A CMOS/SOI Continuous-Time Low-Pass G - C Filter: C. Cavalcanti, J. A. de Lima & M. Verleysen
A CMOS/SOI Continuous-Time Low-Pass G - C Filter: C. Cavalcanti, J. A. de Lima & M. Verleysen
A CMOS/SOI Continuous-Time Low-Pass G - C Filter: C. Cavalcanti, J. A. de Lima & M. Verleysen
Electrical Engineering Department, Universidade Estadual Paulista
12516-410 Guaratingueta – SP, Brazil
Microelectronics and Electronics Department, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
13081-970 Campinas – SP, Brazil
Microelectronics Laboratory, Université Catholique de Louvain
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
represented by gmo and go, respectively. Ci and Co are decreases from 4.44º to 3.34º for the CMOS/bulk
the stray-capacitances at input and output nodes, integrator. Nonetheless, a further improvement occurs
respectively, and Cp the coupling capacitance. for the CMOS/SOI version where the phase-error is
Assuming Ci>>Cp and defining CT = CL + Cp + Co, the lowered from 1.00º to –0.01º (excess phase). As the
integrator transfer-function turns out compensation technique is affected by process random-
variations as well as modeling-uncertainties of output-
gmo conductances and stray-capacitances, an optimal Cex
Vo( s) Cp Cp that would exactly cancel out the phase-error is not
= (1) therefore proposed. By means of careful layout-
Vs ( s) RsCiCT 1 go
s + s + extraction and simulation, a range of Cex capacitances
RsCi CT can however be found to lower the phase-error (lead or
excess) close to one-degree values.
with a low-frequency gain -gmo/go. Dominant and
secondary poles are respectively p1=go/CT and CMOS /SOI CMOS /Bulk
p2=1/(RsCi). As expected, the feedforward capacitance Transistor µm]
W [µ µm]
L [µ µm] L [µ
W [µ µm]
Cp gives rise to a zero z1=gmo/Cp on positive real-axis. M1-M1A 264 6 44 1.6
A previously-reported transconductor stage [6] M2-M2A 15 2 7.6 1.6
was considered for a comparative analysis between
M3-M3A 40 10 44 1.6
circuits of same functionality integrated on CMOS/bulk
M4-M4A 26 12 120 1.6
and CMOS/SOI. Figure 2 displays the schematic of the
M5-M5A 46 2 21 1.6
adopted fully-differential transconductor. It basically
corresponds to a differential-pair, whose linear range is
Table 1. Drawn-sizing of transconductor-transistors
extended by voltage-controlled source-degeneration,
and active loads with an embedded common-mode
feedback (CMFB) loop. Nominal parameters are gm =
150µS, go = 2µS, Ci = 0.42pF, Co = 0.22pF and Cp = III. Filter Design
20fF. In order to compare the integrator performance in
different fabrication processes, an identical gm was The block diagram and specifications of a
assumed as design specification for the CMOS/SOI balanced 3rd-order low-pass, RLC ladder elliptic-filter
version. Transconductor-sizing for both versions is with resistive termination using a gyrator-capacitor
listed in Table 1, for a nominal bias current Iref = 50µA. combination is shown in Figure 6. Filter specifications
Simulation of CMOS/bulk and CMOS/SOI correspond to a nominal 3dB-cuttof frequency
circuits was carried out with PSPICE and ELDO, fp=4.0MHz, a stopband-frequency fs=12MHz, a
respectively. Design and process parameters passband-attenuation Amax<1.0dB and a stopband-
correspond to a standard 0.8µm CMOS and a 2µm attenuation Amin>23dB. On-chip capacitors are
CMOS/SOI fabrication processes. A single supply- C1=2.88pF, C2=0.7375pF, C3=2.88pF and C=2.675pF.
voltage VDD is assumed. Figure 3 overlays the resulting The simulated frequency characteristic of the
frequency characteristic of both integrators, for CMOS/SOI filter is displayed in Figure 7, for VDD=
CL=5pF. The CMOS/bulk version revealed a unity-gain 5V, resulting fp=5.75MHz, fs=19MHz, Amax<1.5dB and
frequency ft=446kHz, a low-frequency voltage-gain AV Amin>25.7dB.
=19dB and a phase-error of 4.5o, whereas its
CMOS/SOI counterpart presented fp=110kHz, AV
=28.1dB and a phase-error of 1.0o. Lead-phase is IV. Experimental Results
mainly associated with dominant-pole p1 due to the
transconductor relatively high output-conductance on The CMOS/SOI version of the designed filter was
both versions although the CMOS/SOI one exhibits a integrated at the Microelectronics Laboratory, Catholic
lower go. As an excessive phase-error may cause gain- University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
peaking in the filter-passband near the roll-off Effective area is 2mm2 and its microphotograph is
frequency, and consequently distortion [7], its displayed in Figure 8. The measured frequency
reduction by moving the zero z1 to frequencies close to response of the filter @VDD=5V is illustrated in Figure
p1 is thus proposed. Such a technique tends to 9. As it can be seen, no meaningful gain-peaking near
compensate for the original phase-lead since a zero on roll-off frequency is found which suggests occurrence
the RHP acts as a LHP pole, as far as phase-shifting is of a small phase-error associated with building-part
concerned. In practice, compensation is achieved by integrators. The filter experimental parameters are
adding an extra capacitance Cex along the feedforward fp=4.1MHz, fs=12MHz, Amax<2.47dB and Amin>39dB,
path, as depicted in Figure 4. As go/CT << (1/RsCi), the which are in good agreement with simulation. The 3dB-
secondary pole shouldn’t affect the Cex value. cutoff frequency as function of VDD is illustrated in
The compensation effect on the phase-error is Figure 10. The meaningful difference between
shown in Figure 5. For Cex = 200fF, the phase error simulated and measured data could mostly be attributed
XV SBMicro Intl. Conference on Microelectronics & Packaging, Manaus (Brazil), September 2000
to inaccuracies of the pseudo SOI-transistor model fellow of the FNRS (Belgian National Fund for
embedded in ELDO that is simply adapted from a Scientific Research).
standard MOSFET modeling. Moreover, non-ideal
effects in metal/poly-Silicon floating and grounded VII. References
capacitors may also contribute to such deviations.
The filter 3dB-cutoff frequency can be tuned by [1] Colinge, J. P. - Silicon-on-Insulator Technology:
the bias current Iref, as shown in Figure 11, variations of Materials to VLSI, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
the bandwidth with the supply voltage could be [2] Pennock, J. L. - “CMOS Triode Transconductor for
compensated by adjusting Iref through on-chip auto- Continuos-Time Active Integrated Filters”, Electronic
tuning systems [8]. The filter linearity corresponds to a Letters, Vol. 21, No. 18, August 1985.
total harmonic distortion (THD) of 0.25% for a [3] Gatti, U., Maloberti, F. & Torelli, G. –“CMOS Triode-
differential output-voltage Vout=200mVpp. The Transistor Transconductor for High-Frequency Continuous-
measured THD as function of signal level (peak Time Filters”, Proc. IEE Circuits, Devices and Systems, vol.
141, No. 6, Dec 1994.
amplitude) @VDD=4V is shown in Figure 12.
[4] Low-Voltage/Low-Power Integrated Circuits and
Systems, Edited by Sánchez-Sinencio, E. & Andreou, A.,
IEEE Press, 1999.
V. Conclusion [5] De Lima, J. A & Dualibe, C. – “On Designing Linearly-
Tunable Ultra-Low Voltage CMOS gm-C Filters”, proc. of
A comparative analysis between continuous-time IEEE ISCAS, Geneva, Switzerland, 2000.
gm-C filters based on a specific transcondutor but [6] Krummenacher, F. & Joehl, N. - “A 4-MHz CMOS
Continuos-Time Filter with On-Chip Automatic Tuning”,
designed according to different fabrication processes
IEEE JSSC, Vol. 23, No. 3, June 1988.
was carried out. Simulated data from the frequency [7] Khorramabadi, H. & Gray, P. - “High-Frequency CMOS
response of CMOS/bulk and CMOS/SOI basic Continuos-Time Filters”, ibid, vol. SC-19, No. 6, December
integrators confirm a better performance of latter 1984.
version with respect to low-frequency gain and phase [8] Schaumann, R., Ghausi, M. & Laker, K. – “Design of
error. In addition, this work proposes a compensation Analog Filters - Passive, Active RC and Switched
method to cope with the lead-phase due to the Capacitors”, Prentice Hall, 1990.
relatively high output-conductance of the adopted
transconductor. Based on the integrator small-signal
macromodeling, the resulting RHP zero is moved
towards the non-dominant LHP pole by adding an extra
capacitor along the signal feedthrough-path.
A balanced 3rd-order low-pass, RLC ladder-type
elliptic-filter was designed and integrated on a 2µm
CMOS/SOI fabrication process. At nominal bias and
VDD=5V, the filter experimental parameters are
fp=4.1MHz, fs=12MHz, Amax<2.47dB and Amin>39dB,
which are on good agreement with simulated data. As
no meaningful gain-peaking around the roll-off
frequency was found, small phase-errors related to
building-part integrators are suggested. The filter
presents a THD of 0.25% for a differential output
voltage Vout=200mVpp@VDD=4V. Lack of accurate
modeling for SOI transistors in circuit simulators, such
as ELDO and PSPICE, precludes from obtaining a
closer fitting between simulated and experimental
results as observed, for instance, on the filter frequency
response as function of the power-supply voltage.
VI. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to express their
thankfulness to FAPESP (process 97/09613-0) and
CAPES in Brazil, for financial assistance and
continuous support on integrated circuits research and
to the MIVIP Esprit project LTR22527, funded by the
European Commission. Dr. M. Verleysen is a research
XV SBMicro Intl. Conference on Microelectronics & Packaging, Manaus (Brazil), September 2000
Figure 1. Equivalent small-signal model of gm-C integrator Figure 2. Fully-differential transconductor [6]
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Simulated frequency response of integrators: (a) gain and (b) phase
Figure 4. Integrator with compensation capacitors (Cex) Figure 5. Simulated phase-error of integrators.
XV SBMicro Intl. Conference on Microelectronics & Packaging, Manaus (Brazil), September 2000
R fp = 4 MHz
fs = 12 MHz
C1 C3 Amax < 1dB
Vin R Vout Amin > 23dB
2C 2
2C 2
Figure 6. Block diagram of a 3rd-order low-pass Cauer gm-C filter (inset: filter specification)
(a) (b)
Figure 7. Simulated frequency response of SOI filter : (a) gain and (b) phase
Figure 8. Microphotograph of the SOI filter Figure 9. Measured frequency response of the SOI filter
XV SBMicro Intl. Conference on Microelectronics & Packaging, Manaus (Brazil), September 2000
Figure 10. SOI filter characteristic against supply-voltage Figure 11. SOI filter bandwidth as function of bias current