Lampiran Kuesioner
Lampiran Kuesioner
Lampiran Kuesioner
Abstract: Aging is associated with increasing inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, both of which can have nega-
tive health effects. Successful attenuation of such processes with dietary countermeasures has major public health implica-
tions. Soy foods, as a source of high-quality protein and isoflavones, may improve such indices, although the effects in
healthy postmenopausal women are not well delineated. A single-blind, randomized controlled trial was conducted in 31
postmenopausal women who were assigned to consume 3 servings of soy (n = 16) or dairy (n = 15) milk per day for
4 weeks. Parameters of systemic inflammation (tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), interleukin-1b (IL-1b), and interleukin-6
(IL-6)) and the oxidative defense system (superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase, cyclooxygenase-2) were
measured post supplementation, before and after an eccentric exercise bout performed to elicit an inflammatory response.
A significant group-by-time effect for plasma TNF-a was observed (p = 0.02), with values in the dairy group increased
post supplementation and then decreasing into the postexercise period. Additionally, significant time effects were observed
for plasma SOD (p < 0.0001) and IL-6 (p < 0.0001) in the postexercise period. Overall results from our study do not sup-
port the notion that 4 weeks of daily soy milk ingestion can attenuate systemic elevations in markers of inflammation or
oxidative defense. However, data do suggest that the downhill-running protocol utilized in this study can be effective in al-
tering systemic markers of inflammation and oxidative defense enzyme activity, and that the ingestion of soy may help
prevent fluctuations in plasma TNF-a.
Key words: soy milk, inflammation, oxidative defense, downhill running, aging, isoflavone.
Résumé : Le vieillissement est associé à plus d’inflammation et de stress oxydatif dans l’organisme, ce qui entraine des effets
négatifs sur la santé. L’atténuation de ces effets au moyen de mesures alimentaires s’avère de la plus haute importance en
matière de santé publique. Les produits de soja, sources de protéines de grande qualité et d’isoflavones, recèlent un potentiel
d’amélioration de ces processus; cependant on ne connait pas bien les effets chez les femmes postménopausées en bonne
santé. Dans un essai clinique comparatif à simple insu et d’une durée de quatre semaines, on répartit au hasard 31 femmes
postménopausées; 16 acceptent de consommer tous les jours trois portions de produits de soja et 15, des produits laitiers. Les
paramètres de l’inflammation systémique (TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6) et du système de défense contre l’oxydation (SOD, GPx,
COX-2) sont évalués après la supplémentation, et ce, avant et après une séance d’exercices pliométriques suscitant une
réponse inflammatoire. On observe un effet significatif du traitement en fonction du temps : les valeurs de TNF-a plasmatique
(p = 0,02) du groupe consommant des produits laitiers augmentent après la supplémentation puis diminuent après la séance
d’exercices. De plus, on observe un effet significatif en fonction du temps au sujet du SOD (p < 0,0001) et des IL-6 (p <
0,0001) plasmatiques après la séance d’exercices. D’après ces observations, la consommation quotidienne de boisson de soja
durant quatre semaines n’atténue pas les augmentations des marqueurs de l’inflammation et du système de défense antioxyda-
tive. En contrepartie, ces observations suggèrent que la course sur pente négative utilisée dans cette étude est efficace dans la
modification des marqueurs systémiques de l’inflammation et de l’activité enzymatique suscitée pour la défense antioxydative
et que la consommation de soja peut contribuer à la prévention des fluctuations plasmatiques de TNF-a.
Mots-clés : boisson de soja, inflammation, défense antioxydative, course en pente négative, vieillissement, isoflavone.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]
Received 21 September 2009. Accepted 18 February 2010. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 13 May
K.M. Beavers,1,2 M.C. Serra,3 M.B. Cooke, and D.S. Willoughby. Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, Baylor
University, Waco, TX. 76798-7313, USA.
D.P. Beavers.4 Department of Statistics, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798-7313, USA.
1Corresponding author (e-mail:
2Present address: Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Wake Forest University, School of Medicine, Medical Center Boulevard,
Winston-Salem, NC 27157, USA.
3Present address: Department of Gerontology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 655 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore,
MD 21201-1559, USA.
4Present address: Department of Biostatistical Sciences, Wake Forest University, School of Medicine, Medical Center Boulevard,
Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 35: 261–269 (2010) doi:10.1139/H10-015 Published by NRC Research Press
262 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 35, 2010
familiarization session to learn about the study protocol, ob- of perceived exertion (RPE) ‡ 19 on the RPE scale, and
tain medical clearance from their personal physician, and (iii) maximum heart rate within 10 beats of age-predicted
sign university institutional review board-approved informed maximum. The highest level of VO _ 2 was defined as
consent documents. Participants were then assigned to begin _ 2 max. Heart rate was calculated from a continuously
a 2-week washout period, in which they were instructed to monitored heart rate monitor (Polar Electro, Lake Success,
consume their usual diet but limit the consumption of all N.Y.) and blood pressure was determined with a mercurial
soy-based or dairy-based products. Specifically, during the sphygmomanometer every 3 min during the exercise ses-
study, each participant was instructed not to consume any sion. Information from this test was used in participant
additional soy- or isoflavone-containing foods, to limit dairy matching as well as in determining the speed to use during
intake to 2 servings per day, and to avoid dairy milk. In ad- the eccentric exercise bout.
dition, a 24-h recall was performed by a registered dietitian
utilizing a multiple pass method to determine ‘‘typical’’ cal- Supplementation protocol
orie and protein intakes (Rumpler et al. 2008). In a single-blind format, participants were matched for
_ 2 max) and baseline protein intake
physical fitness level (VO
Baseline assessment of maximum oxygen uptake and diet –1 –1
(gkg day ), and randomly placed into 1 of 2 dietary
Prior to beginning the supplementation protocol, each par- groups. Group A was instructed to consume a commercial
ticipant was scheduled to come to the Exercise and Sport vanilla soy milk product and group B was instructed to con-
Nutrition Laboratory at Baylor University (Waco, Tex.) for sume a commercial reduced-fat dairy milk product. The sup-
baseline testing. During this session, participants had their plement groups consumed 3 servings of their respective
body mass, height, and BMI determined. Each subject was supplements per day for a period of 4 weeks. Servings of
then assessed for aerobic fitness by performing an incremental- both supplements were matched as closely as possible for
load exercise test of their maximal oxygen uptake total caloric (soy milk, 130 kcal (1 kcal = 4.186 kJ) vs. dairy
_ 2 max) on a treadmill ergometer (Quinton, Cardiac Sci-
(VO milk, 120 kcal) and protein content (soy milk, 6 g vs. dairy
ence, Bothell, Wash.). After baseline measurements at rest milk, 8 g), with the soy milk providing an additional
were completed, the treadmill test was started at a velocity *30 mg isoflavones per serving. Participants were asked to
of 8 kmh–1 and a 0% incline. The running speed was in- record daily supplement consumption on an adherence log
creased by 2 kmh–1 every 3 min until exhaustion. Oxygen provided to them at the baseline testing session. Finally, a
uptake (VO_ 2) was measured every 30 s via an open-circuit reported side-effects questionnaire was administered at 2, 4,
sampling system (Parvo Medics, Sandy, Utah). The test and 6 weeks to determine if any significant negative side ef-
was accepted as a VO _ 2 max if 2 of the following criteria fects occurred because of the dietary supplementation during
were met: (i) respiratory exchange ratio ‡ 1.15, (ii) rating the course of the study.
Table 3. Plasma oxidative stress and inflammatory marker data by treatment group.
Marker T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 p value
Soy 1.25±0.46 0.92±0.36 0.9±0.59 1.22±0.66 1.3±0.41 Group: 0.88
Dairy 1.09±0.38 1.05±0.44 0.9±0.57 1.33±0.47 1.29±0.48 Time: <0.0001*
GxT: 0.34
Soy 1.74±1.23 1.76±1.65 1.74±1.57 1.83±1.60 2.07±1.82 Group: 0.18
Dairy 1.08±0.96 1.50±1.38 1.29±0.87 1.45±1.05 1.15±1.42 Time: 0.84
GxT: 0.62
Soy 140.24±32.31 141.57±25.24 143.4±28.80 148.44±35.30 151.71±19.22 Group: 0.24
Dairy 137.46±33.54 125.70±36.81 140.07±33.68 139.33±32.97 132.99±27.21 Time: 0.28
GxT: 0.42
Soy 2.71±1.01 2.77±1.16 2.86±1.02 3.24±1.52 2.75±0.72 Group: 0.31
Dairy 3.53±0.85 3.09±1.15 2.67±0.77 3.15±0.83 3.04±1.02 Time: 0.17
GxT: 0.04*
Soy 0.73±0.29 0.77±0.34 0.74±0.27 0.76±0.35 0.81±0.37 Group: 0.82
Dairy 0.77±0.22 0.75±0.22 0.78±0.22 0.7±0.23 0.73±0.30 Time: 0.81
GxT: 0.11
Soy 2.10±0.78 2.95±1.43 4.68±2.78 2.69±1.50 2.39±1.26 Group: 0.71
Dairy 2.48±1.63 2.94±3.73 4.43±2.96 2.39±1.23 2.30±1.02 Time: <0.0001*
GxT: 0.43
Note: Data are presented as means ± SD. GxT denotes the group-by-time interaction, Group denotes the main effect for group, and
Time denotes the main effect for time. T1, pre-exercise; T2, immediately post exercise; T3, 4-h post exercise; T4, 24-h post exercise;
T5, 48-h post exercise; SOD; superoxide dismutase (UmL–1); COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2 (pgmL–1); GPx, glutathione peroxidase
(nmolmin–1mL–1); TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor-a (pgmL–1); IL-1b, interleukin-1b (pgmL–1); IL-6, interleukin-6 (pgmL–1).
*Significant (p < 0.05).
Fig. 1. Column charts of significant changes in biomarker activity and concentration. Data are presented as means ± SD. From top, absolute
plasma superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity (UmL–1), tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) (pgmL–1), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) (pgmL–1) va-
lues are represented by time. T1, pre-exercise; T2, immediately post exercise; T3, 4-h post exercise; T4, 24-h post exercise; T5, 48-h post
exercise. The following sample sizes were observed for the soy group for T1 to T5, respectively: 16, 15, 15, 16, and 16. The following
sample sizes were observed for the dairy group for T1 to T5, respectively: 14, 15, 15, 15, and 15. *, Significant time effect (p < 0.0001);
{, significant group-by-time interaction (p < 0.05).
tivity is thought to increase during times of physical stress, recent animal study by Itoh et al. (2004), dietary calcium re-
like downhill running (Hollander et al. 2001). However, striction was shown to significantly upregulate the activities
based on the increases in plasma IL-6 and the responses to of manganese-SOD and copper zinc-SOD. Furthermore,
the DOMS questionnaires, it is believed that an inflamma- acute exercise, in addition to calcium restriction, decreased
tory state was induced, and that the decrease in the activity both SOD isoenzymes in the diaphragms of calcium-
of this marker may be due to a collective protective effect of restricted rats. Thus, it is speculated that in our study, be-
the supplements, or to inherent variability in measuring SOD cause of the calcium loading associated with consumption
activity. of both beverages, SOD activity may have been suppressed,
We could be observing a protective trend, with both the which would explain the observed results. Unfortunately,
soy and dairy milk products aiding in the conversion of without a placebo group, we cannot infer the exact reason
ROS to more inert byproducts, thereby decreasing the need for the time effect, although it is interesting to consider that
(and subsequent activity) of systemic SOD. From a dietary an unaccounted-for dietary factor may have played a role.
standpoint, similarities do exist between the soy and dairy Furthermore, because the main decline in SOD activity
milk products, including their carbohydrate, calcium, and vi- occurred 4-h post exercise, it may be that the carbohydrate-
tamin D composition, all of which may confer benefit. In a rich granola bar given to both groups immediately after ex-
ercise caused a blunting of SOD activity. There is limited induced inflammatory response in postmenopausal women,
evidence in the animal literature to support this conjecture there are limitations worthy of mention. Previous literature
(Lygren and Hemre 2002). does exist to support our chosen supplementation amount
Additionally, the large variability in the activity of the en- and duration of study (Mitchell and Collins 1999; Djuric et
zymatic markers assessed in our study may have contributed al. 2001), but success is clearly contingent on participant ad-
to this counterintuitive finding. Conflicting findings have herence to the dietary protocol. Although self-report is an
been reported with regard to SOD, with studies showing in- accepted method for process evaluation (Jasti et al. 2005),
creases (Buczynski et al. 1991; Chen et al. 1994), decreases and adherence logs indicated excellent compliance among
(Tozzi-Ciancarelli et al. 2002), and no change (Elosua et al. both groups, because of funding constraints we do not have
2003) post exercise. Similar findings have also been reported any information regarding the isoflavone levels in biological
for GPx (Buczynski et al. 1991; Laaksonen et al. 1999; fluid (i.e., urine and blood). Moreover, the considerable
Akova et al. 2001; Miyazaki et al. 2001; Vider et al. 2001). interindividual variability in the bioavailability of soy isofla-
In a comparably designed study, Chen et al. (2004) found vones (Hendrich 2002) may have contributed to the reported
that isoflavone supplementation significantly increased pre- lack of effect. Future studies should consider using more ob-
exercise erythrocyte SOD activity and prevented the jective measures of adherence in their methodology, and
exercise-induced decrease in activities of GPx. The authors should account for individual differences in isoflavone bioa-
concluded that the results suggested that isoflavones can re- vailability when possible. Additionally, because SOD, GPx,
store the redox homeostasis of antioxidant enzymes altered and COX-2 are enzyme components of the oxidative defense
because of exercise. Although the results from the present system, and not direct markers of oxidative stress, it is
study do not support the findings of Chen et al., differences possible that we may not have captured the true effect of
in the intervention product (isolated soy isoflavone vs. soy supplementation on oxidative stress. Because of the var-
whole soy food), isoflavone dosage (150 mgd–1 vs. iability in assessing these enzymes, future studies may con-
*90 mgd–1), and exercise modality (cycling vs. downhill sider assessing more direct measures (i.e., F2-isoprostanes or
running) may explain the discrepancy. 8-oxo-2’-deoxyguanosine) of oxidative damage. Lastly,
although we selected sampling time points known to corre-
Plasma markers of inflammation
spond to peak concentrations–activities of biomarkers of in-
The cytokines IL-1b, IL-6, and TNF-a are pleiotropic terest (Peake et al. 2005a; Peake et al. 2005b), it is possible
molecules that play major roles in the inflammatory process that we failed to capture the peak concentrations–activities
(Trikha et al. 2003; Bradley 2008) and are linked to cardio- of all the biomarkers measured. Inferences, therefore, can
vascular morbidity (Mendall et al. 1997; Ridker et al. only be drawn from our sampling points.
2000a; 2000b) and mortality (Volpato et al. 2001). In our
study, we observed a significant group-by-time interaction
for the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-a, with postsupple- Conclusions
mentation values of TNF-a elevated in the dairy group com- Overall, results from our study do not support the notion
pared with the soy group, followed by a decrease in group that 4 weeks of daily soy milk ingestion can attenuate sys-
mean values to T3 and a return to postsupplementation val- temic elevations in markers of inflammation or oxidative de-
ues for the dairy group by 24-h post exercise. The soy fense activity. However, data do suggest that the downhill-
group, however, did not fluctuate in the postsupplementation
running protocol utilized in this study can be effective in al-
or postexercise periods with regard to TNF-a concentration.
tering systemic markers of inflammation and oxidative de-
Thus it appears that with regard to this proinflammatory cy-
fense. The findings from the plasma cytokine analysis
tokine, of which elevations are thought to promote chronic
portion of our study add to a mixed body of literature that
disease, the soy group fared better overall than the dairy
group. hints at the potential of soy foods to influence proinflamma-
tory cytokines, although results are far from conclusive. Fu-
Although a significant group-by-time interaction was not
observed for plasma IL-6 values, a marked increase in post- ture studies examining the ability of soy ingestion to reduce
exercise IL-6 concentrations (specifically T3) was observed systemic inflammation should address potential confounding
in both groups, suggesting that the exercise bout success- dietary factors by utilizing an inert control group to deter-
fully induced an acute inflammatory response. No time or mine if a different nutritional compound found in both soy
group trends were observed for plasma IL-1b; however, it and dairy milk could be a confounding, protective factor.
has been shown clearly that IL-6 rises in accordance with Despite the subdued findings in this study, the displacement
both IL-1b and TNF-a, because each stimulates the synthe- and lipid-lowering effects of soy consumption are well
sis and release of IL-6 (Hildebrand et al. 2005). The synthe- known. Coupled with the potential for improvement in sys-
sis of IL-6 then dampens the synthesis of IL-1b and TNF-a temic cytokine profiles, the results from this study still war-
(Barton 1997). Therefore, it is speculative that there may rant inclusion of soy foods in a heart-healthy diet.
have been a time effect for IL-1b and TNF-a, although the
time points from which we sampled may not have corre- Acknowledgements
sponded with the peak concentrations of these biomarkers. We thank Dr. Barbara J. Nicklas for thoughtfully review-
ing and significantly contributing to the completion of this
Limitations manuscript. Funding for this study was provided by White-
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garding the effects of soy consumption on the exercise- by Baylor University.
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