Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Carbohydrates (Part-1)
Case Study 1 – Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, which is a type of sugar found in milk
and other dairy products. Lactose intolerance happens when the small intestine does not make
enough of the enzyme lactase. Not having enough lactase is called lactase deficiency. Babies'
bodies make this enzyme so they can digest milk, including breast milk.
Lactose intolerance can begin at different times in life. In Caucasians, it usually affects
children older than the age of 5. In African Americans, lactose intolerance often occurs as early
as the age of 2. Lactose intolerance is more common in people with Asian, African, Native
American, or Mediterranean ancestry than it is among northern and western Europeans. Lactose
intolerance is very common in adults and is not dangerous.
Causes of lactose intolerance include, bowel surgery, infections in the small intestine from
viruses or bacteriathat might damage the cells lining the intestine (most often in children) and
intestinal diseases such as celiac sprue (a disease condition that damages the lining of the small
intestine and prevents it from absorbing parts of food that are important for staying healthy).
Symptoms often occur 30 minutes to 2 hours after one eats or drinks milk products, and
are often relieved by not eating or drinking milk products. Large doses of milk products may
cause worse symptoms. Symptoms include abdominal bloating, abdominal cramps, diarrhoea,
gas (flatulence) and nausea. Infants or children may have slow growth or weight loss.
Note: DE stands for dextrose equivalent, which is a measure of the amount of reducing sugars
present in a sugar product, relative to dextrose(D-glucose), expressed as a percentage on
a dry basis. Hence, asubstance with a DE of 10 would have 10% of the reducing power of
dextrose (which has a DE of 100).
If a mixture contained 6%of 36 DE Corn Syrup and 10% sugar, the relative sweetness will
Case Study 3 – Glycaemic Index
A low-GI food will release glucose more slowly and steadily, which leads to more suitable
postprandial (after meal)blood glucose readings. A high-GI food causes a more rapid rise in blood
glucose levels and is suitable for energyrecovery after exercise or for a person experiencing
hypoglycemia.The glycemic index can be applied only to foods with substantial carbohydrate
content, as the test relies onsubjects consuming an amount of the test food containing 50 g of
available carbohydrate. Many fruits and vegetables(but not potatoes) contain very little
carbohydrate per serving, and the average person is not likely to eat 50 g ofcarbohydrate from