Ion of Mutual Funds With Other Investment Options
Ion of Mutual Funds With Other Investment Options
Ion of Mutual Funds With Other Investment Options
Submitted By
Divya Gaikwad
Chapter I Introduction
1.1 Importance of the topic selected
III Organization
3.1 History
3.2 Structure
3.3 Organizational Chart
I, hereby, declare that the project titled “Comparison of Mutual funds with other
Investment options. “Is original to my best knowledge and has not published elsewhere. This is
for the purpose of partial fulfillment of Trinity Institute of management required for the award of
the degree of Master of Business Administration.
Awareness about different options of investments in India has gradually gone up in the last two
decades. General public or investors don’t have clarity about the various options of investment as
well as mutual fund. As we have started witnessing the concept of more saving now being
entrusted to the funds than to keeping it in banks. So it is very important to manage the savings
efficiently to earn good and high returns. By efficient we mean which reduces the risk of investor
on one hand and increases returns on the other hand.
This project is all about how Mutual fund can be a better option for investment’s as compared
other investment options. It really diversifies our risk and can offer a better return as compared to
other investment options. A Portfolio of Mutual fund is presented and shown how the risk has
been diversified in different sectors so as to diversify the risk factor and show how the returns
are affected.
At last, the report concludes the suggestions how Mutual funds can act as better investment
options than other investment options by taking a bit of risk so as to increase the rate of returns.
If the investment is diversified then it will reduce the risk but should be managed properly or
efficiently so as to give better returns.
This report actually gives a review about certain short term and long term investments options
and comparatively how Mutual funds acts as a better option to gain good returns with a
diversified risk.
Investors have plenty of option for investments. Some of them are providing fixed rate
of returns and some of them provide variable rate of return. Many of investment options like
Bank, Companies fixed deposits and UTI that were offering high returns are now falling after
globalization and liberalization.
There are some investors who are active. They are the ones who act promptly and make
informed decisions about market. They do their own research and understand the factors which
may affect their investments in future.
As every individual is different their objective behind investments also differs. Their
objective can be of different types like fixed return, capital appreciation, tax planning or current
income. The investment decision mainly depends upon the objective of the investors. Therefore,
it is necessary to understand the nature of the investor and his ability to take risk.
Mutual funds can act here as a better option for investments for an individual as the risk factor
can be minimized in this. It not only offers good returns but the management of mutual funds is
professional and experienced due to which it offers better returns compared to other investment
The money we earn is partly spent and the rest is saved for meeting future
expenses. Instead of keeping the saving idle we may like to earn some returns on it. So, we try to
invest the money to earn good returns along with to generate a specified sum of money for a
specific goal in life and also make a provision for uncertain future.
There are numbers of option for investing one’s saving which can give better returns for the
investments made in physical assets or financial assets which may be further divided into short
or long term options.
Investing money where the risk is less has always been risky to decide. The first factor, which an
investor would like to see before investing, is risk factor, which can be reduced through
diversification of investment. Diversification of risk gave birth to the phenomenon called Mutual
Mutual fund is a vehicle for investing in stocks and bonds. It is an alternative investment option
to stocks and bonds. It pools the money of several investor’s and invest their savings in stocks,
bonds, money market instruments and other type of securities.
What is an Investment?
“An investment is the use of capital to create more money through the
acquisition of a security that promises the safety of the principal and generates a reasonable
Various Investment options:-
Saving plays an important role in every nation’s economy. The
money which is collected through savings acts as a driver for growth of the country. The saving
can be invested into two ways that is short term or long term investment options.
Broadly speaking, savings bank account, money market and fixed deposits can be considered as
short term financial investments options.
1.1 Savings Bank account:-
Savings account balance will carry interest on a daily basis. Saving bank account holders were
paid interest on average balances held between 10th and last day of the month. Savings Bank
account didn't fetch huge returns even if the balance on the beginning of the month was healthy.
1.2. Money market or Liquid funds:-
They are specialized form of mutual funds that invest in extremely short term fixed income
instruments and thereby provide easy liquidity. Unlike most mutual funds, money market funds
are primarily oriented towards protecting the capital and then, aim to maximize returns. Money
market funds usually yield better returns than savings accounts, but lower than bank fixed
The most unusual characteristic of a fixed deposit is that the funds cannot be withdrawn for a
specified period of time. In most cases, fixed deposits carry duration of five years. During that
time, the money remains in the account and cannot be withdrawn for any reason. Individuals,
corporate entities, and even non-profit organizations that wish to set aside funds and limit their
access to the funds for a period of time often find that fixed deposits are a simple way to
accomplish this goal. As an added benefit, the monies in the account will earn a fixed rate of
interest regardless of any fluctuations in interest rates that apply to other types of accounts.
However, both these benefits can also turn into disadvantages under certain circumstances.
Because the money cannot be withdrawn until the duration is complete, the funds cannot be used
even in emergency situations. Changes in the going interest rate may also rise to a point above
and beyond the interest rate applied to existing deposits. This means account holders are actually
earning less interest with fixed deposits than with other types of loans and accounts.
Post office savings schemes, Public provident fund, Company fixed deposits, bonds and
debentures, Mutual funds etc.
Company Fixed Deposits are adequate for regular income with the option to receive monthly,
quarterly, half-yearly, and annual interest income. Moreover, the interest rates offered are higher
than banks.
Liquidity Most of these issuers offer 75% of the investment amount as loan @
2% over the interest rate on the deposit as well as pre-mature
2.4 Bonds:-
It is a fixed income instrument issued for a period of more than one year with the
purpose of raising capital. The central or state government, corporations and similar institutions
sell bonds. A bond is a promise to repay the principal along with a fixed rate of interest on a
specified date, called the Maturity date.
A popular reason to invest in long term infrastructure bonds is because they allow you to reduce
Rs.20, 000 from your taxable income over and above the Rs. 100,000 limit under Section 80 (C).
So, the most you can reduce your taxable income without using the long term infrastructure
bonds is Rs. 100,000, but investing money in these bonds gets you an extra Rs. 20,000 off your
taxable income, and you can reduce your taxable income by a total of Rs. 120,000 by investing
in these long term infrastructure bonds.
This increases your effective yield because along with the interest you earn on these
infrastructure bonds, you save on tax as well.
These bonds are good for a maximum of Rs. 20,000 as far as the tax saving aspect is concerned,
so if you buy bonds worth Rs. 30,000 and nothing else, even then the maximum you can reduce
from your taxable income is Rs. 20,000 because that is the cap on tax benefits on Infrastructure
1. Ten year maturity: The bond will be issued with a ten year maturity and offer 8.0% interest
per annum.
2. Ten year maturity with an option for buy-back after 5 years: This bond will also be issued
with a ten year maturity, but there will be buy back option after 5 years. The interest rate on this
is 7.5% per annum.
Minimum Investment in the IDFC Long Term Infrastructure Bond
The face value of the infrastructure bond is Rs. 5,000, and you have to apply for a minimum of
two bonds, so the minimum investment in this infrastructure bond is Rs. 10,000.
These are funds operated by an investment company which raises money from the
public and invests in a group of assets (shares, debentures etc). In accordance with a stated set of
objectives. It is a substitute for those who are unable to invest directly in equities or debt because
of resource, time or knowledge constraints.
Why Invest in Mutual Funds?
Professional Management
Fund managers are professionals who track the market on an ongoing basis. With their mix of
professional qualification and market knowledge, they are better placed than the average investor
to understand the markets.
Since a mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors sharing a common
financial goal, the associated risks are greatly reduced. This is also because a fund will invest
your money in different types of instruments like shares and bonds. Hence, loss in one sphere
will not greatly affect your overall investment status.
Low Costs
When compared to direct investments in the capital market, mutual funds cost less. This is due to
savings in brokerage costs, Demat costs, depository costs, etc.
Investments in mutual funds are quite liquid and hence can be redeemed at the Net Assets Value
(NAV)–related price on any working day.
All that you invest in a scheme is made known to you and you are periodically informed about
all the updates and changes taking place
Mutual funds offer flexibility in their options and schemes to match individual needs. Also, with
features like regular withdrawal plans and systematic investment plans, you can withdraw or
invest funds according to your needs and convenience
Choice of Schemes
Mutual funds offer a vast variety of well-designed schemes and options that you can choose from
depending on your risk appetite.
Tax Benefits
In India, these funds become even more attractive because of the tax advantage, indexation
benefits, long term capital gains tax, tax free dividends and much more.
Mutual funds are considered as one of the best available investments as compared to others.
They are very cost efficient and also easy to invest in, thus by pooling money together in a
mutual fund, investors can purchase stocks or bonds with much lower trading costs than if they
tried to do it on their own. But the biggest advantage to mutual funds is diversification, by
minimizing risk & maximizing returns.
Mutual fund is a vehicle for investing in stocks and bonds. It is an alternative investment option
to stocks and bonds; rather it pools the money of several investors and invests this in stocks,
bonds, money market instruments and other types of securities.
Bonds are basically the money which you lend to the government or a company, and in return
you can receive interest on your invested amount, which is back over predetermined amounts of
time. Bonds are considered to be the most common lending investment traded on the market.
There are many other types of investments other than stocks and bonds (including annuities, real
estate, and precious metals), but the majority of mutual funds invest in stocks and/or bonds.
Buying a mutual fund is like buying a small slice of a big pizza. The owner of a mutual fund unit
gets a proportional share of the fund’s gains, losses, income and expenses.
The above diagram gives an idea on the structure of an Indian mutual fund.
Sponsor is basically a promoter of the fund. For example Bank of Baroda, Punjab National Bank,
State Bank of India and Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) are the sponsors of UTI
Mutual Funds. Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) and Standard Life
Investments Limited are the sponsors of HDFC mutual funds. The fund sponsor raises money
from public, who become fund shareholders. The pooled money is invested in the securities.
Sponsor appoints trustees.
Two third of the trustees are independent professionals who own the fund and supervises the
activities of the AMC. It has the authority to sack AMC employees for non-adherence to the
rules of the regulator. It safeguards the interests of the investors. They are legally appointed i.e.
approved by SEBI.
Asset Management Company (AMC) is a set of financial professionals who manage the fund. It
takes decisions on when and where to invest the money. It doesn’t own the money. AMC is only
a fee-for-service provider.
The above 3 tier structure of Indian mutual funds is very strong and virtually no chance for fraud.
A Custodian keeps safe custody of the investments (related documents of securities invested). A
custodian should be a registered entity with SEBI. If the promoter holds 50% voting rights in the
custodian company it can’t be appointed as custodian for the fund. This is to avoid influence of
the promoter on the custodian. It may also provide fund accounting services and transfer agent
services. JP Morgan Chase is one of the leading custodians.
Transfer Agents:
Transfer Agent Company interfaces with the customers, issue a fund’s units, help investors
while redeeming units. Provides balance statements and fund performance fact sheets to the
investors. CAMS is a leading Transfer Agent in India.
Wide variety of Mutual Fund Schemes exists to cater to the needs such as financial position, risk
tolerance and return expectations etc. thus mutual funds has Variety of flavors, Being a
collection of many stocks, an investors can go for picking a mutual fund might be easy. There
are over hundreds of mutual funds scheme to choose from. It is easier to think of mutual funds in
Funds that can sell and purchase units at any point in time are classified as Open-end
Funds. The fund size (corpus) of an open-end fund is variable (keeps changing) because of
continuous selling (to investors) and repurchases (from the investors) by the fund. An open-end
fund is not required to keep selling new units to the investors at all times but is required to
always repurchase, when an investor wants to sell his units. The NAV of an open-end fund is
calculated every day.
Funds that can sell a fixed number of units only during the New Fund Offer
(NFO) period are known as Closed-end Funds. The corpus of a Closed-end Fund remains
unchanged at all times. After the closure of the offer, buying and redemption of units by the
investors directly from the Funds is not allowed. However, to protect the interests of the
investors, SEBI provides investors with two avenues to liquidate their positions:
Closed-end Funds are listed on the stock exchanges where investors can buy/sell units from/to
each other. The trading is generally done at a discount to the NAV of the scheme. The NAV of a
closed-end fund is computed on a weekly basis (updated every Thursday).
Closed-end Funds may also offer "buy-back of units" to the unit holders. In this case, the corpus
of the Fund and its outstanding units do get changed.
Also known as Front-end load, it refers to the load charged to an investor at the
time of his entry into a scheme. Entry load is deducted from the investor's contribution amount to
the fund.
Also known as Back-end load, these charges are imposed on an investor when
he redeems his units (exits from the scheme). Exit load is deducted from the redemption
proceeds to an outgoing investor.
All those funds that do not charge any of the above mentioned loads are known as
No-load Funds.
Funds that invest in securities free from tax are known as Tax-exempt Funds. All
open-end equity oriented funds are exempt from distribution tax (tax for distributing income to
investors). Long term capital gains and dividend income in the hands of investors are tax-free.
Equity funds are considered to be the more risky funds as compared to other fund
types, but they also provide higher returns than other funds. It is advisable that an investor
looking to invest in an equity fund should invest for long term i.e. for 3 years or more. There are
different types of equity funds each falling into different risk bracket. In the order of decreasing
risk level, there are following types of equity funds:
Growth Funds also invest for capital appreciation (with time horizon of 3 to 5
years) but they are different from Aggressive Growth Funds in the sense that they invest in
companies that are expected to outperform the market in the future. Without entirely adopting
speculative strategies, Growth Funds invest in those companies that are expected to post above
average earnings in the future.
Specialty Funds have stated criteria for investments and their portfolio comprises of
only those companies that meet their criteria. Criteria for some specialty funds could be to
invest/not to invest in particular regions/companies. Specialty funds are concentrated and thus, are
comparatively riskier than diversified funds.. There are following types of specialty funds:
a. Sector Funds:-
Equity funds that invest in a particular sector/industry of the market are known as
Sector Funds. The exposure of these funds is limited to a particular sector (say Information
Technology, Auto, Banking, Pharmaceuticals or Fast Moving Consumer Goods) which is why they
are more risky than equity funds that invest in multiple sectors.
Foreign Securities Equity Funds have the option to invest in one or more
foreign companies. Foreign securities funds achieve international diversification and hence they are
less risky than sector funds. However, foreign securities funds are exposed to foreign exchange rate
risk and country risk.
While not yet available in India, Option Income Funds write options on a large
fraction of their portfolio. Proper use of options can help to reduce volatility, which is otherwise
considered as a risky instrument. These funds invest in big, high dividend yielding companies, and
then sell options against their stock positions, which generate stable income for investors.
Equity Index Funds have the objective to match the performance of a specific
stock market index. The portfolio of these funds comprises of the same companies that form the
index and is constituted in the same proportion as the index. Equity index funds that follow broad
indices (like S&P CNX Nifty, Sensex) are less risky than equity index funds that follow narrow sect
oral indices (like BSEBANKEX or CNX Bank Index etc). Narrow indices are less diversified and
therefore, are more risky.
Value Funds invest in those companies that have sound fundamentals and whose
share prices are currently under-valued. The portfolio of these funds comprises of shares that are
trading at a low Price to Earnings Ratio (Market Price per Share / Earning per Share) and a low
Market to Book Value (Fundamental Value) Ratio. Value Funds may select companies from
diversified sectors and are exposed to lower risk level as compared to growth funds or specialty
funds. Value stocks are generally from cyclical industries (such as cement, steel, sugar etc.) which
make them volatile in the short-term. Therefore, it is advisable to invest in Value funds with a long-
term time horizon as risk in the long term, to a large extent, is reduced.
Debt funds that invest in all securities issued by entities belonging to all
sectors of the market are known as diversified debt funds. The best feature of diversified debt
funds is that investments are properly diversified into all sectors which results in risk reduction.
Any loss incurred, on account of default by a debt issuer, is shared by all investors which further
reduces risk for an individual investor.
Unlike diversified debt funds, focused debt funds are narrow focus funds
that are confined to investments in selective debt securities, issued by companies of a specific
sector or industry or origin. Some examples of focused debt funds are sector, specialized and
offshore debt funds, funds that invest only in Tax Free Infrastructure or Municipal Bonds.
Because of their narrow orientation, focused debt funds are more risky as compared to diversified
debt funds. Although not yet available in India, these funds are conceivable and may be offered to
investors very soon.
2.2.3 High Yield Debt funds –
As we now understand that risk of default is present in all debt funds, and
therefore, debt funds generally try to minimize the risk of default by investing in securities issued
by only those borrowers who are considered to be of "investment grade". But, High Yield Debt
Funds adopt a different strategy and prefer securities issued by those issuers who are considered
to be of "below investment grade". The motive behind adopting this sort of risky strategy is to
earn higher interest returns from these issuers. These funds are more volatile and bear higher
default risk, although they may earn at times higher returns for investors.
Fixed Term Plan Series usually are closed-end schemes having short term
maturity period (of less than one year) that offer a series of plans and issue units to investors at
regular intervals. Unlike closed-end funds, fixed term plans are not listed on the exchanges. Fixed
term plan series usually invest in debt / income schemes and target short-term investors. The
objective of fixed term plan schemes is to gratify investors by generating some expected returns
in a short period.
Money market / liquid funds invest in short-term (maturing within one year) interest
bearing debt instruments. These securities are highly liquid and provide safety of investment,
thus making money market / liquid funds the safest investment option when compared with other
mutual fund types. However, even money market / liquid funds are exposed to the interest rate
risk. The typical investment options for liquid funds include Treasury Bills (issued by
governments), Commercial papers (issued by companies) and Certificates of Deposit (issued by
As the name suggests, hybrid funds are those funds whose portfolio includes a
blend of equities, debts and money market securities. Hybrid funds have an equal proportion of
debt and equity in their portfolio. There are following types of hybrid funds in India:
The portfolio of balanced funds include assets like debt securities, convertible
securities, and equity and preference shares held in a relatively equal proportion. The objectives
of balanced funds are to reward investors with a regular income, moderate capital appreciation
and at the same time minimizing the risk of capital erosion. Balanced funds are appropriate for
conservative investors having a long term investment horizon.
Funds that combine features of growth funds and income funds are known
as Growth-and-Income Funds. These funds invest in companies having potential for capital
appreciation and those known for issuing high dividends. The level of risks involved in these
funds is lower than growth funds and higher than income funds.
Mutual funds may invest in financial assets like equity, debt, money
market or non-financial (physical) assets like real estate, commodities etc.. Asset allocation funds
adopt a variable asset allocation strategy that allows fund managers to switch over from one asset
class to another at any time depending upon their outlook for specific markets. In other words,
fund managers may switch over to equity if they expect equity market to provide good returns
and switch over to debt if they expect debt market to provide better returns. It should be noted
that switching over from one asset class to another is a decision taken by the fund manager on the
basis of his own judgment and understanding of specific markets, and therefore, the success of
these funds depends upon the skill of a fund manager in anticipating market trends.
2.7.RealEstateFunds:- :-
Funds that invest directly in real estate or lend to real estate developers or invest in
shares/securitized assets of housing finance companies, are known as Specialized Real Estate
Funds. The objective of these funds may be to generate regular income for investors or capital
Exchange Traded Funds provide investors with combined benefits of a closed-
end and an open-end mutual fund. Exchange Traded Funds follow stock market indices and are
traded on stock exchanges like a single stock at index linked prices. The biggest advantage
offered by these funds is that they offer diversification, flexibility of holding a single share
(tradable at index linked prices) at the same time. Recently introduced in India, these funds are
quite popular abroad.
Mutual funds that do not invest in financial or physical assets, but do invest in
other mutual fund schemes offered by different AMCs, are known as Fund of Funds. Fund of
Funds maintain a portfolio comprising of units of other mutual fund schemes, just like
conventional mutual funds maintain a portfolio comprising of equity/debt/money market
instruments or non financial assets. Fund of Funds provide investors with an added advantage of
diversifying into different mutual fund schemes with even a small amount of investment, which
further helps in diversification of risks. However, the expenses of Fund of Funds are quite high
on account of compounding expenses of investments into different mutual fund schemes.
Bonds, and Commercial Paper etc. These Securities generates returns to the Fund Manager. The
Fund Manager passes back return to the investor.
People have different investment objective and risk appetite so to get the highest returns asset
allocation through active portfolio management is the key element.
Asset allocation is a method that determines how you divide your portfolio among different
investment instruments and provides you with the proper blend of various asset classes.
It is based on the theory that the type or class of security you own equity, debt or money market-
is more important than the particular security itself. In other words asset allocation is way to
control risk in your portfolio. Different asset class will react differently to market conditions like
inflation, rising or falling interest rates or a market segment coming into or falling out of favor.
Asset allocation is different from simple diversification. Suppose you diversify your equity
portfolio by investing in five or ten equity funds. You really have not done much to control risk
in your portfolio if all these funds come from only one particular segment of the market say large
cap stocks or mid cap stocks. In case of an adverse reaction for that segment, all the funds will
react similarly means they will go down.
If you build your portfolio with various top performing growth funds without really bothering to
analyze their portfolio allocation, you may end up with over-exposure to a particular segment.
Another point you need to remember is that growth funds are highly correlated- they tend to
move in the same direction in response to a given market force.
The advantage of asset allocation lies in achieves superior returns when markets are down while
minimizing the exposure of the portfolio to volatility. In fact, asset allocation is based on certain
dimensions that, when combined tend to control the volatility while achieving targeted returns.
Portfolio management is a complex activity, which may be broken down into the following
Specification of investment objectives and constraints:
The typical objectives sought by an investor are current income, capital appreciation, safety,
fixed returns on principal investment.
The most important decision in portfolio management is the asset mix decision. This is
concerned with the proportions of “Stock” or “Units” of mutual fund or “Bond” in the portfolio.
The appropriate mix of Stock and Bonds will depend upon the risk tolerance and investment
horizon of the investor.
Once the certain asset mix has been chosen an appropriate portfolio strategy has to be decided
out. Two broad portfolio choices are available An active portfolio management: it strive to earn
superior risk adjusted returns by resorting to market timing, or sector rotation or security
selection or some combination of these.
A passive portfolio management involves holding a broadly diversified portfolio and maintaining
a pre-determined level of risk exposure.
Preservation of capital
Growth in capital
“An investment is the use of capital to create more money through the acquisition of a
security that promises the safety of the principal and generates a reasonable return”.
As savings have become an initial part of the economy’s growth through which not only the
investor benefits but also the economy of a country can be raised which really helps to achieve a
growth rate or to meet the cost of Inflation. Inflation is the rate at which the cost of living
increases. The cost of living is simply what it costs to buy the goods and services you need to
live. Inflation causes money to lose value because it will not buy the same amount of good or a
service in the future as it does now or did in the past.
Therefore, it is important to consider inflation as a factor in any long term investment strategy.
The real rate of return on the investment is when the rate of returns achieved after inflation. The
aim of investments should be to provide a return above the inflation rate to ensure that the
investment does not decrease in value. So, there are financial options provided for investment
into two terms i.e. short and long term investment options.
Fund Features
As open ended is a scheme where the funds sell and purchase units at any point of time.
The fund size (corpus) of an open-end fund is variable (keeps changing) because of continuous
selling (to investors) and repurchases (from the investors) by the fund.
An open-end fund is not required to keep selling new units to the investors at all times but is
required to always repurchase, when an investor wants to sell his units. The NAV of an open-end
fund is calculated every day.
The calculation of the returns is been dependent on the Net asset value which keeps changing on
daily basis and it is most probably affected by the Sensex too. Due to which the nature of mutual
funds differ and the risk is been diversified. The returns are divided periodically.
Mid caps:
Small cap:
Generally it is a company with a market capitalization of between $300 million and $2
billion. One of the biggest advantages of investing in small-cap stocks is the opportunity to beat
institutional investors. Because mutual funds have restrictions that limit them from buying large
portions of any one issuer's outstanding shares, some mutual funds would not be able to give the
small cap a meaningful position in the fund. To overcome these limitations, the fund would
usually have to file with the SEC, which means tipping its hand and inflating the previously
attractive price.
Stock Sector P/E Percentag Qty Value Percentage
e of Net of Change
Assets with last
State Bank of Banks 21.06 4.74 870,000 240.68 274.38
Cash Current Assets NA 4.70 NA 239.59 -1.79
Oil & Natural Petroleum, Gas 19.24 3.49 1,325,000 177.23 21.57
Gas Corps Ltd and petrochemical
Bank of Baroda Banks 10.09 3.18 2,003,290 161.25 6.99
Airliners 0.08
Auto & Auto Ancillaries 4.92
Banks 16.30
Chemicals 2.55
Construction and Infrastructure 1.23
Consumer Durables and Electronics 3.68
Current Assets 4.70
Custodial, Depository, Exchanges and rating agencies 0.45
Engineering and Capital Goods 1.60
FI 4.97
FMCG 1.87
Food & Food Processing, Beverages 3.05
Garments, Fashion wear, Lifestyle 1.92
Green Transportation 0.20
Healthcare and related equipment manufacturers 1.48
HFC 2.24
Industrial Products 2.71
Leather & Leather Products 1.39
Media and Entertainment 4.25
NBFC 0.72
Paper and Natural fibre 1.13
Petroleum, Gas and petrochemical products 10.26
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 5.28
Power & Control equipment Manufacturer 1.30
Power Generation 1.52
Power Transmission 0.89
Realty 0.29
Retailers 0.20
Software and Consultancy Services 3.44
Sovereign 11.72
Steel and Ferrous Metal 1.04
Telecom Services 1.93
Textiles 0.69
The market share of the stocks, bonds etc keeps on changing as there is a change in the Sensex
the valuation changes so the sector which yields in that duration is given more preference, and
Sector mutual funds promote themselves as helping to spread the risk of investing. Instead of
buying shares of a few companies in the same line of business, you buy a mutual fund that only
invests in companies belonging to that sector. With the pool of money brought in from different
investors, the mutual fund is able to buy shares of many companies. Thus, you have spread your
risk from a few companies to hundreds of companies. For example as in the above chart there is
a sector allocation is high in Banks than other that is 16.30 rather other fetch a bit lesser
compared to it. Here, the risk is been diversified so as to yield higher returns.
Cash includes money in bank savings accounts and other liquid investment options.
Systematic Investment Planning is a form of Mutual fund which probably can be invested by any
class of people, it has a lower investment rates. Now we will compare PPF with Mutual funds.
In case of PPF’s where the returns are fixed and most probably guaranteed but it is been for a
longer duration then the returns are enjoyed but in case of Mutual funds offer different time
periods as well as it is also important to know that it has a diversified portfolio which has a better
a. If you play completely safe and say invest all your money in PPF @8% compounding, your Rs
2000 invested every month or RS. 24,000 invested annually will grow to 11, 86, 150. This
amount is guaranteed by the way, unless the government tinkers with the PPF rate. You can do
this calc simply in excel by multiplying 24k * 1.08, and adding 24K to the previous year’s value
and again multiplying by 1.08. Do this for 20 yrs and you will see the above value of Rs. 11, 86,
2. If you can take slightly higher risk and split the available 24,000 equally between PPF and a
reputed mutual fund like HDFC Prudence for example. You will get 8% compounding with your
PPF and say 15% compounding with HDFC Prudence. PPF will grow to Rs.5, 93,075 and HDFC
Prudence may grow to Rs.14, 13,721; totally, a nice sounding Rs. 20, 06,796!!
Most of us leave a good amount of our income in the savings account. According to a RBI
report, the savings deposits comprise almost 20-25% of total deposits in scheduled commercial
banks. Clearly, the savings account works well as a vehicle for personal fiscal management
especially, as our utility bill payments, household expenses and impulsive shopping depends on
it. Also, an emergency fund equivalent to 3-6 months of earnings protects you from any
unforeseen and immediate requirement.
Here, we look at some of the short-term savings instrument and how wise allocation to different
assets can grow your money.
The savings rate currently stands at 3.5%. Good news is that from 1 April 2010, the interest on
your savings account will be calculated on daily basis. So, you may wonder how it was
calculated in first place.
In 1997, the interest rates on banks were de-regulated which means different banks could then fix
rates depending the size and tenure of deposits. As a result, banks became more competitive in
terms of deposit rates and services rendered to consumers. However, the savings account rate
being the only rate pre-decided by the central bank was calculated on the basis of minimum
balance of the account holder for the period between 10th and end of the month. Even if your
account balance reflected thousands during the month, if the balance in your account was zero,
even for a single day between the tenth and last day of the month, you would earn no interest.
Due to this method, the effective yield is lower than 3.5%. Interestingly, banks follow the
method of daily calculation of interest against loans extended to you.
Going ahead, the money lying in your savings account will earn interest using the daily method
of computation wherein the average of the account balance at the end of the day will be taken.
So, the closing balance every day will be added up and divided by no. of days and thereafter,
multiplied with savings rate. Thus, this practice is expected to remove the anomaly in
Mutual funds
Considering that the savings account forms an important part of your finances, we intend to
evaluate it along side some of the debt mutual fund products. Liquid, liquid plus, short term
income funds, floater funds are the different types of mutual funds which cater to a short-term
investment horizon. These funds typically invest in short maturity fixed income instruments
whose returns depend on prevailing as well as anticipated rise/fall in interest rates and supply of
money in the banking system. Also, the extent of government borrowing determines the demand
for the stated fixed income instruments in the market. Large borrowing programmed of the
government means huge issuances of debt paper in the market, thereby restricting increase in
bond prices and hence, reduced returns.
Apart from fixed coupon papers, there are also floating rate papers which have a facility to reset
the coupon rate periodically. So these papers are protected against hike in interest rates but also,
when interest rates fall, such papers are more likely to be affected. An ultra short-term or liquid
fund invests in Treasury Bills issued by the government as well as money market instruments
issued by financial institutions and corporate such as certificates of deposits and commercial
papers. The treasury bills and most money market instruments are not linked to the market and
hence, have low volatility. The taxation for non-equity schemes of mutual funds if the period of
holding is less than a year is as per your income slab. In case of long-term, the tax is 10%
without indexation and 20% with indexation so the net yield works out better than a fixed
deposit. Table 1 shows the historical performance of recommended funds.
Table 1: Annualized Performance of Recommended Funds
Fund Name Fund Class 1 2 3 5 years
year year year
s s
HDFC FLOATING RATE Debt - Floater 7.09 8.47 8.54 7.52
BSL FLOATING RATE LONG Debt - Floater 7.69 8.29 7.58
TEMPLETON INDIA ULTRA Debt - Liquid 4.66 6.73 - -
SHORT BOND FUND- Plus / Ultra Short
JM SHORT TERM FUND- Debt - Short 5.04 10.6 10.3 8.61
GROWTH Term Plan 9 5
RELIANCE SHORT TERM Debt - Short 5.80 10.1 10.0 8.71
FUND- GROWTH Term Plan 6 6
During the crisis of 2008, investors moved out of equity into cash as they feared massive losses.
Cash as a part of overall asset allocation is good but biggest threat to cash holding is inflation.
RBI has termed the period of low inflation and robust growth - an almost “nirvana” like
situation. Table 2 shows that the inflation in India has been quite high over years. WPI stands for
Wholesale Price Index and CPI represents Consumer Price Index. Both indices are used as a
measure to understand the level of price rise in the economy.
For investors who are approaching retirement or a big expense such as marriage or home
purchase, rebalancing from equity to cash or fixed income is a prudent approach. However, if
you are unlikely to use the cash in the near future, then it is better to invest in one or the other
instrument. Or else, inflation will end up drastically reducing the value of money held as cash.
The actual return on your investment should be considered after taking into account the effect of
inflation. On an average inflation rate of 7.5%, the impact of inflation can be negated only by
ensuring that your returns from investments give an average growth greater than 7.5%.
This information tries to share some trends which can impact your financial goals. Since a good
cash position is very comforting, you can invest wisely so that the investments mature in time to
supplement your financial needs. Also, one can en-cash the portfolio to book profits or rebalance
it for better yield. The ideal scenario would be managing your short-term savings and aligning it
with your long-term investments.
Difference (15564.78)
Inflation 6%
Rate of Interest on 8%
Investing in equity also gives good returns, but the risk of losing the money is also very
high. To be on the safer side, it is good to invest in Mutual funds instead of investing in equities.
Before investing in mutual funds, we should analyze the performance of the mutual funds
through the ratings awarded by the mutual funds rating agencies.
Mutual fund investments can go on to fetch you the highest rates of returns and sometimes as
high as 20% to 40 %. The interest rates for all the mutual funds are quoted on a three month
basis. When you plan to invest in mutual funds, then you should analyze how they were
performing in the market for the past five years. This will give you a fair enough idea about the
way the mutual fund is being maintained and the profits that they have been posting. This will
also give an idea of the fund managers profile and level of expertise in generating returns.
The moment you are able to judge the best mutual funds and be in league with them, you will
certainly be able to diminish the risk that is involved with the mutual fund markets.
The Mutual funds that are performing well are floated by companies that have high profile fund
managers. They have enough cutting edges to be ranked right on top performing funds and are
doing well in the spheres of certain well defined criteria that have been preset to judge their
At the very minimum, when investing in a mutual fund you should know the category of
investments it focuses on, the asset value, the management strategy, the risk level of the assets
involved, and the funds relationship with the overall stock market outlook. As long as you are
well versed in these areas, the rest is just icing on the cake as long as you have chosen a well
managed fund.
Considerations for mutual fund categories include goals and objectives, classification of
securities in the fund and likely return expected for each category. Of all the important factors
when choosing a mutual fund, category is likely the most important.
Research should be conducted using as long a history as is available. All financial instruments
fluctuate greatly from one day to another but the important thing is how they perform over the
long term. Try to couple this history with the time period you plan on investing since trends seem
to run ii n cycles. Just because a fund isn’t currently in the top 10% of earners doesn’t mean that
it’s not an extremely lucrative fund over the long term. Don’t forget to also check the individual
histories of the stocks or other instruments in which the fund is invested.
Like any investment, mutual funds require careful planning. Overall, the strategy is pretty much
the same regardless of what type of investment you are making, but due to their nature mutual
funds require a slightly different form of research.
There are several factors that distinguish mutual funds from other types of funds. Those factors
The shares are purchased from the actual fund instead of from other investors via such
avenues as NSE or BSE.
The purchase price is the price per share plus any fees imposed by the fund at the time.
These are commonly referred to as shareholder fees.
When selling the shares, you are selling them back to the fund.
New investors are accommodated through the creation of new funds that can be sold to
Investment advisors that are registered with the SEC are typically who takes care of
mutual funds.
Managed professionally - There are professionals who are constantly monitoring the
performance of these mutual funds and always looking for the best investments for the
fund in order to maximize its return to its investors.
Liquidity - Investors are able to redeem their shares at the current NAV. This is in
addition to any fees or charges assessed at that time.
The advantages make it clear that a mutual fund can be a great investment, but like any type of
investment there are some disadvantages that come along with them as well. Those
disadvantages include:
There are annual fees, charges for sales, and other fees associated with them. It doesn't
matter how the fund performs. These costs still apply. Taxes also have to be paid on
gains. This refers to any distributions received even if the fund performed poorly.
Investors do not control their shares. The make-up of the portfolio is decided by the
manager of the fund.
There is uncertainty that surrounds the price of shares. It isn't like how you can follow
regular shares of stock in real-time during trading hours. There is a delay in you finding
out what your share is within a mutual fund since you are sharing the fund with other
If a investor opts for bank FD, which provide moderate return with minimal risk. But as he
moves ahead to invest in capital protected funds and the profit-bonds that give out more return
which is slightly higher as compared to the bank deposits but the risk involved also increases in
the same proportion.
Thus investors choose mutual funds as their primary means of investing, as Mutual funds
provide professional management, diversification, convenience and liquidity. That doesn’t mean
mutual fund investments risk free. This is because the money that is pooled in are not invested
only in debts funds which are less riskier but are also invested in the stock markets which
involves a higher risk but can expect better returns.
The Post offices provide a number of savings schemes like the Savings Account Schemes,
Recurring Deposit Schemes, Time Deposit Schemes, Public Provident Fund Schemes, Monthly
Income Schemes, National Savings Certificates, Kisan Vikas Patras, and Senior Citizens’
Savings Scheme. A brief of the various schemes is as follows:
Post Office 3.5% per annum on Minimum INR 50/-. Cheque facility
Savings individual/ joint accounts. Maximum INR available. Interest Tax
Account 1,00,000/- for an Free.
individual account.
INR 2,00,000/- for
joint account.
5-YearPost Money doubles in 8 years & 7 Minimum INR 10/- One withdrawal upto
Office months. Facility for premature per month or any 50% of the balance
Recurring encashment. amount in multiples allowed after one year.
Deposit Rate of interest 8.4% of INR 5/-. No Full maturity value
Account (compounded yearly) maximum limit. allowed on R.D.
Accounts restricted to
that of INR. 50/-
denomination in case of
death of depositor
subject to fulfillment of
certain conditions. 6 &
12 months advance
deposits earn rebate.
Post Office Interest payable annually but Minimum INR 200/- Account may be opened
Time calculated quarterly. and in multiple by individual. 2,3 & 5
Deposit Period Rate thereof. No year account can be
Account 1 yr. A/c 6.25% maximum limit. closed after 1 year at
2 yr. A/c 6.50% discount. Account can
3 yr. A/c 7.25% also be closed after six
5 yr. A/c 7.50% months but before one
year without interest.
The investment under
this scheme qualifies for
the benefit of Section
80C of the Income Tax
Act, 1961 from 1.4.2007.
Post Office 8% per annum payable i.e. In multiples of INR Maturity period is 6
Monthly INR 80/- will be paid every 1500/- Maximum years. Can be
Income month on a deposit of INR INR 4.5 lakhs in prematurely encashed
Account 12000/-. single account and after one year but before
INR 9 lakhs in joint 3 years at the discount of
account. 2% of the deposit and
after 3 years at the
discount of 1% of the
deposit. (Discount means
deduction from the
deposit.) A bonus of 5%
on principal amount is
admissible on maturity in
respect of MIS accounts
opened on or after
National 8% Interest compounded six Minimum INR. 100/- A single holder type
Savings monthly but payable at No maximum limit certificate can be
Certificate maturity. INR. 100/- grows to available in purchased by an adult for
(VIII issue) INR 160.10 after 6 years. denominations of himself or on behalf of a
INR. 100/-, 500/-, minor or to a minor.
1000/-, 5000/- & Deposits quality for tax
INR. 10,000/-. rebate under Sec. 80C of
IT Act.
The interest accruing
annually but deemed to
be reinvested will also
qualify for deduction
under Section 80C of IT
Senior 9% per annum, payable from There shall be only Maturity period is 5
Citizens the date of deposit of 31st one deposit in the years. A depositor may
Savings March/30th Sept/31st account in multiple operate more than a
Scheme December in the first instance of INR.1000/- account in individual
& thereafter, interest shall be maximum not capacity or jointly with
payable on 31st March, 30th exceeding rupees spouse. Age should be
June, 30th Sept and 31st fifteen lakhs. 60 years or more, and 55
December. years or more but less
than 60 years who has
retired on
superannuation or
otherwise on the date of
opening of account
subject to the condition
that the account is
opened within one month
of receipt of retirement
benefits. Premature
closure is allowed after
one year on deduction of
1.5% interest & after 2
years 1% interest. TDS is
deducted at source on
interest if the interest
amount is more than INR
10,000/- p.a. The
investment under this
scheme qualifies for the
benefit of Section 80C of
the Income Tax Act,
1961 from 1.4.2007.
Sec 80C benefit: Investments up to INR 1 lakhs in specified securities (maximum of INR 70,000
in PPF) qualify for deduction
Whenever, you need money back, just redeem the funds and amount will be back in your account
in max 2 business days.
How much income tax one need to pay on returns from liquid mutual fund: In case of a liquid
fund with dividend option, dividends declared by mutual funds units are exempt from tax in the
hands of recipients. Dividend distribution tax of 22.06% is paid by the fund and is adjusted in the
net asset value (NAV) of fund.
There are two types of these short terms debt funds available, Liquid and Liquid Plus.
Now question come to mind, how they differ and when to invest in which one.
Liquid plus funds holds investments for a longer period than liquid funds. So people investing in
liquid plus should hold for longer duration than liquid ones. Investors who need liquidity should
go for liquid funds. Some of the liquid plus funds may have an exit load. But there is no entry
load on liquid funds. Liquid Plus funds are a bit riskier than liquid funds as they hold
investments for a longer duration and also there is no limit on market-to-market components but
liquid funds has 10% limit on it. A dividend distribution tax of 28.33% is charged on liquid
funds, whereas 14.16% is charged for liquid plus funds.