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A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof

American Iron and Steel Institute

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American Iron and Steel Institute, "A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels" (1997). AISI-Specifications for the Design of
Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. 27.

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Committee on Specifications
for the Design of Cold-Formed
Steel Structural members

American Iron and Steel Institute

11 01 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

August 1997
Design Guide CF 97-1

Committee on Specifications
for the Design of Cold-Formed
Steel Structural Members
American Iron and Steel Institute
110117" Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
The following design guide has been developed under the direction of the American Iron and
Steel Institute Committee on Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural
Members. The development of the guide was co-sponsored by the AISI and the Metal Building
Manufacturers Association. The AISI Committee and MBMA wish to acknowledge and express
gratitude to Dr. James M. Fisher of Computerized Structural Design, Inc. and Dr. Roger A.
LaBoube of the University of Missouri-Rolla who were principal authors of the guide.

Wrth anticipated improvements in understanding of the behavior of cold-formed steel and the
continuing development of new technology, this material might become dated. It is possible that
AISI will attempt to produce updates of this guide, but it is not guaranteed.

The publication of the material contained herein is not intended as a representation or warranty
on the part of the American Iron and Steel Institute, or the Metal Building Manufacturers
Association, or of any other person named herein. The materials set forth herein are for general
information only. They are not a substitute for competent professional advice. Application of
this information to a specific project should be reviewed by a registered professional engineer.
Anyone making use of the information set forth herein does so at their own risk and assumes
any and all resulting liability arising therefrom.

First Printing - August, 1997

Copyright 1997, American Iron and Steel Institute


The Design Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels provides information to
the designer of standing seam panels, cold formed purlins and steel joists supporting standing
seam roof panels. The Guide is based on the American Iron and Steel Institute's Specification
for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members, 1996 Edition. Where the Specification
is silent on design issues the procedures are based on published references and on the opin-
ions of the authors.

The Guide was co-sponsored by the Metal Building Manufacturer's Association (MBMA).

AISI and MBMA acknowledge the efforts of Dr. James M. Fisher of Computerized Structural
Design, Inc., and Dr. Roger A. LaBoube of the University of Missouri-Rolla in the development of
this Guide.

Users of the Design Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels are invited to
offer comments and suggestions. User response will be critical in improving design procedures
and for enhancing the use of standing seam roof systems.


Preface .................................................................................................................................. i
Table of Contents................................................................................................................... ii
1. Introduction and Background........................................................................................... 1
1.1 Through-Fastened Roof System............................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Continuous Bracing........................................................................................ 1
1.1.2 Discrete Bracing............................................................................................. 2
1.2 Other Design Considerations................................................................................... 2
2. Explanation of Systems and Their Components.............................................................. 2
2.1 Roof Panels.............................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Fasteners/Clips......................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Purlins ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Purlin Braces ........ ......... ....... .. ..... .. .. ... .... ....... ........ ...... .. ......... .... ... ... ... ........... ...... .. .. 3
2.5 Purlin Clips................................................................................................................ 4
2.6 Rafters...................................................................................................................... 4
3. Panel Design.................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Gravity load Design................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Panel Uplift Design................................................................................................... 5
4. · Review of Cold-Formed Steel Purlin Design.................................................................... 5
4.1 Structural Analysis.................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Continuous Bracing.................................................................................................. 6
4.3 Discrete Point Bracing.............................................................................................. 7
4.4 Unbraced Purlins. ............ .... ... .... .... .. .. .. ... ... .. .... ..... ..... .. .... .. .... .. ... .. ... ..... .... ..... .. .... .... 7
4.5 Anchorage of Purlin Bracing..................................................................................... 7
4.6 Other Design Considerations................................................................................... 9
4.6.1 Shear.............................................................................................................. 9
4.6.2 Bending and Shear........................................................................................ 9
4.6.3. Web Crippling................................................................................................. 9
4.6.4 Web Crippling and Bending............................................................................ 9
4.6.5 Bending and Axial load................................................................................. 9
4.6.6 Connections................................................................................................... 9

5. The Base Test.................................................................................................................. 10
5.1 Purlin Flanges Opposed ........................................................................................... 10
5.2 Purlin Flanges Facing the Same Direction............................................................... 11
5.3 Determining Diaphragm Requirements.................................................................... 12
5.3.1 Establishing Diaphragm Strength and Stiffness............................................. 13
5.3.2. Evaluation of the Diaphragm Strength and Stiffness..................................... 17
6. Standing Seam Roof Systems Subjected to Gravity Loading.......................................... 18
6.1 Purlin Design Procedure .. .. ........ .. ...... ......... .. .. ... ... ........ .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .... .. ... .. ... 18
6.2 System Design Requirements.................................................................................. 18
7. Standing Seam Roof Systems Subjected to Uplift Loading............................................. 21
7.1 Purlin Design Procedure ....... ... ... .. ... .... ... .. .... ... .. ... ........ .. ........... ... ... ... .... .. .. ... ..... ... .. 22
7.2 System Design Requirements.................................................................................. 22
8. Standing Seam Roof Systems Subjected to In-Plane Forces......................................... 23
9. Standing Seam Roofs on Steel Joists............................................................................. 23
10. Roof Top Units and Hanging Loads ................................................................................ 25
11. Design Examples ............................................................................................................. 26
11.1 Standing Seam Panel Design.................................................................................. 26
11.2Base Test Evaluation ................................................................·............................... 30
11.3Continuous Purlin Design for Gravity and Wind Uplift Loads.................................... 34
11.4 Diaphragm Calculations to Determine Purl in Stability ............................................... 45
11.5 Diaphragm Design Example .................................................................................... 46
11.6Strut Purlin Design.................................................................................................... 49
11.7 Joist Stability Calculation.......................................................................................... 53
References ........................................................................................................................55
Appendix I - Base Test Method for Purlins Supporting a Standing Seam Roof System
Appendix II- Writers' Suggested Base Test Method for Strut Purlins Supporting a Standing
Seam Roof System

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels




A typical roof system is composed of three primary components: purlins, roof panels and purlin
braces. The term system is used to describe the roof assembly because of the interaction and
synergism of the components. The purlins are considered the primary load carrying components
of the roof system but are commonly called secondary members with regard to the entire building
structural system. They support the dead load, gravity load, and wind load, and transfer these
loads to the primary structural framing. The roof panel is a multi-functional component. It trans-
fers the applied loads to the purlin, as well as serves as a bracing member for the purlin. Addi-
tional discrete purlin braces are often located along the length of the purlin. The intent of this
design guide is to define the roof system components, their behavior, and their design require-

The behavior and subsequently the design of the roof system is primarily dependent on the type
of roof panel. There are two general categories of roof panels, the conventional through-fastened
panel, and the standing seam panel. The through-fastened panel, although it has its place in the
marketplace, is rapidly being replaced by the standing seam panel. The standing seam panel with
sliding clips, since its introduction in the 1960's, has shown to be a cost effective roof membrane
solution because of its superior weathertightness, its ability to provide consistent thermal per-
formance, and low maintenance requirements due to its ability to adjust to thermal expansion and
contraction. For structural design, the through-fastened panel or the through-fastened panel in
conjunction with discrete point braces is used to provide lateral support to the top flange of the
purlin. For standing seam roofs the bracing effectiveness of the standing seam panels or the
bracing effectiveness of the standing seam panels in conjunction with discrete point braces must
be determined by tests.

Purlins are typically either cold-formed steel shapes or steel joists. Cold-formed members must
be designed in accordance with the design rules promulgated by the American Iron and Steel In-
stitute (1996). Steel joist design is within the purview of the Steel Joist Institute (1995). How-
ever, when supporting a standing seam roof panel, the Specifications do not fully address the de-
sign requirements for purlins. The AISI Specifications do not address the bracing effectiveness
of standing seam roofs on purlins subjected to uplift or axial loads. Therefore, the intent of this
design guide is to supplement the recognized design specifications for purlins supporting stand-
ing seam panels.

1.1 Through-Fastened Roof System

Section 4.0 reviews the issues pertinent to the design of purlins with a standing seam roof panel.
In general these design issues apply equally to purlin systems having through-fastened roof pan-
els. Issues unique to the through-fastened roof panel are examined in the following discussion.

1.1.1 Continuous Bracing

Bracing provided by the through-fastened panel attached to the top flange will enable the use of
AISI Specification Section C3.1.1 (a) for positive moment from gravity loads. For wind uplift
loading, panel bracing permits the use of AISI Specification Section C3.1.3.

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

1.1.2 Discrete Bracing

For wind uplift loading, when AISI Specification Section C3.1.3 does not offer the requisite de-
sign strength, discrete braces are to be considered for the bottom flange. The purlin design for
uplift is then based on AISI Specification Section C3.1.2 and the brace is designed per AISI
Specification Section 03.2.2. However, when using discrete braces for a Z-purlin, a minimum of
third point braces should be considered. Full-scale tests have shown that a single mid-point
brace may not offer the moment strength of a Z-purlin as would be indicated by AISI Specifica-
tion Section C3.1.2.

1.2 Other Design Considerations

Section 4.6 of this design guide provides a comprehensive discussion of the array of design is-
sues that must be considered for a purlin system. Although the specific emphasis in Section 4.6
is directed toward the standing seam panel, the provisions apply equally to the through-fastened
panel. The exception is the evaluation of the nominal axial strength, P0 , which is defined by AISI
Specification Section C4.4 and the nominal moment strength, M.a, which is defined by AISI
Specification Section C3.1.


A roof system is a synergistic system composed of the following components:

2.1 Roof Panels

Steel roof panels serve as an environmental barrier as well as contributor to the structural integ-
rity of the purlins which support them. A standing seam panel and a through-fastened panel are
shown in Fig. 2.1. The standing seam panel has no fasteners that penetrate the steel membrane
except where the ends of the panels are joined. '

a. Standing Seam

b. Through-Fastened

Fig.l.l Typieal Roof Panels

Standing seam panels are either of the pan type or rib type shown in Fig. 2.2.

AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

a. Pan Type

b. Rib Type

Fig. 2.2 Categories of Standing Seam Panel Geometry

2.2 Fasteners/Clips

Fasteners and clips are used to connect the standing seam panels to the purlins. Clips are spe-
cially designed connection elements that are embedded in the seam of standing seam roof panels.
The clips may be either sliding or fixed (Fig. 2.3). A sliding clip allows thermal movement of the
roof membrane. Self-drilling screws are normally used to attach the clip to the purlin. This
screw type combines the functions of drilling and tapping. For through-fastened roof systems,
the panels are attached directly to the purlin with the aid of self-drilling screws.

a. Fixed Clip b. Sliding Clip

Fig. 2.3 Typical Standing Seam Clips

2.3 Purlins

Purlins are secondary roof structural members which transfer gravity and wind loads from the
roof panel to the rafter. Cold-formed steel purlins are generally either C or Z-sections. For
longer spans, when a C- or Z-section is not economical, steel joists are used. Steel joists may be
fabricated using hot-rolled or cold-formed steel chord and web members.

2.4 Purlin Braces

Purlin braces are elements within a roof system that provide lateral restraint to the purlin. The
braces may be discrete braces or continuous braces. Discrete braces are generally angles or

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

straps which may function in either compression or tension (Fig. 2:4). Cont~uous braces may be
provided by the diaphragm roof panels. Forces that accumulate m the bracmg system must be

J CAngle
J::Purin J
Fig. 2.4 Example of Discrete Braces

C and Z sections generate braces forces larger than the stability forces required to restrain verti-
cally symmetric steel joists or wide flange beams. C-sections loaded through their gravity axes
tend to twist because the centroid is not coincident with their shear center. To keep the C-section
from twisting, so that the simple bending equation can be used to design the C-section, brace
forces larger than those normally used for stability requirements are necessary. The Z-section
when loaded through its vertical axis translates laterally. This occurs in a Z-section because its
principal axis is not coincident with its vertical axes. To prevent translation and again to permit
the use of simple bending theory to design a Z-section significant bracing may be required.

For general information concerning C and Z-section behavior the reader is referred to Salmon,
Charles G. and Johnson, John E. (1996).

2.5 Purlin Clips

Cold-formed purlins are attached to rafters either by bolting the bottom flange directly to the
rafter top flange or by using a clip which is bolted to the purlin web and bolted or welded to the
rafter top flange. The clip can serve as an "anti-roll" mechanism for the purlin as well as elimi-
nating purlin web crippling. Steel joists are attached to rafter either by bolting or welding the
joist seat to the rafter.

2.6 Rafters

Rafters are beams or trusses supporting the roof purlins. The rafter serves as a load path from the
purlin to the column.


3.1 Gravity Load Design

Although standing seam roof panels are composed of thin structural elements that may distort
and/or buckle in cross section when subject to gravity loading the panels can be designed using
the AISI Specifi~tion. Th~ Specification, in Section Bl.l, ~gnizes the tendency of the ~el
to deform by noting that stiffened elements having w/t ratios larger than 500 may be used With
AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

safety to support loads. The AISI Commentary goes on to state that the intent of the Specifica-
tion is to caution the designer, not to preclude the use of compression elements having w/t ratios
greater than 500. For gravity load situations panel deformation is normally not serious enough to
preclude the use of the AISI equations.
The design of a standing seam panel to resist gravity load follows the same methodology and de-
sign considerations as any flexural member. That is, the panel must be investigated for the fol-
lowing design considerations: (1) bending, (2) shear, (3) web crippling, (4) combinations of
bending and shear, and (5) deflection. The combination of bending and web crippling is explic-
itly excluded from design consideration by the exception clause of Specification Section C3.5.
Design Example 11.1 demonstrates the application of the Specification to the design of a stand-
ing seam panel.

3.2 Panel Uplift Design

Panels and fasteners must be designed for the appropriate wind uplift pressures of the applicable
building code. They must be checked for the different pressures as defmed by the code for the
field of the roof, rakes, eaves, comers, overhangs and ridge areas. Most building codes specify
pressures that vary inversely with influence area. Thus, fasteners are usually required to resist
greater pressures than the panel in each of the areas defmed. It is usually incorrect to evaluate
fasteners with the same pressure as the panel.
Through-fastened panel resistance may be checked using the AISI defmed section properties.
This approach is deemed sufficient for through-fastened roofs, but may be inaccurate for standing
seam roofs. In the case of standing seam roofs, disengagement of the panel from the clip tends to
be the limiting failure mechanism. The resistance of screws used in roof systems may be calcu-
lated using pull-out or pull-over allowables defined in the AISI Specification. The resistance of
standing seam clips must be determined by test methods.
Several rating methods are currently available for roof panels. These include Underwriter's
Laboratories UL 580, ASTM E-1592, and Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC) Ap-
proval Standard 4471. The UL 580 and FMRC 4471 procedures provide a relative measure of
the roof system's resistance to uplift. ASTM E-1592 provides a quantitative measure of the
static uplift load that a roof panel system can sustain. All of these test methods use a uniform
pressure distribution. None of the tests take into account the dynamic, non-uniform nature of
actual wind loading. All currently available methods of determining wind uplift ratings must be
used with caution recognizing that they do not give an actual measure of a roof panel system's
ability to resist specified design wind loads.


4.1 Structural Analysis

Elastic analysis assumptions and techniques are applied when determining the internal design
forces and moments in a purlin. Simple span purlins are always analyzed as prismatic members.
Based on the judgment of the engineer, continuous span purlins may be analyzed as either pris-
matic or non-prismatic members. For example, when the purlin system is analyzed using the
prismatic assumption larger positive moments will result as compared to those obtained f!om a
non-prismatic analysis. From the design standpoint this may result in larger end span purlms as
compared to a design based on the results of a non-prismatic analysis. Designs based on a non-

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

prismatic analysis will often be controlled by combined bending and shear calculations at the end
of the purlin laps because the non-prismatic analysis generates larger negative moments as com-
pared to a prismatic analysis.

For a C-purlin, the adjacent span purlins are connected back-to-hack over the main frame,
whereas the Z-section is lapped or nested over the main frame (Fig. 4.1 ). For both cross sections,
within the lapped region, i.e. over the main frame, the purlins are connected in such a manner
that full moment continuity between the individual purlins can be achieved.

. ,. ~

.._,I ~
-- I

c~ c .... cr' c....

(a) C-Seetion (b) Z-Seetion

Fig. 4.1 Purlin Continuity
In subsequent discussions, positive and negative moments are defined by Figure 4.2.


(a) Simple Span (b) Continuous Span

Fig. 4.2 Moment Definitions

4.2 Continuous Bracing

Bracing is critical to the successful performance of a purlin roof system. Typically, when a
purlin has a roof panel attached to its top flange, the tendency is to assume that the flange has full
lateral support for bending behavior. This is an acceptable assumption when the panel is a
through-fastened roof panel. However, when the panel is a standing seam panel, the presence of
full lateral support can only be verified through testing. The following discussion will summa-
rize the design methodology for a purlin system with particular emphasis given to the design nu-
ances of a standing seam panel.

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

The presence of a standing seam panel may not result in full bracing for the purlin. There is no
formal theoretical design criteria in the AISI Specification for computing the synergism of the
standing seam panel and the purlin. The Specification (Section C3.1.4) thus requires that the
gravity moment strength be determined by the AISI Base Test Method (See Section 5). The
1996 AISI Specification does not contain provisions relative to wind uplift design of purlins us-
ing lateral and torsional support provided by standing seam roofs. Section 7 of this design guide
addresses the moment capacity for wind uplift.

4.3 Discrete Point Bracing

Discrete point braces are often employed to enhance the structural performance of a compression
flange that is not attached to sheathing. Discrete braces are also used to enhance performance for
wind uplift loading.

For gravity loading, if the standing seam panel is to be considered as a contributor to bracing of
the purlins in conjunction with discrete point bracing, the positive moment strength must be de-
fined by test as discussed in Section 5 of this design guide. When panel bracing is discounted,
the purlin moment capacity is defined by AISI Specification Section C3.1.2. For wind uplift
loading, the purlin design is based on AISI Specification Section C3.1.2 and the brace is de-
signed per AISI Specification Section D3.2.2 for lack of a more applicable design approach.
However, when using discrete braces for a Z-purlin, a minimum of third point braces should be
considered for gravity and wind load cases. Full-scale tests have shown that a single mid-point
brace may not offer the moment strength of a Z-purlin as would be indicated by AISI Specifica-
tion Section C3.1.2.

4.4 Unbraced Purlins

Unbraced purlins are not routinely encountered in purlin systems. If such a condition should oc-
cur, the member's flexural strength is to be determined by AISI Specification Section C3.1.2.

In the region of an intermediate support, that is the negative moment region of a continuous span
purlin, the flexural capacity in the negative moment region beyond the end of the lap is computed
by AISI Specification Section C3.1.2. In the strength evaluation it is normally assumed that the
inflection point is a free end. Thus the unbraced length is taken as the distance from the end of
the lap to the inflection point. Correspondingly,<; is conservatively taken as 1.0.

4.5 Anchorage of Purlin Bracing

The load carrying capacity of purlin systems attached to roof sheeting is dependent on the ability
of the roof sheeting to torsionally and laterally restrain the purlins. The torsional restraint is pro-
vided by the bending strength and stiffness of the sheeting, and the clip/fastener assembly which
connects the roof system to the purlins. Lateral restraint is provided by the diaphragm capacity
of the sheets and any discrete point bracing designed into the system.

The torsional restraint is self contained in the sheeting; however, brace forces and diaphragm
forces accwnulate and must be transferred to other structural elements, i.e. rigid frames, vertical
bracing, etc.

Purlins having their compression flange attached. to deck. o~ sheathing are designed as l~ly
supported members. Forces which are developed m the bracmg system and the deck or sheathmg
must be calculated and anchored in accordance with AISI Specification Section D3.2.1.

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

The AISI equations depend on the location and type of lateral bracing system. The cases in-
cluded in the Specification are:
1. Torsional Bracing at the Purlin Ends.
2. Third Point Bracing, and
3. Mid-span Bracing.
The brace forces in the AISI Specification are contingent upon having a roof diaphragm system
which meets the span divided by 360 requirement of AISI Specification Section 03.2.1.

Designers using discrete point bracing systems generally anchor the bracing by balancing the
bracing forces across the building ridge. See Fig. 4.3. This requires that the structure have equal
slopes, equal loading and equal lengths on each side of the ridge, in order for the bracing forces
to be balanced. If these equalities do not exist then bracing members must be added to resist the
unbalanced forces, or a proper number of purlins have their flanges facing one another to elimi-
nate the unbalanced forces.

For single sloped buildings or for buildings where the discrete braces cannot be anchored across
the ridge, the bracing forces must be transferred to an anchor location. Rigid frame lines or
braced frame lines are generally selected as anchorage points. To transfer the forces out of the
discrete braces to these anchorage locations horizontal trusses are generally installed in the plane

Anchor Brace Across Ridge

Fig. 4.3 Discrete Braces Anchored at Ridge

/ Anti - Rol Clip

RafterTop Flange

Fig. 4.4 Diaphragm Anehonge at Eave

Other d~igners use a sy~ that !ncorporates only the standing seam roof diaphragm. The dia-
P~ ts ancho~ at discrete pomts !'iong the rafter or at the building eave. For example, see
Ftg. 4.4. The pnmary advantage of this system over discrete point bracing systems is that fewer
~need to be ~ed during erection. In addition, this system does not require modificatiOJt
for single slope buildings and does not require alteration for the inequalities mentioned above•

AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

No matter what anchorage system is used the designer must prove by calculation or tests that the
diaphragm can deliver the accumulated purlin anchorage forces into the anchorage points.

4.6 Other Design Considerations

4.6.1. Shear

The shear capacity of a purlin web is defined by AISI Specification Section C3.2. In the region
of a support where the purlin is lapped, each web shall be considered as a separate element car-
rying its share of the shear force.
4.6.2. Bending and Shear

The interaction of bending and shear must be considered by using AISI Specification Section
C3.3. The bending capacity is based on initiation of yielding per AISI Specification Section
C3.l.l(a). Shear capacity is defined above. For continuous purlin systems the most critical lo-
cation is generally at the end of the purlin laps.
4.6.3. Web Crippling

Web crippling is a design consideration for gravity loading conditions. At the free end of a
purlin, for example at the end wall of a building, the purlin is subject to the AISI end-one-flange
loading condition. The web crippling capacity for this condition is defined by AISI Specification
Section C3.4. The use ofpurlin web reinforcement or support clips can eliminate web crippling
at the supports.

4.6.4. Web Crippling and Bending

At interior supports and overhangs of continuous span purlins, combined web crippling and
bending must be evaluated unless purlin support clips are provided. AISI Specification Section
C3.5 contains design rules for single unreinforced webs, that is C-purlins back-to-hack, and for
nested Z-purlins. When evaluating the bending capacity of each section, AISI Specification Sec-
tion C3.l.l(a) applies to bending, whereas AISI Specification Section C3.4 pertains to web crip-
pling. The section strengths are additive when evaluating the interaction equation.

4.6.5. Bending and Axial Load

The structural integrity must be investigated for combined bending and axial load (strut purlins)
for purlins that are designed to resist the combined effects of gravity and seismic loads or the ef-
fects of wind uplift on the roof surface and wind on the endwall of the building. The interaction
equations of AISI Specification Section C5 are applicable for purlins supporting through-
fastened roof systems. Section 8 of this design guide discusses the design strength of strut
purlins in conjunction with standing seam panels.

4.6.6 Connections

AISI Specification Sections E2, E3, and E4 summarize the design rules for welded, bolted and
screw connections.
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels


For gravity loading many designers assume that the standing seam roof panels brace purlins,
some assume a reduction of full constrained bending capacity, and some assume no lateral sup-
These assumptions range from possibly very liberal to possibly very conservative. There is no
formalized theoretical criteria to measure the assumptions. Based on testing, the amount of re-
sisting moment which the supporting purlins can achieve can vary from that of a fully braced
condition to an unbraced condition for different roof systems. Because of this wide variation in
behavior it was determined that it is not practical to develop a generic analytical method to pre-
dict the interaction of standing seam roof systems and supporting structure, thus the base test
method was developed.

The major advantage of the base test is that a simple span test may be used to predict perform-
ance of continuous span systems, thereby reducing experimental costs. A copy of the AISI Base
Test Method is contained in Appendix I. The concept for the base test was developed by T.M.
Murray and several graduate students at Virginia Tech University. If the reader is not familiar
with the base test, Appendix I should be read before continuing with the reading of the remainder
of this guide.

The purpose of the base test is to determine the ability of a particular standing seam roof system
to provide lateral and rotational support to gravity loaded purlins. The 1996 AISI Specification
does not address using the base test method for uplift; however, it is the opinion of the writers
that a similar test procedure should be used to determine the uplift resistance of purlins support-
ing standing seam roofs unless independent discrete point bracing is used.

The test method provides a means of establishing a nominal resisting moment for purlins in a
simple span or continuous, multiple purlin line, standing seam roof system from the results of
tests on a single span, two purlin line, sample of the system.

This test method only applies to an assembly consisting of the standing seam panel, purlin, and
attachment devices used in the system being tested. It is not a test for the strength of the individ-
ual components of the assembly.

The base test procedure allows for the following two different test arrangements relative to purlin

1. Purlin flanges opposed.

2. Purlin flanges facing the same direction.

Both test methods are discussed below.

5.1 Purlin Flanges Opposed

Testing with purlin flanges opposed does not place requirements on the diaphragm, i.e. the lateral
forces generated by the purlins are counterbalanced. This procedure does not address the issue of
how the diaphragm anchorage forces are resisted and hence does not consider all of the lateral
stability issues. The method does demonstrate the effectiveness of the paneVclip torsional resis-
tance for the purlin. It also demonstrates if the lateral forces can be transmitted into the roof pan-

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

5.2 Purlin Flanges Facing the Same Direction

Conducting the base test with the purlin flanges facing the same direction demonstrates the tor-
sional effectiveness of the panel/clip to brace the purlin, and also demonstrates if the lateral
forces can be transmitted from the purlin to the roof panels.
When two Z-purlins are tested facing the same direction, the test procedure necessitates that the
failure load, wls, be adjusted by the factor 2PL(!). This adjustment factor is applicable only to
the Z-section because it is not loaded along its principal axes. The justification for the adjust-
ment factor, Awls is explained as follows.
Each purlin develops the PL force at the top of the purlin. See Fig. 5.1. If the sheeting is not an-
chored in the test then the resistance to the lateral force is supplied by the reactions at the purlin
support points. Summing moments about one of the supports yields:

Awls = 2PL(!) (Eq. 5.2-1)

~ ~

I s-=rd
+2pL(:) l2Pt(~)
Fig. 5.1 Test Load Adjustment Factor
The AISI Specification equation 03.2.1-1 represents the lateral force developed for single-span
systems, i.e. the base test case. The Specification requires that a minimum of four purlins be
used in equation 03.2.1-1. Substituting n., = 4 and conservatively not taking the 1.1 multiplier
for systems less than four purlin lines, the AISI equation 03.2.1-1 for zero roof slope reduces to
Equation 5.2-2.

PL = 0.041(d.~:. . )(p.+p,) s (Eq. 5.2-2)


b = flange width of the purlin

d = depth of the purlin

t = purlin thickness
Pta = failure load (force/area) of the single span system tested

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

Pd = weight of the specimen (force/area)

s = tributary width of the purlins tested

The increase in load, Awts, must be added to the achieved test load to arrive at the ultimate load
on the purlin.

The AISI Base Test procedure allows the simulation of the eave condition in a building by using
a 3 in. by 3 in. by 1/4 in. maximum thickness (See Appendix I) continuous angl~ at the end of t!te
test panels. It is permitted to anchor the continuous ~gle to prevent .lateral displac~ment at tts
ends. The use of an anchored simulated eave condition can result m unconservative results~
Fisher and Nunnery (1996). This unconservative situation occurs in standing seam roof systems
which possess little to no diaphragm strength and stiffhess. In these cases, the total anchorage
strength is derived from the eave member and not th~ diaphragm. Base~ .on the AISI ancho~e
requirements (Section 03.2.1.) the demands on the stmulated eave condition would be greater tf
more than two purlins are to be braced, i.e. in the actual structure. If the tests are conducted not
anchoring to the simulated eave, the results will be conservative; in fact, this may result in oyerly
conservative test results. This is due to the high strength and stiffhess demands on the relattvely
shallow diaphragm which may allow the purlins to fail prematurely, Fisher and Nunnery (1996).
A discussion is presented in the next section on the procedures to be used to properly assess the
diaphragm and base angle eave condition.

5.3 Determining Diaphragm Requirements

Based on the foregoing discussion it is apparent that the strength and stiffhess of the diaphragm
system should be evaluated when base tests are conducted with purlin flanges opposed (unless
the purlins have their flanges opposed in field usage), or when the simulated eave condition is
used in the test. Based on diaphragm test results, it may be demonstrated that the diaphragm sat-
isfies the strength and stiffhess requirements as established in Section D3.2.1 of the AISI Speci-
fication. If so then the design procedure for standing seam roof systems is to conduct the base
test and to provide the required anchorage system per AISI Section 03.2.1. If the diaphragm
system does not satisfy either the strength or stiffuess criteria, then a discrete point bracing sys-
tem can be designed in accordance with Section 03.2.2 of the AISI Specification.

The majority of diaphragm stiffuess loss comes from side lap slip. Many designers provide an
eave member to which the panels are secured. The fasteners that are used to attach the panels to
the eave member provide significant restraint, thus they can significantly increase the diaphragm
strength and stiffuess.

The effect of the eave attachment can be determined from diaphragm tests. The difficulty of in-
cluding the eave attachments in a diaphragm test is that the benefit of the fasteners in the eave
can lead to unconservative assumptions relative to the diaphragm strength and stiffuess if the re-
sults are not evaluated properly. For example, if the cantilever test method is used to determine
the strength and stiffhess, and the values obtained from the test are then used to predict the
strength and stiffhess of a larger diaphragm, the effects of the eave member on the strength and
stiffuess will be overstated. Stating this in another way, assume that a particular roof system has
no ability to resist side lap slip, then the total stiffuess is derived from the fasteners in the eave
member. The strength does not necessarily increase when the size of the diaphragm is increased,
the resistance can decrease if the diaphragm depth increases and the width remains constant.

If the ~hment to ~e eave member is intended to be used to help provide additional strength
and stiffuess, to the diaphragm system, then the benefits from the eave in a test attachment must
be isolated from the basic diaphragm strength and stiffness. The benefit. from the eave member
can then be added to the basic behavior of the diaphragm without the eave member.
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

5.3.1. Establishing Diaphragm Strength and Stiffness

The s1!'ength and sti~ess of any size di.ap~ can be obtained by first obtaining the strength
and sttfthess of the dtaphragm (t.e. multiplymg test values by the physical dimensions of the ac-
tual diaphragm) and then adding this strength and stifthess to the eave attachment strength and
stifthess, Fisher and Nunnery (1996).

Thus, the diaphragm shear strength can be represented as:

= Sn +Se (Eq. 5.3-1)


Snt = the total nominal diaphragm shear strength including eave attachment effects

Sn = the nominal diaphragm shear strength without eave attachment

Se = the nominal shear strength of the eave attachment

The stifthess of the system can be represented similarly as:

0'nt = K n +Ke (Eq. 5.3-2)


G' nt = the total diaphragm stifthess including eave attachment effects

Kn = the diaphragm stifthess without eave attachment

Ke = the stifthess of the eave attachment

To obtain S0 , Se, Ka and Ke diaphragm tests must be conducted as illustrated in Figures 5.2 and
Shown in Figure 5.2 is the cantilever test assembly for determining the diaphragm properties.
The test should be conducted following the cantilever diaphragm test procedure as outlined in the
AISI Cold-Formed Manual, 1996. This test arrangement should be used to determine the nomi-
nal diaphragm shear strength and diaphragm stiffness without eave attachments. Thus, the sys-
tem attachments at the eave are not included in this test. The test load is delivered into the
sheeting through an edge member parallel to the load. This member is connected to the paneling
using only the system's purlin - panel clips. A similar edge member is connected between the
diaphragm reaction points at the opposite edge. Members simulating typical interior purlins are
positioned at appropriate spacing within the assembly again connected to the panels with purlin -
panel clips. Along the remaining two sides edge members are provided. These edge members
can be attached to the test panels with self drilling fasteners.

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels


Test Assembly
Edge Member
Fig. 5.2 Diaphragm Test Assembly without Eave Attachments

Shown in Figure 5.3 is the cantilever test assembly for determining the diaphragm properties of
the sheeting and the contribution from the attached eave member. The construction of the test
assembly is identical to that shown in Figure 5.2, except for the inclusion of the eave members
and their attachments. The eave member has been included along both edges in the assembly.
This is done to eliminate the panel warping effects along the ends of free panel edges. It is the
writers' opinion that the warping if not prevented would unrealistically reduce the stiffness of the
effects of the eave member in the test. However, when the additional eave member is included in
the test arrangement, then the strength and stiffness effects of the eave member may have been

Test Assembly
Edge Member

Attached eave
Fig. 5.3 Diaphragm Test Assembly with Eave Member

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

It is the writers' opinion that the strength and stiffness contribution of the eave member can be
determined by subtracting the test load obtained from the tests using the arrangement in Figure
5.2 from the load obtained from tests using the arrangement shown in Figure 5.3 and dividing by
two to account for the use of the two eave members.

In some systems the ridge condition may have a strength and stiffening effect on the diaphragm.
For these systems the diaphragm tests can be conducted using the ridge and eave details for the
system. The test results for this case would not have to be divided by two.

Strength Contribution from the Eave Attachments:

Based on the diaphragm tests shown in Figs. 5.2 and 5.3, the shear strength per foot, Se, furnished
by the attachment of the standing seam panels to the eave member can be determined from the

(Eq. 5.3-3)

The strength furnished by the eave attachment is analogous to a series of cantilever shear walls.
See Figure 5.4.

The eave connection furnishes a "fixed" moment resistance. The resistance is derived from the
moment capacity of the panel - fastener - eave member connection. The shear strength furnished
by an individual panel equals the base moment resistance divided by the distance from the base
to the line of action of the shear force. For the diaphragm test, the eave attachment contribution
to the resisting shear per foot is Qe /a, where Qe is a constant for the panel representing the eave
attachment moment resistance. From the diaphragm tests:
(Eq. 5.3-4)
Applied diaphragm shear

" - - Resisting base moments

Fig. 5.4 Eave Connection Strength
(One Eave Member)
For any diaphragm, the total diaphragm strength per foot can be obtained from the equation:

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

(Eq. 5.3-5)

where, d is the panel length in the field installed diaphragm, i.e. the diaphragm depth.

Stiffness Contribution from the Eave Connection:

From the diaphragm tests when two eave members are used, the stiffness, ~' per unit length fur-
nished by the eave attachment equals :
(Eq. 5.3-6)

where G 2 and G 1 are the average diaphragm shear stiffnesses calculated from diaphragm tests
with and without eave connections, respectively. Since the deformation from the eave restraint
occurs almost totally at the eave attachment, (See Fig. 5.5 ), with the remainder of the panel be-
ing rigid, ~ can be expressed as a constant Ce divided by the height of the panel used in the dia-
phragm tests. From the diaphragm tests:

(Eq. 5.3-7)
For a given diaphragm of depth d, the diaphragm stiffness can be determined from:

G' = Ku +Ce/d (Eq. 5.3-8)

where d is the panel length of the field installed diaphragm.


!I .
I i





Eave Attachment

Fig. 5.5 Diaphragm Stiffness per Unit Length

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

The use of Se and G' are further described in Example 11.5.

5.3.2. Evaluation of the Diaphragm Strength and Stiffness

As discussed, depending upon the manner in which the base test is conducted, the diaphragm
must be evaluated to determine if it meets the required strength and stiffness per Section D3.2.1
of the AISI Specification. The requirements of the diaphragm depend upon the bracing system
used for the purlins. The strength and stiffness requirements can be calculated based on the lat-
eral forces generated by the purlin system. The Specification requires that the diaphragm deflec-
tion at the purlin mid-span not exceed the span length divided by 360. The deflection require-
ment is intended to apply at the load producing the nominal strength of the purlin. Diaphragm
deflections are typically evaluated from shear deflection equations using the tested diaphragm
shear stiffness G'. Traditionally G' has been established using the secant modulus at 0.4 times
the maximum diaphragm test load.

Because load deflection curves for diaphragms are normally non-linear, using the secant modulus
established at 0.4Pu per the AISI diaphragm test procedure could lead to unconservative results.
The writers' suggest that for both ASD and LRFD designs G' be determined at 0.65 Pu for both
ASD and LRFD designs.

The diaphragm strength and stiffness requirements are established based on the AISI anchorage
equations as follows:


From the AISI specifications, for roof systems using C-sections, with the flanges facing in the
same direction, the load on the diaphragm equals 0.05W including the down slope load compo-
nent. W is defined as the total load supported by the purlins. The uniform in-plane load per foot
on the diaphragm equals 0.05W divided by the purlin span including the total down slope load
component. The shear deflection for a diaphragm between supports is calculated by the equa-

wu L 2 (Eq. 5.3-9)

wu = the uniform in-plane load, kips/ft.

= 1.67 times service loads for ASD

= (1.2D + 1.6L)/cj) for LRFD

L = the diaphragm span between diaphragm reactions, ft.

G' = the diaphragm shear stiffness evaluated at 0.65Pu, kips/ft.

d = the diaphragm depth, ft.

Substituting the appropriate variables W 0 , L, band calculating G' based on the ~iaphragm ~e­
ometry, the diaphragm system shear deflection is obtained. The bending deflection of the dta-

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

phragm system is normally neglected because it is small compared to the shear deflection. To
guarantee purlin stability the total deflection As must be less than L/360.

The diaphragm design shear strength equals:

A. S = Wu L (LRFD) (Eq. 5.3-10)

'I'd n 2d

The design shear strength must then be compared to the required strength.


For Z-sections, the deflection and strength requirements must be established for each type of n:-
straint system being used. It should be noted that the gravity l~ad down slope force component Is
included in the AISI equations and must not be added to the diaphragm load. For example, for a
single-span system with midspan restraint, PL can be established from the AISI Specification
equation 03.2.1.-3. Since only a midspan brace exists the diaphragm must span from midspan
brace to midspan brace. Thus, the load on the diaphragm equals PLI L.

The diaphragm loading for all other restraint conditions can be determined in a similar manner.


To design purlin systems which are subjected to gravity loading, the AISI Base Test Method
must be used, unless the purlins are designed as laterally unsupported using only discrete point

6.1 Purlin Design Procedure

The following steps must be taken to design purlins subjected to gravity loading when using the
base test method:

1. Conduct the base tests in accordance with the AISI Base Test Method.

2. Sel~ct the I?.roFr size purlins t~ provide the required moment capacity, M. = RMu/il, in
which the R values are obtained from the base tests and ~/n is determined by the
AISI Specification (~ = Sefy).

3. Provide a proper diaphragm system design.

4. Provide the proper anchorage for the diaphragm system and for the discrete point brac-
ing system (if discrete bracin~ is a part. of the purlin bracing system). Unlike through-
f~tened systems where th~ discre~e pomt bracmg can ~ placed intermittently, discrete
pomt bracmg must be contmuous m nature when used wtth standing seam roofs.

The requirem~nts for steps 3 and 4 depend upon exactly how the base tests are conducted as dis-
cussed m SectiOn 6.2.

6.2 System Design Requirements

Based o~ how the .base ~ were cond~ the design requirements for the diaphragm system
and for discrete pomt bracmg vary. Summanzed below are typical system design requirements.
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

Test Condition 1:
Purlin flanges opposed.
Simulated eave member used.
Discrete point bracing used.
System Design Requirements:
For the structure in question, determine if the diaphragm system meets the AISI stifthess re-
quirement of span /360, and if the diaphragm strength requirements are met.
If both the diaphragm stifthess and strength requirements are met, design the discrete point
braces for the requirements of AISI Section D3.2.1.
Design anchorage for the discrete point braces for the calculated forces.
Design anchorage for the diaphragm for the imposed loads.
If either the strength or stifthess diaphragm requirements are not met, design the discrete point
braces for the AISI requirements in Section D3.2.2.
Design anchorage for the discrete point braces for the calculated forces.
Design anchorage for the diaphragm as anchored in the base test.
Test Condition 2
Purlin flanges opposed.
Simulated eave member used.
Discrete point bracing not used.
System Design Requirements:
For the structure in question, determine if the diaphragm system meets the AISI stifthess re-
quirement of span I 360, and if the diaphragm strength requirements are met.
If both the diaphragm stifthess and strength requirements are met, as above, anchor the dia-
phragm for the calculated imposed loads.
If either of the diaphragm requirements are not met, add discrete point bracing and design the
discrete point braces for the AISI requirements in Section D3.2.2, and design anchorage for the
discrete point braces for the calculated forces.
Test Condition 3:

Purlin flanges opposed.

Simulated eave member not used.
Discrete point bracing used.
System Design Requirements:
For the structure in question, determine if the diaphragm system meets the AISI stifthess re-
quirement of span /360, and if the diaphragm strength requirements are met.

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

If both the diaphragm stiffness and strength requirements are met, design the discrete point
braces for the AISI requirements in Section D3 .2.1.

Design anchorage for the discrete point braces for the calculated forces.

If either of the diaphragm requirements are not met, design the discrete point braces for the AISI
requirements in Section D3.2.2.

Anchor the discrete point braces for the calculated forces.

Test Condition 4:
Purlin flanges opposed.
Simulated eave member not used.
Discrete point bracing not used.

System Design Requirements:

For the structure in question, determine if the diaphragm system meets the AISI stiffness re-
quirement of span /360, and if the diaphragm strength requirements are met.

If both the diaphragm stiffness and strength requirements are met, anchor the diaphragm for the
calculated imposed loads.

If the requirements are not met, add discrete point bracing and design the discrete point braces
for the AISI requirements in Section D3.2.2.

Design anchorage for the discrete point braces for the calculated forces.
Test Condition 5:

Purlin flanges facing the same direction.

Simulated eave member used.
Discrete point bracing used.

System Design Requirements:

For the structure in question, determine if the diaphragm system meets the AISI stiffness re-
quirement of span I 360, and if the diaphragm strength requirements are met.

If both the diaphragm stiffness and strength requirements are met, design the discrete point
braces for the AISI requirements in Section D3.2.1.

Design anchorage for the discrete point braces for the calculated forces.

Design anchorage for the diaphragm for the imposed loads.

If either of the requirements are not met, design the discrete point braces for the AISI require-
ments in Section D3.2.2.

Design anchorage for the discrete point braces for the calculated forces.
Test Condition 6:

Purlin flanges facing the same direction.

AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam RoofPanels

Simulated eave member used.

Discrete point bracing not used.

System Design Requirements:

For the structure in question, determine if the diaphragm system meets the AISI stiffness re-
quirement of span I 360, and if the diaphragm strength requirements are met.

If both the diaphragm stiffness and strength requirements are met, anchor the diaphragm for the
calculated imposed loads.
If the requirements are not met, add discrete point bracing and design the discrete point braces
for the AISI requirements in Section D3.2.2.
Design anchorage for the discrete point braces for the calculated forces.
Design anchorage for the diaphragm as in the tested condition.

Test Condition 7:
Purlin flanges facing the same direction.
Simulated eave member not used.
Discrete point bracing used.
System Design Requirements:
For the structure in question, determine if the diaphragm system meets the AISI stiffness re-
quirement of span /360, and if the diaphragm strength requirements are met.
If both the diaphragm stiffness and strength requirements are met, design the discrete point
braces for the AISI requirements in Section D3 .2.1.
Design anchorage for the discrete point braces for the calculated forces.

Design anchorage for the diaphragm for the imposed loads.

If either of the diaphragm requirements are not met, design the discrete point braces for the AISI
requirements in Section D3.2.2.
Design anchorage for the discrete point braces for the calculated forces.

Test Condition 8:

Purlins facing the same direction.

Simulated eave member not used.
Discrete point bracing not used.

System Design Requirements:

No system requirements.

The AISI Specification currently contains no criteria for the design of purlin systems attached to
standing seam roofs subjected to uplift loadings. It is the opinion of the writers that the base test
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

method (with reversed loading) should be used to eval~te .Purlins sup~rting s~ding .se~
roofs subjected to uplift loading, unless discrete point braci!lg iS used. If discrete :pomt .bracmg i.s
used the braces must be evaluated in accordance with Sectmn D3.2.2 of the SJX:cdicabon: Untd
further research is conducted the adjustment factor Eq. 5.2-1 ~!lust not be ~ed m eval~tmg th.e
base test data. In addition, the AISI diaphragm strength and stiffness reqwrements remam apph-
cable. These requirements can be evaluated using the safety factors and lo~ factors associated
with wind loading. The proper design procedure again depends on the standmg seam roof char-
acteristics and the manner in which the base tests are conducted.

7.1 Purl in Design Procedure

The following steps must be taken to properly design purlins subjected to uplift loadings:

1. Conduct uplift (reverse loading) using the AISI Base Test method.

2. Select the proper size purlins to provide the required moment capacity, M. = RMJCl, in
which the "R" values are obtained from the base tests and MJCl is determined by the
AISI Specification <Mu = S)'y).

3. Provide the anchorage for the diaphragm or the discrete point bracing.

7.2 System Design Requirements

If the base tests are conducted without discrete point bracing then the diaphragm requirements
and anchorage forces should be calculated using the requirements stipulated in the AISI Specifi-
cation Section 03.2.1. The system design requirements are identical to those discussed for C-
sections and for Z-sections for purlins subjected to gravity loads in Section 6.2 herein (Test con-
ditions 2,4,6, and 8).

If the purlin uplift design is dependent on discrete point braces in conjunction with the standing
seam roof (using the "reverse" base test) then the AISI equations (Section 03.2.1) are not di-
rectly applicable. Conservatively, the designer can use the AISI equations contained in AISI
Section D3.2.2. The total brace force equals the sum of the brace force for each purlin in the roof
system. Alternately additional testing can be used to determine the brace forces. The following
procedure is suggested:

1. Conduct the base tests using the intended bracing system, i.e. use the number of discrete
braces to be used in the system.

2. Conduct the base tests without discrete braces.

~ased on the~ two sets of tests, the discrete point brace forces can be obtained for a given purlin
lme as followmg:

1. O~tennine the moment capacity of the given purlin based on the base test R value ob-
tained from the .base tests conducted with the braces.

2. O~termine the moment capacity of the given purlin based on the base test R value ob-
tained from the base tests conducted without the braces.

3. Subtract the value obtained from (2) from the value obtained from (1).

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

4. Determine the load along the length of the purlin which would produce the moment
obtained in (3), W = 8MJI}.
5. Use the load W obtained from step (4) as the load W to be used in the appropriate an-
chorage equation from the equations contained in AISI Section D3.2.1. This calcula-
tion must be based on one purlin. The total anchorage force equals the force obtained
from the calculations for one purlin multiplied by the total number of purlins being
braced in the roof system.


Purlins as a part of the horizontal roof truss bracing system are often subjected to a combination
of axial forces and bending moments. As discussed in Section 4.6.5, the AISI Specification is to
be used to calculate the nominal strength of these beam-columns using the equations in AISI
Section C5. The Specification is silent on the calculation of the nominal axial force component Pa
when the purlins support standing seam roofs.
The nominal axial force for a purlin supporting a standing seam roof can be determined based on
the discrete point bracing provided to the purlin by using the equations in AISI Chapter C4. If no
discrete point bracing exists then tests must be conducted. Contained in Appendix II is a sug-
gested test procedure.
The nominal moment capacity for the purlin is determined from the gravity or uplift base tests
depending upon the loading condition being investigated for the strut purlin.
The applied forces and moments are obtained from the analysis of the structure. The strut purlin
may have to be investigated for several moment conditions along its length. In determining the
end moments applied to the strut purlin the eccentricity between the horizontal brace rods and the
purlin centroid must be considered.


The Standard Specification for Open Web Steel Joists, K-Series, 1995, requires that roof deck
fasteners be spaced at no more than 36 inches, and be capable of carrying a lateral load of 300
pounds. The Steel Joist Institute currently does not recognize standing seam roofs as being capa-
ble of providing the necessary lateral support for steel joists. Some joist manufacturers have
conducted proprietary tests to determine the strength of their joists with various standing seam
roof systems. Currently there are no standardized test procedures to determine the lateral bracing
effectiveness of the standing seam panel.
Without supportive test data, joist manufacturers typically add extra bridging lines and design the
joist chords based on the spacing of the bridging.
The Steel Joist Institute does not address anchorage requirements for bridging lines, other than
stating, "The ends of all bridging lines terminating at walls or beams shall be anchored thereto".
It is also stated in the Standard Specifications For Open Web Steel Joists, K-Series that
"Bridging shall support the top chords against lateral movement during construction period and
shall hold the steel joists in the approximate position as shown on the plans". ForK-series joists
each horizontal bridging attachment to the j~ists must '?e caJ?&ble of resisting a horizontal.force of
not less than 700 pounds. It is not stated m the Specification whether the 700 pounds ts a fac-
tored load or a service load. The writers presume that it is a service load.
Design Recommendations

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

The following guidelines are presented for the design of joists laterally supported by standing
seam roof systems. These recommendations are based on research by Fisher, et al. 1995.

These considerations have been presented in ultimate strength terms that would be appropriate
for limit state design. Adjustments must be made for allowable stress design.

The designer of such systems should be aware that the use of standing seam roofs to laterally
support steel joists is not recognized by the Steel Joist Institute.

1. The use of standing seam roofs to laterally support steel joists should be limited to K-
series joists.

2. Each type of roof system must be tested using a procedure similar to the AISI Base Test
Method. The writers believe that it is conservative to test the roof system on K-Series
joistS that have the largest chord axial load in combination with the largest bridging
spacing to be used in the system.

3. A reasonable estimate of the bracing force that must be resisted by the roof system can
be determined using the work of Lutz and Fisher, 1985.

Lutz and Fisher developed the following expression for the ideal stitfuess of continuous
bracing,~' as a function of the critical compression load of the member Pcr·

(Eq. 9.1-1)

(Eq. 9.1-2)
I .is the moment of inertia about the axis of buckling and the tangent modulus, ~. is
giVen by

(Eq. 9.1-3)
For an imperfect member that has an initial displacement d in the plane of buckling the
required stitfuess, ~ is defmed by o '

(Eq. 9.1-4)
where ~ is the additional displac~ment w~en buckling occurs, which is often taken as d0
~or design purposes. The required bracmg force, Pb• in force/length is the stiffness
times d or

(Eq. 9.1-5)
The value of do ~or the region be~een bridging lines should be conservatively esti-
mated from. expenence or constructiOn tolerances. The writers suggest a value of span
over 500 (distance between braced points).
4. The criti~ load in up~r. chord of the joist must be determined. For joist proportions
and ~tenal strength Slffillar to those in the test program it should not exceed 80% of
the yteld load. '

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

5. An eave member is to be provided. The stability loads are collected by the eave mem-
ber based on the following load transfer path:

a. The lateral bracin~ forces ~e transferred to _each roof panel by friction, panel en-
velopment and chp panel mteract10n. This force transfer occurs continuously
along the length of each joist.

b. Once transferred into the individual panels and bridging lines, forces are accumu-
lated along the length of the panels and bridging, and are transferred into the fas-
teners at the eave member. Some of the bracing force may be distributed to the
frame lines via the roof diaphragm and does not reach the eave member. The
amount of force transferred to the frame lines through the diaphragm is dependent
on the ratio of the diaphragm stiffness to the total stiffness of the roof system.

c. The accumulated bracing forces are transferred laterally along the eave beam
through the fasteners in the eave beam until reaching the end supports of the eave
beam at the frame lines.

d. The forces that are transferred to each joist top chord at the frame lines through
diaphragm action must be transferred to the frame lines through the clips and the
joist attachment to the frame.

e. The forces that remain in the eave member must be transferred to the frame lines
by the connection of the eave member to the frame line.

For the above described force path to be permissible, fasteners in the eave member
must have sufficient resistance to transfer the forces, and the eave member must
have sufficient shear and bending resistance. The maximum shear in any fastener
and the maximum bending in the eave member can be found from statics.

6. The force that the sheeting must carry in tension or compression must reflect the num-
ber of joists that are being braced. Conservatively, the total number of joists could be
used, or the suggestion in the draft of the International Standards Organization Code
that .2n + .8 Jn joists be considered, where n is the number of joists being braced, can
be adopted. For sloping roofs, the in-plane component of the load on the sheeting must
be included in the analysis.
7. To determine the in-plane shear and associated moment in the collecting member, a
distribution of the sheeting force must be assumed. It is conservative to use a uniform
lateral force distribution. A parabolic or sinusoidal distribution would also be reason-


The lateral support provided to purlins from a standing seam roof is available from roof clips,
friction and panel envelopment. The amount of support provided by each of these effects is ';ID-
known. Since the base test is conducted in an air chamber, whereby the loads are appbed
through the standing seam roof to the purlins, the stability effect of concentrated loads applied. to
the purlin flanges is unknown. Thus, purlins supporting concenf:rated l<?ads sho~d be b~ ';11-
dependently of the standing seam roof system. From a practical pomt of vtew, the stabthty
forces from small collateral loads such as sprinkler lines, ceiling, etc. may be neglected.

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels


11.1 Standing Seam Panel Design

Dead Load= 2.0 PLF, Snow Load= 70 PLF, Wind Uplift= 140 PLF

Dead 2 PLF, Snow 70 PLF, Wind Uplift= 140 PLF

l 5.0'
l 5.0'
Fig. 11.1 Geometry and Loading
1 5.0'
Sym.llbcU Sym.llbout Sym.llbout
Snow Wind Uplift
c. c. c.



0.188 0.425 0.322

~004 0.002

Fig. 11.2 Shears and Moments


r,.....=~_1_,4_. _ _ _ _ __.B~4·

Fig.11.3 Panel Cross Section

Given: 1. Four span standing seam roof panel.
2. F =50 ksi
3. Use ASD approach.

1. Calculate Section Properties.

2. Check the design for gravity loads.
3. Check the design for uplift loads.

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

1. Calculation of Section Properties

Based on the design procedures of the AISI Specification, the following section properties
can be obtained

IX = 0.191 in.4
Sr = 0.113 in. 3 (top), 0.612 in. 3 (bottom)
se = 0.101 in. 3 (top), 0.618 in.3 (bottom)- Positive Bending
= 0.086 in. 3 (top), 0.085 in.3 (bottom)- Negative Bending

Note: When computing effective section properties, the AISI Specification permits w/t ratios
larger than 500. This is the situation for the computations of se (bottom).

2. Check gravity loads

a. Strength for Bending Only (Section C3 .1.1)

Required Strength:

M = M0 +Ms
Maximum positive moment: M = 0.004 + 0.135 = 0.139 kip-ft.

Maximum negative moment: M = 0.005 + 0.187 = 0.192 kip-ft.

Positive moment is defined as a moment producing compression stresses on the top of the

Allowable Design Strength:

Positive Moment:

~ = SeFy = (0.101)(50) _!_ = 0.421 kip-ft.

Ma = WO = 0.421/1.67 = 0.252 kip-ft. > 0.139 kip-ft. o.k.
Negative Moment:

~ = Sef y = (0.085)(50) 1 ~ = 0.354 kip-ft.

Ma = ~/Q = 0.354/1.67 = 0.212 kip-ft.> 0.192 kip-ft. o.k.
b. Strength for Shear Only (Section C3.2)

Required Strength:
V = V0 + Vs = 0.006 + 0.212 = 0.218 kips

Allowable Design Strength

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

Fort= 0.024 in., h = 1.856 in., hit= 77.3 < 1.415 JEkv I Fy = 79.4

vn = 0.64f ~kvFyE

vn = 0.64 X 0.0242 .J5.34 X 50 X 295QQ = 1.035 kips

v. = VJO = 1.035/1.67 = 0.620 kips per web

v. = 2 x 0.620 = 1.240 kips> 0.218 kips o.k.

c. Strength for Combined Bending and Shear (Section C3.3)
Required strength:
For the first interior support

M = M0 + M8 = 0.005 + 0.187 = 0.192 kip-ft.

V = V 0 + V 8 = 0.006 + 0.212 = 0.218 kips
(MJM.x 2 + (VNJ2 S 1.0

(0.192/0.212)2 + (0.218/1.240)2 = 0.85 < 1.0 o.k.

d. Web Crippling Strength (Section C3.4)
Required strength:
P=P0 +P8

End support= 0.004 + 0.138 = 0.142 kips

First interior support= 0.011 + 0.400 = 0.410 kips
Allowable design strength:

The following assumes a bearing length of 2-1/2 inches.

At end supports use Eq. C3.4-1 of the AISI Specification

Pn = fkC3C4C 9C9 [331 - 0.61 hlt][1 + 0.01N/t]

k = 894F/E
= (894)(50)/(29500) = 1.515
c3 = 1.33 - o.33k
= 1.33- (0.33)(1.515) = 0.8300
c4 = 1.15- o.15R/t
= 1.15- (0.15)(0.048)10.024 = 0.8500

AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

P. = (0.024)2(1.515)(0.8300)(0.8500)(1)(1)[331-0.611.856 11 +0.01~]
0.024 0.024

Pa = 0.357 kips per web

P. = P,/0. = 0.357 x 2 webs/1.80 = 0.396 kip> 0.142 kip o.k.
At interior supports use Eq. C3.4-4 of the AISI Specification
P. = fkC 1C2C9C8[538- 0.74 hlt][0.75 + 0.011 N/t]
c. = 1.22 - 0.22k
= 1.22- 0.22(1.515) = 0.8867
c2 = 1.o6 - o.06 Rlt
= 1.06 - (0.06)(0.048)/0.024 = 0.9400
~ = 1.0
C8 = 1.0

P. = (0.024)2(1.515)(0.8867)(0.9400)(1)(1)[538-0.74 1 56
.s Jo.75+0.0ll~]
0.024 0.024

Pa = 0.663 kip per web

P. = P,/0. = 0.663 x 2 webs/1.80 = 0.737 kips> 0.410 kip o.k.
e. Combined Bending and Web Crippling (Section 3.5)

1.2(P/PJ + (MIMuJ ~ 1.5

The AISI Specification excludes the application of the above equation to deck or panel
sections. This implies that combined bending and web crippling is not a strength de-
sign consideration.
3. Cheek uplift loads
a. Strength for Bending Only (Section C3.1.1)

Required strength:
M = <Mo- M,.)0.75, where 0.75 is per SectionAS.l.3.
Maximum positive moment: M = I(0.005 - 0.375) I(0. 75) = 0.278 kip-ft.
Maximum negative moment: M = I(0.004- 0.270) I(0.75) = 0.198 kip-ft.

AISI A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

Positive moment is defined as a moment producing compression stresses on the top of the
Allowable design strength:
Positive Moment, Ma = 0.252 kip-ft. < 0.278 kip-ft. n.g.
Negative Moment, M8 = 0.212 kip-ft.> 0.198 kip-ft. o.k.

b. Strength for Shear Only (Section C3.2)

Required Strength
V = {VD - Vw)O. 75 = I{0.006 - 0.425) I{0. 75) = 0.314 kip

va = 1.240 kip> 0.314 kip o.k.

c. Strength for Combined Bending and Shear (Section C3.3)

Required Strength:
For the first interior support

M = {M0 - Mw)0.75 = 1(0.005- 0.375~(0.75)= 0.278 kip-ft.

V = {V0 - Vw)0.75 = !(0.006-0.425)1(0.75) = 0.314 kip

<M&1axo)2 + (VN J2 ~ 1.0

(0.278/0.252)2 + (0.314/1.240)2 = 1.28 > 1.0 n.g.


The standing seam panel is adequate for the applied dead load and snow load. However, for up-
lift loads, the panel is inadequate for bending at the first interior support. Because the panel is
inadequate for bending only, it also fails to pass the combined bending and shear check at the
first interior support.

11.2 Base Test Evaluation

Using the AISI Base Test Method for Purlins Supporting a Standing Seam Roof System, tests
were conducted for the purlin cross section shown in Figure 11.4 below. Apply the evaluation
procedure as prescribed in the AISI Base Test Method and determine the appropriate reduction


g• ' 1<"' Length Varies

Fig.11.4 Tested Purlin

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

In accordance with Section 7.2 of the AISI Base Test Method, three tests were conducted for the
thickest profile and three tests were conducted for the thinnest profile. The span length for all
tests was 25 ft. The following summarizes the data:

Thickest profile, t = 0.135 in. (measured)

Test No. Failure Load, piS Specimen wt., Pd

(lb/fi:2) (lb/fi:2)

1 55.6 2.0
2 56.8 2.0
3 56.4 2.0

Thinnest profile, t = 0.06 in. (measured)

Test No. Failure Load, piS Specimen wt., Pd

(lb/fi:2) (lb/fi2)

1 18.4 1.0
2 18.0 1.0
3 17.6 1.0

The maximum anticipated purlin spacing, B, and the tributary width of the purlins tested, s, are
both 5.0 ft.

Determine the lateral anchorage force.

In accordance with Section 8.1 of the AISI Base Test Method, the anchorage force is

For 0.135 in. profile,

(3)1.5 ]
P = 0 041[ (p + p )s
L • (9)0.9 (0.135t·60 IS d

PL = 0.098(piS + pJs

For 0.060 in. profile,

= 0 041[

( 3)1.s
(9t.9 (0.060)0.60
](p + p)s
IS d

= 0.159(piS + pJs

Compute the failure load, wiS

Per Section 8.1 of the AISI Base Test Method, the tested failure load is determined by

Wts = (pta+ pJs + 2PL(d/B)

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

= (p15 + pJ5 + 2Pd9/60)

Fort= 0.135 in.

Test No. Pts +

(lbs/ )
1 57.6 28.2 296.46
2 58.8 28.8 302.64
3 58.4 28.6 300.58
Fort= 0.060 in.

Test No. Pts + Pd PL wts

(lbs/fil) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft)
1 19.4 15.4 101.6
2 19.0 15.1 99.5
3 18.6 14.8 97.4
Compute the modification factor,~

The purlin strength modification factor,~. is determined by Sections 8.2 through 8.5 of the AISI
Base Test Method.

M., = wtsL2/8, single span failure moment

L = 25ft., the test purlin span length

~. = SJyt• computed moment capacity of the fully braced section

When evaluating M.t,, the measured yield stress, Fyt, and the measured geometry for each Test
No. must be used to compute M.t,. Because the intent of this example is to demonstrate the appli-
cation of the AISI Base Test Method, Fyt and Set were taken as constants for each of the three

The computed moment capacity is determined using Section C3.1.1(a) of the AISI Specification.
Set is the computed effective section modulus using the measured section properties and the
measured yield strength, Fw The measured yield strength is determined using the procedures of

Fort= 0.135 in.

Mu F set ~.
Test No. (kip-in) ~=Mu~.
(bi) (in.3) (kip-in)
1 277.93 56.10 5.47 306.87 0.910
2 283.73 56.10 5.47 306.87 0.920
3 272.14 56.10 5.47 306.87 !l..82Q
Mean 306.87 0.907
Standard Deviation 0.0125

AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

Fort= 0.060 in.

Mu F set Mot ~=MufM..t

Test No. (kip-in) {ksi) (in.3) (kip-in)
1 92.26 57.26 1.91 109.36 0.840
2 90.36 57.26 1.91 109.36 0.830
3 88.45 57.26 1.91 109.36 OJ.lil
Mean 109.36 0.827
Standard Deviation 0.0125
Compute the reduction factor, R
The purlin strength reduction factor, R, is computed by using Section 8.6 of the AISI Base Test

where the symbols are defmed in Section 8.6 of the AISI Base Test Method.
Rm.m = 0.827-0.013 = 0.814 = 0.907 - 0.013 = 0.894
Mutmin = 109.36 kip-in
Mutmax = 306.87 kip-in
Using the above numerical values, the reduction factor for any purlin thickness can be deter-
mined. For example, in the table below R values for 0.135, 0.090, and 0.060 thicknesses are
Purlin Thickness Mu R
(in.) (kip-in}
0.135 300.14 0.891
0.090 179.86 0.843
0.060 106.57 0.813

The nominal flexural strength for each purlin is the product of~·
It should be noted that the R values for this example decrease with decreasing thicknesses. The
reader should not assume that this is typical for all standing seam systems.

AISI A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

11.3 Continuous Purlin Design for Gravity and Wind Uplift Loads

Dead Load =15 PLF Roof Live Load =100 PLF, Wind Uplift =15 PLF
2.0' II I· 3.5' 1.0'--Hf-1.0' 3.5' ·I 11 2.0'

8ZS2.5x090 ~ 8ZS2.5x060 8ZS2.5x060 8ZS2.5x090 J

25.0' 25.0' 25.0' 25.0'

Sym. about Sym. about Sym. about

Dead Live ~ Wind Uplift
~ ~
Reaction 0.14 0.44 0.34 0.95 2.92 2.25 -1.09 -3.36 -2.59
(kips) I I
0.14 10.15

4.53 1

I I 1 7.46 I I

Notes: 1) Moments and forces are from unfactored nominal loads

2) Lap dimensions are shown to connection points of purtins
Reactions, Shears and M>men1s

Fig. 11.5 Example 11.3


1. Four span Z-purlin system using laps at interior support points to create continuity (see
Figures 1 and 2).

2. Roof covering is attached with standing seam panel clips along entire length of purlins.
3. Fy=55ksi

4. Roof Slope= 0.5/12

5. No discrete bracing lines.

6. Purlin flanges are bolted to support member and anti-roll clips are provided at each support
at every fourth purlin line.

7. Tested R values using the AISI Base Test Method:

For gravity loads:
R = 0.85 for the 0.090 in. thick purlin.
R = 0.90 for the 0.060 in. thick purlin.

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

For uplift load:

R = 0.70 for the 0.090 in thick purlin.
R = 0.70 for the 0.060 in. thick purlin.
1. Check the design for gravity loads using the ASD approach.
2. Check the design for uplift loads using the ASD approach.
3. Compute the anchorage forces at the supports.
Note:The equations and Sections referenced in the example refer to the AISI Specification Sec-
tions and the AISI equation numbers.
Assumptions for Analysis and Application ofthe A/Sf Specification Provisions
The AISI Specification does not define the methods of analysis to be used; these judgments
are the responsibility of the designer. The following assumptions are considered good practice
but are not intended to prohibit other approaches:
a. The purlins are connected within the lapped portions in a manner that achieves full
continuity between the individual purlin members.
b. The continuous beam analysis to establish the shear and moment diagrams assumes
continuous non-prismatic members in which lx within the lapped portions is the sum of
the individual members.
c. The strength within the lapped portions is assumed to be the sum of the strengths of the
individual sections.
d. For gravity loads, the compression (bottom) flange at and near the interior supports is
assumed to be fully braced between the support and the end of the lap. The negative
moment region between the end of the lap and the inflection point is treated as a canti-
lever with an unbraced free end.
e. Since the loading, geometry and materials are symmetrical, check the first two spans
Calculation ofSection Properties
Based on the design procedures illustrated in Examples No. 1-3 and No. 1-10 and Table 1-3
and 11-3 of the AISI Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual, the following sections properties can be
obtained for the two Z-sections:
For: t = 0.060 in. For: t = 0.090 in.
lx = 8.146 in.4 lx = 12.014 in.4
Sr = 2.037 in.3 Sr = 3.004 in.3
se = 1.71 in.3 se = 2.826 in. 3
ly = 1.225 in... ly = 1.787 in.3

1. Claeek Gravity Loads

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

a. Strength for Bending Only (Section C3.1)

Required Strength
By inspection, ASD load combination 2 from Section A5.1.2 controls:

M=M0 +ML
End Span, from left to right:
Maximum positive moment: M = 0.68 + 4.53 = 5.21 kip-ft.

Negative moment at end of right lap: M = 0.69 + 4.57 = 5.26 kip-ft.

Negative moment at support: M = 1.12 + 7.46 = 8.58 kip-ft.

Interior span, from left to right:
Negative moment at end ofleft lap: M = 0.49 + 3.28 = 3.77 kip-ft.

Maximum positive moment: M =0.30 + 1.98 = 2.28 kip-ft.

Negative moment at end of right lap: M = 0.49 + 3.29 = 3.78 kip-ft.
Negative moment at center support: M = 0.66 + 4.37 = 5.03 kip-ft.
Allowable Design Strength
End span:

At the location of maximum positive moment, the section is assumed to be braced by the
standing seam panel. The ability of the panel to brace the purlin has been quantified by the
AISI Base Test Method (R = 0.85).
Use allowable moment per Section C3.1.4.
For the end span purlin, t = 0.090
M.. = RS)', = (0.85)(2.826)(55) = 132.1 kip-in.= 11.01 kip-ft. (Eq. C3.1.4-1)

ob = 11.67
MD 1.01 = 6.59kip-ft. > 5.21 kip-ft. o.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)

In the region of negative moment between the end of the lap and the inflection point, treat the
section as an unbraced cantilever with a free end:
Determine the allowable moment using the distance from the inflection point to the lap as
the unbraced length per Section C3.1.2.(b) with~= 1.0.
L = 5.96- 2.00 = 3.96 ft. = 47.5 in.

~ = ~ =1.~87 =0.894in. 4

AISI- AGuide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

(Eq. C3.1.2-16)

1t X 29500 X 1.0 X 8.0 X 0.894 _ 46 . ,
= 2 x 47.52 - 1.4 kip-m.

My = Stfy =(3.004X55) = 165.2 kip-in.

Since~= 461.4 kip-in.> 2.78 My= 459.3 kip-in.,~= My= 165.2 kip-in.

Mu = Sc MS c =2.826 165 ·2 =155.4 kip-in. or 12.95 kip-ft. (Eq. C3.1.2-1)

f 3.004

nb = 121.67
'95 =7.75 kip-ft. > 5.26 kip-ft . o.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)

At the negative moment at the support, the section is assumed to be fully braced:
Use allowable moments per Section C3.1.4, summing the strength of the two overlapped
For the exterior purlin, t = 0.090 in.
Mu = S)'y = (2.826)(55) = 155.4 kip-in. or 12.95 kip-ft.
For the interior purlin, t =0.060 in.
Mu = S)'y =(1.71)(55) = 94.1 kip-in. or 7.84 kip-ft. (Eq. C3.l.l-1)

Combined strength of purlins

~ = 12·95 +7·84 = 12.45 kip-ft.> 8.58 kip-ft. o.k. (Eq. A5.1.l-l)

"b 1.67
Interior Span:
In the region of negative moment between the end of the left lap and the inflection point, treat the
section as an unbraced cantilever with a free end:
Determine the allowable moment using the distance from the inflection point to the lap as
the unbraced length per Section C3.1.2(b) with Cb =1.0

L = 7.45-3.50 = 3.95 ft. or47.4 in.

lye = ~ =1.~25 = 0.613 in!

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

7t 2 X 29500 X 1.0 X 8.0 X 0.613 __ 317 6 ki _. . (Eq. C3 .1.2-16)

M = 2 • pm.
e 2 X 47.4
My = 2.037 x 55 = 112.0 kip-in.
Since Me = 317.6 kip-in. > 2. 78 My = 311.5 kip-in.
(Eq. C3.1.2-2)

Mu = S Me = 1.71 112·0 = 94.02 kip-in. or 7.84 kip-ft. (Eq. C3.1.2-1)

c Sr 2.037

MD = 7.84 = 4.69 kip-ft.> 3.77 kip-ft. o.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)

nb 1.67
At the location of maximum positive moment, the section is assumed to be braced by the stand-
ing seam panel. The ability of the panel to brace the purlin has been quantified by the AISI Base
Test Method (R = 0.90).
Mu = RSj'Y = (0.90)(1.71)(55) = 84.65 kip-in. or 7.05 kip-ft.

7·05 = 4.22 kip-ft.> 3.77 kip-ft. o.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)

In the region of negative moment between the right lap and the inflection point, treat the section
as an unbraced cantilever with a free end:

Determine the allowable moment using the distance from the inflection point to the lap as
the unbraced length per Section C3.1.2(b) with Cb = 1.0.

L = 4.98- 1.00 = 3.98 ft. or 47.8 in.

By inspection, this condition is less severe than the left lap, since the unbraced length is
about equal and the required strength is less, therefore the section is o.k.

At the negative moment at the center support, the section is assumed to be fully braced:

Use allowable moments based on initiation of yielding per Section C3.1.1(a), summing the
strength of the two overlapped purlins:

Combined strength of purlins

MD = 7•84 + 7 .84 = 9.39 kip-ft. > 5.03 kip-ft. O.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)
nb 1.67
b. Strength for Shear Only (Section C3.2)

Required Strength:

By inspection, load combination 2 from Section A5.1.2 controls:

v = VD+VLr
AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam RoofPanels

End Span, from left to right:

At left support: v = 0.14 + 0.95 = 1.09 kip

At end of right lap: v = 0.20 + 1.35 = 1.55 kip

At first interior support: v = 0.23 + 1.55 = 1.78 kip
Interior Span, from left to right:

At first interior support: v = 0.21 + 1.37 = 1.58 kip

At end of left lap: v = 0.15 + 1.02 = 1.17 kip
At end of right lap: v = 0.15 + 1.03 = 1.18 kip
At center support v = 0.17 + 1.13 = 1.30 kip
Allowable Design Strength

End Span:
At the left support and right lap, t = 0.060. By inspection the end of the right lap controls.

Fort= 0.090 in. and h = 7.445 in.

- = 82.7 > 1.415~Ekv1Fy = 75.7
(Eq. C3.2-3)
vn = 1t2 Ekve/[12(1 - J.L2)h1

1t 2 X 29500 X 5.34 X 0.090 3

vn = = 13.94 kip
12(1- 0.3 2 )7.445

vn 13 ·94 = 8.35 kip> 1.55 kip o.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)

nv 1.67
At the first interior support, sum the strength of the two overlapped purlins:

Fort= 0.060 in. and h = 7.505 in., hit= 125.1

~t > 1.415 lEk IF = 1.415 J29500 X 5.34/55 = 75.7

v v y

V = 1t 2 X 29500 X 5.34 X 0.060 3 = 4 JO kip (Eq. C3.2-3)

12(1- 0.3 2 )7 505

For the combined section:

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

= 4 .1°1.67
+ 13 ·94 = 10.80 kip> 1.78 kip o.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)

Interior span:

By inspection of the left and right laps, the left lap controls

= 2.45 kip > 1.17 kip o.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)

At the center support, sum the strength of the two overlapped purlins:
For the combined section:

4 · 10 + 4
.1° = 4.91 kip> 1.30 kip o.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)

c. Strength for Combined Bending and Shear (Section C3.3)

End Span:

+(~)2 s
1.0 (Eq. C3.3.1-1)


Maxo = n:
where Mo is calculated on the initiation of yielding per Section C3 .1.1

At start of lap, t = 0.090 in.

(7.75 2 + ( 155) 2 = 0.50 < 1.0
o.. (Eq. C3.3.1-l)

At interior support,

( 858 ) 2 + ( 1.78 ) 2 = 0.50 < 1.0 0 k (Eq. C3.3.1-l)

7.75 + 4.69 835 + 2.45 . .

Interior Span:

At end of laps, t = 0.060 in. Right lap controls by inspection.

AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

( 178 )
+( 2.45
1.1 8 )
= 0.88 < 1.0 o.k. (Eq. C3.3.1-1)

At center support,

( 5.03 )2 + ( 1.30 )2 = 0.36 < 1.0 k (Eq. C3.3.1-l)

4.69 + 4.69 2.45 + 2.45 o. .

d. Web Crippling Strength (Section C3.4)

Required Strength
By inspection, load combination 2 from Section AS .1.2 controls:

Supports, from left to right:
At left support: p = 0.14 + 0.95 = 1.09 kip

At first interior support: p = 0.44 + 2.92 = 3.36 kip

At center support: p = 0.34 + 2.25 = 2.59 kip

Allowable Design Strength:

The following assumes a bearing length of 5 inches.
At outside supports use Eq. C3.4-1 of the AISI Specification.

(Eq. C3.4-l)

(Eq. C3.4-21)
k = 894F~
= (894)(55)/29500 = 1.67
(Eq. C3.4-12)
c3 = 1.33- 0.33k
= 1.33- (0.33)(1.667) = 0.78
(Eq. C3.4-13)
c4 = 1.15- 0.15Rit
= 1.15- (0.15XO.l875)/0.090 = 0.838

c9 = 1.0

Ce = 1.0

P. =
[ 7.4451
001 5.0 ]
o.o9Q2(1.67)(0.78X0.838Xt.OXt.O) 331 -0.61 0_090 1+ · o.090

AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

= 3.86 kip (Eq. C3.4-1)

Per Section C3.4 of the AISI Specification Pn may be multiplied by 1.3.

Pn = 1.3(3.86) = 5.02 kip

5·02 = 2. 79 kip > 1.09 kip o.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)


At interior supports use Eq. C3.4-4 of the AISI Specification.

P, - t2kc,c,c,c.[s3s -0.74 ~Jo.75+0.0ll ~] (Eq. C3.4-4)

cl = 1.22 - o.22k (Eq. C3.4-10)
= 1.22 - (0.22)(1.67) = 0.853
Fort= 0.090 in.,
c2 = t.o6 - o.o6R!t s t.o (Eq. C3.4-11)
= 1.06 - (0.06)(0.1875) I 0.090 = 0.935
c9 = 1.0
pn = 0.09cY(1.67)(0.853)(0.935)(1.0)[538 -0.74 7·445 10.75 + 0.011 ~]
0.090 0.090
(Eq. C3.4-4)
= 7.0 kip

Fort= 0.060 in.,

c2 = 1.o6 - o.06RJt s 1.0 (Eq. C3.4-11)
= 1.06- (0.06)(0.1875) I 0.060 = 0.873

PD = 0.0602(1.67)(0.853)(0.873)(1.0)[538 -0.74 7505 10.75 + 0.011 ~]

0.060 0.060
(Eq. C3.4-4)
= 3.32 kip

At first interior support,

1.80 = 5.73 kip> 3.36 kip o.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)

At center support,

3.32 +3.32
1.80 = 3.69 kip > 2.59 kip o.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-l)

e. Combined Bending and Web Crippling (Section C3.5)

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

M P 1.67
-+-~- (Eq. C3.5.1-3)
Mno Pn 0
Muo = the sum of Mu of each purlin at the support calculated based on the initiation of
yielding per Section C3 .1.1

Pn = the sum of Pn of each purlin at the support

n = 1.67
At the first interior support,

858 3.36 (Eq. C3.5.1-3)

+ = 0.74 < 1.0 o.k.
12.95 + 7.84 7.0 + 3.32
This check should also be performed at the other interior supports.

2. Check Uplift Loads

a. Strength for Bending Only (Section C3.1.4)

Required Strength:
By inspection, ASD load combination 3 from Section A5.1.2 controls. Per Section
A5.1.3, the resulting forces may be multiplied by 0.75:

M = 0.75(Mo + Mw)
End Span:
Moment near center of span: M = 0.75(0.68- 5.21) = -3.40 kip-ft.

Interior Span:
Moment near center of span: M = 0.75(0.30- 2.27) = -1.48 kip-ft.

Allowable Design Strength:

(Eq. C3.1.4-1)
Mu = RS)'y
R = 0.70 for both purlin thicknesses

End Span:
Fort= 0.090 in.
(Eq. C3.1.4-1)
Mu = (0.70)(2.826X55) = 108.8 kip-in. or 9.07 kip-ft.

(Eq. AS.l.l-1)
9·07 =5.43 kip-ft. > 3.40 kip-ft. o.k.
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

Interior Span:

Fort= 0.060 in.

M. = (0.70)(1.71)(55) = 65.8 kip-in. or 5.49 kip-ft. (Eq. C3.1.4-1)

5·49 = 3.28 kip-ft. > 1.48 kip-ft. O.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)

b. Other Comments

Since the magnitude of the shears, moments and reactions are approximately 65 percent
of those of the gravity case, it can be concluded that the design satisfies the Specifica-
tion criteria for uplift.

3. Compute Anchorage Forces

Compute the anchorage forces at the supports (Section 03.2.1) with anchorage at every
fourth purlin, Case (b4) - Multiple-Span System with Restraints at the Supports.
End Span:

W = n(L)(DL + LL) = (4)(25)(15 + 100) = 11,500 lbs.

9 = arctan(0.5/12) = 2.3859 degrees
t = 0.090 in.

(Eq. 03.2.1-4)

= C~r1516
Interior Span:

(Eq. 03.2.1-4)

= C~r2441

At outside supports, Ctr = 0.63

PL = (0.63)(1516) = 955 lbs.

At interior supports, average the contributions from adjacent purlins

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

At first interior support, Ctr = 0.87

PL = 0.87(1516 + 2441)/2 = 1721lbs.
At center support, Ctr = 0.81
PL = 0.81(2441 + 2441)/2 = 1977lbs.

11.4 Diaphragm Calculations to Determine Purlin Stability

Determine the diaphragm requirements to stabilize the 8ZS2.5x090 purlins in Example 11.3.

From Example 11.3, PL = 955lbs. at the exterior support and PL = 1721lbs. at the first interior
support. These values were calculated in Example 11.3 based on anchorage at every fourth
purlin. Therefore the PL values apply to a 20 foot width of diaphragm.
The worst loading case on the diaphragm comes from the exterior reaction. Based on PL = 955
lbs. the load on the 20 foot diaphragm width equals 955/12.5 = 76.4 lb/ft. The shear in the dia-
phragm equals 955/20 = 47.8 lbs/ft.
Using Eq. 5.3-9 the required shear stiffness can be found as follows:



= ( 45)(1.67)(76.4)(25)(12)
= 7, 177 lbs./ft.
The diaphragm must have an allowable shear greater than 47.8 lbs/ft. and a shear modulus
greater than 7,177 lbs./ft.
It should be noted that if the eave member is used by the designer in evaluating the diaphragm
strength and stiffness an adjustment may be required in the supplied diaphragm strength and
stifthess. For example, if the roof system consists of sixteen purlin lines the resisting strength
and stiffuess of the diaphragm per 4 purlin sets would be calculated as follows:

Find S0 , from Eq. 5.3-1:

sot = (4)(20)So + se

= 80So + se

Sot per purlin set = Sot I 4

The allowable strength per purlin set equals

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

s. =

where Qd = 2.45 from the AISI Specification Table D5.

The stifthess would be evaluated in an identical manner.

11.5 Diaphragm Design Example

Determine the shear deflection of the diaphragm shown in Fig. 11.6. The diaphragm has a fac-
tored edge loading of 250 lbs./ft. Also determine if the shear capacity of the diaphragm exceeds
the shear capacity provided by the standing seam system.

f--- -1--~----

~-- -~--~----


~--- -~--~-- -
f-- - - - t--t---- -

Fixed Eave


Fig. 11.6 Example 11.5

Diaphragm tests have been conducted for the standing seam system. Tests 1 and 2 were con-
ducted without eave attachment, and Tests 3 and 4 contained eave members with connections.
The tests were conducted using the configuration shown in Figure 11.7.

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

p -

-- --- -- --· -- -- r---


-- -- -- --- -- --· ---

..l 18'
Fig.11.7 Diaphragm Test Arrangement

The test results are shown below:

Test No. - Eave Condition pmax G

lbs. lbs./in.
1 - No eave connections 1000 1200
2- No eave connections 800 750
3 - Eave connections 1800 3500
4 - Eave connections 2000 4000

Based on the test results:

S = (P. + P2)
D (2)(18)


Pt = 1000 lbs.
P2 = 800 lbs.

S = (1000+800) =SO If
D (2)(18) p

Qe = {P3- P4)a/2b


P3 = (1800 + 2000)/2 = 1900 lbs.

P• = (1 000 + 800)/2 = 900 lbs.

Q. = (1900- 900)(15)/[(2)(18)] = 417lbs.
AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam RoofPanels

0 2 = 1200 lbs./in.

a. = 750 lbs./in.
1200 + 750 = 975 lbs.,.m.


G3 = (3500 + 4000)/2

04 = (1200 + 750)/2
Ke = (3750-975)/2 = 1388 lbs./in.

ce = (1388)(15)(12) = 249,840 lbs.

The deflection of a uniformly loaded diaphragm equals:

L\, = 8G'b
G'= Ka + Ce/d

G'= 975 + 249,840/[(50)(12)] = 1391lbs./in.

A = (250){25)2 = 0.29 in.<....!::_ = (25XI2) = 0.833 in.

s (8)(1391)(50) 360 360

Sbear Stren&nh
Design Shear Strength = wL/2d

= (250)(25)/[(2)(50)] = 62.5 plf

sot = so + Qe /50 = 50 +417/50 = 58 plf < 62.5 n.g.

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

11.6 Strut Purlin Design


1. Wind uplift loading per Example 11.3.

2. Four span continuous Z-purlin system (Ex. 11.3).

3. Braced bay is the second interior bay.

4. Axial load= 5 kip (Reflects 0. 75 factor from Section A.5.1.3).


Check the 8ZS 2.5 x 0060 as a strut-purlin

Assumptions for Analysis and Application ofSpecification Provisions.

The AISI Specification does not define the methods of analysis to be used; these judgments
are the responsibility of the designer. The following assumptions are considered good
practice, but are not intended to prohibit other approaches.
a. The purlins are connected within the lapped portions in a manner that achieves full
continuity between the individual purlin members.
b. The continuous beam analysis to establish the shear and moment diagrams assumes
continuous non-prismatic members in which Ix within the lapped portions is the sum of
the individual members.
c. The strength within the lapped portions is assumed to be the sum of the strengths of the
individual sections.
d. Braced bay analyzed as a horizontal truss; the critically loaded strut-purlin will be the
nearest strut-purlin to the sidewall of the building.
Calculation ofSection Properties.
Based on the design procedures illustrated in Examples No. I-3 and No. I-10 and Table I-3
and 11-3 of the AISI Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual, the following sections properties
can be obtained for the two Z-sections:
• 3
For: t = 0.060 in. se = 1.71 m.
I = 8.146 in. 4
ly = 1.225 in.4
Sr = 2.037 in. 3 rx = 3.105 in.


1. Determine the strength for bending only.

2. Determine the strength for axial !oad only. . . .
3. Determine the strength for combmed compressive axtalload and bendmg.
1. Strength for Bending Only (Section C3.1.4.)

AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

Required Strength:
By inspection, load combination 3 from Section A5.1.2 controls. Per Section A5.1.3,
the resulting forces may be multiplied by 0.75:

M = 0. 75(M0 + Mw)
Interior Span:

Moment near center of span: M = 0.75(0.30- 2.27) = -1.48 kip-ft.

Allowable Design Strength

Mu = RS~y

Tested R value using the Uplift Base Test Method:

R = 0.70

Interior Span:

Fort= 0.060 in.

Mu = (0.70)(1.71)(55) = 65.8 kip-in. or 5.49 kip-ft.

Mu = 5.49 = 3.29 kip-ft. > 1.48 kip-ft. o.k. (Eq. A5.1.1-1)

nb 1.67

Other Comments

All other regions of the system have their compression flange braced by the roof panel.
Since the magnitude of the shears, moments and reactions are approximately 65 percent
of those of the gravity case, it can be concluded that the design satisfies the Specifica-
tion criteria for uplift.

2. Strength for Axial Load Only

a. Weak Axis Buckling
The nominal axial strength must be determined by test. Section 7 of this design guide
discusses a recommended test procedure.

Based on the test procedure, assume Pu = 12 kips was determined.

b. Strong Axis Buckling (Section C4)

KL = distance from end-of-lap to end-of-lap

= 25 - 3.5 - 1 = 20.5 ft.

= (Eq. C4.1-1)

AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

= 1t2 x 29500 = 46.38 ksi

(205 X 12r

Ac =
#. e
(Eq. C4-4)

~8 = 1.089 < 1.5
= (0.658A.~) FY (Eq. C4-2)

= (0.658(l.089t) 55= 33.48 ksi

= 0.531 in. 2 at stress Fn

= A)'n
= 0.531 x 33.48 = 17.78 kips
Axial capacity is governed by weak axis buckling
Pn = 12 kips (tested value)
3. Strength for Combined Compressive Axial Load and Bending
The combined strength must be evaluated for Eq. C5.2.1-1 and C5.2.1-2 near midspan and
for Eq. C5.2.1-2 at the end of the lap.
a. Check Near Mid-Span

cmx = 0.85, Lx = 25 - 3.5 - 1 = 20.5 ft.

1t 2 EI X (Eq. C5.2.1-6)

1t 2 X29500 X 8.146 = 39.19 kips

(1 X 205 X 12)2

OCP (Eq. C5.2.1-4)

ax = 1--
1.80 X 5 =0.770
= 1-

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

The applied moment is the sum of the uplift moment plus the moment resulting from the
eccentric axial load. The eccentric moment may be taken as P x ~. See Fig. 11.6. If a
flange brace or braces are located at the strut purlin location the rafter will not rotate, and
the eccentric moment is virtually eliminated.

IIIII P From horizontal

Fig. 11.6 Purlin with Flange Brace

Mx = 1.48 kip-ft., flange braces preclude rafter rotation

P + n bc mx Mx ~ 1.0
Po Maxax

1.80 X 5 1.67 X 0.85 X 1.48

12 + 5.49 X 0.770 = 0.75 + 0.50 = 1.25 > 1.0 n.g.

A different section must be used.

b. Check at End of Lap

PDO = ~y

~ = 0.435 in2
pDO = 0.435 X 55 = 23.93 kipS
Mux = 7.84 kip-ft. from Example 11.3
M = 0.75 (3.77- 0.49)
= 2.46 kip-ft.

--ll-+ b x<10
p M - . (Eq. C5.2.1-2)

1.80 X 5 1.67 X 2.46

23.93 + 1.84 = 0.38 + 0.52 = 0.90 < 1.0 o.k.

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

11.7 Joist Stability Calculation

Determine if a 24K4 spanning 40ft. can safely support a dead load of 8 psf and a snow load of
24 psf. The joists are spaced 5' -0" apart. The standing seam roof is anchored at the building
eave and must support the lateral stability load from 20 joists. The roof slope is 112" per ft. The
joist manufacturer has supplied the following information regarding the joist top chord angles:

A = 0.718

ly = 0.639
FY = 50 ksi

4 - rows of top chord bridging

Solution (LRFD):
Determine the chord yield load:

PY = FyA
= (50)(0.718)

= 35.9 kips

Determine the critical axial load:

Factored load:

wn = [1.2(8) + 1.6(24)]5 = 240 lbs/ft. or 0.24 kip/ft.

Critical load:

M = l/8wL2 = (118)(.240)(40)2 = 48 kip-ft.

For the 24 in. deep joist, axial compression in the top chord is

Pa =Mid= (48)(12)/24 = 24 kips

Note that Pc:rl PY = 24/35.9 = 0.67, which is less that the maximum ratio of0.8 recommended in
Section 9.4.
(Eq. 9.1-3)
E. = (4EPc:r I PyXl - Pc:J Py)
E. = [(4X29000X24)/35.9][1- 24/35.9]

= 25706 ksi

(Eq. 9.1-2)

= 82.2 in.
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

(Eq. 9.1-1)

= (2.5)(24)/(82.2)2
= 0.0089

Take d0 equal to the bridging spacing divided by 500.

d0 = (10)(12)/500 = 0.24 in.

Conservatively use d = 2d0 = 0.48 in.

Pb = Kc(d0 +d)= (0.0089)(0.72) = 0.0064 kips/in.

= 76.8 lbs/ft.

Total bracing force:

= (76.8)[(.2)(20) + (.8)J2o]
= 582lbs/ft.
In addition to the bracing force the standing seam roof must resist the downward force compo-
nent of the snow load.
P. = (1.6X24)(100)(sin 2.39°)
= 160 lbs/ft.
An eave member, or eave horizontal truss system must be provided to resist a load of (582 + 160)
= 742lbs/ft. Alternately the capability of the standing seam diaphragm could be examined for its
ability to resist the 742lb/ft.load.

AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (1989), "Specification for Structural Steel Build-
ings, Allowable Stress Design and Plastic Design", Chicago, IL
American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (1993), "Load and Resistance Factor Design Speci-
fications for Structural Steel Buildings", Chicago, IL
American Iron and Steel Institute (1996), "Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel
Structural Members", Washington, DC
American Iron and Steel Institute (1996), Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual, Washington, DC
Fisher, J.M., and Nunnery, J.N. (1996), "Stability of Standing Seam Roof-Purlin Systems", Pro-
ceedings of the Thirteenth International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures,
University of Missouri-Rolla, MO
Fisher, James M., Sherman, Donald R., and Tweet, Michael J. (1995), "Bracing of Open Web
Joists by Standing Seam Roof Systems", Structural Stability and Desj~ Balkema, Rotterdam
Lutz, L.A., and Fisher J.M. (1985), "A Unified Approach for Stability Bracing Requirements",
American Institute of Steel Construction Engineering Journal, 22,4: 163-168, Chicago, IL
Salmon, Charles G., and Johnson, John E. (1996), Steel Structures Desi&n and Behavior, 4th
Edition, Harper Collins, New York, NY
Steel Joist Institute (1995), "Standard Specifications for Open Web Steel Joists, K-Series", Myr-
tle Beach, SC

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels


1. Scope

1.1 The purpose of this test is to obtain the reduction factor to be used in determining the
nominal flexural strength of a purlin supporting a standing seam roof system. The reduc-
tion factor reflects the ability of a particular standing seam roof system to provide lateral
and rotational support to the purlins to which it is attached. This applies to discrete lat-
eral and torsional bracing when the sheeted flange of the purlin is the compression flange,
as in gravity loading cases.

1.2 This test method applies to an assembly consisting of the standing seam panel,
purlin, and attachment devices used in the system being tested. The test specimen bound-
ary conditions described in Section 6.6 apply only to standing seam roof systems for
which the roof deck is positively anchored to the supporting structural system at one or
more purlin or eave member lines.

1.3 Due to the many different types and construction of standing seam roof systems and
their attachments, it is not practical to develop a generic method to predict the interaction
of a particular standing seam roof system and supporting structure. Therefore, the
amount of resisting moment which the supporting purlins can achieve can vary from the
fully braced condition to the unbraced condition for a given system.

1.4 This test method provides the designer with a means of establishing a nominal flex-
ural strength reduction factor for purlins in a simple span or continuous span, multiple
purlin line, supporting a standing seam roof system, from the results of tests on a single-
span, two-purlin line, sample of the system. Test procedures are given for gravity lo~
only. The validity of this test method has been established by a research program at Vrr-
ginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and documented in References 1 through

2. Applicable Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
A370 - Standard Test Methods and Defmitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel
2.2 AISI Specification for the Design ofCold-Formed Steel Structural Members, 1996

3. Terminology
3.1 ASTM Definition Standards:
E6- Definitions of Terms Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing.
E380- Practice for Use of the International System of Units (SI).

3.2 Description of terms specific to this standard:

fixed clip - a hold down clip which does not allow the roof panel to move
independently of the roof sub~
insulation - glass fiber blanket or ngtd board
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

lateral - a direction nonnal to the span of the purlins in the plane of the roof
thermal block - strips of rigid insulation located directly over the purlin
between clips . . .
pan type standing_fieam roof- a . "U" shaped panel w:hic~ has vertl?al stdes
positive moment- a moment which causes compressiOn m the purhn flange
attached to the clips and standing seam panels
rib type standing seam roof- a panel which has ribs with sloping sides and
fonns a trapezoidal shaped void at the side lap
sliding clip - a hold down clip which allows the roof panel to move
independently of the roof substructure
standing seam roof system - a roof system in which the side laps between the roof
panels are arranged in a vertical position above the roof line. The roof panel
system is secured to the purlins by means of concealed hold down clips that
are attached to the purlins with mechanical fasteners .
3.3 Symbols:

b = flange width of the purlin

d = depth of the purlin
B = purlin spacing
Fy = design yield strength
FL = measured yield strength of tested purlin
= span of the purlins tested, center to center of the supports
Mu = nominal flexural strength of a fully constrained beam, SeFY
MDI... = average flexural strength of the thinnest sections tested
average flexural strength of the thickest sections tested
flexural strength of a tested purlin, SetF:t
failure moment for the single span purlms tested, w15L2/8
Pd = weight of the specimen (force/area)
Pts = failure load (force/area) of the single span system tested
PL = lateral anchorage force in accordance with Section 03.2.1 of the
AISI Specification
~ = modification factor from test, M.s fMu1
R = reduction factor computed for nominal purlin properties
R .... = mean minus one standard deviation of the modification factors of the
three thinnest purlins tested
R._ = mean minus one standard deviation of the modification factors of the
three thickest purlins tested
s = tributary width of the purlins tested
se = section modulus of the effective section
set = section modulus of the effective section of the tested member using
actual dimensions
t = purlin thickness
wts = failure load (force/length) of the single span purlins tested
4. Significance

4.1 This test method provides the requirements for evaluating the resisting moment under
gravity loads for cold-formed C- and Z-sections used with standing seam roof systems.
This procedure is referred to as the "Base Test Method". The method is the result of ex-
tensive testing of various combinations of purlins, standing seam panels, and fastening
devices. The tests were conducted over several years, benefiting from the experience
AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

provid~d by technical and in~ustry experts. This procedure utilizes the results obtained
from smgle span tests to predtct the strength of multi-span conditions.

4.2 !Jte Base Test Method shall be permitted to be used to evaluate the gravity loading
nommal flexural strength of C- and Z-sections of multi-span, multiple purlin line stand-
ing seam systems, with or without discrete intermediate braces. '

4.3 The Base Test Method is applicable to both "rib" or "pan" type standing seam roof
panels with "sliding" or "fixed" type clips.

4.4 The Base Test Method shall be conducted using standing seam roof panels, clips,
fasteners, insulation, thermal blocks, discrete braces, and purlins as used in the actual
standing seam roof system except as noted in Section 4.5.

4.5 Tests conducted with insulation are applicable to identical systems with thinner or no
5. Apparatus

5.1 A test chamber capable of supporting a positive or negative internal pressure differ-
ential is necessary. A rectangular frame shall be constructed of any material with suffi-
cient strength and rigidity to provide the desired pressure differential without collapse. A
typical test chamber is shown on Figure 1. Other chamber orientations shall be pennitted.
5.2 The length of the chamber shall be determined by the maximum length of the secon-
dary members as required by Section 7.2. The width of the chamber shall be detennined
by the maximum panel length as required by Section 6.9. Allowance shall be made in the
interior chamber dimensions to accommodate structural supports for the secondary mem-
bers and sufficient clearance on all sides to prevent interference of the chamber wall with
the test specimen as it deflects.

5.3 The height of the chamber shall be sufficient to permit assembly of the specimen and
to insure adequate clearance at the maximum deflection of the specimen.
5.4 The chamber shall be sealed in a manner to prevent air leakage. All load carrying
elements of the specimen or its supports shall transfer the load to the frame support;
the specimen, including intermediate brace, shall not be attached to the chamber in
any manner that would impede the deflection of the specimen.
5.5 The test chamber shall be sealed against air leakage by applying 6 mil (0.15 mm)
maximum thickness polyethylene sheets, large enough to accommodate the system con-
figuration and deflections. The polyethylene shall be located on the high pressure side of
the panel with sufficient folds so as not to inhibit the spread of panel ribs under load.
Edges of the polyethylene sheets shall be sealed against air leakage with tape or other
suitable methods. Polyethylene sheets around the perimeter of the specimen shall be
draped so as not to impede deflection or deformation of the specimen.

5.6 When a specimen smaller than the test chamber is tested, other panels and structure
shall be installed to complete the coverage of the chamber opening. No attachment shall
be made between the test specimen and this supplemental coverage.
5.7 An air pump is necessary to create the pressure differential in the chamber. The
pump shall be of sufficient capacity to reach the expected test values required by the ap-
plicable specifications.
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels


Figure 1 - Test Chamber

5.8 The type of air pump being used will determine the method of control. This control
shall be able to regulate the pressure differential in the chamber to± 1 psf (0.05 kPa).
This can be accomplished by (a) a variable speed motor on the pump, (b) valving on the
pump, or (c) variable size orifices on the chamber. It shall be permitted to use multiple
pumps where very large chambers are being used. One pump connection to the chamber
is satisfactory.

5.9 A minimum of two pressure differential measuring devices shall be monitored

throughout the duration of the test. These devices shall be capable of measuring the pres-
sure differential to ± 1 psf (0.05 kPa).

6. Test Specimens
6.1 Test purlins shall be supported at each end by a steel beam. The beams shall be sim-
ply supported and one of the frame end beams shall be sufficiently free to translate later-
ally to relieve any longitudinal catenary forces in the specimen. Purlins shall be con-
nected to the supporting beams as recommended in the field erection drawings. Figure 1
shows the directional axes that are referred to in this test procedure.

6.2 Panel supporting clips, fasteners, and panels shall be installed as recommended in the
field erection drawings.
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

6.3 Means of providing restraint of purlins at the support shall be as required for use in
actual field application, and shall be installed as recommended on the field erection

6.4 The purlins shall be arranged either with their flanges facing in the same direction or
with their flanges opposed. If the test is performed with the purlin flanges opposed, and
they are field installed with their flanges facing in the same direction, a diaphragm test
must be conducted in accordance with Section 8. 7.
6.5 For tests including intermediate discrete point braces, the braces used in the test shall
be installed in such a manner so as not to impede the vertical deflection of the specimen.

6.6 A 1 in. x 1 in. (25 mm x 25 mm) continuous angle with a maximum thickness of 1/8
in. (3 mm) or a member of compatible stiflhess shall be attached to the underside at each
end of the panels to prevent separation of the panels at the ends of the seam. Fasteners
shall be placed on both sides of each major rib. If the specimen is arranged with the
purlin flanges facing in the same direction, a 3 in. x 3 in. (76 mm x 76 mm) continuous
angle with a maximum thickness of 114 in. (6 mm) or a member of compatible stiflhess
shall be permitted to be substituted for the 1 in. x 1 in. (25 mm x 25 mm) angle at the end
of the panel, corresponding to the eave of the building using the standard panel to eave
fastening system (See Figure 1).
6. 7 All transverse panel ends shall be left free to displace vertically under load. When
the 3 in. x 3 in. (76 mm x 76 mm) eave angle is used when the purlin flanges face in the
same direction, it shall be permitted to be restrained against horizontal deflection at its
ends as shown in Figure 1, providing the vertical deflection is left unrestrained.
6.8 Panel joints shall not be taped and no tape shall be used to restrict panel movement.
6.9 Panel length to be used in the test shall be, as a minimum, that length which provides
full engagement of the panel to purlin clip and attachment of the 1 in. x 1 in. (25 mm x 25
mm) angle at the panel ends; but a length not greater than that required to achieve zero
slope of the panel at the purlin support.
6.10 The spacing ofpurlins being tested shall not exceed the spacing typically used with
the roof system. Results from this test shall be permitted to be used in designing purlins
of the same profile that are spaced closer together than the spacing used in the tests.
7 Test Procedure
7.1 A test series shall be conducted for each purlin profile, specified steel grade, and
each panel system. Any variation in the characteristics or dimensions of panel or clip
constitute a change in panel system. The thickness of insulation used in the test is dis-
cussed in Section 4.5. Any change in purlin shape or dimension other than thickness con-
stitutes a change in profile. However, the lip dimension shall be P_ermitted to vary with
section thickness consistent with the member design and not constitute a change m pro-
7.2 No fewer than six tests shall be run for each combination ofpurlin profile and panel
system. Three tests shall be conducted with the thinnest purlin of the profile and three
tests shall be conducted with the thickest purlin of the profile. All tests shall be con-
ducted using the same purlin span which shall be the same or greater than the span used
in actual field conditions.
AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

7.3 The physical and material properties shall be determined in accordance with ASTM
A370 using coupons taken from the web area of the failed purlin. Coupons shall not be
taken from areas where cold-working stresses could affect the results.
7.4 A pressure differential load shall be applied to the system to produce a positive mo-
ment in the system. A positive moment is defined as one which causes compression in
the purlin flange attached to the clips and standing seam panels.
7.5 An initial load equal to 5 psf (0.25 kPa) differential pressure in the direction of the
test load shall be applied and removed to set the zero readings before actual system load-
ing begins.
7.6 The system shall be loaded to failure and the mode of failure noted. Failure is the
point at which the specimen will accept no further loading. The pressure differential at
which the system fails shall be recorded as the failure load of the specimen. When the
test must be stopped due to a flexural failure of the panel or web crippling of the purlin, it
shall be permitted to exclude the test from the test program.
7.7 Vertical deflection measurements shall be taken at the mid-span of both purlins. The
deck deflection in the horizontal direction shall be measured at the seam joint nearest the
center of the test specimen.
7.8 Deflections and pressures shall be recorded at pressure intervals equal to a maximum
of 20 percent of the anticipated failure load.
8. Test Evaluation
8.1 The single span failure load is obtained from the Base Test where a uniform load is
applied until failure occurs.

For Z-purlins tested with flanges facing the same direction and with the top flanges of the
purlins not restrained by anchorage to a point external to the panel /purlin system:


For Z-purlins tested with flanges opposed and for C-sections:

wts = (pts +pd)s

The expression 2PL(d/B) takes into account the effect of the overturning moment on the
system d~e to the anchorage forces, as d~fined in Section D3 .2.1 of the AISI Specifica-
tion, apph~ at the top flange of the purl!-fi by the pan~l and resiste~ at the bottom flange
of the purlm at the support. The expression 2Pdd/B) ts to be applied only to Z-sections
when the purlin flanges are facing in the same direction, but shall not be included in those
systems where discrete point braces are used when the braces are restrained from lateral
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

8.2 From the single span failure load, w15, the maximum single span failure moment M
is calculated as: 15

8.3 The single span base test moment is the maximum positive moment the system can
resist with the purlin size used in the test. The maximum allowable positive moment in
the mid-span region of a roof system purlin, simple span or continuous, is limited by the
results of this test.

8.4 Using Section C3.1.1(a) of the AISI Specification, the flexural strength of each
tested purlin, Mut, of a fully constrained beam is calculated as:

¥ut =set x Fyt

where Set is the section modulus of the effective section calculated using the measured
cross-sectional dimensions and Fyt is the measured yield strength obtained in accordance
with Section 7.3.
8.5 The modification factor, ~ is calculated for each purlin tested as:

8.6 For purlins of the same profile, specified steel grade and panel system as tested, the
reduction factor shall be determined from the following equation:


R tu = mean minus one standard deviation of the modification factors of the

three thinnest purlins tested, calculated in accordance with Section 8.5.
This value may be greater than 1.0.
Rt- = mean minus one standard deviation of the modification factors of the
three thickest purlins tested, calculated in accordance with Section 8.5.
This value may be greater than 1.0.
Mu = nominal flexural strength of section for which R is being evaluated
Mnt.... = average flexural strength of the thinnest section tested, calculated in
accordance with Section 8.4.
Mnt =
- average flexural strength of the thickest section tested, calculated in
accordance with Section 8.4.
8.7 If the test is performed with the purlins opposed or with an eave member at one or
more edges, the diaphragm strength and stiffuess of the panel system must be tested un-
less the purlins are also opposed in actual field usage. The anchorage forces for the sys-
tem braced in the manner tested shall be calculated in accordance with Section D3.2.1 of
the AISI Specification. The diaphragm strength of the panel system must be equal to or
greater than the calculated brace force at the failure load of the purlin. The stiffness of
the diaphragm must be such that the deflection of the diaphragm is equal to or less than

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

the purlin span divided by 360 when subjected to the calculated brace force at the failure
load of the purlin.

9. Test Report
9.1 Documentation - The report shall include who performed the test and a brief descrip-
tion of the system being tested.

9.2 The documentation shall include test details with a drawing showing the test fixture
and indicating the components and their locations. A written description of the test setup
detailing the basic concept, loadings, measurements, and assembly shall be included.

9.3 The report shall include a drawing showing the actual geometry of all specimens in-
cluding material specifications and test results defining the actual material properties -
material thickness, yield strength, tensile strength, and percent elongation.

9.4 The report shall include the test designation, loading increments, displacements,
mode of failure, failure load, and specimen included for each test.

9.S The report shall include a description summarizing the test program results to include
specimen type, span, failure moments for the test series, and the supporting calculations.
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

(1) S. Brooks and T. Murray, "Evaluation of the Base Test Method for Predicting the Flexural
Strength of Standing Seam Roof Systems Under Gravity Loading," MBMA Project 403, VPI
Report No. CENPI-ST89/07, Metal Building Manufacturers Association, 1300 Sumner Ave.,
Cleveland, Ohio 44115, July 1989, Revised November 1990.
(2) S. Brooks and T. Murray, "A Method for Determining the Strength of Z- and C-Purlin Sup-
ported Standing Seam Roof Systems", Proceedings of the Tenth International Specialty Confer-
ence on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, St. Louis, October 23-24, 1990, pp. 421-440.
(3) L. Rayburn and T. Murray, "Base Test Method for Gravity Loaded Standing Seam Roof
Systems," MBMA Project 502, VPI Report No. CEIVPI-ST90/07, Metal Building Manufacturers
Association, 1300 Sumner Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44115, December 1990.
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels


1. Seope
1.1 The purpose of this test is to detennine the ability of a particular standing seam roof
system to provide lateral and rotational support to the purlins to which it is attached.
This applies to direct lateral and torsional bracing for purlins subjected to axial loading.
1.2 This test method applies to an assembly consisting of the standing seam panel, purlins,
and attachment devices used in the system being tested. It is not a test for the capacity
of the individual components of the assembly.
1.3 Due to the wide variation in types and construction of standing seam roof systems and
their attachments, it is not practical to develop a generic method to predict the interac-
tion of a particular standing seam roof system and supporting structure. Therefore, the
amount of axial load which the supporting purlins can achieve can vary from the par-
tially braced condition to the unbraced condition for a given system.
1.4 This test method provides the designer with a means of establishing a nominal axial
load for simple span or continuous span purlins supporting a standing seam roof system
from the results of tests on a single span, two purlin line, sample of the system.
2. Applicable Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards
A370- Tensile Test Method for Steel Sheets
2.2 AISI Specification for the Design ofCold-Formed Steel Structural Members, 1996 Edi-
3. Terminology
3.1 ASTM Definition Standards:
E6 - Definitions of Terms Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing.
E380 - Standard for Metric Practice.
3.2 Description of terms specific to this test method:
fixed clip - a hold down clip which does not allow the roof panel to move
independently of the roof substructure
insulation - glass fiber blanket or rigid board
lateral - a direction normal to the span of the purlins in the plane of the roof
thermal block - strips of rigid insulation located directly over the purlin
between clips
pan type standing_seam roof- a "U" shaped panel which has vertical sides
positive moment- a moment which causes compression in the purlin flange
attached to the clips and standing seam panels
rib type standing seam roof- a panel which has ribs with sloping sides and
forms a trapezoidal shaped void at the side lap
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

sliding clip - a hold down clip which allows the roof panel to move
independently of the roof substructure
standing seam roofsystem - a roof system in which the side laps between the roof
panels are arranged in a vertical position above the roof line. The roof panel
system is secured to the purlins by means of concealed hold down clips that
are attached to the purlins with mechanical fasteners .

4. S~mncance

4.1 This test method provides the requirements for evaluating the nominal axial load ca-
pacity for cold-formed C and Z-sections used with standing seam roof systems. This
procedure is referred to as the "Base Test Method for Strut Purlins". This procedure
utilizes the results obtained from single span tests to predict the capacity of single span
and multi-span conditions.

4.2 The test method may be used to evaluate the axial loading capacity for C and Z-sections
of simple span or multi-span standing seam systems, with or without discrete interme-
diate braces.

4.3 The test method is applicable to both "rib" or "pan" type standing seam roof panels with
"sliding" or "fixed" type clips.

4.4 The test method must be conducted using standing seam roof panels, clips, fasteners,
insulation, thermal blocks, discrete braces, and purlins as used in the actual standing
seam roof system except as noted in Section 4.5.

4.5 Tests conducted using insulation are applicable to identical systems with thinner or no

5. Apparatus
5.1 Test fixtures shall be capable of delivering a concentric axial load to the test specimen.
The fixtures may be constructed of any material with sufficient strength and rigidity to
apply the concentrated concentric loading.

5.2 The fixtures shall provide for the testing of C and Z-sections of a minimum length of 20

5.3 A typical test arrangement is shown in Figure 1.

6. Test Specimens

6.1 A single span test arrangement shall be constructed as specified in Section 5. This sec-
tion describes how the test specimens shall be assembled.

6.2 Test purlins shall be supported at each end of the test frame. The support beams shall
be free to translate longitudinally at one end or both ends. Purlins shall be connected to
the supporting beams so that the applied load is delivered to the purlins concentrically.

6.3 Panels supporting clips, fasteners, and panels shall be installed as recommended in the
building manufacturers building erection drawings.

6.4 Purlins shall be arranged with their flanges facing in opposed directions.
AISI -A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

6.5 For tests including intermediate discrete point braces the braces used in the test shall be
installed in a manner as not to impede the longitudinal or vertical deflection of the

6.6 A one inch by one inch (25.4 mm by 25.4 mm) continuous angle with a maximum of 118 in. (3.18 mm) may be attached to each end of the panels to prevent
separation of the panels at the ends of the seam. Fasteners shall be placed on both sides
of each major rib.

6. 7 All transverse panel ends shall be left free to displace longitudinally and vertically un-
der load.

6.8 Panel length to be used in the test shall be, as a minimum, that length which provides
full engagement of the panel to purlin clip and attachment of the 1 in. by 1 in. (25.4
mm by 25.4 mm) angle at the panel ends.

6.9 The spacing of purlins being tested shall be equal to or greater than the nominal purlin
spacing used in actual field conditions.

6.10 Purlins must be placed in the test fixture so that as load is applied any resulting PA
moments cause compressive stresses in the unsupported flanges of the test specimens.
This may require an eccentricity be used in the initial placement of the test specimens in
the fixture, or that the decking be attached so that the test specimens produce PA mo-
ments which cause compressive stresses in the unsupported flanges of the test speci-

7. Test Procedure
7.1 A test series must be run for each purlin profile and each panel system. Any variation
in the characteristics or dimensions of the panel or clip constitutes a change in the
panel system. Any change in purlin shape or dimension other than thickness or lip di-
mension constitutes a change in profile. It is appropriate to test the thickest purlin of
the profile being tested.

7.2 No fewer than two tests shall be conducted for each combination of purlin profile and
panel system. A third test shall be conducted if the average of the previous two tests
exceeds 10% of lower test result. The average value obtained from the lowest readings
of two tests shall be used in the evaluation of the nominal axial load capacity.

7.3 The physical and material properties shall be determined in accordance with ASTM
A3 70 using coupons taken from the web area of the failed purlin. Care should be taken
to avoid areas where cold-working stresses could affect the results.

7.4 An initial load equal to 10% of the anticipated ultimate concentrated load shall be ap-
plied and removed to set to zero readings before actual system loading begins.

7.5 The system shall be loaded to failure and the mode of failure noted. Failure is the point
at which the specimen will accept no further loading.

7.6 Vertical deflections shall be taken at the mid-span of both purlins.

7.7 Deflection shall be recorded at load intervals equal to a maximum of 20% of the antici-
pated failure load.
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

8.0 Test Evaluation

8.1 The failure load is obtained from the base tests by averaging the results of the two tests
8.2 The weak axis nominal load capacity for any purlin of the type tested can be calculated
based on the smaller stress value obtained from the test or the stress obtained from AISI
Specification Section C4.4, Equation C4.4-1 for any section with the same depth and
flange width.
9.0 Test Report
9.1 Documentation - The report shall include who performed the test and a brief description
of the system being tested.
9.2 The documentation shall include test details with a drawing showing the test fixture and
indicating the components and their locations. A written description of the test setup
detailing the basic concept, loadings, measurements, and assembly shall be included.
9.3 The report shall include a drawing showing the actual geometry of all specimens in-
cluding material specifications and test results defining the actual material properties -
material thickness, yield strength, tensile strength, and percent elongation.
9.4 The report shall include the test designation, loading increments, displacements, mode
of failure, failure load, and specimen included for each test.
9.5 The report shall include a description summarizing the test program results to include
specimen type, span failure moments for the test series, and the calculations of the
nominal moment.
AISI- A Guide for Designing with Standing Seam Roof Panels

Spreader Beam
Hydraulic Ram
Support Spreader
Beam Beam



Support Beam

Purl in End View of Connection



Side View of

I. 5'-0"
Plan~ View

Fig. 1 Test Arrangement

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