Tutorial Complete Cadence
Tutorial Complete Cadence
Tutorial Complete Cadence
Chao You
Mariam Hoseini
ECE 423/623
North Dakota State University
Spring 2007
1. Schematic (Inverter)
2. Symbol (Inverter)
3. Simulation (Inverter)
4. Schematic, Symbol, Simulation (AND Gate)
5. Layout (Inverter)
6. Layout (NAND Gate)
7. From a circuit layout to Chip level
1. Schematic (Inverter)
Introduction to Cadence
Cadence Design Systems provides tools for different design styles. In this tutorial you will learn to use
three Cadence products: Composer Schematic, Composer Symbol and the Virtuoso Layout Editor. This
tutorial will help you to get started with Cadence and successfully create symbol, schematic and layout
views of an inverter and even more!
Getting started
When icfb starts, a new window opens up on the screen, as in figure 1. This new window is called the
Command Interpreter Window or CIW.
Now we will learn how to create the schematics, symbol and layout views of a design and how to
simulate the design. We will follow our steps for creating the schematic, symbol and layout of an
inverter and simulating it.
Creating a New Library
Take a look at existing libraries Tools-> Library manager. In order to separate your files from those
that already exist in the system, you must create a library of your own and place your files in that
library. To create a new library from the CIW, do the following: IBM_PDK-> Library-> Create, the
“New library” window opens.
Type the name of the library, we name our library as VLSI, in “Technology file” select “Attach to an
existing techfile”, then OK. Another window opens, in “Technology library” chose “bicmos7hp” then
OK. In new window make sure that the “library name” is “VLSI”, “Technology” is “bicmos7hp” and
“Number of levels of metal” is “M5” (that is 5 layer of metal), click OK.
Figure3- Virtuoso® Schematic Editing” window
Creating a Schematic
A schematic is the graphical representation of the logic circuit design either by discrete devices
(transistors, resistors, etc.) or by logic elements (AND gates, OR gates, etc.). The connectivity
information is obtained from the placement of pins and wires. To create a schematic design, you use a
“Schematic Editing” window.
Now we are going to make the schematics of the inverter. In the left hand side of the window there is
panel, in which some icons can be seen, one of them looks like an IC; that is “Instance”, or you can go
through Add-> Instance. Click on “Browse”. The “Library Browser-Add Instance” window opens up.
In this window, select Library=bicmos7hp, Category = FET (if Show Categories is on), Cell =
NFET, View = symbol. Then close.
Move the cursor onto the Virtuoso® Schematic Editing window. You will see the symbol attached to
the arrow pointer. If necessary you can modify the properties of NFET in “Add Instance” window.
Left click and Place the NFET.
You can browse again and this time chose a PFET, in order to modify the threshold voltage of inverter
that is to set Vm to “0.5 * VDD”, the width of PFET should be greater than NFET, so increase the value
for PFET width 3 times, also select “Add NW contact”, then place PFET.
Browse again, chose “subc” and places it too.
Now the window looks like figure 4.
Figure 4
Now from left panel chose Wire (narrow) or Add-> Wire (narrow) and complete the inverter.
Note1. In order to enlarge something select that with right button of the mouse.
Note2. The shortcut key for moving is “M” and for stretching is “S”.
Note3. To stretch, first press "S" then select the thing you want to move with left button of mouse, left
click on it, at last move it to wherever you want.
Note4. In order to draw wire; single left click on the start point, then single left click on the destination.
Figure 5
From left panel chose Wire Name, in “Names” type “vdd!”, “vss!”. The exclamation mark means that
vdd and vss are global nets. Place “vdd!” and “vss!” on the corresponding wires.
Figure 6
From left panel chose Pin, in “Pin Names” type A and select the direction as input. Place the pin at
input. Repeat this step again, in “Pin Names” type Z and select the direction as output. Place the pin at
Now the schematic of the inverter is complete as can be seen in figure 7.
From left panel, chose “Check and Save”. If there were any error in the schematic, it would warn you
and you should modify it; otherwise the schematic is saved.
2. Symbol (Inverter)
Creating a Symbol
Now we want to make a symbol for the inverter. In the same “Virtuoso® Schematic Editing” window,
chose Design-> Create Cellview-> From Cellview. The “library name” should be VLSI; “Cell name”
should be inverter and “From View Name” as Schematic, then OK.
The “symbol Generation Options” opens. Make sure you have all input pins in “Left Pins” and all
output pins in “Right Pins”. For our inverter we should assign A in “Left Pins” and Z in “Right Pins”,
then OK.
“Virtuoso® Symbol Editing” window opens.
In this Window, your favorite symbol for inverter can be created. So you can delete extra parts and just
leave A & Z pins.
Figure 9
By means of Line & circle, from Add-> Shape, you can complete the symbol of inverter.
Figure 10- Symbol for inverter
3. Simulation (Inverter)
Now we want to test the schematic of inverter and simulate its operation. In order to do this, a new
cellview should be created, so do: Tools-> Library Manager-> File -> New-> Cellview. Name the
cell as “test_inverter”, then OK.
Do Add Instance, select Library=VLSI, Cell = inverter, View = symbol. Then close.
Add instance again and select Library=Share, Cell = CMOS_500M, View = symbol. Then close.
Repeat this and select Library=Share, Cell = Power_3V, View = symbol. Then close.
Figure 11
Connect the input of inverter to one of the output of ac source. Name the input and output wire of
inverter as “in” &”out”. As we assign vdd and vss by global nets, you don't need to connect power
source to the inverter with wires.
Then “Check and Save” the schematic. If you get three warnings considering the unconnected ports Z1
and Z, you can neglect them and continue.
It is time to simulate the design. Select Tools-> Analog environment. Virtuoso® Analog Design
Environment window opens. In right hand side panel select “Netlist and Run”. Other window pop ups,
click OK. If in CIW you got the message “Netlister: There were errors, no netlist was produced.” you
had to go back to the cell view and modify the errors; otherwise it is successful!
In Virtuoso® Analog Design Environment window, chose Results-> Direct Plot-> Transient Signal.
In Virtuoso® Schematic Editing window, select input and output wire by single left click, if they are
selected properly, they become colorful ,then press Esc. The waveform window appears in which input
and outputs are plotted, you can see whether the inverter operates well or it needs modification.
4. Schematic, Symbol and simulation (AND Gate)
At this step we want to create AND gate by means of Inverter and NAND gate. We have already
created an inverter and simulated it successfully, so we should only create NAND gate.
Follow all the steps explained in the schematic section for inverter and make the NAND schematic as
can be seen in figure 14. Make sure to adjust the width of PFET and NFET.
Figure 15- Symbol of NAND gate
Figure 16- Cell view for testing NAND gate
Now simulate the operation of NAND gate and verify its correctness.
Figure 17-Simulation result of NAND gate
OK! We are done with NAND gate too. Now we can use our NAND and inverter gates to make AND
Make a new cellview and add the Symbol of inverter and NAND gate on it and complete it as can be
seen in figure 18.
Figure 18-Schematic of AND gate
Figure 19- Symbol of AND gate
To test the AND gate and simulate its operation, make another cellview.
Figure 20 –Cell view for testing AND gate
Figure 21- Simulation result of AND gate
5. LAYOUT (Inverter)
Layout Introduction
This is the most difficult part of the process. It is a good idea to play with the display control and also
become familiar with the rules so that you get the idea of the dimensions. The key points you should
know are:
Layer Names:
Creating a Layout
We are going to use the schematic of the inverter we've already made to implement the layout of an
inverter. So choose library manager-> VLSI (from Library) -> inverter (from Cell) ->schematic
(from View). This opens the schematic Editing window.
Now choose Tools->Design synthesis->layout XL, The startup Option window appears asking
"Create a new or open an existing cell view?" choose Create New and press OK. “Create new file”
window appears. Make sure the library name should be “VLSI”, cell name be “inverter”, view name be
“layout” and the tool be “Virtuoso”. Press OK. Now the Layout editing and LSW windows open.
In Layout editing window choose Design->Gen from source. This opens another window called
“Layout generation options”. In “layout generation” select I/O pins, Instances and deselect Boundary.
In I/O Pins-> Layer/Master select M1-pr and press Apply. In pin label shape chose Label then in
Pin Label Options change the height to 0.5 or smaller value if you want your labels to appear smaller.
Finally press OK.
Figure 22- “Layout Generation Option” window
Now you can see a PFET, NFET and substrate appear in layout editing window. As you know the
green bar represents Gate and the blue bars represent drain and source.
Figure 23
Now move the NFET to the bottom of the PFET and move substrate to the bottom of the NFET.
As we are engineer we should do precise works! So use ruler to align the gates of NFET and PFET
together. Click on the picture of ruler in left hand side of the window and draw it from PFET gate to
NFET gate. Make sure they are aligned. If not just move one of them so that their gates become aligned
with each other.
Figure 24- Aligning the gates of PFET and NFET in inverter layout
As you know in the schematics of the inverter the gates are connected together and the input is applied
to gates. So we want to connect the poly silicon layer of NFET and PFET together, which is their gate.
In order to do this single click on the polysilicon, press "W" and draw a path from PFET gate to NFET
NOTE6.To terminate drawing one layer, you should left double click very fast.
NOTE7.Make sure the connecting path be aligned with one side of both NFET and PFET gate
otherwise it causes error in future!
Move the input (which has the Label A in our inverter) to the left hand side of the connecting poly
layer that you have already drawn. Draw a poly path from the connecting layer to “A” but don't attach
the layer to A. Press F3, “Create path” window opens, in "change to layer" part select M1-dg and then
hide. A “via” appears. Put it at the end of the poly layer. Click on the metal of “via”, press "W" a
window opens which ask you about the object. Chose "Net A on M1 drawing", then Ok. Draw a metal
path from via to input A.
Figure 25- Inverter input in layout
At this point we want to connect the output; therefore we should connect the drain of PFET and NFET
Select M1-dg, press "W" and draw a path between NFET and PFET sources. Move the output (which
has the Label Z in our inverter) to the right hand side of the connecting metal path that you have
already drawn and draw a metal path from the connecting layer to Z.
Figure 26- Inverter output in layout
Now move vdd! to top of the PFET and connect the source of PFET to vdd! with M1-dg path. Then
draw the vdd rail as seen in figure 27.
Figure 27- Vdd rail in inverter layout
Now we should connect the source of NFET to ground, do it by M1-dg path. Then move the vss! to the
substrate and connect it to the path you have already drawn. Then draw a ground rail as seen in figure
Figure 28- Vss rail in inverter layout
OK! We are done with the layout. Now your layout should look like figure 29.
Figure 29
Checking Design Rules and correcting Errors
To perform design rule checking, choose Verify-> DRC, “DRC” window opens, press Set Switches
and chose GridCheck, deselect Echo Commands, press OK.
Now check the ICW, if you are done with 2 errors that are INFO ones (they are shown in figure 31),
you are done, otherwise you should go back to your layout and correct the mistakes.
NOTE 8.Pay attention that errors are defined by white cross on the layout so you can easily find and
correct them.
Figure 31- DRC check result in ICW
The final step is LVS. The purpose of LVS is to see if the layout you created matches the schematic. It
must match in pin names, direction, logical nets and the circuit parameters. A netlist from your
schematic is compared to a netlist from your layout. This is called the extracted view. To create an
extracted view from the “layout” window chose Verify-> Extract, the “Extractor” window opens,
deselect Echo Commands and in Rules File type divaEXT5.rul, press OK.
Figure 32- Extractor window
Note9. In “Extractor” Window, you can set the switches to Rparasitic. It allows you to see the
parasitic resistors in extracted file.
Now choose Verify-> LVS, in the column of “Create Netlist Extracted” for Cell type “inverter” (the
same name) and for View type “extracted”.
Figure 33- LVS window
Press Run, after you get the message shown in figure 34 press Output.
Figure 34
Now another window opens in which you can check if there are any errors in this step or not, if you are
done with no error, you see the window like figure 35.
Figure 36- Environment Option window
Now you can check whether your layout works fine or not, if not you should go back to your
schematics and modify it again!
6. Layout (NAND)
We are going to make the layout of two inputs NAND gate. We created the schematic and symbol of
NAND gate before, and we could simulate it successfully.
Then Follow the steps as described in layout tutorial for inverter until you can see NFETs, PFETs and
Subc in “Layout Editing” window as seen in figure 37.
Figure 37
Now you can do the same steps as described before and complete the layout, but that layout won't be
the best choice, because you can change the terminals of some nodes and share a point. Remember the
best layout is one with most shared points. Fortunately there is a simple way to accomplish this goal;
Eular path! The Eular path for NAND gate is drawn in figure 38.
Z Vdd
Figure 38- Eular path for two inputs NAND gate
From the Eular path you can easily deduce the stick diagram as shown in figure 39.
OK! You got the concept of what we are going to do with the layout in Cadence. We will apply the
same procedure here. In order to do this Cadence give you the chance to use “finger”. Let’s see how?
Select one of the PFET; click “Properties” from the left panel of the “Layout” window, chose
parameter, in “Number of fingers” type “2”. Now you can see the PFET changes to two PFETs with
one shared point as in figure 40. You can delete the other PFET.
Select one of the NFETs; click “Properties” from the left panel of the “Layout” window, chose
parameter, in “Number of fingers” type “2”. Now you can see the NFET changes to two NFETs with
one shared point as in figure 41. You can delete the other NFET.
Now you should continue making the layout as explained before. It is a great help to consider the stick
diagram while you are making the layout.
Note10. After you connect the first gate poly layer to input A, for connecting the second gate poly
layer to input B, you should not use metal 1 layer; otherwise the two gates will be connected to each
other. The correct way is shown in figure 42.
NOTE12. The path for vdd and vss rail should be thicker than others. So it would have less resistance.
The complete layout is seen in figure 44.
Then you should verify your layout with DRC, Extract, and LVS (these verifications are described in
detail in layout tutorial for inverter). If with each verification, you get any errors, make sure to come
back to the layout and modify it.
7. From a circuit layout to Chip level
A circuit layout is just a part of your design. In order to send out your design and test it, you need to do
other things for fabrication purposes. The first thing on your list is to add pads to your design. A pad is
the interface between silicon level circuits and the outside world. A design without a pad cannot be
powered and tested. It certainly cannot be used later on. The pad that can be used in BiCMOS7hp is
bondpadx. To create a chip level schematic, you need connect your inputs/outputs and power/ground
signals to your pads. Figure 45 shows the pad properties. You also need a subc to tell Cadence that
substrate is tied to the "vss!" Figure 46 shows an example of an inverter circuit at chip level design.
Once you have a chip level schematic, you can create a corresponding symbol for the chip. A regular
test circuit can be built to simulate your design. After your chip level simulation meets your
performance expectation, you can use layout tool to create a layout with chipedge, which is the green
box in the following figure. In all IBM documents, IBM uses chipedge as the name. However, in the
design library, bicmos7hp, IBM uses "Image" for the name. It is in the "chip" category of the
"bicmos7hp" directory. You can specify the size of your chipedge. In the Fig 47, the pads are put at the
bottom of the layout. The chipedge covers all the design. Only one side of the pads can be placed close
to the edge. There is a 95-um margin on the right and left side of the pads to the chipedge. That margin
is to make DRC happy. The substrates of the pads are tied to the ground. In our case, it is vss!. The
chipedge needs to be connected to ground also. Therefore, in the example, the vss! is connected to the
chipedge directly from the vss! pad (bottom left pad). The substrates of the pads are connected to the
chipedge through M1 at the bottom. Since the vss! Pad is connected to the chipedge and to your circuit
layout, Cadence will consider that the pad is "prune" from your design and give you a "Device removed
because of user's 'prune' request" in LVS log. That mismatch is ok. The pad size and pad distance
should match the testing equipment you have in your lab. In our case, you can use 114 um for your pad
and 15 um for the distance between pads.
Figure 47- Chip level layout
Figure 48- Design rule checks.
Most pattern design checks are checking whether you have enough certain layers in your design. For
example, the "Pattern Density Check" checks DV, AM, LY, PC, RX and DT layer in your design. In
Figure 49, a pattern density check is done. The CIW window shows the error message as: LY is not
enough. At least 23% is expected in your design but your design only has 3.81%.
Figure 49- Pattern Design Check
An easy solution for the pattern density check is to add more layers of the same kind to your layout. In
the above example, you need more LY, PC and RX layer in your design. The solution is posted in
Figure 50, where the red area is RX layer, the green area is PC, and orange area is LY on the top left
corner. LY is a top metal layer. PC and RX are bottom layers that used to form PFET and NFET. PC
and RX can overlap in this case. LY can overlap any layer as long as it does not create a short.
Figure 50-Pattern Density Check Solution
Other pattern design checks look for a density balanced. For example, you cannot have all LY on the
left side of your chip. You also need some LY on the right side of your chip. In our example, the LY is
balanced since there are LY layers for the power pad connection. Floating gate/metal rules specify that
the ratio of the top metal layer to the bottom layer is not too small or too big. In our example, floating
gate check makes more troubles. It specifies that all the signals that are connected to AM layer must
have an AM/PC ratio between 10 and 150. The ratio is the area of the layers. You can check design rule
GR131 for more detail. The solution for this check is to add RX/M1 contact connected to your gate. In
Figure 51, a solution is shown. An 8 8 RX/M1 contact is added to connect the M1, which is connected
to the gate. Since the gate is connect to the top layer AM, which is a pad. The AM/PC ratio is very
small. You need a big RX/M1 contact to correct this check.
Fig 51- Floating Gate Solution
Every time you made a change in your layout, i.e. adding a layer for pattern density or adding RX/M1
contact for the floating gate. You have to do all checks to make sure everything follows the design
rules. Once you think you passed all the checks, you need to backup your log file (CDS.log) in your
home directory. All the venders need this log file as a certificate for your design. Now, you are ready to
submit. From IBM_PDK ->GDS2/GL1 Translation, specify your library and cell name. The industry
standard format is GDSII file. It is a compressed file format contains all the layers' information. You
can just email or FTP your gds2 file to your vender for fabrication. Once the vender received your gds2
file, they will use the same form but reverse what you just did. The GDS2 into Cadence option will
provide the vender your original layout (just layout, no schematic).
Figure 52-GDSII generation
To make a better screen capture for your schematic, layout and simulation, you can print to a PostScript
(PS) file, open the “ps” file in gimp and save the “ps” file as jpg. For example, in schematic, Design-
Figure 53
You will get the submit plot window. Click the "Plot Options" button, change the local tmp directory
to "~/", and send the plot to "test.ps".
Figure 54
Click OK for both "Plot Options" and "Submit Plot" window; you will have a "test.ps" file in your
home directory. Open the ps file in gimp (In a terminal window, type "gimp") and save it as a jpg file.
In a simulation window, you can use File->Hardcopy to get the submit plot window.
• Restore Cadence Setting
1. Cadence settings
The following script has been placed in the /cad/cds/script/restore. The purpose of the script is to
restore your Cadence setting in your personal storage. After you execute the script
(type/cad/cds/script/restore in your terminal window), you have to start your icfb from
~/Desktop/Personal_Storage/VLSI, not from your home directory.
#This script copy all the environment files to students personal storage
# by Chao You,
# April 13th, 2007
if [ -d $FILENAME ]; then
echo ==Directory exitis==
echo ==Copying.........==
echo ==Directory Created==
echo ==Copying..........==
cp -r /cad/cds/script/* $FILENAME
cp /cad/cds/script/bash.bashrc ~/.bashrc
cp /cad/cds/script/.cds* $FILENAME
source ~/.bashrc
cd ~/Desktop/Personal_Storage/VLSI
FILENAME sets the path of the Cadence library files and environment settings. The IF statement
checks if the VLSI library exists. It creates one if the library does not exist. Then the script copies the
environment files into your VLSI directory, runs the bash setting, and leaves you in your VLSI
2. Cadence library
Cadence library definition file (cds.lib) uses the following format to define a library:
In the following example, the cds.lib defines several libraries. For example, it defines the Share library
in /cad/cds/Share directory. It also defines the bicmos7hp library in
DEFINE analogLib $IC_INST_DIR/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/analogLib
DEFINE basic $IC_INST_DIR/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/basic
DEFINE sample $IC_INST_DIR/tools/dfII/samples/cdslib/sample
DEFINE US_8ths $IC_INST_DIR/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/sheets/US_8ths
DEFINE bicmos7hp
DEFINE Share /cad/cds/Share
If you have a library name other than VLSI, you can change your cds.lib accordingly.
• R.Y.Dinakar, B.S.Goda, J.Mayega, “Cadence Design System Tutorial”, ECSE 4220: VSLI
Design, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 4 November 2003.