Lorawan TM Specification - V1.1
Lorawan TM Specification - V1.1
Lorawan TM Specification - V1.1
1,608 2,065
2 authors, including:
Dharma Agrawal
University of Cincinnati
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A cluster based secure routing scheme for wireless ad hoc networks View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Dharma Agrawal on 30 May 2014.
1.1.2 1.2.2
Simple Sensor Node Important Features
1.1.4 First Level Cluster Head
The important features of this scheme are mentioned be-
1.1.1 1.1.5 Cluster Second Level Cluster Head low:
Figure 1. Hierarchical Clustering 1. Since the nodes switch off their sensors and transmit-
ters at all times except the report times, the energy of
the network is conserved.
Cluster-heads at increasing levels in the hierarchy need
to transmit data over correspondingly larger distances. 2. At every cluster change time, TR and A are transmitted
Combined with the extra computations they perform, afresh and so, can be changed. Thus, the user can de-
they end up consuming energy faster than the other cide what parameters to sense and how often to sense
nodes. In order to evenly distribute this consumption, them by changing A and TR respectively.
all the nodes take turns becoming the cluster head for
a time interval T, called the cluster period. This scheme, however, has an important drawback. Be-
cause of the periodicity with which the data is sensed, it is
6. Sensor Network Protocols possible that time critical data may reach the user only after
the report time. Thus, this scheme may not be very suitable
The sensor network model described in section 5 is used for time-critical data sensing applications.
extensively in the following discussion of sensor network
6.1. Proactive Network Protocol LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) is
a family of protocols developed in [5]. LEACH is a good
In this section, we discuss the functionality and the char- approximation of a proactive network protocol, with some
acteristics expected in a protocol for proactive networks. minor differences.
Once the clusters are formed, the cluster heads broad-
Functioning cast a TDMA schedule giving the order in which the cluster
At each cluster change time, once the cluster-heads are members can transmit their data. The total time required
decided, the cluster-head broadcasts the following parame- to complete this schedule is called the frame time TF . Ev-
ters : ery node in the cluster has its own slot in the frame, during
which it transmits data to the cluster head. When the last
Report Time(TR ): This is the time period between succes- node in the schedule has transmitted its data, the schedule
sive reports sent by a node. repeats.
The report time discussed earlier is equivalent to the
Attributes(A): This is a set of physical parameters which
frame time in LEACH. The frame time is not broadcast by
the user is interested in obtaining data about.
the cluster head, though it is derived from the TDMA sched-
At every report time, the cluster members sense the pa- ule. However, it is not under user control. Also, the at-
rameters specified in the attributes and send the data to tributes are predetermined and are not changed midway.
This network can be used to monitor machinery for fault Cluster Formation
detection and diagnosis. It can also be used to collect data Cluster Change Time
Cluster-head receives message
Simulated Environment
For our experiments, we simulated an environment with leach−c
Figure 4. Energy dissipation: LEACH
Figures 4 and 5 show the behavior of the network in
We use two metrics to analyze and compare the perfor- proactive mode. This comparison was originally done in
mance of the protocols. They are: LEACH [6]. It is repeated here taking into account the mod-
ified radio energy model. Of the four protocols [6], mte
Average energy dissipated: This metric shows the aver- (minimum transmission energy) lasts for the longest time.
age dissipation of energy per node over time in the However, we observe from Fig. 5 that only one or two
network as it performs various functions such as trans- nodes are really alive. As such, leach and leach-c (a variant
mitting, receiving, sensing, aggregation of data etc. of leach) can be considered the most efficient protocols, in
Total number of nodes alive: This metric indicates the terms of both energy dissipation and longevity.
overall lifetime of the network. More importantly, it In Figures 6 and 7, we compare the two protocols. We
gives an idea of the area coverage of the network over see that both modes of TEEN perform much better than
time. leach. If the cluster formation is based on the leach-c pro-
tocol, the performance of the TEEN protocol is expected to
We now look at the various parameters used in the im- be correspondingly better.
plementation of these protocols. A common parameter for As expected, soft mode TEEN performs much better than
TEEN (soft)
Number of nodes alive
60 leach
30 TEEN (hard)
20 mte
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Figure 5. No. of nodes alive: LEACH hard mode TEEN because of the presence of the soft thresh-
8. Conclusions
1.5 TEEN (soft) Acknowledgment