Log File

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--------- beginning of main

10-28 15:44:24.168 31246 31246 W zygote : Using default instruction set features
for ARM CPU variant (cortex-a9) using conservative defaults
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: Failed to create or open log
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /storage/emulated/0/Documents/Vuforia
View/logfile.txt (No such file or directory)
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
java.io.FileOutputStream.open0(Native Method)
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0)
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 E TGX_LogConfigurator: at
10-28 15:44:24.266 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: Overall log level set to 4
10-28 15:44:24.322 31246 31246 D libcrashlytics: Initializing libcrashlytics
version 2.0.5
10-28 15:44:24.322 31246 31246 D libcrashlytics: Initializing native crash handling
10-28 15:44:24.327 31246 31246 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
10-28 15:44:24.335 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: Android Build: 47.1.A.16.20
10-28 15:44:24.335 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: HW Manufacturer: Sony
10-28 15:44:24.335 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: HW Model: G8341
10-28 15:44:24.335 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: Supported ABIs: [arm64-v8a,
armeabi-v7a, armeabi]
10-28 15:44:24.335 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: Build Type: release
10-28 15:44:24.335 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: Build Flavor: genuine
10-28 15:44:24.335 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: OpenGL ES Version: 3.2
10-28 15:44:24.336 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: Locales: [es_AR]
10-28 15:44:24.337 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: Android Version: 8.0.0
10-28 15:44:24.337 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: Application Version:
10-28 15:44:24.374 31246 31279 I System.out: Native library libVuforia.so loaded
10-28 15:44:24.375 31246 31279 I TGX_Application: Vuforia SDK: 7.5.25
10-28 15:44:24.378 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: Renderer Type: ThingView (new)
10-28 15:44:24.378 31246 31246 I TGX_Application: Feature Flags: []
10-28 15:44:24.396 31246 31279 I System : Loaded time zone names for "en" in 20ms
(19ms in ICU)
10-28 15:44:24.637 31246 31246 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:12040): avc:
denied { search } for name="proc" dev="debugfs" ino=18286
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:qti_debugfs:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0 ppid=763 pcomm="main" pgid=31246 pgcomm="ptc.vuforiaview"
10-28 15:44:24.396 31246 31279 I TGX_Application: TimeZone:
America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires (Argentina Standard Time, offset: -3)
10-28 15:44:24.419 31246 31283 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
10-28 15:44:24.427 31246 31285 I TGXLibLoader: Library libVuforia.so loaded.
10-28 15:44:24.432 31246 31286 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline
10-28 15:44:24.450 31246 31286 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build :
3953ab1, Ib515ec08c2
10-28 15:44:24.450 31246 31286 I Adreno : Build Date :
10-28 15:44:24.450 31246 31286 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
10-28 15:44:24.450 31246 31286 I Adreno : Local Branch :
10-28 15:44:24.450 31246 31286 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
10-28 15:44:24.450 31246 31286 I Adreno : Remote Branch : NONE
10-28 15:44:24.450 31246 31286 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch :
10-28 15:44:24.640 31246 31285 I TGXLibLoader: Library libTGXEngine.so loaded.
10-28 15:44:24.644 31246 31286 I Adreno : PFP: 0x005ff087, ME: 0x005ff063
10-28 15:44:24.646 31246 31286 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
10-28 15:44:24.646 31246 31286 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
10-28 15:44:30.242 31246 31246 I CordovaLog: Changing log level to DEBUG(3)
10-28 15:44:30.242 31246 31246 I CordovaActivity: Apache Cordova native platform
version 7.1.1 is starting
10-28 15:44:30.242 31246 31246 D CordovaActivity: CordovaActivity.onCreate()
10-28 15:44:30.255 31246 31246 I WebViewFactory: Loading com.android.chrome version
70.0.3538.64 (code 353806452)
10-28 15:44:30.278 31246 31328 I AR : Vuforia selected rendering API OpenGL ES
10-28 15:44:30.278 31246 31328 I AR : Vuforia SDK version 7.5.25
10-28 15:44:30.287 31246 31246 I chatty : uid=10263(u0_a263) com.ptc.vuforiaview
expire 1 line
10-28 15:44:30.287 31246 31246 W pool-9-thread-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:12044): avc:
denied { read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532140
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=763 pcomm="main" pgid=31246 pgcomm="ptc.vuforiaview"
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed
class java.lang.Class<uO>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:417)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at
android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider()
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at
android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory()
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.ensureProviderCreated() (WebView.java:2462)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.setOverScrollMode(int) (WebView.java:2527)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context) (View.java:4536)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int,
int) (View.java:4668)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.ViewGroup.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int, int) (ViewGroup.java:597)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (AbsoluteLayout.java:55)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:636)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int, int) (WebView.java:581)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int) (WebView.java:564)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at
org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:80)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at
org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView
org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
Bundle) (TGXCordovaPluginActivity.java:139)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"android.webkit.TracingController" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
.chrome-YfJPxgeF44Gay3RWR6mdtA==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.android.chrome-
YfJPxgeF44Gay3RWR6mdtA==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:417)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at
android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider()
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at
android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory()
10-28 15:44:30.427 31246 31246 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:12045): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=763 pcomm="main" pgid=763 pgcomm="main"
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.ensureProviderCreated() (WebView.java:2462)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.setOverScrollMode(int) (WebView.java:2527)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context) (View.java:4536)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int,
int) (View.java:4668)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.ViewGroup.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int, int) (ViewGroup.java:597)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (AbsoluteLayout.java:55)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:636)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int, int) (WebView.java:581)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int) (WebView.java:564)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-28 15:44:30.427 31246 31246 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:12045): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=763 pcomm="main" pgid=763 pgcomm="main"
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at
org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:80)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at
org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView
org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
Bundle) (TGXCordovaPluginActivity.java:139)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-28 15:44:30.427 31246 31246 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:12045): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=763 pcomm="main" pgid=763 pgcomm="main"
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-28 15:44:30.427 31246 31246 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:12045): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=763 pcomm="main" pgid=763 pgcomm="main"
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-28 15:44:30.345 31246 31246 I zygote :
10-28 15:44:30.357 31246 31246 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 3
ms (timestamps 7325-7328)
10-28 15:44:30.427 31246 31246 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:12045): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=763 pcomm="main" pgid=763 pgcomm="main"
10-28 15:44:30.506 31246 31246 D SystemWebViewEngine: CordovaWebView is running on
device made by: Sony
10-28 15:44:30.510 31246 31246 D PluginManager: init()
10-28 15:44:30.544 31246 31246 I TGX : TGXCordovaPluginActivity: User-Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; G8341 Build/47.1.A.16.20; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36
(KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/70.0.3538.64 Mobile Safari/537.36
10-28 15:44:30.557 31246 31246 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful;
frameCount 960 -> 960
10-28 15:44:30.557 31246 31246 D AudioTrack: Client defaulted notificationFrames to
192 for frameCount 960
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed
er>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) (ViewCompat.java:2341)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (AppBarLayout.java:190)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:647)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:730)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:824)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.ViewGroup, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:515)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(int) (PhoneWindow.java:418)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.setContentView(int) (Activity.java:2654)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"android.view.View$OnUnhandledKeyEventListener" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
oriaview-nHaqkCRl4kldeEwaFe5Law==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.ptc.vuforiaview-
nHaqkCRl4kldeEwaFe5Law==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) (ViewCompat.java:2341)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (AppBarLayout.java:190)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:647)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:730)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:824)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.ViewGroup, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:515)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(int) (PhoneWindow.java:418)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.setContentView(int) (Activity.java:2654)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-28 15:44:30.564 31246 31246 I zygote :
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed
er>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) (ViewCompat.java:2341)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (AppBarLayout.java:190)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:647)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:730)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:824)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.ViewGroup, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:515)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(int) (PhoneWindow.java:418)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.setContentView(int) (Activity.java:2654)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"android.view.View$OnUnhandledKeyEventListener" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
oriaview-nHaqkCRl4kldeEwaFe5Law==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.ptc.vuforiaview-
nHaqkCRl4kldeEwaFe5Law==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) (ViewCompat.java:2341)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (AppBarLayout.java:190)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:647)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:730)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:824)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.ViewGroup, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:515)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(int) (PhoneWindow.java:418)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.setContentView(int) (Activity.java:2654)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote :
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed
er>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) (ViewCompat.java:2341)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (AppBarLayout.java:190)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:647)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:730)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:824)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.ViewGroup, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:515)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(int) (PhoneWindow.java:418)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.setContentView(int) (Activity.java:2654)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"android.view.View$OnUnhandledKeyEventListener" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
oriaview-nHaqkCRl4kldeEwaFe5Law==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.ptc.vuforiaview-
nHaqkCRl4kldeEwaFe5Law==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) (ViewCompat.java:2341)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (AppBarLayout.java:190)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:647)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:730)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:824)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.ViewGroup, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:515)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(int) (PhoneWindow.java:418)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.setContentView(int) (Activity.java:2654)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-28 15:44:30.565 31246 31246 I zygote :
10-28 15:44:39.652 31246 31253 I zygote :
8,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3
10-28 15:44:39.652 31246 31253 I zygote :
10-28 15:44:39.822 31246 31253 I zygote : Wrote mini stack traces to
10-28 15:44:39.827 31246 31253 I zygote : Wrote stack traces to
10-28 15:44:40.307 31246 31246 W pool-9-thread-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:12052): avc:
denied { read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532140
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=763 pcomm="main" pgid=31246 pgcomm="ptc.vuforiaview"
10-28 15:44:40.317 31246 31328 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
10-28 15:44:40.492 31246 31328 E AR : SmartTerrain cannot be initialized when
Vuforia Fusion uses the vision-only provider
10-28 15:44:40.492 31246 31328 I TGX : TGXCordovaPluginActivity: Failed to
initialize Smart Terrain
10-28 15:44:40.511 31246 31246 D CordovaActivity: Started the activity.
10-28 15:44:40.512 31246 31246 D CordovaActivity: Resumed the activity.
10-28 15:44:40.512 31246 31430 I TGXIdentityRequestTask: TGXIdentityRequestTask
starting on thread 503 (ExperienceListLoader-1) for
key=urn:vuforia:vumark:2:0&resourcetype=Experience&wNdp=360 ...
10-28 15:44:40.531 31246 31364 W cr_media: Requires BLUETOOTH permission
10-28 15:44:40.560 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:40.574 31246 31435 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433
for video/avc
10-28 15:44:40.574 31246 31435 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434
for video/avc
10-28 15:44:40.578 31246 31435 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433
for video/avc
10-28 15:44:40.578 31246 31435 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434
for video/avc
10-28 15:44:40.579 31246 31435 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433
for video/avc
10-28 15:44:40.579 31246 31435 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434
for video/avc
10-28 15:44:40.586 31246 31435 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mp4v-
10-28 15:44:40.588 31246 31435 W Utils : could not parse long range '259-258'
10-28 15:44:40.593 31246 31435 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for
10-28 15:44:40.907 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "i18next: languageChanged",
source: file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/lib/i18next/i18next.js (108)
10-28 15:44:40.907 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(108)] "i18next:
languageChanged", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/lib/i18next/i18next.js (108)
10-28 15:44:40.907 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "i18next: initialized", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/lib/i18next/i18next.js (108)
10-28 15:44:40.907 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(108)] "i18next:
initialized", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/lib/i18next/i18next.js (108)
10-28 15:44:40.907 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Localization loaded", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/index.html (46)
10-28 15:44:40.907 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(46)] "Localization
loaded", source: file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/index.html (46)
10-28 15:44:41.148 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:44:41.150 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:41.176 31246 31246 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to
10-28 15:44:41.180 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Could not find cordova.js script
tag. Plugin loading may fail.", source: (1)
10-28 15:44:41.180 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Could not find
cordova.js script tag. Plugin loading may fail.", source: (1)
10-28 15:44:41.189 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "onDeviceReady() fired.", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/index.html (63)
10-28 15:44:41.189 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(63)] "onDeviceReady()
fired.", source: file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/index.html (63)
10-28 15:44:41.225 31246 31456 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior
will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired!
10-28 15:44:41.254 31246 31246 I TGXThreadChecker: MAIN_UI_THREAD is 31246 (main)
10-28 15:44:41.254 31246 31456 I TGXThreadChecker: CORDOVA_THREAD is 31456
10-28 15:44:44.946 31246 31430 I TGXIdentityRequestTask: TGXIdentityRequestTask
10-28 15:44:44.947 31246 31291 W OkHttpClient: A connection to
https://licensemanager.prod.vuforia.com/ was leaked. Did you forget to close a
response body?
10-28 15:44:45.025 31246 31246 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.
maxLines:3 lineCount:3
10-28 15:44:45.025 31246 31246 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.
maxLines:3 lineCount:3
10-28 15:44:46.847 31246 31252 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection,
code=30KB, data=30KB
10-28 15:44:46.848 31246 31252 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=28KB,
10-28 15:44:46.848 31246 31252 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
10-28 15:44:46.974 31246 31252 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection,
code=54KB, data=51KB
10-28 15:44:46.975 31246 31252 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=54KB,
10-28 15:44:46.975 31246 31252 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
10-28 15:44:47.542 31246 31252 I zygote : Do full code cache collection,
code=120KB, data=97KB
10-28 15:44:47.543 31246 31252 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=107KB,
10-28 15:44:50.491 31246 31246 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to null
10-28 15:44:50.492 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:50.492 31246 31246 D JsMessageQueue: Dropping Native->JS message due to
disabled bridge
10-28 15:44:50.493 31246 31246 I chatty : uid=10263(u0_a263) com.ptc.vuforiaview
identical 1 line
10-28 15:44:50.493 31246 31246 D JsMessageQueue: Dropping Native->JS message due to
disabled bridge
10-28 15:44:50.496 31246 31457 E TGXVuforiaPlugin: Wait for plugin engine
initialization was interrupted
10-28 15:44:50.496 31246 31457 E TGXVuforiaPlugin: java.lang.InterruptedException
10-28 15:44:50.496 31246 31457 E TGXVuforiaPlugin: at
java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
10-28 15:44:50.496 31246 31457 E TGXVuforiaPlugin: at
10-28 15:44:50.496 31246 31457 E TGXVuforiaPlugin: at
10-28 15:44:50.496 31246 31457 E TGXVuforiaPlugin: at
4JCaNdXzFWg3sNYgKcHBCEyoJI(Unknown Source:0)
10-28 15:44:50.496 31246 31457 E TGXVuforiaPlugin: at
4JCaNdXzFWg3sNYgKcHBCEyoJI.run(Unknown Source:2)
10-28 15:44:50.496 31246 31457 E TGXVuforiaPlugin: at
10-28 15:44:50.496 31246 31457 E TGXVuforiaPlugin: at
10-28 15:44:50.496 31246 31457 E TGXVuforiaPlugin: at
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL context major version = 1
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL context minor version = 4
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GLES context major version = 3
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GLES context minor version = 0
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_EXTENSIONS:
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_ANDROID_presentation_time
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_swap_buffers_with_damage
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_ANDROID_get_frame_timestamps
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_image
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_image_base
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_lock_surface
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_gl_texture_3D_image
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_reusable_sync
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_fence_sync
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_create_context
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_wait_sync
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_ANDROID_recordable
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_partial_update
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_create_context_no_error
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_mutable_render_buffer
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_EXT_yuv_surface
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_EXT_protected_content
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_IMG_context_priority
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_KHR_no_config_context
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_CONFIG_ID = 10
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_BUFFER_SIZE = 32
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_DEPTH_SIZE = 16
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS = 0
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_SAMPLES = 0
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_STENCIL_SIZE = 0
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_CONFORMANT = 0x45 =
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: EGL_SURFACE_TYPE = 0x15a5 =
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_VENDOR = 'Qualcomm'
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_RENDERER = 'Adreno (TM) 540'
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_VERSION = 'OpenGL ES 3.2 V@251.0
(GIT@3953ab1, Ib515ec08c2) (Date:09/27/17)'
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = 'OpenGL
ES GLSL ES 3.20'
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXTENSIONS:
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_EGL_image
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_EGL_image_external
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_EGL_sync
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_vertex_half_float
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_framebuffer_object
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_texture_compression_astc
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_texture_npot
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_texture_3D
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_color_buffer_float
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_QCOM_alpha_test
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_depth24
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_depth_texture
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_sRGB
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_texture_float
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_texture_float_linear
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_texture_half_float
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_element_index_uint
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_copy_image
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_geometry_shader
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_tessellation_shader
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_texture_stencil8
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_shader_image_atomic
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_sample_variables
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_gpu_shader5
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_robustness
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_texture_buffer
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_sample_shading
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_get_program_binary
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_debug_label
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_standard_derivatives
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_vertex_array_object
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_KHR_debug
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_YUV_target
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_texture_norm16
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_surfaceless_context
10-28 15:44:50.553 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OVR_multiview
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OVR_multiview2
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_KHR_no_error
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_debug_marker
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_buffer_storage
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_external_buffer
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_blit_framebuffer_params
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_protected_textures
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_QCOM_framebuffer_foveated
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_EXT_EGL_image_array
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace:
10-28 15:44:50.554 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS = 32
10-28 15:44:51.127 31246 31246 E AR : CameraDevice::getCameraCalibration():
Failed to get camera calibration because the camera is not initialized.
10-28 15:44:51.128 31246 31458 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:44:51.129 31246 31458 E AR : Cannot create AR RenderingPrimitives
before Camera is initialized
10-28 15:44:51.129 31246 31458 E AR : Cannot create AR RenderingPrimitives
before Camera is initialized
10-28 15:44:51.129 31246 31458 E AR : You must successfully set a mode with
Device.setMode before retrieving RenderingPrimitives
10-28 15:44:51.168 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "i18next: languageChanged",
source: file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/lib/i18next/i18next.js (108)
10-28 15:44:51.169 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(108)] "i18next:
languageChanged", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/lib/i18next/i18next.js (108)
10-28 15:44:51.169 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "i18next: initialized", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/lib/i18next/i18next.js (108)
10-28 15:44:51.169 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(108)] "i18next:
initialized", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/lib/i18next/i18next.js (108)
10-28 15:44:51.169 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Localization loaded", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/index.html (46)
10-28 15:44:51.169 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(46)] "Localization
loaded", source: file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/index.html (46)
10-28 15:44:51.169 31246 31246 I Choreographer: Skipped 38 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
10-28 15:44:51.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:44:51.182 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:44:51.220 31246 31246 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to
10-28 15:44:51.223 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Could not find cordova.js script
tag. Plugin loading may fail.", source: (1)
10-28 15:44:51.223 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Could not find
cordova.js script tag. Plugin loading may fail.", source: (1)
10-28 15:44:51.237 31246 31456 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior
will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired!
10-28 15:44:51.257 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "onDeviceReady() fired.", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/index.html (63)
10-28 15:44:51.257 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(63)] "onDeviceReady()
fired.", source: file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/index.html (63)
10-28 15:44:51.260 31246 31246 W TGX-JS-Console: "TML layer asked to emit an event
with no name!", source: file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/tml/vuforia-
angular.js (288)
10-28 15:44:51.260 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(288)] "TML layer asked to
emit an event with no name!", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/tml/vuforia-angular.js (288)
10-28 15:44:51.300 31246 31551 E AR : SmartTerrain cannot be initialized when
Vuforia Fusion uses the vision-only provider
10-28 15:44:51.300 31246 31551 E TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/shared/TGXARManagement/TrackerDataManager.cpp:106 |init
] Failed to initialize spatial trackers.
10-28 15:44:51.300 31246 31551 I TGXInitHandler: Vuforia initialization successful.
10-28 15:44:51.300 31246 31551 E AR : CameraDevice::getCameraCalibration():
Failed to get camera calibration because the camera is not initialized.
10-28 15:44:51.307 31246 31551 I AR : ObjectTracker: Successfully created
10-28 15:44:51.348 31246 31246 I TGX : TGXTrackerDataLoadHandler: Vuforia
tracker loading succeeded
10-28 15:44:51.367 31246 31246 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:44:51.367 31246 31553 E AR : CameraDevice::getCameraCalibration():
Failed to get camera calibration because the camera is not initialized.
10-28 15:44:51.373 31246 31246 E libc : Access denied finding property
10-28 15:44:51.797 31246 31246 I AR : Starting camera with profile for
default, 0
10-28 15:44:52.600 31246 31246 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:44:52.924 31246 31246 I zygote : Deoptimizing int
android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat.getLayoutDirection(android.view.View) due to JIT
inline cache
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: Unable to load bitmap from URL:
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: java.io.InterruptedIOException: Thread
interrupted while waiting for HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() result
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: Caused by:
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:44:54.261 31246 31501 E TGXUtils: ... 10 more
10-28 15:44:54.268 31246 31252 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection,
code=122KB, data=87KB
10-28 15:44:54.269 31246 31252 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=109KB,
10-28 15:44:54.269 31246 31252 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 512KB
10-28 15:44:54.273 31246 31252 I zygote : Method exceeds compiler instruction
limit: 25337 in void org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.HTMLSchema.<init>()
10-28 15:44:56.773 31246 31291 W OkHttpClient: A connection to
https://dp.qcarsdk.com/ was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body?
10-28 15:45:01.018 31246 31291 W OkHttpClient: A connection to
https://gallery.vuforia.io/ was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body?
10-28 15:45:01.018 31246 31291 W OkHttpClient: A connection to
https://usageservice.prod.vuforia.com/ was leaked. Did you forget to close a
response body?
10-28 15:45:03.469 31246 31246 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to null
10-28 15:45:03.469 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:03.475 31246 31764 I TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/shared/TGXARManagement/TrackerDataManager.cpp:146 |resetTrackerData
] Successfully destroyed object tracker data sets.
10-28 15:45:03.475 31246 31764 D JsMessageQueue: Dropping Native->JS message due to
disabled bridge
10-28 15:45:03.480 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: JH: Window_Android - SetnativeWindwo
10-28 15:45:03.480 31246 31246 E AR : VideoBackgroundConfig with screen size
of zero received, skipping config step
10-28 15:45:03.480 31246 31246 E AR : VideoBackgroundConfig with screen size
of zero received, skipping config step
10-28 15:45:03.481 31246 31246 E AR : CameraDevice::getCameraCalibration():
Failed to get camera calibration because the camera is not initialized.
10-28 15:45:03.481 31246 31458 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:45:03.512 31246 31246 E AR : VideoBackgroundConfig with screen size
of zero received, skipping config step
10-28 15:45:03.513 31246 31246 E AR : CameraDevice::getCameraCalibration():
Failed to get camera calibration because the camera is not initialized.
10-28 15:45:09.785 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 404, ,
10-28 15:45:17.754 31246 31246 D CordovaActivity: Paused the activity.
10-28 15:45:17.755 31246 31246 D JsMessageQueue: Dropping Native->JS message due to
disabled bridge
10-28 15:45:19.136 31246 31246 D CordovaActivity: Stopped the activity.
10-28 15:45:19.452 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 404, ,
10-28 15:45:19.465 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:45:19.472 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:45:19.994 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:20.048 31246 31246 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to
10-28 15:45:21.080 31246 31246 E TGX-JS-Console: "Uncaught Error: cordova already
defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/?thing=%7B%7Bthingworx:thing%7D%7D&vumark=2%3A0 (1)
10-28 15:45:21.081 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught Error:
cordova already defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/?thing=%7B%7Bthingworx:thing%7D%7D&vumark=2%3A0 (1)
10-28 15:45:21.085 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Could not find cordova.js script
tag. Plugin loading may fail.", source: (1)
10-28 15:45:21.086 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Could not find
cordova.js script tag. Plugin loading may fail.", source: (1)
10-28 15:45:21.270 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 403, , https://gallery.vuforia.io/favicon.ico
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:45:22.179 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.184 31246 31456 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior
will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired!
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:45:22.232 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:45:23.136 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 403, , https://gallery.vuforia.io/favicon.ico
10-28 15:45:23.193 31246 31979 E AR : SmartTerrain cannot be initialized when
Vuforia Fusion uses the vision-only provider
10-28 15:45:23.194 31246 31979 E TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/shared/TGXARManagement/TrackerDataManager.cpp:106 |init
] Failed to initialize spatial trackers.
10-28 15:45:23.207 31246 31246 W VuforiaPluginCm: type=1400 audit(0.0:12078): avc:
denied { read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532140
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=763 pcomm="main" pgid=31246 pgcomm="ptc.vuforiaview"
10-28 15:45:23.236 31246 31979 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:45:23.242 31246 31979 E libc : Access denied finding property
10-28 15:45:23.281 31246 31246 E TGX-JS-Console: "Uncaught Error: cordova already
defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Home?thing=%7B%7Bthingworx:thing%7D%7D&vumark=2:0 (1)
10-28 15:45:23.282 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught Error:
cordova already defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Home?thing=%7B%7Bthingworx:thing%7D%7D&vumark=2:0 (1)
10-28 15:45:23.282 31246 31246 E TGX-JS-Console: "Uncaught Error: cordova already
defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Home?thing=%7B%7Bthingworx:thing%7D%7D&vumark=2:0 (1)
10-28 15:45:23.282 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught Error:
cordova already defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Home?thing=%7B%7Bthingworx:thing%7D%7D&vumark=2:0 (1)
10-28 15:45:23.289 31246 31246 W TGX-JS-Console: "TML layer asked to emit an event
with no name!", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (288)
10-28 15:45:23.289 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(288)] "TML layer asked to
emit an event with no name!", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (288)
10-28 15:45:23.573 31246 31979 I AR : Starting camera with profile for
default, 0
10-28 15:45:23.589 31246 31979 I TGXInitHandler: Vuforia initialization successful.
10-28 15:45:23.600 31246 31246 I TGX : TGXTrackerDataLoadHandler: Vuforia
tracker loading succeeded
10-28 15:45:27.614 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 403, , https://gallery.vuforia.io/favicon.ico
10-28 15:46:15.089 31246 31246 D CordovaActivity: Started the activity.
10-28 15:46:15.094 31246 31246 D CordovaActivity: Resumed the activity.
10-28 15:46:15.141 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: JH: Window_Android - SetnativeWindwo
10-28 15:46:15.150 31246 31458 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:46:19.117 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:19.165 31246 31246 E TGX-JS-Console: "Uncaught Error: cordova already
defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Spatial (1)
10-28 15:46:19.166 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught Error:
cordova already defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Spatial (1)
10-28 15:46:19.284 31246 32531 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:46:19.561 31246 32531 I TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/shared/TGXARManagement/TrackerDataManager.cpp:146 |resetTrackerData
] Successfully destroyed object tracker data sets.
10-28 15:46:20.100 31246 32531 E AR : SmartTerrain cannot be initialized when
Vuforia Fusion uses the vision-only provider
10-28 15:46:20.101 31246 32531 E TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/shared/TGXARManagement/TrackerDataManager.cpp:106 |init
] Failed to initialize spatial trackers.
10-28 15:46:20.117 31246 31246 W VuforiaPluginCm: type=1400 audit(0.0:12118): avc:
denied { read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532140
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=763 pcomm="main" pgid=31246 pgcomm="ptc.vuforiaview"
10-28 15:46:20.140 31246 32531 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:46:20.145 31246 32531 E libc : Access denied finding property
10-28 15:46:20.299 31246 31246 W TGX-JS-Console: "TML layer asked to emit an event
with no name!", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (288)
10-28 15:46:20.299 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(288)] "TML layer asked to
emit an event with no name!", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (288)
10-28 15:46:20.499 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 403, , https://gallery.vuforia.io/favicon.ico
10-28 15:46:20.517 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "twx-dt-view tag is removed from
DOM.", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (394)
10-28 15:46:20.517 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(394)] "twx-dt-view tag is
removed from DOM.", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (394)
10-28 15:46:20.527 31246 32531 I AR : Starting camera with profile for
default, 0
10-28 15:46:20.533 31246 32531 I TGXInitHandler: Vuforia initialization successful.
10-28 15:46:20.568 31246 32531 I AR : ObjectTracker: Successfully created
10-28 15:46:20.616 31246 31246 I TGX : TGXTrackerDataLoadHandler: Vuforia
tracker loading succeeded
10-28 15:46:25.583 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 209, pageY = 351", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:25.583 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 209, pageY = 351", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:29.249 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 200, pageY = 303", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:29.249 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 200, pageY = 303", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:30.202 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 206, pageY = 304", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:30.202 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 206, pageY = 304", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:30.424 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 200, pageY = 307", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:30.424 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 200, pageY = 307", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:30.651 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 205, pageY = 302", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:30.651 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 205, pageY = 302", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:30.843 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 198, pageY = 307", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:30.843 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 198, pageY = 307", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:33.119 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 144, pageY = 321", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:33.119 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 144, pageY = 321", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:33.773 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 170, pageY = 430", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:33.773 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 170, pageY = 430", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:34.109 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 172, pageY = 400", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:34.109 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 172, pageY = 400", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:34.428 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 154, pageY = 362", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:34.428 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 154, pageY = 362", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:37.855 31246 31291 W OkHttpClient: A connection to
https://usageservice.prod.vuforia.com/ was leaked. Did you forget to close a
response body?
10-28 15:46:41.339 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 135, pageY = 241", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:41.339 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 135, pageY = 241", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:41.616 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 151, pageY = 309", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:41.616 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 151, pageY = 309", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:41.868 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 146, pageY = 331", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:41.868 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 146, pageY = 331", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:42.103 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 152, pageY = 351", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:42.103 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 152, pageY = 351", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:42.371 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 146, pageY = 330", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:42.372 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 146, pageY = 330", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:46:42.818 31246 32584 E TGX_NativeDownloadTask: Download of
tm/app/resources/Uploaded/specs_blu.png failed
10-28 15:46:42.818 31246 32584 E TGX_NativeDownloadTask:
httpResponseCode=404, httpResponseMessage=Not Found, extraInformation=null
10-28 15:46:42.818 31246 32584 E TGX_NativeDownloadTask: at
10-28 15:46:42.818 31246 32584 E TGX_NativeDownloadTask: at
10-28 15:46:42.818 31246 32584 E TGX_NativeDownloadTask: at
10-28 15:46:42.818 31246 32584 E TGX_NativeDownloadTask: at
10-28 15:46:42.818 31246 32584 E TGX_NativeDownloadTask: at
10-28 15:46:42.818 31246 32584 E TGX_NativeDownloadTask: at
10-28 15:46:42.818 31246 32584 E TGX_NativeDownloadTask: at
10-28 15:46:42.818 31246 32584 E TGX_NativeDownloadTask: at
10-28 15:46:42.818 31246 32584 E TGX_NativeDownloadTask: at
10-28 15:46:42.822 31246 31458 E cvu_trace:
tvapi::ImageMarker::LoadImageEvent::OnComplete error
10-28 15:46:49.808 31246 31246 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:46:50.195 31246 31246 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.
maxLines:3 lineCount:3
10-28 15:46:50.195 31246 31246 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.
maxLines:3 lineCount:3
10-28 15:46:53.341 31246 31252 I zygote : Do full code cache collection,
code=253KB, data=250KB
10-28 15:46:53.342 31246 31252 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=245KB,
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:46:53.941 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:46:53.955 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.972 31246 31246 E TGX-JS-Console: "Uncaught Error: cordova already
defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Home (1)
10-28 15:46:53.972 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught Error:
cordova already defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Home (1)
10-28 15:46:53.972 31246 31246 E TGX-JS-Console: "Uncaught Error: cordova already
defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Home (1)
10-28 15:46:53.972 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught Error:
cordova already defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Home (1)
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:46:53.978 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.982 31246 31246 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to null
10-28 15:46:53.982 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:46:53.987 31246 31246 E TGX-JS-Console: "Uncaught Error: cordova already
defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Home (1)
10-28 15:46:53.987 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught Error:
cordova already defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Home (1)
10-28 15:46:53.998 31246 32580 E TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/android/jni/core/NativeDownloadTaskHelper.cpp:262 |throwException
] Thread interrupted
10-28 15:46:55.412 31246 32584 E TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/android/jni/core/NativeDownloadTaskHelper.cpp:262 |throwException
] Thread interrupted
10-28 15:46:55.455 31246 32671 W TGX_NativeDownloadTask: Wait for downloads in
progress to terminate timed out
10-28 15:46:55.474 31246 32671 I TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/shared/TGXARManagement/TrackerDataManager.cpp:146 |resetTrackerData
] Successfully destroyed object tracker data sets.
10-28 15:46:55.475 31246 32671 D JsMessageQueue: Dropping Native->JS message due to
disabled bridge
10-28 15:46:55.475 31246 32671 D JsMessageQueue: Dropping Native->JS message due to
disabled bridge
10-28 15:46:55.478 31246 31291 W OkHttpClient: A connection to
https://usageservice.prod.vuforia.com/ was leaked. Did you forget to close a
response body?
10-28 15:46:55.478 31246 31291 W OkHttpClient: A connection to
https://gallery.vuforia.io/ was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body?
10-28 15:46:55.478 31246 31458 E cvu_trace:
tvapi::ImageMarker::LoadImageEvent::OnComplete error
10-28 15:46:55.481 31246 31246 E AR : VideoBackgroundConfig with screen size
of zero received, skipping config step
10-28 15:46:55.481 31246 31246 E AR : VideoBackgroundConfig with screen size
of zero received, skipping config step
10-28 15:46:55.481 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: JH: Window_Android - SetnativeWindwo
10-28 15:46:55.483 31246 31246 E AR : CameraDevice::getCameraCalibration():
Failed to get camera calibration because the camera is not initialized.
10-28 15:46:55.483 31246 31458 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:46:55.509 31246 31246 I Choreographer: Skipped 90 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
10-28 15:46:55.516 31246 31246 I TGX : TGXCordovaPluginActivity:
clearProgressBarTasks: removed task 'addPVS:Vuforia1431435154'
10-28 15:46:58.198 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 403, , https://gallery.vuforia.io/favicon.ico
10-28 15:47:00.276 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:00.280 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:00.310 31246 31246 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to
10-28 15:47:00.315 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Could not find cordova.js script
tag. Plugin loading may fail.", source: (1)
10-28 15:47:00.315 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Could not find
cordova.js script tag. Plugin loading may fail.", source: (1)
10-28 15:47:02.664 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 404, ,
10-28 15:47:04.151 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 404, ,
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:04.178 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:04.274 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:04.290 31246 31456 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior
will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired!
10-28 15:47:04.315 31246 31246 E TGX-JS-Console: "Uncaught Error: cordova already
defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Spatial (1)
10-28 15:47:04.315 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught Error:
cordova already defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Spatial (1)
10-28 15:47:04.690 31246 32688 E AR : SmartTerrain cannot be initialized when
Vuforia Fusion uses the vision-only provider
10-28 15:47:04.690 31246 32688 E TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/shared/TGXARManagement/TrackerDataManager.cpp:106 |init
] Failed to initialize spatial trackers.
10-28 15:47:04.697 31246 31246 W VuforiaPluginCm: type=1400 audit(0.0:12140): avc:
denied { read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532140
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=763 pcomm="main" pgid=31246 pgcomm="ptc.vuforiaview"
10-28 15:47:04.720 31246 32688 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:47:04.725 31246 32688 E libc : Access denied finding property
10-28 15:47:04.885 31246 31246 W TGX-JS-Console: "TML layer asked to emit an event
with no name!", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (288)
10-28 15:47:04.885 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(288)] "TML layer asked to
emit an event with no name!", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (288)
10-28 15:47:04.886 31246 31246 E TGX-JS-Console: "Uncaught Error: cordova already
defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Spatial (1)
10-28 15:47:04.886 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught Error:
cordova already defined", source:
tm/index.html?expId=1#/Spatial (1)
10-28 15:47:05.013 31246 32688 I AR : Starting camera with profile for
default, 0
10-28 15:47:05.019 31246 32688 I TGXInitHandler: Vuforia initialization successful.
10-28 15:47:05.024 31246 32688 I zygote : Deoptimizing java.lang.Object
bject) due to JIT inline cache
10-28 15:47:05.029 31246 31246 I TGX : TGXTrackerDataLoadHandler: Vuforia
tracker loading succeeded
10-28 15:47:05.077 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 403, , https://gallery.vuforia.io/favicon.ico
10-28 15:47:07.169 31246 31246 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:47:09.651 31246 31246 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to null
10-28 15:47:09.651 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:09.668 31246 31458 E cvu_trace:
tvapi::ImageMarker::LoadImageEvent::OnComplete error
10-28 15:47:10.095 31246 32721 E TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/android/jni/core/NativeDownloadTaskHelper.cpp:262 |throwException
] Thread interrupted
10-28 15:47:10.203 31246 32739 I TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/shared/TGXARManagement/TrackerDataManager.cpp:146 |resetTrackerData
] Successfully destroyed object tracker data sets.
10-28 15:47:10.203 31246 32739 D JsMessageQueue: Dropping Native->JS message due to
disabled bridge
10-28 15:47:10.208 31246 31246 E AR : VideoBackgroundConfig with screen size
of zero received, skipping config step
10-28 15:47:10.208 31246 31458 I cvu_trace: JH: Window_Android - SetnativeWindwo
10-28 15:47:10.210 31246 31246 E AR : VideoBackgroundConfig with screen size
of zero received, skipping config step
10-28 15:47:10.210 31246 31458 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:47:10.211 31246 31246 E AR : CameraDevice::getCameraCalibration():
Failed to get camera calibration because the camera is not initialized.
10-28 15:47:10.236 31246 31246 I Choreographer: Skipped 34 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
10-28 15:47:10.244 31246 31246 I TGX : TGXCordovaPluginActivity:
clearProgressBarTasks: removed task 'addPVS:Vuforia1322956358'
10-28 15:47:11.742 31246 31291 W OkHttpClient: A connection to
https://usageservice.prod.vuforia.com/ was leaked. Did you forget to close a
response body?
10-28 15:47:17.821 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:17.824 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:17.868 31246 31246 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to
10-28 15:47:17.873 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Could not find cordova.js script
tag. Plugin loading may fail.", source: (1)
10-28 15:47:17.873 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Could not find
cordova.js script tag. Plugin loading may fail.", source: (1)
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:18.772 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:18.802 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.803 31246 31456 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior
will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired!
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-28 15:47:18.811 31246 31246 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-28 15:47:19.046 31246 32747 E AR : SmartTerrain cannot be initialized when
Vuforia Fusion uses the vision-only provider
10-28 15:47:19.046 31246 32747 E TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/shared/TGXARManagement/TrackerDataManager.cpp:106 |init
] Failed to initialize spatial trackers.
10-28 15:47:19.057 31246 31246 W VuforiaPluginCm: type=1400 audit(0.0:12142): avc:
denied { read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532140
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=763 pcomm="main" pgid=31246 pgcomm="ptc.vuforiaview"
10-28 15:47:19.094 31246 32747 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:47:19.097 31246 32747 E libc : Access denied finding property
10-28 15:47:19.166 31246 31246 E TGX-JS-Console: "Uncaught Error: cordova already
defined", source:
expId=1#/Home?thing=%7B%7Bthingworx:thing%7D%7D&vumark=2:0 (1)
10-28 15:47:19.166 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught Error:
cordova already defined", source:
expId=1#/Home?thing=%7B%7Bthingworx:thing%7D%7D&vumark=2:0 (1)
10-28 15:47:19.166 31246 31246 E TGX-JS-Console: "Uncaught Error: cordova already
defined", source:
expId=1#/Home?thing=%7B%7Bthingworx:thing%7D%7D&vumark=2:0 (1)
10-28 15:47:19.166 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught Error:
cordova already defined", source:
expId=1#/Home?thing=%7B%7Bthingworx:thing%7D%7D&vumark=2:0 (1)
10-28 15:47:19.177 31246 31246 W TGX-JS-Console: "TML layer asked to emit an event
with no name!", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (288)
10-28 15:47:19.177 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(288)] "TML layer asked to
emit an event with no name!", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (288)
10-28 15:47:19.178 31246 31246 E TGX-JS-Console: "Uncaught Error: cordova already
defined", source:
expId=1#/Home?thing=%7B%7Bthingworx:thing%7D%7D&vumark=2:0 (1)
10-28 15:47:19.178 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught Error:
cordova already defined", source:
expId=1#/Home?thing=%7B%7Bthingworx:thing%7D%7D&vumark=2:0 (1)
10-28 15:47:19.421 31246 32747 I AR : Starting camera with profile for
default, 0
10-28 15:47:19.427 31246 32747 I TGXInitHandler: Vuforia initialization successful.
10-28 15:47:19.455 31246 31246 I TGX : TGXTrackerDataLoadHandler: Vuforia
tracker loading succeeded
10-28 15:47:19.471 31246 31252 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection,
code=250KB, data=175KB
10-28 15:47:19.472 31246 31252 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=250KB,
10-28 15:47:19.472 31246 31252 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 1024KB
10-28 15:47:19.606 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 403, , https://gallery.vuforia.io/favicon.ico
10-28 15:47:21.410 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 403, , https://gallery.vuforia.io/favicon.ico
10-28 15:47:22.839 31246 31246 W TGXSystemWebViewClient: onReceivedHttpError (not
on main frame): 403, , https://gallery.vuforia.io/favicon.ico
10-28 15:47:23.483 31246 31291 W OkHttpClient: A connection to
https://gallery.vuforia.io/ was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body?
10-28 15:47:28.255 31246 32599 E cvu_trace: PNG Warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB
10-28 15:47:28.263 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "event [textureLoaded] broadcast
on rootScope and dispatched against domID [thingMark-1-image] with type [null],
targetName [thingMark-1-image] and data [undefined]", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (342)
10-28 15:47:28.263 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(342)] "event
[textureLoaded] broadcast on rootScope and dispatched against domID [thingMark-1-
image] with type [null], targetName [thingMark-1-image] and data [undefined]",
source: https://gallery.vuforia.io/ExperienceService/content/projects/mpv3-
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (342)
10-28 15:47:31.134 31246 32599 E cvu_trace: PNG Warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB
10-28 15:47:31.144 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "event [textureLoaded] broadcast
on rootScope and dispatched against domID [thingMark-1-image] with type [null],
targetName [thingMark-1-image] and data [undefined]", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (342)
10-28 15:47:31.144 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(342)] "event
[textureLoaded] broadcast on rootScope and dispatched against domID [thingMark-1-
image] with type [null], targetName [thingMark-1-image] and data [undefined]",
source: https://gallery.vuforia.io/ExperienceService/content/projects/mpv3-
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (342)
10-28 15:47:39.398 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 265, pageY = 349", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:47:39.399 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 265, pageY = 349", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:47:40.699 31246 31246 I TGX-JS-Console: "Tap on twx-dt-view element at
pageX = 310, pageY = 10", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:47:40.699 31246 31246 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(359)] "Tap on twx-dt-view
element at pageX = 310, pageY = 10", source:
tm/extensions/js/vuforia-angular.js (359)
10-28 15:47:42.889 31246 31458 E Surface : getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer:
10-28 15:47:42.895 31246 31458 I Adreno : QueueBuffer: queueBuffer failed
10-28 15:47:43.032 31246 31246 D AR : RenderManager: Could not retrieve a
valid GLSurfaceView in view hierarchy, therefore cannot set any render mode
10-28 15:47:43.116 31246 31246 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.
maxLines:3 lineCount:3
10-28 15:47:43.121 31246 31246 I chatty : uid=10263(u0_a263) com.ptc.vuforiaview
identical 2 lines
10-28 15:47:43.121 31246 31246 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.
maxLines:3 lineCount:3
10-28 15:47:44.211 31246 31246 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.
maxLines:3 lineCount:3
10-28 15:47:44.212 31246 31246 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.
maxLines:3 lineCount:3
10-28 15:47:46.037 31246 31246 D CordovaActivity: Paused the activity.
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: Unable to load bitmap from URL:
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: java.io.InterruptedIOException: Thread
interrupted while waiting for HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() result
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: Caused by:
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 642 E TGXUtils: ... 10 more
10-28 15:47:46.251 31246 31246 D CordovaActivity: Stopped the activity.
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: Unable to load bitmap from URL:
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: java.io.InterruptedIOException: Thread
interrupted while waiting for HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() result
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: Caused by:
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 669 E TGXUtils: ... 10 more
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: Unable to load bitmap from URL:
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: java.io.InterruptedIOException: Thread
interrupted while waiting for HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() result
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: Caused by:
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:46.252 31246 649 E TGXUtils: ... 10 more
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: Unable to load bitmap from URL:
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: java.io.InterruptedIOException: thread
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
10-28 15:47:47.351 31246 637 E TGXUtils: at
--------- beginning of main
10-29 17:28:29.874 17669 17669 W zygote : Using default instruction set features
for ARM CPU variant (cortex-a9) using conservative defaults
10-29 17:28:29.960 17669 17669 I TGX_Application: Overall log level set to 4
10-29 17:28:30.013 17669 17669 D libcrashlytics: Initializing libcrashlytics
version 2.0.5
10-29 17:28:30.013 17669 17669 D libcrashlytics: Initializing native crash handling
10-29 17:28:30.024 17669 17669 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
10-29 17:28:30.036 17669 17669 I TGX_Application: Android Build: 47.1.A.16.20
10-29 17:28:30.036 17669 17669 I TGX_Application: HW Manufacturer: Sony
10-29 17:28:30.036 17669 17669 I TGX_Application: HW Model: G8341
10-29 17:28:30.036 17669 17669 I TGX_Application: Supported ABIs: [arm64-v8a,
armeabi-v7a, armeabi]
10-29 17:28:30.036 17669 17669 I TGX_Application: Build Type: release
10-29 17:28:30.036 17669 17669 I TGX_Application: Build Flavor: genuine
10-29 17:28:30.036 17669 17669 I TGX_Application: OpenGL ES Version: 3.2
10-29 17:28:30.038 17669 17669 I TGX_Application: Locales: [es_AR]
10-29 17:28:30.272 17669 17669 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:52871): avc:
denied { search } for name="proc" dev="debugfs" ino=18300
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:qti_debugfs:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0 ppid=765 pcomm="main" pgid=17669 pgcomm="ptc.vuforiaview"
10-29 17:28:30.285 17669 17716 I TGXLibLoader: Library libTGXEngine.so loaded.
10-29 17:28:30.286 17669 17717 I Adreno : PFP: 0x005ff087, ME: 0x005ff063
10-29 17:28:30.288 17669 17717 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
10-29 17:28:30.288 17669 17717 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
10-29 17:28:32.122 17669 17669 I CordovaLog: Changing log level to DEBUG(3)
10-29 17:28:32.122 17669 17669 I CordovaActivity: Apache Cordova native platform
version 7.1.1 is starting
10-29 17:28:32.122 17669 17669 D CordovaActivity: CordovaActivity.onCreate()
10-29 17:28:32.128 17669 17669 I WebViewFactory: Loading com.android.chrome version
70.0.3538.64 (code 353806452)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed
class java.lang.Class<uO>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:417)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at
android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider()
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at
android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory()
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.ensureProviderCreated() (WebView.java:2462)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.setOverScrollMode(int) (WebView.java:2527)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context) (View.java:4536)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int,
int) (View.java:4668)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.ViewGroup.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int, int) (ViewGroup.java:597)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (AbsoluteLayout.java:55)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:636)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int, int) (WebView.java:581)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int) (WebView.java:564)
10-29 17:28:32.189 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at
org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:80)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at
org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView
org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
Bundle) (TGXCordovaPluginActivity.java:139)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-29 17:28:32.262 17669 17669 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:52872): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=765 pcomm="main" pgid=765 pgcomm="main"
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-29 17:28:32.262 17669 17669 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:52872): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=765 pcomm="main" pgid=765 pgcomm="main"
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-29 17:28:32.262 17669 17669 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:52872): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=765 pcomm="main" pgid=765 pgcomm="main"
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"android.webkit.TracingController" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
.chrome-YfJPxgeF44Gay3RWR6mdtA==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.android.chrome-
YfJPxgeF44Gay3RWR6mdtA==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
10-29 17:28:32.262 17669 17669 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:52872): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=765 pcomm="main" pgid=765 pgcomm="main"
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:417)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at
android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider()
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at
android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory()
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.ensureProviderCreated() (WebView.java:2462)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.setOverScrollMode(int) (WebView.java:2527)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context) (View.java:4536)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int,
int) (View.java:4668)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.ViewGroup.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int, int) (ViewGroup.java:597)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (AbsoluteLayout.java:55)
10-29 17:28:32.262 17669 17669 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:52872): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=765 pcomm="main" pgid=765 pgcomm="main"
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:636)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int, int) (WebView.java:581)
10-29 17:28:32.262 17669 17669 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:52872): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=765 pcomm="main" pgid=765 pgcomm="main"
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet,
int) (WebView.java:564)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-29 17:28:32.262 17669 17669 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:52872): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=765 pcomm="main" pgid=765 pgcomm="main"
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at
org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:80)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at
org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206)
10-29 17:28:32.262 17669 17669 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:52872): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=765 pcomm="main" pgid=765 pgcomm="main"
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView
org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
Bundle) (TGXCordovaPluginActivity.java:139)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-29 17:28:32.262 17669 17669 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:52872): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=765 pcomm="main" pgid=765 pgcomm="main"
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-29 17:28:32.190 17669 17669 I zygote :
10-29 17:28:32.199 17669 17669 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 2
ms (timestamps 4959-4961)
10-29 17:28:32.262 17669 17669 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:52872): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=765 pcomm="main" pgid=765 pgcomm="main"
10-29 17:28:32.213 17669 17669 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(36)]
Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
10-29 17:28:32.213 17669 17669 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version
number "70.0.3538.64", actual native library version number "70.0.3538.64"
10-29 17:28:32.262 17669 17669 W ptc.vuforiaview: type=1400 audit(0.0:52872): avc:
denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532189
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 ppid=765 pcomm="main" pgid=765 pgcomm="main"
10-29 17:28:32.343 17669 17669 D SystemWebViewEngine: CordovaWebView is running on
device made by: Sony
10-29 17:28:32.347 17669 17669 D PluginManager: init()
10-29 17:28:32.380 17669 17669 I TGX : TGXCordovaPluginActivity: User-Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; G8341 Build/47.1.A.16.20; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36
(KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/70.0.3538.64 Mobile Safari/537.36
10-29 17:28:32.385 17669 17669 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful;
frameCount 960 -> 960
10-29 17:28:32.385 17669 17669 D AudioTrack: Client defaulted notificationFrames to
192 for frameCount 960
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed
er>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) (ViewCompat.java:2341)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (AppBarLayout.java:190)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:647)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:730)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:824)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.ViewGroup, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:515)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(int) (PhoneWindow.java:418)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.setContentView(int) (Activity.java:2654)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"android.view.View$OnUnhandledKeyEventListener" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
oriaview-nHaqkCRl4kldeEwaFe5Law==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.ptc.vuforiaview-
nHaqkCRl4kldeEwaFe5Law==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) (ViewCompat.java:2341)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (AppBarLayout.java:190)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:647)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:730)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:824)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.ViewGroup, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:515)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(int) (PhoneWindow.java:418)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.setContentView(int) (Activity.java:2654)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-29 17:28:32.393 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote :
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed
er>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) (ViewCompat.java:2341)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (AppBarLayout.java:190)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:647)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:730)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:824)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.ViewGroup, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:515)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(int) (PhoneWindow.java:418)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.setContentView(int) (Activity.java:2654)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"android.view.View$OnUnhandledKeyEventListener" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
oriaview-nHaqkCRl4kldeEwaFe5Law==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.ptc.vuforiaview-
nHaqkCRl4kldeEwaFe5Law==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) (ViewCompat.java:2341)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (AppBarLayout.java:190)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:647)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:730)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:824)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.ViewGroup, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:515)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(int) (PhoneWindow.java:418)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.setContentView(int) (Activity.java:2654)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote :
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed
er>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) (ViewCompat.java:2341)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (AppBarLayout.java:190)
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-29 17:28:32.394 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:647)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:730)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:824)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.ViewGroup, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:515)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(int) (PhoneWindow.java:418)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.setContentView(int) (Activity.java:2654)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"android.view.View$OnUnhandledKeyEventListener" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
oriaview-nHaqkCRl4kldeEwaFe5Law==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.ptc.vuforiaview-
nHaqkCRl4kldeEwaFe5Law==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) (ViewCompat.java:2341)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.util.AttributeSet) (AppBarLayout.java:190)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:647)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(android.view.View, java.lang.String,
android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (LayoutInflater.java:730)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.view.View, android.util.AttributeSet, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:824)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.ViewGroup, boolean) (LayoutInflater.java:515)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.view.View
android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(int) (PhoneWindow.java:418)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.setContentView(int) (Activity.java:2654)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6975)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1214)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at android.app.Activity
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2775)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2897)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-
wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord,
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6572)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:240)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote : at void
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:767)
10-29 17:28:32.395 17669 17669 I zygote :
10-29 17:28:32.467 17669 17767 I TGXIdentityRequestTask: TGXIdentityRequestTask
starting on thread 1029 (ExperienceListLoader-1) for
key=urn:vuforia:vumark:2:0&resourcetype=Experience&wNdp=360 ...
10-29 17:28:32.468 17669 17669 D CordovaActivity: Started the activity.
10-29 17:28:32.469 17669 17669 D CordovaActivity: Resumed the activity.
10-29 17:28:32.480 17669 17751 W cr_media: Requires BLUETOOTH permission
10-29 17:28:32.494 17669 17707 W CrashlyticsCore: No minidump data found in
10-29 17:28:32.499 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:32.519 17669 17770 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433
for video/avc
10-29 17:28:32.519 17669 17770 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434
for video/avc
10-29 17:28:32.523 17669 17770 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433
for video/avc
10-29 17:28:32.523 17669 17770 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434
for video/avc
10-29 17:28:32.524 17669 17770 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433
for video/avc
10-29 17:28:32.524 17669 17770 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434
for video/avc
10-29 17:28:32.534 17669 17770 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mp4v-
10-29 17:28:32.537 17669 17770 W Utils : could not parse long range '259-258'
10-29 17:28:32.541 17669 17770 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for
10-29 17:28:32.831 17669 17669 I TGX-JS-Console: "i18next: languageChanged",
source: file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/lib/i18next/i18next.js (108)
10-29 17:28:32.832 17669 17669 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(108)] "i18next:
languageChanged", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/lib/i18next/i18next.js (108)
10-29 17:28:32.832 17669 17669 I TGX-JS-Console: "i18next: initialized", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/lib/i18next/i18next.js (108)
10-29 17:28:32.832 17669 17669 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(108)] "i18next:
initialized", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/lib/i18next/i18next.js (108)
10-29 17:28:32.832 17669 17669 I TGX-JS-Console: "Localization loaded", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/index.html (46)
10-29 17:28:32.832 17669 17669 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(46)] "Localization
loaded", source: file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/index.html (46)
10-29 17:28:33.126 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>>
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /*
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation (ASF) under one
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: or more contributor license
agreements. See the NOTICE file
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: distributed with this work
for additional information
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: regarding copyright
ownership. The ASF licenses this file
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: to you under the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: with the License. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: http:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: Unless required by applicable
law or agreed to in writing,
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: software distributed under
the License is distributed on an
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: specific language governing
permissions and limitations
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: under the License.
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: ;(function() {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W079 */
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /* jshint -W020 */
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var require;
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var define;
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: (function () {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var modules = {};
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var requireStack = [];
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var inProgressModules =
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var SEPARATOR = '.';
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: function build (module) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var factory =
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var localRequire =
function (id) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var resultantId =
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (id.charAt(0)
=== '.') {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: resultantId =
module.id.slice(0, module.id.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) + SEPARATOR + id.slice(2);
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports = {};
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete module.factory;
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory(localRequire,
module.exports, module);
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return module.exports;
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: require = function (id) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (!modules[id]) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' not found';
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else if (id in
inProgressModules) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var cycle =
requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'Cycle in
require graph: ' + cycle;
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if
(modules[id].factory) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: try {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } finally {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: return
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define = function (id,
factory) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (modules[id]) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw 'module ' +
id + ' already defined';
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: modules[id] = {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: id: id,
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: factory: factory
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.remove = function
(id) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: delete modules[id];
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define.moduleMap =
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: })();
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof module === 'object'
&& typeof require === 'function') {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.require =
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: module.exports.define =
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: define("cordova",
function(require, exports, module) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (window.cordova && !
(window.cordova instanceof HTMLElement)) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: throw new Error('cordova
already defined');
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var channel =
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var platform =
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Intercept calls to
addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * resume, and pause events.
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var m_window_addEventListener
= window.addEventListener;
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var
m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: /**
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: * Houses custom event
handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: */
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var documentEventHandlers =
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var windowEventHandlers = {};
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: document.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
documentEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: }
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: };
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: window.addEventListener =
function (evt, handler, capture) {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: var e = evt.toLowerCase();
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: if (typeof
windowEventHandlers[e] !== 'undefined') {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: } else {
10-29 17:28:33.128 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl:
10-29 17:28:33.156 17669 17669 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to
10-29 17:28:33.160 17669 17669 I TGX-JS-Console: "Could not find cordova.js script
tag. Plugin loading may fail.", source: (1)
10-29 17:28:33.160 17669 17669 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Could not find
cordova.js script tag. Plugin loading may fail.", source: (1)
10-29 17:28:33.169 17669 17669 I TGX-JS-Console: "onDeviceReady() fired.", source:
file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/index.html (63)
10-29 17:28:33.169 17669 17669 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(63)] "onDeviceReady()
fired.", source: file:///android_asset/www/ScanningExperience/index.html (63)
10-29 17:28:33.207 17669 17789 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior
will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired!
10-29 17:28:33.231 17669 17669 I TGXThreadChecker: MAIN_UI_THREAD is 17669 (main)
10-29 17:28:33.232 17669 17669 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
10-29 17:28:33.232 17669 17789 I TGXThreadChecker: CORDOVA_THREAD is 17789
10-29 17:28:36.338 17669 17767 I TGXIdentityRequestTask: TGXIdentityRequestTask
10-29 17:28:37.925 17669 17669 D CordovaActivity: Paused the activity.
10-29 17:28:38.163 17669 17669 D CordovaActivity: Stopped the activity.
10-29 17:28:38.171 17669 17669 D CordovaActivity: CordovaActivity.onDestroy()
10-29 17:28:38.177 17669 17669 I TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/shared/TGXARManagement/TrackerDataManager.cpp:146 |resetTrackerData
] Successfully destroyed object tracker data sets.
10-29 17:28:38.180 17669 17669 E AR : Could not deinit an unknown or abstract
Vuforia tracker type: 0x1104
10-29 17:28:38.180 17669 17669 E AR : Could not deinit an unknown or abstract
Vuforia tracker type: 0x1109
10-29 17:28:38.180 17669 17669 E AR : Could not deinit an unknown or abstract
Vuforia tracker type: 0x1105
10-29 17:28:38.180 17669 17669 I TGX_C++ : [ /app/cordova-plugin-
thingx/src/shared/TGXARManagement/TrackerDataManager.cpp:213 |deinit
] Successfully deinitialized trackers.
10-29 17:28:38.180 17669 17669 E AR : Vuforia is already deinitialized or has
not been initialized. You need to initialize before deinitializing.
10-29 17:28:38.182 17669 17669 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(about:blank)
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: Application attempted to call on a
destroyed WebView
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: java.lang.Throwable
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: at
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: at
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: at
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: at
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: at
android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method)
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: at
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: at
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: at
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: at
10-29 17:28:38.198 17669 17669 W cr_AwContents: at
10-29 17:28:38.268 17669 17728 W cr_ChildProcessConn: onServiceDisconnected (crash
or killed by oom): pid=17730

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