Youth Buying Behaviour Towards Smartphone's: A Study in Ludhiana City

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International Journal of Economics and Management Systems

Amanjot Kaur Gill

Youth Buying Behaviour towards Smartphone’s: A Study in Ludhiana

Department of Business Management
Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College
Gill Park, Ludhiana, Punjab 141006

Abstract: - The perception of customers regarding smart phones is progressively becoming an issue of study for
marketing research professionals. Consumer behaviour regarding perception towards smart phone’s, buying
choices; to post-usage behaviour is a subject of research for marketers. India is a standout amongst the
developing economies due to its high growth rate, large population, high aspiration levels, increasing
disposable incomes, and a large proportion of population being below thirty five. With a constant increment in
disposable incomes, there is likely to be an increase in yearning of young consumers towards consumer
products like smart phones. Smartphone is not only considered as a basic phone in its utility but also a complete
entertainment package, business aid, as well as lifestyle statement.
This study investigates the external and internal variables which aid in influencing the young purchaser
acquiring a smart phone. This work also concentrates on purchaser state of mind towards smart phones and
impact of brand on customers purchase decision as well as key components which influence consumer’s
attitudes and practices towards smartphone buy.

Key-Words: - Consumer Behaviour, Smartphone, Purchasing Attitude, Branding, Price, Consumer Preferences,
Usage Behavior.

1 Introduction Market Share,2015

The invention of wired telephones by Alexander
Graham Bell in 1876 followed by cellular phones 50 45.7
are the two developments that have revolutionized 40
communication and have had a earthshaking impact
on economy and social order in the 20th and 21st 21.4
centuries. IBM’s Simon Personal 20 13.9
Communicator (IBM Simon) was the first cellular 8.7
10 5.6 4.7
phone which included a telephone and personal
digital assistant (PDA) in one device. It was a
handheld, touch screen mobile which was Samsung Apple Huawei Xiaomi Lenovo Others
distributed by the BellSouth Cellular Corp. in the
United States between August 1994 and February
1995, selling 50,000 units [1]. Fig.1. Market Share of Smart phones, 2015
The global smart phone business segment grew Source: (, Aug 2015).
by over 13 percent in 2015 with 341.5 million units
Different researchers have studied this topic
being dispatched in second quarter
( from various angles. Namin et al. (2012) in their
share.jsp). The market share of smart phones is study say that the process of choosing a brand may
shown in Fig. 1. It is seen that companies like be prejudiced by circumstances and content [2]. The
Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi, Lenovo etc. conclusions imply a significant association amidst
the variables “brand attitude”, “corporate attitude”,
command a major share of the market. They
together have around 55 percent share of the total and “product (cell phone) choice”. In addition, no
smart phone pie. major connection was found between individual

ISSN: 2367-8925 243 Volume 1, 2016

International Journal of Economics and Management Systems
Amanjot Kaur Gill

decision making processes (independent or for the accomplishment of all organizational goals
mediated) and product choice. [8]. One of the greatest difficulties for a business
A study highlighted another measurement in data sector is the means by which to fulfil and hold the
and innovation concerning young people in Spain clients. This study has been done on Mobilink's
[3]. This article looks at the relationship of prepaid clients. It is seen that general consumer
Information and Communication Innovations and loyalty and client faithfulness is relatively low
Spanish youths. In particular, analysts have among the clients of Mobilink. The Customer
examined, through subjective strategy, the attributes faithfulness in Pakistan's portable product business
of young people's entrance and employment of is generally low since it is a rising industry, new
mechanical gadgets. Despite what might be players are entering in this business sector, and
expected, there is an under-use of every one of these clients are more intrigued to try other suppliers.
gadgets for educating and learning purposes. Nonetheless it is normal that when the business will
Another research in literature examined that the be settled, the results will be more practically
impact of various showcase endeavours on brand identical to different studies.
value in smart phone industry [4]. The outcome Another paper investigated the variables
demonstrates that there is a positive and significant influencing the state of mind towards the social
relationship between advertising blend endeavours acknowledgment of cellular telephones and also
and brand value. At the end of the day, more how this mentality influences its utilization [9].
promotions could offer better market access, which Results of the investigation demonstrate that the
implies clients will have more mindfulness on states of mind about cellular telephone use out in the
business sector qualities. Among various virtues of open spots rely on upon nation, and age elements.
brand value, item exclusivity plays a critical part. This state of mind thus altogether influences the use
In another paper, it is stated that numerous recurrence of cell telephones. What's more, use
studies confirm that clients select their items due to recurrence likewise is influenced by sex and work
brand name [5]. Items likewise maintain their own status.
qualities, which make them differentiable from The general components (high power separation,
others. In this paper, specialists have presented an gentility, high instability shirking) describing
experimental study to decide vital variables Russian society power favoured cell phone outline
impacting clients' acquiring plan for PDAs in capital is viewed. Long haul qualities are seen, for instance,
city of Iran, Tehran. The after effects of the study in team introduction, which influences the
demonstrate that there are some positive utilization of cell phones. Changing social and
connections between selective name and quality financial components are found to strictly divide
discernment, between elite name and informal ad, buyers into particular sections. The developing
between quality discernment and constancy, Russian markets appear to comprise of in general
between informal ad and brand name and between different customer groupings and all the while
brand name picture and brand name. interact with both old and new social elements and
It is postulated that connected to the brand standards [10].
choice of cell phone is the clients' perception of Martensen inspects tweens' (8-12 year-olds)
security issues [6]. Clients show diverse conduct on sense of fulfilment with and dependability of their
a variety of aspects, compatible to the brand of the cell phones and the relationship between these [11].
cellular telephone they are utilizing. Awareness of The outcomes show that tweens are much more
security issues can make telephone makers upgrade satisfied by their cellular phones than grown-ups are
their cellular telephones with respect to security. and that the multi featured telephones satisfy kids'
There are 11 predecessors of brand inclination; desires to a much higher degree. Still, brands are not
these can be hypothetically bunched into three able to transform tweens into steadfast clients who
groups: mindfulness predecessors (controlled will recommend their cellular phones to
correspondence (promoting), and uncontrolled companions. Tweens' dependability is lower than
correspondence (reputation, informal)); picture what is experienced for grown-ups and the
forerunners (administration esteem characteristics relationship between fulfillment and reliability is
(value, quality), supplier properties (brand identity, exceptionally frail.
nation of inception, administration (worker + area)), Aydin et al. (2005) concentrated on gauging the
corporate status (corporate picture, corporate impact of consumer loyalty and trust on client
notoriety)); and, client quality forerunners dependability, and the direct and indirect impact of
(fulfillment, saw hazard, and reference bunch) [7]. exchanging expenditure on client steadfastness [12].
In their study, published in 2010,Hafeez et al., The discoveries of this study demonstrate that the
stated that customer fulfilment is a key component exchanging cost figure straightforwardly influences

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International Journal of Economics and Management Systems
Amanjot Kaur Gill

devotion, and has an intermediary impact on both two or more sources of data is used. It is also used
client fulfilment and trust. to describe relationships.
Other studies by Srinuan [13], Robins [14], Liu
[15], and de Silva [16] also dwell into various No. of respondents
aspects of cell phone adaption in varying cultural, Percentage = ----------------------------×100 (1)
age and technology setups. Total No. of respondent
The review of previous work brings out that even
though a lot of work has been done in this field, still Chi-Square Test for Independence: Those tests
there is a dearth of empirical studies in North West may be joined when you bring two class variables
India and also no specific studies targeted at youth from a single number. It will be used to make sense
were found. With a massive proportion of that there is an enormous relationship the middle of
population of India being young, empirical data on the two variables.
their consumer behaviour is of particular interest to
marketing professionals. Therefore this study is Χ2 = Σ [ (Or,c - Er,c)2 / Er,c ] (2)
done in Ludhiana, the largest city north of Delhi and
also the commercial capital of the region. where Or,c is the observed frequency count at
level r of Variable A and level c of Variable B, and
Er,c is the expected frequency count at level r of
2 Research Methodology Variable A and level c of Variable B.
Independent t-Test: The independent t-test looks
at the methods between two irrelevant gatherings on
2.1 Objectives of the Study
the same consistent, subordinate variables.
Based on research gaps identified by review of
literature, the study has been under taken to achieve
the following objectives:-
• To recognize and evaluate the attitudes and
beliefs that influence consumer's buying
behavior towards smart phones in Ludhiana.
• To analyse the components which affect and
motivate the consumer to purchase the smart (3)
• To examine and study the effect of smart
phone brands on purchase decision. 3 Data Analysis and Interpretation
The responses obtained from the survey are
presented and analysed in this section. The
2.2 Research Design interpretation is given after application of relevant
Descriptive study is used in this empirical study. statistical tools.
The sources which are used for this research are
primary data and secondary data. Primary data is
collected through the structured questionnaire or 3.1 Satisfaction Level with Present
through mail questionnaire. Secondary data is made Smartphone
available by scanning published research papers, From the survey it is found that eighty seven percent
trade magazines, economic newspapers, websites of respondents were satisfied with the smart phone
etc. being used by them whereas 13 percent were not
The sample size of 100 was taken amongst cell satisfied.
phone users and respondents were chosen using In Table 1, cross tabulation between genders
convenience sampling method. 55 percent of the regarding satisfaction level with smart phone being
respondents were male and 45 percent were female. presently used is given. In order to find out if there
92 percent of respondents were in the age group of was any difference in usage pattern on gender basis .
21 to 25, 6 percent in 16 to 20, while 2 percent lay Chi-square test was performed taking gender as
in the 18 to 21 age group bracket. variable in Table 2.
All the respondents were smart phone users.
2.3 Tools Used for Statistical Analysis Table 1. Cross Tabulation between Gender *
Percentage Analysis which refers to specific kind of Satisfaction level with presently owned
ratio which helps in making comparison between Smartphone.
Fulfilled Total

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International Journal of Economics and Management Systems
Amanjot Kaur Gill

Yes No Expected 64.0 36.0 100.0

Gender Male Count 48.0 7.0 55.0 Count
Expected 47.9 7.2 55.0
Count In order to find out if there was any difference in
Female Count 39.0 6.0 45.0 pattern of purchasing intent on gender basis, Chi-
Expected 39.2 5.9 45.0 square test was performed taking gender as variable.
Count Results are shown in Table 4.
Total Count 87.0 13.0 100.0 For this the following hypothesis was set up:-
Expected 87.0 13.0 100.0 (Null hypothesis): There is no significant
Count distinction among the reactions of male and female
respondents with respect to the purchasing intent of
smart phones.
Table 2. Chi-Square Tests of Satisfaction level (Alternative hypothesis): There is a significant
contrast among the reactions of male and female
with presently owned Smartphone.
respondents on the premise of purchasing intent of
Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
smart phones.
Pearson .008a 1 .929
Chi-Square Table 4 Chi-Square tests of Purchasing intent of
Smartphone in near Future.
In order to find out if there was any difference in Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
usage pattern on gender basis; Chi-square test was
Pearson .253a 1 .615
performed taking gender as variable in Table 2. For
this the following hypothesis was set up:
Null hypothesis: There is no significant distinction
among the reactions of male and female respondents Pearson chi-square came out to be 0.253 and the
with respect to the use of smart phones. significant value as .615. This value being more than
Alternative hypothesis: There is a significant .05 (significance level), clearly indicates that there is
contrast among the reactions of male and female no distinction in the reactions on the premise of
respondents on the premise of use of smart phones. gender which implies the Null hypothesis.
Pearson chi-square came out to be 0.008 and the
significant value as .929. This value being more than
.05 (significance level), clearly indicates that there is 3.3 Level of Impact of different attributes on
no distinction in the reactions on the premise of purchasing decision of Smartphone
gender which implies the Null hypothesis. On a Five point Likert scale, the response was
evaluated by assigning the scores as Strongly
Influential SI-1, Influential I-2, Neutral N-3, Non-
influential NI-4, Strongly Non-influential SNI-5.
3.2 Purchasing a Smartphone in near Future Mean scores for all these statements were calculated
Sixty four percent of respondents indicated that they and are being presented in Table 5.
may purchase a new smart phone in near future. The
remaining thirty six percent had no such inclination. Table 5. t-test on Impact Level of different
Table 3 shows the Cross Tabulation between attributes on Buying decision of Smartphone.
Gender * Purchasing intent of Smartphone in near Impact gender N Mean Std. Std.
future. level Deviati Error
on Mean
Table 3. Cross Tabulation between Gender * Word of Male 55 2.6000 .89443 .12060
Purchasing intent of Smartphone in near Future. Mouth female 45 3.0222 1.13796 .16964
Fulfilled Total (WOM)
Yes No Finance Male 55 2.5273 1.10310 .14874
Gender Male Count 34.0 21.0 55.0 female 45 2.5333 1.05744 .15763
Expected 35.2 19.8 55.0 Brand Male 55 1.9091 1.00504 .13552
Name female 45 1.8222 .96032 .14316
Quality Male 55 1.8909 .89593 .12081
Female Count 30.0 15.0 45.0
female 45 1.6222 .88649 .13215
Expected 28.8 16.2 45.0 Previous Male 55 2.2364 1.03573 .13966
Count Satisfacti female 45 2.1111 .80403 .11986
Total Count 64.0 36.0 100.0 on Level

ISSN: 2367-8925 246 Volume 1, 2016

International Journal of Economics and Management Systems
Amanjot Kaur Gill

Perceived Male 55 2.3091 .97890 .13200 neutral towards impact level of your position in
Position female 45 2.3778 .86047 .12827 public.
in Technical aspects: The F-value of technical
Society aspect comes out to be .751 and the significant value
Technical Male 55 2.1455 .84805 .11435 is .388. This value is not significant at .05% level of
Aspects female 45 2.0667 .96295 .14355
significance which shows that gender wise males
Advertise Male 55 2.1455 1.02593 .13834
and females are influential towards impact level of
ment female 45 2.3778 1.07215 .15983
technical aspect.
After Male 55 2.2545 1.00403 .13538
Sales female 45 1.9556 1.12726 .16804
Advertisement: The F-value of advertisement
Service comes out to be .472 and the significant value is
.414. This value is not significant at .05% level of
To further analyze the responses “t-test” for significance which shows that gender wise males
independent samples was carried out. ‘Levenue`s and females are neutral towards impact level of
test’ for equality of variance was used and the F advertisement.
values were calculated. Corresponding to this the‘t’ After Sales Service: The F-value of after sales
value and the significant value (95%) confidence services comes out to be .157 and the significant
limit was calculated. The F,’t” & significant value value is .693. This value is not significant at .05%
corresponding to each statement is discussed. level of significance which shows that gender wise
Careful analysis of various values shows that for males and females are influential towards impact
statement “WOM to after sales services”, the after sales services.
following inferences can be drawn: 3.4 Smartphone Brand preference in previous
Word of mouth: The F-value of WOM comes purchase
out to be 1.085 and the significant value is .0300.
This value is not significant at .05% level of
significance which shows that gender wise males
Brand Of Smartphone Bought in
and females are neutral towards impact level of previous purchase
word of mouth. x others
Finance: The F-value of finance comes out to be htc 5% 4%
.271 and the significant value is .0604. This value is 8%
not significant at .05% level of significance which
shows that gender wise males and females are
neutral towards impact level of finance. Sony
Brand Name: The F-value of brand name comes 6% apple
out to be 0.003 and the significant value is .954. 32%
This value is not significant at .05% level of
significance which shows that gender wise males
and females are strongly influential towards impact samsun
level of brand name. 9%
Quality: The F-value of quality comes out to be
0.271 and the significant value is .604. This value is
not significant at .05% level of significance which
shows that gender wise males and females are
apple samsung motorola Sony
strongly influential towards impact level of quality.
Previous Satisfaction level: The F-value of htc micromax others
previous satisfaction comes out to be 1.699 and the
significant value is .195. This value is not
significant at .05% level of significance which Fig. 2. Brand of Smartphone bought by
shows that gender wise males and females are Respondents in previous purchase.
influential towards impact level of previous Fig. 2 shows the brands bought by respondents
satisfaction. during their previous purchase. Samsung with 36
Perceived position in society: The F-value of percent share was the most preferred followed by
your position in public comes out to be 1.314 and Apple with a share of 32 percent. Other brands
the significant value is .254. This value is not bought included Motorola (9 percent), HTC (8
significant at .05% level of significance which percent), Sony (6 percent), Micromax (5 percent),
shows that gender wise males and females are and others (4 percent).

ISSN: 2367-8925 247 Volume 1, 2016

International Journal of Economics and Management Systems
Amanjot Kaur Gill

Another interesting statistics which has a bearing on

3.5 Change to another Brand with Additional marketing and production targets is the frequency
Features with which people change their smart phones. It was
In response to above question it was found that 58 seen that 25 percent had a low frequency of
percent of respondents were not averse to changing switching, and 5 percent had extremely high
the presently used brand if better features were frequency. The remaining 50 and 20 percent
available in some other brand of smart phone. respondents had moderate to high frequency of
However 42 percent indicated that they were not changing their phones.
inclined to change the brand being presently used. Cross Tabulation between Gender * Switching
To study the gender preferences to this question, Level is presented in Table 8.
Cross Tabulation between Gender * Change Brand
is presented in Table 6. Table 8. Cross Tabulation between Gender *
Switching Level.
Table 6. Cross Tabulation between Gender * Switching level To
Change Brand. lo mode hi extre tal
Fulfilled Total w rate gh mely
Yes No high
Gender Male Count 30.0 25.0 55.0 Gen Mal Coun 14 25.0 14 2.0 55.
Expected 31.9 23.1 55.0 der e t .0 .0 0
Count Expe 13 27.5 11 2.8 55.
Female Count 28.0 17.0 45.0 cted .8 .0 0
Expected 26.1 18.9 45.0 Coun
Count t
Total Count 58.0 42.0 100.0 Fem Coun 11 25.0 6. 3.0 45.
Expected 58.0 42.0 100.0 ale t .0 0 0
Count Expe 11 22.5 9. 2.3 45.
cted .3 0 0
In order to find out if there was any difference in Coun
change pattern on gender basis , Chi-square test was t
performed with gender as variable in Table 7. Total Coun 25 50.0 20 5.0 10
t .0 .0 0.0
Table 7. Chi-Square Tests of Change Brand. Expe 25 50.0 20 5.0 10
cted .0 .0 0.0
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Coun
Pearson .599a 1 .439
Chi-Square In order to find out if there was any difference in
usage pattern on gender basis, Chi-square test was
For this the following hypothesis was set up:- performed taking gender as variable in Table 9.
Null hypothesis: There is no significant distinction
among the reactions of male and female respondents Table 9. Chi-Square Tests of Switching Level.
with respect to the change preference of smart Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
phones. Pearson 2.788a 3 .425
Alternative hypothesis: There is a significant Chi-Square
contrast among the reactions of male and female In order to find out if there was any difference in
respondents on the premise of change preference of usage pattern on gender basis .Chi-square test was
smart phones. performed with taking gender as variable in Table 9.
Pearson chi-square came out to be 0.599 and the For this the following hypothesis was set up:-
significant value as .439. This value being more than (Null hypothesis): There is no significant
.05 (significance level), clearly indicates that there is distinction among the reactions of male and female
no distinction in the reactions on the premise of respondents with respect to the switching of smart
gender which implies the Null hypothesis. phones.
(Alternative hypothesis): There is a significant
contrast among the reactions of male and female
3.6 Level of Switching Smartphone

ISSN: 2367-8925 248 Volume 1, 2016

International Journal of Economics and Management Systems
Amanjot Kaur Gill

respondents on the premise of switching of smart Fig.3 Respondents willingness to spend for a New
phones. Smartphone.
Pearson chi-square came out to be 2.788 and the
significant value as .425. This value being more than Fig. 3 shows the range within which respondents
.05 (level of significance), clearly indicates that there are willing to spend for a new smart phone. A
is no distinction in the reactions on the premise of maximum of 25 percent were willing to spend
gender which implies the Null hypothesis. between Rs. 10,001 – Rs. 20,000 and 23 percent
from Rs. 20,001-Rs.30, 000. Thus approximately 50
percent of respondents were aspiring for mid-range
3.7 Respondents Willingness to spend for a smart phones in the Indian smart phone sector. 20
New Smartphone percent were ready to shell out Rs. 30,001 to Rs.
40,000 and 14 percent could spend less than Rs.
10,000. This would be a low-end smart phone in the
market. There are 11 percent consumers who are
willing to pay Rs. 40,000-Rs. 50,000 for a cell
phone which is for the above mid-level cell phone in
the business sector. Only 7 percent could aspire for
premium smart phone of Rs. 50,000 or more.

3.8 Preference regarding repeat buy of Same

Brand of Smartphone Later
Preference to Buy Same Brand Later
Buy same brand later Total
yes no maybe Yes
gender male Count 19 11 25 55 32%
Expected 17.6 12.1 25.3 55.0 Maybe
female Count 13 11 21 45
Expected 14.4 9.9 20.7 45.0
Count No
Total Count 32 22 46 100 22%
Expected 32.0 22.0 46.0 100.0
Count Yes No Maybe

Amount repondents are Willing to

Fig.4 Data regarding preference for repeat Buy of
30 spend Same Brand of smart phone later.
25 23 Cross Tabulation between Gender * Buy Same
20 Brand Later is plotted in Table 10.

Table 10. Cross Tabulation between Gender *

15 Buy Same Brand Later

10 In order to find out if there was any difference in
usage pattern on gender basis; Chi-square test was
5 3 performed with taking gender as variable in Table 11.
0 Table 11 Chi-Square Tests of Switching Level.
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson .478a 2 .788

amount willing to pay Chi-Square

ISSN: 2367-8925 249 Volume 1, 2016

International Journal of Economics and Management Systems
Amanjot Kaur Gill

This analysis has been done to find if purchaser the smart phone. Only 1 percent of respondents
will buy same brand of smart phone during repeat were dissatisfied on this account.
purchase or not. As shown in Fig. 4, 32 percent of
respondents said that they will buy same brand of
smart phone in future also whereas 22 percent said 4. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION
that they won't buy the same brand. The remaining
46 percent were non committal. Results show that
one third of young consumers were willing to be 4.1 Findings
repeat customers which is a decent figure given that In this study a sample size of 100 smart phone users
youngsters are more amenable to experimentation was surveyed. A majority (55 percent) were male
and smart phone market is dynamic in terms of and the rest female. Most of them were in the age
technology and feature modification. group of 21-25. A vast majority (87 percent) were
In order to find out if there was any difference in satisfied with the smart phone being used by them.
usage pattern on gender basis, Chi-square test was 64 percent of smart phone buyers were inclined to
performed taking gender as variable in Table 12. For buy a new smart phone in near future. Brand name,
this the following hypothesis was set up: previous user satisfaction, and after sales service
(Null hypothesis): There is no significant had a strong impact on smart phone buying
distinction among the reactions of male and female decision. Samsung and Apple are the most preferred
respondents with respect to repeat purchase of smart brands. A majority of respondents were ready to
phones. consider change in brand if they found better
(Alternative hypothesis): There is a significant features in some other brand. Approximately 50
contrast among the reactions of male and female percent of respondents were aspiring for mid-range
respondents on the premise of repeat purchase of smart phones in the Indian smart phone sector. A
smart phones. third of the respondents said that they will buy same
Pearson chi-square came out to be .478 and the brand of smart phone in future also. 24 percent of
significant value as .788. This value being more than Respondents were very satisfied, whereas 36
.05 (significance level), clearly indicates that there is percent were satisfied with the brand image and
no distinction in the reactions on the premise of prestige associated with owning the smart phone.
gender which implies the Null hypothesis. Only 1 percent of respondents were dissatisfied on
this account. All the presented findings have been
contrasted taking into account the gender.
3.9 Overall Experience with the Brand of
Smartphone being used
4.2 Conclusion
Overall Experiencevery The findings presented in the previous section shall
dissati 0% Satisfi help advertisers, marketing and sales professionals,
as well as product designers to plan and execute
sfied ed their product plans in a professional manner. The
1% satisfi
24% study is targeted towards young male and female
fair respondents which gives a clear idea about their
39% smart phone usage and buying behaviour. Since
36% youngsters are the most important segment for
very Satisfied satisfied consumer electronics market the present study is of
fair dis satisfied vital importance not only in the short term but also
for in the long term.

Fig.5 Data regarding overall experience with the

brand of smart phone being used.
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ISSN: 2367-8925 251 Volume 1, 2016

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