OAF Class
OAF Class
OAF Class
1) OAF
OAF are web based application. OAF pages can support to the Mobile applications
Oracle Applications Framework is the Oracle Applications development and deployment platform for
HTML-based business applications
OA Framework consists of a set of middle-tier runtime services and a design-time extension to Oracle10G
JDeveloper called Oracle Applications Extension (OA Extension).
2)Advantages of OAF
Developer Productivity
Application Customizability
Open Standards
OAF Forms
1)OAF pages followed with MVC Architecture As 1) Forms followed only Client /server
well as Client /server Architecture Architecture
2)OAF pages are web application 2)Forms are not web application
3)OAF pages can interact mobile devices 3)Forms cannot interact mobile devices
4)OAF pages are light weight components 4)Forms are are light wiegh componenents
compare to OAF.
5)OAF pages are look and feel is good 5)N/A
6)OAF page start with Region->Items 6)Forms start with window->canvas->blocks-
7)OAF pages will be there in JAVA_TOP 7)FOrms will be there in AU_TOP
5) Diff b/w OAF and ADF.
1)OAF Follows MVC Architecture 1)ADF follows MVC1 and MVC2 Architecture
2)OAF can integrate only Oracle EBS. 2)ADF can integrate any other ERPS
3)OAF Does not support Drag and Drop 3)ADF does support Drag and Drop Options
4)OAF page can not see the lay out at design 4)ADF can see the lay out at design time
You need to have an Oracle Apps 11i or higher environment to play around with.
Basic knowledge of java is needed. Rather I would say basic knowledge of OOP [Object Oriented
Programming] is needed. I mean just the concepts.
Front End
Empno 101
1)OAF Follows J2ee Architecture , J2EE follows MVC Architecture Ultimately OAF also follows MVC
2)MVC is clean design interface b/w model /view /Controller
OverView of Model:
I. Java Based Entity Object -- Performing the DML Operations on Oracle Custom Tables , will go for Java
Based Entity Object
II. PL/SQL Based EntityObject -- Performing the DML Operations on Oracle Standard Tables , will go for
PL/SQL Based Entity Object
1)Association is relationship b/w two two entityObejcts having one common column
2)to perfom DML operations on Master details data
3)All the EntityAssociation objects end with AO.
eX: DeptEmpAO
A)ON Delete Cascade
B)ON Update Keys
c)ON Update History Columns
Types of viewObjects:
TWO Types of AM
1)Root Application Module : Attaching AM to the Root Region of the pagecalled as Root Application Module
Ex:Accessing VOS to all of the sub regions
2)Nested Application Module:
Attaching AM to the Sub Region of the pagecalled as Nested Application Module.
Ex:Accessing VOS to with specific to sub region.
Controller :
ProcessRequest -HttpGet -- on the page load display any default data will go for Process Request.
ProcessFormRequest-HttpPost -- after web page opens , perform any actions on the webpge will go for
Process Form Request
Ex: Button Press,Link Press,TabOuts
ProcessFormData-HttpGet/HttpPost -- optional Method in controller .
public void ProcessRequest(OAPageConText opc, OAWebBean owb)
1)to get the Apps Context Values
int vuid=opc.getUserId();
opc.getMessage("Message Name from AOL");
opc.getStructureCode("KFF Title");
2)to get the value from page
String vsname=null;
System.Out.PrintLn("Print suppliername"+vsname);
Page 1 Page2
opc.setforwrdurl("page2 path");
page1 code
opc.putsessionvalue("abc", vsname);
page5 code
String ssname=pageContext.getSessionvalue("abc ");
OAWebBean Represents the Item Proeperties:
Onion Structure in OAF: