Syllabus: "Quality Control in Microbiology"
Syllabus: "Quality Control in Microbiology"
Syllabus: "Quality Control in Microbiology"
Certificate Course
“Quality Control in Microbiology”
Coordinated by
Department Of Microbiology
Dhanaji Nana Mahavidyalaya, Faizpur
Title of the Course: Certificate course in Quality Control in Microbiology.
To inculcate concepts in quality control in Microbiology
To understand techniques for maintaining quality
To increase employability skills of the students
To comprehend laboratory safety and aseptic techniques
Concept of growth
Media- Liquid, Solid
Isolation methods- Streak plate, Pour plate, Spread plate
Biochemical Characteristics
Cultivation of Fungi
Maintenance of pure culture
1. Mansi E. and Miryce C., Fermentation Microbiology and Biotechnology, Taylor and Francis, London
2. Casida, L. E. Industrial Microbiology, Wiley castern, New Delhi
3.Quality assurance of pharmaccuticals Vol I and 2, WHO, Geneva (2005)
4. Davleshina, T. A. Industrial fire safety guidebook, Willim Andrew Publishing (1998)
5. Koren H. and Bisesi, M. Handbook of Environemntal health and Saftey, Jaico publishing house, New
Delhi (1999)
6. Vyas S. P. and Dixit, V. K., Pharnaceutical Biotechnology, CBS public. New Delhi (1998)
7. Jogdon S. N. Industrial Biotechnology, Himalaya Publications, New Delhi (2006)
8. Patel A. H. Industrial Microbiology, McMillan Publication, New Delhi (2012)
9. Gupta A. Analytical Chemistry, PragatiPrakashan, Meerut (2006)
10. Sukumar De, Outline of Dairy Technology, Oxford Univ. press, New Delhi. (2005)
11. Frazier, W. C. and Westhoff D. C., Food Microbiology, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi(1995)
12. Dubey, R. C. and Maheshwari, A textibook of Microbiology, S. Chand, New Delhi (2004)
13. Quality Control Methods for Medicinal Plant material, WHO, Geneva (2002)
14. Hugo, W. and Russell, A. Pharmaceutical Microbiology 6th ed-Oxford, UK (2003)
15. Khan and Khanum, Fundamentals of Biostatistics, Ukaaz Publications (1994)
Paper II: Laboratory course in Microbiology
1. Demonstration of safety measures in laboratory
2. Precision and accuracy of pipette
3. Calibration of Balance and pH meter
4. Preparation of normal, molar, percentage solutions, ppm solution and labelling
5. Cleaning of Laboratory and Use and care of Microscope
6. Gram staining technique
7. Media preparation
8. Sterilization methods - dry and moist heat
9. Sterilization indicator for autoclave : Chemical and biological
10. Aseptic technique -Using personal hygiene, Bunsen burner, LAF, Biosafety cabinet
11. Growth Promotion Test for media
12. Isolation of bacteria-Using streak plate, Spread plate methods
13. Slide culture technique for fungal cultivation
14. Determination of Total Viable Count by Pour plate technique
15. Determination of Microbial limit test of finish product
16. Determination of Most probable number of water
17. Environmental monitoring by settling plate technique/ air sampler
18. Sterility test by membrane filtration method
19. Fumigation of laboratory
20. Use of MS office and MS excel for record maintenance
21. Industry visit
1. Parija S, C., Textbook of Practical Microbiology, Ahuja Publishing House, Delhi (2007)
2. Adams, D. S., Lab Math, I. K. International, New Delhi (2004)
3. Dubey R. C. and Maheshwari, D. K., Practical Microbiology, S. Chand, New Delhi (2002)
4. Aneja, K. R., Experiments in Microbiology, plant pathology, Tissue culture, New Age
International publcationi, New Delhi (2
5. Swahney, S. K. and Singh R., Introduction to Biochcmistry, Narosa, New Delhi (2002)
6. Thimmaiah, S, R., Standard Mcthods of biochemical analysis, Kalyani Publication., Ludhiyan
7. Jayaraman, J. Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry, New Age Int. New Delhi (2008)