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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Division of Structural Engineering
Steel and Timber Structures
Göteborg, Sweden 2005 Master’s Thesis 2005:103
Elevation of Hamar Olympiahall, Niels Torp arkitekter
FE model of the trussed arch in ABAQUS,
Hamar Olympiahall during construction, Biong Arkitekter
Hamar Olympiahall inside view, Niels Torp arkitekter.
Scandinavia has the largest timber reserves in western Europe and it is one of the
largest manufacturers of timber products. Consequently, timber is commonly used as
a building material in roof structures, for houses and larger buildings. The
development of glued laminated timber (Glulam) technology at the beginning of the
twentieth century has enlarged the possibilities of timber. All kind of geometries and
spans are thereby feasible.
In the case of long span roof structures, timber arches are one of the best solutions
from both structural and aesthetical point of view. Not only are arches slender
structures and require no intermediate support to achieve long span, but they also use
efficiently the compressive strength of timber. For spans over 100m, trussed arches
are usually preferred since they are more convenient to manufacture and to assembly.
For instance, several buildings own such roof structures in Scandinavia.
This master’s thesis deals with Glulam trussed arches for long span. It especially
focuses on an arch of 100m span and 20m height. It introduces different technical
solutions and explains the design of such a structure.
At first, a finite element model is performed with the ABAQUS software in order to
study the influence of boundary conditions and geometrical parameters e.g. depth of
the truss and number of diagonal elements. This analysis leads to an optimum static
system, which is considered later on.
Furthermore, as the connections are the weakest point in timber structures, they have
to be investigated from the preliminary design. Hence, different joints are examined
and the best one is retained to be calculated.
Finally, the stiffness of the connections are introduced in the finite element model to
make it more realistic. The design forces resulting from the new analysis are used to
design the members and to study the stability of the structure, according to Eurocodes.
At last, the partitioning of the trussed arch for transportation is overviewed. The arch
is partitioned in six pieces and the location of the cuts is studied.
The recommendations made in this thesis are aimed to be used as references for the
design of similar structures.
Key words: Timber arch, trussed arch, glulam, timber connections, multiple steel
plates connection.
Les vastes forêts recouvrant les pays scandinaves garantissent une production
quasiment illimitée de bois de construction. Il est principalement employé dans les
charpentes, pour les habitations et les bâtiments publics. L’apparition du lamellé-collé
au début du vingtième siècle a largement accru les possibilités d’utilisation du bois.
En effet, toutes les géométries et toutes les longueurs peuvent être produites. Ainsi
pour la conception d’une charpente de longue portée, la réalisation d’une arche en
lamellé-collé est incontournable, car d’une part elle utilise de façon optimale la
capacité en compression du bois et d’autre part, elle présente des avantages
Ce mémoire traite des arches triangulées de longues portées en lamellé-collé. Il
introduit les possibilités de réalisations et présente la conception et le
dimensionnement d’une telle structure.
Ce projet repose plus particulièrement sur l’analyse d’une arche triangulée de 100m
de portée entre les supports et 20m de haut. Les conditions d’appuis et les paramètres
géométriques comme le nombre de diagonales et la hauteur du treillis sont déterminés
selon une étude comparative entre différents modèles. L’analyse statique des
différentes alternatives est réalisée grâce à la méthode des éléments finis avec le
logiciel ABAQUS. Cette comparaison aboutit enfin à un système statique optimum
d’un point de vue structurel.
De plus, les connections étant un point délicat dans la construction en bois, elles
doivent être considérées dès la première phase de conception. Ainsi, différents types
de connecteurs sont examinés avant de retenir le préférable. Le système BSB, formé
de broches et de plaques d’acier noyées dans la section, est ici le plus adéquat. Le
nombre de broches et de plaques est calculé de telle façon à obtenir une rupture
plastique de la connexion.
Afin d’améliorer, la modélisation de l’arche, la raideur des connections est par la suite
introduite dans le modèle en éléments finis. Les forces qui résultent de l’analyse
statique de ce modèle, sont utilisées pour effectuer le dimensionnement de la
charpente et d’en étudier sa stabilité suivant les critères donnés par l’Eurocode 5.
Enfin, la découpe de l’arche en plusieurs parties pour le transport est abordée. L’arche
est sectionnée en 6 parties. L’influence de l’emplacement des coupures est analysée
grâce à la méthode des éléments finis.
Les recommandations faites dans cette thèse ont pour but de servir de support lors de
la conception d’une structure similaire.
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Aims of the thesis and limitations 2
1.3 Outlines 3
5.1 Hinges at the abutments and at the crown 60
5.1.1 Hinges at the abutment 60
5.1.2 Hinge at the crown 61
5.2 Possible joining systems in the truss 62
5.2.1 Connection with glued-in rods 62
5.2.2 Tube joint 64
5.2.3 Multiple steel plates connection 65
5.2.4 Choice of the optimum connection 67
5.3 Theory of multiple shear steel-to-timber joints 67
5.3.1 Double shear planes connection 67
5.3.2 Multiple shear planes connection 68
5.4 Design of the connection 71
5.4.1 Optimum number of steel plates 71
5.4.2 Required number of dowels 74
5.4.3 Tension perpendicular to the grain 76
5.4.4 Design of the steel plates 78
5.4.5 Stiffness of the connections 82
The work was proposed and supervised by Dr. Eng. Roberto Crocetti, designer at
MOELVEN Töreboda, Sweden. It was also overseen by Assistant Professor Marie
Johansson at the department.
This master’s thesis was a great opportunity to learn more about timber structures. It
was especially interesting to complete this thesis in Sweden where timber is a
common building material.
We would like to take the opportunity to express our gratitude towards those involved
in the project:
Roberto Crocetti for his advice and his guidance during the project,
Marie Johansson for her everyday support and all the literature borrowed from her,
Robert Kliger for his general advice,
Julia Meronk and Agnieszka Gilun, our opponent group, for their comments on the
This Master Program gave us the chance to get an international experience and to
meet people from all over the world. We would like to thank all these people for the
great time we had together.
Our gratefulness also goes to our parents and relatives for their support during all our
stay in Sweden.
Audrey Farreyre
Jean-Bernard Journot
α Angle
γ Safety coefficient
γM Partial factor for material properties
δ Deflection
ρ Density
σc,0,d Design compressive stress along the grain
σm Design bending stress
σt,0,d Design tensile stress
υ Poison coefficient
φ Diameter
Sign conventions
Forces and stresses
- compression
+ tension
Bending moments
Nowadays, concrete and steel are common building materials. All types of structures
can be built with these materials. As a consequence, arches are less used. However,
arches should not be underestimated because they are good alternatives to achieve
very long span. Moreover, from an aesthetical point of view, arches are thin and
slender structures.
With the development of the glued laminated timber (Glulam) technology at the
beginning of the twentieth century, arches were again used as roof structure. A well-
known example in Sweden is the central station in Stockholm, see Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1 Hall of the central station in Stockholm, Carling, Svenskt limträ AB
This thesis deals with arches in Glulam. It especially focuses on 100m circular trussed
arches. Such structures are often built to roof large buildings.
Abutment Abutment
At first, an optimisation of the static system is performed. Several static systems are
studied in order to observe the influence of some relevant parameters such as location
of the hinges, depth of the truss, and number of diagonal elements. Then, particular
attention is paid on the choice of connections. Their design is done in such a way that
their modes of failure are under control. Finally, the design and all the controls of the
structural members are accomplished.
It should be noticed that this thesis only deals with the timber structure. Hence, the
foundations are not considered in this thesis. They are supposed to be in concrete but
no specific calculations have been worked out. The design of the bracing units is also
not investigated. However, a short assessment about the location of the bracing units
is done. Moreover, as the seismic activity is not important in Sweden, the earthquake
resistance of the structure has not been investigated in this thesis
All the calculations are made with the commercial finite element ABAQUS software.
The model is also checked by hand calculations.
The structure is designed according to the European standards. The loads applied on
the structure are calculated with Eurocode 1. The design of the members and the
connections is done according to Eurocode 5. However, other literature was used
when Eurocodes were unclear. The references are given in the chapter 8.
The chapter 5 especially deals with the connections between the chord elements and
the diagonals. After a presentation of different alternatives, multiple steel plates joints
are adopted. The required number of plates and dowels are determined so that the
failure of the connection is ductile. Then the stiffness of each connection is calculated.
In chapter 6, a more realistic finite element model including the stiffness of the
connections is computed in ABAQUS. The results are presented and compared with
the previous one. Thus, structural members, as well as the connections are verified
according to Eurocode 5 under relevant loads. Finally, the problem of the buckling of
the lower chord and the partitioning of the arch for transportation are investigated.
Figure 2.1 Glulam production process, extract from Carling, Svenskt limträ AB
Most of the time, Glulam is made of spruce. The first step of the production is the
preparation of the planks. They are dried in order to get suitable moisture content for
the glue. Indeed, the moisture content should not exceed 12%. Then, the planks are
pre-planed and strength graded.
To achieve great length, the planks are placed end-to-end and glued together with
finger joints. Then, the laminations are planned again and the glue is applied on the
The laminations are placed on the top of each other and pressed together. This
operation has to be completed before the glue cures. At this point of the process, if it
is necessary, a curvature can be given to the beam. Finally, the Glulam beam is
planned to remove the surplus of glue so that the surface is smooth.
At this level, additional finishing works like drilling holes are done.
Figure 2.2 Repartition of the lamination within the cross-section from Carling,
Svenskt limträ AB (2001)
2.1.4 Transportation
Transport can be a capital part of a project, especially when the members have a
considerable size.
Ordinary lorry can transport members up to 9m. Members up to 30m can be
transported as well by means of trailers. However, permissions from the authorities
are necessary and the way followed by the truck has to be decided before. Special
transport is usually required if the width exceeds 2,5m or the total height 4,5m, which
is often the case of frames or arch structures. In this case, the design of the arch has to
take into account that the structure must be divided into a certain number of pieces.
The great property of an arch is to be able to transfer the load to the support only with
compressive forces. This characteristic has made the success of the arches in
construction because it allowed the use of stones, which basically cannot carry tension
(see Figure 3.4).
A bending moment appears in the arch when the load is not the same than the one
defined by the funicular shape but this moment does not necessarily imply tensile
stresses if the section is high enough.
In order to compare the structural behaviour of the simple arch and of the trussed
arch, a static analysis is worked out in both cases, under a uniform load of 10kN/m.
The normal forces and the bending moments are depicted in Figures 3.8 and 3.9.
Figure 3.8 Maximum forces and moments in the trussed arch under uniform load of
10kN/m (the repartition is symmetrical)
This comparison highlights that the forces and especially the bending moments are
larger in the simple arch than in the trussed one. This is not the only reason that makes
the trussed arch more competitive. The construction and assembly process are very
important when considering a 100m span arch. Indeed, it implies that the structure
will be divided in several parts, then transported and finally assembled on the
construction site. It is very hard to achieve a very stiff connection in timber that could
ensure the continuous stiffness of the chord. This problem is less important when
considering a trussed arch since it is not such a problem to have a semi-rigid
3×215mm 3×215mm
A=0,406m2 A=0,174m2
All the elements will be made of Glulam GL32 C. In order to simplify the analysis,
isotropic properties will be used to model the behaviour of the timber in the beam
ρ = 400kg/m3
ν = 0,2
Ε0,mean = 13,5GPa
Although the main dimensions of the structure remain the same, the boundary
conditions, the number of diagonal elements and the depth of the truss are thereafter
These different models are compared under snow load since it is the dominant load in
the case of a long span arch. According to Eurocode 1, two cases should be
considered for the snow load: uniform load and triangle-shaped load (see Figure
3.11). In order to have a better view of the behaviour of the structure, both cases
loaded uniformly and non-uniformly have been investigated.
Best Model
- Structural efficiency: the forces and moments are compared for the different
- Stability and risk of buckling: this criterion is hard to compare when the total
load acting on the structure is not known, but discussions are made about that.
- Economy: even if no economical comparison is done in this thesis, this
parameter has been discussed with the supervisor of the thesis and evaluated
according to his experience.
- Production and transportation: limitations are done, so that the solution is
feasible and does not require excessive equipment.
Diagonal elements:
Upper/Lower chord:
truss elements (hinges
continuous members
at the 2 ends)
beam elements
H α
Figure 3.13 Detail of the links between the different members
The load is applied as a line load along the upper chord of the arch. The magnitude is
determined on each element by a projection of the snow load on the circular shaped
The size of the meshing is optimised. Chord parts are divided in 10 elements to
describe accurately the moment. Only one element per diagonal is necessary to
compute the normal force since it is a truss element.
Truss elements
(1 / member)
Abutment Abutment
This evaluation leads to say that the results of the 1st order theory are accurate enough
for the design of the trussed arch. As a consequence, the comparisons between the
different models are thereafter performed with elastic theory (1st order).
Model 3,5m
20m 3,5m
20m 3,5m
The distance between the two chords is set to 3,5m. The truss diagonals are built as
equilateral triangles. The elements in the chords have a length of 3,9m.
• Model BC1
1229kN 1229kN
Figure 3.17 Deformed shape and reaction forces – Model BC1
highest compression
-2246 -911
+37 +20 -125
-1705 +1123 -333 -1330
+790 -499
+37 -208 +240
1160kN 817kN
highest compression
-196 +321
-78 -1620
-1528 +215
946kN 946kN
highest compression
-1048 -877
-1830 -569
The horizontal thrust is an important parameter for the foundations of the arch. As it is
said in section 3.1, it depends on the ratio height/span of the arch. The model BC3 is
the best regarding this criterion.
Model BC2 will be skipped in the following comparison because of the buckling
problem in the lower chord. The comparison is now accomplished between model
BC1 and BC3 regarding the bending moment.
Mmin= -13kNm
Mmax= +70kNm
Mmax= +45kNm
X-distance in m
Mmin= -30kNm
Bending moment in N.m
Mmax= +45kNm
X-distance in m
The bending moment distribution in the upper chord may be compared to the one of a
continuous beam. It works like the continuous chord is supported at the nodes. Thus,
extremum moments appear either between two nodes or at the nodes. This
phenomenon is not observed on the lower chord of BC1 and in this case, the bending
moment looks like the one of a simple arch.
Moreover, the bending moment magnitude is the same in the lower and upper chord
of model BC3. However, the upper chord of model BC1 is much more subjected to
moment than the lower chord. Thus, the maximum positive moment in a node of the
quarter arch reaches 70kNm.
To conclude, this comparison shows that model BC3 is more favourable.
upper chord -8kNm +30kNm -30kNm +18kNm
lower chord 0 +15kNm -30kNm +15kNm
The magnitude of the normal forces is the same in the two models and the distribution
of the bending moments is comparable to the case of triangular loading.
As a conclusion, it is still valid to assert that model BC3 is the optimum solution and
these boundary conditions will be kept afterwards.
Figure 3.38 Geometry of the truss
Table 3.6 Three models used to study the influence of the number of diagonal
Model BC3 i ~ 4m
27 diagonals/half-
Model I1 i ~ 7m
15 diagonals/half-
Model I2 i ~ 8m
13 diagonals/half-
Only the results of the calculations about models I1 and I2 will be shown. The results
of model BC3 can be found in the previous section 3.5.
H = 1248kN
Uniform load
Vleft = 982kN
Vright= 982kN
H = 1249kN
Triangular load
Vleft = 1212kN
Vright= 862kN
Table 3.8 Maximum forces in the chords and in the diagonals in model I1
Uniform load
Triangular load
Upper chord:
Mmin= -63kNm
Uniform load
Lower chord:
Mmin= -82kNm
Mmax= 47kNm
Upper chord:
Mmin= -51kNm
Mmax= 80kNm
Triangular load
Lower chord:
Mmin= -85kNm
Mmax= 59kNm
H = 1258kN
Uniform load
Vleft = 1009kN
Vright= 1009kN
H = 1230kN
Triangular load
Vleft = 1194kN
Vright= 843kN
Table 3.11 Maximum forces in the chords and in the diagonals in model I2
Uniform load
-1457kN -1457kN
Triangular load
Upper chord:
Mmin= -89kNm
Mmax= 82kNm
Uniform load
Lower chord:
Mmin= -107kNm
Mmax= 65kNm
Upper chord:
Mmin= -64kNm
Triangular load
Lower chord:
-in the diagonals -177 +130 -285 +154 -352 +145
-in the chords -1456 -1480 -1457
-in the upper chord -30 +18 -63 +50 -89 +82
-in the lower chord -30 +15 -82 +47 -107 +65
Total vertical
forces(kN) 1968 2074 2037
Horizontal thrust
Triangular Loading
-in the diagonals -403 +362 -563 +506 -620 +541
-in the chords -1901 +898 -2224 +919 -2228 +875
-in the upper chord -25 +48 -51 +80 -64 +92
-in the lower chord -30 +45 -85 +59 -108 +67
Before comparing the values of stresses, it has to be noticed that the models I1 and I2
are slightly more loaded than the model BC3. This difference happened because of the
discretization of the load over the span.
In the three models, the force path is almost similar. However, the less diagonals
elements there are, the more important are the forces in these members. At the
contrary, the forces in the chords are changing only slightly.
The moment in the elements increases with the length. However, the maximum and
minimum moments are not located in the same element of the chord from one model
to another.
The results correspond to what we could expect: when the number of diagonal
elements is reduced, the forces in the diagonals increase, and the bending moments in
the chords increase too. However, it also shows that the normal forces in the chords
are not very dependent on the number of diagonals.
The results of this comparison are not sufficient to decide which model is the
optimum. The local buckling of the chord and of the diagonal elements has not been
Qd ≈ 2 ⋅ Qsnow . Hence, it has been chosen to check the buckling under forces and
moments equal to two times the values from Table 3.13.
Thus, the local buckling has been checked for a chord section (as shown in Table 3.1)
with a buckling length of 8m. This chord element was subjected to a normal force of
2600kN and a bending moment of 216kNm. This checking has been performed
according to Eurocode 5.
H 40°
Figure 3.40 Geometry of the truss
Table 3.14 Three models used to study the influence of the truss depth
H1 15 diagonals/half- i=7,2m
I2 13 diagonals/half- i= 8m
H2 11 diagonals/half- i=9,6m
H = 1281kN
Uniform load
Vleft = 1004kN
Vright= 1004kN
H = 1216kN
Triangular load
Vleft = 1179kN
Vright= 833kN
Table 3.16 Maximum forces in the chords and in the diagonals in model H1
Uniform load
-1537kN -1537kN
Triangular load
Upper chord:
Bending moment in N.m
Uniform load
Lower chord:
Bending moment in N.m
Upper chord:
Bending moment in N.m
Triangular load
Lower chord:
Bending moment in N.m
H = 1309kN
Uniform load
Triangular loading
H = 1198kN
Table 3.19 Maximum forces in the chords and in the diagonals in model H2
Uniform load
Triangular loading
Upper chord:
Mmin= -105kNm
Mmax= 105kNm
Uniform load
Lower chord:
Mmin= -140kNm
Mmax= 70kNm
Upper chord:
Mmin= -85kNm
Mmax= 120kNm
Triangular load
Lower chord:
Mmin= -125kNm
Mmax= +80kNm
-in the diagonals -278 +133 -352 +145 -396 +176
-in the chords -1537 -1457 -1481
-in the upper chord -71 +52 -89 +82 -105 +105
-in the lower chord -86 +45 -107 +65 -140 +70
-in the diagonals -551 +505 -620 +541 -666 +507
-in the chords -2363 +1077 -2228 +875 -1985 +730
-in the upper chord -54 +80 -64 +92 -85 +120
-in the lower chord -84 +70 -108 +67 -125 +80
Before comparing the models, it has to be noticed that the model I2 is slightly more
loaded than model H1 and model H2.
As it was expected, the normal forces in the chords are reduced when the depth of the
truss increases, but the difference is not so high. At the contrary, the bending moments
in the chords increase since the length of the members is more important. As a result,
the chord is subjected to smaller forces but larger moment. The reduction of the
normal force is not so important and this fact leads to say that it is not relevant to have
a very large depth like model H2. The problem of buckling is still kept in mind to
make this choice. When the members are longer, this risk increases. The
transportation requirements have to be considered as well.
Finally, I2 is chosen as the optimum system and kept for the rest of the thesis. This
choice has been taken together with the experienced supervisor of this project.
As a conclusion of paragraph 3, Figure 3.41 summarizes the process followed to
choose the best trussed arch system.
Model I2 is optimum
Then, considering the wind load dominant, two other cases have to be carried out.
From these load cases, the uplifting of the structure will be checked.
LC 3 : 1,0 ⋅ G + 1,5 ⋅ W1
LC 4 : 1,0 ⋅ G + 1,5 ⋅ W2
Finally, the snow load and the wind load are combined, taking the snow load as the
dominant load:
Thus, the design load will result from those six different cases.
Abutment Abutment
Figure 4.5 Geometry of the trussed arch
26 diagonals are used and the depth of the truss is taken equal to 3,5m. The arches are
spaced by 12m.
4.2.3 Loads
The structure is studied under six different load cases. Each case is carried out in a
file. The self-weight of the structure is modelled in ABAQUS by using the load type:
gravity. The self-weight of the roof is applied on the top chord of the arch as a line
load. The snow load and the wind load are modelled in ABAQUS by means of the
line load type. The wind load is applied perpendicular to the members whereas the
snow load remains vertical.
0,075 m
0,15 m
Figure 4.7 Initial imperfections applied to the model in case of symmetrical loading
0,1 m
4.2.5 FE Analysis
To accomplish an analysis of the structure, including the imperfections, the only way
proposed by ABAQUS is to perform a static “Riks” analysis. This analysis is a load-
displacement analysis, which consists in incrementing the load as well as the
displacements and realising the equilibrium for each increment. Only the results from
the step, where the incremental load factor is equal to one, are used. In this step, the
total load applied on the structure is equal to the design load.
Moreover, this analysis is done taking into account the 2nd order effect of large
displacements. This choice has been done because larger deflections are expected.
- 2nd order effect of large displacements by solving the problem with the
iterative method presented in section 3.4.2
The forces in the structure are completely different from one load case to another. The
location of the maximum forces is also not the same. However, it can be observed that
the maximum compression always appears in the members near the support whereas
the location of the maximum tensile force depends on the load arrangement, see
Figure 4.9. The load case 6 is determinant for the forces in the diagonal members, as it
gives the biggest forces.
LC3, LC4
Figure 4.9 Location of the maximum force in the diagonals depending on the load
The forces in the chords are higher than the forces in the diagonals. The load case 6
gives the maximum compressive force, whereas the maximum tensile force appears in
the load combination LC5.
LC5, LC6
LC3, LC4
Location of the maximum
tensile force
Figure 4.10 Location of the maximum forces in the chord depending on the load case
Maximum Maximum
negative moment positive moment
The distributions of the bending moment are similar to the ones presented in section
3.6.2 depending to which snow load is considered (uniform or triangular shape).
Location of the maximum negative
LC1, LC2, LC5, LC6
Figure 4.11 Location of the maximum moments depending on the load case
The variable action, which is considered for LC1, is the uniform snow load.
Design load:
As the system is symmetrical, it is reasonable to assume that the reaction forces are
equal to half of the load:
Rleft = Rright = = 2463kN
Qd ⋅ l
The horizontal thrust is given by: H = , where f is the height of the arch.
8⋅ f
4926,3 ⋅ 100
H= = 3078kN
8 ⋅ 20
The reaction forces given by ABAQUS are: Rleft=Rright= 2520kN and H=3211kN. The
difference is mainly due to the incremental method used by ABAQUS to perform the
The model is also checked by making the equilibrium in the two first nodes of the
trussed arch.
75,88º FB
188kN 31,86º
HA=3079kN FD 6,5º
FA= 414kN
FA 414kN 378kN 9%
FB 3620kN 3783kN 4%
RA 2463kN 2520kN 2%
HA 3078kN 3211kN 4%
FA 414kN 378kN 9%
FD 206kN 210kN 2%
The error between the hand calculations and ABAQUS results is quite small.
The hand calculations are done with a truss model with concentrated forces applied on
the nodes of the truss. As a result, the bending moments are not taken into account. It
is the main reason of the error.
It is reasonable to assume that the model in ABAQUS is realistic.
The Y-component of the reaction forces is positive (directed upward) in the both
cases, which means that there is no risk of uplift.
With imperfection Difference
Max compressive
-3569kN -3783kN 5%
force in the chord
With imperfection Difference
Max compressive
-4089kN -4168kN 1%
force in the chord
When the imperfections are introduced in the model, the forces and the bending
moments increase. The rise is rather low and stays below 10%.
For the load combination LC1, the imperfections add compression forces in the lower
chord, which cancel the tensile forces.
Figure 5.1 Springing point of arch with flat steel and screws/bolts. Principles.
Carling, Svenskt limträ AB (2001)
For middle span arches, it is of main importance to achieve a system, which behaves
as the intended static system since the forces are important. The more common
solution is a welded support fixture with hinged connection, see Figure 5.2.
Figure 5.2 Welded support fixture with hinged connections. Principles. Carling,
Svenskt limträ AB (2001)
Axial and normal forces from the arch are transferred by contact pressure to the steel
shoe and then through the hinge down to the concrete foundation.
Figure 5.4 Example of connection at the crown in the lower chord, MOELVEN
Steel plates
Figure 5.11 Sketch of a proposed solution for a joint using glued-in rods
The design of this joint should be made so that the failure would occur by yielding of
the rods. In this case, the failure would be ductile and the connection more reliable.
One of the main drawbacks of this joint is the production. The holes in the members
have to be drilled perfectly in order to have a correct joint. This perfect alignment
needs to be performed with special equipment.
This connection can carry very important loads. It has to be designed to have a ductile
failure. The tube joint is often used to achieve moment resisting connections.
In the case of the trussed arch, the use of such a joint implies that the diagonals are
split in 2 parts. This is not favourable for the stability of the members and the risk of
local buckling is more important.
In the case of the trussed arch, the connections should use V-type steel plates as
shown in Figure 5.16.
steel plate
Failure mode 3
Failure mode 1 Failure mode 2
3 plastic hinges in the
failure of timber 1 plastic hinge in the dowel
4⋅M y
F1 = d ⋅ t1 ⋅ f h F2 = d ⋅ f h ⋅ t1 2+ 2
−1 F3 = 4 ⋅ M y ⋅ d ⋅ f h
d ⋅ f h ⋅ t1
4⋅M y
F1 = d ⋅ t1 ⋅ f h F2 = d ⋅ f h ⋅ t1 2+ 2
−1 F3 = 2,3 ⋅ M y ⋅ d ⋅ f h
d ⋅ f h ⋅ t1
It is visible that equation 3 in Eurocode 5 is different from the original model. The
design of the connection is done following Eurocode’s equations.
The failure is brittle when mode 1 appears whereas it is ductile in mode 2 or 3.
Figure 5.18 Multiple shear planes connection, Jorissen (1998) at left, and illustration
of the incompatibility of modes 1 and 2 in the inner parts at right.
A difference has to be done between the outer units (A) and the inner ones (B and C),
since the dimensions t1 and t2 are different (see Figure 5.18 left). Moreover, it is
important to consider the compatibility between the modes, which satisfies the
continuous deformation of the dowel. For instance, mode 1 is not compatible with
mode 2 as shown in the inner parts in Figure 5.18 right. As a result, only mode 1 or
mode 3 can happen.
According to Jorissen (1998), eight failure modes are compatible and have to be
considered for this type of connections. Equations (5.1) to (5.4) represent the load
carrying capacity per shear plane and per dowel for the different modes:
F1 / outer = d ⋅ f h ⋅ t1 (5.1)
F1 / inner = d ⋅ f h ⋅ 1 / 2 ⋅ t 2 (5.2)
4⋅M y
F2 = d ⋅ f h ⋅ t1 ⋅ 2+ −1 (5.3)
d ⋅ f h ⋅ t12
F3 = 2,3 ⋅ M y ⋅ d ⋅ f h (5.4)
The load carrying capacity per steel plate and per dowel will be calculated as a
combination of compatible modes, as described in the Table 5.2.
Table 5.2 Combination of compatible failure modes
Outer units: Fouter= Inner units : Finner=
Lowest value of: Lowest value of:
F1/outer+F1/inner F1/inner+F1/inner
F1/outer+F3 F3+F3
F3 +F1/inner
Table 5.3 Basic failure modes and equations for a multiple shear planes connection
with dowels, Figures from Jorissen (1998)
Finally, the load carrying capacity per dowel of the whole connection is obtained by:
2,3 ⋅ M y ⋅ d ⋅ f h
t 2 _ optimum = (5.6)
0.5 ⋅ d ⋅ f h
In a second time, the thickness t1_optimum of the outer units can be chosen so that the
failure happens at the same time in the inner and the outer units.
When this method is applied to a truss connection, it appears that the optimum
number of steel plates is not the same in the two members connected. Indeed, the
embedding strength of timber changes with the orientation of the force. The
embedding strength of timber in the chord is reduced due to the fact that the resulting
force acting on the steel plate is not parallel to the grain.
Steel plate
ρtimber=400kg/m3 φdowel=12mm
fh,0,k=28,86MPa fu,k=510MPa
Plate thickness=8mm
When designing this connection, the yielding of the steel should be estimated in an
accurate way. The strengths given in Eurocodes are often on the safe side. Then, it
could be wise to decrease this value in order to have a right optimum with the
predicted mode of failure.
It is found that the optimal values are t1= 82mm and t2=78mm. This pair of values
has to be modified to fit in the geometry of the chord. Two solutions are possible:
85 83 70 81
630 630
645 645
In order to decide which solution is better, the load carrying capacity is calculated in
both cases.
F1/outer+F1/inner = F1/outer+F1/inner =
43469N 40179N
F1/outer+F3 = 42138N =29441N F1/outer+F3 = 41446N F1/inner+F1/inner
F1/inner+F2 = 28263N F1/inner+F2 = 25417N
F1/inner+F3 = 28111N F3+F3=26780N F1/inner+F3 = 25513N
F2+F3= 26932N F2+F3= 26684N
F3+F3= 26780N F3+F3= 26780N
The difference in the load carrying capacity is not very important between the two
solutions. Therefore, it seems more economical to make a connection with 6 steel
When 7 plates are used, the mode of failure is 1&2 in the outer part and 1 in the inner
part of the joint. This means that the timber is crushing, which will result in a brittle
When 6 plates are used, the mode of failure is 3 for both inner and outer part of the
connection. This mode corresponds to the yielding of the dowel and will result in a
ductile failure due to the plastic behaviour of steel.
It is much better to have a ductile failure since it will allow a redistribution of loads in
the structure before the collapse.
Finally, the alternative with 6 steel plates is chosen.
Table 5.6 Required number of dowels in the connection between upper chord and
steel plates
FV,ed1 he FV,ed2
Figure 5.23 Risk of splitting in a joint, Eurocode 5
The component Fed ⋅ sin α produces splitting of the beam. It has to be checked that
the depth he is sufficient to avoid splitting. That means that the distance between the
loaded edge and the last fastener is determinant for the splitting.
The resistance is calculated as following:
F90, R ,k = 14 ⋅ b ⋅ w ⋅ with w = dowel type fastener (5.7)
(1 − he / h)
F90, R ,k .k mod
F90, R ,d = (5.8)
FV ,ed 1
The resistance has to be greater than: max
FV ,ed 2
In the case of the trussed arch, the splitting of the chords is checked for all load
combinations. The shear forces in the chords FV,ed1 and FV,ed2 can easily be found in
the results of the Finite Element computation. Table 5.7 shows the maximum shear
forces for the different load cases.
Table 5.8 Maximum shear forces in the chords of the trussed arch
Load FV,ed1 FV,ed2 At node
combination (kN) (kN) See Fig5.22
1 209 145 13 or 19
2 140 188 19
3 38 27 5
4 53 33 3
5 120 160 19
6 130 175 19
he F90, R ,k .0,8
F90, R ,k = 14 ⋅ 645 ⋅ 1 ⋅ and F90, R ,d =
(1 − he / 630) 1,3
he,min = 440mm
Table 5.9 Minimum spacings and distances for dowels in the diagonals αdiag=0,
according to Eurocode 5.
However, the end distance and the edge distance in the steel plate still have to be
In the final design of the connection, the following distance were used:
In the chord, the two components of the resultant force acting on the steel plate in the
chord have to be checked.
Table 5.14 Resistance of the plate in the chord regarding to the vertical component
Thus, the connection fulfils the requirements of Eurocode 3 and 5 and is strong
enough to withstand the forces.
where n is the number of dowels, and (x ,y) the coordinates of the dowels.
Then, the final values of translational and rotational stiffness of the connections are
given by multiplying the Kf and Kθ with the number of plates. In the previous section,
four different connections have been designed with different shapes and different
numbers of dowels see Table 5.10. For each connection, the characteristic values of
the springs are calculated. The calculations for the connection UP1 are presented
below. All the stiffness are given in Table 5.15.
UP1 consists in 21 dowels in the chord and 14 in the diagonals. Knowing that the
diameter of the dowels is 12mm and the density of the Glulam is 400kg/m3, the
stiffness are:
Kser = 2 ⋅ ⋅ ρ 1,5 ⋅ d = 8348N/mm
Ku= ⋅ K ser =5565N/mm
Kf chord per plate= K ser ⋅ nchord =116870N/mm
Kf diag per plate= K ser ⋅ ndiagonal =77913N/mm
k fchord ⋅ k fdiag
K f FINAL PER PLATE = =46748N/mm
k fchord + k fdiag
Ip= ∑ x 2 + y 2 =340000mm2
K θ per plate= K ser ⋅ ∑ x 2 + y 2 =1,89.10+9kN/rad
3 n
Kf (kN/m) Kθ (kN/rad)
UP1 280.10 1,14.10+10
UP2 141.10+3 2,0.10+9
LO1 280.10+3 1,14.10+10
LO2 165.10+3 5,4.10+9
Continuous chord:
beam elements
beam elements
The connections are semi-rigid and have the stiffness calculated in section 5.4.5. The
stiffness is considered to be linear, because no information has been found to estimate
the behaviour of this kind of joint more accurately.
Kf ( kN/m) Kθ (kN/rad)
UP1 280 10+3 1,1 10+10
UP2 141 10+3 2,0 10+9
LO1 280 10+3 1,1 10+10
LO2 165 10+3 5,4 10+9
The model is still not perfect since the diagonals are not prevented from extending
over the chord. To solve this problem, a limit position has been defined in the
ABAQUS model in order to prevent the diagonal to go out of its position. That means
that the translation of the diagonal is possible only when the member is in tension. In
compression, the diagonal can only rotate.
The model is analysed in load cases 1,2,5 and 6 because they are the critical ones in
ultimate limit state.
The forces in the diagonals increase significantly when the stiffness of the
connections is introduced.
The maximum compressive forces are rising in this new model but the tensile forces
are almost not influenced.
LC5, LC6
The magnitude of the bending moments changes radically. The maximum negative
moment is rising up to 55% whereas the positive moment is decreasing.
By these results, it has been demonstrated that the computation of the forces and
moments using a pinned-connected truss is on the unsafe side.
A bending moment is transferred to the diagonal elements by the effect of the
rotational springs. The magnitude of this moment is relatively low (up to 30kNm).
The values are not presented because the effect of this moment is limited.
Table 6.5 Deflection of the trussed arch, comparison between preliminary model and
model with semi rigid connections
Deflection Deflection
preliminary model with semi
model, chapter 3 rigid connections
It appears that the deflection is more important in the model with semi rigid
connections. However, one could expect that the deflection should decrease when the
stiffness of the truss connections increases since the rotational stiffness has a good
effect on the deflection. Hence, it seems reasonable to assert that the deflection
increases because of the reduction of the translational stiffness.
12 B
Figure 6.6 Location of the critical members
Thus, the stresses in the members subjected to combined compression and bending
should verify (6.1) between the nodes.
σ m ,d σ c ,d
+ ≤1 (6.1)
k crit ⋅ f m ,d k c , z ⋅ f c , 0 ,d
At the level of the connection, there is no risk of buckling. In case of compression, the
stresses should then verify (6.2) considering the reduced cross-sectional area.
σ c , 0 ,d σ m , y ,d
+ ≤1 (6.2)
f c , 0 ,d f m , y ,d
σ t , 0 ,d σ m , y ,d
+ ≤1 (6.3)
f t , 0 ,d f m , y ,d
The characteristics of the chord members are presented in the table below:
The checking is presented for member A in this section. The other members are
verified in Appendix D.
These results show that in all the critical load combinations, the stresses in the
member A are acceptable. However, it can be noticed that the cross-section is always
stressed at less than 70% of its capacity.
σ m ,d σ c , 0 ,d
+ ≤1 (6.4)
f m ,d k c , z ⋅ f c , 0 ,d
At the level of the connection, there is no risk of instability. The stresses should verify
(6.5), considering the reduced cross-sectional area.
σ c , 0 ,d σ m , y ,d
+ ≤1 (6.5)
f c , 0 ,d f m , y ,d
In the case of combined tension and bending, the stress should verify (6.6)
considering also the reduced cross-sectional area.
σ t , 0 ,d σ m , y ,d
+ ≤1 (6.6)
f t , 0 ,d f m , y ,d
All the verifications can be found in Appendix D. It appears that there is no instability
problem. However, the cross-section is not used in an efficient way since the stress
never exceeds 60% of the capacity.
Table 6.9 New estimation of the necessary number of dowels between the steel
plates and the diagonal members
The results shown in the tables before confirm that the calculations performed with
the previous model were on the unsafe side. The connections designed before would
not fulfil the Eurocode 5 requirements. As a result, it has been decided to draw new
steel plates.
UP2’ UP2’
UP2’ UP2’
UP2’ UP2’
UP1’ LO2’ LO2’ UP1’
LO2’ LO2’
LO2’ LO2’ UP1’
LO2’ LO2’
UP1’ LO1’ UP1’
LO1’ LO1’
These new steel plates were checked in the same way than in chapter 5, including the
splitting of the chords.
The last model including the stiffness of the joint is used to perform a buckling
analysis. The computation of such an analysis gives eigenvalues, which can help to
determine the load for which the buckling appears. The Figures 6.11 and 6.12 show
the first buckling modes of the trussed arch under load combinations LC1 and LC2.
The eigenvalue of the first mode is always above 4,0, which means that the buckling
should appear when the load is 4 times higher than the one given by the load
combination considered.
These results lead to say that the lower chord is safe regarding lateral buckling. The
structure does not need lateral bracing.
Max compressive
-4892kN -4582kN 6%
Max negative
-253kNm -269kNm 6%
Max positive
+232kNm +201kNm 1%
In the second alternative, the cuts are achieved both in the element and at the node.
The stiffness of the connections set in the middle of a chord element are defined by
the same values of the previous connections since they are also multiple steel plates
Max compressive
-4892kN -4711kN 4%
Max negative
-253kNm -286kNm 4%
Max positive
+232kNm +192.5kNm 4%
Original model
Partitioned model
The comparison of the different boundary conditions led to find the optimum system
regarding the force path, assuming lateral stabilization of the upper chord. The chosen
model consists in setting the abutments’ hinge at the lower chord and the crown’s
hinge in the upper chord (BC3). This model is also advantageous regarding buckling
problem in the lower chord.
Then, the number of diagonal elements was chosen regarding to local buckling
problem. The more diagonals there were, the less risk of buckling there was.
However, the issue also had to be considered from an economical point of view.
Therefore, the solution should be a compromise between all these considerations.
Hence, our recommendation is to take an angle of 40° between the chord and the
diagonal bars. This value is confirmed by several previous constructions.
The choice of the depth of the trussed arch was mainly done regarding to buckling
problems in the diagonal members. Transportation issues also had to be considered.
Hence, it is reasonable to select a depth of 3,5m
Figure 7.1 Optimum static system
Furthermore, several types of joints were assessed for the hinges and the truss
connections. Particular attention was paid on the truss connections. For long span
trussed arch, multiple steel plates connection is nowadays the only valuable joining
system. A preliminary design of this connection had to be accomplished in the early
stage because it often determines the minimum size of the cross-sections. The
connections were calculated so that their failure was ductile. Therefore, it resulted that
6 steel plates were suitable. Around 25 dowels were necessary to fasten the steel
plates in the chord and 15 dowels in the diagonals.
Thereafter, the joints’ stiffness were estimated. The connections were modelled with
translationnal and rotational springs, with a stiffness depending on the number of
dowels. A complex FE model of the trussed arch including these stiffness was created
and worked out in ABAQUS. The results of this analysis showed significant changes
in the magnitude of the forces. Thus, it comes out that the design of the structure
assuming pinned connection is not on the safe side. However, as it is time consuming
to create a complex model, it can be suggested to increase the previous number of
dowels by 20%.
The cross-sections of the diagonals (230×645mm2) and of the chord (630×645mm2)
were checked according to the Eurocode 5. All the requirements regarding splitting
and buckling problems were fulfilled. It can be noticed that the cross-sections capacity
is not used more than 70%. Nevertheless, the optimisation is quite hard to achieve
since the connections determine the minimum size.
The risk of buckling in the lower chord was evaluated from a buckling analysis of the
structure. The computed critical load was very high. This result confirms that the
selected model doesn’t require special lateral bracing units on the lower chord.
Finally, the partitioning of the arch for the transportation between the manufacture
and the construction site was also approached. It appears that the cuts at the level of
the nodes are more appropriate. Furthermore, this solution is more economical since it
doesn’t require extra steel plates.
Jorissen A. J. M. (1998): Double shear timber connections with dowel type fasteners.
Delft University Press, Delft.
Kinney J. S. (1957): Indeterminate structural analysis, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, Reading, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Madsen B. (2000): Behaviour of timber connections. Timber Engineering Ltd.,
Natterer J., Sandoz J.-L., Rey M., Fiaux M. (2000): Construction en bois : matériau,
technologie et dimensionnement Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes,
Other literature:
Johansson H. (2001): Systematic design of glulam trusses, Licentiate thesis, Luleå
University of Technology.
Thelandersson S., Larsen H. J. (2003): Timber engineering, Wiley, Chichester.
G chord = ρ GL 32 C ⋅ g ⋅ V chord
V chord = 2 ⋅ (R ext ⋅α ⋅ 0 , 63 ⋅ 0 , 645 + R int α ⋅ 0 , 63 ⋅ 0 , 645 )
V chord = 2 ⋅ 0 , 63 ⋅ 0 , 645 ⋅ ⋅ 36 , 52 ⋅ (84 + 87 , 5 ) = 88 ,83 m 3
G chord = ρ GL 32 C ⋅ g ⋅ V chord = 400 ⋅ 9 ,81 ⋅ 88 ,83 = 348 , 56 kN
G diagonal = ρ GL 32 C ⋅ g ⋅ V diag
V diag = 26 ⋅ 0 , 645 ⋅ 0 , 270 ⋅ 5 , 47 = 24 ,8 m 3
G diagonal = ρ GL 32 C ⋅ g ⋅ V diag = 400 ⋅ 9 ,81 ⋅ 24 ,8 = 97 , 31 kN
The variable action, which is considered for LC1, is the uniform snow load.
Load combination:
As the system is symmetrical, it is reasonable to assume that the reaction forces are
equal to half of the loading:
Rleft = Rright = = 2463kN
Q ⋅l
The horizontal thrust at the abutments is given by: H = d ,
8⋅ f
where f is the high of the arch.
Equilibrium at node 1:
Horizontal equilibrium:
FA ⋅ cos(75,88) + FB ⋅ cos(34,7 ) = 3079
FA Vertical equilibrium:
75,88 FB FA ⋅ sin (75,88) + FB ⋅ sin (34,7 ) = 2463
34,7 FA=414kN
FB= 3620kN
The second node is also checked.
In order to perform the equilibrium, an external force due to the snow load and the
self-weight of both the roof and the members of the upper chord is applied on the
node. It is assumed to be equal to:
Qd = 1,35 ⋅ (ρ gl 32 c ⋅ g ⋅ S chord + 0,8 ⋅ 12) + 1,5 ⋅ q snow = 1,35 ⋅ (0,4 ⋅ 9,81 ⋅ 0,63 ⋅ 0,645 + 0,8 ⋅ 12 ) + 1,5 ⋅ 19,2
Qd = 43,7kN / m
l 8,58
Fd = Qd ⋅ member = 43,7 ⋅ = 188kN
2 2
Horizontal equilibrium:
Fc ⋅ cos(31,86 ) = FD ⋅ cos(6,5) + 414 ⋅ sin (14,12 )
FC Vertical equilibrium:
FC ⋅ sin (31,86) + FD ⋅ sin (6,5) + 188 = 414 ⋅ cos(14,12)
6,5 FC=360kN
FD FD= 206kN
FA= 414kN
Abaqus MAX MAX
Element nb of
(MPa) (kN) required
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
To simplify the calculation, the value of f α,h is calculated in each case. The minimum
of all the values is used to calculate the load capacity per dowel ( f α,h,d= 25,75MPa ).
magnitude (kN)
case of dowels
left right X Y Magnitude (MPa)
α (deg)
diagonal member (kN) (kN) (kN)
1 -1025 935 6 -1475 -356 1517 13,6 27,82 16,3
2 -1260 985 6 -1689 -464 1752 15,4 27,55 18,9
3 -1009 693 2 -1281 -387 1338 16,8 27,31 14,4
4 -636 364 1 -753 -256 795 18,8 26,96 8,6
5 -480 275 1 -568 -193 600 18,8 26,97 6,5
5 146 -306 5 340 23 341 3,8 28,78 3,7
6 501 -409 5 685 181 709 14,8 27,63 7,6
7 211 -377 1 443 43 445 5,5 28,68 4,8
8 338 -810 1 864 36 865 2,4 28,83 9,3
9 389 -709 1 826 77 830 5,3 28,70 8,9
10 364 -636 1 753 77 757 5,8 28,66 8,1
11 275 -480 1 568 58 571 5,8 28,66 6,1
12 131 -308 1 330 14 330 2,5 28,83 3,6
12 338 -269 6 457 124 473 15,2 27,58 5,1
Forces in the
diagonals Resulting force (chords to the
f α,h
Load steel plate) required nb
magnitude (kN)
case of dowels
left right X Y Magnitude (MPa)
α (deg)
diagonal member (kN) (kN) (kN)
13 935 -1260 6 -1721 202 1733 6,7 28,60 18,6
14 985 -984 6 -1543 -1 1543 0,0 28,86 16,6
14 934 -1009 2 -1524 47 1525 1,7 28,85 16,4
15 693 -591 2 -1007 -63 1009 3,6 28,79 10,9
15 389 -636 1 -804 154 818 10,8 28,19 8,8
16 364 -480 1 -662 72 666 6,2 28,64 7,2
17 -306 501 5 632 -121 644 10,8 28,19 6,9
18 -409 482 5 699 -45 700 3,7 28,78 7,5
18 482 -409 6 -699 -45 701 3,7 28,78 7,5
19 -810 211 1 800 372 882 24,9 25,75 9,5
20 -709 338 1 821 230 853 15,7 27,50 9,2
21 -636 389 1 804 154 818 10,8 28,19 8,8
22 -480 364 1 662 72 666 6,2 28,64 7,2
23 -308 275 1 457 21 458 2,6 28,82 4,9
f u . d 0 .t
Fb , Rd = 2,5.α . ≥ Fb
Fb = = 90kN / dowel
e p 1 34,85 100 1
α = min 1 ; 1 − ;1 = min ; − ;1 = min{0,89;2,31;1} = 0,89
3.d 0 3.d 0 4 39 3.13 4
Fb , Rd = 2,5.0,89. = 94.79kN / dowel ≥ Fb
Anet = 10272mm 2
f u . Anet
Ft , Rd = 0,9 ≥ Ft
Ft = 934kN
Ft , Rd = 0,9. = 3771kN ≥ Ft
f y. A
Ft ,Rd = ≥ Ft
Ft = = 164kN / plate
Ft ,Rd = = 614kN / plate ≥ Ft
The two components of the resultant force acting on the steel plate in the chord have
to be checked.
Bearing resistance
f u . d 0 .t
Fb , Rd = 2,5.α . ≥ Fb
Fb = = 70kN / dowel
e p 1 50 100 1
α = min 1 ; 1 − ;1 = min ; − ;1 = min{1,28;2,31;1} = 0,89
3.d 0 3.d 0 4 39 3.13 4
Fb , Rd = 2,5.1. = 106kN / dowel ≥ Fb
Anet = 18254mm 2
f u . Anet
Ft , Rd = 0,9 ≥ Ft
Ft = 1474kN
Ft , Rd = 0,9. = 6702kN ≥ Ft
f y. A
Ft , Rd = ≥ Ft
Ft = = 245kN / plate
Ft , Rd = = 1105kN / plate ≥ Ft
Bearing resistance
f u .d 0 .t
Fb , Rd = 2,5.α . ≥ Fb
Fb = = 22kN / dowel
e p 1 50 100 1
α = min 1 ; 1 − ;1 = min ; − ;1 = min{1,28;2,31;1} = 0,89
3.d 0 3.d 0 4 39 3.13 4
Fb , Rd = 2,5.1. = 106 kN / dowel ≥ Fb
Anet = 16896mm 2
f u . Anet
Ft , Rd = 0,9 ≥ Ft
Ft = 464kN
Ft , Rd = 0,9. = 6204,2kN ≥ Ft
12 B
Table D-1 Verification of the chord members in the mid-span
Compressive Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
Stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
Tensile Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
Compressive Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
Compressive Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
Table D-2 Verification of the chord member at the level of the connection
Compressive Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
Tensile Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
Compressive Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
Compressive Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
Compressive Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
Tensile Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
MPa Pa
Tensile Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
Compressive Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
Tensile Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
MPa Pa
Tensile Bending
Max force Max moment Combined
stresses in stresses in
in N in N.m stress
MPa Pa