mine as intrusive andesite (Fig.
Park in Concha and Valle, 1999) and 7) is pervasively altered to a potassic
granodiorite (64-65 Ma in Simmons et al., assemblage of biotite ± K feldspar that is
2013) intruded the Toquepala Group volcanic largely barren. An extensively altered and
rocks. These plutons form part of the mineralized early quartz-phyric porphyry,
Yarabamba batholith (Simmons et al., 2013) mapped as LP1 porphyry, intruded the
that is widespread in the in the region (Fig. 4). intrusive andesite unit, and is temporally
Unlike the other two deposits to the south associated with the bulk of the Cu-sulfide
(see below), the batholithic rocks are not a deposition (Concha and Valle, 1999). It lies
major host to ore. Most of the ore is hosted in beneath the Quebrada Chuntacala (Fig. 7),
the temporally related porphyry stocks and which bisects the main part of the deposit. A
immediate volcanic wall rocks (Manrique and second but less altered quartz phyric
Plazolles, 1975). porphyry, mapped as BLP porphyry, forms an
At least four intermediate composition inter- to late mineral intrusive suite. It
porphyry stocks intruded the Toquepala underlies unconformably post-mineral
Figure 8. Cross sections of the Cuajone mine showing the distribution of rock units, hydrothermal
alteration assemblages, and supergene enrichment, oxide Cu and leached-oxide zone. Modified
from Clark et al. (1990b) and Southern Peru Copper Corporation (2007a).
ignimbrites and sedimentary rocks in the about between 14.8 and 14.2 Ma (Quang et
interfluve between Quebrada Chuntacala and al., 2005), and effectively prohibited further
Rio Torata (Fig. 7). Marginal breccias to the enrichment of the deposit.
inter- to late mineral BLP porphyry are
variably mineralized due to the presence of Mineralization sequence
clasts of older well-mineralized porphyry; the Hydrothermal alteration assemblages at
breccias are intimately associated with the Cuajone are typical for most porphyry Cu
margins of these stocks (Concha and Valle, deposits. An early biotite ± K feldspar
1999). Highly altered andesite dikes within preserved in the intrusive andesite represents
the deposit, which are volumetrically minor, the oldest hydrothermal event mapped in the
clearly must represent small early to mine (Manrique and Plazolles, 1975; Concha
intermineral intrusions related to the larger and Valle, 1999). Phyllic alteration
porphyry units. Simmons et al. (2013) report assemblages (Fig. 8) of quartz – sericite
essentially identical U-Pb ages 55.6 ±0.6 and dominate the porphyry units in the upper
56.2 ±0.7 Ma for these three intrusive units levels of the deposits (Concha and Valle,
that are intimately associated with Cu 1999). Quartz veins contain chalcopyrite –
deposition in the porphyry deposit. pyrite ± bornite and minor enargite. The
Collectively the U-Pb ages indicate intrusion, oldest veins carry bornite and the younger are
hydrothermal alteration, and Cu precipitation more pyritic. The assemblage of bornite –
over a short duration of time, as it becoming pyrite ± enargite seen in some veins at high
evident in most porphyry Cu deposits on a levels suggest local transition to high
global basis. The youngest porphyry sulfidation type assemblages commonly found
intrusions, mapped as LP3 porphyry (Fig. 7), in porphyry Cu deposits where pervasive
cut the northern part of the porphyry ore body sericitic alteration has destroyed the buffering
and outcrop on the margins of the Rio Torata. capacity of the host rocks. A transitional
These weakly altered rocks are latest mineral assemblage of sericite - chlorite lies between
to post-mineral (Concha and Valle, 1999), and the pervasively biotite altered rocks and the
were emplaced almost 2 million years after phyllic alteration assemblages and between
the main Cu event at 53.5 ± 0.4 Ma (Simmons the phyllic and propyllitic alteration
et al., 2013). Clark et al. (1990a) report an assemblages. Typical potassic alteration
Eocene age of 52.4±1.9 Ma for sericite from a assemblages of biotite – magnetite – quartz –
quartz-chalcopyrite-pyrite veined rock in the K feldspar – anhydrite – Cu-Fe sulfide lie at
Rio Torata, which records the finally cooling of depth. Late molybdenite - quartz veins cut the
the hydrothermal system. Cu-bearing veins. Within areas of less intense
Late Oligocene and Miocene sedimentary hydrothermal alteration, late stage mixed
and volcanic rocks unconformably overlie the argillic – phyllic assemblages (intermediate
Eocene igneous rocks. The oldest rocks form argillic assemblage) composed of smectite
the Huaylillas Formation. The basal clays – chlorite – sericite (illite) overprint the
ignimbrites of the formation filled a higher temperature assemblages but did not
paleovalley to the southeast of the deposit at remove Cu (Satchwell, 1983). Clearly the
about 22.8 ± 0.8 Ma (Tosdal et al., 1981; evidence for two intrusive events each
Quang et al., 2005). The top of the formation carrying an associated hydrothermal fluid has
consists of regionally extensive ignimbrites complicated the simple hydrothermal picture
that form the planar benches on either side of of the deposit.
the Cuajone deposit. These ignimbrites were Manrique and Plazolles (1975) note that
erupted about 19 Ma, and buried the highest the distribution of sulfides and Cu grade is
of the supergene very regular both laterally and vertically,
enriched zones and leached and oxidized except where the younger and less
rocks that overlay it. Subsequently, a valley mineralized intrusions diluted the Cu ore
was cut down across the northwest trending grade. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite,
axis of the deposit, and filled with a sequence molybdenite and lesser amounts of sphalerite,
of ignimbrites and sedimentary rocks known galena, and enargite constitute the hypogene
as the Chuntacala Formation (Manrique and sulfide mineral assemblage. Molybdenite is
Plazolles, 1975; Tosdal et al., 1981; present in quartz veins or is disseminated in
Satchwell, 1983). These rocks were the rock (Concha and Valle, 1999).
deposited across leached and oxidized rocks
as well as secondary enriched rocks (Clark et
al., 1990b). The paleovalley began to fill at
Supergene modification 1970 before being nationalized and explored
The secondary enrichment blanket at further by Minero Perú in 1972 (Candiotti de
Cuajone was only about 20 m thick, the los Rios, 1995). Announced reserves at that
thinnest of all the deposits (Fig. 8). It appears time were 405 Mt at 0.8% Cu (Estrada, 1975).
to be a single blanket-like horizon that dipped Subsequent exploration by Anglo American
gently to the west. Immediately above the Exploration Perú S.A has defined a geological
sulfide-bearing enriched zone was a 40-m resource of 1,670 Mt at 0.56 % Cu (cut-off at
thick oxide Cu zone overlies the secondary 0.3 % Cu) with reserves of 979 Mt at 0.63 %
sulfides, derived from the weathering of Cu, 0.021 % Mo and 2.19 g/t Ag, including
secondary Cu sulfides (Clark et al., 1990b). 213 Mt @ 0.95 % Cu. The details of the
On the southern side of the deposit, the deposit are summarized from Estrada (1975),
enriched zone tapers to a wedge about 150 m Toropoca (1979), Guerrero and Candiotti
below the unconformity at the base of the (1979), Kihien (1975, 1995), Candiotti de los
22.8 Ma ignimbrite that forms the lower Rios (1995), Sillitoe and Mortensen, (2010)
Huaylillas Formation. A distinct hematitic and Simmons (2013).
horizon beneath the unconformity suggests
the past presence of supergene sulfides that Geologic framework
have now been leached and transported to The Quellaveco deposit is bisected by the Rio
lower elevations. Tosdal et al. (1984) Asana, and hypogene and supergene sulfides
concluded that this unconformity represented outcrop on the floor and flanks of the modern
an early stage of the formation of the early river valley (Figs. 9 and 10). The deposit is
Miocene Altos de Camilaca surface, a hosted by a sequence of andesite overlain by
regionally extensive pediplane that influenced the felsic ignimbrites of the Toquepala Group
supergene enrichment in each of the that were intruded by a large ~60 Ma
deposits. granodiorite batholith. The calcalkaline
On the northwest side of the deposit, the volcanic rocks of the Toquepala Group
14.8 Ma Chuntacala Formation include two members (Kihien, 1995). Quartz-
unconformably overlies the secondary sulfide feldspar phyric rhyolites of the Quellaveco
and oxide Cu zones (Fig. 8), effectively dating Rhyolite form the base of the sequence.
the end of supergene enrichment. Sillitoe Andesite and basaltic-andesite flows and
(2005 on figure 18) reported an age for breccias of the Samanape Andesite
supergene enrichment at Cuajone to pre-date discordantly overlie the older volcanic rocks.
the Huaylillas Formation, and to be Tonalite, granodiorite, and quartz monzonite
contemporaneous with deposition of the intrude the volcanic rocks. A series of
upper Moquegua Formation. Clark et al porphyritic granodiorite stocks intrude the
(1990b) concluded that supergene enrichment volcanic and plutonic rocks. These rocks are
clearly began prior to the Oligocene, and was most closely associated in time and space
probably largely complete by about 22.8 Ma with the porphyry Cu deposit. Late quartz
with the final formation of the Altos de latite dikes cut the complex. Available
Camilaca surface. Further enrichment likely chronologic data suggest three distinct ages
occurred during the down cutting of the valley of porphyry intrusion (Sillitoe and Mortensen,
that was subsequently filled by the 2010; Simmons, 2013). The oldest but
Chuntacala Formation, however, this was volumetrically smallest porphyry unit
likely minimal (Clark et al., 1990b). The containing with highest Cu grade was
limited enrichment at Cuajone in comparison emplaced at ~58 Ma. The volumetrically most
with Quellaveco and Toquepala derives abundant and mineralized porphyry units
directly from the fact that the deposit was carry most of the contained Cu were
largely covered by ignimbrites, which emplaced between 56 and 57 Ma. A weakly
disrupted the paleohydrology, thereby limiting mineralized set of porphyry intrusions was
the efficacy of the supergene enrichment emplaced at ~54 Ma.
process. On the north bank of the Rio Asana, the
deposit is unconformably overlain by
Quellaveco unwelded ignimbrites of the Miocene (ca. 13
Quellaveco was recognized as potential Ma) Chuntacala Formation (Tosdal et al.,
porphyry Cu deposits in the 1930’s (Lacy, 1981) and 10-Ma tuff forming the Rio Asana
1991). It was explored by Northern Peru Formation (Figs. 9 and 10). These rocks filled
Mining and Smelting Co. between 1947 and a paleovalley that paralleled the current Rio
1952, Southern Peru Copper Corporation in Asana on the north. On the south bank, the
Figure 9. Geologic map of the Quellaveco porphyry Cu deposit. Coordinates in Peruvian
Coordinate System (PSAD56); zone 19S. Modified from Simmons (2013).
oldest members (~13 Ma) of the Chuntacala
Formation are preserved in small depressions Mineralization sequence.
in the exhumed early Miocene Altos de Porphyry Cu-style veins and alteration is
Camilaca surface at elevations of about 4000 elongated northwest to southeast (Figs. 9 and
m. Ignimbrites of the Chuntacala Formation 11). The hypogene alteration at Quellaveco
throughout the Precordillera fill paleovalleys is complex, as the rocks have been exposed
cut into the regional Altos de Camilaca to several generations of hydrothermal fluids.
surface and overlying Huaylillas Formation. Thus, distinguishing the timing of the wall rock
The ash flows of the Chuntacala Formation alteration relative to the rock types and their
preserved the secondary sulfide horizon that related vein paragenesis is exceptionally
developed during the Miocene. difficult. Nonetheless patterns of alteration
Seven main hypogene alteration mineral intense alteration quartz – sericite.
assemblages are identified: a) biotite - K- The majority of alteration assemblages
Feldspar; b) chlorite over biotite – K feldspar; dominated by K-feldspar and biotite are
c) chlorite over biotite - K-feldspar with located within and around early porphyry units
overprinted quartz-sericite; d) biotite – K and adjacent into the older regional
feldspar with overprinted quartz - sericite; e) granodiorite. This alteration assemblage
epidote - chlorite; f) epidote - chlorite with typically does not extend far into the host
overprinted quartz - sericite; and d) quartz - granodiorite with a minimum penetration of
sericite (Fig. 11). Felsic mineral sites are approximately 300m from the nearest early
altered to hydrothermal K feldspar, quartz - porphyry intrusion. Minor K-feldspar - biotite
sericite and minor epidote, whereas the mafic assemblages are spatially associated with
silicate sites are commonly altered to biotite, some of the intermineral dike complexes.
chlorite, epidote and in cases of extreme
Figure 10. Cross sections of the Quellaveco deposit showing the distribution of rocks and
supergene enrichment, oxide Cu and leached-oxide zone Modified from Clark et al. (1990b) and
Simmons (2013).
Figure 11. Geologic map of hydrothermal mineral assemblages at Quellaveco. Geologic contacts
from figure 9 are shown in dashed lines. Coordinates in Peruvian Coordinate System (PSAD56);
zone 19S. Modified from Simmons (2013).
brecciation and chalcopyrite and molybdenite copper was deposited at this time. Late
introduction. A large pebble breccia followed dacite porphyry dikes intrude the tourmaline
intrusion of the dacite agglomerate unit. The breccia within the pit (Zweng and Clark,
early Cu-rich veinlets are most abundant in 1995).
the oldest porphyry, but these veins cut all the Late to post-mineral latite porphyry (U-Pb
porphyry intrusions. The dacite porphyry unit age of 54.3 ± 0.6 Ma; Simmons et al., 2013)
is the largest intrusion and dominates the pit. intruded all older igneous and hydrothermal
Barren tourmaline breccia cuts the porphyry units at. The effect of the late activity is to
stocks and early Cu-rich veins. Tourmaline dilute the Cu endowment of the deposit
breccias are common also in the hills (Zweng and Clark, 1995).
surrounding the open pit, and are a
widespread phenomenon in the deposit area. Mineralization sequence
Some quartz – sericite - pyrite alteration Early Cu-rich veins accompanied
accompanied breccia formation, but little widespread potassic alteration of the
porphyries, with the intensity of alteration presence and the dominance of chalcopyrite -
decreasing with age, as is common in pyrite in the shallow portions of the deposit.
porphyry Cu deposits (Gustafson and Hunt, Main stage sulfides were deposited from
1975; Zweng and Clark, 1995). The veins fluids with an average temperature of about
contain biotite, K- and Na-feldspar as well as 335°to 360° C and about 35 wt. % equivalent
chalcopyrite - bornite or are barren quartz with NaCl.
accessory anhydrite. They were deposited Late-stage alteration consisting of quartz –
from high temperature >400°C fluids with at sericite - pyrite veins and texturally destructive
least 35% wt. percent NaCl equivalent albite - sericite, quartz – sericite - pyrite ±
(Zweng and Clark, 1995). The veins are andalusite alteration selvages is similar to that
furthermore well developed deep in the found in most porphyry Cu deposits. High-
deposit at elevations below approximately sulfur and arsenic-rich minerals (bornite and
2,550 m.a.s.l. Their sinuous character makes tennantite-pyrite) and throughgoing vein
them analogous to the early “A-veins” at El fabrics are characteristic. Fluids associated
Salvador (Gustafson and Hunt, 1975). Zweng with this stage are of lower temperature,
and Clark (1975) suggest that only a limited being about 300° C, and salinity in the range
amount of Cu in the Toquepala system was of 7 to 8 wt. % NaCl.
deposited in association with the early veins. A 300 m in diameter and >500 m in depth
Tourmaline veins and breccias cross cut pebble breccia and numerous pebble dikes
the early Cu-rich veins. These veins and represent one of the latest events in the
breccias lack appreciable sulfide, and were deposit. For the most part, these are post-
accompanied by quartz - sericite and mineral and dilute the overall Cu grades.
tourmaline - quartz alteration of the wall rock. Chalcopyrite has been seen in the matrix of at
Fluid temperatures are interpreted to have least 1 pebble dike, thereby implying that
been lower, and about 390°C and only pebble dikes probably developed at episodic
saturated in NaCl (Zweng and Clark, 1995). times over the course of the deposit
The net result of this stage of alteration is a formation.
large upward-flaring tourmaline breccia that
localizes the vertical axis of the Toquepala Supergene enrichment
deposit. Zweng and Clark (1995) suggest Toquepala had the thickest and most
that the tourmaline breccia stage at extensive record of supergene enrichment of
Toquepala may correlate, on a much grander the three southern porphyry Cu deposits
scale, with similar veins that make up the (Richard and Courtright, 1958), but virtually all
transitional stage at El Salvador (Gustafson of the zones have been removed by mining.
and Hunt, 1975). The root of the pipe is The oldest record of supergene sulfide
suggested to be at an elevation of about 2000 enrichment was preserved between 3525 and
m.a.s.l. above the apex of a deeper porphyry 3100 m.a.s.l., and lay within 40 to 75 m below
(Zweng and Clark, 1995). Emplacement of a regional early Miocene erosional surface,
the central tourmaline breccia furthermore the Altos de Camilaca surface (Tosdal et al.,
provided a vertical permeability framework to 1985; Clark et al., 1990b). A supergene age
the deposit that enhanced the upward rise in Sillitoe (2005 on figure 18) is consistent
and sulfide deposition during the main stage. with this interpretation. The most extensive
Main stage alteration and mineralization zone had a broadly planar but very irregular
consist of chalcopyrite - molybdenite veins upper surface that slopes gently from north to
responsible for the vast bulk of the metal south across the hypogene sulfide deposit
endowment at Toquepala. Quartz- between elevations of 3,350 and 3,250
molybdenite-chalcopyrite and chalcopyrite- m.a.s.l. The zone had deep roots that were in
pyrite are the dominant veins. Molybdenite is excess of 150 m deep. Clark et al. (1990b)
also present as the matrix to irregular concluded that the extensive and thick
vertically oriented breccia and as a coating on enrichment zone formed in the Miocene after
fracture. Sparse magnetite veins deep in the 19 Ma and before 11 Ma. Formation of the
system post-date molybdenite deposition. enriched zone accompanied uplift of the
Zweng and Clark (1995) suggest an upward western slope of the Cordillera. Richard and
enrichment of copper relative to molybdenum Courtright (1958) and Anderson (1982)
deposited during this stage. This enrichment reached a similar conclusion.
is reflected in the abundance of quartz –
molybdenite - chalcopyrite veins in the deeper REFERENCES
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