Laura Cole Resume Updated April 2019
Laura Cole Resume Updated April 2019
Laura Cole Resume Updated April 2019
TEL 8 0 2 . 3 4 3 . 5 5 8 7 EMAIL L A U R A L C O L E 3 0 1 @ G M A I L . C O M
. OB triage RN duties
C L I N I C A L N U R S E T R AV E L E R , B I RT H C E N T E R , U N I V E R S I T Y O F C O L O R A D O H O S P I T A L ,
. Provide high quality nursing care for pregnant patients and families during antepartum,
intrapartum and postpartum periods (primarily low risk OB patients)
. Couplet care
S TA F F N U R S E I I / I I I L A B O R A N D D E L I V E R Y , U N I V E R S I T Y O F V E R M O N T M E D I C A L
JULY 2004-JULY 2014
. Provide high quality nursing care for pregnant patients and families during antepartum,
intrapartum and postpartum periods, including high and low risk OB patients
. Staff Nurse III responsibilities included developing unit-based competencies for our staff,
participation in hospital committees such as RN Superuser group for improving our EHR
(Epic), Unit-Based Nurse Practice Council, and Quality Improvement Projects
S TA F F N U R S E I I M O T H E R / B A B Y U N I T , U N I V E R S I T Y O F V E R M O N T M E D I C A L C E N T E R
2002-JULY 2004
. Provide couplet care to moms and babies
S TA F F N U R S E M E D / S U R G U N I T , F L E T C H E R A L L E N H E A L T H C A R E ,
. Graduate Nurse/Registered Nurse on a high-census unit that included the following inpatient
specialties: Neuro/Neuro-Surg, ENT, Urology, Plastic Surgery, patients with Cystic Fibrosis
.Can implement patient care responsibilities and provider orders while following clinical
standards and guidelines
. Responsible for fetal monitoring and recognition of normal and abnormal FHR patterns and
appropriate nursing actions
. Assist in vaginal (spontaneous and operative) and cesarean deliveries as well as other OB
. Provide age and culturally appropriate care as well as attend to the emotional needs of
patient and families
. Communicate and work effectively with patients to achieve high customer satisfaction
. Work with healthcare employees as a team, a leader and resource for staff on L&D unit
. Confidence in assessing patient status and communicating clinical changes with team and
discussing the plan of care
. Experienced obstetrical background including but not limited to: VBAC, management of pre-
eclampsia/eclampsia, multiple gestations, diabetes, bleeding and clotting disorders, epidural
anesthesia, water birth, induction and augmentation of labor, patients with drug dependence,
obstetric emergencies
C E R T I F I C AT I O N S / C O U R S E S / R E C E N T C O N F E R E N C E S
. AWHONN Fetal Heart Monitoring Case Assessment & Testing--Advanced Level (2012)
. Attend Annual Harvey Cohen Maternal & Morbidity Conference (Every October 2014-2018)
Available upon request
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