Better Study
Better Study
Better Study
Entire book
Note vocabulary, degree of difficulty, style, organization
Assigned section
Note main ideas, charts, diagrams, maps, illustrations,
formulas, topic
sentences, summaries, questions
Write main ideas
To understand, not to memorize.
Respond as you read; write after each section,
depending on material
Review Material
Go back through the chapter and reread it quickly to
refresh your memory.
Answer the chapter questions, see relationships, and
complete your notes. Look
at your notes. Do you now have details to support each
main idea? Can you
study that chapter from your notes. The answers
should be yes. Your goal has
been to get the material out of the text into your notes,
then into your mind.
Textbooks are often wordy and difficulty to understand.
Put the ideals in your
own words and you will learn the material much more
Hand Reading
As children, we were generally taught not to underline
words with our
fingertips. But this method actually helps increase
speed and comprehension.
It builds speed in reading because it prevents
unnecessary backing up and
rereading, which consumes about one-sixth of your
reading time. It also
prevents unneeded, prolonged fixations -- the habit of
staring at one word or
phrase for a long period. Reading with your hand on
the page improves your
comprehension because it directs your attention to a
spot instead of allowing
your eyes and minds to wander. Simply place your
fingertip under the first
word and move it along at a comfortable rate,
underlining each word. Be sure
to pick up your finger at the end of each line, lifting it to
begin the next
one. Read directly above your fingertip, and watch
your rate soar.
Range of Vision
One reason you might read slowly is that you read with
a narrow, constricted,
"hard focus;" you have disciplined your eyes to see only
a couple of words at a
time. This severely limits your speed. Your reading
focus is different from
your usual vision. The difference is easy to explain.
What do you see when
you look outside your window? Do your eyes focus only
on a spit three-quarters
of an inch by five-eights of an inch? What you see is an
entire panorama with
everything in focus. You should see a page in the same
One other hint that will help you read faster is often
overlooked: Hold your
book four to six inches father away from your eyes than
usual. Your eyes won't
have to work so hard because the father objects are
from your eyes, the less
movement it takes to seem them all. So be sure your
material is at least
fifteen inches from your eyes, you'll enjoy increased
speed and comprehension,
and reduce fatigue.
Improving Concentration
Readers with the best comprehension are usually fast
readers. The more slowly
you read, the more chances there are for your to day
dream and lose
concentration and hence, comprehension.
Comprehending well is a process and a
habit, not a mystery. Actually, comprehension is a
twofold process: (1)
perceiving and organizing information, and (2) relating
that information to
what you already know. Several factors determine the
degree of comprehension
you'll get from the material you read. Those factors are
your background in
that subject, your reading skills, and the organization
and presentation of
that material.
Greater Meaning
Reading is an active process, not passive. Anticipate
ideas and read for a
purpose -- to answer your questions -- by actively
searching for the
information you want. Have questions in mind before
you read, not afterward.
If you begin reading a book with questions, you'll
complete your reading with
the answers. Think about the important points and
read to understand them. Be
confident that you can get what you want, and you will.
Do not argue with the
author while reading. Save critical analysis for later, so
you will not slow
yourself down, lose concentration, and miss the flow of
the material. Put
pencil checks in the margins of the sections you would
like to go back to.
Your mind seeks organization, logical sequences, and
order. Give it a chance
to comprehend the material by grouping ideas and
details into meaningful
blocks. Restructure the material into easy-to-picture
thoughts. Use every
positive combination of thought pictures that will work.
When you perceive the
unity and structure of the material you are studying,
you will grasp its
meaning much faster. Strive toward understanding the
structure as well as the
Taking Notes
Efficient notes are vital to straight A's. Most of your
studying should be
done from notes taken in class and from the text. Your
notes show how ell you
understand material presented. Students are not
usually taught how to take
concise, creative notes. Most have to learn from others
or through trial and
error. Learn the following basics and then use your
creativity to develop the
formats that work best for you and the subjects in
which you are interested.
Summarize, Don't Duplicate
Your notes should not be a re-creation, but rather a
synopsis, a synthesis.
Accuracy is your first consideration. But beyond that,
try to reconstruct the
material in your own words. This is the beauty of good
notes: They are more
understandable and interesting than a text or lecture.
Include as many
examples as time or necessity permits.
It is time consuming to spell out each word you choose
to include in your
notes. You can phonetically abbreviate by using the
consonants of a word to
create a phonetic representation that you will be able to
write rapidly and
interpret easily for review. Look at the following
sentence from a lecture
given in a literature class:
Format of Subject
Each subject group has basic characteristics that help
you organize your
information and thoughts on that particular subject.
Notetaking stumps many
students because in some textbooks the information on
each page is not well
organized. Some books may go for a dozen pages
without bold-faced headings or
changes in organization. Difficulty in studying and
taking notes often arises
from such textbooks. Fortunately, most textbooks are
better written today than
they were years ago. Many have chapter summaries,
bold-faced headings, and
questions to answer. But when you use a book that does
not indicate what is
important by its format, use the information in the table
that follows to help
organize your notes and study procedure. It includes
the basic formats for
three main subject areas.
Creative Approach
The more unusual and eye-catching your notes are, the
more you will enjoy
studying them and the easier it will be for to recall the
information contained
in them. Don't use a standard outline form. Its two
major drawbacks are
inflexibility and difficulty in recalling. Use pictures,
cartoons, arrows,
different colored pens, and different size headings.
Helpful, creative notes
take very little practice, but if you need some ideas,
refer to the samples
that follow.
Ideally, you should read the text and take notes prior to
the class lecture.
Put your notes on the left-hand side of your paper,
leaving the right half for
class work. Then when the professor lectures, you will
not only understand his
or her comments better, but you won't have to write as
much. If you keep class
and study notes on the same topic together on a page,
you will take fewer notes
and understand more. Other students in class may be
writing frantically while
you relax and jot down only an occasional supporting
detail. Even if you can't
take text notes in advance, bring your lecture notes
home and reverse the
Steps to Better Recall
Pay Attention
Being aware is the first step to developing better recall.
Begin to notice the
part of the page on which information is located. Notice
how it's presented,
and take an extra look at visual aids. Surprisingly,
many people do not even
know what color their walls and curtains are, what their
license plate number
is, or even their Social Security number. Knowing these
things may not be very
important, but learning to be more aware of your
surroundings can be very
helpful in developing memory skills.
Although it may sound obvious, make sure you
thoroughly understand what you
want to remember. This rule applies equally to poetry,
mathematics, history,
sciences, and related fields. If something makes sense,
it's much easier to
Be Creative
One of the most powerful ways to recall is to unleash
your imagination. Turn
your text material into pictures, change names into
pictures, exaggerate, and
be artistic. Try to put some color into the data;
associate the information
with sight, sound, taste, and smell.
Use Repetition
Immediately after a learning activity, preferably within
an hour, refresh your
memory through a review. We use both long-term and
short-term memory, and most
of what we take in goes into our short term memory.
For example, when you look
up a number in the phone book, you remember it just
long enough to dial it.
Then you promptly forget it. This is, of course, short-
term memory. To
transfer memory data to long-term recall, we need to
repeat it and use it for
reinforcement. The ideal way to study and memorize is
to spend six sessions,
each lasting one hour, on a subject, rather than six
hours straight. In this
way, data are reinforced sufficiently to be filed in long-
term memory.
Create Mental Pictures
Often called the key to memorizing, mental pictures
enable your mind to work in
its more natural state. Usually, your mind stores images
and pictures, not
words. When you think of milk, do you picture the four
letters m-i-l-k? Most
people picture a glass or carton of milk. By the normal
storage system, by
creating mental pictures, you can remember data much
more easily. Change words
and ideas into pictures and simply study the pictures,
not the words.
Contrasting Subjects
Apparently our subconscious needs time to sort and
categorize information for
long-term storage and retrieval. To facilitate this
process, do not study two
similar subjects back to back. Instead, work on a
dissimilar subject in the
interval. For example, do not follow the study of
algebra with calculus, or
Spanish with Italian.
Cut down on distractions that might ordinarily follow a
study session. It is
best to study before a restful, quiet time or even before
bed. Then your mind
will have time to relax, sort and store the necessary
Study Wholes
Whether the subject is a Shakespearean play or an
assignment in anatomy, your
mind functions best with complete pictures to
remember. Even if you have to
memorize only one part of a chapter, become familiar
with all of it. For
example, if you had to explain to someone why a local
beach has low and high
tides, it would be much easier if you also discussed how
our tides are simply
opposite from those on the other side of the world. For
some reason our recall
varies even within the whole picture we are learning.
Use the BEM concept for
better recall: We remember material best from the
beginning, second best from
the end and our recall is weakest on the middle.
Therefore, spend more time on
the middle to allow for that tendency.
Practice Material
Frequently review, repeat, recite, and use the material
you wish to remember.
Almost any information learned becomes familiar, and
even second nature,
through usage. Try to integrate the data into daily
usage. There is no
substitute for practice.
Middle of Course
Try to study a little every day. This is a lot more
effective and less
stressful than cramming. Ask questions when you don't
understand course
material. Don't put them off, or you will forget about
them. See your
professor for extra help early in the term, not the day
before a test. This
shows a genuine interest on your part, and the extra
contact will pay off at
test time. Most important, be sure to introduce yourself
and make the most
favorable impression you can. In your particular fields
of interest, it's also
helpful to ask your professor if he or she has any
suggested reading material
outside of assigned class texts. The secret is to show
some genuine interest in
your class subject. You'll find that if you approach most
subjects with an open
mind and a positive attitude, there will be a wealth of
material to stimulate
and interest you. Allow your interest to extend to your
professor. He or she
is like anyone else and appreciates the personal touch.
Last Hours
You have already run the hardest part of the race. If
you have kept up during
the term, you have already passed the exam; now it is
the difference between an
A and a B. Others may have exam fever, but you can
relax a bit. Get a full
night's sleep and be sure to eat and get some exercise
the day of the exam.
That encourages better blood circulation and hence a
better supply of oxygen to
your brain during exam time. You will be able to think
more clearly. It is
best to exercise in moderation so that you are
invigorated rather tan
exhausted. A brisk walk before the test is a good way to
get exercise. Eat
good foods, but eat lightly or not at all within an hour of
your test. If you
do eat, your body's energy and blood supply will be
drawn toward your stomach
for digestion instead of toward your brain, where it is
needed during test
Now you can cash in your efforts. First, look over the
entire exam. This will
help you allot your time wisely. Note the types of
questions, which are given
the most point value, and which are most difficult. Do
not pick up your pen
for a few minutes. Stop to think about your attack plan.
Be relaxed and calm
while you plan your approach. A good test taker doesn't
fight tests; the
secret is to relax.
True-false questions are the easiest test questions for the
obvious reason that
you have at least a fifty-fifty chance of getting the right
answer. First, be
sure you have read the question correctly. Look for
such words as always or
never. These words often indicate a false answer. Such
words as often,
usually, rarely, and sometimes can indicate a true
answer. Decide if the
statement is totally true before you mark it true.
Answer what the tester
intended, not what you read into the question. For
example, the statement,
"General Motors produces compact cars," is true. If
the question had read,
"General Motors alone produces compact cars," then it
would have been false.
On true-false questions, stick with your first impression.
Studies have shown
over and over that your first impression is usually right,
so be slow to change
your answer, if at all. remember, a statement is more
likely to be true if it
is a fairly long stand; it takes more qualifiers to make a
true statement than
a false one.
An important rule to remember when answering
multiple-choice questions: Read
the answers first. This way, you'll view each answer
separately and equally,
without "jumping" on the first and easiest one. Look
for an answer that not
only seems right on its own, but completes the question
smoothly. if the
question asks why something occurs, then your answer
must be a cause. Try to
eliminate any obviously poor answers. Suspect as a
possible right answer such
phrases as "all of the above", "none of the above", or
"two of the above".
Check the wording of questions to notice qualifying
phrases, such as "all of
the following are true except " or "which two of the
below are not".
Statistically, the least likely correct answer on a
multiple-choice question is
the first choice. When in doubt, pick the longer of the
two answers. But,
just as in true-false sections, always put something
down. Even an educated
guess is better than leaving the question blank and
getting it wrong for sure.
Sentence Completion
These generally ask for an exact word from memory.
They don't allow for much
error, so make sure your answer is a logical part of the
sentence as a whole.
Use the length and number of blanks given as a hint.
Make sure the grammar is
consistent. When in doubt, guess. Even if it's a
generalized guess, you may
get partial credit. If you are unsure of two possibilities,
include both and
hope for half-credit.
Essay Tests
When answering questions on an essay test, begin by
making an outline.
Assemble and organize the main points. Check the
wording of the question to
make sure you are interpreting the question correctly.
For example, if the
question asks you to compare and contrast, do not give
a description or a
discussion. Begin your essay by using the same words
in your answer that are
in the question. Keep your answer to the point. Always
write something in
answer to a question, even if you don't have much to
Nine Steps
Like other jobs you have as a student, the task of
writing a research paper can
be broken down into sequential steps. There are nine
steps in research.
After you have chosen your topic, limit it. Think about
the particular aspect
you are going to examine. For example, if you decided
to do research on the
writing of the U.S. Constitution, you could limit your
topic to the role of
James Madison in the writing of the Constitution, or the
seventeenth century
political philosophers, who influenced the writers of the
Constitution, or
perhaps the role of Benjamin Franklin in the writing of
the Constitution. By
limiting your topic, you are making it specific. you will
be able to guide
your research and avoid reading works that pertain to
your general area of
research, but not to your specific topic. This limiting of
your topic becomes
a great time saver.
Being Systematic
The first thing you should do when assigned a research
paper is to write down a
schedule. Allot time for each of the nine steps, allowing
about one-third of
the total time for steps 1-4, about one-third for reading
and taking notes, and
the remaining third for composing the paper, steps 6-9.
To allot time for the stems, start your estimates from the
date of the paper is
due and work backward. For example, you have
received an assignment from your
history professor and have been told that the research
paper must be turned in
on the last day of the term, nine weeks later.
Write a schedule like the one below, and put the date
the paper is due next to
step 9. Then, next to step 5, put the date of the day that
is three weeks
before the end of the term. Then, next to step 4, put the
date of the day that
is the six weeks before the end of the term.
After you have divided the available time into the major
parts, subdivide the
major areas. In our example you were given nine weeks
to complete the
assignment. Your division would be something like this:
Of the three weeks for
steps 1-4, allow yourself about five days for general
reading, about two days
for selecting your working bibliography; of the three
weeks you allow yourself
for writing, estimate that your outline will take five
days, composing the
rough draft about five days, revising about six days,
preparing the final copy
about five days, and preparing the final copy about five
Once your schedule is in place, you are ready to begin.
As you search through
the general literature, be systematic in your efforts.
Being systematic is
perhaps the key to success in doing research. Look
carefully at all the
available general literature, and then when you begin to
collect your
bibliography, be systematic in the writing of the cards.
When you are writing
your notes, be systematic again. Make sure every
notation is clear, especially
the page numbers, so that you will not have to retrace
your steps and redo some
research because you couldn't remember from which
source a good idea came.
For a book:
1. Author's complete name, first name first
2. Title of work underlined
3. Editor, compiler, or translator if there is one
("edited by," etc.)
4. Series, if any, volume in the series
5. Edition number, if book is not the first edition
(2nd ed., e.g.)
6. Number of volumes, if there are more than one.
7. Publication facts, in parentheses:
city of publication
publication date
8. Volume number, if there is more than one volume
9. Number of page on which the idea or quotation
For an article:
1. Author's name, if given
2. Article title, in quotation marks
3. Title of magazine or journal (underlined)
in which article appears
4. Volume number and issue number of magazine or
5. Page number on which idea or quotation appears.
For an article:
For a book:
1. Author's complete name, last name first,
followed by a period
2. Title of work, underlined, followed by a period
3. Editor, compiler, or translator, if there is one,
followed by a period
4. Edition, if not the first, followed by a period
5. Number of volumes, if more than one,
followed by a period
6. Publication facts:
city of publication, followed by a colon
publisher, followed by a comma
publication date, followed by a period
For an article:
1. Author's name, last name first, followed by a period
2. Article title, in quotation marks, followed by a
3. Publication facts:
Name of magazine, journal or book, underlined,
followed by a comma
Volume number of magazine or journal
Publication date, in parentheses, followed by a
4. Page numbers, inclusive, of the article,
followed by a period
A Word of Caution
The term paper or research theme, if approached by the
student as a difficult
and time-consuming burden, usually turns out to be a
boring and padded piece of
work that boldly betrays the writer's lack of interest. If
the them is looked
upon as a challenge and a chance for discovery and
creative work, the product
is what one would expect -- a well-written essay,
reflecting wide reading and
grasp of material, and intellectually stimulating to the
instructor who reads
598.2 Audubon bird guide
P Pough, Richard G.
Audubon bird guide; eastern land birds
Doubleday, 1946
Suppose you read the book and decide that you would
like to read some more of
the author's works. You return he book you have read
to the library and check
the author card for additional books. There is an
author card for each
separate work of the author. For example, let us
imagine you have read John
Kieran's An Introduction to Birds and are checking the
author cards for more
books by him. On the author card his name is listed
Kieran, John. If the
library has his Birds of New York City, it will be first.
The next author car
will probably list Footnotes on Nature; and the third,
arranged alphabetically,
will be the book you have just returned, Introduction to
Birds. The author
card usually gives the most complete information
regarding the book, but it may
contain the same facts as the other cards:
598.2 Pough, Richard H.
Audubon bird guide; eastern land birds
Doubleday, 1946
598.2 Pough, Richard H.
P Audubon bird guide; eastern land birds
Doubleday, 1946
917.63 Kane, Harnett Thomas 1910
K Deep Delta Country, Duell 1944
XX, 283 p. maps. Selected bibliography
pp. 273-80
You cannot carry the file to show the librarian what you
want. You must write
(sometimes special forms are provided) the following
information: (1) call
number, (2) author's name, (3) title, (4) volume and
edition, and (5) your own
920 Rome-Biography
P Plutarch
Plutarch Lives. The translation called Dryden's.
Corrected from Greek and revised by A.H.
(2) 5 v. Boston, Little, Brown and Co. 1872
(3) L.C. DE7.P5 1872 8-14601
Reference Books
Reference books provide invaluable help to the student
by making important
information easily accessible. This is the whole function
of the reference
section of the library. As you prepare themes, reports,
essays, or research
papers, you can help yourself get a good start by using
these books. They not
only give you general information about a topic, but
direct you to other works
that cover your topic in greater depth.