Use of Online Shop in Instagram in Women'S Consumptive Behavior in Jakarta

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P-ISSN 1411-0830 | E-ISSN 2621-749X Majalah Ilmiah BIJAK

115 Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 115 - 126




Dosen Universitas 17 Agustus Jakarta

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Keywords: The rise of shopping through online stores on Instagram makes women in Jakarta a
Online Shop, problem in this case. Generally women do online shopping not only on the mere needs,
Consumptive behavior, for the sake of and the lifestyle of a country called wasteful or better known as
Women consumptive behavior or consumerism behavior. This study used qualitative research
methods. The results of research conducted on six people obtained information from
online consumer behavior in Jakarta has entered the consumer category or online
shopping on large Instagram for women, online shopping or online stores are more
interested in shopping problems with reasons and behavior because they are not want
to miss the trend and offer prices from online stores even though the product is not


Smartphone sophistication allows users to access various social media features or better
known as social media. Social media is part of the internet, which is a group of internet-based
applications built on the basis of Web 2.0 ideology and technology, and allows the creation and
exchange of user-generated content. Web 2.0 is a basic platform for social media (Kaplan &
Haenlin, 2010: 61).
Social networking is a social media that is widely used by the community. Social media is
more widely used by the community to communicate and get information because of the
sophistication of social media that can present up-to-date information, easily accessible to the wider
community only by using cellphones such as smartphones and is a cheap medium. One of the most
popular social media and is one of the excellent features on smartphones is Instagram. Instagram is
an application to share photos, apply digital filters and share them to various social networking
services, including the property of Instagram itself (,
P-ISSN 1411-0830 Majalah Ilmiah BIJAK 116
E-ISSN 2621-749X Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 115 - 126

Instagram is in great demand in almost all circles, from ordinary people, artists, public
figures, government officials and even the President. As one of the social media that is being loved
by the people of Indonesia, where through Instagram users can share image content, so accessing
Instagram as an exciting activity favored by internet users in Indonesia. This is not surprising, if
online businesses start using Instagram to develop their Instagram business as social media today
and are no longer used as a media that is only used to express themselves. and socializing in
cyberspace, but used by some people to do marketing and buying and selling transactions, better
known as online shops.
By shopping online, consumers will get experiences that cannot be obtained when shopping
conventionally. At the beginning of its development, an online shop was used by trading companies
who decided to try new marketing strategies in cyberspace. But in reality the number of online
shops managed by individuals is far more than the trading company. In 1994 the online shop was
introduced to the public, the beginning of an online sales system known as e-commerce stands for
electronic commerce.
According to Jullian Ding in Halim (2005: 11) ecommerce is a commercial transaction
carried out between the seller and the buyer or with another party in the same agreement
relationship to send a number of goods, services, or transfer of rights where the commercial is
contained in electronic media (media digital) which physically does not require the meeting of the
parties and the existence of this media in the public network (closed system). The e-commerce
system was first used by companies in the food sector, namely Pizza Hut. E-commerce uses internet
facilities to transact. From e-commerce, it is then developing online buying and selling. (Islamy,
Daniella Putri, 2005: 4).
A new product Online shop on Instagram usually uses endorsment services to introduce its
account to the wider community. Usually the target of the new online shop endorsment is the artists
who already have a lot of followers. Not only artists, ordinary users can be used as endorsers of the
online shop if they already have a lot of followers and get a lot of likes on uploading their photos,
this gives birth to a new term known as "selebgram" (Instagram celebrity).
By shopping online, consumers will get experiences that cannot be obtained when shopping
conventionally. At the beginning of its development, an online shop was used by trading companies
who decided to try new marketing strategies in cyberspace. But in reality the number of online
shops managed by individuals is far more than the trading company. In 1994 the online shop was
introduced to the public, the beginning of an online sales system known as e-commerce stands for
electronic commerce.

Fauziah (Use Of Online Shop In Instagram In Women's Consumptive Behavior In Jakarta...)

117 Majalah Ilmiah BIJAK P-ISSN 1411-0830
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 115 - 126 E-ISSN 2621-749X

According to Jullian Ding in Halim (2005: 11) ecommerce is a commercial transaction

carried out between the seller and the buyer or with another party in the same agreement
relationship to send a number of goods, services, or transfer of rights where the commercial is
contained in electronic media (media digital) which physically does not require the meeting of the
parties and the existence of this media in the public network (closed system). The e-commerce
system was first used by companies in the food sector, namely Pizza Hut. E-commerce uses internet
facilities to transact. From e-commerce, it is then developing online buying and selling. (Islamy,
Daniella Putri, 2005: 4).
A new product Online shop on Instagram usually uses endorsment services to introduce its
account to the wider community. Usually the target of the new online shop endorsment is the artists
who already have a lot of followers. Not only artists, ordinary users can be used as endorsers of the
online shop if they already have a lot of followers and get a lot of likes on uploading their photos,
this gives birth to a new term known as "selebgram" (Instagram celebrity).
There are about 15 online shops on Instagram that are in great demand for women in
Jakarta, including: Onlin @ thebipolaire, @maven_id, @jolie_clothing, @shopasiro,
@shop_primorie and @olshopfany. Most of these online shops sell women's shoes and accessories
at affordable prices and the models are up to date.
This is what attracts Instagram apart from various photos so that with the various facilities
offered, it causes continuous purchases or consumptive behavior. The results of research conducted
by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) in collaboration with the
University of Indonesia's Communication Studies Center (PusKaKom) on 2000 internet users in 42
cities both urban and rural in Indonesia, based on the age of users, the majority of internet users in
Indonesia are 18- 35 years is almost half of the total number of users in Indonesia (49%). This
means that it can be said that the segment of internet users in Indonesia are those who fall into the
"digital natives" category, namely this age category has a very active character using digital
technology networks and has the ability to operate internet-based technology.
dan-puskakom-ui, 8/11/2017).
Based on the results of research conducted by APJII, the majority of online shopping
practitioners are women who are the largest internet users in Indonesia. Women's character is
dynamic, likes to socialize, communal society (like to gather and communicate or hang out),
besides women are people who talk about something new and social interaction. These characters
suggest that women are in an effective dimension, but women are also in an ambiguity position that
is often used as a target market that pushes them into the consumption dimension and often they are

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P-ISSN 1411-0830 Majalah Ilmiah BIJAK 118
E-ISSN 2621-749X Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 115 - 126

affected by the effects of negative access to globalization, such as consumerism and hedonism. The
occurrence of changes in the lifestyle of women today is inseparable from changes in culture, the
mindset adopted by the community concerned (Chaney, 2006: 39).
Women are one who is potentially active in using social networking sites. Women's
consumption patterns through online shop on Instagram, especially consumption of fashion
products, have recently increased. Women are interested in consuming fashion products because
they follow the current trend.
High female consumption patterns tend to make consumption. Therefore, the increasing
consumption of fashion products today has resulted in an increase in online shopping, which means
that there is increasingly an online shop among the community, especially women in Indonesia.
This is also offset by the increasing number of online shops popping up on Instagram. The
increasing consumption pattern towards a product tends to be consumptive behavior. Consumptive
behavior is the act of someone buying an item without a reasonable consideration where someone in
buying something is not based on the need factor (Sumartono, 2002).
The consumptive behavior carried out by this woman is no longer to fulfill the needs alone
but to fulfill the desire that is to increase prestige, maintain prestige, follow fashion and various
other less important reasons.
Formulation of the problem
Based on the explanation above, the formulation of the problem of this research is
"Knowing the use of Online Shop on Instagram in the Consumptive Behavior of Women in Jakarta
in 2018".
Research purposes
The research objective in this study was to find out "How to use online shop on female
consumer behavior in Jakarta in 2018"


Marketing Communication
Marketing communication is an important aspect in the overall marketing mission and
important aspects that determine the success of a marketing. In the last decade, the marketing
communication component has become one of the important things to consider in order to achieve
marketing objectives. All companies or organizations use various forms of marketing
communication or promotional mix to promote what they offer and to achieve financial and non-
financial goals.

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119 Majalah Ilmiah BIJAK P-ISSN 1411-0830
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 115 - 126 E-ISSN 2621-749X

The main forms of marketing communication or marketing mix (promotional mix) include:
advertising (advertising), sales promotion, public relations and personal selling. George and
Michael Belch added two elements in the promotional mix, namely direct marketing and interactive
media (internet marketing). These last two elements have been used extensively to communicate
with the target audience as the four previous elements. Internet marketing is part of IMC (Integrated
Marketing Communication).
In this study the author wants to see the marketing communication that is carried out by marketing
communication conducted by Online Shop that is on Instagram social media with an interactive
media or internet marketing promotion mix.
Internet Marketing
Internet marketing is an internet application and related digital technology that is utilized to achieve
marketing goals. Internet marketing also includes aspects of planning, pricing, promotion and
distribution. Internet marketing also incorporates technical and creative aspects of the internet itself,
which includes design, development, advertising and sales.
Rafi A. Mohammed in Veby (2015) defines internet marketing as a process in building and
maintaining customer relationships through online activities which are the exchange of ideas,
products, services that can meet customer satisfaction. From the explanation above it can be
concluded that internet marketing is an activity carried out by utilizing the internet as a means to
communicate product promotion and the company itself.
Social Media (Social Media)
Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of internet-based
applications built on the basis of Web 2.0 ideology and technology, and which enable the creation
and exchange of user-generated content".
While Mayfield (2008: 5) in his book What Is Social Media states the indicators of a social media
are as follows:
1) Participation
2) Openness
3) Conversation
4) Community
5) Connected to each other
Social Media Marketing
Social media is one channel that supports communication in marketing merchandise quickly and
profitably compared to selling directly to the market. Combining social media with marketing is to
support marketing performance along with the development of technology and information. Social

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P-ISSN 1411-0830 Majalah Ilmiah BIJAK 120
E-ISSN 2621-749X Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 115 - 126

media marketing is a process that empowers individuals and companies to promote their websites,
products or services online and through social channels to communicate with a much larger
community that is not available through traditional advertising.
Online Shop on Instagram
Instagram is a special application to share photos with its function to upload photos (upload), take
photos (download), edit photos, add digital photo filters (photo effects), comment on photos, give
photos, give location photos, mark like on photos, and share photos to various other social
networking services (Instagram Handbook, 2012: 8).
There are several features contained in the Instagram application, namely as follows: Followers
(Followers), Upload photos (Share), Title Photos (Caption), Mention / Arroba, Hastag, Geotag /
Location, Likes (Love / Love), and Comments.
Online shop or online shopping via the internet is a process of buying goods or services from those
who sell through the internet, or buying and selling services online without having to meet the seller
or the buyer directly. Online shop is not only considered as an election in shopping, but has become
part of the socio-cultural changes in society. (Sari, Andira, 2015: 208).
Through an online shop, consumers can see items sold through pictures or even videos. Online
Shop has been a lot on Instagram following the growing business and increasing community needs.
Items sold almost all on Instagram such as clothes, accessories, bags, books, shoes, cosmetics,
children's toys, sports equipment, snacks, and electronic devices can be sold on the social
networking site.
Online shop is one form of interactive marketing that has become a shopping trend among
today's society. Buying the needs of goods and services through the internet has become a consumer
routine today (Kotler, 2007).
Consumptive behaviour
The act of someone buying an item without a reasonable consideration in which a person is buying
an item is not based on the need factor referred to as consumptive action (Sumartono, 2002).
According to Erich Fromm in Fitria, Eva Melita (2015), consumptive behavior has several
dimensions, namely Fulfillment of Desires, Goods Out of Reach, Non-Productive Goods, and
Meanwhile, according to Lina and Rosyid (1997) in Daniella Putri Islamy (2015), aspects of
consumptive behavior are:
1) Impulsive Buying According to Rook in Kharis (2011), impulsive buying is a purchase that
occurs when consumers experience sudden pressure, which is usually very strong and settled to buy
things immediately.

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121 Majalah Ilmiah BIJAK P-ISSN 1411-0830
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 115 - 126 E-ISSN 2621-749X

Impulsive buying has several characteristics:

a. Spontaneity b. Strength, compulsive, intensity c. Excitement and stimulation d. Consequence
2) Waste of consumptive behavior as one of the behaviors that waste a lot of funds without realizing
that there is a clear need.
3) Purchases Are Not Rational (Non rational buying) A behavior where consumers buy something
that is done solely to seek pleasure.
In this study the aspects of consumptive behavior by Lina and Rosyid (1997) in Daniella (2015) are
used to measure indicators of consumer behavior in women in Jakarta which fall into the category
of shopaholic women.
Kerangka Pemikiran
Kerangka pemikiran dalam penelitian ini adalah penggunaan online shop yang saat ini marak di
masyarakat dan berdasarkan hasil survey perempuan yang paling banyak menggunakan online shop.
Instagram adalah salah satu media sosial yang paling banyak dikunjungi karena banyak
menawarkan online shop untuk berbagai macam penawaran produk dalam aktifitas komunikasi
pemasaran dan internet marketing khususnya fashion. Hal inilah yang mengakibatkan munculnya
perilaku konsumtif dikalangan perempuan, karena perempuan dianggap konsumen yang paling
sering mengunjungi online shop di intagram dan paling banyak belanja online.
Berikut di bawah ini kerangka pemikiran yang dilakukan peneliti untuk mempermudah
jalannya penelitian.
Social Consumptive
instagram Online shop
Media behavior

Source: processed data, 2018


Research Approach
The object of this study is that women who live in Jakarta are included in the shopaholic category
(online shopping) on Instagram in 2018. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive

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P-ISSN 1411-0830 Majalah Ilmiah BIJAK 122
E-ISSN 2621-749X Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 115 - 126

research design. Descriptive research was conducted to get an overview or description of the
characteristics or characteristics of women who have shopaholic behavior while qualitative analysis
as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words that are
delivered by women who can be observed online shop on Instagram.
Data collection technique
Data collection procedures are carried out in two ways: Observation through an online shop
on Instagram in 2018 and library research. The type of data used is qualitative. The research report
will contain citation data to give an overview of the presentation of the report. The informants
interviewed were 6 (six) women who actively gave responses and made purchases on onlineshop
accounts on Instagram.
Location and Research Schedule

The location of the research on the online shop on Instagram is @ thebipolaire, @maven_id,

@jolie_clothing, @shopasiro, @shop_primorie and @olshopfany. The research schedule is

conducted from January to March 2018.

Research Result

The results showed that out of the 6 online shops that were used as research subjects,
women were more likely to be online shop followers. The following table lists the number of
products sold and their followers:
No Online Shop Posts Followers
1 Thebipolaire 47 643
2 Maven_id 1212 13k
3 Jolie_clothing 1419 94,8k
4 Shopasiro 2046 9504
5 Shop_primorie 500 1104
6 olshopfany 2238 227k
Source: processed data, 2018

From the results of interviews with 6 (six) informants regarding the response to product
photo posts, videos offered by online shop on Instagram, the following statements were obtained:
1. The informant follows the onlineshop account on Instagram with many followers.
2. Make purchases on onlineshop that have a lot of followers

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123 Majalah Ilmiah BIJAK P-ISSN 1411-0830
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 115 - 126 E-ISSN 2621-749X

3. Giving likes on product photos or videos uploaded online shop on Instagram when attracting
4. The title of the photo (caption) and complete information on product photos and video
doposting by online shop on Instagram indicates that the online shop is trusted.
5. Decided to buy the product after reading the complete caption from the product photo or
video uploaded on the online shop on Instagram.
6. Utilizing comments from photos or videos uploaded online shop on Instagram to find out the
quality of the products and online shop services
7. Make a purchase if the comment on the desired photo or video is positive
While the results of interviews with informants regarding the reasons for preferring online
shop shopping compared to conventional shopping found that:
1. Busy, busy and active schedules in the office make it difficult for women to spend time
shopping outside the office. By shopping online a woman can shop anywhere, anytime.
2. Time Efficiency, Shopping at malls or regular shops outside the office or outside the home we
must be prepared to spend time, jamming, exiting the cost of gasoline or parking, and energy.
A lot of time is taken on the road or just to get around looking for the desired item.
3. Comfortable and Stress Free, No need to shop for rushes when selling. This comfort factor is
often the main reason many people prefer shopping online. We can shop at any time, even at
4. Discounts and Promotions, Many ways to get discounts or promotions at online stores. By
registering an email, you can get a discount voucher. Especially if we have become loyal
customers, many promotional programs can be enjoyed, such as discounts, free shipping.
Massive discounts and promotions from online shops are very effective in attracting people so
they prefer to shop online than to malls or offline stores.
The results of the interview regarding the consumptive behavior of the informants after seeing the
products offered in the form of photos or videos on Instagram obtained a statement that:
1. Immediately buy clothes or accessories or shoes or cosmetics that are offered online shop on
Instagram when they feel fit
2. Buy products on the online shop account on Instagram that I want even though the product
doesn't really matter
3. Spend some money to buy the product I want on an online shop on Instagram
4. Always feel satisfied after buying the product I want on the online shop on Instagram
5. Shop online at online shops on Instagram almost every month because they are always
interested in new models or products

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E-ISSN 2621-749X Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 115 - 126

6. Buy products on the online shop on Instagram according to the latest trends to look cool

Online shop is a facility or shop that offers goods and services via the internet. Consumers at
the online shop can see the items directly in the form of pictures or photographs and in the form of
videos. Usually, items sold by the online shop are limited edition items and are usually not available
in shops or markets. Thus, this condition makes people more interested to shop online.
Instagram is indeed a trend. Instagram is a social media used to share photos and short
videos that can be shared with account users. The function is then used by some people to upload
photos of online shop products with the classification of goods and the price of the product. This
makes everyone who is accessing Instagram instantly see the products sold online along with the
classification and price of the product. This will make it easier for consumers to choose the
preferred product. Because, in Instagram you can also find several products from several online
shops at the same time.
This is a benefit that can be obtained by consumers from an online shop. The growing
development of online shop on Instagram as a place to sell a product also makes the shopping
behavior shift especially for women.
this is because consumers have the opportunity to interact and consult directly with the
seller. For example, in the sale and purchase transaction in the fashion sector.
The tendency to shop via social media also corresponds to the results of a survey by the
Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) in 2016. The data shows that Indonesian
consumers prefer shopping through social media rather than websites. Of the total 132.7 million
internet users in Indonesia, as many as 82.2 percent or 62 million people claim to visit the online
shop more often, selling their merchandise through social media, such as Fecebook and Instagram.
With 46.1 million people saying that the frequency of online shopping transactions can be done
more than once a month.
The presence of a variety of products that can be accessed in instagram, makes it easier for
someone to find an item or product that they want. In addition, items that have been posted on
Instagram are also able to persuade people, especially women, who are basically women who like
shopping. So that when a woman gets the ease of accessing Instagram and gets a detailed
classification of the item or product, then a woman as a consumer can directly know the quality of
the items posted on the Instagram.
This is what makes women prefer shopping through online shop compared to conventional
shopping. Besides the demands of being a woman to always change her appearance in accordance

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125 Majalah Ilmiah BIJAK P-ISSN 1411-0830
Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 115 - 126 E-ISSN 2621-749X

with the times and the development of current fashion. Changes in appearance ranging from
clothing and cosmetics that are supporting the appearance. The behavior of women who buy these
products based on the times and the development of appearance mode is a consumptive behavior
that derives influence from external individuals.
Tambunan (2001) explains that consumptive behavior arises because individuals follow the
mode in circulation, want to look different and tend to never be satisfied with what they have.
Furthermore Tambunan (2001) also mentions that such behavior is due to the external factors that
influence it in the form of reference groups. The presence of the influence of this reference group
makes women tend to be more adapted to the existence of group norms in order to get acceptance
and not be rejected.
However, women's behavior in consuming online products can also be classified as internal
influences as well. Because in the internal influence there is a personality factor, which according to
this theory the personality of each woman will determine and reflect on how a person responds to
his environment. If the environment of a woman is experiencing a change in dress style, then
automatically the woman as a member of the environment will adjust to also make changes to her
style of dress according to her psychological personality. In this adjustment process later women try
to obtain various appearance equipment that suits their personality such as buying clothes, watches,
or bracelets as accessories for supporting the appearance.
This is one of the characteristics of consumer behavior possessed by women. As the opinion
expressed by Sumartono in Astuti (2013), shows that when consumers or women are interested in
the product images contained in instagram which then make the woman interested in buying them,
the purchase of these items can be stated due to attractive product packaging. With this attractive
product display, women are interested in purchasing goods because there are packaging that is
different from the others. The packaging of an interesting and unique item will make someone buy
the item. Moreover, goods sold in online shops are generally updated items and are in great demand
and the prices are relatively cheaper compared to prices at the store.


From the results of the study it can be concluded that:

1. Online shop users on Instagram are mostly women
2. Shopping online or online shop is more attractive than conventional shopping for efficiency
3. Consumptive behavior arises among others because they do not want to miss the trend and
offer cheap prices from the online shop even though the product is not needed.

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P-ISSN 1411-0830 Majalah Ilmiah BIJAK 126
E-ISSN 2621-749X Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 115 - 126


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Fauziah (Use Of Online Shop In Instagram In Women's Consumptive Behavior In Jakarta...)

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