Ee6302 Emt Part A
Ee6302 Emt Part A
Ee6302 Emt Part A
7. Describe what are the sources of electric field and magnetic field?
Stationary charges produce electric field that are constant in time, hence the term
Electrostatics. Moving charges produce magnetic fields hence the term magnetostatics.
6. What is the significance physical difference between Poisson’s and Laplace’s equation?
Poisson’s and Laplace equation are useful for determining the electrostatic potential V in
regions at whose boundaries are known.
When the region of interest contains charges in a known distribution, Poisson’s equation
can be used to determine the potential function
7. Give the expression for electric field intensity due to a single shell of charge.
The expression for electric field intensity due to a single shell of charge can be expressed as,
E = Q / 4 r 2
Where Q -charge in C,
ε –Permittivity,
r-radius of sphere.
8. Give the expression for potential between two spherical shells.
The expression for potential between two spherical shells can be expressed as,
V= 1/ 4 (Q1/a - Q2/b)
15. Why water has much greater dielectric constant than mica?
Water has a much greater dielectric constant than mica, because water has a
permanent dipole moment, while mica does not have.
16. Write down the expression for capacitance between two parallel plates.
The expression for capacitance between two parallel plates can be expressed by,
C=A / d
17. What is meant by displacement current? (April/May-2011)
Displacement current is nothing but the current flowing through capacitor.
J= D / t , Ic=dq/dt=Cdv/dt.
18. Write the boundary conditions at the interface between two perfect dielectrics.
i)The tangential component of electric field is continuous
i.e) Et1=Et2
ii)The normal component of electric flux density is continuous
i.e) Dn1=Dn2
20. What are all the sources of electric field and magnetic fields?
Stationary charges produce electric fields that are constant in time: hence the term
electrostatics. Moving charges (steady currents) produce magnetic fields that are constant in
time; hence the term magnetostatics.
2. What are the significant physical differences between Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations?
Poisson's and Laplace’s equations are useful for determining the electrostatic potential V
in regions whose boundaries are known. When the region of interest contains charges poissons
equation can be used to find the potential. When the region is free from charge Laplace equation
is used to find the potential.
12. In a solenoid with an inductance of 5mH current is increasing at the rate of 100A/sec.What
is the value of induced emf?
Emf = L di/dt
= 5×10-3 ×100
=0.5 V
21. What will be effective inductance, if two inductors are connected in (a) series and (b)
a) For series L=L1+L2±2M + sign for aiding
b) For parallel L=L1L2-M /L1+L2±2M -Sign for opposition
12. Explain briefly the different types of emf's produced in a conductor placed in a
magnetic field.
There are two ways in which we can induce emf in a conductor. If a moving conductor is
placed in a static magnetic field then the emf produced in the conductor is called dynamically
induced emf.
If the stationary conductor is placed in a time varying magnetic field, then the emf
produced is called statically induced emf.
15. Give the Maxwell's equation - I in both integral form and point form. (Nov/Dec-2010)
Maxwell's equation - I is derived from the Ampere's circuital law which states that the
line integral of magnetic field intensity H on any closed path is equal to the current enclosed by
that path.
The magneto motive force around a closed path is equal to the sum of the conduction current and
displacement current enclosed by the path.
16. Give the Maxwell's equation - II in both integral form and point form. (Nov/Dec-2010)
Maxwell's equation - II is derived from Faraday's law which states that the emf induced
in a circuit is equal to the rate of decrease of the magnetic flux linkage in the circuit.
The electro motive force around a closed path is equal to the magnetic displacement (flux
density) through that closed path.
17. Give the Maxwell's equation - III in both integral form and point form.
The Maxwell's equation - III is derived from electric Gauss's law which states that the
electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed by the surface.
The total electric displacement through the surface enclosing a volume is equal to the total
charge within the volume.
18. Give the Maxwell's equation - IV in integral form.
Maxwell's equation - IV is derived from magnetic Gauss's law which states that, the
total magnetic flux through any closed surface is equal to zero.
The net magnetic flux emerging through any closed surface is zero.
Displacement current ID is flowing through a capacitor when ac voltage is applied across the
1. Define a wave.
If a physical phenomenon that occurs at one place at a given time is reproduced at other
places at later times, the time delay being proportional to the space separation from the first
location then the group of phenomena constitutes a wave.
11. What is the fundamental difference between static electric and magnetic field lines?
There is a fundamental difference between static electric and magnetic field lines. The
tubes of electric flux originate and terminates on charges, whereas magnetic flux tubes are
12. What are uniform plane waves?
Electromagnetic waves which consist of electric and magnetic fields that are
perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation and are uniform in plane
perpendicular to the direction of propagation are known as uniform plane waves.
15. Give the wave equation in terms of electric field and magnetic field.
The electromagnetic wave equation in terms of electric field is,
18. Give the expression for the characteristic impedance of the wave. (Nov/Dec-2008)
The characteristic impedance or intrinsic impedance is the ratio of the electric field
intensity to the magnetic field intensity.
The phase shift constant for a wave propagating in a conducting medium is,
23. Give the expression for the velocity of propagation of a wave in any medium.
The velocity of propagation of a wave in any medium