Glossary of Entomology Terms PDF
Glossary of Entomology Terms PDF
Glossary of Entomology Terms PDF
“Accessory gland” redirects here. For the accessory sound pheromones become more dilute the further
glands of the human male reproductive system, see they radiate out from their source.
Human male reproductive system § Accessory glands.
This glossary describes terms used in the formal study aculeate (Hymenoptera) Any member of a group of
families that include the familiar stinging ants, bees,
and social and hunting wasp.
acuminate Tapering to a long point.
acylurea A class of insect growth regulators.
adeagus The part of the male genitalia which is inserted
Compound eye Hindwing into the female during copulation and which carries
the sperm into the female. Its shape is often impor-
tant in separating closely related species.
Foreleg Femur adecticous Of pupa: the state in which the pupa does
Tarsi Midleg
2 1 A–C
amino acid Organic compounds that contain the amino antenniferous Bearing antennae, as in "antenniferous
(NH2 ) group and the carboxyl (COOH) group. tubercle".
Amino acids are the “building stones” of proteins. antennomere A segment of an antenna. The term an-
tennomere is used in particular when the segments
ammonia A colorless alkaline gas, NH3 , soluble in wa-
are fairly uniform, as in filiform antennae, but it also
may be used in referring to segments of odd sizes,
anal Pertaining to last abdominal segment which bears shapes and functions, such as the scape and pedicel.
the anus. More specific terms may be used where there are
distinct antennal regions; for example flagellomeres
anal angle The posterior corner of the wing (same as are the antennomeres comprising the flagellum.
anterior in front of or after the aforementioned struc-
anal fold A fold in the inner margin of the hindwing. ture.
anal valves Exposed claspers at the end of the abdomen. antenodal veins Small cross-veins at the front of the
dragonfly or damselfly wing, between the wing base
anaplasmosis Infection with Anaplasma, a genus of
and the nodus.
Sporozoa that infests red blood cells.
anthophagy feeding on flowers.
anasa wilt A wilt disease of cucurbits caused solely by
the feeding of the squash bug, no parasitic microor- antibiosis An association between two or more organ-
ganism involved. isms that is detrimental to one or more of them.
anticoagulin A substance antagonistic to the coagula- club of a clavate antenna generally is a more or less
tion of blood. tapered thickening, sometimes hardly distinct from
the shaft.
anus The posterior opening of the digestive tract.
capitulum The head of a capitate structure, such as a
apex / apical area The anterior corner of the wing. capitate antenna, or of a capitate haltere
apical cell The first posterior cell in the wing of carpophagy feeding on fruits and seeds.
Diptera.It is the space between the third and fourth
longitudinal vein beyond the anterior crossvein catenulate Markings consisting of rings connected to-
(R5). gether like a chain.
arculus A crossvein between the radius and cubitus near • The vein forming the boundary of the cell
the base of the wing in certain insects. along the costal margin is known as the sub-
costal vein q.v.
areola A small ring of color
• The vein forming the lower boundary towards
arolium A pad-like median lobe between the tarsal the dorsum is called the median vein.
claws. • In the case of butterflies, the cell is closed by
a vein connecting the origins of veins 6 to 4
base / basal area of wing Region close to the point of
along the top of the cell which is known as
attachment to the thorax.
discocellular vein.
brand Raised area on the wing surface, circular, ovate, cell cup Taxonomically important term used in Diptera
or elongated, which is covered with special scent identification keys. Part of the schema of wing ve-
scales or androconia, found in males of some nation. Also called the posterior cubital cell and of-
species. Also called sex mark. ten called the anal cell. see File:Phytomyzinae wing
bryophagy feeding on moss. veins-1.svg
ceratophagy (Also spelled keratophagy) feeding on
cornified tissues and hair of animals.
cervix (Anatomical feature) the structure defining the
neck of the insect.
chaeta See Seta.
chalaza An external spine that has a single point. Et-
ymology: Greek chalasa, a tubercle. cf. scolus,
which has multiple points.
cheta See Seta.
cilia Fine hairs along the edges of the wing.
clasper or clasp A structure in male insects that is used
Distinction between clavate and capitate anatomy of insect an- to hold the female during copulation.
clava Same as clavus.
capitate Mainly referring to antennae, but occasionally clavate Mainly referring to antennae, but occasionally to
to other anatomical features such as palps: having a other anatomical features such as palps: having a
clubbed shape with a relatively long, slender stem, clubbed shape with a relatively long, slender stem,
but with an abruptly bulkier, thicker, possibly glob- but with a bulkier, thicker distal end, the clava. The
ular distal head, the capitulum. The term capitate is term clavate is not strictly distinguished from cap-
not strictly distinguished from clavate, but where a itate, but in general, where a distinction is desired,
distinction is desired, it is that the club of a capitate the club of a capitate antenna is abruptly distinct,
antenna is abruptly distinct from the shaft, and the even globular, whereas the club of a clavate anten-
head tends to be short and more or less globular. The nae is generally a more or less tapered thickening
4 2 D–F
Apex 10 11 12 Costa
7 Costal
5 Cell Ap
4 Su l
3 Base pic
Tornus 1 (upperside) Tornal
7 Base
Apex 6
Termen 3
2 1
Lunule Ocellus Cilia
Clavate antenna of a beetle in the family Erotylidae. In this spec-
imen the clavus comprises three segments
Terms associated with the wings
detritophagy feeding on ground remains of plants and frons (Anatomical feature) The frontal area of an in-
animals. sect’s head. It covers the upper part of the face above
the clypeus and below and between the antennae. It
disc / discal area The central band passing through the supports the pharyngeal dilator muscles and usually
cell. bears an ocellus.
discoidal cell In damselflies (Zygoptera) a basal quad- frontal sutures (Anatomical feature) suture lines that
rangular cell in the wing venation, which is delimited meet with the coroanl sutures to form an inverted
by veins MA (anterior side), MP (posterior side), Y.
MAb (distal side) and the arculus (basal side).
dorsum / dorsal area The trailing edge or hind-margin
of the wing, extending from the base to the tornus. 3 G–L
Dorsal alternately, also refers to the back, i.e. the
upper part of the body, from above.
ectognathous (Anatomical feature) having exterior
mouthparts, or exposed. A defining feature of
empodium (Anatomical feature) either a bristle-like
or pad-like structure between the tarsal claws of
encapsulation the immuno response by plasmatocytes
to the presence of parasitoid egg or larvae which re-
sults in the formation of a multilayered capsule that
causes the parasitoid to sufficate or starve.
entomonecrophagy feeding on dead arthropods.
entomophagy feeding on other insects.
epicranius (Anatomical feature) the top of the anterior
structure of the head, or forehead.
erect The palpi when vertical, i.e. the axis of the palpi
is at right angles to the axis of the body.
exarate Pupae with their legs and other appendages free
and extended.
eyespots or ocelli Spots resembling mammalian eyes.
Can also refer to simple eyes. Diagram of an insect leg
face the area between the base of antennae, oral margin,
eyes and cheeks (gena). See figure 3. gena (Anatomical feature) the area below the compound
eyes, the insect equivalent to human cheeks.
fascia (plural fasciae) A color pattern with a broad
band. girdle a strand of silk used to prop up the pupa. Found
especially in the Papilionidae.
femur third leg segment, between trochanter and tibia.
glabrous smooth, without hairs or scales.
flagellomere an antennomere comprising part of the
flagellum. helminthophagy feeding on worms classified with
helminths (including parasitoids of helminths).
flagellum the part of the antenna distal to the pedicel
composed of one or more segments, called flagel- hemocoel the interior of the insects anatomy, including
lomeres. all organs and hemocyte.
foramen magnum (Anatomical feature) the posterior hemocyte or haemolymph a fluid in the circulatory
opening of the head capsule, covered by the cervix. system of insects containing nutrients, fat, water,
forewing (Anatomical feature) the pair of wings of a
four-winged insect closest to the head. hemophagy feeding on blood.
6 5 P–R
hindwing (Anatomical feature) the pair of wings of a metalmarks small metallic-looking spots commonly
four-winged insect farthest from the head. found on the wings of Riodinidae.
hyaline transparent, like glass. metathorax The third and last segment of the thorax af-
ter the mesothorax.
hygropetric mode of life: living in the thin film of water
on wet rocks. micropterous Having short elytra, shorter than the
hypognathous having mouthparts that are ventrad of a
vertically oriented head, or having an “under bit”. mixomycetophagy feeding on myxomycetes fungus.
idiobiont a form of parasitism where the parasitoid par- mycetophagy feeding on fungus.
alyzes or leaves the host unable to continue develop-
ment at oviposition. necrophagy consuming of dead animals and their re-
interspace The region between adjacent veins.
nervure Older term for vein. adnervural refers to in-
irrorated or irroration Old term used usually to indi- stance lines running adjacent and alongside the
cate a sprinkling of scales interspersed among scales veins.
typically of a different color.
nodus (of Odonata ) A prominent cross-vein near the
keratophagy (Also spelt ceratophagy) feeding on center of the leading edge of a wing.
cornified tissues and hair of animals.
obtect Appendages fused or glued to the body.
koinobiont A form of parasitism where the parasitoid
occipital suture (Anatomical feature) the structure that
lives inside the host while allowing it to live after
defines the occiput. See Figure 1 (below).
occiput (insect) (Anatomical feature) the region poste-
labium Mouthpart forming the lower lip. Bears the
rior to the vertex on the head. See Figure 2 (below).
labial palps.
ocular structure (Anatomical feature) the structure of
labrum (Anatomical feature) the anterior structure be-
the head containing the ocelli.
low the clypeus covering some of the mouthparts,
sometimes called the “upper lip”. onisciform A woodlouse shaped, flattened platyform
appearance of a larva.[2]
lichenophagy feeding on lichens.
oophagy feeding on eggs.
lines of weakness (Anatomical feature) the suture lines
where the integument will split to allow for molting. opisthognathous with receding mouthparts, or having
mouthparts that slope backward or face backward.
lunule A body area or marking roughly in the shape of
a crescent. orbicular stigma a marking placed between the reni-
form stigma and the thorax, usually circular in
4 M–O osmeterium fleshy structure on some larvae, often dis-
charging odorous chemicals.
macrochaete large bristles and scales.[1]
oviposition the act of laying eggs.
macropterous Having long or large elytra, as long, or
longer than the abdomen.
mesothorax the middle segment of the thorax, between pedicel the second segment ( antennomere) of the an-
the prothorax and the metathorax. tenna. See figure 3.
pedipalp (or labial palpi or palpi) Comparatively repugnatorial (generally in combination as in: “repug-
large processes that originate from below the natorial glands”): defensive, in particular as applied
head and curve forward in front of the face that to glands that release irritant, poisonous, alarming
sometimes appear like a beak. lp on the figure right. or disgusting fluids or gases when an organism is
under threat. Examples of repugnatorial glands in-
phloeophagy feeding on bark.[3][4][5] clude the osmeterium of larvae of the Papilionidae,
the stink glands of most Heteroptera, the ozopores
phyllophagy feeding on leaves.
of Opiliones, the odoriferous glands of Diplopoda,
phytophagy feeding on plants. among many others.
pleurite A sclerotised region on the lateral part of an in- rhizophagy feeding on rhizomes.
sect segment, bearing the spiracle, and separating
and connecting the tergite and the sternite (compare:
pulmonarium). 6 S–Z
pollinophagy feeding on pollen.
saltatorial adapted for leaping or jumping.
porrect The palpi when horizontally projecting in front
sarconecrophagy feeding on dead bodies of vertebrates.
of the face. In this case, the axis of the palpi is par-
allel to the axis of the body. sapromycetophagy inhabiting decaying matter and con-
suming mycetes growing inside or cultivating them
posterior in a position behind or below the aforemen-
for feeding.
saprophagy feeding on decaying organic matter.
postoccipital suture (Anatomical feature) the structure
posterior to the occipital suture, surrounding fora- scape the proximal segment ( antennomere) of the an-
men magnum or occipital magnum. tenna. See Figure 3.
proboscis tubular feeding and sucking organ. schisophagy feeding on ground remains of plants and
proclinate Directed or leaning forward, such as in bris-
tles in particular locations of insects’ heads. scolus An external spine having multiple points. Ety-
mology: Greek skolos, a prickle. cf. chalaza. plural:
prognathous having mouth parts dorsad of a dorsally
oriented head, or “over bite”.
sensu Latin term meaning “in the sense of”.
proleg fleshy leg like structures arising from the abdomi-
nal segments of caterpillars. These prolegs have cro- sequestering The process of animals accumulating poi-
chets or curved hooks. sonous compounds from the food they are eating
in order to become poisonous themselves for their
prothorax The first segment on the thorax anterior to
predators. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid sequestration refers
the mesothorax.
to the sequestration of one such class of poisonous
pterostigma (plural pterostigmata) The prominent compounds.
cell, usually opaque and coloured, near the tip of
seta A stiff chitinous or sclerotised hair or bristle. Also
each wing of the Odonata, on the anterior margin;
chaeta, cheta
also, more loosely, called stigma.
setaceous • being like or having the nature of a seta
pterothorax The meso- and metathorax of winged in-
or of setae
sects, that carries the two pairs of wings.
• setose
pulmonarium (plural pulmonaria) A membranous
instead of a sclerotised connection or pleurite setose bearing, or covered in setae.
between the abdominal tergites and sternites of
setula Diminutive of seta. A small chitinous hair or bris-
certain groups of insects; in such species the
pulmonaria bear the spiracles. The term also refers
to an abdomen in which the connection between setulose bearing, or covered in setulae.
the tergal and sternal sclerites takes the form of a
pulmonarial membrane. (Compare: pleurite) spiracle Respiratory openings on the thorax and ab-
domen that allow air to enter the trachea.
reniform stigma an oval or kidney-shaped mark on the
forewing at the disc (Lepidoptera) sporophagy feeding on mycet spores.
stigma (plural stigmata) Prominent cells on the unguis (plural ungues) pretarsus the claws at the tip of
forewings of some moths. Their size, shape and most insect pretarsi.
colour can be useful in identifying some species.
Also the prominent cell, usually opaque and urite a segment or part of the abdomen in insects.
coloured, near the tip of each wing of the Odonata, valve One of several appendages that combine to form
on the anterior margin; also called pterostigma. the ovipositor of a typical female insect.
strigae Patterns with thin lines. valvifer In female Heteroptera valvifers comprise four
blades, one pair on each of abdominal segments 8
subcosta Taxonomically important term used in Diptera
and 9. They articulate with the paratergites and bear
identification keys. Part of the schema of wing ve-
their corresponding valvulae.
nation.The second longitudinal wing vein, posterior
to the costa. It may reach the costa, fade before the valvula One of four blades in a female Hemipteran with
costa or join R1 before it reaches the costa. see (= a laciniate type of ovipositor, that combine to form
auxiliary vein of many authors) the ovipositing mechanism.
subgenal suture (Anatomical feature) suture lines be- vein Hollow structures formed from the coupling of the
low the gena. upper and lower walls of the wing. They provide
both rigidity and flexibility to the wing. (See also
symplesiomorphy a shared ancestral (“primitive”) char-
Comstock-Needham system.)
acter state that cannot be used to demonstrate the
monophyly of a group. vertex (Anatomical feature) The apex of the head, usu-
ally containing ocelli.
synapomorphy a shared homologous and derived char-
acter state (evolutionary novelty) that demonstrates villose covered with numerous thick-set, slender projec-
the monophyly of a group (clade). tions resembling short hairs.
synovigenic a form of reproduction in which the female xylomycetophagy inhabiting wood and consuming
continues to produce and to mature eggs throughout mycetes growing in wood or cultivating them for
its life cycle. feeding.
tarsus (plural tarsi) fifth (last) leg segment, the part xylophagy feeding on wood.
that touches the walking surface.
zoomycetophagy feeding on fungus found on other ani-
termen The edge of the wing most distant from the mals.
zoophagy feeding on animals, and/or animal matter.
terminal and marginal Along the margin.
thorax The part of the body that lies between the head 7 Figures
and the abdomen. It has three parts - prothorax,
mesothorax and metathorax.
• Figure 1 Head.Posterior view.
tibia fourth leg segment, between femur and tarsus.
• Figure 2 Head Side view.
tomentum a pubescence consisting of soft, entangled • Figure 3 Head morphology
hairs pressed close to the surface of the integument.
tornus / tornal area The posterior corner of the wing • Wing venation Charaxes
(same as tornus).
• Wing venation Charaxes
trochanter second leg segment, between coxa and fe-
• Wing venation Acraea
• Insect wing
11.2 Images
• File:Antenna_clavate.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-2.5
Contributors: from Image:Pharaxonotha floridana, head.jpg Original artist: Ramiro Chaves (modified by gian_d)
• File:Antennae_ctb.png Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: Fauna of British India - Butterflies (Vol. 1) Original artist: C.T. Bingham
• File:Butterfly_parts.svg Source: License: CC-BY-2.5 Con-
tributors: Own work Original artist: L. Shyamal
• File:Butterfly_wing_terms.svg Source: License: CC-
BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Self published Original artist: L. Shyamal
• File:Distinction_between_clavate_and_capitate_anatomy_of_insect_antennae.jpg Source:
commons/3/32/Distinction_between_clavate_and_capitate_anatomy_of_insect_antennae.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
Adapted from drawings in “A familiar introduction to the history of insects” by Edward Newman, downloaded from [1] mid 19th cen-
tury (about 1842) Original artist: Edward Newman
• File:InsectLeg.png Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
Own work Original artist: Nwbeeson