The Effect of Anesthetic Technique On - Opioid Receptor Expression and Immune Cell Infiltration in Breast Cancer

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Journal of Anesthesia (2018) 32:792–796


The effect of anesthetic technique on µ-opioid receptor expression

and immune cell infiltration in breast cancer
Kirk J. Levins1 · S. Prendeville2 · S. Conlon2 · D. J. Buggy1,3,4

Received: 5 June 2017 / Accepted: 11 September 2018 / Published online: 18 September 2018
© The Author(s) 2018

Background  Clinical histological studies demonstrate that the distribution of natural killer (NK) cells, other immune cells
and μ-opioid receptors (MOR) within cancer tissue can predict cancer prognosis. No clinical study has evaluated whether
anesthetic technique influences immune cell and MOR expression within human breast cancer.
Methods  Excised preoperative biopsies and intraoperative breast cancer specimens from 20 patients randomly chosen from
patients previously enrolled in an ongoing, prospective, randomized trial (NCT00418457) investigating the effect of anes-
thetic technique on long-term breast cancer outcome were immunohistochemically stained and microscopically examined
by two independent investigators, masked to randomization, to quantify MOR and immune cell infiltration: CD56, CD57
(NK cells), CD4 (T helper cells), CD8 (cytotoxic T cells) and CD68 (macrophages). Patients had been randomized to receive
either a propofol–paravertebral anesthetic with continuing analgesia (PPA, n = 10) or balanced general anesthetic with opioid
analgesia (GA, n = 10).
Results  There were no differences between the groups in staining intensity in preoperative biopsy specimens. Expression
intensity values (median 25–75%) for MOR in intraoperative resected biopsy were higher in GA 8.5 (3–17) versus PPA 1
(0–10), p = 0.04. The numbers of MOR-positive cells were also higher in GA patients. Expression and absolute numbers of
CD56, CD57, CD4 and CD68 were similar in resected tumor in both groups.
Conclusion  General anesthesia with opioid analgesia increased resected tumor MOR expression compared with propofol–
paravertebral anesthetic technique, but the anesthetic technique did not significantly influence the expression of immune
cell markers.

Keywords  Cancer · Anesthesia · Regional anesthesia · Breast cancer metastasis · µ-Opioid receptor in cancer

Introduction particular importance due to a number of factors that may

influence whether circulating primary tumor cells survive to
Cancer remains the second largest cause of morbidity and develop into subsequent metastases [1].
mortality in the developed world. Although treatment is Over a decade ago, the hypothesis was put forward that
often focused on the primary tumor, it is the metastasis aspects of anesthetic technique might influence the out-
that usually causes mortality. The perioperative period is of come from cancer surgery [2]. Most clinical data published
to date have been retrospective and suffer from significant
* Kirk J. Levins confounding variables and biases. Over recent years, the need for prospective randomized controlled trials has been
Department Anesthesia, Mater Misericordiae University Concurrent translational investigation has revealed that
Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
increased expression of µ-opioid receptors (MOR) in non-
Department Pathology, Mater Misericordiae University small cell lung cancer [3], prostate cancer [4], gastric cancer
Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
[5] and melanoma [6, 7] is associated with greater degree
School of Medicine, University College Dublin, Dublin, of metastasis [8]. Further laboratory work reveals multiple
interactions between opioids and transcription factors for
Department of Outcomes Research, Cleveland Clinic, tumor growth, immunomodulation and vascular endothelial
Cleveland, OH, USA

Journal of Anesthesia (2018) 32:792–796 793

growth factor (VEGF) expression, leading to modulation of followed by a paravertebral infusion of 0.125% bupivacaine
neovascularization [9]. This raises the issue whether opioids in the postoperative period.
given during primary cancer surgery might inadvertently Research Ethics Committee approval was obtained to re-
promote metastasatic processes. contact women already enrolled in the clinical trial (NCT
In tandem, immunocyte concentration in peritumoral 00418457) requesting their consent to analyze their breast
stromal tissue has been linked with the immune response cancer tissue excised during primary breast cancer surgery.
to tumor cells and hence may have prognostic implications Initial biopsy and surgical specimens of 20 women with
in breast [10], lung [11], gastric [12] and colorectal can- biopsy-proven breast cancer, who had been previously ran-
cers [13]. In a meta-analysis of patients with lung cancer, domized to one of two different anesthetic techniques in the
high levels of CD8, CD4 and CD3 T cell infiltration into ongoing clinical trial, were randomly selected from the 300
the tumor stroma showed better overall survival, whereas patients already enrolled in the clinical trial in our center at
high density of FOXP3+ T cell infiltration was a negative that time. Because this is a pilot study, 20 patients’ datasets
prognostic factor. were chosen as being likely to indicate whether any sig-
While a previous report from a recent prospective, ran- nificant difference would be measurable. A table of random
domized pilot study [14] suggests that anesthetic technique numbers was used, with the final two digits being used to
may have a role in attenuating tumor immunocyte expres- indicate the patient number enrolled from our database. For
sion, this work was limited by its failure to compare cancer example, if the final two digits from the random numbers
tissue removed at the time of surgery with pre-anesthetic table was ....71, then patient number 71 from our database of
tumor biopsy tissue. The effect of anesthetic technique on patients enrolled in the clinical trial was selected for inclu-
MOR expression in cancer tissue has not been evaluated in sion in the present study. Twenty patients were enrolled for
any previous prospective randomized clinical study. the present study in this way, 10 from the standard general
Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that anesthetic tech- anesthetic (GA) group and 10 from the propofol-paraver-
nique influences tumor µ-opioid expression and the peritu- tebral group (PPA). These 20 previously enrolled patients
moral immunocyte populations using a prospective, rand- were contacted by letter containing a patient information
omized clinical trial. leaflet with follow-up telephone contact by the research
nurse to confirm and ascertain their consent.
All 20 patients consented to the study. Their preoperative
and surgical breast cancer tissue samples were reviewed and
Methods re-stained for differential expression of markers of immuno-
cyte infiltration and µ-opioid receptor expression. Immuno-
The ongoing international multicenter clinical trial (NCT cyte infiltration MOR expression of the breast cancer tissue
00418457) provided the platform for this research. This trial samples was measured using immuno-histochemical analysis
was set up to examine if anesthetic technique had an effect of tumor samples using CD4 and CD 8 markers of T lym-
on the 5-year survival in breast cancer patients. Within the phocytes CD 56 NK cells, CD 68 macrophages and MOR.
framework of the study, patients were randomized into one
of two groups. There were no appreciable differences in Immunocyte and MOR Immunohistochemical
patient demographics or breast cancer morphology between staining
the groups, including the grade and clinical stage of the
breast cancers diagnosed or patients’ physiological attrib- Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues (breast biopsy
utes. The first group was induced with fentanyl 100 μg and and post-surgery breast cancer tissue) were processed and
propofol 200 mg (range 145–230 mg), followed by main- stained for differential expression of markers of immunocyte
tenance with sevoflurane at an average minimum alveolar infiltration and µ-opioid receptor expression with immuno-
concentration of 1.2. Intraoperative analgesia was provided histochemical analysis, using CD4 (IR649, Agilent Dako)
by morphine with a dose range of 4–16 mg and an average and CD8 (IR623, Agilent Dako) markers of T lymphocytes,
of 8 mg. Postoperative pain was controlled with morphine CD56 (IR628, Agilent Dako) and CD57 (IR647, Agilent
patient controlled analgesia (PCA). The second group had a Dako) for NK cells, CD68 (IR613, Agilent Dako) for mac-
paravertebral block performed followed by a propofol-only rophages and MOR (ab137277, Abcam) as a marker for
anesthetic induction and maintenance with propofol-only µ-opioid receptors. The immunocyte markers were ready to
total intravenous anesthesia. A paravertebral catheter was use antibodies (as per manufacturer) and the optimal dilution
inserted using a landmark and loss of resistance technique of the MOR antibody was determined by the dilution curve
at the level of the fourth thoracic vertebrae. Intraopera- (1:500). Antigen retrieval (Agilent Dako PT LinK) was per-
tive analgesia was afforded by the instillation of 20 ml of formed for 20 min at 97 °C in target retrieval buffer at pH
0.5% bupivacaine into the paravertebral space and this was 9 (immunocyte markers) and pH 6 (MOR). The slides were


794 Journal of Anesthesia (2018) 32:792–796

then stained with the respective antibody on the automated groups. Likewise, tumor MOR was expressed equally in both
DAKO Link 48 Autostainer. Primary antibodies were incu- groups.
bated for 20 min (immunocyte markers) and 30 min (MOR) Data are presented as breast cancer tissue immune cell
followed by mouse linker in the case of CD4, CD56, and immunohistochemical expression (staining index or raw
CD57 and rabbit linker for MOR (Agilent Dako Envision cell numbers) for preoperative biopsy and resected biopsy
Flex Linker kit). The chromogen, DAB (3, 3′-diaminobenzi- after anesthesia and surgical excision. P values represent
dine), was used for revelation (2 × 5 min) and counterstained comparisons of the resected biopsy scores between patients
with hematoxylin. Negative controls were included. The who received sevoflurane–opioid anesthesia (GA group)
degree of staining indicated the level of infiltration. and propofol–paravertebral anesthesia (PPA). However,
resected tumor expression of MOR and absolute numbers
of MOR-positive cells were increased among patients who
Data analysis
received GA compared with PPA (Table 1). As expected by
the inflammatory nature of surgery, the levels of T lympho-
Both preoperative and postoperative samples were analyzed
cytes (CD4/CD8) and macrophages (CD68) were higher in
by two independent investigators. Cell count and staining
the intraoperative samples than in the preoperative biopsy,
intensity were measured. Cell count was obtained by count-
but resected tumor values did not differ significantly between
ing the absolute number of cells visible on a ×40 magnifi-
the groups.
cation field. Ten distinct views at ×40 magnification were
In contrast, MOR levels were unaffected by surgery in
obtained and the cells counted. The median interquartile
the PPA group, but were significantly increased in the GA
range (IQR) of these ten randomly selected high magnifica-
intraoperative samples (p = 0.04) when compared to the pre-
tion fields is reported. The staining intensity is the intensity
operative biopsy samples.
of dye retention on a 4-point scale with 0 indicating no stain-
ing and 3 representing intense staining. The staining index
was calculated as the product of the mean cell count and
the mean staining intensity. These data were not normally
distributed and so comparison between median (interquar-
This is the first prospective study looking at the effect of
tile range) for the two anesthetic techniques was undertaken
anesthetic technique on the expression of MOR. It demon-
using Mann–Whitney test.
strates that the anesthetic technique may have an effect on
tumor expression of MOR, but our sample size was not large
enough to detect any difference in immunocyte population
Results between the two groups. Although our previous work in this
area demonstrated an increase in immunocyte level in the
As shown in Table  1, natural killer (NK) cells (CD56/ GA group [15], we did not compare the intraoperative to the
CD57), T lymphocytes (CD4/CD8) and macrophages were preoperative samples and used a color deconvolution method
present in essentially equally low levels in both groups pre- of analysis that has since been shown to be less accurate than
operatively. There were no differences in the expression of the method employed in this study. There have been several
µ-opioid receptor, CD56, CD57, CD4, CD8 or CD68 in the reports suggesting that opioids dramatically reduce NK cell
biopsy samples obtained before surgery between the two activity [16–18].

Table 1  Breast cancer Marker Preoperative Resected Preoperative Resected P value

tissue immune cell biopsy GA biopsy GA biopsy PPA biopsy PPA
expression (staining index MOR staining index 1 (0–5) 8.5 (3–17) 0 (0–3) 1 (0–10) 0.04
or raw cell numbers) for
MOR number of cells 5 (0–12) 14 (5–26) 6 (0–16) 7 (0–18) 0.04
preoperative biopsy and
resected biopsy after anesthesia CD56 number of cells 1 (0–1) 6 (0–15) 1 (0–1) 3 (0–8) 0.4
and surgical excision CD57 number of cells 1 (0–2) 2 (0–2) 0 (0–1) 1 (1–2) 0.8
CD4 number of cells 0 (0–1) 8 (3–20) 0 (0–1) 10 (5–23) 0.7
CD8 number of cells 0 (0–0) 3 (1–10) 0 (0–1) 3 (0–10) 0.8
CD68 number of cells 5 (1–10) 3 (0–5) 4 (1–10) 3 (0–5) 0.8

P values represent comparisons of the resected biopsy scores between patients who received sevoflurane–
opioid anesthesia (GA group) and propofol–paravertebral anesthesia (PPA). Data shown are median (Inter-
quartile range)
MOR µ-opioid receptor

Journal of Anesthesia (2018) 32:792–796 795

The observed difference may be due either to the effect This study has demonstrated a difference in the tumoral
of opioids on the tumor cells or by the reduction in stress MOR expression. Unfortunately, we were unable to dis-
response by the paravertebral block or indeed by the direct cern the mechanism for this difference. This difference in
effect of the local anesthetic on sodium channels expressed tumoral MOR expression would appear to be of prognostic
in tumor cells, leading to a change in cell signaling. µ-Opioid significance in many cancer types. From a clinical stand-
receptors, the product of the OPRM1 gene, have been point, if further studies demonstrate a similar link between
demonstrated on several cancer cell lines including breast MOR expression and anesthetic technique, then it would
cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, adenocarcinoma and be prudent to standardize oncoanesthesia to include the
gastric carcinoma [19–21]. Retrospective studies on both use of regional anesthetic techniques and total intravenous
non-small cell lung cancer and prostate cancer have indi- anesthesia.
cated that MOR expression correlates with the aggressive-
ness of the tumor as well as progression-free survival and Acknowledgements  This study was funded in part by the Eccles Breast
Cancer Research Fund, College of Anaesthetists of Ireland project
overall survival [3, 18]. The mechanism for this apparent grant and BJA International Grant.
altered behavior of cancer cells depending on the density
of MOR expression may be multifactorial and involve cross Open Access  This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea-
activation of genes which are pro-metastatic including the tive Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat​iveco​
proto-oncogene (Src), signal transducer and activator of mmons​.org/licen​ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribu-
tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate
transcription 3, neuroepithelial cell-transforming gene 1 credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
protein [22] and the serine/threonine-specific protein kinase Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
(Akt) [16], all of which are expressed in tumors with high
metastatic potential. It is possible that difference in immune
cell expression which we observed may be caused by the
interaction between the morphine and the OPRM1 gene References
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