CSR Pros Cons
CSR Pros Cons
CSR Pros Cons
• A chemical Plant dumped wastes in a landfill.
• Hazardous substances found their way into the underground
water table.
• The plant’s engineer were aware of the situation but did not
change the disposal method because their competitors did it in
same cheap way and no law explicitly forbade the practice.
• Plant supervisors told the Engineer that it was the
responsibility of the local Government to identify any
Arguments in Favour of CSR
1. Changing Public Needs & Expectations
• Why choose a group that is poorly qualified to work with social problems
• People of this type are not to be trusted with programs that primarily
show concern for one’s neighbours.
• They are philosophically and emotionally unfit for the job according to
these critics.
7. Corporate Inability to make Moral Choices