Assignment Two: Submitted To: S M Asif Ur Rahman Assistant Professor, UIU

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Assignment Two

Submitted To:
S M Asif Ur Rahman
Assistant Professor, UIU

Submitted By:
Shamara Zaman
Sec: A
Id: 111 153 033
Serial No: 18
Course Code: MKT 2320

Submission Date: 12th December, 2017

Assignment Two

Submitted To:
S M Asif Ur Rahman
Assistant Professor, UIU

Submitted By:
Tanjina Alam
Sec: A
Id: 111 161 126
Serial No:
Course Code: MKT 2320

Submission Date: 12th December, 2017

Changing Marketing Landscape:-

Everyday dramatic changes are occurring in the marketplace. Richard love of

Hewlett-Packard observes, “The pace of change is so rapid that the ability to change
has now become a competitive advantage. “Yogi Berra, the legendary New York
Yankees catcher and manager, summed it up more simply when he said; “The future
isn’t what it used to be.” As the marketplace changes, so must those who serve it.

In this section, we examine the major trends and forces that are changing the
marketing landscape and challenging marketing strategy. We look at Nine
developments: the digital age, rapid globalization, the call for more ethics and social
responsibilities, the growth of non-for-profit marketing, the uncertain economic
environment, sustainable marketing, the customer journey will no longer be linear or
funnel-like, data analysis tools will become more sophisticated, and advanced CRM
tools and features will emerge.

1. The Digital Age: - The recent technology boom has created a digital age.
Computers, communications, information - these technologies have all had a major
impact on the ways companies bring value to their customers. We're more
connected to each other now than ever before. This provides you as marketers with
some exciting new ways to learn about your customers, track their habits, and create
products and services tailored to them. It also allows you to communicate with your
customers in large groups or one-to-one.

There are so many new ways of communicating, advertising, and building

relationships thanks to this digital age. Online marketing is the fastest form of
marketing. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a company that doesn't use the
Internet. Take advantage of where your customers are spending their time and reach
2. Rapid Globalization: - Take a fresh look at the ways in which you relate to the
broader world around you and redefine your customer relationships. Our world is
increasingly smaller and you can now connect globally to your customers. In today's
business, almost every company is touched in some way by global competition.
From flowers to electronics, companies purchase their goods from one or more
countries and receive orders from all over the world as well. So, it's important to take
a global, not just local, view of your industry.

3. The Call for More Ethics and Social Responsibilities:- Marketers are
reexamining their relationships with social values and responsibilities and with the
very Earth that sustains us. As the worldwide consumerism and environmentalism
movements mature, today’s marketers are being called upon to take greater
responsibility for the social and environmental movement. Every company action can
affect customer relationship.

The social-responsibility and environmental movements will place even stricter

demands on companies in the future. Some companies resist these movements,
budging only when forced by legislation or organized consumer outcries. More
forward-looking companies, however, readily accept their responsibilities to the world
around them. They view socially responsible actions as an opportunity to do well by
doing good. They seek ways to profit by serving the best long-run interests of their
customers and communities. Some companies-such as MAS Holdings in Sri Lanka,
Honda Motor Co., and others are practicing “caring capitalism”, setting themselves
apart by being civic-minded and responsible. They are building social responsibility
and action into their company value and mission statements. For example, when it
comes to women’s empowerment, apparel and lingerie manufacturers for brands like
Victoria’s secret and MAS Holdings are leading from the front. Honda Motor CO.
proudly claims that it is committed to producing automobiles that are environment

4. The Growth of Non-for-Profit Marketing: - In the past, marketing has been most
widely applied in the for-profit business sector. In recent years, however, marketing
also has become a major part of the strategies of many not-for-profit organizations
such as Universities, hospitals, and even museums all face competition for support,
membership, and interest. Marketing for these non-profits has become a major part
of their strategies. Even governments have gotten in on the action to increase public
interest. These have developed into social marketing campaigns, highlighting events
on Facebook or Twitter, encouraging energy conservation, discouraging smoking,
etc. Consider the marketing efforts of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital
and Research Center a non-profit organization in Lahore, Pakistan.

5. The Uncertain Economic Environment: - The 1930's saw the Great Depression
and 2008 brought the Great Recession. This economic meltdown forced stock
markets to plunge, evaporating trillions of dollars of market value. It was a full-blown
financial crisis. Consumers were short of money as they faced losses in income,
declining home values, and rising unemployment. So, consumers had to rethink their
spending and cut back on their buying. Now, we're in an era of new frugality.
Customer spending patterns are being reshaped as they spend more carefully.

What does this mean for your market? You need to align your marketing strategy
with the new economic reality. Emphasize value in your value propositions. Focus on
value for the money, value for practicality, value for durability. This is not the time to
cut marketing budgets or slash prices. This can damage long-term brand images and
customer relationships.

Balance the brand's value proposition with the current times while also enhancing its
long-term equity.

Rather than slashing prices, hold the line and explain why your brand is worth it. And
rather than cutting your marketing budget, maintain or even increase your marketing
spending. The goal is to build market share and strengthen customer relationships at
the expense of competitors who cut back.

6. Sustainable Marketing: - Now is a good time to re-examine your relationship with

social values and responsibilities. Worldwide consumerism and environmentalism
calls out to marketers to create more sustainable marketing practices. It's very
difficult to ignore this movement because every action affects customer relationships
and customers expect companies to deliver value in a socially and environmentally
responsible way.

If you're a forward-thinking company, first of all, good for you! Second of all, you've
demonstrated that you're accepting the responsibilities of the world around you and
you're now leading by example. You're viewing sustainable marketing as an
opportunity to do well by doing good.

7. The Customer Journey will No Longer be Linear or Funnel-Like: - Today’s

consumer interacts multiple times with your brand on a variety of different mediums.
And since there are now multiple points of entry, it’s becoming more critical than ever
to use data metrics and analytics to evaluate the success or failure of your efforts,
and at which point these occur.

8. Data analysis tools will become more sophisticated: - Marketers have

historically found it challenging to sift through the immense amount of data at their
fingertips in order to use it advantageously. However, help appears to be on its way.
2016 is the year business intelligence (BI) tools are predicted to come into maturity.
More streamlined tools will do much of the heavy lifting, aggregating and organizing
essential data and insights, so that marketers can customize their strategies for
specific target audiences in real time.

9. Advanced CRM Tools and Features will Emerge: - In 2016, marketers will be
on the lookout for better quality leads. Customer Relationship (CRM) tools will need
to keep pace by providing new features that can deliver more detailed information
about where the best leads come from and improved functionality to curb data loss.
More sophisticated tools can better connect marketing and sales teams, and help
scale high performing campaigns.
By David Hessekiel
Thousands of programs designed to do well by doing good have been launched by
businesses and nonprofits over the last 30 years. Many have been short-term and
pedestrian, while others have been inspiring and impactful.

I’ve tried to identify the most influential cause marketing campaigns. My hope is to
educate and be educated by inspiring a dialogue on the most outstanding work in
this field.

1. American Express Statue of Liberty Restoration (1983): During a three-month

period, American Express offered to contribute 1 cent for each card transaction and
$1 for each new card issued and backed the offer with a substantial media
campaign. The effort raised $1.7 million to restore the statue and Ellis Island, moved
the needle for Amex’s business and gave birth to the field of cause marketing.

2. Yoplait Save Lids to Save Lives (1999 to present): This has become one of
America’s best-known breast cancer campaigns. The fact that consumers save and
mail in millions of sticky lids to raise 10 cents each to support Susan G. Komen for
the Cure is testimony to cause marketing’s motivational power. Yoplait does a
masterful job of integrating this transactional program with its sponsorship of
Komen’s Race for the Cure, continually refines the initiative and supports it with paid
and earned media. To date it has raised more than $26 million.
3. Dove Campaign for Real Beauty (2004 to present): Unilever didn’t adopt a cause;
it created one with breakthrough creative that sparked an international discussion of
beauty stereotypes. It developed the Dove Self-Esteem Fund and hopes to reach 5
million young women with information on positive body image by the end of 2010.

4. 1,000 Playgrounds in 1,000 Days (2005 to 2008): The Home Depot and KaBOOM
took employee volunteerism to new heights with this national three-year program to
build great places for kids to play within walking distance of their homes.

5. The Members Project (2007 to 2008): Promotions that ask consumers to direct
corporate giving are growing common, but American Express pioneered the use of
social media and buttressed brand appreciation with this effort. Over two years it
gave away $4.5 million, including top winners the Alzheimer’s Association and U.S.
Fund for UNICEF.

6. Whirlpool and Habitat for Humanity (2004 to 2007): The appliance maker
transformed its previously little-known commitment to provide a range and
refrigerator for each Habitat home built in the U.S. into a major driver of brand loyalty
with a multimedia campaign featuring Reba McEntire. What’s more, they did all
cause marketers a favor by measuring and sharing the impressive results.

7. Lee National Denim Day (1996 to the present): A traditionally male brand, Lee
made huge inroads with women by embracing the breast cancer cause in a unique
way: It empowered consumers to organize workplace drives at which employees
contributed $5 for the right to wear jeans to work on the first Friday in October. Over
13 years, the program has raised nearly $75 million for breast cancer research and

8. Product (Red) (2006 to the present): Founders Bono and Bobby Shriver boldly
threw out the cause-marketing rule book to create (Red). Their privately held
company created and licensed a hot brand to The Gap, Apple, Armani and other
marketers and staged an unprecedented launch. Although often criticized for a lack
of transparency, (Red) has raised more than $140 million for the Global Fund to
Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and continues to attract new corporate
licensees such as Nike and Starbucks.

9. Live Strong Bracelet (2004 to present): When the Nike and Lance Armstrong
Foundation came up with this idea to raise funds and awareness for the
supercyclist’s cancer charity, no one dreamed it would become a worldwide fashion
item worn by presidential candidates, movie stars, kids and grandmothers. To date,
more than 70 million of the glorified yellow rubber bands have been sold for $1 each.

10. What did I miss? What do you think are the most influential cause marketing
campaigns of all time?

গত ৩০ বছরে বযবসায় প্রততষ্ঠান এবং অবযবসায়ী প্রততষ্ঠান দ্বাো ভার া কাজ কোে জনয

ভা ভারব তিজাইন কো হাজাে হাজাে প্প্রাগ্রামগুত চা ু কো হরয়রছ। অরনক স্বল্পরময়াদী
এবং পথচােী হরয়রছ, অনযো অনুরপ্রেণাকােী এবং প্রভাবশা ী হরয়রছ।

আতম সবরচরয় প্রভাবশা ী কােণ তবপণন প্রচাোতভযান সনাক্ত কোে প্চষ্টা করেতছ। আমাে

আশা এই প্েরেে সবরচরয় অসাধােণ কাজ একটি সং াপ অনুরপ্রেণা দ্বাো তশতেত এবং
তশতেত হরত হয়।

১. আরমতেকান এক্সরপ্রস স্ট্যাচু অব ত বাটিি তেরস্ট্ারেশন (১৯৮৩): ততন মারসে সময়

আরমতেকান এক্সরপ্রস প্রততটি কারিিে প্ নরদরনে জনয ১ শতাংশ এবং প্রততটি নতু ন কারিিে
জনয $ ১ প্যাগ কোে প্রস্তাব প্দয় এবং একটি প্রচত ত তমতিয়া প্রচাোতভযারনে সারথ অফােটি

সমথনি করে। এই প্ররচষ্টা মূততি এবং এত স দ্বীপ পুনরুদ্ধাে ১.৭ তমত য়ন উত্থাতপত, এরমক্স-এে
বযবসারয়ে সুই সোরনা এবং কােণ তবপণন প্েরেে জন্ম তদরয়রছ।

২. Yoplait বাাঁচারত বাাঁচারত বাাঁচরত বাাঁচান (১৯৯৯ সা প্থরক): এটি আরমতেকাে প্সো পতেতচত

স্তন কযান্সাে অতভযারনে এক পতেণত হরয়রছ। প্েতাো ে ে তস্ট্তক িগুত রত

সংেেণ এবং প্মই সুস্থ কোে জনয সুসান জজ। প্কারমনরক সমথনি কোে জনয প্রততটি

প্সন্ট ১০ প্সন্ট বৃজদ্ধ কোে জনয তবপণরনে প্প্রেণাদায়ক েমতা সৃটষ্টে প্রমাণ। Yoplait এই
প্ নরদরনে প্প্রাগ্রাম সংহত কোে একটি দেতাে কাজ তকউরমন এে প্েস জনয তনোময়

সরে প্প্রাগ্রাম, েমাগত উরদযাগ তেফাইন এবং প্পরমন্ট এবং অজিন তমতিয়া তদরয় এটি
সমথনি করে এটি ২৬ তমত য়ন মাতকিন ি ারেেও প্বতশ প্বর়েরছ।

৩. বাস্তব প্সৌন্দরযেি জনয প্িাভ কযারেইন (২০০৪ প্থরক বতিমান): ইউতনত ভাে প্কানও

কােণ গ্রহণ করেতন; এটি সৃজনশী সৃজনশী তাে সারথ একটি তততে করেরছ যা প্সৌন্দরযেি
প্রত্নতত্ত্বগুত ে একটি আন্তজিাততক আর াচনাে উদ্ভব করেরছ। এটি প্িাভ স্ব-এতস্ট্রম তহতব

তততে করে এবং ২০১০ সার ে প্শষ নাগাদ ৫ তমত য়ন তরুণ নােীে ইততবাচক শােীতেক ছতব
সেরকি তথয পাওয়াে আশা করে।
৪. ১,০০০ তদন (২০০৫ প্থরক ২০০৮) এ ১,০০০ প্ে াে মাঠ (২০০৫ প্থরক ২০০৮): প্হাম

তিরপা এবং কাবওম কমচােীরদে

ি স্বায়ত্তশাসনরক এই জাতীয় ততন বছরেে কমসূি তচে সারথ
নতু ন উচ্চতায় তনরয় তগরয়তছ যারত বাচ্চাো তারদে ঘরেে হাাঁিাে দূেরেে মরধয প্ে াে জনয

মহান জায়গা গর়ে তু রত পারে।

৫. সদসয প্রকল্প (২০০৭ প্থরক ২০০৮): প্রচারেে জনয প্ভাক্তারদে জজজ্ঞাসা করে এমন
প্রচােগুত সাধােণভারব বৃজদ্ধ পারে, তরব আরমতেকান এক্সরপ্রস এই প্ররচষ্টাে সারথ প্সাশযা

তমতিয়াে বযবহাে এবং ব্রান্ড প্রশংসাে প্রবতিন করেরছ। দুই বছে ধরে এটি $ ৪.৫ তমত য়ন
ছাত়েরয় প্গরছ, শীষ তবজয়ীরদে
ি মরধয অযা জাইমাস িঅযারসাতসরয়শন এবং ইউতনরসরফে

ইউএস ফান্ড।

৬. Whirlpool এবং Habitat for Humanity (২০০৪ প্থরক ২০০৭): মাতকিন যুক্তোরে প্েরব

নারম একটি মাতিতমতিয়া প্রচাোতভযারনে সারথ ব্রযান্ড আনুগরতযে একটি প্রধান চাত কাশজক্ত
McEntire। আরো তক, তাো সবাইরক মজবুত ফ াফর ে পতেমাপ ও ভাগ করে মারকিিােরদে

পরে একটি পরে সমথনি করে।

৭. ত নযাশনা িাতনম তদবস (১৯৯৬ থেকে বতিমান): একটি ঐততহযগতভারব পুরুষ ব্রযান্ড,
ত একটি স্তরে স্তন কযান্সারেে কােণ একজেত করে মতহ ারদে সারথ বযাপক পাথকয
ি সৃটষ্ট
করেরছ: এটি কমরেরেে
ি ড্রাইভগুত সংগটঠত কোে জনয প্ভাক্তারদে েমতায়ন করেতছ
যাে উপে কমচােীো
ি িানতদরক $ ৫ দান করেতছর ন। অরটাবে প্রথম শুেবাে কাজ জজন্স

পরেন। ১৩ বছরেেও প্বতশ সময় ধরে স্তন কযান্সারেে গরবষণা এবং সমথনি সেরকি প্রায় ৭৫
তমত য়ন ি ারেে এই প্প্রাগ্রামটি উত্থাতপত হরয়রছ।

৮. প্প্রািাট (প্েি) (২০০৬ প্থরক বতিমান): প্রততষ্ঠাতা প্বার া এবং বতব শ্রীভাে সাহসীভারব
কােণ-তবপণন তনয়ম বই (প্েি) তততে করেন। তারদে প্বসেকােী সংস্থাটি দয গযাপ, অযাপ ,

আেমাতন এবং অনযানয তবপণনকােীরদে একটি গেম ব্রযারন্ডে তততে এবং াইরসন্স প্রদান
করে এবং একটি অভূ তপূব ি ঞ্চ তততে করে। যতদও স্বেতাে অভারবে জনয প্রায়ই

সমার াচনা কো হয়, ( া ) এইিস, যক্ষ্মা এবং মযার তেয়া যুরদ্ধে জনয তবশ্ববযাপী তহতব
প্থরক $ ১৪০ তমত য়রনেও প্বতশ উত্থাতপত হরয়রছ এবং নাইতক এবং স্ট্ােবাক্স-এর মরতা

নতু ন করপারেি
ি াইরসন্সধােীরদে আকষণি কেরত চর রছ।

৯. াইভ স্ট্রং প্ব্রসর ি (২০০৪ প্থরক বতিমান): যেন নাইতক এবং যান্স আমস্ট্রং
ি ফাউরন্ডশন
সুপােতিশরকে কযান্সাে দাতবয সংস্থাে জনয তহতব এবং সরচতনতা বৃজদ্ধ কোে জনয এই

ধােণাটি তনরয় এরসতছ , তেন প্কউ স্বপ্ন প্দরেতন প্য এটি োেপতত প্রাথী, চ জচ্চে তােকা,
বাচ্চারদে এবং দাদী আজ পযন্ত,
ি ৭০ তমত য়রনেও প্বতশ মতহমাতিত হ ুদ েবাে বযান্ডগুত ১

ি ারেে জনয তবজে হরয়রছ।

১০. আতম তক তমস করেতছ? আপতন তক মরন করেন সব সময় সবরচরয় প্রভাবশা ী কােণ
তবপণন প্রচাোতভযান?

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