Morphology of A Typical Angiosperm
Morphology of A Typical Angiosperm
Morphology of A Typical Angiosperm
A. Inflorescence Parts
Bract. Modified, usually reduced, leaf in the inflorescence.
Bracteole or Bractlet. A secondary or smaller bract.
Cupule. Fused involucral bracts subtending flower, as in Quercus.
Epicalyx or Calycle. A whorl of bracts below but resembling a true calyx.
Flower. Modified reproductive shoot of angiosperms.
Involucel. Small involucre; secondary involucre.
Involucre. A group or cluster of bracts subtending an inflorescence.
Pedicel. Individual flower stalk.
Peduncle. Main stalk for entire inflorescence.
Perigynium. Sac-like bract subtending the pistillate flower, as in Carex.
Phyllary. Individual bract within involucre.
Rachilla. Central axis of a grass or sedge spikelet.
Rachis. Major axis within an inflorescence. compound
Ray. Secondary axis in inflorescence.
Scape. Naked peduncle.
Spathe. A sheathing leaf subtending or enclosing an inflorescence.
B. Inflorescence Types
(Classification based primarily on arrangement and development)
Note: Inflorescence types are essentially secondary arrangements. The primary
arrangement (alternate, opposite, or whorled) of the individual flowers should be
indicated; and the tertiary arrangement of sessile-flowered inflorencences should be noted;
e.g., spikelets racemose or heads umbellate. See Chapter 27 for structural evolution of
inflorescences. Determinate inflorescences have the central flower maturing first with the
arrest of the elongation of the central axis; indeterminate inflorescences have the lateral or
lower flowers maturing first without the arrest of the elongation of the central axis.
1. Inflorescences with Sessile Flowers
Ament or Catkin. A unisexual spike or elongate axis with simple dichasia that falls as a
unit after flowering or fruiting.
Capitulum or Head. A determinate or indeterminate crowded group of sessile or
subsessile flowers on a compound receptacle or torus.
Glomerule. An indeterminate dense cluster of sessile or subsessile flowers.
Hypanthodium. An inflorescence with flowers on wall of a concave capitulum, as in
Spadix. Unbranched, indeterminate inflorescence with flowers embedded in the rachis.
Spike. Unbranched, indeterminate, elongate inflorescence with sessile flowers.
Spikelet or Locusta. A small spike; the basic inflorescence unit in grasses and sedges.
2. Unbranched Inflorescences with Pedicellate Flowers
Cincinnus. A tight, modified helicoid cyme in which pedicels are short on the developed
Corymb. A flat-topped or convex indeterminate cluster of flowers.
Cymule. A simple, small dichasium.
Helicoid Cyme or Bostryx. A determinate inflorescence in which the branches develop
on one side only, appearing simple.
Raceme. Unbranched, indeterminate inflorescence with pedicelled flowers.
Scorpioid Cyme or Rhipidium. A zigzag determinate inflorescence with branches
developed on opposite sides of the rachis alternately.
Simple Cyme or Dichasium. A determinate, dichotomous inflorescence with the pedicels
of equal length.
Umbel. A determinate or indeterminate flat-topped or convex inflorescence with the
pedicels arising at a common point.
3. Branched Inflorescences with Pedicellate Flowers
Compound Corymb. A branched corymb.
Compound Cyme. A branched cyme.
Compound Umbel. An umbel with primary rays or peduncles arising at a common point
with a secondary umbel arising from the tip of the primary rays; a branched umbel.
Panicle. Branched inflorescence with pedicelled flowers.
Thyrse. A many-flowered inflorencence with an indeterminate central axis and with many
opposite lateral dichasia.
Verticillaster. Whorled dichasia at the nodes of an elongate rachis.
4. General Inflorescence Terms and Types
Cyathium. A pseudanthium subtended by an involucre, frequently with petaloid glands, as
in Euphorbia.
Monochasium. A cymose inflorescence with one main axis.
Pleiochasium. Compound dichasium in which each cymule has three lateral branches.
Pseudanthium. Several flowers simulating a simple flower but composed of more than a
single axis with subsidiary flowers.
Scapose. With a solitary flower on a leafless peduncle or scape, usually arising from a
basal rosette.
Secund. One-sided arrangement.
Solitary. One-flowered, not an inflorescence.
Umbellet. The secondary umbel in a compound umbel.
B. Androecial Types
(Classification based primarily on fusion of parts)
Apostemonous. With separate stamens.
Diadelphous. With two groups of stamens connate by their filaments.
Gynandrial or Gynostemial. With fused stamens and carpels (stigma and style) as in the
Monadelphous. With one group of stamens connate by their filaments.
Petalostemonous. With filaments fused to corolla, anthers free.
Polydelphous. With several groups of stamens connate by their filaments.
Syngenesious. With fused anthers.
C. Stamen Parts
Anther. Pollen-bearing portion of stamen.
Filament. Stamen stalk.
D. Stamen Structural Types (Classification based primarily on structure of
filament and anther)
Note: In this classification intermediate types of stamens do occur; shapes, apices, and
bases of anthers should be described separately and independently of stamen type.
Appendicular. Typical stamen with a variously-shaped or modified, protruding
connective, as in Viola.
Laminar. Leaf-like stamen without a distinct anther and filament but with embedded or
superficial microsporangia, as in Degeneria.
Petalantherous. With a terminal anther and distinctly petaloid filament, as in Saxifraga.
Petaloid. Petal-like stamen without distinct anther and filament but with marginal
microsporangia, as in Magnolia nitida.
Filantherous or Typical. Stamen with distinct anther and filament with or without thecal
appendages, as in Rhexia or Vaccinium.
E. Anther Parts
Connective. Filament extension between thecae.
Locule. Compartment of an anther.
Pollen Grain. Young male gametophyte.
Pollen Sac. Male sporangium.
Theca. One half of anther containing two pollen sacs or male sporangia.
F. Anther Types (Classification based on dehiscence)
Longitudinal. Dehiscing along long axis of theca.
Extrorse. Dehiscing longitudinally outward.
Introrse. Dehiscing longitudinally inward.
Latrorse. Dehiscing longitudinally and laterally.
Poricidal. Dehiscing through a pore at apex of theca.
Transverse. Dehiscing at rightangles to long axis of theca.
Valvular. Dehiscing through a pore covered by a flap of tissue.
G. Anther Attachment
Basifixed. Anther attached at its base to apex of filament.
Dorsifixed. Anther attached dorsally and medially to apex of filament.
Subbasifixed. Anther attached near its base to apex of filament.
Versatile. Dorsifixed but anther seemingly swinging free on the filament.
H. Pollen
(See palynology in Chapter 8)
Dyads. Grains occurring in clusters of two.
Filiform. Thread-like.
Monad. Grains occurring singly.
Pollinia. Grains occurring in uniform coherent masses.
Polyad. Grains occurring in groups of more than four.
Tetrads. Grains occurring in groups of four.