This document contains a list of 30 individuals with their names, identification numbers, and other identifying information such as NIP, NIK, NPWP, and BPJS/ASKES numbers. It includes details like date of birth, date of appointment, and department or position within the organization. The list contains a variety of roles, including doctors, nurses, administrators, and other medical professionals.
This document contains a list of 30 individuals with their names, identification numbers, and other identifying information such as NIP, NIK, NPWP, and BPJS/ASKES numbers. It includes details like date of birth, date of appointment, and department or position within the organization. The list contains a variety of roles, including doctors, nurses, administrators, and other medical professionals.
This document contains a list of 30 individuals with their names, identification numbers, and other identifying information such as NIP, NIK, NPWP, and BPJS/ASKES numbers. It includes details like date of birth, date of appointment, and department or position within the organization. The list contains a variety of roles, including doctors, nurses, administrators, and other medical professionals.
This document contains a list of 30 individuals with their names, identification numbers, and other identifying information such as NIP, NIK, NPWP, and BPJS/ASKES numbers. It includes details like date of birth, date of appointment, and department or position within the organization. The list contains a variety of roles, including doctors, nurses, administrators, and other medical professionals.
The Correlation of Mother's Knowledge With Nutritional Status of Children Under Two Years Who Were Given Formula-Fed in The Working Area of Health Centers in Tanjung Raja, Ogan Ilir