Determination of Representative Crack Density of Cementitious Materials
Determination of Representative Crack Density of Cementitious Materials
Determination of Representative Crack Density of Cementitious Materials
ABSTRACT: Based on the micromechanics approach and SEM measurements, a representative crack density
parameter is chosen to evaluate elastic moduli and the stress intensity factor of high-performance concrete.
Following the predicted material properties containing no cracks, one can estimate the effective material
properties if their crack densities are given. SEM specimens were taken in the middle part of high-
performance concrete, and each sample was observed at the fixed and random position to measure the micro-
cracks with five magnifications from 500× to 5000×. The micromechanics-based calculations were compared
with the experimental data to verify the reliability of representative crack density parameter. It is found that
the optimum SEM magnifications for the representative crack density parameter of cementitious materials are
of 3000× ~ 5000×, especially the magnification near 3000× is suitable for HPC containing c1 = 0.67 .
(GPa) Fixed 16.59 15.48 14.13 15
the predicted effective elastic bulk and shear moduli Figure 5. Stress-strain curves at fixed view.
have the errors from 5% to 18% approximately. Ta-
ble 6 shows the fracture toughness for experimental 25
are not acceptable shown in Figures 5-6. Let the
stress-strain relations in Figures 5-6 be enlarged near 10
the experimental curves and re-plotted in Figures 7- experimental
linear elastic
8, obviously, the predicted effective Young modulus 5 3000X
calculated from the magnification of 3000× is close 5000X
to the experimental data. Hence, the better choice for 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
representative crack density parameter is the cracks
measured at the magnification near 3000×.
Figure 7. Enlarged stress-strain curves at fixed view.
c1=0.67 The funding of this research was partially supported
random position
20 by the Taiwan National Science Council under
Grant NSC 95-2221-E-151-046.
linear elastic
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