Kanthapura Summary
Kanthapura Summary
Kanthapura Summary
Rather than being a traditional novel with a neat linear structure and compact plot, Kanthapura follows
the oral tradition of Indian sthala-purana, or legendary history. As Raja Rao explains in his original
foreword, there is no village in India, however mean, that has not a rich legendary history of its own, in
which some famous figure of myth or history has made an appearance. In this way, the storyteller, who
commemorates the past, keeps a native audience in touch with its lore and thereby allows the past to
mingle with the present, the gods and heroes with ordinary mortals.
The story is narrated in flashback by Achakka, a wise woman in the village. She, like her female
audience (whom she addresses as “sisters”), has survived the turbulence of social and political change
which was induced by Mohandas K. Gandhi’s passive resistance against the British government.
Achakka provides a detailed picture of the rural setting, establishing both an ambiance and a rhythm for
the novel. It is clear that her speech and idiomatic expression are meant to express a distinctively
feminine viewpoint an extraordinary achievement for a male Indo-English novelist. Achakka quickly
creates a faithful image of an Indian way of life, circumscribed by tradition and indebted to its deities, of
whom Kenchamma, the great and bounteous goddess, is made the village protectress. She is invoked in
every chapter, for the characters never forget that her power resides in her past action. It is she who
humanizes the villagers, and their chants and prayers ring out from time to time.
The narrator establishes the parameters of the story within old and new legends. While Kenchamma and
Siva are remembered for their marvelous feats and interventions in human affairs, analogies are
sometimes drawn with contemporary figures such as Gandhi who serve to turn fact and history into
folklore, and who provide the motive for political struggle. At the beginning, while there are simply
rumors of Gandhi’s activities, the villagers follow their customary routines. Then, Moorthy, a young,
dedicated Brahmin, inspired by Gandhi, returns to Kanthapura to propagandize the cause of the Indian
National Congress and Gandhi’s satyagraha (truth-force) movement. The colonial masters (nicknamed
“Red-men” for their ruddy complexions) are a palpable, tyrannical presence but are sensed only
obliquely at the beginning via the mysterious passing policeman who is treated as a spy and who,
consequently, seeks refuge on the Skeffington Coffee Estate run by a brutal gang-boss.
Moorthy does not immediately win favor. He is opposed by Bhatta, a reactionary who sneers at “Gandhi
vagabondage,” and by fellow Brahmins who are increasingly upset by Gandhi’s acceptance of
Untouchables. The caste system, so much a part of Indian history, is shaking apart under Gandhi’s
example, and the social pattern of Kanthapura delineated by separate quarters for Brahmin, Pariah,
Potter, Weaver, and Sudra is disturbed by the progress being made by the Untouchables. x
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Even Moorthy’s own mother is revulsed by his Kanthapura
Gandhian Summary - eNotes.com
precepts, and Moorthy brings matters to a
head by eliciting Patel Range Gowda’s help in starting a Congress group and encouraging the villagers
to vow to speak only truth, wear no cloth but homespun khadi, and use all forms of passive resistance.
This Gandhian nonviolence provokes a brutal response from the authorities, and the villagers are
attacked by the police. Moorthy and advocate Rangamma are arrested as Bhatta is uncovered as a traitor
and some Brahmins are deployed to stir fear among the villagers. Patel Range Gowda is dismissed from
his hereditary office as village executive chief, and the villagers turn to the gods for help.
The radical change in the political nature of India, however, becomes apparent as the women stir into
action. Rangamma, who always links Indian scripture to contemporary events, manages to inspire the
womenfolk to dire deeds as the men are forced to hide in the jungles around the village.
After Moorthy is released from prison, the political crisis deepens, and the villagers’ suffering increases.
There is a sense that the issue is now more than mere politics. The world resembles a jungle in battle
with itself, and only Gandhi transcends this tumult, for he is like a huge mountain, unvanquished by the
confusion and violence. Moorthy suddenly finds himself less in sympathy with Gandhi and more attuned
to Jawaharlal Nehru, the emerging modernist.
The villagers, however, remain faithful to Gandhi. Toward the end, when nothing can stop the women
(in spite of horrendous casualties) from marching against the soldiers sent by the British, the change in
the social and political nature of the country is profound. The women decide to burn down what is left of
their village, rather than return to it. Life, they realize, can never be the same without their Moorthy,
husbands, sisters, and children who have perished in the struggle. Yet the women also recognize that
they are part of history on the march.
The climax of the novel is the great violence of chapter 18, with the men in retreat, the women in the
vanguard of resistance, and the soldiers in unrelenting assault, wreaking devastation. The concluding
section (chapter 19) brings the tale full circle, fourteen months later, where there is eager anticipation of
Swaraj, or independence for India. Of the male heroes, only Patel Range Gowda returns briefly to
Kanthapura, yet the villagers feel blessed by the goddess Kenchamma.
Guzman, Richard R. “The Saint and the Sage: The Fiction of Raja Rao,” in The Virginia Quarterly
Review. LVI (Winter, 1980), pp. 32-50.
Naik, M. K. “Kanthapura: The Indo-Anglian Novel as Legendary History,” in Journal of the Karnatak
University. X (1966), pp. 26-39.
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01/04/2019 Kanthapura Summary - eNotes.com
Narasimhaiah, C. D. “Raja Rao’s Kanthapura: An Analysis,” in The Literary Criterion. VII, no. 2
(1966), pp. 54-77.
Verghese, C. Paul. “Raja Rao, Mulk Raj, Narayan and Others,” in Indian Writing Today. VII (1969), pp.
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