Electro Optics - Apr19 PDF
Electro Optics - Apr19 PDF
Electro Optics - Apr19 PDF
Displays for AR
Light fidelity
Photonics STEM mentoring
APRIL 2019
applications Tech focus
OPOs and OPAs
& technology
Optics in space
Remote sensing
in hazardous
Electro LEADER
Droning on
Frequent travellers may hear the word
‘drone’ and be reminded of the delays
they’ve endured due to devices being
spotted near airports. But love them or
hate them, the potential of drones for being
useful, or even saving lives, means they are
becoming more widespread.
Thanks to having remote operation,
Contents drones can access areas that are too
dangerous or too difficult to reach by
Focus 4 Feature: Commercial sensing 18 humans, such as volcanoes or mines.
PIC education kit targets skills shortage l Powered predominantly by lidar, plus Drones mounted with optical sensing
UK’s £200m Brexit fund l Imec probes 8nm spectroscopy and visual-wavelength imaging, equipment, such as lidar or spectroscopy,
EUV lithography l EPIC’s Carlos Lee on unmanned aerial vehicles can safely survey are therefore valuable tools for exploring
building relationships hazardous environments, writes Andy Extance areas that have typically put people at risk
or have been impossible to navigate.
Analysis: Augmented reality optics 1
0 Feature: Optics in space 24 On page 18, Andy Extance details a
Stephanie Le Calvez, head of architectures Jessica Rowbury looks at how photonics Horizon 2020 project using spectroscopy
for the Photonic System Lab at CEA-Leti, technology is helping in the global search for
to monitor emissions near volcanoes or
discusses her group’s work developing novel dark matter
systems for AR using new approaches to chemical fires, obtaining data that’s needed
components Tech focus: OPOs and OPAs 28 to review policy regarding air quality and
The amplification of solids represents a safety. Lidar is also being used to map
Analysis: STEM mentoring 12 further step towards phononic devices for mines, preventing people from having
Daniela Marin, physics student at Colombia next-generation sensors, mobile phones and to be underground before the area is
University, speaks about how mentors are quantum computers deemed safe.
important for retaining young people in optics With optical-sensing drones advancing
Products 30 other areas like conservation, cultural
Analysis: Light fidelity 14 Photonics products from around the world heritage, and environmental monitoring,
As part of a new series of articles on
it seems their presence isn’t all bad.
entrepreneurship, Carlos Lee, from EPIC, Suppliers’ directory 32
speaks to PureLiFi founder Professor Harald Find the suppliers you need
Haas, who demonstrated and coined ‘LiFi’ @electrooptics
Interview: Optics in Israel 34
Analysis: Additive manufacturing 16 Retention in education and better industry-
Dr Dieter Schwarze and Bodo Haack, of academia links are needed to help photonics
SLM Solutions, discuss the progression grow in Israel, says Professor Abraham
of standardisation in laser metal additive Katzir, of Tel Aviv University
The inside of an EUV lithography system
lithography laboratory. the way for the development of
It will enable imaging in new lithographic materials and
resist on 300mm wafers down underlayers.
to an 8nm pitch, in addition These capabilities expand
to time-resolved nanoscale upon Imec’s post process
characterisation of complex analysis capability and will
materials and processes – allow the characterisation of
such as photoresist radiation the molecular and quantum
chemistry, two-dimensional
materials, nanostructured
systems and devices, and
emergent quantum materials.
dynamics of materials in the
attosecond to picosecond time
Because of the coherence
EUV holds the potential of KMLabs’ high-flux source,
for transforming semiconductor Imec’s AttoLab will also
manufacturing by enable interference imaging
allowing chipmakers to emulate high numerical
to produce finer features in aperture (NA) imaging at
single-step layers that would 13.5nm. By combining the
otherwise require multiple interference emulation of
exposures, reducing the the 0.55NA of ASML’s most
cost of manufacturing advanced tool in development
significantly. However, with the current EUV scanner in
the commercial deployment of Imec’s cleanroom, Imec and its
EUV lithography has been hit partners will be able to explore
by years of delays, mainly due the fundamental dynamics of
to the engineering challenges
associated with creating EUV
photoresist imaging before the
0.55NA tools become available. YOUR OPTICAL
systems bright and reliable Greg McIntyre, director of
enough to operate in fabs 24 advanced patterning at Imec,
hours a day, 365 days a year. said. ‘Bringing this high-NA
Part of this challenge results exposure and attosecond
from a lack of fundamental analytic capability to Imec’s
understanding of EUV sub- 300mm cleanroom will enable
picosecond exposure processes, unprecedented fundamental
according to Imec researchers. learning, significantly speed up
Being the ‘first industrial lab cycles of learning, and positively
to do so’, Imec’s AttoLab will impact the semiconductor
enable the study of EUV photon technology roadmap in many
absorption and subsequent critical domains.’
www.electrooptics.com | @electrooptics
Engineers – let us
know what’s
bothering you!
Electro Optics is searching
for engineers and photonics
professionals to share their
challenges and experiences
in these pages. What do you
think the photonics industry
could be doing to strengthen
the sector, improve research
and innovation, or alleviate
the challenges that engineers
For some time now we have
run analysis and opinion
EPIC’s VIP networking
pieces online and in each print reception gathered 272
issue of the magazine. Experts CEOs, presidents, and
across the academic and managing directors at
business world have discussed San Francisco’s Museum
topics such as education of Modern Art (MOMA)
outreach, diversity, EU funding
and political barriers.
have a chat on the phone or we
can send you through a list of PIC was at Photonics West in the development of mid-infrared photonics
questions. San Francisco and at OFC in San sensors. InPulse is the indium-phosphide
We look forward to hearing Diego, organising a wide range of pilot line for the up-scaled, low-barrier, self-
from you! networking events for EPIC members that sustained, PIC ecosystem. PIX4life pilot line
included sports activities, receptions, and aims to offer an open-access manufacturing
technology breakfasts with companies and platform for PICs, specifically targeting
EU-funded photonics pilot lines. life-science applications within the visible
Getting to know members of the wavelength ranges (400-850nm).
IN BRIEF association and key influencers and In partnership with Swissphotonics and
decision makers in the industry is a key sponsored by the Swiss research and
Imec has announced that
feature of EPIC. The EPIC VIP reception at technology organisation CSEM, EPIC
Dutch province Gelderland has
approved a €65 million grant for the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art organised a Tech Watch. The event
the OnePlanet initiative, a new (MOMA) was EPIC’s largest networking consisted of 12 interesting presentations by
technology and innovation centre. event to date, attracting 272 CEOs, Swiss EPIC member companies, and was
With its primary location at the presidents, and managing directors from
university campus in Wageningen, around the world. The feedback showed “Getting to know members
Imec and its partners will develop that EPIC members enjoyed creating new of the association and key
technology in the domains of food,
agriculture and health, in which
connections and strengthening existing influencers and decision
chip technology will have a crucial ones. makers in the industry is a key
role. In the same spirit of building trusting feature of EPIC”
relationships, we organised a golf trip and a
Coherent expanded its Gilching, CEO run/walk that saw 50 people watch the hosted by Swissnex at its fabulous building
Germany micromachining and sunrise while running across the piers of located on Pier 17. The event attracted a
sub-system facility, and completed
San Francisco. top-level audience from across Europe and
the relocation of the firm’s laser
marking group from nearby To support manufacturing in Europe, a USA with extensive time for discussion and
Gunding. The new centre of technology breakfast took place to promote networking.
excellence will be named Coherent the European-funded manufacturing pilot You’ll notice how much emphasis EPIC
Munich. lines of PIXAPP, MIRPHAB, InPulse, places on quality networking. Its events are
and PIX4life. PIXAPP is the world’s first renowned for this, helping members create
General Photonics, a manufacturer open-access photonic integrated circuit new connections and new opportunities
of optical systems for optical
(PIC) assembly and packaging pilot line, and strengthen existing relationships.
networks, fibre optic sensors and
medical diagnostics systems, and helps users exploit the breakthrough Connecting EPIC members means building
has been acquired by Luna advantages of PIC technologies. MIRPHAB trust within the photonics industry’s leaders
Technologies for $20 million. is an all-service integrated pilot line for and experts.
Dirk Wahn/Shutterstock.com
cientists are using spectroscopy to interest constitute such a minute fraction
characterise microplastics in the of each sample (on the order of 150
environment and determine the milligrams per cubic metre of wastewater).
major sources of microplastic pollution in During isolation of the plastic particles,
Danish wastewater and rainwater systems. care must be taken to avoid contamination,
Microplastics are small plastic pieces and organic matter must be removed so it
less than five millimetres long, which does not shield the particles. This requires
pose a threat to acquatic and marine life. a delicate chemical process that does not
They can come from a variety of sources, degrade the particles.
including from larger plastic debris that ‘Speed… is an essential part of being
degrades into smaller pieces or in the form able to obtain chemical information on
of microbeads from beauty products that the many thousands of particles that are
pass through water filtration systems and naturally present in samples taken from the
end up in the ocean. In the past, Fourier environment.
transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy Despite sample preparation steps
has been used to analyse micro-plastics in designed to remove sand and organic
ocean sediment, Arctic sea ice, and UK matter, the vast majority of all microscopic
inland waterways. particles in wastewater and rainwater
The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) are still not plastic. Because of this, it is
is using a Raman spectoscopy system essential to measure many thousands of
from Renishaw to determine the extent ‘Up to 60 per cent of individual particles in the sample to get
of microplastic pollution entering Danish microplastics that enter the statistically valid results,’ Dr Nielsen said.
wastewater and rainwater systems. ocean are from tyres’ In previous experiments, DTI
Typically, microplastics are difficult to developed methods allowing them to
characterise and therefore determine the experiments to determine the extent of quantify microplastics in wastewater
source, explained Dr Morten Bormann microplastic pollution entering Danish and demonstrate a retention rate of at least
Nielsen from the life sciences division at water systems, in addition to reviewing how 99 per cent in two Danish wastewater
DTI: ‘At scales below 100µm it is essentially well these particles could be removed using treatment plants.
impossible to determine whether a particle different technologies. The researchers have further developed
is made of plastic, rubber, stone, glass ‘We also wanted to be able to identify the measurement protocol so that it can
or organic matter, based on its visual microplastic and microrubber particles correctly differentiate between fine particles
characteristics alone. from tyres, as the Danish Environmental of tyre, asphalt and organic matter.
Therefore, one must use a Protection Agency has estimated that up to As a result, they are very close to being
characterisation technique that yields 60 per cent of all microplastics that enter able to fully characterise all particles in a
chemical information about the investigated the ocean from Denmark originate from sample and classify them as microplastics,
sample. Doing otherwise will lead to either this source – primarily via rainwater run-off microrubber or of natural origin – all using
gross over- or underestimation of the from roads,’ Dr Nielson added. the same method and without needing
number and types of microplastic present in Ensuring valid microplastic counts intervening sample preparation. As far
a sample.’ from environmental samples is extremely as they are aware, this has not been done
Dr Nielsen’s team has carried out challenging, partly because the particles of anywhere else before.
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Fraunhofer ILT
new €4.7 million Horizon 2020
project aims to make material
processing with ultrafast lasers up
to a hundred times faster in the next three
The resulting technology will not only
enable significant progress in the tool-
making industry, but will also open up new
perspectives for the application of ultrafast
lasers for texturing and functionalisation of
large surfaces.
In recent years, ultrafast laser sources
have been developed to offer higher average
power, higher pulse energy or higher
repetition rate than previously possible.
These sources have been complemented Surface textures on tool steel fabricated by means of ultrafast laser radiation
by beam delivery systems, either based
on ultrafast scanners or some special the next step in the development of ultrafast The partners intend to deliver a prototype
diffractive optical elements (DOE), that laser processing technology. Together, they of the new system with all the necessary
spread one beam into a pattern of many intend to develop a powerful 1kW laser control technology. The prototype will
identical beamlets. source that can deliver up to 1mJ pulse undergo an extensive series of tests and
While the partners of the ‘MultiFlex’ energy, either at a regular 1MHz repetition be validated in use cases provided by
project acknowledge that laser sources rate or in a burst mode with less than 20ns associated industrial end users.
and beam delivery systems have improved pulse separation. This source will then be It has already been estimated that the
remarkably, they believe there is still room combined with a special optical system prototype will improve productivity by
for development, in particular high-power that delivers a pattern of more than 60 approximately 100-fold compared to current
lasers and high-efficiency processing switchable beamlets (each beamlet can be standard ultrafast laser processing systems.
technology. turned on and off separately). This could enable significant progress to
The project consortium, consisting A fast scanner will then be used to direct be made in the tool-making industry, while
of partners Fraunhofer ILT, Amplitude the resulting pattern onto a workpiece. The also opening up new perspectives for the
Systèmes, Lasea, AA Opto-Electronic, and complex system comes complete with an texturing and functionalisation of large
RWTH Aachen University, is now planning industry-grade control unit. surfaces using ultrafast lasers.
maintain its reputation as a Elsewhere, £45 million is research
‘pioneering nation as it leaves being invested to upgrade the campus
the EU’ and is ‘at the forefront data storage cloud computing
of science and technology infrastructure at the European
innovation,’ UK Chancellor Philip Bioinformatics Institute in
Hammond has allocated £200m to Cambridgeshire, which is working
support Britain’s fastest-growing on sequencing one million
industries as they prepare for genomes and developing cell
Brexit. therapies for genetic diseases.
In his spring statement on 13 £79 million will also fund a
March, Hammond announced supercomputer in Edinburgh.
the government is putting £81 The spending is part of the Hammond said. ‘We want to retain ‘This is a small amount of
million into an extreme photonics government’s aim to raise pole position as we leave the EU,’ money that is being spent in areas
application centre at the Harwell investment in research and he said. that already find it easy to raise
research centre in Oxfordshire to development to 2.4 per cent of However, Carys Roberts, chief funds. Concentrating support on
explore medical laser technology, GDP by 2027, to help develop economist at the Institute for hi-tech projects in Oxford and
supporting a £13 billion industry solutions for an aging society, Public Policy Research, told The Cambridge is partly why we had
that employs around 65,000 artificial intelligence and the data Guardian that Hammond needs a Brexit vote in the first place.
people. The facility has already revolution. ‘UK scientific research to go much further to address the It is other parts of the country
developed laser technology that is worth £36 billion and is at the weaknesses of the UK economy and other industries that are
can scan the chemical contents cutting edge of international and its persistently low rates of desperately in need of government
of objects and detect hazardous innovation and discovery,’ productivity growth. support,’ she said.
Messe Munich
his year’s Laser World of Photonics,
taking place in Munich, Germany,
on 24-27 June, will have a special
focus on electro-mobility and autonomous
driving, two global megatrends that are
expected to grow dramatically over the
coming decade.
Market observers anticipate that by 2025,
one in every four new cars will be electric-
propelled. And the forecasts for 2030 are
for an electro-mobility market share of
between 50 and 75 per cent.
The laser and imaging technology
on show at this year’s exhibition will
play a crucial role in breaking into these
mass markets, including in efficient
mass production of electric vehicles and
improved safety enabled by smart sensors.
Laser technology provides the necessary More than 33,000 visitors are expected at the show in Munich
accuracy and flexibility for producing
electric vehicles, from welding hairpins and section of the Laser World of Photonics Jenoptik will provide an introduction to the
cutting electrical sheets for electric motors, Congress – run in parallel with the trade technology and showcase its applications.
to welding connections in battery cells and show – will also include presentations Topics including battery manufacturing
joining dissimilar materials in lightweight on how lasers can be used to facilitate and laser beam welding with blue light – a
vehicle designs. e-mobility. new trend in laser processing identified
An application panel, called ‘No Photonics also provides the backbone to be especially suited to the field of
E-Mobility without Laser Technology’ has of automated driving, with lidar and e-mobility – will be showcased at the
been added to the range of presentations imaging systems offering improved Photonics in Production exhibit at booth
taking place throughout the exhibition safety, particularly at night and in difficult A3.251.
halls this year. The new panel, on 25 June, weather conditions. Other technologies enabling future
will be chaired by Dr Hans-Joachim Krauß, Visitors will be able to see how up- mobility – particularly those for inline
of Bayerisches Laserzentrum, Dr Günter and-coming lidar technologies will inspection during production – will also
Ambrosy, of Trumpf, and Dr Alexander enable future mobility at the application be discussed during a new conference at
Olowinsky, of the Fraunhofer Institute panel ‘Improving lidar performance with the Laser World of Photonics Congress:
for Lasertechnology ILT. The pre-existing advanced photonics technologies’, also ‘Imaging and Applied Optics’, which will
Lasers in Manufacturing (LiM 2019) on 25 June, where exhibitors such as be hosted by The Optical Society.
Developing innovative
systems for AR using new
approaches to components
Stéphanie Le Calvez, head of Sponsored by
isplays are part of our smart glasses that deliver the
everyday lives, from technology’s full potential. On
TV sets to computers the one hand, the scientific
and smartphones. But while community developing
CEA Leti
they help make our lives easier these glasses typically uses
and more connected than commercial components to
ever, they don’t deliver the create the optical systems.
highly immersive experience, On the other hand, the
the enhanced-communication innovative components that
experience promised by this community does create
augmented reality (AR). for the glasses, are developed
Smart glasses will be the without any consideration
next digital medium to enable of the full optical system,
highly immersive experiences. which seriously limits the
But current models don’t make components’ compatibility with
us dream like they should. The those systems.
technology behind them is With these challenges in Figure 2: artist’s view of the see-through display device with a zoom-in
limited: bulky glasses with low mind, CEA-Leti embraced a on one emissive point element
brightness and a narrow field of new approach that leverages
view just do not do the trick. disruptive systems to build This new dynamic creates a The bright side
There are two primary innovative components that virtuous circle in which the All AR applications require
challenges to overcoming are compatible with, and easily system itself will also help to extremely high brightness,
this barrier and producing integrated in, optical systems. create innovative components. considering both the very high
To support AR system- luminosity losses in optical
CEA Leti
and then reported on CMOS process flow to curve an OLED impact of standard limitations through and compact glasses.
with microtubes plugged onto display at wafer-level scale with of HMDs, by creating and Studies are underway to
soft pads on the GaN material. a 45mm radius of curvature. transporting the image into the demonstrate three main features
The microtubes ensure both This technology consists of combiner. With this technology, of this retinal-projection
mechanical connection thinning the silicon wafer till the eye is the unique optical concept in which images are
and electrical contact. A it resembles a sheet of paper. system and the image is formed by a self-focusing effect,
second process flow, based The challenge in the case of formed directly on the retina. waveguide distribution arrays
on a monolithic fabrication OLED technology is that the In this system, integrated help address the right group
approach, helped reach very OLED stack is done before the photonics circuits transport of holographic elements to
small pitches – 3µm – with thinning of the wafer, and this light from the source to the light on, and the directional
higher brightness. Currently, water-sensitive layer needs holographic elements generate
GaN arrays are available in to be protected all along this “Only four lenses are the wavefront.
monochrome. The lab’s next process – a world-first. The required, compared to In short, CEA-Leti is
challenge is to achieve a full curvature can be either concave five, making the system pursuing several pathways to
colour microLED display. or convex. A preliminary more compact and address augmented reality’s
ray-tracing study integrating improving image quality” new field of research by
Make it curved! a WVGA OLED microdisplay finding the way to adapt or
To reduce the size of the in an HMD optical system, eye as a data transfer system, to create new components.
glasses, CEA-Leti developed shows that only four lenses are and holography transforms These include: developing
and integrated a curved image required, instead of five, making this data into wavefronts for high brightness video GaN
sensor, called Pixcurve, which the system more compact and the image to be projected on micro displays with a pitch
was demonstrated at CES improving image quality. the retina (see figure two). The lower than 3µm; developing
2019. The institute already image is formed by leveraging curved OLED CMOS
demonstrated an impressive Retinal projection visual-data transmission microdisplays with a unique
simplification of the optical Combining integrated optics through a two-dimensional process that includes reliable
system – 40 per cent fewer and holography is a new way network of optical waveguides encapsulation; packaging to
lenses required – and a 2.5x to produce high-quality images that addresses distribution protect components along the
reduction of the total lens for the scientific community of switchable holographic technological steps; and using
length compared to equivalent developing display applications. elements. a waveguide array associated to
commercial systems. The This unconventional imaging This optics-and-holography pixellated holograms to address
team also identified a unique concept helps lessen the technology helps produce see- augmented reality. EO
in optics subjects
Daniela Marin
through my mentor. Here,
appreciation of photonics among the idea transformed into an
school pupils, says Daniela Marin, a excitement that motivated me
to return to my high school to
student at Colombia University, who run a workshop of my own. I
recently held an optics workshop for had the opportunity to explain
young pupils what optics was, share my
research experience, and
provide myself as a resource for
them. My enthusiasm stemmed
from my optics mentor, who
t school, I can still of learning and interacting taught me more than just the
Participants in Marin’s workshop
remember walking with people in English. The fundamentals of optics. He built a Schlieren imaging system
down the long hallway, transition into the second world taught me what research was and fibre optic snowflake (above)
which had colourful lockers to begins once the student is at like, how to find opportunities,
my left and right. One thing home and all conversations are and provided advice when I felt how you could benefit them;
I do not remember is feeling in their native language. Wait a unsure. Knowing an intellectual plant the motivation; foster
confident about career options minute – how is being bilingual individual believes in you and growth; and watch diverse
or how diverse potential course a problem? What people don’t is helping with the mysteries of ideas develop from them.
subjects are. I always had the realise is that first-generation life goes a long way. Increasing appreciation for
blurred figure of a male cross Americans can’t help their There are so many optics and photonics among
my mind when I thought of an children with homework, individuals willing to try high school students starts
engineer, or I thought of my eye career advice, or exposure something new but lack the with the development of a
doctor when I thought of optics. to opportunities because of confidence to do so. The mentorship programme capable
Why was I so unaware? Well, the language barrier. As a technique to increase optics of providing guidance to those
coming from the perspective result, some students navigate awareness is simple: determine who have limited access to
of someone who came from through school on their own the target group; identify resources. Whether the parents
a low-income immigrant and may not see the purpose for are dealing with a language
household, I can provide some furthering their studies. “My enthusiasm barrier or simply do not have
insight. Students who have However, at college I was stemmed from my optics the time or experience to offer
immigrant parents typically live fortunate enough to have mentor, who taught advice, a knowledgeable mentor
between two worlds. One world been exposed to the eclectic me more than just the can provide the seed to grow
is at school, which consists themes associated with optics fundamentals of optics” the passion for optics. EO
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Light spark
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As part of new series of articles on The driving force behind in radio wave-based data
entrepreneurship, Carlos Lee, director LiFi research transmission, and this is one
general of the European Photonics Industry When conducting initial driver of his research. And,
research, Haas wanted to because of the projected
Consortium, speaks to pureLiFi founder achieve high-speed data technology revolution and
Professor Harald Haas, who demonstrated transmission. He came up the need for better wireless
and coined ‘LiFi’ during a TEDGlobal talk with various modulation communication that comes
in 2011 in Edinburgh techniques, in particular with it, Haas believes that
orthogonal frequency division the next decade or so will be
multiplexing (OFDM), to crucial in the transition from
modulate the intensity of LEDs radio- to light-based wireless
How LiFi was born In 2006, Haas recalled making and maximise data rates in the data communication.
Haas noted that the theory public demonstrations in available channel.
behind LiFi – using visible light Bremen using light on a desk This research took place Why LiFi?
to transmit data – is not new. lamp as a vehicle to transmit before the smartphone Too many devices using WiFi
Alexander Graham Bell came high-resolution photographs. revolution kicked in. Once can cause lowered data rates
up with the photophone, and In 2007, Haas went to the smartphones became and lead to what is called
research by IBM in the 1980s University of Edinburgh where ubiquitous, it highlighted the ‘spectrum crunch’, Haas
also showed that LEDs can be visible light communication the limitations of wireless noted. This is because radio
used for data communication. became a main focus of his communication, especially waves can move through walls
However, what differentiates research. in crowded areas, and the and cause interference with
LiFi technology, according to When his work started challenge of limited spectrum other radio transmitters. With
Haas, is the use of light for gaining recognition, he was via traditional radio wave- too much interference, the
mobile communication. invited by TED Talks to based data transmission rate of data transmission will
Before his TEDGlobal conduct a demonstration in became apparent. decrease. To help illustrate
talk in 2011, Haas recounts 2011, which led to the term LiFi Haas saw how LiFi could the problem, Haas referred
brainstorming ways of being born. overcome current issues to stadiums in the USA that
describing the new-found
technology in simple
terms with his University
of Edinburgh colleagues.
Because of the similarity of the
technology with WiFi, he came
up with the idea to call the
technology LiFi. Just like WiFi,
LiFi allows the user to transmit
data wirelessly.
A quarter-century in wireless
Haas’ background is in
wireless communication,
starting his career in 1995 with
Siemens in Munich. He worked
with a team to develop the
first GSM chipset used in the
old Siemens mobile phones.
He stayed with Siemens for a
couple of years before moving
to Jacobs University Bremen,
Germany, in 2002. It is during
this time when Haas developed
the idea of using LiFi for
wireless data communication. Carlos Lee and Harald Haas
place WiFi routers underneath Ayr, Scotland. The classroom lights will be equipped with digital divide and bring more
the seats so they are closer to has eight LiFi-enabled LED data-connectivity properties internet connectivity to remote
people, as the human body – light bulbs in the ceiling, and to cater for LiFi-based data areas through the use of solar
mostly made up of water – can students have LiFi dongles communication. LEDs can panels with the dual function
attenuate WiFi signals. from PureLiFi that plug into also be connected to the of a light energy harvester and
Such a problem is virtually their laptops, enabling high- internet wirelessly using data transmitter.
non-existent with LiFi, as speed connectivity through the point-to-point optical wireless For Harald, it is inevitable
light cannot pass through lights. communications between LED that LiFi technology will bring
walls or solid materials and As a consequence of light bulbs. Haas also sees more connectivity to the world.
cause interference, and light having a LiFi connection in However, a lot of effort must
can be contained spatially in one classroom, the adjoining “The LED industry will play be exerted in order to turn
a much simpler (and cheaper) classrooms experienced a vital role [in enabling this vision into reality. Players
way. This also makes LiFi higher WiFi speeds because widespread LiFi]” need to align themselves.
communication much more the interference caused by The LiFi industry must also
secure and less prone to too many radio waves was LED light bulbs in the ceilings receive support from various
hacking that WiFi. reduced. of people’s homes providing fronts in the public and private
In terms of scalability, LiFi LiFi can also be used in cloud storage for videos, music sector for integration and
is more efficient because many other applications. In and other data. infrastructure. Combined with
light has a capacity 2,600 augmented and virtual reality A closer connection with the continued drive by key
times that of radio waves. technology, for example, LiFi the lighting and mobile players like PureLiFi towards
Hence, light provides more can help the user avoid the industries is needed to innovation and adoption of
data transmission highways sea-sickness effect because realise a LiFi inter-connected LiFi technology, LiFi will
than radio waves. More it minimises the latency that ecosystem, according to definitely make a better and
importantly, LiFi can make use causes vertigo. Haas, which will require the more connected world. EO
of existing infrastructure in support of standardisation.
order to deliver wireless data A LiFi-connected world Currently, there is significant Professor Harald Haas is the CSO
transmission. Haas envisions a world momentum for this in the Task and co-founder of EPIC member
Last year, Haas and connected through LiFi. Group of the IEEE 802.11bb company PureLiFi. Haas will be
one of the keynote speakers for the
colleagues equipped a To achieve this, the LED standardisation body.
EPIC annual general meeting in
classroom with LiFi at Kyle industry will play a vital In addition, Haas envisions Glasgow, UK, on 11/12 April.
Academy secondary school in role. Haas predicts that LED that LiFi will help close the
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Building up standards in
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dditive manufacturing or lead to setbacks. Early AM to become a tool for series laser market has experienced
(AM) is a relatively development requires maximum production of end-use products growing sales into the AM
new and very complex flexibility. Once a technology is in a variety of industrial sectors space in recent years. The usage
technology. Barriers to widely adopted, standardisation worldwide. Often this is referred of AM for series production
entry can be quite high, as can be a booster for its usage. An to as one world – one standard. with PBF-LB is a driver for
implementing the technology example is the need for unified Despite this progress, there is the laser market, especially
is not unproblematic and made formats, so that files and data a gap in knowledge of AM and with the growing number of
more difficult without specialised keep pace with digitisation. But, information on the pros and cons multi-laser machines in use.
knowledge to understand the it is important to implement a is still missing. A limited number New laser sources will be
intricacies of the process. clever, open format to not restrict of AM studies exist to rely on required in the future, such as
Guidelines and standards the future. for reference, and more long- infrared laser arrays, visible or
offer a summary of expertise, The key of standardisation term studies are needed. The ultraviolet wavelength lasers and
because they usually combine is the knowledge of those development of AM is happening combinations thereof. Pulsed or
the knowledge of many participating in the steering at speeds so fast that standards modulated lasers, or those with
specialists with AM experience. committees. This knowledge tuneable beam intensity profile,
They also create a framework generates the quality of the “Integrators and users are used less often today. Further
of rules and regulations from a emerging standard or guideline. of metal AM need standardisation will boost the
variety of qualified and, above As with any new technology, it standardisation to LBF-LB market, providing an
all, verified information on how is difficult for manufacturers to innovate and be more advantage to the laser market as
to successfully implement the keep an eye on the large number productive … in their well.
technology. This information of applicable standards in the implementation of the The history of humankind
provides answers to questions field of AM. Only with qualified technology” wouldn’t have been successful
ranging from the operation of AM information can we help potential without standardisation; for more
equipment to defining the criteria users get started. struggle to keep up. Creation of than 35,000 years standards have
for fabricating additive parts and The groundwork to this standards needs the participation helped us survive. Creating them
the quality criteria on which they success has already been of enough supporting industrial when and where they are needed
are evaluated. Standards also displayed by the recently stakeholders, as well as those and helpful – that’s the art to go
help further spread adoption of completed directive Additive resisting such framework rules. with the science. EO
the technology. Especially for Manufacturing Processes from Realistic targets in the one world
equipment manufacturers like the VDI (Association of German – one standard approach are
SLM Solutions contributes to the
SLM Solutions, it is essential Engineers) and the DIN EN ISO/ required to prevent risk-taking development of metal additive
to provide as much process- ASTM 52900 regulating the that could otherwise jeopardise manufacturing standards by
specific information as possible terminology for AM, establishing, the work. One way that may help sharing its expertise and best
to the operators of the AM among others, the term PBF- in thinking about standardisation practices with the standardisation
systems, making it easier to LB/M for laser beam powder bed is to try and answer the question community. Dr Schwarze is
the deputy head of the Advisory
get started with this interesting fusion with metals (SLM). DIN of what it doesn’t mean. No
Board for Additive Manufacturing
technology, while accelerating EN ISO/ASTM means that four protectionism, no lobbying, IP in the DIN Standards Committee
its dissemination, whether for independent standardisation protection or market isolation… Technology of Materials. He
prototyping or serial production. bodies collaborated strongly, Integrators and users of is also head of science and
At the early stages in indicating what is necessary metal AM need standardisation technology research at SLM
developing a new technology, to help boost AM: a common to innovate and be more Solutions. Bodo Haack is head
of technology coordination and
large efforts in creating standards international understanding productive by avoiding, or at
system security at the firm.
may be premature and useless, with respect to many aspects of least reducing, trial and error
*Registration required
www.electrooptics.com/webcasts Optics
Optical sensor
drones fly into danger
drones are used when the risk is too high
iven the value of the resources 10 minutes we could have saved lives or for humans. And, while lidar is the most
that can be found underground, millions of dollars.”’ common tool such drones exploit, there are
how much risk from the Mines had already been using lidar also opportunities for spectroscopy and
thousands of tonnes of rocks to map their excavations, or stopes, visual-wavelength imaging.
above is acceptable? Opening up new mounted at the end of long booms over the Brisbane-based Emesent’s Hovermap
areas to mining involves controlled precipice of underground cliffs, attended lidar integrates an off-the-shelf VLP-16
blasting, creating rock fragments that must by surveyors. But Hrabar warned that Puck lidar from Velodyne, using Emesent’s
be removed, and potentially disturbing not only is it dangerous to be in these simultaneous localisation and mapping
unsupported ground that might fall away. underground areas, but it’s hard to obtain (SLAM) expertise to construct maps while
This creates significant risk to mine accurate volume estimates or get a full tracking the drone’s location. The system
workers, as well as the extremely expensive perspective. ‘Sending in a drone equipped allows drones to fly autonomously and
remotely-operated bulldozers that modern with Hovermap means that they can launch can easily be mounted and unmounted,
mines extract rock with. it from a safe distance,’ added Hrabar. ‘The according to Hrabar. ‘You can actually
‘Sudden rock fall generates such an drone can fill in all the gaps, so there’s no just walk around with it, or mount it on
air pressure blast that it can kill people,’ shadowing or missing data.’ The resulting a ground vehicle,’ he explained. While
said Stefan Hrabar, chief executive officer data also has even and high point density, Hrabar couldn’t reveal the differentiators
at Emesent. The firm’s Hovermap helps which enables geotechnologists to resolve of his company’s approach in detail, they
minimise that risk by automating drones to fine features, such as natural cracks and do include the choice of environmental
independently scan mines with lidar. ‘We’ve crevices in the rocks. features that the system recognises.
heard surveyors and mining engineers Mining is just one dramatic example of An important consideration for mapping
saying, “If only we’d had this system for how optical sensing equipment is going is the lidar’s beam divergence, Hrabar
Exyn's A3R conducting a fully autonomous flight at a gold mine in Chelopech, Bulgaria
are designed to fly autonomously in such you ask it to visit some series of relative g
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in the dark
Jessica Rowbury looks at the latest research
in the hunt for dark matter, one of the biggest
mysteries in physics
isible matter represents early universe. However, none of these
everything we can touch and see, observations provide a clear indication of
yet it makes up less than five cent what dark matter is made of.
of the universe. The vast majority Scientists around the globe hope to
of the universe is dark, and does not emit understand its nature by observing rare
or reflect – and cannot be detected with dark matter particles and their interactions
– light. The existence of dark matter has from space, and by trying to produce them
been inferred by astronomers as a result of in controlled laboratory conditions.
the gravitational effects on visible matter,
radiation and the structure in space, rather Detecting in the lab
than it being observed through direct or Scientists working with the Atlas detector
indirect methods. at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are
The first evidence for the existence of attempting to further understand the nature
dark matter was produced in the 1930s, of dark matter by producing it in controlled
when astronomers observing the motion laboratory conditions.
of galaxies found a discrepancy in their In March, CERN’s research board
expectation that only accounted for matter approved a new experiment designed
that emitted light. to look for light and weakly interacting
Observations of gravitational lensing particles. FASER, or the Forward Search
have also pointed to matter additional to Experiment, will complement CERN’s
what is visible. Gravitational lensing, an ongoing physics programme, extending its suited for detecting the light and weakly
effect related to Einstein’s general theory of discovery potential to several new particles interacting particles that might be produced
relativity, causes gravity to bend the path of associated with dark matter. Astrophysical parallel to the beam line. They may travel
a beam of light in a particular way, meaning evidence shows that dark matter makes hundreds of metres without interacting
that a large object can distort the image of up about 27 per cent of the universe, but it with any material before transforming into
a distant light source in a manner similar has never been observed and studied in a known and detectable particles, such as
to a magnifying glass. By comparing the laboratory. electrons and positrons. The exotic particles
known position of the source (obtained With an expanding interest in would escape the existing detectors
through direct emission of visible particles undiscovered particles, particularly along the current beam lines and remain
from the source) to its distorted image, long-lived particles and dark matter, undetected. FASER will therefore be located
the distribution of the matter causing the new experiments have been proposed to along the beam trajectory 480 metres
distortion can be reconstructed. expand the scientific potential of CERN’s downstream from the interaction point in
More recently, supercomputer simulations accelerator complex and infrastructure as the Atlas detector. Although the protons in
of the universe’s structure have shown part of the Physics Beyond Collider (PBC) the particle beams will be bent by magnets
that including only visible matter does not study, under whose aegis FASER operates. around the LHC, the weakly-interacting
reproduce the structures observed in the ‘This novel experiment helps diversify particles will continue along a straight line
universe – a closer agreement between the physics programme of colliders, such and their ‘decay products’ can be spotted by
observations and simulations is obtained as the LHC, and allows us to address FASER. The potential new particles would
only through including both visible and unanswered questions in particle physics be collimated with the beam, spreading out
dark matter. from a different perspective,’ explained very little, therefore allowing a relatively
The presence of dark matter and its Mike Lamont, co-coordinator of the PBC small and inexpensive detector to perform
amount in the universe can also be inferred study group. highly sensitive searches.
from the variations of temperature in the The four main LHC detectors are not The detector’s total length is less than
“The experiment allows together so quickly, and we are looking approximation to the dynamics self-
forward to recording our first data when gravitating scalar fields.
us to address unanswered the LHC starts up again in 2021,’ said According to Humberto Michinel and
questions in particle Jamie Boyd, co-spokesperson of the FASER Ángel Paredes at the Optics Laboratory of
physics from a different experiment. the University of Vigo in Ourense, Spain,
perspective” ‘FASER is a neat physics proposal that this scenario provides an interesting
addresses a particular aspect in the search opportunity for optics research.
for physics beyond the standard model, and Recently, a number of experiments
five metres and its core cylindrical structure I am pleased to see it being implemented have been performed to mimic aspects
has a radius of 10 centimetres. It will be so efficiently,’ added Eckhard Elsen, of Newtonian gravitation in non-linear
installed in a side tunnel along an unused CERN’s director for research and optical setups, opening the possibility of
transfer line which links the LHC to its computing. designing optical analogues of gravitational
injector, the Super Proton Synchrotron. phenomena, the researchers have said.
FASER will search for a suite of Dark matter optics Different versions of the non-linear
hypothesised particles, including so- Another area of experiment assumes that Schrödinger equation, which are usually
called ‘dark photons’, particles associated the elementary dark matter particles are solved by means of computer simulations,
with dark matter. The experiment will very light bosons that collectively behave are typically used for the description of
be installed during the ongoing Long as a wave that self-interacts gravitationally. laser light propagation in non-linear media.
Shutdown 2 and start taking data from It is mathematically described with the so- In particular, the SPE applies, among other
LHC’s Run 3 between 2021 and 2023. called Schrödinger-Poisson equation (SPE, situations, to the propagation of a laser
‘It is very exciting to have FASER sometimes also called Schrödinger-Newton beam in a thermo-optical material, namely
approved for installation at CERN. It is or Gross-Pitaevskii-Newton equation), one in which the refractive index depends
amazing how the collaboration has come a model introduced as a non-relativistic on temperature. In this context, the Poisson g
g equation appears naturally as a steady state waveguides that are well known in non- to the gas and dark matter, give information
heat equation. linear optics. about the dynamics of the collisions.
Thus, the appearance of SPE in different It is also intriguing to consider soliton Interferential optical-like phenomena might
frameworks is a mathematical coincidence collisions from this point of view, noted result in detectable features that, in fact,
that suggests that certain properties of dark Michinel and Paredes. In optics, researchers might have already been observed.
matter behaviour should have an optical are acquainted with the fact that solitons According to Michinel and Paredes,
counterpart, Michinel and Paredes argue. behave like robust objects but that, when this ‘dark matter optics’ approach can
For instance, solitons have been a subject they meet, interference plays a decisive be applied to the study of other cosmic
of intense research during the past decades role. The same mechanism might therefore phenomena, such as the coalescence of
in the context of laser propagation in non- solitons in relation to galactic mergers
linear optical media. In an optical soliton, “We hope this could pave or the interactions between dark matter
the interplay of diffraction, dispersion the way to performing and supermassive black holes, which can
and non-linear optical properties of the
materials gives rise to robust particle-like
tabletop photonics be easily modelled as ‘dot potentials’.
Similarly, modulation instability and
beams that can travel unlimited distances experiments that mimic filamentation may provide an optical
without any distortion in its shape. These aspects of dark matter ” analogue of cosmic structure formation,
‘light bullets’ can also trap another light they explained.
inside them, acting as light-guiding be at play in galactic collisions. Since dark Conceptually, it is appealing that,
structures, yielding an ever increasing matter solitons are coherent waves, they albeit partially, the astrophysical and
control on light propagation and to deep can interfere constructively or destructively cosmological dynamics of dark matter can
connections to other areas of physics, like laser beams in an interferometer. find an analogy in the spatial profiles of
light fluid dynamics or cold atoms. Their In the case of solitons behaving like laser beams. Moreover, it is worth analysing
cosmic equivalent would be the existence robust clumps, destructive interference is this interdisciplinary connection, as usual
of huge self-trapped dark matter solitons analogous to an elastic collision between notions or methods of optics might find
that constitute the core of typical galaxies, two particles that separate after hitting application for dark matter or vice versa.
with sizes in the hundreds or thousands of each other. It is important to notice that the ‘We hope this remarkable analogy will pave
parsecs. In a sense, they act as waveguides meticulous observations of galactic clusters the way to performing tabletop photonics
for the galaxies that are trapped in the zone stand out among the most promising experiments that mimic particular aspects
of highest gravitational attraction. This strategies for understanding dark matter. of the behaviour of dark matter in an optical
situation is analogous to all-optical soliton The displacements of the stars, with respect laboratory,’ said Michinel and Paredes. EO
Tunable Laser Light Sources Advance Photonic Solutions offering miniaturised
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tunable laser devices. This is why recently commercialized designers to achieve more compact solutions. Manufactured by
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followed by an illustrative example of how these OPOs help
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he amplification of light through strongly enough, their displacement affects
stimulated emission or nonlinear material properties. This approach has
optical interactions has had a proven successful in controlling magnetism,
transformative impact on modern science as well as inducing superconductivity and
and technology. The amplification of insulator-to-metal transitions. In this field,
other bosonic excitations, like phonons in it is then important to understand whether
solids, is likely to open up new physical the phonon excitation by light can be When light excites the material and induces large
phenomena. amplified, potentially leading to performative atomic vibrations at frequency ω (blue wave),
fundamental material properties are modulated in
A study led by scientists of the Max improvements of the aforementioned time at twice such frequency (red wave), acting as
Planck Institute for the Structure and material control mechanisms. a source for phonon amplification
Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) at the In the recent work, Cartella, Cavalleri
Centre for Free-Electron Laser Science in and coworkers used intense terahertz an amplifier for the probe pulses. Because
Hamburg, Germany, has demonstrated the pulses to resonantly drive large-amplitude the reflectivity at this frequency is the result
amplification of optical phonons in a solid phonon oscillations in silicon carbide and of the atomic vibrations, this represents a
by intense terahertz laser pulses. These light investigated the dynamic response of this fingerprint of phonon amplification.’
bursts excite atomic vibrations to very large phonon by measuring the reflection of weak The scientists were able to rationalise
amplitudes, where their response to the (also resonant) probe pulses as a function of their findings with a theoretical model that
driving electric field becomes nonlinear and time delay after the excitation. allowed them to identify the microscopic
conventional description fails to predict their ‘We discovered for large enough mechanism of this phonon amplification.
behaviour. intensities of our driving pulses, the intensity These findings build on another discovery
In this new realm, fundamental material of the reflected probe light was higher than by the Hamburg group published earlier this
properties, usually considered constant, are that impinging on the sample,’ said Andrea year, showing phonons can have a response
modulated in time and act as a source for Cartella. ‘As such, silicon carbide acts as reminiscent of the high-order harmonic
phonon amplification. The paper, Parametric generation of light. These new discoveries
Amplification of Optical Phonons, was suggest the existence of a broader set of
published in the Proceedings of the National
“The discoveries analogies between phonons and photons,
Academy of Sciences of the United States of suggest the existence paving the way for phononic devices.
America at the end of last year. of a broader set of The Centre for Free-Electron Laser Science
The group, led by Professor Andrea analogies between (CFEL) is a joint enterprise of DESY, the
Cavalleri at the MPSD, has pioneered the Max Planck Society and the University of
field of controlling materials by driving
phonons and photons, Hamburg. This collaboration also involved
atomic vibrations (ie phonons) with intense paving the way for the Professor Roberto Merlin, of the University
terahertz laser pulses. If the atoms vibrate phononic devices” of Michigan.
Commercial products
In February, Toptica's optical to 4.0μm spectral range. A wide of full spectroscopic signatures, company, introduced a new
parametric oscillator (OPO) laser mode-hop free tuning range of while a 2MHz linewidth reveals concept that allows laser pulses
system won a Prism Award at up to 300GHz enables visibility narrow atomic and molecular to be emitted with four different
Photonics West in San Francisco. features. Being fully motorised wavelengths in the visible range.
For molecular spectroscopy and driven by the digital laser The company says that due
and quantum optics, the DLC controller DLC pro make it easy to the high switching frequency,
TOPO delivers wide tunability, to use. systems based on this concept
narrow linewidth, and hands- Also at Photonics West, have the potential to exceed
free digital control over the 1.4 Elforlight, an AMS Technologies previous tuneable lasers based
OD-265-003 UVLED
LumiBright UV-LED light engines
Opto Diode Corporation has
Innovations in Optics has released LumiBright released the third device in
UV-LED light engines, powerful solid-state a series of narrow-spectral-
sources that are being used in OEM equipment output ultraviolet light-emitting
applied to photocuring of adhesives and diodes (UVLEDs), the OD-
coatings, as well as photomask exposure 265-003. The UVLED with lens features a narrow
systems for photolithography. radiation pattern and total power output of 0.5mW
LumiBright UV-LED light engines feature UV (minimum) to 0.58mW (typical).
die arrays bonded on MCPCB substrates that The newest device in Opto Diode’s family of
enhance thermal performance for high current 405nm. For photolithography, 435nm LEDs are ultraviolet LEDs is housed in a hermetically-
density operation. The primary optic is a non- also available. sealed TO-46 package, making it convenient to
imaging concentrator made from fused silica, For spot curing applications, LumiBright UV- integrate into existing or new systems.
ideal for high power UV flux. LED light engines easily couple to liquid light Electro-optical characteristics (at 25°C) include
With active cooling, the 2400B-405 model guides for the ultraviolet. The clear apertures emission wavelengths ranging from 260nm to
can emit greater than 20W from a 7.5mm and NA of the 2400B-405 and 2400B-505 270nm, with a typical peak emission at 265nm.
diameter clear aperture with a 0.66 numerical match the diameters and numerical aperture of The spectral bandwidth is 13nm (typical), the
aperture (NA). Model 2400B-505 can produce typical liquid light guides. No additional optics half-intensity beam angle is only 9°, forward
over 10W of radiant flux from a 5mm diameter are necessary, since the light guide ferrule can voltage is 5V to 6.5V, and capacitance is 350pF
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courses specialising in optics, education. Unless you
and the students are always have a PhD you cannot
looking to solve challenges in go very far”
As a result, there was a need researchers and companies
to start a conference to bring for Horizon 2020, and lots
together optics researchers and of researchers have been
companies, and so we launched supported through this
the OASIS conference. We programme. Also, many larger
started more than 10 years ago, optics firms have subsidiaries
and the attendance has kept in Israel, such as Spectra-
growing. Physics and Rofin lasers, and
One of the unique things have purchased companies in
is that it brings the scientific Israel.
and business communities Israelis attend multiple
together. In each of the international events and are
sessions there were researchers very open to collaboration.
from both academia and However, I would still like Tel Aviv
industry. In my opinion this to see Israel broaden its
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