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Electronic kits and modules
> Miscellaneous

AF090 5 Mini-Kits Seasonal AD310 COB for (PB305) GB804 Second Accumulator
Gift Pack Charger 6-24V
AD859 6 Mini-Kits Starter Module
Set This is a set of 5 electronic kits. This COB (chip-on-board) is used This module should be
Use the kits to entice your loved in the dind/dong door chime connected to the output of a
ones in special days like (PB305) lead acid battery charger. It may
This is a set of six popular
valentine's day. Ideal for then be used to distribute the
Velleman mini-kits.
soldering beginners. It contains: charging current, from the
The set consists of the following
Electronic christmas tree charger, between two identical
Flashing LED sweetheart lead acid batteries (of the same
Flashing LED Sweetheart
3D christmas tree voltage). It has a maximum input
Electronic candle current of 8A.
Flashing LEDs (FB662)
Flashing Red LED star Specifications:
Electronic Dice (FB669) Operating voltage: 6 - 24Vdc
Siren Sound Generator (FB671) GB343 COB for (EB590) Dimensions: 87 x 60 x 33mm
IR Light Barrier 1-4m (EB845) (with mounting bottom)
Running Microbug (GB604)
This COB (chip-on-board) is used
in the 3 siren & machine gun
Electronic kits and modules
GB791 Spare Key Tag for > Battery Chargers and
(GB755) Accessories

This is a spare key tag that can

AE954 Solar Charging
be used with the Electronic key Regulator - 2x8A
module (GB755). This key tag Outputs
AA176 M66T-19L Melody IC
does not require a battery. This solar charging regulator
(TO-92) SG6 (COB)
Dimensions: 35mm dia. module is to be connected
between a solar panel 12VDC
One melody transistor with a and one or two batteries in
TO-92 package. Music IC of type: GB751 Battery Guard
order to avoid an overload of
M66T-19L. Two of these melody 12V/10A Module the batteries. If two batteries
transistors are used in the "Two are connected, they are charged
melody transistors kit" (AA175) This module protects the 12V separately from each other. The
car battery against total battery with the lowest charging
discharge by disconnecting the voltage always receives more
AA175 Two Melody battery load, like a radio or charging current.
Transistors lamp, when the battery voltage Specifications:
drops too low. It switches on Input voltage: 15 - 30VDC
automatically after return of the (solar panels)
This kit contains 2 melody
normal voltage. The interrupting charging current: 16A max
transistors that have TO-92
voltage is adjustable, Dimensions: 87 x 60 x 33mm
approximately 10.4 - 13.3V
GB275 COB for (PB303) Specifications:
Supply voltage: 1.5-3.3Vdc (2x
Input voltage: 15V max
1.5V AA cells)
Input current: 8A max
Output speaker current: 2mA
This COB (chip-on-board) is used Own current consumption:
Number of notes per
in the five ultra bright LED 1.5mA
transistor: 64
flasher (PB303) Connecting voltage: > 12.5V
Speaker output: 1W/8 ohm
( not included) Disconnecting voltage: < 11.7V
Dimensions: 87 x 60 x 33mm
Not Included:
Fuse: (AA952)
Fuse Holder: (FB471)
GB787 Solar Charging Supply current: 1A
Controller Module Output voltage: 5 - 14Vdc
12V 5A Power limitation and thermal
This module is an electronic overload protection
switch that is used in a solar Max dissipation: 7W
powered battery charging PCB dimensions: 77 x 61mm
system. This module electrically
connects the solar cell(s) to a GC109 Universal Battery
12V lead acid battery while Charger/Discharger
GB772 Battery Charger
KIT 13.8V/1.5A Module
Input current: 5A max This is a universal Ni-Cd and Ni-
Input voltage from solar cells: MH battery charger kit. It can be This module is a regulated
14 to 22Vdc used to charge different Ni-Cd 13.8Vdc power supply with a
and Ni-MH batteries at two GB782 Converter from 24V-
LED Indicators: Orange LED built-in 1.5A current limitting. It
(charging) Green LED (full) different charging rates. can serve as a 12V lead acid 12V 3A Module
Own power consumption: battery charger that starts
<2.5mA (LED switched on) Supply voltage: 15Vdc charging when the battery This module converts a 24Vdc
Inrush voltage: battery voltage Supply current: 800mA voltage decreases below 13.8V. input voltage to a 12Vdc output.
<13.4Vdc Charging time: 52 min for With full batteries, the module This module may be used in a
interrupting voltage: battery quick charge and 14 hours for will switch off and supervise the lorry with 24V batteries to
voltage 14.4Vdc normal charge batteries. Suitable for batteries power 12Vdc devices. It requires
Dimensions: 72 x 50 x 42mm Automatic discharge & charge placed in alarm systems, a ribbed heatsink. It has to be
Not included: cycle weekend houses, caravans in mounted on a heatsink if the
5A Fuse (AA951) Usable battery voltages: 1.2V, order to keep batteries charged maximum power shall be drawn
2.8V, 3.6V, 4.6V, 6V, 7.2V, 8.4V without the risk of overcharging. as continuous duty. The module
Fuse Holder: (FB471)
& 9.6V Also suitable as charging is short-circuit protected and has
Automatic charge and regulator for solar panels. a built-in thermal circuit breaker
discharge cycle Specifications: which disconnects in case of
Dimensions: 85 x 78mm Input voltage: 16 - 20Vdc overheating. It can be used to
Output voltage: 13.8 - 14.2Vdc operate larger car radios, CB
Output current: 0 - 1.5A max radio equipment at a 24V lorry
Dimensions: 71 x 46 x 20mm or bus battery.
Short circuit and reverse Specifications:
GC110 Low Cost Universal current proof Supply voltage: 24 - 26Vdc
Battery Charger KIT Automatic charging Output voltage: 12Vdc
interruption wit battery voltage Output current: 3A max
of approximately 13.8 - 14.2Vdc Short circuit proof
This is a low cost charger kit for
Dimensions: 137 x 62 x 25mm
NiCd and NiMH batteries. It has GC111 Charger for Lead-
a connector socket for
Acid Batteries KIT
connecting to a mains adapter. It
is ideal for charging the batteries
of cellular phones,toys,portables This lead-acid battery Electronic kits and modules
devices,etc. The charging current charger/conditioner kit is > Power supplies
is selectable. LED charge suitable for charging and
indication. maintaining both sealed and
Specifications: open type 6V and 12V lead-acid
Supply voltage: From 6.5V to batteries. Charging current: 0.3
21V or 1A. The battery can be
hooked-up to the unit for an PB210 1.3 to 30V
Power supply reverse polarity
protected indefinite time , and will be kept Adjustable Power
Charging LED indicator in optimal condition. Battery Supply
Charging current: 50mA, type and charging current are GC106 Universal Power (Kit) This is a basic adjustable
100mA, 200mA, 300mA, 400mA selectable, while the charging voltage power supply using the
Supply 5-14VDC/1A
(selectable) process is fully automatic. It popular three pin regulator,
needs an 18V/25VA transformer
Supply current: same as This is an adjustable power
LM317T. You can select any
(not incl.) voltage between 1.5V and 30V
charging current supply kit that is suitable for
Specifications: using a potentiometer. The
Power supply polarity electronic circuits that require a
Supply voltage: 18Vac LM317T is rated at 1.5A so you
protected regulated voltage between 5 and
Supply current: 1.5A must use a larger heatsink when
Dimensions: 40 x 60mm 12 Vdc, and not more than 1A. It
PCB dimensions: 97 x 140 x drawing high currents.
40mm has thermal overload protection.
Unregulated AC or DC input via
terminal block or power jack.
Supply voltage: 7-16Vdc
Suitable transformer for output Supply current: 1.5A regulators. One regulator between 1.5 & 35V at 1A
up to 20Vdc is AA579 or AA750. Adjustable output voltage: 1.5 provides a fixed 5V output Specifications:
Specifications: to 35Vdc voltage and the second provides Max supply voltage: 39Vdc or
Switch-delay: +/- 6 seconds Output current: 1.5A max an adjustable output 28Vac
DC protection: +1V/ -1V Dimensions: 37 x 84mm, voltage.One PCB mounting box Supply current: 1.5A
Max input voltage: 200Vpp + 45mm height is included. You will need a Power rating: 15W max
DC mains adapter, (AD943) PCB dimensions: 52 x 30mm
Max switching current: 10A Specifications:
Supply voltage: 220VAC Supply voltage: 9 -20V (AC or
PCB dimensions: 55 x 125mm DC)
Supply current: 1-2A

EB631 Dual Unregulated

Power Supply AF100 Symmetric 1A Power
(Kit) Many power supplies
require a dual DC power supply You can build a universal
GB781 Voltage Converter GB774 Voltage Converter symmetric power supply with
for their operation. It has to be
Module powered by a centre-tapped 24V-12V 1.1A this kit. It is ideal for op-amp
transformer ( not included). Module applications, amplifiers etc. The
This module takes a DC input Specifications: This module takes a 24Vdc input trimmers can be replaced by
voltage and gives a DC output Maximum transformer voltage: voltage and converts it to a potmeters to allow continuous
voltage that is nearly double the 28-0-28Vac 12Vdc output voltage. This adjustments of output voltage.
input voltage. With an additional Maximum transformer/ output module can be used in a lorry, Specifications:
linear potentiometer of 4.7k current: 3A which has a 24V electrical Output current: 2x 1A
(HB166), the user can limit the Dimensions: 48 x 75mm, system, to power 12Vdc devices. Input voltage: 2x 24Vac
output voltage with a preset 40mm height Several modules may be Low ripple
lower value. The maximum input connected in parallel to increase Short circuit protected
voltage is 14.5Vdc. The output the power. Positive & negative output
voltage decreases whenever Specifications: adjustable between 1.2 and
there is a higher load. Supply voltage: 24 - 30Vdc 24Vdc
Specifications: Output voltage: 12 - 13.8Vdc Very good line and load
Inpuit voltage: 6-14Vdc Continuous output current: regulation
Output voltage: 11-26Vdc 0.5A max Dimensions: 78 x 52 x 24mm
Output max: 2A Peak output current: 1.1A max
Dimensions: 70 x 60 x 23mm FB571 Power Supply 1.2V Loading capacity: continuous
to 30V 2A 0.5A
Dimensions: 60 x 55 x 21mm
(Kit) This regulated, adjustable
voltage power supply uses a
voltage regulator IC. A 24Vac, 2A
transformer is needed for this
(AC661) AE987 LED Driver Module
Specifications: 700mA Current
Supply voltage: 24Vac Output
EB635 Positive Adjustable
Supply current: 2A This module delivers accurate
Power Supply
Output current: 1.5A max constant current required by
GC105 1A Power Supply Kit most high power LEDs. It has a
This is a positive, adjustable, built-in rectifier for easy
regulated power supply kit. Its connection to AC source. Ideal
voltage is adjusted with a multi- This is a compact, for home, disco, stage,
turn trimpot. It is ideal for adjustable,regulated voltage education, architectural usage,
powering any application power supply kit. It is ideal for etc. It is short circuit protected.
requiring a positive DC supply controlling DC motors and low It has high efficiency due to
voltage at current levels up to voltage light bulbs The LM317 switch mode principle.
1.5A. You will need a EB592 Power Supply One K4 regulator is used. A transformer Specifications:
transformer; 12-0-12V, 1.5A (AD816 and AD817) and heatsink 700mA constant current
(AA753) (AB008) are required. This small source
(Kit) The design of this power
power supply provides a Input voltage: 6-12VAC/
Supply voltage: 0 to 24Vac regulated voltage, adjustable 9-18VDC
supply is based on two 7805
Power consumption: 650mA 350mA or 700mA constant AB303 Power Supply be at least 3V higher than the
max current source Module for (FB696) adjusted output voltage. The
Dimensions: 45 x 30 x 16mm Dimensions: 45 x 30 x 16mm &(FB697) adjusted output voltage is
stabilized or short-circuit
This kit is suitable for building a
+40 and -40V/6A dual
unregulated power supply. It is
Input voltage range: 6 - 28Vdc
ideal for the velleman audio
Output voltage range: 3 -
power amplifiers, 200W
Mono/Stereo Amplifier (FB696)
and 400W Mono/Stereo Output current: 1.5A max
Amplifier (FB697). It also Short circuit proof
AD895 1A Power Supply GC108 DC Power Supply 3 Power dissipation: 10W with a
requires a centre-tapped
Module to 30V / 3A transformer(not included). You heatsink, 3W without a heatsink
will also need two optional filter Dimensions: 70 x 55 x 25mm
This is an adjustable, regulated This kit is meant to be used as capacitors, 2x (AB343)
voltage power supply. It can be an auxillary or permanent power Specifications:
used to power projects, supply for electronic circuits that Max transformer voltage: Electronic kits and modules
experiments and save on requires a regulated DC voltage 30-0-30Vac > Circuit Protection
batteries. It is short-circuit, between 3 and 30V. The output Output current: 6A
thermal and overload protected. current of the power supply Dimensions: 77 x 116mm,
Specifications: mustn't exceed 3A. 42mm height
Supply voltage: 35Vdc or Specifications:
24Vac Supply voltage: 9 to 30Vac
Supply current: 1.2A Max output current: 3A
Power consumption: 15W with Output voltage: adjustable
a large heatsink from 3 to 30V, stabilized
Output voltage range: 1.2 - Output ripple voltage: 0.5mV GC024 Speaker Protection
30Vdc Short-circuit protected Kit
Output current: 0 - 1A Overload protected
Min output voltage: 1.2V Dimensions: 130 x 91 x 50mm AB107 Universal Power
This kit is a stereo speaker
Max output current: 1A Supply
protection device. It is
Very low ripple (80dB
connected between the
rejection) This kit contains the parts to amplifier's speaker output
Short-circuit, thermal & build a dual polarity, regulated terminals and the speakers. It
overload protection power supply but it doesn't prevents switch-on clicks by
Max dissipation: 15W (with include the required 2 voltage delaying the speakers'
heatsink) regulators and centre-tapped connections directly after
Dimensions: 52 x 30 x 35mm transformer. Both the positive switch-on. It disconnects the
regulator, 78xx series and the speakers as soon as a direct
negative regulator,79xx series current flows through the
AB340 Dual Unregulated DC has to be 3 terminal TO-220 speaker cable.
Power Supply packages. Specifications:
Specification: Power supply: 220Vac
This is a DC power supply kit Max transformer voltage: Max input voltage: 200Vpp
designed for high power audio 18-0-18Vac Max current: 10A
amplifiers. It is suitable for PCB Dimensions: 45 x 80mm Switch-delay: +/- 6 seconds
circuits requiring a positive and DC protection: +1V/ -1V
AD853 1W / 3W High- negative rail voltage of up to 45 max input voltage: 200Vpp +
Power LED Driver Volts per side. DC
Specifications: Max switching current: 10A
This kit is designed to drive high Max Transformer Voltage: Supply voltage: 220Vac
power LEDs (not included) with a 30-0-30Vac PCB dimensions: 55 x 125mm
constant electric current. It Output current: 10A
delivers accurate constant
current required by most high- GB752 Potential
power LEDs. It has a built-in Transformer Adjust
rectifier for easy connection to 1.5A Module
AC source. It doesn't require a This variable DC voltage power
heatsink supply is ideal for low power
Specifications: loads that require a fixed
Supply voltage: 9 - 18Vdc or regulated voltage. A ribbed
6 -12Vac heatsink is required to cool the
Supply current: 650mA max module. The input voltage must
GC039 Anti Speaker Plop listened to through a highly frequencies for 1Hz to 100kHz. It
for GC037 Car ohmic earphone or could be has a wide operating voltage
Booster amplified for loudspeakers range and even visual indication
through an amplifier. of the output.
This kit is used to prevent any
Operating voltage: 6 to 12Vdc Specifications:
annoying plop from occurring in
Frequency: approximately PCB size: 78x50mm
speakers when switching the car
1000Hz Supply voltage: 5-18Vdc
booster (GC037), on and off. In
Board dimensions:
addition it provides protection EB591 4 Animal Sounds Cat
approximately 25 x 24mm
for the MOSFET transistor and Hen Cow Dog Kit
the car battery.
Soft start of the switched (Kit) This COB (Chip-on-board)
mode power supply PCB contains four animal
Switch-on delay of the sounds:
speakers: +/- 2 seconds switch 1: Cat, switch 2: Hen,
EB596 Op-Amp Function Switch 3: Cow and switch 4: Dog.
Immediate switch-off of the
Generator 9VDC Battery holder that takes 2 AA
speakers when switching off the EB595 Oscillator Building
boosters cells is included. 4 x 1.5 size AA
Blocks Alkaline Cells (AB748) and twin
Voltage monitor: switch off at (Kit) A very simple circuit to
generate square, (pseudo) sine flex wire: (AE025)
+/- 10V
(Kit) Build and experiment with and triangle waveforms in the Specifications:
PCB dimensions: 57 x 51mm
astable, monostable and SR flip- 6-6000Hz audio range. It uses a Supply voltage:2.4-6Vdc
Electronic kits and modules flip multivibrators on one PCB. 6 quad op-amp LM348 and passive Supply current: 0.17-0.23mA
> Signal Generators > Fixed LEDs & 9V battery-powered. It is components. The sine wave is
Frequency a very good introduction to made by wave shaping. It
electronics. requires a 9V battery like
Electronic kits and modules (EB160).
> Signal Generators > Electronic kits and modules
Variable Frequency > Sound Effects > Sound

AA232 4 Train Sounds Kit

FB665 Signal Generator

The kit imitates four train

This is a 1kHz signal generator sounds: whistle-blowing,
kit. A 50k on-board trimmer FB666 Metronome chugging, level crossing bell and
potentiometer is used to adjust EK027 Pocket Audio the clackety clack of a train
the amplitude (level) of the crossing a bridge. Just 4 switches
Generator Kit
output signal. and 4 components to add.
Specifications: This kit includes a miniature Specifications:
Supply voltage: 9V battery (not speaker and LED-beat-indicator. Great little gadget for service, Supply voltage: 2.4-6Vdc
included)(EB160) Adjustable volume and beats/ repair, testing, education etc (battery holder included)
minute by using potentiometers. Features:
Output signal frequency: 1kHz
( fixed)
On/off switch board. Microprocessor technology
Specifications: Digital waveform generator
Power supply: 9V battery (not Specifications:
included) Sine wave: 50Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz,
Dimensions: 60 x 43mm 10kHz, 20kHz
Burst: 50Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz
Burst mode: 20ms On, 500ms
Noise: 32-bit digital noise FB664 Electronic Cricket
FB621 Signal-Injector Ouput level: (10k ohm): 0 to
outputs: 2 RCA This kit simulates cricket sounds,
(Kit) Universal square-wave Power supply: 2 x CR2016 or it automatically comes on when
sound generator with CR2025 it gets dark. The kit's light
AA516 Square Wave Dimensions: 86 x 50 x 25mm
approximately 1000Hz basic sensitivity is adjustable, so is the
Oscillator 5-18VDC
frequency and a great number of repetition rate (time between
harmonic waves which lead up two cricket sounds) and the tone
to VHF-range. The signal can be This kit, based on the popular of the cricket sound.
555 timer IC, generates 6 preset
Specifications: chip. on the operating voltage
Power supply: 9V battery (not Specifications: Operating voltage: 6 to 12V
included) Supply voltage: 2.5-5Vdc ( the Loudspeaker: 8 ohm
Supply current: 5mA supplied battery holder takes
Dimensions: 60x10x25mm two 1.5V AA cells, not included)
Supply current: 0.6mA
Speaker: 8 ohm

AB094 6V-12V Screamer Kit

(Kit) Do you want to know what

noise with a 110dB sound FB523 Fog Horn 5W
FB641 Steamer Noise with pressure sounds like? This kit
Steam Whistle+Bell generates 108 to 111dB
measured at 1 meter. The kit generates a deep, noisy
The kit produces very life-like Specifications: sound similar to the fog- horns
wheezing and hissing sounds of
GB603 Steam engine sound Supply voltage: 5-15Vdc of ships.
a streamer. The noises can be generator with whistl Supply current: 400-500mA Specifications:
released individually by means Dimensions: 32 x 55 x 114mm Operating voltage: 4.5 to 12V
of a switch. The kit generates the sound of a Power: 5W max. depending on
Specifications: vintage steam engine. The speed the voltage
Operating voltage:4.5 to 6Vdc and volume are adjustable. It is Loudspeaker: 8 ohm
Loudspeaker connection: great for model railroads, radio Frequency of tone: adjustable
8ohm, 1W plays, stage and as a gadget. Loudspeaker connection: 8
Specifications: Ohm
Power supply: 9V battery (not Board dimensions: 44 x 20mm
Dimensions: 65x78x30mm EB590 3 Sirens & Machine
Gun Kit

This kit is a sound generator that

produces all the classic noises
FB604 Electronic Dog that children love. The chip-on-
Barking 9 Volt board contains 4 sounds; fire
engine siren, police siren,
(Kit) Produces sound of a ambulance siren and machine FB527 FBI siren 12V 15W
barking dog almost realistically gun sound. 2 LEDs will be
and loudly. For one
EB354 Electronic Watchdog flashing while sound is being
loudspeaker, >1W. The barking Kit produced.
(Kit) Audible electronic siren
is stored on a special-voice- Specifications:
with a tone of the American
synthesizer-IC. The sound is A circuit that produces a natural Supply voltage: 2.4-3.6Vdc (2x police siren.
adjustable, i.e from a little sounding barking dog with a 1.5V AA cells, not included)
yelper to a big naughty dog. An sensitive "ear" to everything that Supply current: 10-16mA Operating voltage: 12V
additional audio amplifier is comes near it. It reacts to Loudspeaker: 1W/8 ohm
Loudspeaker: 8 to 32 ohm
recommended. surrounding sounds by barking. (included) Power: 3 to 15 watt,
Specifications: Specifications: depending on the louspeaker
Operating voltage: 9Vdc Supply voltage: 2 x 8Vac or 9 -
Supply current: 500mA
Choice of two different dog
Reacts to surrounding noise
with adjustable sensitivity
Speaker output: 2W @ 4 Ohm FB538 Destroyer Siren
PCB dimensions: 142 x 75mm FB622 Mini Signal horn 6 to
AB683 Siren Bomb & Rifle
Sounds (Kit) Warship siren clear decks
Electronic kits and modules for action. In rapid intervals
(Kit) With a mini-loudpseaker
This kit can generate 8 different sounds a shortly swelling tone:
> Sound Effects > Siren (approx. 14 x 11mm) this device
sounds that includes siren, bomb Uiiit… Uiiit…
Sound Generators emits a tone of approximately
and rifle sounds. It makes use of Specifications:
3000Hz. Ideal for fitting it into
a sound generator CMOS LSI Power: 3 to 15W, depending
miniature models, as signal unit,
morse sound generator, etc. automatically. An additional PB305 Ding/Dong Door 15 to 25 seconds.
Nonetheless, it is possible to audio amplifier is recommended. Chime Kit Specifications:
connect a greater loudspeaker. Specifications: Operating voltage: 3 to 4.5Vdc
Operating voltage:6 to 12Vdc Loudspeaker (Included) loudspeaker: 4 to 8 ohm ( not
This kit generates the sound of a
Operating voltage: 3Vdc included)
traditional ding-door chime.
Specifications: Additional amplifier (not
Supply voltage: 2.4-4.5Vdc (2x
1.5 AA cells, not included)
Supply current: 20mA
Loudspeaker: 1W/ 8 ohm ( not
FB671 Siren Sound Not included:
Generator 1.5 AA Alkaline cells (AB748)
VO433 Ding-Dong Sound Twin flex wire (AE025)
Generator Spare COB (AD310)
This kit generates 4 different
sounds: police siren, fire brigade, FB607 3 Tone Gong 9 Volt
emergency vehicle and laser (Kit) Produces classic ding dong
gun. The sound pitch is sound which plays twice when
adjustable. triggered. It has low power (Kit) Melodicious, electronic 3-
Specifications: consumption. It also has an on- tone Gong with the Siemens IC
Power supply: 9V battery 9 board pushbutton. The speaker SAB 600. Ideal as doorgong,
(not included) is included. identification signal,
Dimensions: 60x40mm Features: announcement of news etc.
Classic dingdong sound FB677 Multi-Tone Chime Specifications:
Plays dingsong sequence twice Power supply: 9V battery
when triggered Loudspeaker: 8 ohm
Attractive, compact design
On-board push button The device is a simple and
Input for external pushbutton electronic way of generating
electronic tones. This kit is
Low power consumption
primarily intended for use as a
EB599 9V Siren replacement for the traditional
Speaker: 8 ohm
mechanical dorrbell. It can also
Power supply: 9Vdc bat
be used for many types of
Current consumption: 55mA
applications. The number of PB283 Music Box Engine
(Kit) A surprisingly loud siren for (Active)
tones may be selected to a 3VDC Kit
such a simple circuit. Uses Dimensions: 70 x 97 x 30mm maximum of three, each of
voltage controlled oscillator. 1/2
which is output one after the
watt, 8 ohm speaker supplied. (Kit) This is the equivalent of a
other. Volume can also be set to
9V operation. Ideal to attach to mechanical music box. It has a
the desired level. The existing
an alarm system which requires range of tunes that are
bell transformer can be used as
a siren sounder contained in an IC.
a power supply.
module.Recommended plastic Specifications:
enclosure (AA037), not included.
Power supply: 6 to 9Vac or Power supply: 2x 1.5V AA cells
4.5Vdc battery (3x 1.5AA cells, (not included)
Electronic kits and modules EB589 16 Door Chimes Kit not included) Supply current: 20mA
> Sound Effects > Chime Supply current: 200mA Loudspeaker: 1W/ 8 ohm (not
and Melody Generators
(Kit) Sixteen door chime tunes Electronic kits and modules
cycling with each keypress.LED > Audio Amplifiers >
flactuates according to the
sound level. Designed for high
quality melody products.

FB659 6 Melody Generator

FB601 Electronic Melody -
Coo Coo Waltz
(Kit) After pressing a push-
The kit plays the famous waltz button, the melody generator
melody in high-quality sound. plays one of the 12 stored
The melody will start through a melodies in succcession. The
push-button and stops melodies always plays for about
PB282 Preamplifier with 2 -20mV GB608 Super Stereo Ear - included)
Microphone 6 - 12V Output: approx 200mV - 2V Dual Microphone Kit Adjustable tone
Kit Structure: 2 stage Adjustable input sensitivity
(Kit) A preamplifier to use with Board dimensions: approx 54 x (Kit) This stereo audio, Low noise
an electret or other microphone 29mm microphone amplifier boosts Headphones output: 2 x
to boost the signal before sound 50 times. It is ideal for the 50mW/ 32 Ohm max
connecting it to the input of an hearing impaired. It has volume Dimensions: 70 x 30 x 105mm
audio power amplifier. control.
Specifications: Specifications:
Power supply: 6-12Vdc Power supply: 3x 1.5V AA cells
Current drain at 12V: 3mA (not included)
Current drain at 9V: 2mA Dimensions: 62x54x44mm
PCB dimensions: 30x43mm FB680 Universal Mono
Preamplifier Kit
FB681 Universal Stereo
This kit has been developed for Preamplifier
use as a preamplifier for audio
applications where there is This kit is a universal, low noise
insufficient input signal stereo preamplifier.
amplitude. GB780 Universal Specifications:
Specifications: Preamplifier Module Frequency: 40Hz-30kHz
AA983 Parabolic- Power supply: 10-30Vdc Output impedance: 1k ohm
Microphone Supply current: 10mA This mono preamplifier module Power supply:10-30Vdc
Adjustable output level: 40dB is used to amplify small audio Supply current: 5mA
(Kit) This highly sensitive
max signals. The module's input is Max input voltage: 50mVrms
microphone is able to receive Frequency range: 20Hz to connected to the output of a PCB dimensions: 44 x 65mm
faint sounds after being fitted 20kHz small signal source, like a
into a half-ball-shaped reflector. max input signal: 40mV microphone. The module's Electronic kits and modules
It can receive words more than a PCB dimensions: 30 x 44mm output can be connected to the
> Audio Amplifiers > Power
hundred meters. It is ideal for input of an audio power
observing animals. amplifier. Amplifiers
Specifications: Specifications:
Supply voltage: 9Vdc Supply voltage: 9 - 24Vdc
Power consumption: 230mA Supply current: 2mA max
max Frequency range: 10Hz -
Microphone: sensitive electret 100kHz
microphone Input signal voltage: 2 -
Output impedance: 8 ohm for 50mVpp
headphone or loudspeaker
FB682 Stereo RIAA Output voltage: 200mV -
Correction FB696 200W Mono /
PCB dimensions: 55x55mm 2.3Vpp
Preamplifier Kit Dimensions: 30 x 25 x 15mm
Stereo Amplifier
The kit is a RIAA stereo
preamplifier for md (record (Kit) Universal, robust and
player) pick-ups. compact are the words to
Specifications: describe this amplifier.
Supply voltage: 10-30Vdc Specifications:
(unregulated) Supply voltage: 28Vdc
Supply current: 5mA Supply current:
FB553 Pre-Amplifier Gain (1kHz): 35dB 8 ohm loudspeakers
Universal Super Input signal: 5 -10mV GB575 Guitar Preamplifier + Power supply: 50V-0-50Vdc/6A
Wide Band Input impedance: 47kOhm Headphones Output Module (AA258)
(Kit) A 2-step preamplifier for 12 PCB dimensions: 44 x 65mm rms output power: 2 x 50W
to 30Vdc supply voltage. Input: 2 (Kit) An electric guitar cannot be rms mono-bridged power:
to 20mV, output:200mV to 2V. connected to just any amplifier 100W/ 8 ohm
Application: preamplifier for or audio installation, this Total music output:
high-power amplifier, preamplifier has been designed Harmonic distortion: 0.01% at
headphone-amplifier,etc. for this purpose and provides 1kHz
Specifications: you with a headphone output, Signal-to-noise ratio: 102dB
Operating voltage: 12 - 30V/DC allowing you to practice without Stereo channel separation:
Super broadband: approx disturbing others. 85dB
10Hz - 150kHz Specifications: input impedance: 22kohm
Input sensitivity: approx Power supply: 9V battery (not input sensitivity: 300mV,
550mV or 1V switchable Power consumption: 100W Supply voltage: 4.5 - 12Vdc Supply current: 1.5A
Thermal protection: 1 max Filter frequency response: Supply current: 500mA Frequency: 20Hz - 25kHz
Short-circuit and overload wide (25 -110Hz) narrow Peak music output power: Input sensitivity: 300mVpp
protection: max 10 sec (18-65Hz) 3.5W, 4 ohm speaker Output load impedance: 4 - 8
Power supply: +28Vdc - 28Vdc Speakers: two 6.5" 8 ohm Speaker impedance: 4 - 16 ohm
max drivers ohm Connectable loudspeaker: 4 - 8
Consumption: 4A max Line level input sensitivity: Frequency: 40Hz - 20kHz ohm
Dimensions: 210x 85x 64mm 500mV Input sensitivity: 80mVpp Dimensions: 70 x 45 x 29mm
Auto turn-on level: 5mV Dimensions: 30 x 25 x 15mm
Power supply: 120/ 230Vac
Transformer: 25-0-25Vac
100VA (included)
Fuse protection: 20x5mm,
Dimensions: 460 x 310 x
AB352 2 x 30W Audio
Power Amplifier AB956 3W Mono Amplifier AB110 1W Stereo Audio
Module Amplifier - KA2209
This small, stereo (2 channels) Kit
amplifier has a peak music The design of this kit make use (Kit) This is designed for portable
output power capability of 30W of the TDA7267A from ST radios etc. This stereo amplifier
per channel using 4 ohm microelectronics. It is suitable kit makes use of the KA2209 or
speakers. The IC is thermally and for a wide range of low voltage, TDA2822.
short -circuit protected. audio amplifier applications. Specifications:
Specifications: FB617 Amplifier 1 Watt Specifications: Supply voltage: 1.8-9Vdc
Dual supply voltage: 12 - 0 - Supply voltage: 6-15Vdc PCB Dimensions: 35x52mm
12Vac Supply current: 500mA max
Supply current: 2A (Kit) Small universal amplifier Max output power: 3Wrms
Frequency: 7Hz - 60kHz with a peak sound capacity of Gain: 32dB
Input impedance: 150kHz 2W. A modern, low cost Short-circuit protected
Music power output: 2x 30W/ amplifier for many purposes. It Speaker impedance: 4-8 ohm
4 ohm works with an 8-pin DIP IC. The Voltage gain: 32dB (40x)
RMS output: 2x 15Wrms/ 4 design is very small so that the Frequency response: 50-20
ohm or 2x 10Wrms/ 8 ohm device can be integrated into 000Hz
Total harmonic distortion: many devices. Dimensions: 42x50mm, 20mm GB805 Universal Amplifier
0.07% (1W/ 1kHz) Specifications: height 12W Module
Channel separation: 70dB Operating voltage: 6-9Vdc Features:
Frequency response: 7Hz to Current consumption: max Compact size This mono, audio, power
60kHz 380mA No additional heatsink amplifier module is capable of
Signal-to-ratio: 98dB Input sensitivity: 50mV required driving a loudspeaker at 12W
Input sensitivity: 300mV Output load: 8 ohm Single supply peak.The volume can be
Overload and circuit protection Frequency range: 20 to 20kHz Wide supply range adjusted with a 10k linear
Dimensions: 70 x 50mm Sensitivity: approx 80mV Excellent protection potentiometer. The module is a
Dimensions: 41 x 24mm cast humidity-proof and shake-
proof. The casting compound
and the module's enclosure
consists of a special, heat-
conductive plastic. No additional
heatsinks are needed. The
module is protected
electrionically against over
heating and overload.
AD545 100W Subwoofer Kit GB753 Universal 3.5W GB759 40W Power Specifications:
with Mono Power Amplifier Module Amplifier Module Supply voltage: 6 - 16Vdc
Amp. Supply current: 800mA
This subwoover kit contains all This is a mono, audio, power This mono, audio, power Frequency: 40Hz - 20kHz
the electrical parts that are amplifier module that is capable amplifier module is capable of Input sensitivity: <80mV
required to build your own of driving a loudspeaker at 3.5W driving a loudspeaker at 40W. Music power: 12W with 16V at
compact,powerful, high quality peak. You can adjust the volume You can adjust the volume with 4 Ohm loudspeaker
subwoover. with a 10k, linear a 10k, linear potentiometer. Loudspeaker connection: 4 - 16
Specifications: potentiometer. Specifications: Ohm
Power supply: 230Vac Specifications: Supply voltage: 6 - 16Vdc Output load impedance: 4 - 16
ohm Dimensions: 44 x 44mm, protected 1kHz
Dimensions: 70 x 36 x 23mm 25mm height Signal-to-noise ratio: 96dB
Stereo channel separation:
Input impedance: 22 kohm
Input sensitivity: 150mV,
300mV or 950mV switchable
Supply voltage (8 ohm): 35 to
40Vdc & -35 to 40Vdc/ 2.5A
Supply voltage (4 ohm): 25 to
FB698 300W Mono 30Vdc and -25 to 30Vdc/ 5A
FB695 2 x 30W Audio AB117 50W Amplifier - MOSFET Amplifier Dimensions: 350 x 62 x 85mm
Power Amplifier TDA7294 Kit
This kit is a mono MOSFET
This small stereo amplifier kit is (Kit) This is a mono 50Watt rms audio power amplifier that
constructed with the TDA1521 power amplifier kit that makes meets the standards for quality
IC. It has a peak music output use of the ST Electronics and robustness. The final output
power capability of 30W per TDA7294. stage is carefully designed for
channel using 4 ohm speakers. Specifications: Class A operation, though
The IC is thermally and short- Power supply: +/- 30Vdc dual without unnecessary power loss.
circuit protected. supply Specifications: AC858 Discrete 200W
Specifications: Supply current:+/-2A Power supply: 230Vac Mono Power
Power supply: 2 x 12Vac Input impedance: 10k ohm Peak music power output: Amplifier
Supply current: 2A Frequency response: 300W/4 ohm or 200W/ 8 ohm This 200W mono amplifier kit is
Frequency response: 7Hz to 16Hz-100kHz rms power: 155W/ 4 ohm, excellent value for money. Only
60kHz Not included: 100W/8 ohm discrete components are used in
Music power output: 2 x 30W/ Heatsink (AB267 or larger) Harmonic distortion: 0.005% this design. The output section
4 Ohm Input sensitivity: 1Vrms of the amplifier uses epitaxial
Total harmonic distortion: Signal-to-noise ratio: 112dB darlington transistors.
0.07% (1W/ 1kHz) Frequency response: 3Hz - Specifications:
Channel separation: 70dB 120kHz Supply voltage: 2 x 25 - 30Vac
Signal-to-noise ratio: 98dB Speaker switch on delay and Supply current: 2A
Input sensitivity: 300mV/ 150K protection Frequency response (-3dB):
ohm Thermal and short circuit 3Hz - 200kHz
Overload and short-circuit protection 200W music power @ 4 ohm
protection: max 1h AB353 7W Mono Audio Frequency: 3Hz - 120kHz load
Dimensions: 70x50mm Amplifier Module Dimensions: 270 x 90 x140mm 100Wrms power @ 4 ohm load
 Not included: Weight: 4.8kg 70Wrms power @ 8 load ohm
Centre-tapped transformer This small mono, audio amplifier Distortion: 0.02% @ 1kHz/10W
(AC661) module is designed around the Signal-to-noise ratio: 115dB
Potentiometers (2 x AC284) TDA2003 IC. It is capable of Input sensitivity: 0.6Vrms
driving 7 Watt peak into a 4 ohm PCB dimensions: 107 x 62mm
load. It has an on-board
heatsink. The IC is completely
thermally and short-circuit
Supply voltage: 8 - 18Vdc
Supply current: 0.5A FB697 400W Mono /
Input sensitivity: 114mVpp Stereo Amplifier
AB113 2W Amplifier - Input impedance: 150k ohm
LM380 Kit Music power output: 7W/4 This kit may be configured as a
ohm stereo or mono amplifier. It can
Output: 3.5Wrms/ 4 Ohm or be used as a universal, robust AB128 6-10 Watt Stereo
(Kit) This mono audio power
amplifier kit is built around the 2Wrms/ 8 ohm and compact audio power Amplifier TDA2005
National Semiconductor LM380. Total harmonic distortion: amplifier. Kit
Specifications: 0.05% (1W/ 1kHz) Specifications: (Kit) This is a stereo class AB
Supply voltage: 10-20Vdc Frequency response: 20Hz to rms output power: 2x 100W/ 4 audio power amplifier built
Supply current: 0.3A 20kHz ohm around the TDA2005. It is ideal
Idle current: 7-15mA Signal-to-noise ratio: 86dB rms mono-bridges power: for hi-fi applications.
Gain: (50x) or 34dB max Input sensitivity: 40mV/ 150k 200W/ 8 ohm Specifications:
Frequency range (-3dB): ohm Total music output: 400W Supply voltage: 8-18Vdc
20-100 000Hz Overload and short-circuit Harmonic distortion: 0.003% at Supply current: 2A
Frequency (-3dB): 15-50 more Supply voltage: 5-15Vdc
000kHz Supply current: 2.5A
Dimensions: 46x76mm, height Dimensions: 39x67mm, 20mm
40mm height (amplifier)

EB608 Introduction to Class

AB Amplifiers Kit PB268 10W + 10W Stereo
Amplifier 8 - 28V Kit
(Kit) This is a 1 Watt class AB,
FB694 7W Mono Audio mono, audio power amplifier kit. (Kit) This is a standard data book
Amplifier It is quick and easy to use application circuit using a
modern amplifier. minimum of external EB643 1W Stereo Amp +DC
This amplifier kit is capable of Specifications: components. The kit uses the Vol Cont TDA7053A
delivering 7 Watt peak into a 4 Supply voltage: 9-18Vdc TDA2009 which is a classAB dual- Kit
ohm load. It has an on-board Supply current: 750mA max hi-fi audio amplifier IC designed (Kit) The TDA7053 is an
heatsink. The IC is completely Input impedance: 10k ohm for quality stereo applications. integrated stereo audio power
thermally and short circuit Specifications: amplifier with DC volume control
protected. It can be powered Supply voltage: 8-28Vdc in a 16-pin dual- in- line plastic
with a single voltage power PCB size: 77x 43mm package. It is designed for use in
supply TVs and monitors but it is also
Specifications suitable for battery-operated
Supply voltage: 8 - 18Vdc  equipment. Power supply: 4.5 to
Supply current: 0.5A  15Vdc.
Frequency response: 20Hz to 
RMS output: 3.5W/ 4 Ohm or  AB100 TDA2002/TDA2003
2W/ 8 Ohm Amplifier 8W Kit
Total harmonic distortion: 
0.05% (1W/ 1kHz This kit is a mono audio power
EB627 18W Audio Power
Signal / noise ration: 86dB  amplifier using 1 TDA2002 or Amplifier Kit
Input sensitivity: 40mV/ 150  TDA2003.
kohm Specifications: This kit contains the essential
Overload and short-circuit  Operating voltage: 6 to 18Vdc components to build a low EB609 25W Audio Amplifier
protected Supply current: 1.2 max voltage, high power mono 18W using LM1875 Kit
Dimensions: 55 x 35mm  Input sensitivity: 100mV/40dB Bridge Tied Load (BTL) amplifier.
gain Specifications: This kit contains the essential
Loudspeakers: 2 to 8 ohm Supply voltage: 8-18Vdc components to build a hi-fi
Output power: 4 Wrms/ 4 Supply current: 18W amplifier using the LM1875 IC.
ohm, 12Vdc Output power: 18W Specifications:
Frequency: 20-40 000Hz Input resistance: 20-40k ohm Power supply: dual +/- 25Vdc
Dimensions: 51x 51x41mm Frequency respose: Not included:
50Hz-20kHz (-3dB) 20Hz- 40kHz Heatsink
(-6dB) Speakers
PB207 Low Voltage LM386
Audio Amp 0.5W Kit

This kit designed to be used as a

small power audio amplifier or
as a building block project where AA487 Stereo 1 Watt
a battery is powered, variable Amplifier Kit
gain audio amplifier is required,
for example, radio amplifiers, EB622 3W Stereo FB580 Amplifier 8 Watt
The kit uses 2 LM386N ICs on 1
ultrasonic and server drivers, PCB. It has independent volume Amplifier - BA5406
voltage converters etc. LM386 control as well as an board Kit
data sheet included jumper to change between a (Kit) A simple stereo, 3 watt per (Kit) A hi-fi amplifier with one IC.
Specifications: gain of 20 and 200. channel, audio power amplifier. The amplifier could be
Power supply: 4 to 12Vdc Specifications: It is based on the BA5406 power connected to signal sources with
Power supply: 4 - 12Vdc amplifier monolithic IC. atleast 160mV output voltage
Requires speakers rated 3W or Specifications: (eg crystal record players,
cassette recorders etc.) GB590 Karaoke FB575 Robot voice 9 to 12 AB114 Stereo Amp/Tone
Specifications: VDC Control - TDA1524A
Operating voltage: 6-16Vdc Kit
Sensitivity: 160mV approx
(Kit) Sing along with your The kit distorts the introduced This kit provides up to 20dB of
Loudspeakers: 4 to 16 ohm favourite music, hook-up the speech so that it sounds like the voltage for both channels,
Frequency range: 40 to 20 unit between your CD- voice of a robot. Adjustable +/-15dB of bass and treble
000Hz player,MD- player or any other effects. The device should be control, left/right channel
line-level source and your connected between the balance and selectable loudness
amplifier. It has an adjustable microphone and amplifier (or contour. It is able to drive most
microphone level and vocal tape recorder). power amplifiers.
reduction switches that reduces Specifications: Specifications:
original vocals on most stereo Operating voltage: 9 to 12Vdc Supply voltage: 12V battery/
recordings. 15Vdc adapter
Specifications: Supply current: 50mA min
Power supply: 9V battery (not Frequency response (-1dB):
included) 10 - 50 000Hz
FB589 200W Amplifier Supply current: 16mA Output voltage: 3Vmrs
Dimensions: 100 x 84 x 25mm Input impedance: 300 ohm
Dimensions: 67 x 114 x 25mm
This is a high-power mono
amplifier kit of top class quality FB577 Stereo Tone Control
for a loudspeaker from 4 to 16
ohm. It makes use of two
TDA2030 amplifier Ics. This is a stereo tone and volume
Specifications: control kit. It has 2 audible
Operating voltage: 24 to 36V channels, left and right, with a
Frequency range: 20 to 20 VR366 Digital Echo separate volume control for
000Hz Chamber - Audio each of them. FB596 Mono Sound
Effect Kit Specifications: Controller
(Kit) This is a great effect tool. It Supply voltage: 9 - 18Vdc
can be used for various audio PCB dimensions: 38 x 115mm (Kit) This mono sound controller
systems, karaoke, P.A toys or must be superposed to the final
just for fun. It has an onboard audio power amplifier. Treble,
microphone and audio amplifier. bass and volume are separately
4 adjustments for MIC or input adjustable.
level, volume or output level, Specifications:
AB098 TDA7052 Amplifier echo delay time feedback. 9V Supply voltage: 9 to 18V
1Watt Kit battery snap included. Current load: approx. 3mA
Specifications: Controlling: approx. 15dB
The kit is a 1 Watt peak mono Power supply: 9V GB786 Crossover Network Board dimensions: 63 x 30mm
amplifier using the Phillips Power consumption: 150mA 2-Way 120W Module
TDA7052 IC. It is a useful max
building block where a battery Speaker output: 500mW This 2 way cross over network
powered audio amplifier is 4 adjustments for MIC or input can be used inside speaker
required. level, volume or output level, cabinets to connect 4 - 8 ohm
Specifications: echo delay time and feedback loudspeakers. For 1 bass speaker
Output power: 250mWrms/ 8 40kb SRAM for low distortion and 1 midrange.
ohm using 12Vdc supply & good sound quality Specifications:
Supply voltage: 3-15Vdc On board microphone & audio Output power: 120W max
Supply current: 300mA max amplifier Separating frequency: AD856 Volume and Tone
Frequency bandwidth: 20-20 Line-in & Line-out connection 3kHz/12dB Control Preamplifier
000Hz Dimensions: 85 x 70 x 20mm Loudspeaker impedance: 4 - 8
Electronic kits and modules ohm (Kit) When using an audio power
> Audio Signal Modifiers Dimensions: 59 x 45 x 20mm amplifier, you always need a
volume control and preferably
also a tone control. This kit has
stereo audio signal input and
output connections.
Supply voltage: 2 x 12Vac
Supply current: 100mA
Frequency response (-3dB):
3Hz - 500kHz
AB322 Electronic Stereo EK008 Voice Recording 40mm Mylar speaker inlc.
Volume Control Module 300s via USB Operating voltage: 9V battery
(not incl.)
This is a stereo audio volume You can record a voice message Standby current: <=0.2mA
controller kit. It has a built-in IR- for 300 seconds. The module PCB size: 45mm x 25mm
reciever that enables one to incorporates and supports 4
control the volume using an IR switches and 2 sensors
remote control. simulteneously. It is ideal for
Features: transferring custom messages
PB271 Crossover Network
IR-controlled electronic for various applications.
3-Way 120 Watt adjustments
Module Controls the volume of line-
This module is to be used for level audio signals suitable for
one bass speaker, mid speaker VO243 Voice Recording
PC or hi-fi applications
and one or two tweeeters, 4 - 8 Small enough to be built into
Module 10-35sec
ohm. Separating frequency existing units
approximately 800/5000Hz. The Specifications: This message recorder has a
rate of change of attenuation is Supply voltage: 9-12Vdc record time of 10 to 35 seconds
12dB/octave. Dimensions: 67 x Supply current: 100mA (which can be adjusted). It also
65 x 37mm volume range: 0dB - 78dB (62 AA936 Voice Recording encompasses an onboard
steps) Module 20s 5-6VDC microphone and a speaker. The
Stereo line level in/out: 2Vrms external trigger input plays the
max This voice recording module message. You can create a funny
Range: 0dB - 78dB offers single chip, solid state voice by adjusting the speed of
'Mute' function with auto storage of an audio signal. It the message playback.
fade-in does not require software or a Specifications:
Volume: up/down/mute microcontroller to operate. It Power supply: 4.5V battery
Dimensions: 82 x 35mm, provides high quality recording Power consumption: 150mA
AD555 Voice Changer - and playback of one audio (during playback)
15mm height
Audio Effect Kit Optional: 2-channel IR remote message that has a duration of Adjustable sampling rate:
transmitter kit (AB299) up to 20 seconds. 5-12kHz
This kit is used to electronically Specifications: Speaker output: 500mW max
Electronic kits and modules Signal/ noise ratio: 34dB
change a normal speech audio Supply voltage: 4.5 - 6Vdc
signal. It is ideal for using at > Audio Signal Recorders Supply current: 10μA max Record time between 10 & 35
parties, plays, making (standby) 25mA sec
recordings, prank phone calls, (record/playback without On-board microphone
games, etc. It detects a person's speaker) Speaker: 57 Ohm
voice with the on-board Dimensions: 24 x 36 x 12 Line-out to drive external
microphone. amplifier
Features: External trigger input to play
Make your voice sound like a message
robot 3 x AA battery holder included
EK009 Voice Recording
Add vibrato effect Using the speed adjustment, a
Use the pitch buttons to alter Module 300s via USB funny voice can be created
the voice sound +PIR PCB dimensions: 65 x 50 x 20mm
Built-in microphone and power Specifications:
amplifier with volume control, 300 seconds of recordable AF075 20 Second recording
just ass a speaker voice messages module with 9V
Specifications: Supports up to 4 switches and batte
Power supply: 9V battery (not 2 sensors simulteneously This 20 Seconds recording
included) Ideal for transferring custom module with 9V battery
Supply current: 300mA messages for different Connector is fully assembled and
Speaker line output applications tested. All you need to do is add
max output power: 1.5W Adjustable sensitivity for PIR a 9V Battery. Record: Press and
Dimensions: 77x 46mm sensors hold "Record" switch. LED
Assembled and tested indicator turns on and start
recording. Release switch to
AE674 Voice Recording
finish recording, and LED turns Module 20s - Card
off. Play: Press "Play" switch to Type
play complete message once. Surprise your friends and family
Specifications: with a voice recording when
Electret microphone for they open up their Christmas
recording incl. card, Birthday Card or any other
type of greeting card. This Supply current: 9mA EB858 Electronic Christmas
recording module allows you to N:B Use tweezers, thin solder Tree
record for 20 seconds and it can wire and soldering iron with a
be pasted (self-adhesive fine tip (25W max)
Christmas was never so cheerful!
backing) into a card. When the
This kit really makes the
card is opened your message will
difference. It uses 16 blinking
be played.
You can record your own custom
EB607 Flashing Star 8 - Specifications:
20 second message with the
12VDC Kit Power supply: 9V battery (not
built in microphone. The module
is pre wired with a speaker and
battery. All that is left for you to Supply current: 4mA max
This kit flashes 30 super-bright, Dimensions: 60 x 100 x 25mm
do is to record a message and red LEDs in a variety of patterns. GB596 Halloween Pumpkin
paste the module in your card! The patterns are read from a
look-up table in a micro-
Electronic kits and modules controller. The kit uses 25 LEDs, bright-
> Light Effects > Light Art coloured pumpkin shape,
Halloween gadget. It has a
random flash effect that
simulates a flickering candle.
Specifications: FB661 Flashing LED
Power supply: 9V battery (not Sweetheart
Supply current: 20mA
GB602 Traffic Light (Kit) Show your love in an
Dimensions: 100 x 80 x 33mm
original way and also that your
GB599 SMD Flashing Heart
love still beats faster for him or
her. The kit uses 28 LEDs to form
A very educative or 2 blinking hearts,one within the
(Kit) This LED flashing heart uses demostrative kit. It resembles other.
6 LEDs that alternates in traffic lights as used on roads. It Specifications:
operates realistically with an
flashing. It is an ideal Power supply: 9V battery (not
introduction to SMD (Surface adjustable delay.
mounted device) technology.
GB595 3D Christmas Tree Supply current: 8mA
Some extra parts are supplied in Power supply: 9V battery (not Dimensions: 60 x 60 x 30mm
case others get lost or damaged. included)
Specifications: Supply current: 22mA
Power supply: 3Vdc lithium ON/OFF switch This kit uses 16 flashing red
button cell Dimensions: 50 x 35 x 115mm LEDs. Nonetheless, there are
Supply current: 7mA also additional green and yellow
Dimensions: 49 x 44 x 8mm LEDs for you to customize your
16 flashing red LEDs VO348 Animated LED Smiley
Extra green and yellow LEDs
provided to customizse your tree
Can be hung on and fed through
GB598 SMD Happy Face wires (Kit) The user may decide on a
Specifications: choice of expression to suit
every mood, ranging from static
Power supply: 9V battery (not
to animated expressions. Great
(Kit) This is a miniature size included)
as a desktop mood indicator or
AB362 Riding Santa Module decorative gadget. It uses 2 LEDs Supply current: 8mA attention grabber. The kit
that flash alternately. It is great Dimensions: 80 x 88 x 102mm includes an enclosure. On/off
to attract attention. expression select button at the
Features: back.
This module is a 126 LED
Mini gadget Specifications:
multicolour animated Christmas
2 LEDs flash alternately Power supply: 3x AAA batteries
gadget. There is no need to
Great attention grabber
remove the battery when using Power consumption: 15mA
Ideal for introduction to SMD
an external supply. Auto power-off: 1 hour
Specifications: Dimensions: 75 x 75 x 32mm
Some extra parts are supplied
Power supply: 9 - 12Vdc
Supply current: 48mA
Power supply: 3Vdc Lithium
Dimensions: 80 x 145mm
button cell (e.g CR2025)

Not included: Ideal introduction to SMD
LEDs technology
Resistors (DB046) Some extra parts are supplied in
case others get lost or damaged
Power supply: 3V Lithium
button cell
Supply current: 5mA
FB673 Riding Santa Dimensions: 45 x 41 x 8mm GC066 Stroboscope with
Xenon Lamp
Electronic kits and modules
This is a 126 LED multicolour FB675 LED Animated Bell
> Light Effects > Flashing (Kit) Flashing light effects for
animated christams kit.There is discos. Make your own
no need to remove the battery Lights snapshots and lighting effects.
when using an external supply. The kit is a multicolour bell. Specifications:
Specifications: There is no need to remove the Supply voltage: 220-240Vac
Power supply: 9 - 12Vdc battery when using an external Power rating: 3 - 10W
Supply current: 48mA supply. Operating voltage of 12V PCB dimensions: 87 x 65mm
Dimensions: 80 x 145mm makes it easier to use in cars,
lorries and trucks. On/off switch
Specifications: GB783 Flasher Slow
Power supply: 9 to 12V battery
230V/110V Module
alkaline (not included)

This mains voltage flasher has an

adjustable flashing period of FB662 Flashing LEDs
0.9 - 13.5 seconds. It can be used
FB674 De Luxe Christmas for electric light bulbs of up to
Tree 300W/230V
This kit is useful for different
applications such as model
Supply voltage: 110 - 240Vac construction and recreational
This kit makes a beautiful tree
EB642 Flashing Heart Kit Minimum power load: 15W purposes. Adjustable flashing
using 134 LEDs and randomly
Dimensions: 71 x 50 x 41mm speed.
blinking candles. No need to
N:B 230V being used, consult an Specifications:
remove the battery when using
electrician Power supply: 9V battery
external supply. 12V operation The kit flashes 30 super bright
possible for use in cars, vans, LEDs in a variety of patterns. The Supply current: 8mA
trucks etc. On/off switch patterns are read from a look-up Dimensions: 30 x 35 x 15mm
included. table in micro-controller.
Specifications: Electrically, both patterns are
Power supply 9 to 12Vdc the same; it is only the look-up
Supply current: 40mA table and the physical layout of
Dimensions: 143 x 81mm the LEDs that are different.
FB518 Alternating Flasher
for 2 Small Lamps
EB645 Xenon Flasher 6VDC
(Kit) The flasher makes the Kit
connected small lamps flash at
an adjustable flashing speed. To
This kit builts the circuit to
be used as a flasher (300mA
trigger a high voltage xenon
FB560 Mini Traffic Light max) or alternating flasher (2 x
flashtube using a 6Vdc input
GB594 SMD Christmas Tree 300mA max). from a power supply. The flash
rate is fixed but the manual
Operating voltage: 6 -16V/dc explains how you can vary it by
This is a mini traffic light kit. It
(Kit) This is a miniature size Max load: 0.3A/ output changing resistor and/or
has 3 LEDs. After connecting the
decorative christmas gadget. It Flashing speed: 1- 3 per second capacitor values.
power, it takes a few seconds
before the LEDs start flashing can be hung on the ceiling, xmas (adjustable)
sequentially. tree or be worn as a badge, Board dimensions: 45 x 22mm
Specifications: hence pin supplied.
Supply voltage: 4.5 - 6Vdc Features:
Supply current: 350mA at 6V 6 LEDs flash alternately
Dimensions: 35x 45 x25mm Great attention grabber

Power supply: 9V battery FB619 Flasher 6 to 12V 33 x 20mm) LED board: (18 x 33
Dimensions: 55 x 32 x 40mm 100mA x12mm)

Electronic flasher unit for glow

lamps. It is also suitable as an
alternating flasher. Flashing
frequency: 1-3 times per second.
FB638 Flash LED 230VAC Ideal for usage within miniature
constructing. Together with 12v
relay card (FB631) it is feasible
GB592 Dual White LED AB125 Two LED Flasher Kit
to operate flashers with loads up
(Kit) A flash circuit with one red Stroboscope to 3A current consumption.
LED which can be operated Specifications:
directly at 230VAC. Flash (Kit) It uses two super bright Operating voltage: 6 - 12Vdc This kit makes use of the popular
frequency: 2Hz. Usage: control- white LEDs that have a powerful Switch current: 100mA max 555 IC. The IC is used as an
lamp for devices and alarm flash effect. Great to use at Flashing frequency: 1 - 3 times astable oscillator to generate a
systems, start control for parties and to observe moving per second square wave.
machines etc. parts. Specifications:
Board dimensions: approx. 45
Specifications: Features: x 26mm Supply voltage: 5 - 15Vdc
Operating voltage: 220 - 240Vac Powerful flash effect PCB dimensions: 28 x 34mm
approx. Great for parties, scale models
Flash frequency: approx. 2Hz etc
Board dimensions: 25 x 23mm Slow/fast select & speed
approx. adjustable trimmer
Speed adjustable: 1 & 60
flashes per second
on/off switches
Power supply: 9V battery (not GB803 Flasher 5-12V 1A FB620 Jumbo LED Flasher
included) Module
Supply current: 40mA max
AA312 Disco Stroboscope Dimensions: 55 x 32 x 40mm Electronic flasher module for (Kit) Electronic LED flasher. It is
glow lamps that can consume up ideal for decoration, models etc.
Light 230VAC
to a maximum of 1A current. Specifications:
Specifications: Supply voltage: 6 - 12Vdc
(Kit) Flashing-stroboscope with Flashing rate: 120 to 240
Operating voltage: 5 - 12Vdc
U-flash tube and large charging times/ min
Lamp current: 1A
capacitor for bright flashes. The LED diameter: 8mm
Flashing rate: 2 - 4Hz (120 -
speed of the flash is adjustable, PCB dimensions: 20 x 55mm
approximately 1 to 10Hz. Ideal
for light shows, discos or special Dimensions: 25 x 22 x 17mm
SB021 Disco / Warning
effect photography. Strobe Light 240V Kit
Supply voltage: 230Vac
(Kit) The best of all light effects,
PCB dimensions: 60 x 62mm
previously available as
professional equipment for
discos, now available for
beginner constructors at a very
reasonable price. FB564 LED Alternating
Specifications: AE961 2 Channel Hi-Power Flasher
Supply voltage: 220Vac Led Flasher
Strobe frequency: 0.3 - 3Hz This kit has one red and one
GB593 Dual Superbright This kit has 7 flash effects, yellow LED that flash alternately.
Flashing Red Lights adjustable speed, memory for The flashing rate is adjustable. It
last selected effect, detachable can be used to make a dummy
LED PCBs to mention only a few. alarm, for flashing adornments,
This kit may be used for display boards, etc.
It can be used in alarm systems,
emergencies, warning signs, as Specifications:
hazard flasher, attention
an eye-catcher, etc. It has 2 Supply voltage: 6 -12Vdc
grabber, disco effect etc.
super bright red LEDs. It can be Supply current: 20mA max
set to turn on when it's dark,
Supply voltage: 12Vdc Adjustable flashing rate: 2.5 -
with adjustable sensitivity.
Specifications: Outputs: 3A/ channel 5Hz
Dimensions: Mai board (65 x Dimensions: 24 x 26 x 20mm
Flashing rate: approx. 2 - 3Hz 100W/230Vac only runs in both directions, but
(120 - 180 flashes/ min) N:B 230V being used, consult an it also flashes with two groups of
Operating mode: flasher or electrician lamps (flip flop) and with all the
alternating flasher lamps at the same time. The four
Output: 2 outputs each for light effects follow each other
max 300mA automatically. It can be
Flash sequence: 2- 3Hz (120 - synchronised to mains or work
180 times/minute) asynchronously. The running
Dimensions: 18 x 15 x 12 speed is adjustable in
AA985 Light Pulse Device asynchronous mode and fixed in
Electronic kits and modules synchronous mode. It
> Light Effects > Running FB567 4-Channel Running suppresses radio interferences in
Lights Light 230VAC + synchronous mode.
The kit is suitable as a flasher for
12VDC Specifications:
alarm systems or for disco units
(Kit) This digital 4-channel Supply voltage: 220Vac
using 230V light bulbs. The flash
rate is adjustable between running light controls 4 different Output power: max 400W
approximately 0.5Hz up to 10Hz. 230Vac glow lamp outputs, one /output
Specifications: after the other, and in regular Dimensions: 110 x 85 x 35mm
Supply voltage: 230Vac intervals.The flashing rate is
Max output load: 880W adjustable. It works with
PCB dimensions: 35 x 35mm fullwave control.
GC064 4 Channel Running Specifications:
N:B 230V being used, consultn
Light Supply voltage: 12Vdc together
an electrician
with 230Vac
This running light kit is the Output power per channel:
perfect addition to your existing 100W/230Vac
lighting system if you want to Board dimensions: 58 x 44mm
create the kind of effects used in N:B 230V being used, consult an PB303 Five Ultra Bright LED
a disco. The speed of this electrician Flasher Kit
module can be adjusted
manually. All the outputs are (Kit) Five LEDs flash on and off in
equipped with a LED indication. a pseudo-random or sequential
PB219 Xenon Flasher Specifications: mode,depending on whether
12VDC Kit Power supply: 240Vac the slide switch is open or
Load current: 2A max. fused closed.
Max channel output power: Specifications:
(Kit) A 12V battery powered
400W/100VA Supply voltage: 2 - 3.6Vdc
xenon tube flasher. The flash
Flashing rate: 0.2 to 3 times/ Supply current: 10 - 16mA
rate is adjusted by a trimpot.The
sec FB635 Running light 10 Dimensions: Mother board 32
frequency of the flash rate can
Dimensions: 100 x 83 x36mm channels 12VDC x 43mm
be adjusted from about once
every 2 seconds to about 4 times
per seconds.The kit is useful for (Kit) You may connect small
runners or cyclists to aid their incandescent bulbs or light
visibility. emitting diodes (individually or
in groups) up to a total output of
100mA per channel. Ideal to use
for decorative illumination of
paintings, toys, model systems.
GB771 4-Channel Running
FB561 10 Channel Running Light 230V Module
Light 230VAC + 9VDC
(Module) This running light
GB768 Flasher for small (Kit) This digital 10-channel makes four lamps or lamp
glow lamps 6- running light controls 10 groups light up one after the
12VModule different 230Vac glow lamps, other at regular intervals and
one after the other, and in switch off again. The running
This flasher module makes it
regular intervals. The flashing speed is adjustable. Ideal for
possible to connect and power
rate is adjustable. incandescent bulbs of up to
two small lamps that each draw
up to 300mA of current. Suitable
Specifications: GC068 4 Channel Multi- 300W max./ channel.
as a flasher or alternating Supply voltage: 9Vdc together Function Running Specifications:
flasher. with 230Vac Light Supply voltage: 230Vac
Specifications: Number of output channels: This kit does more than an Number of channels: 4
Operating voltage: 6 - 12Vdc 10 ordinary running light; it not Power load/channel: 300W
Outpur power/channel:
Running speed: 20 - 200 Electronic kits and modules Max output power: 150W at in cars
cycles/min > Light Effects > Light 120Vac or 300W at 230Vac The last used lighting effect is
Dimensions: 144 x 70 x 54mm Dimensions: 67 x 57 x25mm saved in non volatile memory
Pattern Controllers Specifications:
Supply voltage: 12Vdc
Supply current: 4A max
Dimensions: 100 x 140 x 30mm

FB667 LED Running Light AE633 RGB Controller

GC076 Dimmer Module for
Modular Light
This kit uses 8 LEDs. Different (Kit) Suited for both incadescent
This is a 230Vac light dimmer kit.
LED running effects are bulbs and LEDs. It has an up-
This kit is a plug-in for the light
selectable (Prog push button). down level adjustment for each
control system- base unit kit AE092 10-Channel Light
Specifications: output. Also has smooth fade
(GC075). It has a non volatile Effect Generator
Power supply: 9V battery (not effects; colour change, flame
memory for last set light
included) effect, random colours etc. Module
intensity. Encompasses lots of
Supply current: 18mA Features: This is a light effects generator
safety features to make lamp
Dimensions: 95 x 40mm Smooth fade effects module. It has ten different
last longer. It has a transformer
Wide-range effect speed preprogrammed light patterns
protection in case of defective
adjustment to select from. It has ten outputs
light source. Easy pushbutton
High power MOSFET output that can be used to drive 12V
and LED status indication.
Specifications: Memory for last selectable light bulbs. One can select the
effect and speed number of outputs that must be
Supply voltage: 110 - 125Vac
or 220 - 240Vac 50/60Hz Easy up/down effect selection active, ranging from 1 up to 10.
Specifications: It is ideal for advertisement
Max output current: 2.5A
Power supply: 10 - 15Vdc/9A lighting, party lights and discos.
AD557 Mini 6-LED Chaser Max output power: 170W at
max Specifications:
115Vac or 350W at 230Vac
256 Intensity levels/ channel Supply voltage: 12Vdc
Dimensions: 65 x 57 x 25mm
LED PWM frequency: 82Hz Supply current: 4A max
This LED chaser kit makes use of Dimensions: 80 x 70 x 23mm 10 selectable programs
six 3mm, super bright, Dimensions: 100 x 140 x 30mm
diffused,red LEDs. The LEDs flash
sequentially, one at a time, from
side to side and at a fixed rate.
Power supply: 9V battery (not
Supply current: 20mA GC080 Slow On-Off Dimmer

GC081 10-Channel Light

This is a dual mode, 230Vac light Effect Generator 12V AD350 1-Channel DMX
dimmer kit. The kit is a plug in Controlled Dimmer
unit for the light control system
This is a light effects generator 230VAC
base unit kit (GC075). It uses a
preprogrammed kit . It has ten different The kit allows you to control a
microcontroller. Dimming preprogrammed light patterns lamp or group of lamps through
direction changes with each key to select from. It has ten outputs a DMX signal. Mainly used in
AB138 8 LED Multi that can be used to drive 12V theatres and discos or any place
press. Manual level control is
Sequence PIC bulbs. where a central or automated
possible. This mode also
Flasher Kit simulates a regular dimmer. Features: lighting is needed.
(Kit) This is a versatile LED or Light is turned on at full power For use with advertisements Features:
filament bulb flashing kit. It is for a programmable time after lighting, party lights etc Suitable for resistive loads like
designed to use PIC16F84A which it slowly fades to zero, 10 pre-programmed selectable incandescent lamps and mains
microcontroller from microchip. also during a programmable light patterns with a push button voltage halogen lighting
Specifications: time. Number of used channels is Status LED for power and error
Supply voltage: 9 - 12Vdc Specifications: adjustable detection
Outputs: 8x transistors open Supply voltage: 110 - 125Vac Adjustable speed Toroidal filtering for low noise
collector type max 0.5A/45Vdc or 220 - 20Vac 50/60Hz LED indication for every output Stand alone test mode
Max output current: 1.3A 12V operation possible for use Control source: DMX-512, 3
pin XLR socket included Electronic kits and modules
Specifications: > Light Effects > Sound-to-
Power supply: 230Vac or
light Modulators
Output power rating:
Stand alone test mode
Dimensions: 150 x 60 x45mm
GC069 Light Computer GC059 Quad Triac Switch

This is a light effects controller (Kit) Relays are usually used to GC078 3-Channel Sound
kit that has 16 different switch AC voltages by means of
Light with
programmes and seven triac an electronic control, however,
outputs. It can be used for party when switching occurs too
lighting, discotheques frequently or too quickly the life This is a 3-channel music to light
AE590 RGB Controller advertisement lighting, time of the relay's contact point kit with a stylish enclosure. The
Module signalling, etc. To enhance the becomes shortened. This kit is three channels are for the low,
spectacle further, an unlimited the perfect solution for this as it mid and high frequency ranges
number of circuits can be replaces the relays with the of music. Sensitivity adjustment
This module is suited for both
per channel. LED indication per
incandescent bulbs and LEDs. It connected together to work triacs.
synchronously. Moreover, two Specifications: channel. Only suited for
has an up-down level
programs are provided which Supply voltage: 9Vdc incandescent light bulbs.
adjustments for each output. It
Supply current: 220mA Specifications:
has a smooth fade colour effects are specially adapted to operate
two light computers in cascade. Dimensions: 78 x91x25mm Supply voltage: 220 -240Vac
and a wide-range effect speed
Specifications: Max output power per
adjustments. The memory for
last selected effect and speed Supply voltage: 8 - 9Vac or channel: 200W
12Vdc Dimensions: 155 x 160 x 45mm
gets stored.
Specifications: Supply current: 250mA
Power supply: 10-15VDC/9A Supply voltage for the lights:
max 24 - 240Vac
RGB output: 3 x 3A Current /output:1.5A max
LED PWM freq: 82Hz Number of programs: 16
256 intensity levels/channels Dimensions: 134 x 79 x 35mm
Dimensions: 80 x 70 x 23mm AD283 USB-Controlled DMX

This kit is used together with a FB670 Simple One Channel

PC to cotrol DMX-512 devices. Light Organ
The DMX-512 protocol was
developed with the purpose of
controlling up to 512 lighting This kit recieves its input from a
devices that are used in theatres loudspeaker. It modulates a
GC079 Relay Output AD854 DMX-Controlled and discos. lamp according to the music
Module for (GC075) Relay Switch Features: signal at the input. The input is
Connected and powered optically isolated from the
This kit allows the user to through USB loudspeaker.Adjustable
(Kit) This is a 230Vac relay sensitivity.
output switch that is suited for control a relay switch by means 512 DMX channels with 256
of the well known DMX512 Specifications:
both resistive and inductive levels each
Input sensitivity: 2W to 60W
output loads. This kit is a pulg-in protocol. It is used to turn an Windows 98SE or higher
electrical device on or off. compatible Max load: 120W at 120Vac and
unit for the light control system-
230W at 230Vac
base unit kit (GC075). Specifications: DLL included to write your own
Supply voltage: 12Vdc software Dimensions: 60 x 41mm
Supply voltage: 110 - 240Vac Supply current: 100mA Specifications:
50/60Hz Relay switch contact rating: Power supply: powered by the
Max output current: 8A/230Vac USB port stand-alone testing: 9V
2.5A/220Vac Stand alone test mode battery (not included)
Dimensions: 65 x 57 x 30mm 512 DMX channels
Each channel has 256 output
Dimensions: 106 x 101 x

FB663 Sound-to-Light Unit Operating voltage: 230Vac EB621 Stereo VU Meter Kit Adjustable sensitivity
Power handling: up to 250W Specifications:
Input sensitivity: 2 - 60W Power supply: 3V CR2032
Electronic kits and modules (Kit) A simple, low cost stereo battery (not incl.)
This kit uses four high-intensity
LEDs and a microphone. It lights Volume indication: 5 LEDs light
> Displays > Audio Signal VU meter. It indicates "peak up sequentially
and reacts simulteneously to Level Indicators music power" when used with
every sound. It may be used for audio amplifiers. Dimensions: 87 x 50 x 25mm
different funny and practical Two LM3915 bar display driver
applications such as to indicate ICs are used to drive two rows of
when the doorbell or telephone ten LEDs (14 green,6 red) in a
is ringing. moving bar display.
Specifications: Dimensions: 65mm x 42mm
Power supply: 9V battery (not
Supply current: max 12mA GC022 Audio Power Meter FB578 LED-VU-Meter 11
Dimensions: 40 x 55 x 35mm

This audio power meter kit has a (Kit) This is an 11-LED voltage
10 level LED scale and can level indicator kit that is almost
measure up to 2000Wrms. It GC020 Stereo VU-Meter linear. It accepts DC and AC
does not require a special power 2x10 Leds input voltages.Ideal as volume
supply as it is powered directly indicator for amplifiers and
by the speaker output. cabinets, as volt or
Specifications: (Kit) Stereo VU meter wit two
audio power level scales with 10 amperemeter for mains supplies
FB672 Low Voltage Light Min input voltage: 1.1Vrms (in etc.
low power mode) LEDs each. Supplied with 1 front
Organ panel suitable for horizontal or Specifications:
Max input voltage: 130Vpeak Supply voltage: 12Vdc
vertical mounting. Does not
(in high power mode) Supply current: 70mA max
The kit operates at safe voltage Current consumption: 25mA need a special power supply
level (not mains voltage).It because it is supplied directly Input impedance: 22k ohm
Luminous intensity of LED: 8 to Dimensions: 46 x 92 x 15mm
makes lamps flash to the rhythm from the speaker output. It
of the music. Usable for halogen comes with a front panel and
Dimensions: 120 x 40 x 28mm
bulbs. Optically isolated speaker four attractive front stickers for
input. Adjustable sensitivity. Can the different scale.
be used in the car if the lamps Specifications:
are isolated from the chassis Supply voltage: 10 - 15Vdc
Specifications: Supply current: 250mA max
Input sensitivity: 2W to 60W Frequency range: 20Hz - 30kHz
Power supply: 12V to 24 DC or PCB dimensions: 37 x 68mm
EB524 Pocket VU Meter
Max load: 50W/12V or (wireless) 3V
GC019 Mono VU-Meter 10
100W/24V LEDs
Dimensions: 45 x 88mm (Kit) Surprise your friends in the
disco. 5 LEDs move to the
(Kit) VU meter with an audio rhyrthm of the music.
power level scale consisting of Specifications:
10 LEDs. It has an adjustable Power supply: 3V CR2032 cell
input sensitivity and a dot/bar (not included)
display. Supply current: 10mA max.
Specifications: AB320 Pocket VU Meter
Supply voltage: 10 - 15vdc with Enclosure
Supply current: 110mA max
PB182 Music Modulated Frequency range: 20Hz - 30kHz
This is a pocket-sized VU-meter
Light 230VAC Kit PCB dimensions: 37 x 68mm
kit. The VU-meter kit is very
popular, and this one
(Kit) A music-to-light modulator encompasses a very attractive
is a circuit which controls the enclosure.
intensity of one or more lights in Features: AD556 Sound Star VU Meter
response to an audio input. The LEDs move to the rhythm of
kit is ideal to give rhythm to any the music
party or disco without much Surprise your friends in the (Kit) This is not a traditional
money, disco flashing star, instead it is a star-
Specifications: Incorporated microphone shaped VU meter. It will
brighten up your christmas operate meter are included. than its analogue equivalent. It Non-volatile memory for
party. It makes use of 60 LEDs. Power supply: 5Vdc can easily be used with a sensor minimum ad maximum
Features: or adapter circuit that gives a temperature
60 LEDs sound star voltage output. A digital meter is Bright red LED read out
Responds to sound and music a lot easier to read and much Pre-calibrated sensor
in a VU-meter fashion more precise than its analogue Digital communication between
Built-in microphone equivalent. Moreover, this panel sensor and display unit avoids
Adjustable sensitivity meter is comparable to an measurement errors.
Multiple units enhance the analogue one because a Specifications:
effect regulated power supply is not Power supply: 24VDC/ 17VAC
Great for parties, events, EB601 General 3 1/2 Digit needed, in many cases, an Current consumption: 40mA
trade-shows etc LCD Panel Meter Kit ordinary 9V battery is sufficient. max
Specifications: As a result of the compact meter Temperature range: -30°C (-22°
Power supply: 9 -12Vdc or 9V (Kit) Make this general purpose construction, there will never be F) to 120°C (248°F)
alkaline battery 3 ½ digit LCD panel meter into problems finding a place to Dimensions: 67 x 40.5mm
Supply current: 200mA your own voltage or current install it. It can easily be
meter to measure voltage input combined with an adapter
from a transducer. The LCD circuit or sensor.
Electronic kits and modules Specifications: Electronic kits and modules
segment of the PCB may be cut
> Displays > Digital Panel Supply voltage: 8 - 15Vdc or 9V > Displays > Counting
off and mounted separately.
Meters battery Displays
Supply current: 60mA max
PCB dimensions: 50 x 72mm

EB638 3 1/2 Digit LCD Panel GB659 Multifunctional

Meter Kit AB502 Thermometer Digital Up/Down Counter
AB137 Wind Speed Meter
Panel -50 to 70deg C
(Kit) The 7106 contains in it all
Kit This kit comes in handy for
the active circuitry for a 3½ digit people counting, part counting,
panel meter in a single chip. It The kit is used to measure wind score keeping etc. The count
Easy panel mounting
was designed to interface speed. It has no moving parts may be obtained through on-
Large and clear display
directly to a liquid crystal display and makes use of two ultrasonic board pushbuttons or by
High-grade ABS casing
(LCD). The meter can be transducers facing each other external pulses.
calibrated for a particular and spaced 18cm apart. Features:
3 digit LCD display
purpose then the potential Supply Voltage: 1 x 1.5V LR44 Specifications: Very practical for counting
difference measured will give an cell Power supply: 9V battery people or parts, scorekeeping
accurate digital reading of the Tempeature Measuring Wind speed: up to 80km/h etc.
analogue quantity being Range: -50°C to 70°C PCB dimensions: 50 x 83mm Count up/down
measured. Accuracy: 1°C Count input through on-board
Dimensions: pushbuttons or by external
Display: 16 x 35.5mm pulses
Panel: 48 x 28.5mm, 15mm Display modes: normal or time
height An internal oscillator allows
Panel Cut Out: 45.5x 26mm time measurement
A memory function constantly
compares the current value with
a preset value and activates an
VO245 Thermometer Panel output for as long as both are
PB208 LED 3 1/2 digit panel Meter -30 to 120deg equal
meter kit 5VDC Kit Ce Self diagnostic at power up
This module has a non-volatile Comes with easy board-to-wire
(Kit) Make this general design memory for minimum and connector
3½ digit LED panel meter into GC088 LCD Panel Meter maximum temperature, a bright Specifications:
your own voltage or current LED read-out, pre-calibrated Power supply: 9 -12Vdc
meter. Or customize it to sensor and a digital Supply current: 150mA
measure input from a communication between sensor Counter input voltage range:
This is a 3 ½ digit, LCD, panel
3 -12Vdc
transducer. Two PCBs allow low- voltage meter kit. It is also easier and display unit to avoid
Dimensions: 125 x 75 x 18mm
profile end on viewing. All to read and much more precise measurement errors.
instructions to assemble and Features:
intervals without making use of will increase up to full power at Dimensions: 230 x 74 x 32mm
an external oscillator. set time and a beeping sound
Features: will be produced. The beep
Count input through on-board length gradually increases so the
pushbuttons or by external user may not be startled by a
pulses sudden alarm signal.
Display modes: normal or time Features:
An internal oscillator allows Clock with red 7-segment display
EB644 4 Digit Preset Down time measurement Sleep function (15min) for slow
Counter + Outp. Kit Programmable pre-set value light power-off EB847 Rolling Clock
with equal output Snooze function with alarm
(Kit) This is a low cost, 4 digit, Selectable input debounce repeat function after 8 min.
presettable, down counter with delay Manually settable light intensity
This kit makes a nicely animated
output and reset. The count Specifications: Beep and /or light option
rolling time and date display.
input can be used for both high Supply voltage: 9-0-9Vac or Specifications:
Graphic display with 35 LEDs.
and low speed counting 9-12Vdc Power supply: 220-240Vac Select hours, minutes, month or
applications. Supply current: 150mA Lamp power: 40 - 100W max day with 'select' and enter the
Specifications: Max counting speed: 200 Power consumption: <1W values with 'set'.
Supply voltage: 9 - 12Vdc counts/ sec Dimensions: 92 x 45 x 101mm Specifications:
Supply current: 50mA max Counter input voltage: 3 - Power supply: 9 - 12Vdc
Display: red, 4-digit, 7-segment 12Vdc Supply current: 20mA max
LED Backup battery: 9V battery
Display dimensions: 19 x (not incl.)
50mm Dimensions: 67 x 89 x 35mm

AB104 Big PIC Clock Kit

PB300 3-Digit LED Counter
This digital clock kit makes use AB296 Digital LED Clock
EB639 4-Digit Up / Down This kit is an up counter with a of a PIC16F84 microcontroller. It
Counter Kit 3-digit LED display. It has two can be set for either 12 or 24
push-button switches, one for hour display format.
This is a digital, 7 segment, red
(Kit) This is a 4-digit, up/down count and the other for reset. Specifications:
LED display, clock kit. An
counter. The count range is from Both buttons are debounced to Supply voltage: 12Vdc attractive enclosure is supplied
0000 to 9999 when counting up enable accurate counting and Supply current: 1A max with the kit. The time base is
and 9999 to 0000 when counting reliable reset. selected: internal or mains-
down. There are 5 control pins: Specifications: frequency (50/60Hz) controlled.
reset, clock, down, disable and Supply voltage: 6 - 9Vdc Features:
overflow. Supply current: 200mA max Automatic time base selection
Specifications: Display: 3-digit, 7 segment, red Internal time base with fine
Supply voltage: 9 - 15Vdc LED display tuning adjustment
Max count rate: 30 counts/ sec Electronic kits and modules Select 12h-24h mode for the
time display
> Displays > Clocks Clock display time in case of
VP282 57mm 7-Segment power failure
Digital Clock Specifications:
Power supply: 9Vac or 9Vdc,
(Kit) This is a 12/24 hour clock recommended adaptor (GB836
system, with a Celsius and not incl.)
Fahrenheit temperature Backup batteries: 3x AA 1.5V
readout. It can be easily cells (AB748 not incl)
AB317 Multifunctional Dimensions: 92 x 45 x 101mm
AF095 LED Clock with Slow mounted on a wall.
Counter Module Specifications:
On Dimmer
Power supply: 12Vac Electronic kits and modules
This multifunctional counter Power consumption: 250mA > Displays > Message
(Kit) This is an attractive LED max
module is ideal for keeping
clock with connection possibility Back up battery: 3V Displays
scores, counting parts etc. A
for a nightlight. From 15 minutes Power consumption on back
built in oscillator makes it
before the set time, the light up battery: 1mA
possible to measure time
intensity of the connected light
FB634 Luminous Letters board kit (GC082). GC082 Programmable
N:B There are no electronic Message Board
components that are sold with
With this kit it is possible to This is a programmable message
mount any capital letter of the board kit. It makes use of 16
alphabet or any digit from 0-9. characters, 1 line, backlit LCD.
The concrete description of each Message can be transferred
GB612 5-In-1 Emergency letter and of each digit is from a computer via its RS232
Tool enclosed. It includes bright LEDs. port.
With each kit, it is feasible to Features:
mount any digit and putting Add LCD display to any low
This kit can be used as a several kits together gives the
flashlight, emergency flasher, EB641 Introduction to LCDs tech application and make it
user the capability of building look high-tech
SOS Morse code flasher, SOS Kit
luminous name plates, sign Replace up to 9 indicators or
message wand and lighting boards, house numbers etc. The lamps by one single backlit LCD
distance meter. It is ideal for printed wiring board could be (Kit) Introduction to LCDs. Learn Recall messages simply by
hiking, biking, camping etc. equipped also with LEDs of any how to connect a 2 x16 LCD to a pressing a button
Specifications: parallel port. First this kit will
other colour. Inputs accept dry contacts,
Power supply: 2x 1.5V AAA Specifications: show you how to write open collectors and logic levels
batteries Operating voltage: 12Vdc keystrokes from the PC Store up to 9 sixteen-character
Dimensions: 160 x 26 x 24mm Current consumption: 100 - keyboard to display on the LCD. messages in non-volatile
300mA It will show you how to process memory
Digit dimensions: 90 x 65mm the data. A default messages can be
Board dimensions: 92 x 62mm displayed to signal that no
inputs are active
Supply voltage: 9 -0 -9Vac
Supply current: 150mA
AB297 LCD Mini Message Input voltage range: 24V max
Dimensions: 73 x 124 x 30mm
Board with Backlight
Not included:
GB600 Magic Message
Transmitter module (AB341)
(Kit) This miniature message Reciever module (AB342)
board has a built-in message GB605 Mini LCD
editor. The user can add Messageboard (Kit) Amaze your friends by
scrolling pauses to the message. waving the wand to make the
It can be used at exhibitions, for This kit is a miniature message message appear. The message
advertising, greeting visitors at board making use of 16 seems to be floating in the air.
the front door etc. characters, 1 line LCD display. A The wand has preprogrammed
Features: message scrolls across from right messages and you also have the
16 characters backlit LCD to left. The scrolling speed is ability to enter your own 7-
display adjustable. It enables the user to character message. EB525 Rolling Message
124 character EEPROM add pauses during scrolling. Features:
message memory Specifications: Excellent visibility due to high
Message scrolls with Power supply: 2x AAA 1.5V intensity red LEDs
(Kit) Create your own moving
adjustable speed cells Low power consumption
message. This kit uses a 35-LED
Built-in RS232 interface for Message memory: 46 Auto-power off
graphic display. The message can
easy messages uploading and characters Applications: novelty gadget,
be up to 16 characters long.
displaying Dimensions: 100 x 38 x 32mm emergencies, event greetings Adjustable scrolling speed.
Specifications: etc.
Power supply: 9Vdc Specifications:
Power supply: 9 - 12Vdc
Supply current: 100mA Power supply: 2x AAA batteries
Supply current: 20mA max
Message memory: 124 (not incl.)
Backup battery: 9V battery
character EEPROM Dimensions: 160 x 26 x 24mm
(not incl.)
Dimensions: 115 x 43 x 75mm
Dimensions: 67 x 89 x 35mm

Electronic kits and modules

AE074 Bezel Enclosure for > Displays > Road sign
This enclosure is specially made
for the programmable message
Video and audio output Error indication: optical + can be played visually and
Adjustable brightness acoustical audible or visually only. It
Auto power off Board dimensions: approx. 45 features four difficult levels
Specifications: x 20mm which can be selected at startup.
Power supply: 3x 1.5V AA The replay speed gradually
batteries increases during the game, to
PCB dimensions: 75 x 140mm make it more challenging. It has
low power consumption and it is
VO432 LED Chevron Arrow microprocessor-controlled.
Power supply: 3x 1.5V AA cells
(Kit) This chevron type arrows (AB748)
features different animations. PB221 Dice with LED Supply current: 45mA max
Rolling, scrolling, inverse Display using Dimensions: 50 x 65mm
scrolling, blinking etc. Great for PIC16C54 Kit
indication purposes or PB222 LED Dice with (Kit) One of the most popular
advertisement and attention slowdown 9VDC Kit electronic kits ever is the LED
grabbing. dice. The software programming
Features: The kit uses 7 LEDs to simulate instructions are available on the
28 LEDs are used for the the rolling of a dice after the roll internet site provided on the
animation button is pushed. It has a slow information page supplied with
Adjustable animation speed down feature so you can see the the kit. Power supply: 9V
Supply: external supply or rolling of the dice slowing down battery.
battery operation GB587 Wheel of Fortune
until it stops. The box is included
Optimised-circuit for long with the kit. Power supply: 9Vdc.
battery life
Front panel included for easy This kit is a 10-LED wheel of
fixation fortune. Push the button to start
Speed and animation are the spinning action. The spinning
selectable through the front speed gradually decreases and 1
panel LED will remain lit when it stops.
On board on/off switch GB585 Electronic Decision Features:
10 different animation effects Maker Push the button to start the
Memory for the last set spinning action
animation FB723 Electrostat Apparatus This kit helps making difficult Spinning speed gradually
Specifications: YES or NO decisions. Ideal for decreases
Power supply: 9-15Vdc or 9V the indecisive. Simply push the Low power consumption
battery Auto power-off
(Kit) The device produces from 3 button to start the flashing and
Current consumption: 10 to to 4.5V battery voltage pulsating it will gradually decrease, in the
40mA end only one LED will remain lit. Power supply: 9V battery
high-voltage pulses of
28 bright 3mm Red LEDs approximately 80 to 500V. Specifications: Supply current: 19mA
Dimensions: 64w x 130h x 16d Power supply: 9V battery (not
mm incl)
Electronic kits and modules Supply current: 8mA
> Games and Fun Stuff Auto power off
Dimensions: 55 x30 x35mm

FB558 Deftness Game

FB660 Electronic Wheel of
(Kit) The objective of the game is
EB846 Classic TV Game to pass a small wire loop (Kit) After releasing the push
button, the light signal rotates
(PAL) through a thread wire, with a lot
of bends and obstacles. The EB523 Brain Game Kit (4.5V) quickly at the 10 LEDs, slowly
person who touches the thread down and then stops randomly
This kit is used to play a tennis at one of the LEDs. During
type ball game on TV. A one wire with the wire loop, will
release an acoustic and optic operation, all LEDs shine except
player or two player mode may This kit, using 4 LEDs and 4 Push
signal. Operating voltage: 9 to that LED that just recieves the
be selected. It has four difficulty buttons, can provide hours of
12V. signal. Operating voltage: 9 to
levels. fun. The aim of the game is to
Specifications: 12Vdc
Features: repeat a pattern that is
Four difficulty levels Operating voltage: 9 - 12V/dc generated at random. The game
FB669 Electronic Dice 33mm

This kit is an electronic dice with

LED indication. It rolls out slowly
when the push button is
GB591 Shaking Dice Specifications: GB589 Quiz Table
Power supply: 9V battery FB678 Dual Electronic Dice
Supply current: 10mA max
Dimensions: 42 x 60mm
Unlike other dice kits, this one (Kit) Up to four players can
gives you the full pleasure of a compete. LED indicates first (Kit) Board games provide an
dice. You don’t need to push any button pushed. Two units can be excellent source of pleasant and
buttons, but just to shake it like daisy-chained for eight players. healthy entertainment. The
an ordinary dice. Specifications: results of a dice can sometimes
Features: Power supply: 9V battery (not be doubted due to cheating but
No push buttons required, just incl) there are no doubts about the
give it a shake On/off switch results displayed on this
Slowly rolls to a stop and flashes Dimensions: 110 x 78 x 28mm electronic dice. Encompasses
the last combination two fully independent dice. You
Microprocessor- controlled have a choice of playing with
Auto power-off GB597 Love Tester
one or two dice. The displays are
Specifications: switched off automatically after
Power supply: 3Vdc battery 30 seconds in order to save
( CR2025 or CR2032) Use this kit and check your love battery power.
Supply current: 9mA life! Each partner holds one end Specifications:
Dimensions: 36 x 36 x 32mm of the PCB, then they join hands, Power supply: 8 - 12Vdc
watch the meter go. PCB dimensions: 70 x 76mm
Features: AB355 Brain Game
10-LED readout plus audible
Electronic kits and modules
'love-level' indication
Power switch included > Spy Stuff
A very good brain game kit,
Specifications: supplied with a stylish cover and
Power supply: 9V battery (not knobs. This kit has the same
incl) objectives as (EB523) except for
Dimensions: 105 x 80 x 25mm the additional cover and knobs.
EB593 Stairway to Heaven Specifications:
9VDC Kit Power supply: 3x 1.5V AAA
(Kit) A game of skill to turn on Dimensions: 84 x 67 x 41mm FB550 Listening
the stairway of 6 LEDs as the bi- Stethoscope
colour LED flashes. Introduces
the user to several electronics
The kit enables the user to listen
basic circuits with a surprisingly
PB301 Rotating Roulette through thin walls, door,
difficult game to play. Press the
switch when the bi-colour LED is LED 9V Kit windows etc. Highly sensitive
preamplifier with microphone
greed and the chain of LEDs will
(Kit) Ten LEDs are arranged in a capsule and headphone. To be
gradually light up. But if you
circle. Pressing the switch turns used for observing animal, as
press it when the LED is red then
one LED on to simulate a GB588 Roulette baby-alarm etc. Operating
your hardwork will be undone,
roulette ball spinning in the voltage: 9Vdc
you will have to start from
wheel. A slowdown circuit Specifications:
scratch. An enclosure is
included. Power supply: 9V gradually brings the ball to a Operating voltage: 9V/dc
This kit uses 37 LEDs. It Power consumption: <100mA
battery (not incl.) stop. The circuit uses the generates a spinning sound
versatile 4017 IC and a voltage Output power: max 0.5W @ 8
when active. There is a winner ohm loudspeaker
controlled oscillator circuit. tune for each colour. Push
Power supply: 9Vdc Dimensions: approx. 57 x
button operation. 57mm
Power supply: 3x AA batteries
Auto power off
Low power consumption
Dimensions: 91mm dia. x
No power supply needed
Buzzer sounds and powerful
LED flashes when phone rings
Current consumption: 10mA
RJ11 connector
10 000mcd LED
GB763 HF-Detector (Mini- AA241 Suction Cup Phone GC043 Remote Control by Connects to PSTN line
Spy-Finder) Module Pickup + Speaker Kit Telephone Dimensions: 80 x 55 x 35mm

With this high frequency (Kit) It is often convenient for This kit makes it possible to
detector, it is possible to locate people in a room to listen to remotely turn up to three
small bugging devices that are both sides of a telephone devices on /off over the
active in the room, computer or conversation. The amplifier in telephone line.There is a place
telephone. The sensitivity of this this kit has been designed for for 3 output relays but only one
detector is set so that only this specific purpose. A magnetic is supplied. It is also possible to
powerful, >50mW, bugging pick up with suction cup check the condition of a switch
devices, with a transmitting attaches onto the earpiece of (open/closed). An advantage of EB357 Telephone Amplifier
radius larger than 150m, are your phone at one end and into this device lies in the fact that
detected. It is used to detect the amplifier at the other end. audio signals are used to tell
bugging device signals in the whether a specific output has
(Kit) This telephone amplifier
frequency range 1 to 200 MHz. been turned on/off. Operation is
may be used as a freestanding
Requires 9V battery. The display protected by a user defined
amplifier with speaker, e.g to a
has 1 LED which indicates the code, which is simply keyed in
telephone converstation or the
turn-on control and another from the telephone keypad.
output may be connected to an
which indicates receipt from one Specifications:
amplifier or mixing panel (e.g
transmitter. Supply voltage: 12Vac/ 300mA radio stations).
Specifications: Output relay switch: 12V SPDT Specifications:
Operating voltage: 9V/dc block 10A/ 250Vac Input: isolation transformer
battery AF098 Telephone Ring A relay is included for one interface
Current consumption: <10mA Detector output: 10A/ 250Vac Speaker output: 0.5W/ 8 ohm
Frequency range: 0.1MHz - +RelayOutput Kit Automatic pick-up can be Line output: 0dB (0.775Vrms)
2.4GHz selected for ±8 or ±3 rings
(Kit) This, when connected in Power supply: 7 - 9Vac
Display: LED parallel with a phone line, has a Automatic hang-up if no code Dimensions: 63 x 52mm
Dimensions: 102 x 61 x 26mm powerful LED that flashes when is entered within 20 seconds
the phone rings. It is great to use Dimensions: 105 x 130mm
for noisy environment, for the
hearing impared, as an
additional ringer or even to
replace an existing ringer. The kit
includes an attractive enclosure
and adhesive strips for easy
fixing. VO460 Telephone Ring
EB600 Tape Recorder Features: Detector +
Switch for Powerful LED flashes when RelayOutp Mod.
Telephone Kit phone rings
AF097 Telephone Ringer This telephone ring detector
This kit switches a tape recorder The unit features a relay
with Buzzer and LED module simply needs to be
on when the phone is picked. It output if connected to a 12Vdv
connected in parallel with the
works with low voltage tape power supply
phone line. It has powerful LED
recorders, as low as 1.5V. You Relay output: continuous or This kit accepts a standard flashes when phone rings. It
will need the remote and mic on/off to the rhythn of ringing of telephone plug, no power supply
accepts standard adaptor and
jacks of the tape recorder to be the telephone is necessary. Simply connect in telephone plug. It is ideal for
available. Plugs are provided. Enclosure included parallel with a phone line. It has noisy environment, for the
Specifications: buzzer sounds and a powerful hearing impared, as an
Electronic kits and modules Power supply: 12Vdc/100mA LED that flashes when the phone additional ringer or even to
Output contact(NO): 1A max rings. Ideal for noisy
> Telephone Accessories replace an existing ringer.
10 000mcd LED environment, hearing impared Features:
Connects to PTSN line etc.
Simply connect in parallel with
RJ11 connector Features:
phone line
Dimensions: 80 x 55 x 35mm Accepts standard telephone
Powerful LED flashes when the
phone rings
Simply connects in parallel
The unit will feature a relay
with phoe line
output if connected to a 12Vdc Electronic kits and modules animals such as martens, sounds also repell other fleas.
power supply > Home and Environment rodents (e.g. out of carports, Specifications:
Relay output: continuous or lofts, camper vans), wild boars, Power supply: 9Vdc
on/off to the rhythm of ringing deer, etc. (from gardens, Input current: <7mA
of the telephone farmland, etc.). The device Frequency: adjustable
Enclosure included produces an enormously loud, PCB dimensions: 27 x 55mm
Specifications: pulsating and aggressive
Power supply: 12VDC/ 100mA ultrasonic sound of about 21 kHz
Output contact (NO): 1A max which is not audible to most
10 000mcd LED people, but represents a
Connects to PSTN line AE938 Soil Humidity Sensor considerable annoyance for wild
RJ11 connector animals which, therefore, try to
Dimensions: 80 x 55 x 35mm avoid it.
(Module) This sensor switches Operating voltage: 6VDC AE951 Ultrasonic Power
Electronic kits and modules your garden irrigation pump or Current consumption: 5mA Cannon 12VDC
> Intercoms the magnetic valve on when the Acoustic range: >200m
soil is dry and switches off when Ultrasonic fequency: approx.
there is enough humidity in the This module can be used to
21kHz chase away wild animals such as
soil. The measuring head has to Sound pressure: 100dB
be buried into the ground at the martens, wild boars, deers etc
Angle of radiation: >120° from gardens, farmlands etc.
depth where it shall measure
Current consumption idle The loudspeaker emits a pulsed
and has to be connected with
approx. 0.005mA ultrasonic sound which have an
the basic device via a cable.
Mark space ratio: approx. 0.6 acoustic range of up to 300m
Approx. 2m of cable is included,
sec On, approx 6 sec rest with a tube placed upon (not
AA237 Fibre Optics Voice the sensor cable may, however,
Dimensions: 190 x 70 x 33mm incl.)
Transmission 9VDC be prolonged up to 20m with
normal 2-pole cable. The device Specifications:
is operated by means of a Operating voltage: 12 - 14.4
The kit allows you to send sound VDC
commercial plug power supply
through 1mm plastic fibre optic Power consumption: 150mA
(12 V/DC stabilized, > 130 mA,
cable. On the transmitter circuit max
jack plug 3.5 mm). If the garden
board there is a microphone and Frequency: 22 kHz
shall be irrigated at certain times
a circuit to modulate the light
of the day or weekdays only, Pulse sequence: 5 sec.
emitted from the LED.
then put a commercial timer Dimensions: 60 x 46 x 20mm
Specifications: PB189 Negative / Pos. Ion
before the plug power supply
Supply voltage: 9Vdc for each Generator 220VAC
and program it accordingly. The
soil humidity sensor starts to
PCB size T: 25 x 45mm (Kit) This is a mains powered ion
operate when it receives current
PCB size R: 43 x 43mm generator which may be made
from the power supply.
Specifications: into a negative or positive ion
Operating voltage: 12Vdc generator depending on the
stabilised, 130mA orientation of the 30 diodes.
Display: 3 LEDs on/off/pause Specifications: FB598 Ion Generator
Time delays: 18 - 30 mins Supply voltage: 220Vac
Switching threshold: Fuse: 20 x 5mm, 100mA
continuously adjustable Output voltage: 5kV (Kit) Create your own indoors
Soil humidity sensor: dia. 30 x Dimensions: 52 x 110 x 20mm health resort climate with this
PB049 Two Station 64mm device. This kit charges air
Intercom 6-12V Kit Basic deviceL 72 x 50 x 28mm molecules negatively to become
negative air ions. This is done by
generating a very high negative
A very useful kit which can be output voltage that is required
used wherever a light, to transfer electrons to
economical and portable surrounding air molecules.
intercom is required. Each unit Specifications:
contains its own microphone, Supply voltage: 9 - 12Vdc
speaker and audio power PB004 Mosquito Flea and Supply current: 80 - 150mA
amplifier circuit using the Tick Repeller 9 VDC Output voltage: 3 - 7kV
LM386. The circuit may be
Dimensions: 44.5 x 54.5 x
modified to become a hard AE976 High-Power The kit emits an adjustable 25mm
wired bug. Ultrasonic Generator whistling sound. This sound
irritates mosquitoes and chase
Power supply: 6 - 12Vdc
(Module) To drive away wild them away. These ultrasonic
PCB dimensions: 55 x 30mm
GB773 Ultrasonic Wall GB806 Ultrasonic Vermin GB611 White LED Flashlight
Loudspeaker Module Banisher Module

This ultrasonic loudspeaker This ultrasonic generator This is a flashlight keychain, with
module can be used together module generates ultrasonic a white LED. It is ideal for use
with any ultrasonic signal sounds that scare away animals around the car during night. Use
generator like (GB779) and and insects; eg rats, wild rabbits, it as a car key-holder. Its built-in
FB623 Anti-Flea-Generator (GB806). It contains a light mosquitoes etc. It can also be strobe effect can be used to
for The Cat Basket emitting diode that only lights used as a dog whistle. It attract attention for
up when the loudspeaker is fed generates powerful,pulsating, emergencies.
with ultrasonic sounds. It can be high pitched sound waves. Features:
(Kit) It is well known that mounted outside provided that Specifications: White LED technology
crawling and jumping parasites it is protected from direct rain. It Supply voltage: 12 - 14Vdc 2 High-power LEDs (4500mcd)
are banished through the has two mounting flanges for Supply current: 40mA Low power consumption
ultrasonic sound and that is Frequency: 12kHz - 38kHz
wall fastening. Dimensions: 72 x Built-in strobo for emergencies
what this kit does. It produces 50 x 28mm. Suitable for Dimensions: 92 x 55 x 28mm Specifications:
ultrasonic sounds which are mounting outside but the Power supply: 12V battery
adjustable within the range of loudspeaker should be (DB247)
approximately 8 to 35kHz. protected from rain. The LED is Dimensions: 60 x 40 x 14mm
Specifications: loaded by the supplied
Supply voltage: 9Vdc ultrasonic wave frequency and
Adjustable frequency: approx. doesn't require any additional
2 -3kHz operating voltage.
Sound pressure : 100dB max.
Range: >40m with free field of GB788 Marten-Repeller
vision Module
Dimensions: 72 x 50 x 33mm
Not included:
Loudspeaker 8 ohm (not piezo) This module generates
or a dynamic 8 ohm earpiece. ultrasonic sounds that scare
away animals like rodents. It
generates powerful ultrasonic GB757 Marten-Scarecrow
GB794 Decalcifier Module
sound waves with adjustable for Motor Vehicle
frequency. There are 4 piezo- Modul
loudspeakers supplied with the This module is a powerful
This module is used to prevent module. The device can be ultrasonic sound generator.
calcification and corrosion in mounted in a car to scare the Humans do not hear it, but
water pipes like inside boilers martens away from the engine rodents find it very irritating and
and washing machines. It is not compartment. try to avoid it. In order to scare
GB779 Ultrasonic Generator
harmful to the environment. It Specifications: rodents away from the motor
does not use any chemicals and Supply voltage: 12 - 24Vdc vehicle, the module should be
its operation is based on Supply current: 50mA at 12Vdc mounted inside its engine
This module can generate physical-induction of magnetic and 100mA at 24Vdc compartment.
ultrasonic sounds that scare fields which charge the trace Frequency: 10kHz - 40kHz Features:
away animals and insects. It can elements such as lime, metal Volume: 120dB with speaker Powerful hemispherical dome
also be used as a dog whistle. It oxides, etc. The coil on the water
Dimensions piezo loudspeaker: speaker
generates pulsating high pitched pipe must be wound in opposite
approx. 30mm x 13mm 2-fold effectiveness ultrasound
audio signals with adjustable directions. Dimensions module: approx. + pulsating light
frequency. Specifications: 60 x 45 x 25mm Specifications:
Specifications: Supply voltage: 6 - 15Vdc Dimensions: 75 x 45 x 28mm Supply voltage: 12 - 24Vdc
Supply voltage: 12 - 15Vdc Supply current: 130mA
Supply current: 500mA max.
Supply current: 50mA at 12Vdc Oscillating frequency of
Electronic kits and modules Ultrasonic frequency: approx.
and 100mA at 15Vdc magnetic field: 2kHz
Audio frequency: 10kHz - Capacity: approx. 5000 l/h > Car Accessories
Angle of radiation: approx.
40kHz Dimensions: 72 x 50 x 27mm 140°
Dimensions: 75 x 45 x 28mm
Acoustic pressure: 110dB max
Temperature range:
approx -25 to +80°C
Fuse: 500mA
Dimensions: 72 x 50 x 28mm

Load: 4A max a petrol engine. May be used as
Flash frequency: 7 times/ sec a general purpose revolution
Dimensions: 60 x 30 x 20mm counter. It is easy to calibrate.
See special instructions in the
manual for use with electronic
Supply voltage: 10 - 15Vdc
EB355 Head Light Warning Supply current: 200mA AB316 4 Channel USB
Alarm Display: 2-digits, 7 segments, Recorder / Logger
LED display Module
The head light indicator may be GB490 Parking Radar Kit PCB Dimensions: 80 x 45 + 80 x This module can be used to
set for one or two functions.To 60mm record DC signals or slow-
indicate that the head lights moving signals over very long
should be switched off after If you have problems parking periods. It is connected to the
switching off the ignition contact then this kit is for you. Using USB port. The measurements are
or to idicate that the head lights (ultrasonic) sound waves, whose automatically stored onto the
should be on once ignition frequency is beyond our range hard drive for further
contact is switched on. of hearing, we can measure a processing. No power supply is
Specifications: distance. required as it is powered by the
Supply voltage: 12 Vdc Specifications: USB connection. Signals are
Continuously repeat alarm Detection range: 5cm - 1.5m
GC033 Windshield Wiper instantly displayed on the PC
tone for lights On (adjustable) Robot or Interval screen using an analogue or
Repeated alarm tone for for Supply voltage: 10 -15Vdc Timer DVM display. PC-LAB2000
lights out Supply current: 16mA (Kit) This is an adjustable Software included.
Only 3 wires are required for interval, periodic timer kit with Specifications:
hook up two identical relay output Number of inputs: 4 DC
PCB dimensions: 48 x 57mm switches. Ideal for the coupled input
windshield wipers of a car. It can Input impedance: 1M ohm
also be used for an automatic Max.sampling frequency:
slide projector. 100Hz
Specifications: Input ranges: 3V, 6V, 15V and
Supply voltage: 12 - 15Vdc 30V
GB646 Electronic Transistor Supply current: Relays (25mA Input sensitivity: 10mV
Ignition for Cars OFF) (100mA ON) Max. Input voltage: 30Vdc
Accuracy: +/- 3% of full scale
AF094 Third Brake Light Input resistance: 1M ohm
Give your car a luxurious feeling
Flasher Software:
with this kit. It gives your car a
Analogue trace or DVM
better starting and a smoother
This device works on every car readout
running, particularly at a very
with a third brake light, with high and very low RPM. Lower 4 channels record
either LEDs or incandescent fuel consumption, less pollution. simulteneously
bulbs. It can be installed (after Only for cars with negative Storage and recall of screens
assembling) in two easy steps. It ground. GC035 Multifunctional Car or data
makes your third brake light Specifications: Courtesy Light Automatic recording option for
flash and the number of flashes Supply voltage: 12Vdc (Also long recording
can be selected from 5 or 10 possible with 6V) The kit is useful for finding the On screen markers for time
times. Supply current: 4A max ignition switch or seat belt in the and voltage
Features: Connection speed: up to dark. It can be used to control DLL included for your own
Easy two-step install 500kHz the interior illumination of a car. developments
Makes your 3rd brake light Dimensions: 70 x 35mm It has a push button and battery
flash protection.
Selectable number of flashes: 5 Specification:
or 10 times Power supply: 12 - 15Vdc
Selectable flash repeat Supply current: 13mA/min
interval: always or not within Switch-off delay: Adjustable
5 -7 sec between 3 brakes for 0-60 seconds
Includes shrink tube to cover PCB dimensions: 45 x 70mm
complete unit
Flash frequency: 7 times per FB105 Digital Tachometer Electronic kits and modules
Specifications: > Computer accessories >
Power supply: 12Vdc Data logger
(Kit) For cars or motorcylce with
GC093 4-Channel USB Electronic kits and modules VS422 Mini USB Interface using Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, Q
Recorder / Logger Kit > Computer accessories > Board basic, Visual basic
Printer bypass connector on
Interface board board
This kit can be used to record DC (Module) This is a very small,
Simple connection with printer
signals or slow-moving signals universal USB powered and
over long periods. It is controlled I/O board. It has 15
connected to the USB port. The inputs/outputs, including
measurements are automatically analogue inputs/ digital Digital outputs: optocoupler,
stored into the hard drive for inputs/outputs and PWM open collector output: 50mA
further processing. No power outputs. The number of inputs/ Digital inputs: 5V/ 5mA max
supply is needed, the device is outputs can be further expanded 20V/40mA
powered by the USB connection. JH064 8-Channel Ethernet by connecting two cards to the Analogue outputs:
Specifications: PC's connectors. 8 outputs DAC1 to DAC8
Relay Card Module
Number of inputs: 4 DC Specifications: resolution: 64 steps
coupled input Power consumption through Minimum output voltage: 0.1V
(Module) This card simply @ 2mA
Input impedance: 1M ohm USB port: approx. 50mA
connects to your (wireless) Max output voltage: 11.5V
Max.sampling frequency: PWM frequency selection:
router by means of a standard adjustable @ 2mA
100Hz 2930Hz, 11.7kHz, 46.9kHz
network cable. The user can Resolution per step from 0.1 to
Input ranges: 3V, 6V, 15V and operate the 8 relays or check the Output current, PWM: 10mA/ 11.5V: 160mV +/- 90mV
30V status of the input from Digital outputs: 6mA
1 precision output DA1,
Input sensitivity: 10mV anywhere in the world. It is web 8 x digital 5V inputs/outputs resolution: 256 steps
Max. Input voltage: 30Vdc server based, so almost any with on-board LED indication:
Accuracy: +/- 3% of full scale Max output voltage: 4.5
internet browser can connect to Input/ output mode selectable
Input resistance: 1M ohm adjustable @ 0.5mA
the card, even mobile devices. It in groups of 4 terminals
Software: 1 x 32 bit pulse counter up to Resolution per step from 0 to
doesn't require additional
Analogue trace or DVM 1MHz input frequency 4.5: 17.5mV
software installation.
readout Features: 2 x 8 bit 5V PWM outputs: 0 to Supply voltage: 230Vac
4 channels record 100% PCB dimensions: 237 x 133mm
IEEE 802.3 compatible
simulteneously Ethernet contoller Output current PWM: 10mA/
Storage and recall of screens Static IP or DHCP Digital outputs: 6mA
or data Supports 10 Base-T port Up to 2 cards can be
Automatic recording option for (10Mbps) connected to one PC
long recording Use SNTP time server as real Dimensions: 68 x 40mm
On screen markers for time time clock
and voltage User definable names for all in
DLL included for your own and out outputs
developments Sends email at power up and FB644 8-Channel Relay
input events Board
Web interface for
confuguration & operation
LCD displays clock or network (Kit) The device is suitable for
GB693 PC Interface Board switching different appliances,
lamps or motors by means of a
Multiple users (1 administrator
computer program. Due to the
& 3 additional users)
Specifications: (Kit) An interface board is useful enclosed software it is possible
to switch on and off up to 8
Power supply: 12Vac/ 500mA if a computer is to be used in
EB841 Temperature Data certain control applications. This different appliances at different
8 Relay contacts: 12A @
Logger Kit kit is an interface card that times. It is also possible to
30VDC or 16A @ 230Vac
excels in its simplicity of use an program certain switching
Input: dry contact or voltage
installation. This kit advances sequences or attractive effect
(Kit) This is an 8-pin micro input
the computer's ability to lighting for stages and
controller based circuit for
communicate with the outside discotheques.
temperature data logging via the
serial port of any computer. It world. All the necessary
does not require an external information and specifications
power supply as the computer's are included in the information
serial port powers it. PCB sheet.
dimensions: 38 x 38mm Features:
Not included: Galvanically isolated from
Three additional temperature computer
sensors (optional): (AC848) 9 analogue outputs, of which
one is high precision & 4
analogue inputs
A simple way of controlling
AD543 Extended USB 5 digital inputs General response time: 2ms
Interface Board 2 analogue inputs with per command
attenuation & amplification Resolution: 8 bit
(Kit) This USB interface board
option Voltage range: 0 to 5V
has 8 digital inputs, 8 digital 8 digital open collector output Dimensions: 110 x 80mm
outputs and 1PWM output. switches
There are also 8 analogue inputs Up to 4 cards can be
and 8 analogue outputs. The connected to PC
VP283 8-Channel USB Relay General conversation time:
connection to the computer is Card Kit
isolated in order to prevent 2mS per command
electrical damage to the Power supply through USB:
computer's USB port. (Kit) With this eight relay approx 70mA
Specifications are well listed in channels connected to the USB Dimensions: 145 x 89 x 20mm
the information sheet. port, you can easily connect to VR904 8-Channel USB Relay
Specifications: the outside world. A board space Card Module
Power consumption: through for extra noise suppressors is
USB port: approx. 60mA provided and on board push This 8 channel USB relay card
Up to 8 cards can be connected button can be used to test or module comes complete with
to PC operate all the relays. VDR noise suppressor. On board
Power supply through adaptor: Features: push buttons can be used to
12Vdc/300mA USB-controlled relay card test/ operate all the relays. It
PWM Frequency: 15.6kHz Manual operation for toggle, SB046 PC Relay Board with can be connected to USB port to
Standard execution time: 48mS momentary or timer operation 8 Relays 12VDC Kit connect to the outside world.
Enhaced execution time: 2mS Timer settings up to 18 hours Features:
PCB dimensions: 195 x 142 x Optional open collector (Kit) Do you have an old PC lying Manual operation for toggle:
20mm connectivity around the house which momentary or timer operation
DLL for own software absolutely no-one wants to use? Timer settings up to 18 hours
development Then you can convert it into a Optional open collecter
Event-driven and open dedicated controller. connectivity
protocol Communicate with the real DLL for own software
Two way PC communication world via the parallel printer development
LED indication for power and port on your PC. Power supply: Event-driven & open protocol
relay action 12Vdc. Two way PC communication
Specifications: Transcient suprresion VDR for
VN413 Extended USB Power supply for relays: use with inductive loads
Interface Board 9 -10Vac LED indication for power and
Module 8 high power relays: 16A each relay action
This computer interface board Dimensions: 160 x 107 x 30mm Specifications:
module has a total of 33 inputs/ Power supply: 9-10Vac or
outputs, including analogue/ 12-14Vdc (500mA)
digital and a PWM output. The 8 high power relays: 16A each
connection to the computer via AB313 USB Interface Card Dimensions: 160 x 107 x 30mm
the USB port is galvanically- Module
optically isolated, so that
damage to the computer is This module is an interface
impossible thus providing a high board that has 5 digital input
level of secure implementation. channels and 8 digital output
Specifications: channels. There are two
Power supply: 12VDC/ 300mA AB029 USB Experiment analogue inputs and two
PWM frequency: 15.6 kHz Interface Board analogue outputs with 8 bit
Up to 8 cards can be resolution. The number of
connected to the PC This kit is an interface board that inputs/outputs can be further
Command execution time: has 5 digital input channels and expanded by connecting more.
between 21 & 48ms 8 digital output channels. There Specifications: GB767 4-Channel Computer
PCB dimensions: 195 x 142 x are also two analogue inputs Power supply: USB connection Switch Module
20mm and two analogue outputs with Conversation time:
8 bit resolution. The number of 20ms/command This module enables one to
inputs/outputs can be further Number of digital inputs: 5 switch up to 4 different
expanded by connecting more 2 analogue inputs with electronic devices independently
( up to a max of four) cards to attenuation & amplification using a personal computer. It is
the PC's USB connectors. The option connected to the computer's
specifications are well listed in PWM to 100% open collector printer port and is controlled by
the information sheet. outputs 100mA/40V the included software. The user
manual is also included on the AE005 RF Data Link - Serial ZIF socket own automation, controller, car
disc. Dimensions: 73 x 56 x Input Transm Kit Microcontroller selection using application etc.
29mm patch jumper Features:
Specifications: SUBD connector set included 9 free programmable I/Os (4
(Kit) This is a wireless RF data
Operating voltage: 6 -24V/dc Specifications: inputs, 5 outputs)
link that recieves data from a
Loading capacity: 2A total Power supply: 15Vdc, 300mA PIC16F630 microcontroller
computer's RS232 seria port,
current connected
buffers data and transmits it via min LED indication for power
radio waves. The features of the Serial port connector: 9 pin supply & relay output
Dimensons: 73 x 56 x 30mm kit and specifications are SUBD 1 free programmable LED
provided in the information Dimensions: 132 x 65 x 20mm indication
insert of the kit. On-board mini buzzer for
Not included: audible signals
Null modem lead 9 pin socket at Specifications:
each end (AE069) Power supply: 12VDC
(unregulated)/ 100mA
Electronic kits and modules Input signal voltage: 5 -24VDC
> Programmers > 1 Relay output with NO/NC
EB628 Serial Isolated I/O Microcontroller contact (2A)
Module Kit Programmers MCU speed: fixed 4MHz
AB314 PIC Programmer and internal oscillator
(Kit) This is a PC controlled 8- Experiment Board Dimensions: 80 x 70 x 25mm
relay board with safe and
protected 250V switching relays This is a FLASH PIC programmer
and added features. module. It is ideal for
Specifications: experimenting with flash PICs
Supply voltage: 9 - 12Vdc that can be reprogrammed up to
Supply current: 500mA/min 1000 times. It has test push-
Comes with a case and end AC480 USB PIC Programmer buttons and LED indicators to
panel pieces as shown in the Kit carry out educational
photos experiments.
Features: AB310 PIC Programmer &
Electronic kits and modules (Kit) This ICSP PIC programmer
kit is connected to your PC using Test buttons & LED indictors to
Experiment Board
> Computer accessories >
the USB port. It can also be used carry out educational
Data communication experiments, such as the (Kit) This is a FLASH PIC
for ICSP programming via the
supplied 5 wire cable. It makes enclosed examples programmer kit. It is ideal for
use of the User interface Easy connection to a PC experimenting with flash PICs
software Micropro.exe that has through serial port that can be reprogrammed up to
to be dowloaded from the Software to compile & 1000 times. It has test push-
internet. The internet site to program your source code is buttons and LED indicators to
download the interface software included carry out educational
from is listed in the information Specifications: experiments as described in the
leaflet. Supply voltage: 15Vdc programming examples.
AE006 RF Data Link - Serial
Supply current: 300mA Features:
Output Receiv Kit Dimensions: 145 x 100mm Test buttons & LED indicators
indicators to carry out
(Kit) This is a wireless RF data educational experiments, such
link that recieves data that it as the included programming
transmitted via radio waves and examples
sends it to a computers's RS232 Easy connection to PC through
serial port.The features of the kit the serial port
and specifications are provided AD544 PIC Programmer PIC16F627 flash
in the information insert of the Board with ZIF Socket microcontroller is enclosed (can
kit. VN736 Mini PIC-PLC be programmed up to 1000
Not included: Application Module times)
This kit can be used to program
Serial lead 9 pin plug to socket
a wide range of PIC
microcontrollers from (Module) Create your own
Microchip. An on-board 40 pin custom application without the
universal ZIF socket is included. hassle of making the hardware.
This socket holds one PIC at a All the buffered inputs and
time when programming. It can outputs are readily made for
program certain PICs in circuit. you. The module features on-
Features: board LED, a relay output and
On board configuration 40 pin buzzer. Use this to make your

EB224 Atmel 89Cxxxx to 10 devices using only 2 wires, reciever. It can be controlled by
Programmer Kit over a long distance, between 15 channel IR transmitter
the sender and the reciever. (AB305) and 15 channel IR
Microprocessor controlled. remote stick (AB307). The
This kit is a powerful
Inputs can be push-buttons, specifications are included in the
programmer for the Atmel 8051
switches or open collectors from information leaflet of the kit.
family of microcontrollers. It
another device. The receiver The built-in 'all-clear' function
supports a number of devices
section provides 10 open allows the user to turn off all
which are listed in the kit's AB111 IR Remote Control
collector outputs that allow you channels of the current address
information leaflet. and Decoder IC Kit
to control relays directly. at the same time. You can select
Terminal block connectors for all the correct channel and operate
Supply voltage: 16Vdc
input and output connections the remote in total darkness. This kit makes it easy to build
PCB dimensions: 118 x 70mm are included. All outputs are Features:
Not included: your own IR remote operated
provided with LED indication. 15 open collector contacts: system. It is ideal for practical
Serial lead 9 pin plug to socket Specifications: 50V/ 50mA max classes.
Operating voltage: 12- 15V AC LED indication for each output Specifications:
or DC, 300mA (single) Multiple IR sensor possible Power supply: 2x 1.5V AAA
10 open collector outputs: Transmitter-receiver range: up cells (not incl)
50V/ 100mA to 20m Remote IR module and
Number of channels: 10 3 addresses allow the use of decoder IC: 5Vdc
Input impedance: 10k ohm multiple receivers in one room
Power supply: 8 -14Vdc
Electronic kits and modules (150mA)
AD896 PIC Programmer Current consumption: 10mA
> Remote Controllers > IR (all outputs off) 150mA (all
Board Module Communication outputs on)
Dimensions: 71 x 114mm
This module can be used to AB127 12 Relay IR Board
program a wide range of PIC and RemoteControl
microcontrollers from microchip.
An on-board 40 pin universal ZIF
socket is included. This socket This kit consists of a commercial
holds one PIC at a time when 14-button infra-red remote
programming. control unit and a 12 relay IR
Features: AB305 15-Channel IR reciever board. This kit makes it
On board configurable 40 pin very easy to add an IR remote
ZIF socket control system to any project or
Easy to use programming existing equipment.
This is a 15-channel IR AB299 2-Channel IR Remote Specifications:
(software included) transmitter kit. It has 10 rubber Transmitter
On board 'in circuit serial Power for IR remote: 2 x 1.5V
keypad push button switches. 4 AAA cells
programming connector' Addresses allow the use of up to
Specifications: This 2 channel IR transmitter kit Supply voltage: 12Vdc/ 500mA
4 recievers in 1 room. For is used to control the 2-channel adapter
Supply voltage: 15Vdc example 3 transmitters can IR remote reciever (AB298). Easy Supply current: 400mA max
Supply current: 300mA access 45 channels in 1 room. channel configuration using the Dimensions: 122 x 113 x 20mm
Serial port connector: 9 pin Specifications: 2 push-button switches, there
SUBD Power supply: 3x 1.5V AAA are no jumpers required.
Dimensions: 132 x 65 x 20mm cells (not incl) Features:
Electronic kits and modules Range: 20m max Compact 2 buttonn IR
> Remote Controllers > Rubber keypad keychain remote
Wire Remote Control LED indication 2 powerful IR LEDs for a range
Dimensions: 150 x 58 x 20mm of up to 15m (indoors)
16 channels (allow the use of
multiple transmitters in one
room PB304 IR Toggle Flip-Flop
Easy channel configuration, no Switch 8-15VDC Kit
jumpers required
'Transmit' LED (Kit) This is an IR toggle switch
Specifications: that will work with any button
GC057 10-Channel 2-Wire Power supply: 12V on any modern IR remote
AB306 15-Channel Infra- Transmitter range: 15m max
Remote Control control such as a TV IR remote
Red Receiver Coding: 16 possible channels control unit.
This kit allows you to control up Dimensions: 60 x 40 x 14mm Specifications:
(Kit) This is a 15-channel IR
Supply voltage: 8 -15Vdc GC048 2-Channel RF Code
Supply current: 40mA max Lock Receiver
Dimensions: 30 x 75 x 15mm
(Kit) This two channel RF code
lock receiver forms the ideal
remote control of all kinds of
applications, where 2 different
VN649 USB to RF Remote devices can be controlled over a AB133 Rolling Code RF 2-Ch
Control Transmitter distance. A choice can be made Relay Switch Kit
from over 8000 codes. It is also
possible to use several receivers
AB298 2-Channel IR Remote (Kit) This unit will turn your with one transmitter. (Kit) This RF remote control
Receiver computer into a powerful Specifications: system makes use of the rolling
remote control, simply connect Power supply: 2x 9Vac code data encryption technique
This is a 2 channel IR remote to the USB port, install the driver Two relay outputs: 10A toggle that is nearly impossible to
reciever kit with a program and you are set. The set includes or momentary contact brake. This high-security remote
push-button switch. an enclosure. Two channels control system is ideal for use
Specifications: with alarm system.
Features: Easy to assemble
Two channels with relay Power supply: USB port Specifications:
LED On/Off and receiver
output (24 VAC/DC 1A max) 255 selectable addresses Power supply: Transmitter:
indication for each channel
Ultra compact Transmit-test button 12V (DB247 Reciever:
Channel reception indication 433MHz transmitter 12Vdc/200mA)
through LEDs Dimensions: 80 x 55 x 35mm Range: 100m max
Toggle/pulse selection for each Dimensions: 61 x 85 x 25mm
Learn mode for channel ID
All settings are stored in
Specifications: AB318 2-Channel RF
Power suppply: 12Vdc Remote Control
Supply current: 75mA max Transmitter
AB309 8-Channel RF
Range: 15m max when used This 2-channel remote control
indoors Remote Control
transmitter module generates AC916 2Channel RF Code-
Dimensions: 45 x 50 x 15mm unique 32-bit code. More than 1
This is an 8 channel RF Lock Remote
000 000 000 unique codes may
transmitter kit. It has 10 rubber Transmitter
be created. The code thereof
keypad push button switches. 8 can easily be changed by the This is a keychain-style RF
addresses allow the use of up to user for safety purposes. It has transmitter kit with 2 push-
8 recievers in 1 room. LED transmission indicator and is buttons switches. It can be used
Features: also R&TTE compliant (ETS to control the 2 channel RF code
8 addresses allow the use of 300-200). lock remote reciever module
multiple receivers Features: (AB319)
AB307 15-Channel IR 'All clear' function Count input through on-board Features:
Remote Stick Toggle or momentary mode pushbuttons or by external Generates unique 32-bit code
for key pulses Code can easily be changed for
(Kit) This is a 15-channel IR Open fieldrange up to 50m Display modes: normal or time safety purposes
Choose continuous or 'burst'
transmitter kit. Its enclosure has Rubber keypad An external oscillator allows
Specifications: time measurement transmission
a sleek design. It has two push-
button switches. It can be set to Power supply: 3x 1.5V AAA Programmable pre-set value LED indicator
1 of 3 addresses, allowing the cells with equal output Specifications:
use of up to 3 recievers in 1 Range: 50m max Selectable input debounce Power supply: 12V (DB247)
room. Operating frequency: 433MHz delay Operating frequency: 433MHz
Specifications: Dimensions: 150 x 58 x 20mm Specifications: Open field of up to 30m
Power supply: 2x 1.5V AAA Power supply: 12V battery possible
cells (incl.) Dimensions: 63 x 40 x 16mm
Range: 20m max 433MHz operation
LED function indication Dimensions: 63 x 40 x 16mm
Dimensions: 160 x 27 x 24mm
Electronic kits and modules
> Remote Controllers > RF

AD692 4But Transmitter for AB682 Rolling Code 10- usage. It can be used for safety
(AB139/AB682) Channel Remote guidance, stairs, corridors etc. Its
A16TX Cont Kit blue LED is operated on mains
voltage. Also suited for mains
(Kit) This is a preassembled This kit uses 4 button key-ring RF
indicator or other pilot lamps.
keychain-style RF transmitter transmitter and 10 relay reciever
with 4 push-button switches. It board. It is ideal for use with
Blue LED operated on mains
can be used to control the RF 4- alarm systems.
channel relay switch or the Specifications: AF073 Temperature Switch
Suited for mains indicator or
rolling code 10 channel radio Power supply: Transmitter: Thermostat 12VDC
other pilot lamps
control kit. 12V Reciever: 12Vdc/ 250mA
For safety guidance, stairs,
Specifications: Operating frequency: UHF
corridors etc. (Module) Adjustable electronic
Power supply: 12V (DB247) 434MHz
Special X2 safety capacitor temperature switch. The sensor
Range: 100m max Dimensions: 85 x 103 x 25mm
Specifications: (Ø 5 mm) may be connected
Operating frequency: UHF
Power supply: 100Vac to with the control electronics via a
240Vac cable with a length of up to 1 m.
Dimensions: 38 x 50 x 16mm
Dimensions: 28 x 18mm Specifications:
Operating voltage: 12 -15VDC
Temperature: 0 - 100°C
Switch output: relay contact 1
x switch-over, max 5A, 25A
AC908 2-Channel RF Code- Dimensions: 60 x 45 x 25mm
Lock Remote
GB819 Remote Control This is a two channel RF code
Using Any Mobile lock reciever kit that works with GB777 Master-Slave 230V
Phone random code. It can be Module
(Kit) Turn equipment ON and controlled by the 2 channel RF
OFF from a random place via a code lock remote transmitter kit
This module is useful for
cellular phone that you specially (AC916) or the assembled 2
switching on or off a secondary
reserved to use with this kit. You channel transmitter module GC034 Frost Indicator
(AB318). Specifications are listed device after the primary 230Vac
can use it to open your gate,
in the kit's information leaflet. device (master) has been
turn on the lights etc.
Specifications: powered. The module has to be
connected in a power cable of This temperature sensing kit is
Applications: turn on the lights Power supply: 9 to 12V AC/DC
the 230Vac device. It senses the used as a low temperature
or the heating, open youyr gate, (100mA)
electric current conducting warning device. The LED lights
control animal feeders, activate Relay contacts NO/NC: 3A each
through the connected 230Vac up when the device senses a
a car alarm etc. 433MHz operation
primary load and then switches temperature close to freezing
Ring detection circuit avoids Open field range of up to 30m
the built in, potential-free,SPDT point ( 0 to 3°C) by flashing, but
phone charges at room temperature (range can
relay switch. lights on continuously when the
No need to open or modify decrease in colder ambient
Specifications: temperature is below (-3°C).
your cellular or connect it with conditions)
Operating voltage: 230Vac/ Specifications:
other device On-board antenna or external
Compatible with most cellular antenna
410Vac Supply voltage: 10 - 15Vdc
Switching capacity: 6A Supply current: 25mA
phones Dimensions: 100 x 82mm
max/230Vac and 10A
Dual operation mode: ON/OFF
Max current: 15A for the
or ON with auto turn off timer Electronic kits and modules master, 15A for the slave. Total
Power supply: 12Vdc/100mA
> Sensing Devices > Power current must not exceed 16A.
Timer settings: 0.5s, 2s, 30s, 1
Sensitive Triupping power: approx.
min, 5 mins, 30 mins & 1 hour
<10 -3540 (for the master to
Dimensions: 101 x 42 x 23mm turn on the sleeve)
Own power module: <0.5W
Dimensions: 65 x 67 x 37mm

Electronic kits and modules JH087 Temperature

> Sensing Devices > Controller

AE963 AC Power Voltage Temperature Sensitive

This temperature control
LED indicator100- module can be configured for
240Vac cooling or heating control of
This kit is small in size but big in 220V AC or 12V DC equipment.
It can be used for applications Supply voltage: 12Vdc AE506 Universal control.
such as inductrial temperature Supply current: 100mA Temperature Sensor Specifications:
and humidity control or even Temperature range: + 5°C to + Power supply: 9V battery
vehicle temperature control. 30°C Low power consumption
(Kit) This temperature sensor
Dimensions: 54 x 62 x 28mm can measure indoor and outdoor Dimensions: 55 x30 x33mm
Electronic module power
voltage: 12 - 25VAC or DC
temperatures, control heating
Current: 100mA
and cooling of rooms,
Control power (maximum
equipment, monitor
temperatures in processes,
Output: Electromechanical check the swimming pool's
relay temperature etc.
Number of outputs: 1 Specifications:
Relay contacts: 16A (2 x 8A) Output voltage: 10V
Fuse: 5A FB587 Light Barrier / Heat
Output current: 0-20mA
Contact rating: 10A AA447 Temperature Switch - Power supply: 12Vdc Switch 12V
30 to +120degC Current consumption: 30mA
12VDC max (Kit) With this combinations
This kit switches a relay on or off Dimensions: 55 x 35 x 15mm construction set you may
according to a preset optionally construct a light
Electronic kits and modules barrier, a heat switch, ice alarm
temperature. It is ideal to use as
a thermostat, ice alarm, fire
> Sensing Devices > Optical or a twilight switch.
detector, etc. Sensitive Specifications:
Specifications: Operating voltage: 12V
AD608 Thermostat Module No response from suppliers
Operating voltage: 12Vdc
5-30 Degrees Celsius Relay: 3A max The relay has a max. Load of
Current consumption: approx. 6A
This module is a general 100mA at maximum
purpose, low cost thermostat Temperature switching range:
using a NTC temperature sensor. approx. -30°C to +150°C
It has a relay output switch and Relay contact: 1 x On
LED indicator. Contact cqapacity relay: max
FB676 Light Sensitive Switch
Features: 25V, 3A
Use for frost protection Board dimensions: approx 56 x
Heating controller 27mm This kit automatically switches
Automotive applications PCB dimensions: 45 x 22mm on at dusk and turns off at GB775 Twilight Switch
Temperature regulated fan dawn. 12VDC Module
control Features:
Air conditioning controller Adjustable sensitivity with This module can be used to
Preset temperature alarm wide range switch on security lights during
Specifications: Delay ciruit avoids cycling night time. It is a light sensitive
Supply voltage: 12Vdc Specifications: switching device. Its output relay
Supply current: 100mA Power supply: 12Vdc switch is switched on when the
Temperature range: 5°C to 30° Output relay contacts: light shining onto its sensor is
C GC098 Temperature Sensor 5A/24Vdc brighter than the preset value.
Relay contact rating: 3A/24V Dimensions: 65 x 50mm Only for indoor use.
Dimensions: 54 x 62 x 28mm Specifications:
This temperature sensor kit has Supply voltage: 12Vdc
been developed especially to be Output relay: 1pole 2 way
used together with kit (GC099). Switching capacity: 3A/ 40V
The adavantage of a separate
sensor is that the distance
between the actual controller
and the sensor is of no
significance. The specifications GB610 IR Remote Checker
GB609 Thermostat Kit 5 to listed in the information leaflet
30 Degrees Celsius of the kit.
This kit makes it easy to check
This kit is a general purpose low that an IR remote control unit
cost thermostat using a NTC operates properly. Point the FB534 Light Barrier 12VDC
temperature sensor. It has a remote at this IR sensor and
relay output switch and a LED- push any button. Four on board
indicator. LEDs will flash while detecting IR (Kit) This device has a sensor
Specifications: transmission from the IR remote that is sensitive to ordinary light
and controls a relay. It can be PB050 Light/Dark Activated Electronic kits and modules
used in alarm systems and for Relay Switch Kit > Sensing Devices > Touch
twilight switches. The relay can
be set to switch on when the
(Kit) A simple and inexpensive
light intensity is above or below
circuit, suitable for many
a specific level. When the light
applications like the automatic
beam of a lamp on doors,
switching of lights in a shop
windows etc is interrupted by a
window or a room according to FB628 Light Barrier
person, the relay connects. Also
the ambient light level. A light/
suitable as twilight switch.
dark option has been
incorporated. The circuit uses a
Operating voltage: 12Vdc (Kit) Whenever there is an
light dependent resistor. FB627 Sensor Switch 9V
Current consumption: <100mA incidence of light onto the
Relay contact: 1 x ON max 3A phototransistor, the light barrier
Adjustable sensitivity will switch on the on-board LED.
Designed for visible light As soon as the light beam is (Kit) Whenever the two screw
Dimensions: approx. 56 x interrupted, the LED will switch heads are touched with the
27mm off. Operating voltage: 6 -12Vdc. fingers, a light emitting diode
will light up. If a relay card, kit
FB631, is connected with the
sensor switch, it is feasible to
AB106 Three Light
switch through the relay.
Dependent Resistor Specifications:
Kit Contact loads up to 3A
Three different light sensitive Operating voltage: 9Vdc
kits, each with a Light
Dependent Resistor and output
relay switch. PB302 Light Alarm 9VDC Kit
GB749 Twilight Switch 220- Specifications:
240V Module Supply voltage: 12Vdc
Output relay contacts:
10A/230V (Kit) This detects the slightest
This electronic twilight switch PCB dimensions: 37 x 60mm light. Ideal for protecting things
connects a 230Vac lamp like medicine cabinet, cookie jar
AB124 Touch Switch and
automatically by means of a etc. The kit uses the MAL12
Delay use NMOS 555
built in relay at nightfall and off darlington phototransistors and
again at daybreak. It can also a 4011 CMOS IC containing 4 Kit
work the other way round, on at logic NAND gates. This touch switch kit is activated
daybreak and off at nightfall. Specifications: by just touching a wire or touch
Floating loads up to 3A may be Power supply: 9V battery plate. The device switches on a
switched. The module has a PCB dimensions: 23 x 50mm relay once activated that stays
switching delay to prevent on for 1 to 5 seconds.
AF099 Optical Proximity
immediate reaction to short Specifications:
Switch Operating voltage: 12Vdc
lightning like headlights of a
passing car. Relay contacts: 10A
Specifications: (Kit) This optical proximity
Supply voltage: 230Vac switch requires no touching. It
Supply current: 40mA max can be operated by just waving a
Output relay: 3A/230Vac hand or object infront of the
Delay in reaction: approx. 30 unit. It has adjustable sensitivity FB629 Infra-Red Detector
sec ± 50% and status LED indication. The
kit includes a snap-in enclosure.
Temperature range:
approx -15° to +40°C With the aid of this kit it is
Power supply: 12Vdc/100mA
Switching delay: 15 -45 sec possible to carry out functional
Output relay rating: 3A/24Vdc AA235 Touch Switch with
Dimensions: 70 x 60 x 22mm tests on IR remote controls used
LED indication Touch Plate 12VDC
in TV sets and video devices.
Dimensions: 21 x 47 x 41mm Kit
Whenever there is radiation of
infrared beams on the special IR This kit combines a touch switch
sensor, the LED will light up and and a touch plate all together in
indicate that the remote control the same kit.
is operated. Operating voltage: Specifications:
9Vdc Supply voltage: 12Vdc

FB626 Water Level Sensor

(Kit) Whenever two bare wires

make contact with water, the
light emitting diode will light up.
The device is suitable to set an
FB520 Sensor Touch Switch alarm in case of overflowing rain EB637 Mini-Vox and Relay GC089 Metal Detector
barrels and gutters. Kit
Supply voltage: 9Vdc
(Kit) By soft touching of the Current consumption: 3A The idea behind a VOX kit is that (Kit) To come up against an
sensors (e.g with fingers ) it is Indication of water: LED instead of the user pressing a electric cable while drilling a
possible to connect and switch pushbutton switch, the sound of hole in a wall can have
Size of board: approx. 45 x
off devices (by relay). Ideal as the user voice activates a relay catastrophic consequences.
secret switch, as original bell or switch. This kit enables hands- Likewise, drilling into gas, water
use in hidden switches. free control over devices like a pipes or central heating pipes
Specifications: tape recorder. Power supply: can be extremely hazardous.
Operating voltage: 12Vdc 12Vdc. With this handy metal detector
Relay contacts: 1 x change you can determine beforehand
over, 3A max capacity whether there are metal objects
Dimensions: 45 x 55 x 30mm to be found in a wall, ceiling or
floor. An LED indicates if there is
Electronic kits and modules
a metal object in the vicinity.
> Sensing Devices > Fluid FB668 Water Alarm
Sensitive Metal detecting distance:
(adjustable) up to 8cm
This kit generates an alarm GB606 Clap On/Off Switch Power supply: 9V battery
sound when it detects water. LED indication
Incorporated alarm buzzer. 12VDC buzzer connection
Water sensor can be placed at a (buzzer not incl.)
(Kit) You can operate your
distance by cutting the board Dimensions: 56 x 64mm
lighting with just a simple
and using wires to connect the
handclap. It is ideal for disabled
or elderly people. It has good
GC086 Liquid Level Specifications:
immunity against surrounding Electronic kits and modules
Controller Power supply: 9V battery
noises. > Sensing devices > Infrared
Dimensions: 45 x 70mm
This kit is used to control and Electronic kits and modules Operate ypur lighting supply
monitor liquid level. It is easy to > Sensing Devices > Sound by clapping your hands
use in a variety of apllications: Sensitive Ideal for disabled or elderly
LED control of set liquid level people
(LOW, MIDDLE, HIGH). Good immunity against
Controller: the relay surrounding noises
automatically switches a pump '1 clap' or '2 clap' mode
and/or valve to keep the fluid selection FB651 Smoke Alarm 12V
level between the LOW and Microprocessor controlled
HIGH. Alarm: if the sensor Output relay with LED
detects a level which is two high indicator
or two low (selectable), the relay PB188 VOX for Automatic (Kit) This visual smoke alarm
will operate a bell or another switches a relay if thick smoke
Tape Recording 6V Supply voltage: 12Vdc
alarm device. gets between the installed
Kit Supply current: 150mA
Specifications: infrared light barrier. Sirens,
(Kit) This is a very sensitive, Output relay contact rating:
Supply voltage: 16 - 18Vdc alarm lamps etc may then be
Supply current: 0.1A sound or voice activated switch 3A/24V switched by means of the relay.
Dimensions: 79 x 73 x 22mm
Relay contact rating: 3a/240V which plugs into the remote plug It can be used as a circuit for
max of a tape recorder. It turns on Electronic kits and modules instruction and amateur
the tape recorder when the > Sensing Devices > Metal purposes
microphone detects sound that Specifications:
is louder than the preselected Supply voltage: 12Vdc
trigger sound level. Power Supply current: 150mA
supply: 6Vdc Operating system: optical
smoke recogntition
Indiucation: LED
Relay contact: 12V, 1 x ON
Board dimensions: approx. 59 Board dimensions, transmitter: Dimensions: 30 x 40 x 17mm
x 45mm approx. 23 x 45mm Electronic kits and modules
Board dimensions, receiver:
> Relay Boards
approx. 55 x 44mm

FB647 Infra-Red Light

Barrier max. 50m
EB845 Infra-Red Light
Barrier 1 - 4m (Kit) With the enclosed optics EB605 Relay Board Dual
and highly sensitive
GB797 Light Barrier 4m Hi/Lo
(Kit) This light barrier can be photodetector, this IR light
used to announce visitors, warn barrier has a maximum range of Module
The kit has two identical single
against burglars, set boundaries up to 50m. If the light ray
between the transmitter and pole double throw (SPDT) relays.
or even for science projects. IR (infra-red) light barrier system
reciever is interrupted, for Each relay has two low current,
Specifications: consisting of separate IR
instance when a person walks TTL logic level input buffers.
Power supply: 9Vdc/50mA transmitter and receiver units.
through, the relay in the reciever Specifications:
(Transmitter) 9Vdc/20mA When a single IR beam, between
switches. Supply voltage: 12Vdc
(Reciever) the two units, is interrupted, like
Range: 1 - 4m Specifications: when a person walks past it, the Supply current: 110mA
Audible 85dB and visual LED Power supply: 9 - 12Vdc relay switches. The relay output Input impedance: 10k ohm
indicator alert (transmitter) 12Vdc (reciever) is in the IR receiver unit and its Output contact rating:
On/Off switch provided Current consumption on-time is adjustable. 5A/230Vac
transmitter: approx. 100mA Dimensions: 42 x 71 x 25mm
Dimensions transmitter: 55 x Specifications:
40mm Current consumption: 50mA Supply voltage: 12Vdc
Dimensions receiver: 100 x max Supply current/unit: 100mA
50mm Relay contact receiver: 1 x max
9V battery holder & adapter switch-over, max 25V, 3A IR beam range: 4m
jack incl. Size of board, transmitter: Output relay: 3A/25V
Not recommended for outdoor approx. 58 x 23mm
use Size of board, receiver: approx.
57 x 45mm
Range: 50m
Relay contact rating: 3A max AB308 8-Channel Relay Card

The 8-channel relay card kit may

be used in several ways: stand
GB792 Infra-Red Detector alone card, addressed by
9V Module switches or open collector
outputs or remote controlled
EB640 Infra-Red Light through RS232.
This IR detector module contains
Barrier 20m Kit FB545 Infra-Red Light Specifications:
a sensor to detect IR radiation. It
Barrier Range 18m may be used to determine if an Power supply: 12Vdc/ 500mA
IR remote control unit is (including 12V output)
This kit uses IR light beam to
(Kit) This light barrier uses the IC functional by testing for its IR Supply current: 500mA
monitor door and passage ways
U2531B and works with invisible radiation. Direct the IR LED of 8 high quality relay contacts:
for security. It is suitable for
detecting customers entering a infrared light beams. Transmitter the remote control towards the 5a/ 230VAC MAX
and receiver included. Ideal for IR sensor of the module. Press Relay outputs are transient
shop, cars coming up a
alarm systems, animal any button on the IR remote suppressed using VDRs
driveway, etc.
photography, remote control for control and see if the detector LED confirmation on each relay
garage doors etc. With module lights up a LED while contact
Supply voltage: 9 - 12Vdc
incorporated infrared filter for detecting radiation. 8 drive inputs to use with open
Supply current: 40mA
day operation. Specifications: collector or regular switches
(Transmitter) 50mA (Reciever)
Specifications: Supply voltage: 9Vdc Power output: unregulated
Range: 20m
Supply voltage: 9Vdc Current consumption: 8mA 12Vdc/200mA
(Transmitter) 12Vdc (Reciever) Sensitivity: the whole light Dimensions: 160 x 107 x 30mm
Operating voltage: 18m spctrum from visible light to
Transmitting power: adjustable infrared
Relay contact rating: (SPST) 3A Display: Indication with built in
max LED

consisting of 1 single pole specifications of the device are very simple, but in reality it
double throw (SPDT), electro- listed in the information insert of might create some problems
mechanical relay, 1 PCB, 1 back- the kit. regarding cabling This kit
EMF protection diode and 5 Specifications: provides an attractive and
screw terminal blocks. The The relay can be controlled in compact alternative. Moreover,
specifications are clearly listed in different ways: direct control it can be assembled and
the information insert of the kit. from open-collector outputs connected very rapidly.
DIP switches are included to Specifications:
FB395 BL Relay Board 12V allow manual activation of the Power supply: 9 - 10Vdc
AC/DC- 220V/5Amp relays in case of maintenance Supply current: 340mA
work. Output contact rating:
This relay module consists of a 16 relay outputs 3A/230Vac max
12V PCB mounted relay with Contact: 10A/ 28Vdc or 125Vac Dimensions: 69 x 76 x 25mm
back-EMF diode protection and max. 5A at 230Vac Electronic kits and modules
five PCB mounted screw Power supply: 230 or 125Vac
> Power Controllers > Light
terminals. max. 5A at 230Vac
Specifications: FB631 Relay Card 12VDC Output voltage: 12/250mA Dimmers
Relay coil input voltage: PCB dimensions: 150 x 212mm
Relay coil input current: 45mA This is a transistor switched relay
at 12Vac card kit.The single post single
Relay contact current rating: throw (SPST) relay is switched on
10A by any small, positive going,
Relay contact voltage rating: input DC signal of approximately
220V 5mA or more. It could be
AD897 Magical Dimmer
Dimensions: 30 x 60 x 20mm released with weak signals from
approximately 5mA upwards Module
and will then switch a relay with GC056 Universal Relay Card
heavy current contact of 3A. This dimmer is used for
Ideal as switching amplifier for controlling 230Vac incandescent
other kits, which have solely a This 8-channel relay card kit is a light bulbs and halogen lamps.
light emitting diode as output an down graded version of the Use a regular on/off switch to
should switch other devices and universal relay card with 16 set the dimming light intensity of
machines through the day. relays (GC055). a light. It makes use of
EB606 Relay Board 2x 1A Specifications: Specifications: microprocessor technology and
Miniature Relays Kit Supply voltage: 12Vdc Power supply: 230Vac/12W fits into your existing electrical
Supply current: 80mA Output voltage: 12Vdc/ 250mA
This relay kit fills the need of a Contact capacity: 3A/ 30V max
compact, low power, dual relay Contact: 1 x ON No. of relays: 8
Microcontroller circuit, fit for
Sensitivity: <5mA light bulbs and mains halogen
unit. The relays can be piloted
Board dimensions: approx. 44 lamps
Specifications: directly of through open-
Install the module in the existing
Relay coil input voltage: 12Vdc x 18mm collector outputs
lighting circuit
Input impedance: 700 ohm Contact: 1 x inverter: 10A/
'Soft start' function to prolong
Current consumption/ relay: 28Vdc or 125Vac, max 5A at
the lamps' lifespan
18mA 230Vac
Install behind switch, ceiling,
Output relay contact rating: Fuse protection: 20 x 5mm,
inside lamp fixture
1A/30V 250mA
Radio and tv interference
Dimensions: 30 x 53 x 15mm Dimensions: 150 x 212 x 55mm suppression
Power supply: 220 - 240Vac
Lamp power rating: 40 - 200W
Dimming ramp time: 5 sec.
GC055 Universal Relay Card Load: 40 to 200W max.
with 16 Relays Max. Ambient temperature:
Dimensions: 39 x 39 x 27mm
(Kit) This 16-relay card kit has
EB604 Relay Board Kit screw terminal for all GC058 Relay Card
connections and PCB mount
power supply transformer is also
(Kit) Quite often the hobbyist supplied. Every relay output can (Kit) Connecting a number of
needs to use a relay. To fill this be equipped with a noise relays to the outputs of an
need this simple kit was made suppressor network. The electronic network may seem
of high-power mains control that brighteness of a single light or a Features:
can be regulated, control of group of lights that are Simple adjustment by means of
transformers for low-voltage connected in parallel. a DC voltage
halogen lamps, control of high- Specifications: Optically isolated adjustment
voltage transformers. Supply voltage: 230Vac input
Specifications: Output current: 3.5A max Pre-set adjustment for full
Operating voltage: 230Vac Output power: 750W brightness
Power output: 400W max Fuse protection: 20 x 5mm, 4A 'Soft start' feature to ensure
GC063 Multifunctional Duty cycle range: 5 - 95% Dimensions: 60 x 60 x40mm long life for lamps
Dimmer Kit Required potentiometer: 500k Transformer protection in case
Ohm linear (HB170) of defective light sources
This kit is a multifunctional Dimensions: 71 x 49 x 26mm LED status indication
dimmer kit that controls 230Vac Specifications:
lighting and has advanced Operating voltage: 110 - 125V
protection system with LED fault or 230 - 240V AC (50/60Hz)
indication. This protection Max load: 750W/230V or
system automatically switches 375W/110V, 0.98% adjustable
off the dimmer when the load is Max phase shift with inductive
too inductive or the load is not AF072 DC PWM Power load: 30°
detected. Control DC 5A/10A Power input: 750W/230Vac
Features: GC112 Multifunctional 9 - 28VDC max
Microcontroller technology Dimmer Module (Module) Power controller for Adjustment voltage: 0 to
Variety of applications: controlling DC loads (DC motors, 12Vdc
impulse, staircase light control, This multifunctional dimmer light bulbs, heaters, LEDs with Max. Adjustment current:
slow ON/OFF dimmer, interval module is designed for current limiting resistors, etc.) 2.25mA @ adjustment voltage of
timer etc. controlling 230Vac lighting. It The use of PWM (pulse width) 12V
'Soft start' prolongs the life of makes use of microprocessor control works well even with Dimensions: 90 x 75 x 40mm
bulbs technology. It has an advanced electric motors running at low
Can be operated from several protection system with LED fault RPM. Switching frequency:
locations, simply by the parallel indication. This protection approx. 400 Hz (for motors, a
connection of push buttons system automatically switches humming noise may be heard).
Protected memory off the dimmer when the load is The control is via the supplied
Equipped with fuse and key for too inductive or the load is not potentiometer or optional with
function selection detected. an external control voltage 0 to
Equipped with a mains Specifications: 5 V/DC.
suppressor Power supply: 110 to 240Vac Specifications:
Specifications: Load current: 2.5A max Operating voltage: 9- 28VDC AD702 Power Dimmer Push
Power supply: 110 to 240Vac Power output: 600W/300V Current consumption: 20A Button Controlled
Current: 2.5A max Noise suppressed according to Control range: approx. <0% to 1kW
Power output: 600W/300VA EN55015 100% (Kit) This high power dimmer kit
Dimensions: 100 x 82 x 36mm No noise in case of power Control mode: PWM pulse is designed for controlling
failure width modulation with a 230Vac lighting. It makes use of
Can be mountyed in a switch frequency between 300 -600Hz microprocessor technology. It
boc on a DIN rail or on a wall Potentiometer: 4.7 k Linear can be controlled from various
Auto frequency detection: 50 Dimensions: 87 x 60 x 33mm remote places by using one or
or 60Hz more mains rated push-button
Dimensions: 106 x 101 x switches which are connected in
44.5mm parallel. The specifications are
clearly listed in the information
insert of the kit.
GB770 Transformer Control Features:
230V Module Easy push-button operation
for dimming of light sources
(Module) This device may be GB493 DC Controlled Phase control can be disabled
used to control the input power Dimmer Non-volatile memory for last
to a transformer. It is connected et light intensity
at the 230Vac primary side of a GC071 Suppressed 3.5A This kit is a small but handy Transformer protection in case
wire wound transformer. The Dimmer circuit that is ideal for replacing of defective light sources
brightness of a low-voltage an existing dimmer or switch, in LED status indication
halogen lamp can be controlled This is a compact dimmer kit order to be able to control a Specifications:
indirectly by controlling the that will easily replace an lamp, set of lamps or even a Operating voltages: 110 -125V
input power to the step down existing on/off light switch. This motor via an adjustable DC or 220 - 240V AC (50/60Hz)
transformer that powers the kit enables one to vary the voltage. Max load: 1000W/ 230V or
lamp. Applications: construction 500W/ 115V (5A)
Dimming speed: ± 5 seconds control circuit. Protected against AA244 DC Motor Speed to adjust the above mentioned
PCB dimensions: 90 x 75 x overload & short circuit. Controller 5-15VDC modules without using
40mm Specifications: Kit potentiometers, but directly
Electronic kits and modules Supply voltage: 8 -35Vdc replacing them. The module can
This kit will control the speed of
Max output current: 6.5A receive either a DC voltage or
> Power Controllers > any common DC motor rated up
Input voltage range: 2.5 - to 100V (5A). The circuit
TTL periodic pulse train input
Motor Speed Controllers 35Vdc signal from a microcontroller or
operates on 5V to 15Vdc.
Dimensions: 85 x 48 x 45mm Specifications:
Supply voltage: 5 - 15Vdc
Operating voltage: 110 or
Dimensions: 55 x 96 x 30mm
Enclosure dimensions: 60 x 100
Duty cycle range: 10% -90%
Frequency: 1 -10kHz
Impulse voltage: approx.
5V/DC pulse width 10 -90%
GB796 Power Control PWM
230V - 2600VA Input resistance: control input
Module GC095 Speed Controller 1 - 5V/DC > 1.4k control input 3 -
This mains voltage power 12Vdc 4.1k, control input 6 -
controller is ideal for driving 24Vdc >9.1k
ohmic and inductive loads like This is an AC motor speed Dimensions: 70 x 60 x 23mm
motors,heating sets, glow lamps controller kit. It is designed to GB750 Motor and Lamp (without fastening straps)
etc. This device is not suitable control only a single phase AC Controller
for driving motors that require a motors that must have carbon
starting capacitor or fluorescent
brushes like electric straws,
lamps. This module may be used to
drilling machines, vacuum
Specifications: adjust and regulate the power
cleaners etc.
Operating voltage: 230Vac used by incandescent
Output power rating: 2600VA lamps,heaters, hand drills, etc. A
Supply voltage: 110 - 240Vac
max potentiometer is used to control
Output load voltage: 24 - the power consumption of loads
Operating voltage: 110 - 20Vac
FB615 Speed Control for
240Vac that operate from mains Mini-Drilling
Max output current: 5.5A voltages: 110-230Vac. It can
Current: max 12A at 110V/AC PCB dimensions: 130 x 75mm Machines
this corresponds to max. 1320VA power ohmic and inductive
loads. (Kit) This device is suitable for
and max 2880VA at 240Vac operation of miniature drilling
Load: max. 2600VA machines with DC motors at a
Supply voltage: 110-230Vac/
Required potentiometer: 470 k transformer.The rectifier is
linear already fitted, the user only
Operating temperature:
Required potentiometer: 500k needs a transformer with AC
approx. -30°C to 60°C
ohm linear voltage, according to the drilling
Duty cycle: 100% at 3A or 20%
Dimensions: 60 x 56 x 20mm machine.
at 6A respectively
AB339 Bidirection DC Specifications:
Loads: for ohmic or inductive
Motor SpeedControl Operating voltage: 12 - 24V
K166V2 Max output current: 3A
Output current rating: 3A max
This kit enables one to control (continuous use) 6A max (surge Electronic kits and modules
the rotation speed and direction current) > Stepper and Servo Motor
of a DC motor with a single Dimensions: approx. 70 x 36 x Drivers
potentiometer. The motor is off 23mm
in the centre position of the
EB359 DC to Pulse Width
Supply voltage: 6 - 32Vdc
Max DC motor current: 5A
(Kit) This control circuit is ideal Dimensions: 42 x 93 x 30mm
for the accurate control of DC
motors, lighting levels, small
JH043 4-Channel USB
heaters as well as other GB801 DC and Pulse
applications. The circuit converts Bipolar Stepper
Converter Module Motor Card
a DC voltage into a series of
pulses, such that the pulse (Kit) This USB stepper motor
duration is directly proportional This module is specifically made card can be used to drive four
to the value of the DC voltage. to interface with power stepper motors. It is suited for
Its great advantage is that controller modules (GB750) and bipolar motors and its current
almost no power is lost in the (GB796). This device enables one can be adjusted for each motor
independently. 5 dry-contact inputs GB799 Stepper Motor
Features: 1 logic open collector output Driver 6 Wire
Capable of driving four Power supply: 10 -30VAC
independent stepper motors Dimensions: 117 x 65.5 x This module can drive a 6-wire,
suited for bipolar motors 25mm unipolar stepper motor, like
Current can be adjusted for (AD980), without using a
each motor independently personal computer. The
Over current protection direction and speed of rotation
sensing FB645 Stepper Motor
of the stepper motor's axis can Control
On-board switch mode supply be controlled. A double pole
USB connection: Control the switch is required for changing
motors using your computer the direction of rotation. The A 6-branch unipolar stepper
DLL file supplied to write your number of revolutions of the motor can be operated with this
own software GB785 Stepper Motor- motor can be asjusted from 2 to kit. The kit works without a
Include board-to-wire Interface for 4Pin 1000Hz. For motors from 5 - computer. The stepping rate can
connections Bipolar 12V, max 2A. The operating be adjusted between 15 and 240
Specifications: This module drives 4 wire, voltage of the module depends steps per second. The operation
Power supply: 10 - 30VAC bipolar stepper motors by using on the operating voltage of the voltage of the stepper motor is
Power output: 750mA/motor a personal computer. The motor motor (5-12V). A potentiometer the same as the supply voltage
1 logic open collector output may either be controlled by 1M linear and a switch 2x of the kit (6 to 12Vdc).
6 dry-contact inputs hand, using computer keyboard, change over are necessary for
Power input: 5 - 30V or by automatic program flow, operation. The module works
Dimensions: 140 x 100 x 30mm written by the user. It is without a computer and can
connected to the computer's only control the direction of
printer port. A double power rotation and the number of
pack (split power supply) is revolutions of the motor. A
required for the current supply controlled program flow is not
Specifications: possible.
Dual supply voltage: 4-18Vdc Specifications:
Supply current: 2A max Supply voltage: 5 -12Vdc AA249 Parallel Port 2
25 poles for connection to the Supply current: 2A max StepperMotor Driver
PC printer port LPT1 Stepping frequency: 2-1000Hz Kit
Dimensions: 120 x 50 x 24mm Dimensions: 50 x 120 x 25mm This kit enables the user to
JH042 1-Channel USB control two unipolar stepper
Bipolar Stepper motors via a printer port of a PC.
Motor Card It does not require any powering
(Kit) While the motor turns, you as it is powered by the port. A
can simulteneously check the DOS based program written
status of the dry-inputs (eg specifically to drive the stepper
emergency stop signal, limit motors should be downloaded
detection). This stepper motor from the internet site provided
card can be used in every in the information insert of the
application where positioning is GB572 Unipolar GB808 4-Fold Interface kit.
needed. Steppermotor Driver Switch Module
Features: Kit
Capable of driving 1 stepper This kit is a very useful circuit for This 4-way interface splitter
motor driving 5, 6 or 8-wire unipolar module is meant to be used with
Suited for bipolar motors stepper motors. It can operate the 4 wire stepper motor driver
Current of the motor cable either freestanding or PC- (GB785) or 6-wire stepper motor
adjusted controlled. driver (GB754). It is connected to
Over current protection Specifications: the computer's printer port,
AB134 Bi-polar Stepper
sensing Supply voltage: 7 - 12Vdc (kit) LPT1, and then up to 4 motor
Motor Driver Board
On board switch mode supply 8 - 35Vdc (stepper motor) interface modules can be
USB connection: control the Supply current: 0.1A (kit) 6A connected and operated Kit
motor using your computer (stepper motor) independently at the 4 interface This is a useful kit for driving
DLL file supplied to write your Dimensions: 46 x 75 x 25mm outputs. bipolar stepper motors that
own software have 4 or more wires. It can
Includes board-to-wire operate either freestanding or
connections PC-controlled.
Specifications: Specifications:
Power Output: 750mA Supply voltage: 8 -30Vdc (kit)
continuous 5 - 50Vdc (stepper motor)
AC range: 5 - 30V Trigger voltage: 5Vdc

Trigger current: 4.3mA frequency can be adjusted. quality audio/video signals in the
Dimensions: 75 x 86 x 25mm Specifications: UHF band. Input signals can be
Frequency range: 88 - 108MHz fed from video cameras, tuners,
Power supply: 9V battery video tape players, etc. It can
Dimensions: 30 x 17 x 12mm make use of the signal lines that
N:B The use of this device has to are available on standardised
be in accordfance with the user's output connectors.
country regulations. Specifications:
AB341 Transmitter Module Supply voltage: 5Vdc
TX433N Supply current: 90mA
EB625 Servo Driver - Output carrier frequency:
PIC16C711 1-4 This is a compact AM radio 479.5MHz
Motors Kit transmitter module with SMD RF output power: 2mW
(Kit) This is a servo motor driver components. It is suitable for Dimensions: 29.5 x 25.5 x 8mm
kit. It will separately control up remote controls and telemetry
to 4 servo motors. The motors over a distance of up to 15m,
themselves are black boxes single direction. No adjustments
which contain a motor, gearbox AB612 FM Audio are required. It has a stable
and decoder electronics. Transmitter output carrier frequency.
Specifications: Specifications:
Supply voltage: 5Vdc This is a compact FM radio Supply voltage: 3 -12Vdc
Supply current: 1A max transmitter module. It makes Supply current: 45mA/12Vdc
Number of channels: 4 use of thick-film, hybrid circuit Carrier frequency: 433.92MHz
technology and SMD Buad rate: 8 kbit/sec max
components. It is suitable for pin numbers: GND, data in, AA218 FM Transmitter with
high quality audio radio Vcc, ANT 3 Stages 9VDC Kit
Electronic kits and modules transmission, radio telemetry of RF output power: 10mW
> Radio Transmitters analogue signals and radio Dimensions: 17 x 10 x 4mm (Kit) This is one of the most
remote control (DTMF) systems. powerful FM transmitter. Easy to
Specifications: build and tune in the upper part
Supply voltage: 12Vdc of the FM band. Full circuit
Supply current: 15mA schematic provided with the kit.
Carrier center frequency: Specifications:
433.8MHz Supply voltage: 9Vdc
Dimensions: 41 x 19 x 4.5mm PCB dimensions: 17 x 70mm

AB095 FM Telephone
Transmitter Kit
AB096 9V FM Transmitter Electronic kits and modules
This kit is to be attached to the Kit > Radio Receivers
telephone line with the supplied
alligator clips. When there is a This FM transmitter kit has
signal on the line, (when you improved frequency stability and
pick up the handset), the circuit range. The frequency is tuned
will transmit the conversation EB610 Miniature Bug - FM within 89 - 109MHz FM band
over a short distance, in the Radio Transmitter Kit using a trimcapacitor. The user
86-95MHz FM band. can experiment with the
(Kit) This FM transmitter is a antenna length for optimum JH050 Digitally Controlled
miniature version of the kit distance.
FM Radio
(AA218) that only makes use of
normal passive components.
Specifications: This HQ reciever minikit has
excellent sensitivity, four station
Supply voltage: 9Vdc
presets with confirmation beep,
Frequency range: 90 - 108MHz
soft fade-in of last audio level at
PCB dimensions: 16.5 x 26mm
switch-on, restore of the last
selected station at switch-on and
GB760 FM Test Transmitter a single button station search
Module AB026 22 TV Channel Audio- function.
Video Modulator Features:
HQ FM receiver module with
This is a mini FM transmitter
excellent sensitivity
module with a built-in (Module) This is a low cost CATV High button station search
microphone. The transmitter circuit for transmitting high- function
Four station presets with Receives the complete FM RF input impedance: 50 Ohm
confirmation beep band: 88 - 108MHz RF input sensitivity: -100dBm
Restore of last selected station With On/Off swiitch, volume Dimensions: 51 x 20 x 8mm
at switch-on control and LED indiator
Soft fade-in of last audio level Specifications:
at switch on Supply voltage: 12Vdc
Specifications: Supply current: 100mA
FM range: 88 - 107.9MHz Dimensions: 125 x 85mm
Power supply: 9VDC FB684 AM/FM Antenna
Power consumption: 40mA Amplifier
Dimensions: 130 x 85 x 45mm
FB583 Converter 100 to This is an antenna amplifier kit
200 MHz for AM/FM radios. It is used
where additional antenna signal
(Kit) The converter makes it amplification is required, for
possible to receive, for example, example: for a car radio or hifi
MB095 Antenna Amplifier taxi radio, amateur radio, tuner at home.
30 - 850 MHz marine radio broadcasting, Specifications:
television sound etc. Through an Supply voltage: 12 - 15Vdc
AB342 Receiver Module This is an antenna amplifier kit ordinary VHF-radio. The Supply current: 1 - 3mA
RX433N that covers a wide frequency converter has simple to be
range. It may be used to amplify placed within the antenna lead.
This is a compact AM radio low power VHF/UHF television Specifications:
receiver module with SMD signals and for amateur radio Operating voltage: 9 -12V/DC
components. It is suitable for bands. Sensitivity: up to 0.8µV at 10dB
remote controls and telemetry. Specifications: Board dimensions: approx. 85
It requires no adjustments. Supply voltage: 9 - 12Vdc x 95mm
Features: Frequency: 30 - 850MHz'
No adjustments required Input/ output impedance: 60
Stable output ohm PB209 AM Radio with
Suitable for remote controls, Input and output impedance: Amplifier + Speaker
telemetry etc. 57 - 75 Ohm 9V Kit
Specifications: Amplification: 20dB max (Kit) A complete AM radio on a
Supply voltage: 5Vdc Board dimensions: 55 x 55mm single PCB. The radio frequency
Supply current: 4.5mA Not included: is front end tuned. A single chip
Carrier frequency: 433.92MHz Coaxial cable (AE064 or AE067) is used for the RF amplifier and a
Baud rate: 4.8 kbit/sec detector and two stages of
Dimensions: 43.5 x 11.5 x
FB633 Antenna Amplifier amplification of the audio signal
9.5mm 50 - 1000MHz into a speaker. The tuning coil is
pre-wound. A speaker and
(Kit) Single-stage antenna components are included.
amplifier, with continuously Supply voltage: 9Vdc
adjustable amplification up to Electronic kits and modules
15dB max. For any television > TV and Video
range from channel 2 up to 65,
AB611 FM Super-Het suitable for VHF radio and cable
Receiver television. There are prepared
clamps for coaxial cable on the
GB586 FM Radio This is a compact, FM, super- board. As required, it is possible
heterodyne radio receiver to connect two antenna
module. It makes use of thick- amplifiers one after the other.
This is a very easy to assemble film, hybrid circuit technology The total amplification will
FM radio kit. It has no coil to and SMD components. A single correspondingly increase. GC117 Video Signal Cleaner
wind. It recieves the FM band mixer stage is used in the FM Specifications:
88 -108MHz. demodulation process. Supply voltage: 6 -18Vdc
Features: Features: Frequency range: 50 -
This module is used to clean a
Double fun: building and EN 300 220 ratifiable 1000MHz
Input/ output impedance: 50 - video signal and remove
listening Miniature SIL PCB
75ohm unwanted distortions. It
Easy to asemble: no coils to Specifications:
stabilises the picture quality and
wind Supply voltage: 3Vdc Not included:
Coaxial cable (AE064 or AE067) fluctuations in brightness. Also
One single adjustment Supply current: 15mA max
improves picture on LCD
Pre-assembled and tested FM Carrier center frequency: Enclosure (AD833)
monitors and projectors. There
front-end 433.8MHz are inputs and outputs for both
PAL (composite video) and NTSC EB356 Audio/Video TV intruders with this low cost FB632 Alarm Display
(S-video) formats. Modulator alarm stimulator. It has a
Features: realistic looking flash sequence.
Digitally cleans the video It can run for months on a single
(Kit) If it is desired to connect a (Kit) In this alarm display, there
signal/removes unwanted AA battery. It may be wall
video signal originating from a are 2 fitted different coloured
distortion in video signal mounted or desk-top operated.
camera or other video source to light emitting diodes which flash
Stabilises picture quality and Ideal for home protections, cars,
a normal TV set, you will need alternately in short sequences.
luminace fluctuations shops, cabins etc.
this modulator. It has two RCA For use in cars, weekend-houses,
Improves picture quality on outputs, one for an audio signal
etc, in order to simulate an
LCD monitors or projectors Realistic looking flash
and the other for video signal. armed alarm set.
S-video and composite video in The audio and video signals are
and output Runs for months on a single AA
converted into a UHF TV signal Operating voltage: 9 - 12V/DC
LED indication when distorted so that the signal can be
Board dimensions: approx. 22 x
video signal detected received through the TV antenna Complete with enclosure and 27mm
For PAL/NTSC video input. fixation strip
Specifications: Specifications: Wall mounted or desktop
Supply voltage: 9Vdc Supply voltage: 12 - 15Vdc operation
Supply current: 100-300mA Supply current: 100mA Applications: protect homes,
Dimensions: 106 x 101 x Dimensions: 70 x 104 x 30mm
shops, cars, cabins, trailers etc
44.5mm Specifications:
Power supply: 1.5V AA battery
Power consumption: 3mA
(when flashing)
Dimensions: 80 x 55 x 33mm FB657 LED Emergency Kit 6
to 15V

This kit may be used to mark

AB027 22 Channel CATV emergency exits. If its operating
AB213 Video Signal Cleaner Amplifier voltage for the LED breaks down,
the Gold-cap-capacitor supplies
Linear CATV amplifier module the LED with power to light up
This kit is used to clean a video for high quality audio/ video to 15 minutes. Supply voltage:
signal and remove unwanted signal amplification. It operates 6 - 15Vdc/ac.
distortion. It stabilises the on the UHF TV channel 22. The FB616 Paralyser 10000 Volt
picture quality and fluctuations RF input signal can be derived
in brighteness. from the audio/ video
Features: modulator (AB026). A standard
Digitally cleans the video TV can receive the amplified RF (Kit) With the aid of this device,
signal/ removes unwanted output signal. it is possible to produce high
distortion in video signal Specifications: voltage pulses of more than
Stabilises picture quality and Supply voltage: 12Vdc 10000V.These high voltage
luminance fluctuations Supply current: 100mA pulses strike through clothing
Improves picture quality on Operating carrier frequency:
and provide an ideal self defence EB848 Car Alarm Simulator
LCD monitors and projectors weapon. The attacker will have a
S-video and compositevideo in RF Output power: 19dBm
& output Specifications:
Dimensions: 38.2 x 22 x 4.2mm (Kit) A flashing LED with realistic-
LED indication when distorted Supply voltage: 9Vdc
appearing sequence, simulates
video signal is detected Supply current: >160mA
Electronic kits and modules an active alarm system.
For PAL/NTSC video Output voltage: 10 000V max.
Specifications: > Security > Alarm Frequency of sparks: >3 sparks
Activates automatically when
Supply voltage: 9Vdc Imitations and Deterrents per second
the engine is turned off
Supply current: 100 - 300mA Dimensions: 56 x 65 x 20mm
Easy installation with two
PCB dimensions: 100 x 84mm wires
Adjustable sensitivity
Supply voltage: 12Vdc
Supply current: 12mA
PCB dimensions: 57 x 45mm
AF086 Alarm Sensor

(Module) Scare off possible

system. Prevent unauthorised max. 50V/100mA the small animal to induce
use Board to wire connectors: electric shock.
Specifications: 20cm wire Specifications:
Power supply: 12Vdc/100mA Keyboard operating force:40g Supply voltage: 9-12Vdc
max Keyboard life: 1000000 Power consumption: 40mA
Relay output NO/NC: 3A/24 operators with R3mm rubber Output voltage: pulsating max.
Vdc max Power supply: 9Vac or 1000V/0.5 joule
Dimensions: 85 x 85mm 12Vdc/max 250mA Pulse frequency: 1 pulse per
FB603 Electronic Fence Dimensions (frame included): second
Appliance 165 x 90 x 35mm High voltage display: LED
High voltage cable length: max.
This kit, when used together 100m
with an additional 230V-12V Dimensions: 50 x 72 x 42mm
transformer, produces high
voltage pulses that may be as
large as 3000V. It is used to
make weaker type of electric AA238 Combination Lock Kit
fence instrument that is only
suitable for smaller fences. GC042 Code Lock
Specifications: (Kit) An introduction to a basic
Operating voltage: 6VDC but fully working combination
Average power consumption: lock. Separate touch pad with 9 This is a 4-digit digital code lock AF091 Proximity Card
approx. 100mA, on average, up pads. Lock is reset if an incorrect kit. It may be used to switch an Reader
to 1.5A in pulse strikes digit is pressed. Supply voltage: alarm on and off or to open an
Board dimensions: approx. 45 12Vdc. electromechanical door. The (Minikit) The device can store up
x 21mm four code digits are easily to 25 tags. It is an excellent 64-
Not included: defined using wire jumpers. The bit coded security device. It has
Heatsink (AC824) specifications and features are an easy addition or removal of
Nut, bolt,washer, insulators clearly listed in the information tags. It can be used to open
Transformer (AC658) insert of the kit. doors, gates, security systems,
Electronic kits and modules Specifications: prevent unauthorised usage of
> Security > Access Control More than 3000 codes (4 equipment, computer etc.
digits) Features:
AB304 User-Definable 8- Relay output: 5A/220V Store up to 25 tags
Channel Touch Panel Time limit for code entry: ± 5 Excellent security: 64-bit coded
seconds Unlimited no. Of tags in low-
(Kit) Ever wanted your own Power supply: 9 -15Vdc or 8 - security mode
keyboard with your personal 12VAC Two tags supplied
layout and symbols? Here is the Power consumption: 40mA Easy addition and removal of
solution, a soft-touch see (output on) 0.3µA (output off) tags
VM623 Safe - Style Code through panel with 8 keys. Now Dimensions: 80 x 80 x 40mm Output activation: 0.5seconds
Lock simply print your keyboard to 4minutes or toggle (ON/OFF)
layout on a transparent foil and Coil can be mounted away
make your own keyboard. from the board (up to 5m) for
(Kit) This is an innovative and
Specifications and features are higher security
impressive codelock with a
listed in the information insert. Variety of applications
rotary encoder and 7-segment
Features: Specifications:
display. It is however impossible
Max. 8 self-definable keys Power supply: 12Vdc/100mA
to determine the pressed keys
LED status indication for each Relay output: 3A/24V max
due to the use of digital rotary GB776 Mini-Fence-High-
encoder. Amongst other uses, it
key/output EM4100 compatible
Each key can be set up as a Voltage Generator Dimensions: 66 x 62 x 20mm
can be used to open a door or
gate, arm/disarm your alarm
toggle key or momentary key Module
system and prevent Key layout examples are This module generates 1000V,
unauthorised use of car, included low power pulses. It should be
entertainment system etc. Backlight with dimming connected to electric-fencing. It
Features: function is not meant to deter buglars. It
Codelock with rotary encoder Unique key-click feedback is useful though for keeping
and 7-segment display Optional IR receiver module: IR small animals bound or out of a
4 digit code 38 DM garden with electric fencing
Several operating modes Design mounting frame (bezel) around it. The two high voltage
Adjustable pulse duration is included. wires must be simulteneously
Specifications: connected to the bare feet,
Applications: open door, gate,
fence etc. Arm/disarm alarm 8 open-collector switches: tongue, snout or other part of

GB795 Electronic Card without using key, to switch on GB762 Infrared spotlight for
Switch Module devices etc. CCDcameras module
Operating voltage: 6Vdc
This device optically reads the (Module) With the infrared
coding on a card and switches a spotlight CCD-cameras may
relay if the coding is correct. It recognize objects also in
can be used by a selected few in complete darkness. The infrared
order to switch devices, FB653 Infra-Red Spotlight light is invisible for men, CCD-
machines, alarm systems etc. cameras can see well with an
Identical cards are supplied and infrared spotlight.
their coding can be changed. The Perfect for inconspiciuous
FB656 Electronic Key Access The IR spotlight kit can be used
card will be read optically by 4 observation of entrances, drives
infra-red read-heads and will to improve the night vision of etc.
solely react on the correct card. CCD and video cameras that are Specifications:
Specifications: (Kit) When holding the supplied able to view images in complete Operating voltage: 12 -15VDC
Supply voltage: 9Vdc key pendant infront of the darkness. Although IR light is not Current consumption:
Supply current: 150mA sensor, a relay on the circuit visible to human eyes, CCD < 300mA
Relay output: 1A/48V (SPST) switches on. For use in non- cameras can see well with an IR Range: 5m max
contact door opener to switch spotlight.
max. Wavelength: 875nm (approx)
appliances. You may hide the Specifications:
Operating mode: optical with 4 Dimensions: 72 x 50 x 18mm
infrared-reflex reading heads sensor behind a door pane so Supply voltage: 12 - 14Vdc
that only the insiders know at Supply current: 300mA Electronic kits and modules
Card dimensions: 85 x 54mm
which point you hyave to hold IR wavelength: 870 - 950nm > Security > Alarm Control
Module dimensions: 80 x 35 x
70mm the key pendant in order to Range: 5m Panel
open the door. The key pendant
does not require a battery.
Supply voltage: 12Vdc
Supply current: 0.1mA
Board dimensions: approx.55 x

Electronic kits and modules FB570 Universal Alarm for

FB529 Sensor Number Lock AD309 PIR Movement Car Boat House
> Security > Infrared
Detector Module 12V
(Kit) Professional alarm unit for
(Kit) By touching the correct This is a pyroelectric sensor 12V use. One can connect
numbers, a relay will operate. In module that is designed for several alarm sensors to the
a case whereby false numbers detecting movement of humans. unit. The sensor state and alarm
are entered, the lock will block A fresnel lens, a PIR sensor, state are indicated by the LEDs.
automatically for some time. amplifier, logic circuit and Contact control and alarm
Ideal for opening doors and regulator are mounted together indication via LEDs. Adjustable
gateways without keys, to switch EB614 PIR Movement onto a compact PCB. It is rise-delay time and alarm
electronic devices which should Detector Module 5V suitable for activating automatic duration: approximately 2-15
not be operated by lighting systems and intruder seconds and 8-30 seconds.
unauthorised persons. Supply alarms. The module has an Specifications:
This is a pyroelectric sensor
voltage: 12Vdc active low level, open collector Supply voltage: 12Vdc
module that is designed for
output. Arming time delay: 2 to 15
detecting movement of humans.
Specifications: seconds
The module generates an output
Supply voltage: 12Vdc Alarm duration: 8 to 30
pulse after it has been triggered.
Detection range: 2-5m seconds
This 5V high level output pulse
Power Up time delay: 25 sec. No. of sensors: 20 max
can be connected to
microcontrollers or other TTL- Lens diameter: 24mm Relay contact: 1 x change over,
inputs. Dimensions: 28 x 28 x 24mm 5A
Specifications: Board diemnsions:
FB546 Digital Number Lock Supply voltage: 4-12Vdc approximately 58 x 45mm
with Keyboard 6V Detection range: 2m
PIR input gain: 68dB
(Kit) After typing any four figure Power up time delay: 25 sec
number, the relay will pull up. Output pulse width: 0.5 sec
The code number can be Dimensions: 25 x 35 x 20mm
programmed freely and is easily
changed. Ideal as a doorlock
Supply voltage: 9 - 12Vdc transistor output goes low when x 45mm
Supply current: 100mA movement is detected. Security > CCTV and
Mini-loudspeaker: 100mW/100 Operating voltage: 9 - 12Vdc. Accessories > Black and
Not included: white cameras > Camera
Reed switch (MB163) Module > C-CAM Series
Panic button (HB015)
GC038 Car Alarm Electronic kits and modules
> Security > Ultrasonic

The car alarm kit can detect AB684 Ultrasonic

sudden voltage drops of the Movement Detector
battery when the interior, trunk, II Kit
or hood lights are switched on. The kit is ideal for detecting
AE819 Miniature B/W
To ensure correct operation, a movement through a doorway. CMOS Camera
number of control indications It has a light emitting diode that Module C-Cam2A
have been included such as: lights up when movement is This is a low cost, low power and
VK525 Parking Radar
flashing LED to indicate that the detected. Use a plug in DC very small camera module. Only
alarm is on standby note after a Module 12VDC 2.5m
supply like (AA729). Operating five pins needs to be connected.
set time. Pre-alarm (built-in- voltage: 9 - 12Vdc. High voltage regulated circuit
buzzer) to indicate that the This module can be used in essential.
alarm is activated, so that you various applications like robot Specifications:
don't forget to switch it off. The projects, object detection, Power supply: 5V +/- 0.5V
alarm is easy to switch on & off, distance measuring, parking aid, Sensor used: OV5116
either automatically or by means security systems etc. It has an Dimensions: 16mm square by
of the ignition switch or a adjustable alarm distance and 15mm
remote control unit. LED alarm indicator.
Specifications: Features: Security > CCTV and
Power supply: 12V battery Buzzer output: FB089 Ultrasonic Detector Accessories > Digital
Standby current: 25mA fast/slow/continuous Cameras > Sensor Module
Detects voltage drops of the Distance indication with 3-LED
battery bar
Entry delay time: (2 to 30 Adjustable alarm distance
seconds, with buzzer indication) LED alarm indicator
Exit delay time: 2 to 180 Dry contact NO/NC relay
seconds with LED indication Specifications:
Alarm period: 60 seconds with Power supply: 12VDC
automatic reset Current consumption: 200mA
Power supply: 12V max AF074 AA5620 Camera
Standby current: 25mA Frequency: 40kHz FB648 Ultrasonic Distancer module
Relay output: 5A Range: 20 - 250cm Alerter / Alarm
PCB dimensions: 62 x 100mm Digital output: 5V (50mA) A digital sensor module using
Analogue output: 0-5V (5mA) (Kit) The LED lights up if a body OmniVision's OV5620 Mega
Relay contacts: 1A low voltage approaches the ultrasonic Pixels CMOS image sensor.
NO/NC sensors at a distance of 10 to Specifications:
Buzzer output: 12V/ 100mA 80cm. Ideal to use as a parking- 5.17 Meg CMOS image sensor
max in assistance for cars in Resolution: 2592 x 1944
Dimensions: 110 x 50 x 18mm garadges, alarm signal for Lens format: 1/2.5"
persons or animals staying in a Built in lens: (optional)
particular area etc. The device 10 Bit RGB raw data output
works according to the same Progressive scan
principle as the ultrasonic echo Serial camera control bus
ranging of bats. interface
FB624 Mini Alarm System Specifications: Single 3.3V operation
Operating voltage: 9 - 12Vdc Low power consumption
Frequency: approx. 40kHz (<120mW)
AB097 Ultrasonic
(Kit) This alarm unit is ideal for Range: approx. 10-80cm
protecting drawers, cupboards Movement Detector depending on the size of the
and for children's rooms. It is I Kit body
possible to connect as many This kit is useful for detecting Display: LED
alarm sensors as possible. movement within 4m range in Current consumption: <10mA
Specifications: 40 degree cone infront of the Board dimensions: approx. 55
sensor. The LED lights up and a
monostable timer kit. The 555 Supply current: 10mA
timer IC is used as an astable Basic accuracy: better than 5%
oscillator that is set to 1Hz. The Settings:
555 output drives a 4020 IC that 1-10: One minute step
is a 14 stage binary ripple 10-30: five minutes steps
counter. 30-60: 15 minutes steps
Specifications: Dimensions: 76.5 x 75 x 32mm
Supply voltage: 12Vdc
AF062 AA9653 Camera AD484 Energy Saver Timer Output relay: 240V/10A
Module (with lens) Module PCB dimensions: 53 x 58mm

This is a series of digital sensor Forgot to switch off a light or

module using OmniVision's any other 230V mains
OV9653 mega-pixel CMOS image appliance? This mains powered,
sensor. The digital video port monostable, timer module can
provides full-frame, sub-sampled do the work for you. It helps
or windowed 8/10 bit images. save power, money and increase
Camera functions are safety by automatically turning GC094 Universal Start/Stop
programmable through serial off an appliance after a preset GB800 Time Switch 12- Timer
camera control bus. time. It is simply connected 15VDC Module
Specifications: between your light or appliance This is a compact timer kit with
Resolution: SXGA 1.3M pixels and the mains power switch. This electronic timer-switch one start and one stop push-
1300 x 1028 Features: module may be used for button switch. It also has an
Lens format: 1/4" Automatically turns off your exposure devices, battery adjustable time delay between 1
Lens: F6.5mm F3.2 lights or small appliance charger timing, machines, toys sec and 15 minutes.
Module size: 41 x 31mm Different timers selectable etc. It connects other devices by Specifications:
Electronic kits and modules LED power/timer indication means of the installed, Supply voltage: 12Vdc
Easy installation potential-free relay switch. The Supply current: 20mA (relay
> Timers > Single Delay Specifications: relay connects at the beginning off) 55mA (relay on)
Timers Power supply: 110 -230Vac of a timing cycle after the start LED indication when the relay
Max. Output power: (500W push-button has been pressed is on
resistive) (250W inductive) and disconnects again Relay contact rating: 2A/240V
Selectable timers: 1h/2h/4h or automatically at the end of the
8h preset time.
Dimensions: 80 x 70 x 25mm Specifications:
Supply voltage: 12- 15Vdc
Supply current: 20mA (with
relay off) 80mA (with relay on)
AD434 Power Saver / Timer
Switching capacity: 3A/25V
Adjustable time: approx. 2 sec
to 23 minutes GC104 Fan Timer
(Kit) This is a mains powered, Display: 2 (1 x LED operating
monostable, timer kit. Use it to voltage, 1 x LED relay ON)
save power, money and increase Dimensions: 75 x 45 x 20mm This mains powered timer kit is
safety by automatically turning AB108 Three Timer Kits in
controlled with one 230V rated
off your equipment after a One Kit Kit
switch. It has a triac output for
preset time. The timer will
driving 230Vac fan motors and
power your sprinkler, lighting or This is a set of 3 monostable lighting.
heater for the preset turn-off timers consisting of the Features:
time delay and then turn following kits: EB620; EB619 and Suitable for most types of fans
off.Operate this timer with a PB211
single push-button and an on- Solid state switching with noise
board jumper. suppression
GB584 Kitchen Timer
Specifications: Can be connected to existing
Available timers: installation
1h/2h/4h/8h/24h LED function indication
This kit can be used for 1 minute Can also be used as a
Relay output: 10A/240VAC
to 1 hour timing. It makes use of standalone fan delay timer
microcontroller technology. Specifications:
Power supply: 100 - 240VAC
Dimensions: 65 x 50 x 26mm
Audible and visible alarm with Supply voltage: 230Vac
PB211 Time Switch 8 to discrete pre-alarm. Attractive Output current: 1A
8192sec - 2.3 hour design. LED indication
Kit Specifications: Adjustable time delay: 10 sec
This is a long duration Power supply: 3x AAA 1.5V to 5 min
current switching operations. Relay-breaking capacity: max.
The time delay can be adjusted 3A at 25V
from approximately 1 sec to 40 Relay contact: 1 x ON
minutes. The output relays Board dimensions: approx. 54
switches on after pressing the x 44mm
start push-button and switches
off again when the adjusted
time has expired. The lapse of
FB625 Mini-Timer time may be interrupted by JH049 1 Sec. to 60 Hours
pressing the reset key. Pulse-Pause Timer Kit
(Kit) Whenever the on-board Operating voltage: 12Vdc This pause timer has an easy
tactile push-button switch is curret consumption: <50mA time setting and a wide timing
pushed, the LED will light up.The Rupturing capacity: max 25V, GB769 Automatic Light range. It can be used in blinking
LED remains on for as long as 3A Switch 230V Module of lights, pulsed operation of
the button is being pressed. The Switching contact: 1 x ON buzzers, automatic irrigation,
time delay starts immediately Adjustment of time: with an This electronic timer-switch lawn sprinklers, toilet flashing or
after the button has been adjustable regulator module may be used for ventilation, battery charging
released. Board dimensions: approx. 56 automatic staircase lighting, for time control and even in cyclic
Specifications: x 54mm exposure devices, alarm alert operation of equipment.
Supply voltage: 9Vdc timing etc. It has a built in Features:
Supply current: 19mA (LED on) potential-free, SPDT relay switch Wide timing range
11mA (LED off) that can be used to switch other Easy time setting
Time delay: 100 - 180 seconds devices on or off. The relay gets Start with 'pulse' or 'pause'
activated after a start push 'Single shot' or 'loop' selection
button has been pushed and Applications: blinking of lights,
automatically switches off. pulsed operation of buzzers,
Specifications: Automatic irrigation, Lawn
EB620 RC Capacitor Power supply: 230Vac sprinklers,ventilation, Battery
Discharging Timer Kit Switching capacity: 3A/ 230Vac charging time control, cyclic
Timing duration: 1 sec. to 30 operation of equipment
(Kit) This is a classic monostable, min. Specifications:
RC timer circuit that makes use Power supply: 12 - 24Vdc
of discharging elecrolytic Relay contact: 16A max
EB619 555 Timer Circuit Kit capacitor which determines its Dimensions: 80 x 45 x 22mm
(Kit) This is a classic monostable Supply voltage: 12 - 15Vdc
555 timer circuit that switches a Timing range: 2 -400 seconds
relay for an adjustable period of Relay contact rating: 10A max
time. The time delay is
determined by the values of the
capacitor and resistor connected AB130 Programmable
to the 555 IC. Timer
Specifications: +FirmwareModules
Supply voltage: 12 - 15Vdc AD607 Interval Timer
(Kit) This 4 digit, programmable,
Timing range: 1 sec to more down counting, timer kit makes Module
tha 5 minutes use of a preprogrammed
Output relay: 240V/10A microcontroller. It has 4-digit, 7 This is a periodic interval timer
segment, red, 14mm LED module. It can be used for the
FB532 Precision Short display. intermittent switching of circuits
Timer Approx. 0 to Specifications: and equipment: blinking light,
5min Supply voltage: 9 -12Vdc video/ photo shooting, slide
(Kit) After pushing the on-board Supply current: 50mA max projector control, miniature
models etc. The module has a
tactile switch, the relay will
555 IC, used as an astable
switch on for an adjustable time
oscillator that switches the on-
delay and then switch off again. Electronic kits and modules board relay switch on and off
Specifications: > Timers > Periodic Timers periodically.
Supply voltage: 12Vdc
FB595 Precision Timer 0 to Features:
Supply current: 40mA
40 minutes Blinking light, warning light
Adjustable time delay: 2 sec. to
Video/photo single frame
5 minutes
(Kit) Adjustable time switch for Relay contact rating: 3A/25V
Slide projector control
Miniature models applications intermittent switching of circuits memory loss if the power is Assembled and tested, no
Automated testing and equipment: blinking light, removed. Functions are selected soldering required
Specifications: slide projector control etc. with 4 on-board DIP-switches. Specifications:
Supply voltage: 12 -15Vdc Specifications: The specifications and features Power supply: 9 - 12VAC/ min.
Supply current: 100mA Supply voltage: 12 - 15Vdc of the kit are listed in the 100mA
 Adjustable pulse time: 0.5 to 5 Supply current: 100mA information leaflet of the kit. Dimensions: 116 x 74 x 24mm
sec. Relay contact rating: 3A/24V Specifications:
Adjustable pause time: 2.5 to Adjustable Pulse Time: 0.5 to 5 Operating voltages:
60 sec. seconds 9-12Vac/Vdc
Relay contact rating: 3A/24V Adjustable Pause Time: 2.5 to Max. Load: 5A (1100W/230V;
max 60 seconds 550W/115V)
Dimensions: 40 x 58 x 25mm LED indicator: Shines during Dimensions: 87 x 39 x 26mm
pulse times

GB607 Cable Polarity

Electronic kits and modules
> Timers> Multifunctional
This kit consists of two parts that
must be connected to the ends
of a pair of cables. It has four
indicator LEDs to check cables
VN579 Start-Stop Timer AB126 Multi-Mode Timer Kit for continutity, check for open
Module (1s - 60h) circuits etc.
This start-stop timer module has This programmable timer kit Power supply: 9V battery
a wide timing range. It has easy GC077 Multifunctional
makes use of a preprogrammed Supply current: 10A max
time setting, LED animation microcontroller. It has 7 timing Remote board: 40 x 7mm
Relay Module
during operation, on-board modes and 4 time delay ranges Main board dimensions: 56 x
start-stop buttons, it is non that are selected with on-board 40 x 33mm
retriggerable. It's time setting is This is a programmable, DIP switches.
easy. multifunctional 230Vac timer Specifications:
Features: plug-in kit with an output relay Supply voltage: 12Vdc
Wide timing range switch. It uses a preprogrammed Supply current: 300mA
Easy time setting microcontroller. It is suitable for
control of incandescent lighting,
LED animation during
halogen lighting, fluorescent
operation Electronic kits and modules
lighting, fans, valves, buzzers etc.
On-board start/stop buttons > Testing Insturments and EB437
Specifications: Signal Tracer /
Non retriggable
Supply voltage: 110 - 125Vac Devices Injector Kit
Power-on trigger is possible
or 220 -240Vac 50/60 Hz
Debounced buffered inputs
Output current: 2.5A
avoid false triggering This is a signal tracer/ injector
Output relay: 2.5A/220Vac
Compact size kit. It is a valuable testing
contact rating
Front panel mountable instrument for repairing faulty
Dimensions: 65 x 57 x 30mm
Specifications: amplifiers, radios, tone controls
Power supply: 12VDC/ 100mA etc. It is used to inject a known
Adjustable delay: 1s- 60hrs audio signal into any audio
NO/NC relay: 24 VAC/DC 3A JH039 Oscilloscope Tutor kit circuit and trace for this signal in
max order to detect circuit faults. The
Dimensions: 70 x 45 x 20mm specifications of the device are
listed in the information leaflet
This tutor kit helps the user get of the kit.
most out of his/her digital Specifications:
oscilloscope. Its features Signal injector
includes: alternating AC current, 0-2.5Vrms output (adjustable)
GC102 Multifunction Relay smoothed direct current, full output impedance: 1.5k ohm
Switch and half wave rectified AC. Frequency: ±1kHz
Features: Signal tracer
This is a programmable, Alternating current (AC) 3.5mV to 10Vrms sensitivity
EB844 Interval Timer Kit multifunctional timer kit. It Adjustable AC Gain: 40dB
makes use of a preprogrammed Full and half wave rectified AC Input impedance: 50k ohm
microcontroller. Two Smoothed direct current (DC) Output power: 0.5W/ 8 ohm
preprogrammed delays and Ripple Power supply: 7-9VAC or
This is a periodic interval timer learning mode for delay times. Astable oscillator 9-12VDC /150mA
kit. It can be used for the EEPROM data storage to prevent Dimensions: 60 x 53mm
EB358 Mains Voltage works.

(Kit) With this device one can

easily check for electric current
in mains voltage wiring. It can be
used to search for wires installed
FB606 Continuity Tester in or behind walls or to trace GB614 Soldering Starter Kit
with Piezo Buzzer interruptions in wiring. A
flashing LED indicates whether
GB764 LED-Constant
voltage is present or not. The Current 4-30VDC
(Kit) This is just a normal flashing rate of the LED gives an Module This soldering starter kit is ideal
continuity tester with a piezo indication of how close by the This LED with soldered constant for beginners. It contains:
buzzer. The piezo buzzer wire is. current electronics may be A miniature 3.5 digit
produces sound if there is any Specifications: connected at any voltage multimeter: 19 ranges, 500V,
fault in the under test Supply voltage: 9V battery (not between 4 - 30 VDC. The LED 10A, Diode/transistor test
equipment or device. incl.) always shines with almost Precision screwdriver set: 2
Specifications: Detection of mains conducting constant brightness and has a cross and 4 flat screwdrivers
Operating voltage: 9Vdc cables current consumption of 15 mA. Miniature long nose pliers
Acoustical electrical transducer LED indication (buzzer An additional protective resistor Desoldering pump
peizo optional) is not required. The supplied LED Two soldering kits: Electronic
Measuring current: <10µA Adjustable detection distance: can be exchanged for any other dice and Pocket VU-Meter
Board dimensions: approx. 19 max 10cm LED. It is also possible to connect wireless
x 55mm Distance indication several LEDs in series. Electronic kits and modules
PCB dimensions: 56 x 64mm Specifications:
> Robotics > Mechanical
Supply voltage: 4- 30Vdc
Supply current: 15mA kits
Dimensions of the board: 10 x

Electronic kits and modules

GB766 LED Tester Module > Solder educative
EB630 Continuity Tester Kit
GC138 Tyrannomech
This LED (light emitting diode)
tester may be used to determine (Kit) A continuity tester is one of
the functionality, brightness, the most useful pieces of test
colour and polarity of various This mechnical kit helps one
equipment to have. It is used for
types of LEDs. The LEDs may be familiarise him/herself with the
testing the electrical continuity
also be tested using the operation of transmissions
between two points. It will buzz EK012 Solder Educative
following DC currents: 1mA, steered through gears or pulleys.
when measuring an electric Starter Box
2.5mA, 5mA, 10mA, 20mA and It is easy to build, neither glue
resistance below specified value.
50mA. The two leads of the LED nor soldering is required. It is
Supply voltage: 9V battery
are easily inserted into the The kit includes a soldering iron, supplied with pre-punched
chosen test-current contacts tools, electronic parts and the boards, gearbox, gears, shafts,
even when covered with residual necessary printed circuit boards switch, motor, battery holder
solder. The brightness of any to complete two minikits. It is an and all the other necessary
two LEDs may be compared by ideal introduction to soldering. parts. The instructions are easy
using the two 10mA test sockets One minikit is to be constructed to follow.
that are set side by side. to make Blinking LEDs model Specifications:
Specifications: which is suited for various Dimensions: 410 x 175 x 75mm
Supply voltage: 9V battery applications and the other is LED Power supply: 2 x AA batteries
Dimensions: 58 x 44 x 27mm lightorgan which can be used for (not incl.)
EB597 Logic Probe Kit
different funny and practical Transmission: gear drive
applications such as sound operation
indicator, a simple sound-to- Supplied with: pre-punched
(Kit) This is the most important light unit for music. boards, gearbox, gears, shafts,
piece of equipment for testing switch, motor, battery holder
and measuring digital and all the necessary parts
equipment. It is usually used in
fault finding and testing but may
also assist indesign work and to
find out how digital equipment
Supplied with: pre-punched Features: Botball: 2 x 1.5V AA cells
boards, gearbox, gears, shafts, Put up to 4 tanks into battle Dimensions:
switch, motor, battery holder with each other using the Remote control: 90 x 125 x
and all the necessary parts multichannel IR remote control 43mm
Each Titan Tank will recoil and Botball: 145 x 175mm, 142mm
make shooting sound effects height
when firing Electronic kits and modules
Titan Tank will automatically
GC140 Coptermech turn around whenb shot by
> Robotics > Autonomous
another. When shot 4 times, the robot kits
Titan Tank will continue to turn
It is well known that kids enjoy around and produce a siren
playing with aircraft symbolic GC142 Trainmech sound
toys. The device has wheels that 6-wheel drive allows each
allows it to move in the forward Titan Tank to move and turn
direction. This is a great accompaniment to smoothly
Specifications: your children's everyday play No soldering required
Dimensions: 357 x 264 x time. The device can move Kit comes with pre-assembled
125mm PC boards and all mechanical AC857 Ladybug Robot Kit
forward on a flat surface.
Powered by: 2 x AA batteries Specifications: parts
(not incl.) Dimensions: 218 x 95 x 150mm Recommended age: 14+
Specifications: The ladybud robot uses IR
Power supply: emitting diodes and IR sensitive
4 x 1.5V AA cells AB748 for photo diodes for 'eyes.' The
(Remote control) robot normally walks in a
4 x 1.5V AAA cells AC589 for straight line. When it senses an
(Titan Tank) obstacle, in front of it, it will
automatically keep on making a
left turn until its forward path is
VK523 Animated Ghost clear again. The robot uses six
GC141 Automech legs to move, however, two sets
of differently designed legs,
(Kit) This is a great Halloween which move in their own distinct
gadget, it greets your visitors. way, are included with the kit.
This kit is symbolic to a racing
Ideal for shops, events or just for Specifications:
car. It has four wheels that
fun. It responds to certain noises AD547 Botball Robot Kit Power supply: 4 x 1.5V AAA
enables it to move forward on a
and has adjustable sensitivity. cells (AC589)
flat surface.
Specifications: Dimensions: 120 x 150 x 85mm
Battery operation: 2x AAA cells Dimensions: 240 x 85 x 95mm The Botball is designed to
Dimensions: 137 x 68 x 50mm Electronic kits and modules compete against other Botballs
in a game of soccer. It can
> Robotics > Remote dribble the ball away from its
control kits opponents and kick it across the
goal-line. It is possible to have
up to 4 Botballs in a game. Its
two wheels that are driven by
two motors enables it to make
eight different movements.
Put up to 4 Botballs into
GB826 Robot Car
GB825 Robomech competition with each other
AD546 Titan Tank Robot Kit using the multichannel IR
remote control The Robot car makes use of a
Have fun assembling this 3 motors allow smooth sound sensor. It usually moves
robomech kit, with the The Titan Tank is an electronic moving, turning, passing, straight forward, but each time
instructions thereof clearly and robot kit controlled with a multi- dribbling and kicking the sensor detects noise or
chronologically listed. The channel IR (infra-red) remote Give your Botball a unique when the car bumps into an
robomech walks straight on a control. It was designed to do a jersey by changing its colour and object it will reverse to the left
flat surface. battle against other Titan Tanks number and automatically go forward
Specifications: by shooting its opponents with Recommended age: 14+ again. The kit contains one
Dimensions: 80 x 90 x 210mm invisible IR light beams. The 4 Specifications: motor with a gear set.
Transmission: gear drive channel IR remote control makes Power supply: Specifications:
operation it possible to have up to 4 tanks Remote control: 4 x 1.5V AA Power supply: 2 x 1.5V AA cells
in a battle. cells Dimensions: 90 x 115mm,
60mm Dimensions: 130 x 90 x 50mm cells (AC589)
Dimensions: 175 x 145 x 85mm

GB827 Robot Frog GB601 Crawling Microbug

AC855 Escape Robot Kit

This is a robot kit for the future This is a microbug with a choice
engineer. Build these kit and find of two different walks. Its
out how much fun electronics adjustable light sensitivity suits This robot never fails to find its
and mechanics can be. The robot almost any light intensity and way out of a maze. It uses 3 IR
frog has a sound sensor. Control makes it possible to control its (infrared) emitting diodes to
it by clapping your hands each bug-like behaviour. It stops in transmit invisible light and 1 IR
time that you want to change total darkness. receiver module to receive IR
the way it moves. Its motion Features: light that is reflected back. A
changes sequentially with every Two open-chassis built-in microprocessor enables
clap according to the sequential subminiature motors it to process the gathered
order explained in the kit's user Adjustable light sensitivity suits information on its immediate
manual. almost any light intensity and surroundings so that it can avoid
Specifications: makes it possible to control it bumping into obstacles.
Power supply: 2 x 1.5V AA cells Adjustable speed Specifications:
and 9V battery Choice of two different walks Power supply: 4 x 1.5V AAA
Dimensions: 110 x 125mm, LED 'eyes' indicate driving cells (AC589)
80mm height direction Dimensions: 140 x 150 x
Stops in total darkness 100mm
Power supply: 2x 1.5V AAA
Dimensions: 110 x 90mm

GB604 Running Microbug

AB356 Crawling Microbug

with Shell An attractive bright coloured
bug-shaped miniature robot.
It is an attractive bug-shaped AC856 Scarab Robot Kit The microbug is always hungry
miniature robot. The microbug for light and travels towards it. It
stops in total darkness. It also has LED 'eyes' which indicates
has a choice of two different The Scarab Robot is an the driving direction. It stops in
walks and adjustable speed. attractive, bug-shaped, total darkness. It uses two open
Features: miniature robot that uses 2 chassis subminiature motors.
Two-open chassis touch sensors to detect Features:
subminiature motors obstacles. When its antennas Two open chassis subminiature
Adjustable light sensitivity suits (touch sensors) detect an motors
almost any light intensity and obstacle, it will first step back LED 'eyes' indicate driving
makes it possible to control its and then automatically execute direction
'bug like behaviour' a two-step manoeuvre. The Stops in total darkness
Adjustable speed tactic is a combination of 'left Specifications:
choice of two different walks turn', 'right turn', 'reverse' and Power supply: 2x 15V AAA
LED 'eyes' indicate driving 'stop.' It does so in an attempt to batteries
direction avoid bumping hard into Dimensions: 100 x 60mm
Stops in total darkness obstacles or getting stuck. The
Specifications: robot uses six legs to move.
Power supply: 2x 1.5V AAA Specifications:
batteries Power supply: 4 x 1.5V AAA


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