Review On The Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes and Antibacterial Activities of Pure and Doped-Zno
Review On The Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes and Antibacterial Activities of Pure and Doped-Zno
Review On The Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes and Antibacterial Activities of Pure and Doped-Zno
Abstract: This paper reviews the recent advances on the photocatalytic and antibacterial activities of ZnO, metal-doped ZnO, non
metal-doped ZnO and nano-composite of ZnO synthesized using different methods. Materials with different morphologies and
structures have been investigated, by different groups, under UV, visible light and sunlight irradiations. The majority of data reveal
superior performance of modified ZnO nanomaterials compared to unmodified ZnO nanomaterials. The nanocomposite of ZnO
exhibits highest photocatalytic and antibacterial activity among all nanomaterial. The degradation of the dyes depends on both its
concentration as well as the amount of photocatalyst.
ZnO NPs were synthesized by a modified non-basic solution Dou et al. [45] reported the microwave synthesis of Ag-ZnO-
route [38]. Zinc acetate dihydrate (Zn(Ac)2.2H2O was grapheme nanocomposites. Graphite and NaNO3 were added
dissolved into methanol under continuous stirring till a in a flask containing H2SO4 under stirring in an ice bath.
transparent solution was formed. The solutions were heated Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) was added slowly to the
at 800C under reflux to obtain a white colloidal product. It mixture. The ice bath was removed and the suspensions were
was collected and dried at 800C in air. The resultant product heated to 350C while stirring. The color of the solution
was semi-crystalline ZnO. The crystalline ZnO NPs were changed to dark. H2SO4 was added slowly to the suspension
prepared by heating the semi-crystalline ZnO at 4000C in air which was kept at 600C. The solution was cooled to room
in a tube furnace. Nitriding process was carried out by temperature. The color of the solution changed to luminous
heating the semi-crystalline or crystalline ZnO at 4000C in a yellow after H2O2 was added into the mixture. The
tube furnace with a flux flow of gaseous NH3. Then, N-doped precipitates were centrifuged and washed with the mixture of
ZnO were formed [39]. H2SO4 and H2O2 ten times, with HCl five times and with
distilled water three times and then, finally dried at 450C in
Pure ZnO powder and NH4NO3 were mixed by grinding with vacuum [45].
a pestle at room temperature using an agate mortar. Then, the
mixture was transferred into a ceramic crucible and calcined Ag-ZnO-graphene nanocomposites were prepared from
at 6000C in a furnace. For comparison, N-doped P25 TiO2 graphine oxide (GO). Different amount of graphine oxide
was also synthesized. For preparing N-doped Degussa (P25) (GO) was dispersed in water and kept in a bath type
TiO2, P25 TiO2 powder and NH4NO3 were mixed by grinding ultrasonicator and then, Zn(NO3)2.6H2O solution, AgNO3,
at room temperature. Then, the mixture was transferred into a C6H12N4 were added into the mixture and the mixtures were
ceramic crucible and calcined at 6000C in a furnace and N- sonicated at 900C. All the samples synthesized were
doped ZnO, N-doped P25 TiO2 was obtained [40]. centrifuged and washed with distilled water several times and
dried at 450C in vacuum [45].
(iii) ZnO nanocomposites
Zinc acetate [Zn(CH3COO)2.2H2O] was first dissolved in a 2-
Kim et al [41] synthesized Ag-doped ZnO/fly ash composite methoxyethanol(C3H8O2) and monoethanolamine (MEA,
by a hydro-thermal process. Some amount of fly ash (FA) in C2H7NO) solution at room temperature. The solution was
distilled water was pulverized ultra-sonically in a bath stirred at 600C until it become clear and homogeneous.
sonicator. Solutions of the following were prepared: Bis-hexa Aluminum nitrate [Al (NO3)3.9H2O] and/or cadmium nitrate
methylene triamine, zinc nitrate hexahydrate and AgNO3, all [Cd(NO3)2.6H2O] were added into some of the previous
in distilled water. Zinc nitrate and bis-hexamethylene solutions in an appropriate ratio. Then, it was stirred
triamine solutions were blended and vigorously stirred. The vigorously at 600C. The resulting mixtures were dried at
as-synthesized FA and AgNO3 solutions were added to the 1800C. The gel was first heated at 3000C and calcined in an
above solutions. The solutions were put into a Teflon oven at 8000C to obtain (Cd, Al)-co-doped ZnO NPs [46].
crucible and maintained inside the autoclave for Pure and doped ZnO nanostructures have been synthesized
hydrothermal treatment at 1400C [42]. Pristine-ZnO flowers and reported by many groups. Reddy et al. [47] have carried
and Ag-doped ZnO nanocomposites were synthesized out antibacterial studies on (Ag, Co) co-doped ZnO NPs.
without FA. The hydro-thermal plants were cooled to room ZnO nanorods doped with Mn2+, Co2+ and Ni2+ were
temperature. Then, the nanocomposites were filtered and synthesized and characterized by Murugadoss [48].
washed many times with distilled water and ethyl alcohol Rajkumar et al. [49] have presented a simple method for
with cellulose acetate membrane filter. The as-synthesized synthesis of dumbbell shaped ZnO nanorods. Mechano-
nanocomposites were dried at 1200C and used for further chemical method was adopted by Wang et al. [50] to
analysis [41]. synthesize S and N-doped ZnO NPs. Yang and co-workers
[51] succeeded in synthesizing corn-like znO nanostructures
ZnO NPs, zinc oxide carbon nanotubes (ZnO-CNTs) and investigated their photoluminescence. N-doped ZnO
nanocomposites were synthesized using a sol method [43]. bundle-like nanostructures were synthesized and studied by
Copper-doped zinc oxide (Cu-doped ZnO) NPs embedded in Zong et al. [52]. A solvo-thermal treatment approach yielding
carbon nanotubes (CNTs) exhibiting enhanced visible light mesoporous ZnO nanospheres with enhanced photocatalytic
photocatalytic activity was synthesized by Ahmad et al. [44]. activity was reported by Zhang et al. [53]. Er-N co-doped
Zinc acetate and appropriate amount of copper acetate was ZnO nanowires were synthesized by ion implantation [54].
dissolved in diethyl glycol. Subsequently, de-ionized water Al-doped conductive powders of ZnO [55], Sb-doped NPs
was added into the as-synthesized solution. The mixtures [56] prepared by different methods have also been reported.
were magnetically stirred at 160–1800C in air, forming aged
homogeneous sol. Then, purified CNTs were dispersed into 3. Characterization Techniques
the sol with ultrasonication. The solutions were slowly heated
to 160–1800C with vigorous magnetic stirring. It was cooled Reddy et al [47] characterized pure ZnO, Zn0.95Co0.05O,
to room temperature and Cu-doped ZnO-CNTs Zn0.95Ag0.05O and Zn0.90Co0.05Ag0.05O NPs using x-ray
nanocomposites were obtained after centrifuging. It was diffraction (XRD). The diffraction peaks of all samples were
The crystallinity of ZnO nanorods synthesized by Increasing nitrogen concentration increases the 2Θ value and
Murugadoss [48] was investigated by XRD pattern. The crystallite size. The slightly larger 2Θ values for ZnO:N is
peaks at scattering angles (2ϴ) of 31.4, 33.2, 35.1, 46.3, due to the bond length of Zn–N (1.88 A0) being smaller than
55.4, 61.6 and 66.6 corresponding to the reflection from that of Zn–O (1.93 A0). These results clearly support the
(100), (002), (101), (102), (110), (103) and (112) crystal incorporation of nitrogen into the ZnO lattice forming Zn:N
planes were observed respectively. The peaks were assigned i.e. substituting oxygen with nitrogen in ZnO [33].
to diffractions from various planes corresponding to
hexagonal structure of ZnO. The crystallite sizes of Mn2+, The dependence of absorption coefficients on the photon
Co2+ and Ni2+ doped ZnO were determined by means of X- energy for the ZnO:N NPs have also been carried out [33]. A
ray line-broadening method [48]. change in the energy gap with N concentration is observed,
caused by the variation in size of the particles with nitrogen
The size of the crystallites estimated from XRD patterns are concentration. As the nitrogen concentration increases from 3
of the order of 8-12 nm. The full width at half maximum at% to 6 at%, there is an increase in band gap energy by 0.38
(FWHM) of the diffraction peaks of pure ZnO NPs are eV but as concentration is further increased to 9 at% there is
broader than that of the doped nanocomposites. No a decrease in band gap energy by an amount of 0.1eV with
diffraction peaks of other compounds are observed. The ZnO respect to 3 at% concentration . An increase in nitrogen
nanorods prepared by chemical method have high concentration from 3 at% to 6 at% also increases the carrier
crystallinity and high purity. The observed interplaner concentration which cause a blue shift in absorption spectra
spacing of pure ZnO are indexed to hexagonal wurtzite with while a further increase in nitrogen concentration i.e. up to 9
lattice constant of about 0.2476 nm (d101). When dopant ions at%, causes decreasing carrier concentration. This result
were introduced in ZnO lattice, the interplanar spacing of agrees well with the result of Hall measurements. The as-
ZnO changed. The interplanar spacings were 0.2504, 0.2397 synthesized ZnO:N NPs have very large direct band gap
and 0.2392 nm for Mn2+, Co2+ and Ni2+ doped ZnO energy [33].
nanostructures respectively. The doped ions were
successfully incorporated into ZnO lattice sites [48]. Wang et al [50] investigated the UV-visible absorbance of S-
doped ZnO. Compared with ZnO in which absorbance occurs
However, the crystal quality of Co and Ni-doped ZnO is only in the UV range under 400 nm, extension of the
significantly better than that of Mn-doped ZnO. The absorbance is clearly observed in these samples into the
substitution of the Zn ions by Co and Ni into ZnO lattice is visible range for wavelength as long as 500 nm. The
due to smaller ionic radius of Co and Ni than Zn though the extension of absorbance reflects doping effects of sulfur and
crystal quality of doped ZnO is decreased by impurity ions of is confirmed by XRD [50].
Mn, Co and Ni, [48].
The UV–Vis absorption spectra of pure ZnO, calcined zinc
The ultraviolet visible (UV-Vis) spectra of Sn-doped ZnO oxide at 6000C (ZnO-600), N-doped P25 TiO2 and N-doped
NPs were obtained by precipitation method and showed a ZnO were evaluated [40]. Pure ZnO and ZnO-600 exhibited
small red shift in the absorption peaks with increasing Sn band edge absorption at around 390 nm but with little
concentration [35]. The small shift in the absorption band is absorption of visible-light [40]. However, for N-doped ZnO,
attributed to the doping of Sn into ZnO. The band gaps of Sn- it displayed a distinct tailing absorption covering the whole
doped ZnO are calculated by using the formula visible region. Photo-absorption feature reported for N-doped
ZnO suggests that the as-synthesized N-doped ZnO have the
Where E is band gap energy, h is Planck’s constant, C the potential to be a visible light driven photocatalyst.
speed of light and λ is the wave length. Furthermore, the visible-light absorption ability of the as-
synthesized N-doped ZnO is better than those of pure ZnO,
The band gaps of Sn-doped ZnO at different concentrations ZnO-600 and N-doped P25 [40].
are found to be in the range 3.40 to 3.33 eV. With increasing
The authors also examined the photo-stability of ZnO Solar energy absorption is more effective in film 3# with
nanoflowers. The photo-degradation efficiency after 3 ZnO cages on the surface which plays the role of RhB
consecutive recycles is found to be 74% indicating good molecules traps. Under UV irradiation, as long as photons
photo-stability of the nanoflowers. The rate of recovery is entered into ZnO cages, they are reflected by the cage bars
found to be about 90%; this shows great applicability of ZnO many times before escaping. The increase in reflecting times
nanoflowers in industrial photocatalysis processes. in cages led to absorption of photons by ZnO cages [63].
Once an RhB molecule enters into ZnO cages, they have
The mechanism responsible for the photocatalytic activity more opportunity to contact the surface of ZnO materials
suggested was the one proposed by Sun and co-workers [61]. than on other films. RhB molecules react with hydroxyl
The electron-hole pairs are produced under UV light, when radicals on the surface of ZnO more smoothly. Therefore,
ZnO are illuminated with UV light irradiations having larger most of RhB molecules are completely degraded before they
photon energy than the band gap of the ZnO nanoflowers. diffuse out of cages [63].
These act as powerful oxidizing and reducing agents. The
photo-generated electrons and holes are transferred to the 4.1. Degradation of Dyes Using Metal-Doped ZnO
surface of the crystal where the water adsorbed on the ZnO
nanoflowers trapped the holes leading to the formation of The degradation of MO was investigated using ZnO and
hydroxyl radicals (∙OH). The presence of oxygen (O2) silver-doped zinc oxide NPs in aqueous solutions under UV
prevents the recombination process of electron and hole pair, irradiations [64]. The studies were carried out with Ag-doped
and initiates the formation of an anion radical (∙O∙2) by ZnO NPs prepared with various molar ratios of Zn(NO3)2 to
accepting electrons from the conduction band (CB) AgNO3 ratios, viz. 0, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05 and 0.07 labeled as
associated with the proton, to give ∙OH. The ∙OH and ∙O2 AZ0, AZ1, AZ3, AZ5 and AZ7. Ag-doped ZnO NPs possessed
degrade the aromatic ring of MB by opening it at the azo higher photocatalytic activities than pure ZnO. The
bond and the hydroxylated ring. The oxygen vacancy on the photocatalytic activities of Ag-doped ZnO first increased
surface acts as an active center which captures the photo- with increasing Ag content up to 3% (AZ3), and slightly
induced electrons. These inhibited the photon–electron decreased with further increase in content of Ag. AZ3 is
recombination thereby increasing the photocatalytic activity. found to be the most active which shows a photocatalytic
activity about 2 times higher than pure ZnO (AZ0). Further, it
The photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange (MO) was is also found that the degradation rate of MO under the real
assessed by using ZnO nanosheets and nanotubes after sunlight irradiation is complete after irradiation for 100 min
prolonged exposure to UV light in aqueous solution [62]. by adding sample AZ3.
The optical absorption spectra of MO solution at different
time intervals of the photo-degradation reactions over ZnO The enhanced photocatalytic activity of Ag-doped ZnO, as
nanosheets and ZnO nantubes were taken. For both samples, suggested by Zheng et al. [65], is attributed to the better
the degradation behaviors are found to be similar but the time charge separation formed as a result of Ag hindering the
consumed for degradation is different. These results showed recombination of photo-induced electrons. When the content
that the degradation efficiency depends on the morphology of of Ag is below the optimal value, the higher the content of
ZnO. The effect of morphology on the photo-degradation Ag in composite is, the higher the photocatalytic activity of
efficiency is ascribed to the following reason: when the size Ag-doped ZnO heterostructure photocatalyst. When the
of ZnO crystals decreases, the amount of the dispersion of content of Ag is above the optimal value, metallic Ag act as
particles per volume in the solution increases resulting in the recombination centers which is caused by the electrostatic
enhancement of photon absorbance. ZnO nanosheets are attraction of negatively charged Ag and positively charged
found to be more effective on the degradation of MO than the holes. Furthermore excessive Ag reduced the number of
nanotubes, possibly due to their higher surface area and photons absorbed by the photocatalyst because of light-
consequent larger contact area between photocatalyst and filtered effect.
target material [62].
Aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO) was prepared with
The degradation of organic azo-dye N, N, N’, N’-tetra different electrical conductivities under different post-
ethylated rhodamine (RhB) was examined under UV calcined atmospheres [55]. AZO possessed more
irradiation [63]. The degradation of RhB was done with photocatalytic activity than pure ZnO which is ascribed to the
different amounts of ZnO photocatalysts. In the absence of a Al3+ entering into the ZnO lattice substituting the Zn2+ site
catalyst, only a slow decrease in the concentration of RhB is which made the particle size small and caused an increase in
Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Paper ID: SUB157019 2257
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
the carrier concentration. The photocatalytic activities of The enhanced photocatalytic activity of Nb-loaded ZnO NPs
AZO in different post-calcined atmospheres are different, found in the study is thus, ascribed to Nb acting as electron
with the sample post-calcined under reduced atmosphere trap centre which decreases electron-hole pair recombination
(CO) showing highest photocatalytic activity. This is because rate. If the amount of Nb-loading is higher than the optimal
under reduced atmosphere the generated oxygen is value, the activity of ZnO NPs decreases probably because an
consumed, prompting the larger generation of oxygen excess amount of Nb become the center for recombination of
vacancy which makes the Al3+ effectively substitute the Zn2+ photo-induced electron and hole pairs [67].
sites. So the carrier concentration increases, causing a
reduction in resistivity. As the carrier concentration Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generations by pure and Se-
increases, the intermediate energy gap between VB and CB doped ZnO NPs were investigated for degradation of trypan
become more active. Therefore, during light irradiation the blue (TB) under UV light (340–360 nm). This wavelength
free electrons are easily decomposed from the AZO, resulting region corresponds to the order of band gaps of the doped
in the formation of positively charged hole allowing better and pure ZnO NPs. The degradation of TB was examined by
electrical conductivity. The hole generates H+ and •OH from oxidative processes. Compared to the control batch which is
H2O whereas the electrons activate O2 to become superoxide not treated with ZnO NPs, the degradation of TB dye is more
anion radicals •O2 in air. This reacted with H2O, forming for the batches treated respectively with 5 wt% Se-doped
H2O2 which further yielded reactive •OH [55]. The generated ZnO NPs and pure ZnO NPs in the presence of UV light
radicals caused MO dye decomposition. illumination [68]. The dye degradation efficiency is several
folds higher for Se-doped ZnO NPs than that of pure ZnO
Photocatalytic degradation of cresols was studied under NPs. Such high efficiency of dye degradation by Se-doped
visible light irradiation using commercial zinc oxide (C- ZnO NPs is attributed to higher ROS generation. The results
ZnO), manganese-doped zinc oxide (Mn-doped ZnO) and on ROS induced dye degradation are consistent with the
uncalcined zinc oxide (U-ZnO) [66]. The photocatalytic literature [69]. The doping of Se in ZnO NPs enhanced ROS
activities of the nanomaterials depend on the adsorption of generation and this led to higher dye degradation than pure
the amount of removable pollutants over nanomaterials. The ZnO NPs [68].
amount of adsorbed cresols on the C-ZnO, U-ZnO and Mn-
doped ZnO were evaluated. The results are given in 4.2. Degradation of Dyes Using Non-Metal Doped ZnO
increasing order C-ZnO ≤ U-ZnO ≤ 0.5% Mn ≤ 1% Mn-
doped ZnO. However, the adsorption decreases above 1% The as-synthesized N-doped ZnO microcrystals possessed
Mn. The adsorption of cresols on 1% Mn-doped ZnO is the much higher photocatalytic activity than commercial pure
highest attributing to it has the highest Brunauer-Emmett- ZnO in the decomposition of formaldehyde under visible-
Teller (BET) surface area. light (λ > 420 nm) [40]. Zinc oxide doped with nitrogen (N-
doped ZnO) at the interstitial sites creates intra-band gap N
The reaction rates and degradation efficiency are given in related defects about 1.2–1.3 eV above the VB edge which
the order 1% Mn-doped > U-ZnO > C-ZnO. This is are responsible for the absorption of visible light. The intra-
attributed to characteristics of the photocatalyst such as band gap N related defects (NO) is stable in either the neutral
decreasing particle size, agglomeration size and increasing (NO0) or −1 charge states (NO−). The existence of NO− and
surface area. Another reason is related to overlap of the t2g of NO0 intra-band gap states allow N-doped ZnO to absorb the
Mn with the VB of ZnO. Average particle size of as- needed photon energy for moving electrons from VB to CB
synthesized ZnO is 30–40 nm while C-ZnO particle size is via two different steps of electron excitation i.e. the electron
400-500 nm and surface area of pure ZnO is greater than the excitation from NO− to CB and from VB to NO0 in which the
surface area of C-ZnO. Therefore, the improvement of intra-band gap N related defects plays the role of electron
degradation efficiency and rate of reaction is due to the transfer intermediate.
surface area difference [66].
The degradation of formaldehyde is carried out in the
The percentage degradation of phenol was evaluated as a presence pure ZnO and N-doped ZnO and described in terms
function of time using pure and Nb-doped ZnO NPs by of Langmuir Hinshel wood model [40]. The degradation of
loading different amounts of Nb [67]. A 0.50 mol% Nb- formaldehyde followed a first order kinetics. The
loaded ZnO NPs possessed the highest photocatalytic activity photocatalytic activities of N-doped ZnO NPs deteriorated
among all samples and took shortest time to complete phenol with recycling. The photocatalysts are separated from the
degradation process. The results clearly suggested that the suspension by filtration and washed with de-ionized water to
photocatalytic activities of ZnO NPs are greatly improved by remove the suspensions. The photocatalysts were dried and
loading an appropriate amount of Nb. The optimal amount of weighed after each cycle. Moreover, the mass lost during
Nb is found to be 0.50 mol% for degradation of the organic each cycle is lower than 3 wt. % which meant the recovery
compound tested. It was also reported that increasing Nb efficiency of N-doped ZnO is above 97 wt. % for each cycle
loading results in an enlarged surface area of the Nb-loaded [40]. The as-synthesized N-doped ZnO NPs is easily
ZnO nanomaterials. However, an increase in surface area is recovered from the suspension by filtration after the
likely not the main factor affecting the photocatalytic activity photocatalysis reaction, and further used for another
of Nb-loaded ZnO. This is supported by the facts that photocatalysis reaction. 94% degradation ratio of
although the surface area of 1 mol% Nb-loaded ZnO NPs are formaldehyde is achieved in the first three cycles and 91% in
higher than 0.5 mol% Nb-loaded ZnO NPs, its photocatalytic the fifth cycle. This is because of the high photocatalytic
activity is lower [67]. activity of N-doped ZnO and excellent photochemical
Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Paper ID: SUB157019 2258
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
stability. The as-synthesized N-doped ZnO micropolyhedrons increasing of graphene amount. However, when the loading
are therefore, promising photocatalysts in removing amount exceeded 1.0 wt%, the photocatalytic activities of
formaldehyde pollutants from wastewater due to its high Ag-ZnO-graphene samples decreases as the amount of
visible light photocatalytic activities and excellent graphene is increased. For MO solution in the presence of
photochemical stability [40]. Ag-ZnO-graphene, almost all of MO is degraded under UV
irradiation. The maximum absorbance at 464 nm almost
4.3. Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes Using disappeared after irradiation [45].
Kinetic analysis of MO degradation is conducted to
The photocatalytic activities of ZnO–CdS core–shell understand the photocatalytic efficiency of the Ag-ZnO-
nanostructure coated on glass were investigated by graphene composites. The reaction kinetics is described in
degradation of Congo red (CR) dye in aqueous solutions terms of Langmuir Hinshel Wood model:
[70]. The photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants
takes place on the surface and the solution pH play an
important role in the process. The absorption spectra of CR is where (-dC/dt) is the degradation rate of MO, k is the
taken at different irradiation times using ZnO/CdS which is photocatalysis rate constant, C is the concentration and K is
coated on glass, at a solution of pH = 3, 7.4 and 9. The the equilibrium adsorption coefficient of MO. KC is
maximum degradation of CR at solution pH = 3, 7.4 and 9 negligible when value of C is very small. The above equation
occurred at 75 min, 107 min and 90 min respectively. can be described as first-order kinetics model: