Business Analyst Testing Document
Business Analyst Testing Document
Business Analyst Testing Document
It’s useful to think about software testing as a set of concentric rings, from small
to large. These rings represent the total scope of testing. Unit software testing is
the innermost ring with the smallest scope. Think of a software
developer building a piece of code, and then putting it through the paces to
make sure it works properly. The developer can test the unit in isolation to make
sure that if you provide the proper inputs (which the developer can simulate),
that you get the expected output.
For example, if the developer is coding the login feature for a website, a unit test
might be what happens when you feed some mock data into the module to
see whether the expected output happens (perhaps setting an authentication
token for the user).
Role of the Business Analyst in unit testing: The developer and maybe his
teammates are the ones driving the unit testing, so the role of other people is
minimal at this stage. However, the developer may have a question about the
output she is seeing. She may want to know how that matches against
business requirements. The Business Analyst would be the person to answer those
Integration Testing
The next, larger concentric ring is integration testing and is often done by a
separate testing team. At this point, the developer is reasonably confident the
software unit works as she intends. So now it’s time to connect it to real
interfaces that provide data from databases or other applications, and see
what happens then. Integration testing also ensures the software runs properly
on whatever hardware platform will support it.
Role of the Business Analyst in integration testing: Just as with unit testing, the
developer is still in the driver’s seat here. And as with unit testing, the developer
may see unexpected results from the integration test. She may consult with the
Business Analyst to see whether the results meet business requirements; and if
not, then figure out how to change the code. If there are problems with the
interfaces themselves, the Business Analyst may have to clarify or add interface
System Testing
Next up in scope is system software testing. At this point, the testing team wants
to know how the code module performs in the context of the entire system, on
the platform it will be running on. A system can include other applications
running concurrent with, prior to, or after execution of the tested code module.
A system is like a set of interlocking gears, where everything must run smoothly
together. System testing, then, makes sure that the new “gear” you are inserting
isn’t going to break something else along the way.
To continue the website development example, a system test might involve the
entire process of logging in to the website, pulling your name and address,
ordering a product, and paying for it. Everything must work together perfectly.
There are two important sub-sets of system testing to know about: Usability
testing and Regression testing.
Usability testing is, obviously enough, how usable the whole system is. This often
involves business users interacting with a system interface (like a website) to see
whether it behaves the way the business wants it to. From a user’s perspective,
you don’t want any unexpected behavior and usability testing will ensure this to
be the case.
Regression testing compares the result of what the system would have done
BEFORE the new software changes with what it does AFTER the change. The
system’s gears may still work well together, but the new code could result in
unexpected output that is totally unrelated to the changes you actually wanted
to make. Software systems are complex things, and when you add more
complexity on top you will sometimes get unexpected results. Continuing the
website example, regression testing might detect that the website works, but
quotes a different price for a product compared to before. Since software code
for logging in should not affect the price of a product, this is a problem the
developer must fix.
Role of the Business Analyst in system testing. The Business Analyst must play a
flexible role in system software testing. Again, anytime there is unexpected
behavior, the Business Analyst can expect to provide answers based on
requirements. Since we’re getting closer to releasing the software, questions
about whether the software meets requirements are likely to increase. The
Business Analyst may also serve as the user for usability testing, to help ensure the
system does what a user would expect. For regression testing, the Business
Analyst may provide sample output (such as an older customer invoice) to
compare against the new output.
User Acceptance Testing: This last phase of testing is the one most likely to
heavily involve the Business Analyst. In user acceptance testing (or UAT), the
developer submits the software for final sign off and approval by the business. By
now, the developer and testing team have thoroughly vetted the code and
believe they have resolved all outstanding bugs. Once the business agrees the
code meets all requirements, the development team puts the software into its
final permanent location.
Role of the Business Analyst in user acceptance testing: The Business Analyst
plays two key roles in UAT. First, the Business Analyst may write high level test
cases. These are hypothetical end-to-end scenarios that lead to an expected
result that the Business Analyst documents. The testing team must put the system
through each hypothetical scenario, using real or mock data. The Business
Analyst then validates that the final result matches the expected one. Second,
the Business Analyst either provides the final sign off, or works to get it
from stakeholders with the authority to do so.
Other widely used testing types that are considered optional by many business
analysts are:
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a phase in the software development life cycle
where the intended users of a system participate in validating that the solution
meets their needs. There are varying perspectives to the definition of UAT. While
some see the UAT as a “test of requirements”, others argue that the same
deficiencies missed in the framing of requirements will be missed during testing if
this philosophy is adopted.
2. The UAT session is an opportunity for users to see the solution in action and
confirm that it meets their needs. Users need to test their own systems to ensure
that it works the way they expect it to, to prevent drastic changes after the
system has gone live and to increase the chances of project success.
3. Even though it's recommended that users see prototypes of the proposed
system and are kept informed throughout the software development lifecycle,
change requests still come up during UAT sessions.
Being part of the UAT session will help the Business Analyst understand the
rationale for any proposed change, suggest the most appropriate way to meet
the business need and help in selling the idea to the Change Control Board.
4. Though the objective of UAT is not to train users, they would need to
understand how the system works to test it effectively. When BAs who have a
firsthand knowledge of system functionalities are involved in UAT, they are able
to support training efforts prior to UAT and answer users' questions during test
After successfully defining the testing scope, we need to pinpoint each method
required to complete testing. Testing strategies come in various forms; however,
there are some that are widely used in most industries.
- Top-down: Approaching testing efforts with this method would allow the tester
to focus more on the top of a given system hierarchy. This is done by perceiving
the broad interface that is integrating various system modules or by observing
the surface of each of the main control modules.
- Bottom-up: Testing with this method would lead the tester to the bottom of a
system hierarchy of modules until reaching the top module or by reviewing each
unit within a single module. This testing approach is applicable whether a unit is
operating independently or requires functional integration with other units to
operate properly.
- White-box: This method observes the flow of data, logic or the sequence of
such logic of a proposed system change. This is meant for systems developed in-
house, rather than commercial products or outsourced systems, where all the
internal components of a system are thoroughly understood and manageable.
- Gray-box: This is a hybrid approach that combines both the white-box and
black-box testing. In this case, both the function of a module and its internal
coding are being tested. This is ideal for large-scale system enhancements
developed in-house, or when major upgrades and system changes are
anticipated in the future.