Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper aims at the assessment of the methods of production of biodiesel from different types of used
Received 6 January 2013 cooking oil. Researches into the productive chain of this type of biofuel were performed in Brazil while
Received in revised form several scientific studies approaching processes of pretreatment and transesterification of waste cooking
4 June 2013
oil were analyzed with their possible variations: alkaline catalysis, acid catalysis, enzymatic catalysis and
Accepted 16 June 2013
Available online 1 August 2013
non-catalytic conversion techniques, highlighting the main advantages and disadvantages of each
analyzed route. The use of alkaline catalysts in transesterification is the most common technique
Keywords: employed by the industry, being the KOH the most recommended catalyst for the reaction with waste
Biodiesel cooking oil. When water and acidity contents are high, pretreatment techniques and other types of
Used cooking oil
catalysts such as solid acids are recommended. Moreover, the economic benefits provided by used
cooking oil were analyzed, indicating reductions of up to 45% of direct production costs compared to
virgin oils, even with the additional costs of the pretreatment. Finally, the availability of raw materials
was estimated, indicating that the used cooking oil would have potential to supply up to 13% of the
demand for biodiesel in Brazil.
Crown Copyright & 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
2. Overview of the biodiesel chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
3. Biodiesel in Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
4. Waste cooking oil: costs and availability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
5. Pretreatment of cooking oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
6. Methods for the production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
6.1. Alkaline catalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
6.2. Acid catalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
6.3. Enzymatic catalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
6.4. Non-catalytic conversion techniques for transesterification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
1364-0321/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright & 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
446 C.D. Mandolesi de Araújo et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 27 (2013) 445–452
production processes tend to be cleaner. The use of ethanol is better-quality exhaust gas emissions, its biodegradability and the
regarded as one of the main mechanisms to fight global warming, organic carbon present in it is photosynthetic in origin. It does not
as it reduces the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2). Part of the CO2 contribute to emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and
emitted by ethanol-powered vehicles is reabsorbed by sugarcane consequently, to the greenhouse effect. Biodiesel contributes to a
plantations. This makes CO2 emissions partially compensated. reduction of the main emissions resulted from petroleum deriva-
Comparing with petroleum-based diesel, biodiesel has consider- tives, with considerable exception to nitrogen oxides (NOx).
able environmental advantages. Studies from the National Biodie- Several studies have confirmed the increase of NOx emissions. Its
sel Board (association representing the biodiesel industry in the attenuation has been suggested with the use of additives and
United States) show that the biodiesel burning can emit, on engine modifications. In the case of sulfur oxides (SOx), as
average, 48% less carbon monoxide; 47% less particulate material biodiesel do not contain sulfur, the emissions of these oxides are
(absorbed by lungs) and 67% less hydrocarbon [2]. minimized with its use [16].
A great economic challenge for the biodiesel commercialization Emissions of greenhouse effect gases in combination with
is the high cost of pure vegetable oils, representing between 70% biodiesel have been evaluated in the last decade, in European
and 85% of the overall production cost of this energetic input [3]. conditions, considering the use of colza and soybean as feedstock
Among the sources of feedstock for the biodiesel production are and methyl esters as B10 and B20. The results suggest reductions
rapeseed, palm, sunflower, and soybean oils. However, their from 40 to 60% in emissions corresponding to pure diesel [17].
availability to be used in the biodiesel production is limited due
to competition with edible oil markets and consequent price
increase [4]. Moreover, biodiesel production from edible oil causes 3. Biodiesel in Brazil
a negative impact in the environment, as it requires large amounts
of available farmland [5]. Therefore, the search of new sources of In January 2008, the National Program for the Production and
biodiesel production is necessary, such as waste frying oil that can Use of Biodiesel established the addition of 2% of biodiesel to
be acquired at no charge. conventional diesel (B2). Motivated by future opportunities, the
Such waste is generated in several locations, mainly when we biodiesel production sector was extremely optimistic resulting in
consider urban areas with high consumption of refined vegetable the idle capacity of most industries. As a consequence, the
oils. There are basically two possible destinations for waste frying installed capacity for the production of biodiesel was sufficient
oil: sewage systems, causing water pollution and encumbering its to meet a demand equal to the B7 (7% of biodiesel added to
treatment, and processing equipment that can transform waste conventional diesel). The capacity surplus resulted in fierce com-
into a new product [6]. Considerable amounts of this waste are still petition and in public bids, causing a drop in prices at levels
disposed of incorrectly in most places, as fast food chains and detrimental to the production chain. Within the same period, the
restaurants have increased due to the growth of the Brazilian price of soybeans reached extremely high levels, due to its use as
population [7]. food and feedstock for fuels. This set of factors has caused negative
Therefore, the use of this waste for the biodiesel production is a effects, such as failure to deliver the volume sold in public bids by
promising alternative as it combines economical aspects, due to some biodiesel producers. On this account, the government
the oil low cost of acquisition, with environmental preservation, as decided to anticipate for July 2008, the increase of the blend
it prevents water sources contamination at the same time produ- percentage to 3% (B3), an anticipation of nearly 12 months, in
cing a less pollutant fuel. order to achieve a better balance between demand and supply
This study is aimed at assessing the main technologies used for [18]. Currently, B5 blend is 5% biodiesel and 95% petroleum-based
biodiesel production from different types of used cooking oil, diesel.
highlighting the strong and weak points of each analyzed route. Fig. 1 shows biodiesel production, compulsory demand and
nominal capacity authorized in Brazil from 2005 to 2012.
Currently, there are 67 biodiesel production plants authorized
2. Overview of the biodiesel chain by the ANP for operation in the country, corresponding to a total
capacity of 21,397 m3/day [19].
The designation biodiesel was first introduced in the United It is in a scenario of energetic sustainability that the country is
States in 1992 by the National Soy Diesel Development Board searching for new alternatives for feedstock sources to produce
(currently National Biodiesel Board), pioneer in the commerciali- biodiesel, aimed at the cost reduction of end products greatly
zation of biodiesel in that country. Biodiesel can be used inter- dependent on soybean oils as shown in Fig. 2.
changeably with petroleum-based diesel due to its similar Algae produced naturally and some types of non-edible plant
features. Moreover, it emits less toxic gases, it is renewable, oils, such as Jatropha curcas, castor bean and palm, can play a
biodegradable, non-toxic, and is essentially free of sulfur and considerable role in the supply of alternative feedstock. On the
aromatics [8]. other hand, they require large available farmland [20].
In chemical terms, biodiesel is made up of methyl or ethyl
esters of fatty acids that can be produced from different lipid
sources, through transesterification, reaction with alcohol in the 4. Waste cooking oil: costs and availability.
presence of a base, acid, enzyme or solid catalyst [9]. Nowadays
esterification and transesterification reactions are the most com- Compared to petroleum-based diesel, the high cost of biodiesel
monly used to produce biodiesel. Any type of feedstock containing is a major barrier to its commercialization. It costs approximately
free fatty acids and/or triglycerides, such as vegetable oil and one and a half times that of petroleum-based diesel depending on
animal fat, can be converted into biodiesel. However, end products feedstock oils [21,22].
must comply with strict quality standards before being accepted as A largely accepted strategy to reduce the cost of biodiesel is to
biodiesel (European Normalization (EN) 14214; American Stan- minimize feedstock costs. The use of waste cooking oil for the
dards for Testing Materials (ASTM) D6751) [10–14]. The most production of biodiesel in spite of virgin oil has been an effective
commonly commercialized feedstock is edible oil from soybean, way of reducing feedstock costs, besides bringing substantial
rapeseed, palm, sunflower, coconut and linseed among others [15]. environmental benefits as it provides an alternative for the final
The main advantages of using biodiesel are its renewability, disposal of the oil previously discharged of in the environment [7].
C.D. Mandolesi de Araújo et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 27 (2013) 445–452 447
Fig. 1. Annual evolution of the nominal capacity allowed by the Brazilian National Petroleum Agency (ANP), biodiesel production and compulsory demand in Brazil [19].
Few studies in the literature talk about the additional costs 6. Methods for the production of biodiesel from waste
inherent in the pretreatment step. However, it is possible to see a cooking oil
significant improvement in the economic viability of the process
from residual oils compared to virgin oils [35], reaching a reduc- 6.1. Alkaline catalysis
tion of up to 45% of direct production costs, even with the
additional costs of the pretreatment [36]. The use of alkaline catalysts in the transesterification of waste
The following sections bring various experiments conducted cooking oil is the most commonly used technique by the industry;
for the oil pretreatment as well as different transesterification however, it has several limitations. The most commonly used
methods. catalysts are potassium hydroxide (KOH) and sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) which are high sensitive to the purity of the reaction being
affected by the water and free fatty acids contents [45,46]. The
presence of water may cause the ester saponification under alka-
line conditions. Moreover, the free fatty acids can also react with
5. Pretreatment of cooking oil the alkaline catalyst producing soaps and water. The saponification
does not only use up the catalyst, but also causes the formation of
Analysis could not detect considerable differences between emulsions which impair the biodiesel separation, recuperation
used cooking oil and virgin oils [37]. Therefore, in most cases, and purification. Therefore, dehydrated vegetable oil with free
heating and removal by filtration of solid particles are sufficient for fatty acids content lower than 1%, anhydrous catalysts and
the subsequent transesterification reaction. However, in some anhydrous alcohol are essential for the commercial feasibility of
cases, outputs of the oil decomposition have deteriorated its alkaline catalyst systems. Nevertheless, several studies on the
quality, fact that can lead to a reduction of the ester performance transesterification of waste cooking oil employing this type of
and the formation of undesirable products during biodiesel catalyst can be found in the literature [7].
production. The negative effects of the undesirable compounds Several researchers have been using NaOH for the transester-
can be avoided by a previous treatment of the used cooking oil. ification, in spite of its lengthy reaction ratio [27]. The use of
Different types of pretreatment have been used to this purpose, methanol and NaOH as catalysts in the transesterification of used
such as: steam injection, neutralization, vacuum evaporation and coconut oil with free fatty acids content of 1.47% was reported,
vacuum filtration [27]. being observed a maximum performance of 94% for the tempera-
Steam and methods of sedimentation were used to investigate ture range between 60 and 65 1C, catalyst concentration of 0.5%
the effects of pretreatment in the composition of used cooking oil and twice the stoichiometric proportion of methanol [47]. Simi-
and the esters produced from it. The study was performed in two larly, the transesterification of used cooking oil with acidity
steps with the oil heating at a temperature of 65 1C followed by content in the range of 0.42–2.07 mg of KOH/g, using NaOH as
sedimentation. The results of both pretreatment steps show that catalyst was also reported [41]. Another experiment performed the
there was a reduction in the content of humidity and free fatty transesterification with ethanol, using NaOH as catalyst, having
acids and a substantial reduction in viscosity, besides an increase temperature reaction of 60 1C for 20 min and catalyst optimum
in the calorific power. The pretreated oil was transesterified and concentration of 0.08%. The average overall conversion was 94.5%
the reduction of the acidity value (6.3–4.3%) and the humidity [48]. The use of NaOH as catalyst in the transesterification of used
content (1.4–0.4%) responded for a substantial increase in ester cooking oil was also reported by [49–51].
performance (from 67.5% to 83.5%), as observed [38]. Other studies have analyzed the use of KOH catalyst as the
A series of pretreatment methods was used to reduce free fatty precursor of the transesterification reaction. Biodiesel was pro-
acids, water and polymers contents in used cooking oil before the duced from the alkaline transesterification of used sunflower oil
two-step transesterification process was carried out being KOH the with low acidity value. The process was performed with methanol
catalyst at 65 1C for 90 min. Free fatty acids were removed by in the presence of KOH at 55 1C for 2 h [52]. Studies have been
neutralization and separated as soap while the high polymer reported on the variables affecting the performance and features
content was treated with activated charcoal and removed by of the biodiesel produced from used cooking oil using KOH and
adsorption [39]. NaOH as catalysts in two concentrations (0.5% and 1.0%), two
Other pretreatment methods have been reported in the litera- reaction temperatures (25 and 65 1C) and three methanol/oil
ture: methods of filtration and drying by microwave oven at 60 1C molar ratio values (3:1, 6:1 and 9:1), being the highest perfor-
for 10 min [40]; magnesium sulfate used as a drying agent mances achieved with KOH. Results have shown the best perfor-
followed by filtration under vacuum to remove any suspended mance percentage was obtained with methanol/oil molar ratio of
matter and magnesium crystals [41]. Prior to the transesterifica- 6:1, having KOH as the catalyst (concentration at 1%) at a
tion of used cooking oil a pretreatment by centrifugation was temperature of 65 1C [53]. With the same catalyst, the transester-
performed with a view to remove any solid matter. Water was ification of used cooking oil with acidity values ranging from 0.67
removed by mixing the oil with 10% silica gel (28–200 mesh) to 3.4 mg of KOH/g was performed with methanol, evidencing that
followed by stirring and vacuum filtration [42]. Another experi- the biodiesel best performance (88–90%) was achieved for a
ment performed the waste cooking oil filtration under vacuum proportion of methanol/oil between 7.8 and 8.1 during 80–90
after dehydration over night using anhydrous sulfate followed by a min at temperature ranging from 30–50 1C in the presence of
new filtration under vacuum prior to the transesterification [43]. 0.75 wt% KOH [54]. Another experiment used ethanol and KOH for
Biodiesel was produced from waste sunflower oil pretreated by the transesterification of used soybean oil. The reaction was
drying over calcium chloride and filtration by cellulose filter in performed at a constant temperature of 35 1C aimed at the
order to remove any suspended matter and calcium chloride minimization of the heating cost and ethanol evaporation [55].
crystals [44]. The catalysts activities of NaOH and KOH were compared in the
Although the removal of impurities such as water, free fatty transesterification reaction of used cooking oil with acidity value
acids and polymers prior to transesterification can improve used of 2.76, concluding that the KOH provides higher reaction velocity
cooking oil ester performance and quality, pretreatments tend to than the NaOH [56]. Therefore, potassium hydroxide has been
increase biodiesel production costs suggesting a more in-depth considered the best catalyst for the transesterification of waste
analysis of the methods to be employed. edible oils [57].
C.D. Mandolesi de Araújo et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 27 (2013) 445–452 449
6.2. Acid catalysis Different types of solid acid catalysts, such as MoO3/SiO2, MoO3/
ZrO2, WO3/SiO2–Al2O3, and zinc stearate supported on silica were
As previously referred to, a drawback of the transesterification synthesized and evaluated for the biodiesel production from waste
with alkaline catalyst is due to the process sensibility to the cooking oil. Zinc stearate immobilized on silica gel (ZS/Si) was the
reagents purity, especially in terms of water and free fatty acid most effective and stable heterogeneous catalyst. The catalyst was
contents. Studies report that acid catalysts are insensitive to the reused several times without any loss in the activity revealing a
acidity value and are better than alkaline catalysts for vegetable 98% esters performance [72].
oils with acidity value higher than 1% [58]. The advantages of using solid acids catalysts are insensitivity to
Studies on the transesterification of edible oil using strong acidity value; esterification and transesterification may be carried
acids are available in the literature [59–62]. The transesterification out simultaneously; the catalyst is easy to be recovered; water
of triglycerides can be usually catalyzed by inorganic acids such as washing biodiesel is unnecessary; generally high performance in
sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid and sulfonate esters; much lower catalyst requirements per tons of biodiesel
organic acids. The transesterification by acid catalysis starts by produced than in other processes; and catalysts may be used for a
mixing the oil directly with acidified alcohol, in a way that longer period of time and are environmentally friendly. However,
separation and transesterification can occur in a single step, being these systems operate under high temperature and pressure.
alcohol the esterification solvent and reagent [63]. The transester-
ification of used cooking oil from coffee shops with sulfuric acid 6.3. Enzymatic catalysis
and KOH was reported. Partially hydrogenated soybean oil and
margarine were transesterified with methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, Lately, there has been a growing interest in the use of enzymes,
2-propanol, 1-butanol and 2-ethoxyethanol. Ester performances such as lipases, for the catalysis of oils to produce biodiesel. This
were calculated when the product was put in sedimentation for type of transesterification has advantages upon chemical catalysts
48 h at 25 1C, followed by matter removal by gravity and filtration. reactions as it avoids the generation of by-products, the product is
The filtered product was left to rest at 5 1C for 7 days and then easy to be recovered, reaction conditions are moderate (tempera-
filtered once again. Results have shown that acid catalysis performed ture from 35–45 1C) and the catalyst is recyclable [73]. It has been
better than alkaline reaction, except for methyl esters, despite the reported that enzymatic reactions are insensitive to acidity value
longer time-consuming process [64]. Pilot experiments carried out and water content and may be used for the transesterification of
the transesterification of waste cooking oil in the presence of sulfuric used cooking oil [73,74].
acid at 70 1C. A minimum molar ratio of 50:1 to methanol/oil and Several types of lipases have been studied and selected as can
acid concentration of 1.5–3.5% were used. The high methanol be shown in the experiment with four specific species: Mucor
proportion was used to enable a high balance for the oil conversions miehei (Lipozyme IM60), Candida antarctica (SP435), Geotrichum
into esters [65,66]. candidum and Pseudomonas cepacia (PS30). They were employed
Catalysts activities of several acids for the transesterification of as catalysts for the transesterification of olive oil, soybean oil and
used cooking oil have been compared. The transesterification of tallow. Reaction conditions developed for the tallow proved to be
waste palm oil was carried out under different conditions. Sulfuric effective also for the transesterification of used cooking oil in
and hydrochloric acid and ethanol were used in different concen- terms of the following parameters: temperature at 45 1C; stirring
trations. Catalysts in the range of 1.5–2.25 M yield biodiesel with speed of 200 rpm; enzymatic concentration ranging from 12 to
lower specific weight in a much shorter reaction time than in 25% and reaction time between 4 and 8 h (for primary alcohols)
lower concentrations. In comparison with HCl, H2SO4 showed and 16 h (for secondary alcohols). M. miehei was most efficient for
superior catalytic activity. The use of alcohol in excess provided the tallow transesterification using primary alcohols (95% conver-
considerable reductions in the reaction time. Hence, in order to sion) whereas C. antarctica and P. cepacia were more efficient for
reduce reaction time, transesterification catalyzed by Bronsted the use of secondary alcohols (90% conversion) [75].
acids demands higher concentration of catalysts and higher molar Another experiment studied the continuous transesterification
ratio [67]. of used cooking oil with ethanol using immobilized Burkholderia
Besides Bronsted acids, Lewis acids have also been used in the cepacia (IM BS-30) as the catalyst and a recirculating packed-
vegetable oil transesterification. A process was developed for the column reactor. Effects of the flow rate, temperature, reaction time
production of esters from feedstock with high contents of free and reusability of the enzyme upon the product performance were
fatty acids using calcium acetate and barium acetate as catalysts. analyzed. The optimum conditions for the obtainment of 96%
Such catalysts do not promote soap formation with free fatty performance in ester were, flow rate, 30 ml/min; temperature,
acids; however, molar ratios higher than 3:1 promote salt forma- 50 1C; molar ratio, 4:1 ethanol/oil and reaction time, 48 h [76].
tions. Other limitations include high temperature (200–250 1C) It was also reported that organic solvent-free methanolysis does
and high pressure (400–600 psi) needed for the reaction. More- not give high conversions [77]. Another advantage of this method
over, barium compounds are toxic to humans [68]. is that the acidity value and water have little or no effect upon the
Manganese acetate and stearate, plumb, zinc, cobalt and nickel methanolysis efficiency and the immobilized biocatalyst may be
were also tested in a 1:12 alcohol/oil molar ratio at a temperature reused [78]. Similarly, a three-step methanolysis was performed
of 200 1C for 200 min. The results show that stearate is better than with used cooking oil and lipases. In the process, one-third of
acetate due to improved oil solubility, evidencing, also, better alcohol was fed at the beginning of the reaction, one-third 10 h
performance than Bronsted acids with lower concentration of after and the other third 24 h after the reaction had started,
catalysts and lower oil/alcohol molar ratio [69]. enabling to conclude that if the molar ratio is greater than 0.5, the
Lately, researches on biodiesel have focused on the use of solid product becomes alcohol-insoluble [79].
acid catalysts known as heterogeneous catalysts. Sulfonic resins, Other types of investigations were performed on the enzymatic
such as Nafion NR50, sulfated zirconia and tungstated zirconia conversion of waste oils using Rhizopus oryzae immobilized lipase
may catalyze transesterification reactions as effectively as sulfuric focusing on the optimization of several process parameters such as
acid [70]. Studies report that the solid acid catalyst ideal to the molar ratio of methanol/oil, biocatalyst load, reaction temperature
transesterification of used cooking oil is expected to have features and water content. Results indicate that methanol/oil molar ratio
such as interconnected system of large pores, moderate and high of 4:1, immobilized lipase/oil of 30% and 40 1C were suitable under
concentrations of strong acids sites and hydrophobic surface [71]. 1 atm pressure. Under optimum conditions the yield of methyl
450 C.D. Mandolesi de Araújo et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 27 (2013) 445–452
ester was around 88–90%. The lipase irreversible inactivation was The process operates at extremely high pressures (25–40 MPa);
observed and a stepwise addition of methanol to reduce the The high temperatures (350–400 1C) result proportionally in
inactivation of immobilized lipases was proposed as in the above high heating and cooling costs;
experiments [80]. High methanol: oil ratios (generally established at 42:1) involve
It was clear that immobilization has a considerable effect upon high costs for the evaporation of the unreacted methanol;
the lipase catalytic activity especially when feedstock with high
acid value and water content is used for the transesterification. 7. Conclusions
Moreover, the following advantages for the use of lipases can be
mentioned [46]. Biodiesel as an alternative fuel to diesel engines has become
more important due to the environmental impacts of petroleum-
Possibility of regeneration and reuse of immobilized waste, as it based diesel. The main challenges for the insertion of this biofuel
can be left in the reactor if reactivity is kept low. in the market are its cost and availability of feedstock as fat and
Higher enzyme thermal stability due to its inactive state. oils. Through the collection of different types of used cooking oils,
Easier separation from the product. the cost of biodiesel is considerably reduced and the negative
impact of the waste oil disposal in the environment is minimized.
Some disadvantages include, However, in the frying process, the oil undergoes several reactions
which lead to the formation of undesirable compounds such as
Loss of some initial activity due to the volume of oil molecule. polymers and free fatty acids, among others. This poses several
Number of support enzymes is not uniform. challenges in the transesterification of used cooking oil, requiring
Biocatalysts are more expensive than natural enzymes. an additional pretreatment step to remove these impurities.
However, studies have shown a reduction of up to 45% of the
direct cost of production, even with the additional costs of
6.4. Non-catalytic conversion techniques for transesterification An estimate of the availability of raw material was also
prepared, concluding that the used cooking oil have the potential
Due to methanol weak potential and the oil miscibility, its to supply up to 13% of the demand for biodiesel in Brazil and that
conversion is a very slow reaction. The non-catalytic options are the efforts may be focused not only on the subsidies and aspects of
designed to overcome delays in the initial reaction time caused by the productive process, but also in the quantification and mon-
the low solubility of alcohol in the triglyceride phase. An approach etization of direct and indirect environmental impacts caused by
which is now commercialized consists in the use of a solvent the disposal of waste cooking oil in the environment as a variable
soluble in methanol and oil. The result is a fast reaction, on the of the impact in the biofuel final price.
order of 5 to 10 min with no catalyst residues, in any phase. One of From the technical point of view, NaOH and KOH are the most
these cosolvents is the tetrahydrofuran, chosen, partially, due to its largely used catalysts in the alkaline transesterification with KOH
boiling point near that of methanol and the need of a very low being the most suitable for the production of biodiesel from
operational temperature, around 30 1C. The BIOX, a patented wastes such as cooking oil. If the content of free fatty acids is
production process, converts triglycerides and free fatty acids into higher than 1%, an acid catalyst is a good choice. However, this
a two-step continuous process at atmospheric pressure and process requires a high concentration of the catalyst and the molar
ambient temperature, all in less than 90 min. Through the addition ratio leading to corrosion problems. The most commonly used
of a cosolvent, the free fatty acids are converted first, and next are acids are sulfuric and sulfonic. Despite its operation under high
the triglycerides without the need of any pretreatment phase. The pressure and temperature, the use of solid acids could be a better
process reaches a conversion higher than 99%, even when feed- choice for the transesterification of used cooking oil with high
stock have high acid value (up to 10%), such as animal fat or crude acidity value.
palm oil. 99.9% of the cosolvent is recovered and the excess of In the conventional transesterification reaction, both methanol
methanol used in the process is then recycled and reused [81]. and ethanol can be used as esterification agents, being methanol
A second approach uses methanol at extremely high tempera- the most commonly used. Few reports are available on the use of
tures and high pressure. This process is known as supercritical other alcohols. The use of enzymes has also been employed in the
methanol. The use of supercritical technology in the production of biodiesel production with reports of high performance in esters
biodiesel is a forthcoming technology. The supercritical methanol from used cooking oil; however, the long reaction time and the
does not work only as a solvent, but also as an acid catalyst [82]. short activity period of the enzymes are also issues that affect its
The use of supercritical alcohol for the transesterification of pure economical feasibility. In case of supercritical alcohol, higher
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