Pic Microcontroller Based 3 Phase Induction Motor Protection System
Pic Microcontroller Based 3 Phase Induction Motor Protection System
Pic Microcontroller Based 3 Phase Induction Motor Protection System
1) Student of Madhukarrao Pandav College of Electrical(E&P) Engineering, MPCE Bhandara, 441904(MH) (Email:-
This paper include a protection system for 3-phase induction motors from single-phasing, voltage variations ,current variations, speed
variations ,over temperature and vibration faults. A model was proposed, which can help to determine the impact of single phasing on any 3-
phase induction motor. Due to single phasing fault the winding of motor get heated which lead to insulation failure and hence reduce the life
of motor. Due to variation in induction motor parameters the above faults are generate in induction motor. The latter, in additional to
protection against single-phasing, also protects the motor from under-voltage, over-voltage and over temperature. In the hardware circuit is
completely controlled by the PIC microcontroller (16F877A) and observing the voltages of three phase. Motor will turn off if the voltage
goes beyond the rated limit. By use of current transformer which senses the current and if it exceeds rated limit then with the help
microcontroller contactor stop the motor. The LCD display shows all the above conditions if any fault occures. In this paper we are utilizing
the 8 bit PIC microcontroller (16F877A).
keywords. Three phase induction motor, PIC microcontroller, Single phasing , voltage variations, current variations, over
temperatures, speed variation, vibration.
machine into different fault situations. The main types of faults
experienced by these motors are single phasing, voltage variations,
One of the most important motors used in industrial applications is current variations, speed variations, over temperature and vibration.
Induction motor.In industries 3-phase induction motors are the most
common and frequently encountered machines. An
electromechanical device which converts electrical energy into a
mechanical energy called as electrical motor. Three phase induction A.Voltage Variations
motor as this type of motor does not require any starting device and Voltage, also called electromotive force, is a quantitative
they are self starting induction motor hence in case of three phase AC expression of the potential difference in charge between two
operation, most widely used . The operating condition may lead the points in an electrical field. The greater the voltage, the greater
the flow of electrical current (that is, the quantity of charge
carriers that pass a fixed point per unit of time) through a
conducting or semiconducting medium for a given resistance to
the flow. Voltage is symbolized by an uppercase italic
letter V or E. The standard unit is the volt, symbolized by a non-
italic uppercase letter V. One volt will drive one coulomb (6.24 x
1018) charge carriers, such as electrons, through a resistance of
one ohm in one second. Commonly occurring power line
problems because of Under voltage and over voltage supply
conditions. When voltage on the induction motor decreases then
C. Single phasing more. The heat dissipation is more than rated limit which will
damage the stator and rotor conductors of motor . Also there is
heavy pulsation in torque and speed. Therefore, in the developed
Single phasing condition influence the motor performance .The
protection system top priority is given to the protection of motor
currents are extremely high so that the conductors can be
during single phasing.
damaged due to the heavy current and hence losses are also
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