EC61-antennas Paper For Conference
EC61-antennas Paper For Conference
EC61-antennas Paper For Conference
Antennas plays a vital role in wireless communications. The Internet of things (IoT) refers to the Internet connectivity among
computers, mobile devices and sensors. These devices can able to communicate and interact with each others over the Internet,
and they can also be remotely monitored and controlled.[1]
Most of the IoT applications function in the unlicensed ISM (The Industrial, Scientific, and Medical radio) bands of 2.4GHz,
Wireless connectivity for IoT devices can be done using Bluetooth, Zigbee, Wi-Fi which can utilize the frequency zone of
ISMband . the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers agreed that 2.4 GHz, with its wide channel selection and
range/penetration/cost potential, was a safer bet. Today, some Wireless N routers can operate on both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands
concurrently.[6] The 2.4 GHz ISM band is a commonly accepted band for worldwide operations. MW ovens, cord-less phones,
medical machines, military RADARS and industrial heaters are uses this ISM band which is also be called unlicensed bands.[2]
In this paper, a 2.4 GHz microstrip patch antenna with both coaxial feed and microstrip line feed on Rogers RT/duroid 5880(tm)
substrate whose relative permittivity is 2.2 aredesigned, the antenna can be operated at 2.3625GHz frequency with a return loss of -
35.9002dB.For coaxial feed and at 2.2875 GHz frequency with return loss of -10.0902dB.respectively
Many of IoT networks uses star, mesh, or point-to-point topologies to smartly guide the uplinks and downlinks between gateways
and end-devices. This means the job of establishing a link is accomplished through the use of omni-directional antenna structures
such as chip, PCB, whip, rubber duck, patch, and wire antennas. Many IoT-based development kits and radio modules such as
Qualcomm’s Internet-of-Everything (IoE) development platform or the Arduino GSM come with GPS, Bluetooth, and WiFi
2. Antennas Parameters:
There are generally two defining parameters for antennas: gain and directivity.
Gain of an antenna is defined as “the ratio of maximum radiation intensity in given direction to the maximum radiation intensity
from a reference antenna produced in the same direction with same power input”.
Gain(G)=(Max. Radiation Intensity from test antenna) /(Max. Radiation from reference antenna with same input power)
Where reference antenna is taken as isotropic antenna then gain of subject antenna is denoted by G 0and is also known as Gain with
respect to isotropic antenna.
Gain(Go )=(Max. Radiation Intensity from test antenna)/(Radiation Intensity from isotropic antenna with same input power)
Directivity or directive gain (Gd) in given direction is defined as “the ratio of the radiation intensity in that direction to the average
radiated power”.The directive gain is a function of angles (θ and φ)
Let Ф (θ, φ) = Radiation Intensity in particular direction and
Фav= average radiation intensity in that direction = Wr/4π
Directive gain Gd=(Power density radiated in a particular direction by subject antenna)/(Power radiated in that particular
direction by an isotropic antenna)
IoT networks that utilize the unlicensed ISM bands must be within the Equivalent (or Effective) Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)
required, The EIRP is the total power an ideal isotropic antenna would have to put out to provide the same signal strength as the
Antenna Under Test (AUT) in the direction of the AUT’s strongest beam. This parameter takes into account the gain, transmitter
output power, as well as the loss due to the antenna feed and therefore provides a more holistic perspective of the transceiver
Whip, rubber duck, and paddle antennas like monopole or quarter wave λ/4 antennas have the benefit of modularity, as they are
not integrated onto the PCB of the IoT device, a dipole has two radiating elements that meet at the feed-point, while a monopole
antenna replaces the second one with the ground plane.
Compared to the lesser used dipole antenna, the monopole has a lower angle of radiation allowing for a longer propagation range
particularly at low UHF frequencies.
Omni-directional chip antennas have a cardioid-shaped radiation pattern with lowest gains. When tested in real environments,
these antennas can show a higher directionality in a particular direction, Wearable IoT applications like WBANs will most likely
require the use of chip antennas due to its benefits of size.
Microstrip Patch antenna is designed for 2.4 GHz operation on a Rogers RT/ Duroid5880(tm) substrate with 2.2 permittivity and
1.57 mm thickness. The length (L) was chosen to be the same as W to obtain a symmetric radiation pattern.
HFSS Process Flow topics:High frequency simulator structure software is a high performance full wave electromagnetic
field simulator for arbitrary 3D volumetric passive device modeling. Ansoft HFSS employs the finite element method (FEM),
adaptive meshing and effective graphs for all 3D EM problems.
Ansoft HFSS can be used to calculate parameters such as S-parameters, resonant frequency and fields. It is used to design an
Electromagnetic wave processing devices such as antennas, waveguides, resonators, MW filters ect.
The Ansoft HFSS Desktop provides an intuitive, easy-to-use interface for Developing passive RF device models.
Creating designs, involves the following:
• Parametric Model Generation – creating the geometry, boundaries and Excitations.
• Analysis Setup – defining solution setup and frequency sweeps.
• Results – creating 2D reports and field plots.
• Solve Loop - the solution process is fully automated.
Model Setup:
W: 41.08 mm
L: 41.08 mm
lqw: 24.05 mm
wqw: 0.72 mm
l50: 15.00 mm
w50: 4.84 mm
we can create our own material in HFSS by mentioning the relative permittivity, relative permeability, dielectric loss tangents
Relative Impedance
S.NO Material Loss
Permittivity Band Width
1 Air 0 1.0006 42%
2 RT/Duroid 0.0009 2.2 35%
3 Epoxy 0 3.6 24%
4 FR4 epoxy 0.02 4.4 10%
Table:2. Different Bandwidths Obtained For Different substrate Materials
To open a new project:
• select the menu item File > New.
• Select the menu Project > Insert HFSS Design.
The solution type window is
• Select the menu item HFSS > Solution Type
Choose the following:
• Driven Terminal
• Wave Ports (External)
• Lumped Ports (Internal)
Surface Approximations:
• Symmetry Planes
• Perfect Electric surface or perfect Magnetic Surfaces
• Radiation Surfaces
• Background surface or Outer Surface
Material Properties:
• Boundary between two dielectric materials
• Finite Conductivity of a conductor
Add Solution Setup
• Adapt Frequency
• Convergence Criteria
• Initial Mesh Options
• Adaptive Options
• Low-Order Basis Functions
• Properties
• Add Sweep
• Sweep – Properties and Types of Sweeps
There are three Frequency Setup Options:
• Linear Step -- specify a linear range of values with a constant step size.
• Linear Count -- specify a linear range of values and the number, or count, of points within the variable range.
• Single Points -- specify a single value for the sweep definition.
• It is possible to save the Field data for every point in the Fast Sweep andthe Discrete Sweep. To save the Field
information make sure that the Save Fields (All Frequencies) box is checked.
• For the Interpolation Sweep, only the Field data for the last solved frequency will be available for post-processing.
HFSS uses the following equation: ‘’ Max. Freq. = (0.5/Tr) * Time Steps Per Rise Time ’’ where Tr=Signal Rise Time
To Create a Plot:
1. Select HFSS > Results > Create Report
2. Click OK and the Report Editor will be displayed – we will go over the options in the dialog.
Plotting Results:
The return loss of the 2.4GHz antenna is shown in Fig. 7.
From Fig. 7, the resonance frequency of the antenna occurs at 2.36 GHz with a return loss of -35.9002dB.
To plot the far-field patterns of the antenna, a far-field setup has to be created.
For the 2D pattern, the default values have to be changed such that Phi should start at 0 degree and stop at 90 degrees with a step
size of 90 degrees.
Fig. 9 shows the 2D patterns and Fig. 10 shows the 3D patterns.
To obtain the antenna radiation efficiency and antenna peak gain, etc. go to HFSS>Radiation>Compute Antenna/Max Param and
choose 2.36 GHz as the frequency of interest.
A rectangularmicrostrip patch antenna with coaxial feed and microstrip feed has been designedon Rogers RT/duroid 5880(tm)
substrate whose relative permittivity is 2.2 and simulated, optimized and analysed using HFSS (High Frequency Structure
Simulator) software version 13. the antenna can be operated at 2.3625GHz frequencywith a return loss of -35.9002dB.For coaxial
feed and at 2.2875 GHz frequency with return loss of -10.0902dB.respectively.