SBM Tool

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The document discusses a revised school-based management assessment tool that evaluates schools based on four principles and helps classify their SBM practice level.

The four principles of ACCESs are: A Child-and Community-Centered Education System.

The three levels of SBM practice described are: Developing, Maturing, and Advanced (Accredited).


Part I: Introduction

The Revised School-Based Management (SBM) Assessment tool is guided by the four principles of ACCESs
(A Child-and Community-Centered Education System). The Indicators of SBM practice are contextualized on the
ideals of an ACCESs school system. The unit of analysis is the school system which are classified as developing,
maturing and advanced (accredited level). The SBM practice is ascertained by the existence of structured
mechanisms, processes and practices in all indicators. A team of practitioners and experts from the district,
division, region and central office validates the self-study/assessment before a level of SBM practice is established.
A school on the advanced level may apply for accreditation. The highest level, the "advanced", is a candidacy for
Part II: Basic School/Learning Center (LC) Information
School/Learning Center: ______________________________________________________
Region/Division: ______________________________________________________
Name of School Head/LC Head: ______________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
Part III: Instruction to the Users:
Please indicate using a check mark the extent of SBM practice for each indicator listed below (numbered) based
on the validation team's consensual agreements after systematic D-O-D (Document Analysis-Observation-Discussion).
On the other hand, for indicators with no evidence just indicate zero.
Part IV: Rating Scale:
0- No Evidence
1- Evidence indicates developing structures and mechanisms are in place to demonstrate ACCESs
2- Evidence indicates practices and procedures are fully implemented and aligned to ACCESs
3- Evidence indicates practices and procedure satisfy quality standards
A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission and goals
making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse environments.
A. Indicators:
1.1. In place is a The development plan Narrative/Photo The development plan Attendance Sheet duly The development plan A copy of the edited &
Development Plan guided by the school's documentation of is evolved through the accomplished by the is enhanced with the final development plan
(e.g.) SIP developed vision, mission and goal the planning work- shared leadership of the participating commu- community performing
collaboratively by the (VMG) is developed shops or the FGD school and the com- nity stakeholder in the the leadership roles, Copy of the approved
stakeholders of the through the leadership sessions munity. drafting of the SIP/AIP and the school provi- Enhanced School Im-
school and community of the school and the ding technical support. provement plan duly
participation of some Minutes on the dis- Narrative/Photo docu- recognized by the com-
invited community cussion of School mentation/minutes of munity stakeholders
stakeholders. Team Members on the activities
vision on the vision,
mission sharing

Copy of the Deped's

VMG and reference
Enhanced School
Improvement Plan

1.2. The development plan The school leads the Regular sessions The school and the Minutes of meeting The community stake- Copy review/correc-
(e.g. SIP) is regularly regular review and (FGD) to schedule for community stakeholders conducted by commu- holders lead the regu- tion of SIP of the
reviewed by the school improvement of the ESIP review working as full partners, nity partners and other lar review and improve- School Planning Team
community to keep it development plan. lead the continual review stakeholders of the ment process; the
responsive and rele- Minutes of the mee- and improvement of the SIP Review conducted school stakeholders Minutes of the meeting
vant to emerging ting of the FGD for development plan. facilitate the process. organized and led by
needs, challenges and ESIP Review Duly accomplished community stakeholders
opportunities. attendance sheet by
Photo documenta- the participants Photo documentation
tions of the sessions review conducted
Logbook of incoming
Invitation letter to the communications
ESIP Reviewers

Creation of the Re-

view committee

1.3. The school is organized The school defines Notice of meeting The school and com- Roles/functions defined Guided by an agreed CBL of PTA/SGC Manual
by a clear structure and the organizational Attendance of mee- munity collaboratively in SGC Manual/PTA organizational structure
work arrangements that structure and the roles ting define the structure and CBL the community stake- Roles/Functions elabo-
promote shared leader- and responsibilities of the roles and responsi- holders lead in defining rated in the minutes
ship and governance stakeholders. Organizational struc- bilities of stakeholders. Minutes of meeting the organizational of meeting
and define the roles ture/table attended by stake- sturcture and the roles
and responsibilites of holders and responsibilities; Photo documentation
the stakeholders. Minutes of meeting school provides techical showing technical
on the discussion of Oath of office of and administrative assistance provided
roles/Function of the School Planning support. to stakeholders to
stakeholders Team sustain shared leader-
ship and governance
Pictures of meeting Letter of Invitation
and confirmation

1.4. A leadership network A network has been Minutes of BDC/ The network actively Copy of minutes during The network allows MOA on Access infor
facilitates communica- collaboratively estab- MDC/ CITY provides stakeholders FOR A easy exchange and mation to gov't agencies
tion between and lished and is conti- meeting information for making access to information and private institution
among school and nuously improved by decisions and solving Approved Resolution of sources beyond the
community leaders for by the school commu- Attendance to BDC/ learning and adminis- the concerend agency school community Report during FOR A
informed decision- nity. MDC PF trative problems. organization, partner
making and solving of or committee support School Website/
school-community the enhanced SIP Dashboard
wide-learning problems. implementation
School Report Card

1.5. A long term program Developing structures Copy of accom- Leaders undertake Schedule of Trainings School assessment Schedule of Training of
is in operation that are in place nd analy- plished needs training modes that of Teacher/SH (online results are used to de- Teachers/SH and
addresses the training sis of the competency assessment ques- are convenient to them mentoring and velop learning programs community leaders
and development needs and development needs tionnaire (NAQ) and (on-line, off-line, modu- coaching) that are suited to com-
of school and commu- of leaders is conducted; Individual Develop- lar, group, or home- munity and customzed Copy of design for
nity leaders result is used to deve- ment Plan (IDP) based) and which do Minutes of TIP/LAC to each learner's context Training of Teacher/
lop a long term training not disrupt their regu- session conducted results of which are used SH and Community
and development prog- lar functions. Leaders for collaborative decision- leaders
ram. monitor and evaluate Copy of Design for making.
their own learning Training of Teachers Copy of Training Deve-
progress. and School Head lopment plan Self-
monitoring and evalua-
Copy of Training Deve- tion tool
lopment Plan
Self-monitoring and
evaluation tool



The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners' contexts and aspirations are collaboratively
developed and continuously improved.
2.1. The curriculum provides All types of learners of Data on school Programs are fully Monitoring Plan The educational needs Customer/client satis-
for the development the school community mapping implemented and closely of all types of learners faction tool
needs of all types of are identified, their Religious Instruction monitored to address Monitoring Report are being met as shown CI project in Place
learners in the school learning curves Schedule & Permit performance discrepan- by the contiunous im-
community. assessed; appropriate List of 4Ps benefi- cies, benchmark best Program Interventions provement on learning Action Research
programs with its sup- ciary practices, coach low outcomes and products
port materials for each Pupils Anecdotal performers, mentor Activity Completion of learning. Teachers' Student's and Teacher's
type of learner is Records potential leaders, Report as well as students' Awards/Recognitions
developed. Acivity Design for reward high achieve- performance is
Proposed Program ment, and maintain Certificate of Recogni- motivated by intrinsic School to school
or Project Proposals environment that makes tion rather than extrinsic Partnership MOA
List of enrolees/Form learning meaningful and rewards. The school's Seminar/Orientation
with LRN enjoyable. Symposium/Conferen- differentiated program with approved Activity
List of non-readers, ces is frequently bench- Design and Activity
frustrations, indepen- marked by other Report
dent, instructional by LAC Session schools.
grade level Increase in school's NAT
List of PWD pupils at Performance
risk of dropping out
Program Interven-
SF-1 School Register
Nutritional Status of
Schedule of Classes
and Acivities
Record of student's
Religious Affiliations
Approved permit
from the Division
Office on the conduct
program interven-

2.2. The implemented Local beliefs, norms, Remedial Instructions The localized curriculum Curriculum Integration Best practices in loca- School Community
curriculum is localized values, traditions, folk- Schedule are prog- is implemented and Topics integrated to lizing the curriculum partnership with MOA
to make it more mea- lores, current events, rammed monitored closely to the lesson plan suited are mainstreamed and School Community
ningful to the learners and existing technolo- Monthly Program/ ensure that it makes to the community benchmarked by other project in place like
and the applicable to gies are documented Calendar of Activities learning more meaning- Monitoring Plan & schools. There is gulayan, poultry
life in the community. and used to develop a DepEd Orders, Memo ful and pleasurable, Report marked increase in Internship/Immersion
lasting curriculum. randum produces desired number of projects that Partners
Localization guidelines learning outcomes, and Localized and validated uses the community as Pictorials/Documenta-
are agreed to by school Copy of DepEd Thrust directly improves learning materials for learning laboratory, and tion of Joint Activities
community and teachers projects and programs community life. In- IP the school as an agent with Community Part-
are properly oriented. effective approaches Lesson Guides of change for improve- ners
Pictorials of Activities are replaced and inno- ment of the community. School to school part-
Workshops/Trainings vative ones are deve- nership with MOA
conducted with acti- loped. Comparison of Nut-
vity completion ritional Status of
report Learners

Output of localized
and indigenized
learning materials
as MOV

2.3. A representative group A representative team Minutes of Meeting, Learning materials and EHCP (hand-washing, Materials and Least learned compe-
of school and commu- of school and commu- Notice of meeting, approaches to reinforce etc) approaches are being tencies and intervention
nity stakeholders develop nity stakeholders attendance, pictorials strengths and address NAT like Test used in school, in the and the list of learners
the methods and ma- assess content and deficiencies are deve- LM (Tracking Forms) family and in the who have not met the
terials for developing methods used in Functional SGC/ loped and tested for School Reading Prog- community to develop expectations
creative thinking and teaching creative, Brgy. Educ. Comm. applicability on school, ram, (LCI) critical thinking and
problem solving. critical thinking and family and community. Math Thinkers Quest problem solving commu-
problem solving. School Assessment (Math Camp, Jingles) nity of learners and are
Assessment results are Result (NAT, CFSS) CPP Handbook producing desired
used as guide to develop results.
materials. List of Committee Copy of Strategic Inter-
Members composed vention Materials (SIM)
of Education Super- approved by the Divi-
visors/Specialists sion office

Assessment Results
Output of Teacher-
made or Teacher-
developed Materials

2.4. The learning systems A school-based moni- SRC reported to The school-based mo- Feedback on the moni- The monitoring system Records/documents of
are regularly and colla- toring and learning LGU, SGC Meeting nitoring and learning toring conducted is accepted and regularly the monitoring system/
boratively monitored by system is conducted PTA/Gen. Assembly systems generate feed- Pictures, attendance, used for collective utilization of data
the community using regularly and coopera- back that is used for Narrative Report decision making. gathered
appropriate tools to tively; and feedback is Reports in the con- namking decisions that School-based compe-
ensure the holistic shared with stake- duct of Feedback enhance the total deve- tency assessment
growth and development holders. sessions with stake- lopment of learners. (SHS only)
of the learners and the holders
community. The system uses a *SBM Monitoring Tool A committee take care *List of School Planning The monitoring tool *Results of monitoring
tool that monitors the *SREYA/ECCD-PMCF of the continuous Team has been improved to tools are utilized and
holistic development *Phil-IRI result improvement of the tool. *Memo provide both quanti- documented
of learners. *LAC Plan/Matrix *Minutes tative and qualitative
*Proficiency Test *Annexes data.

2.5. Appropriate assess- The assessment tools Results of reviewed The assessment tools Minutes of meeting with School assessment Copy of the learning
ment tools for teaching are reviewed by the asssessment tools are reviewed by the SGC, PTA, NGOs, LGUs, results are used to deve- program design for
and learning are con- school and assessment with findings and school community and and other stakeholders. lop learning programs intervention/enrichment
tinuously reviewed and results are shared with recommendations results are shared with that are suited to com-
improved, and assess- the school's stake- Copy of assessment community stakeholders. Attendance of quarterly munity and customized ADM (Alternative
ment results are con- holders. tools for teaching parent-teacher confe- to each learner's con- Delivery Mode) Modules
textualized to the and learning rence during distribu- text, results of which are
learners and local Attendance Sheets tion of report cards used for collaborative Copy of initiated
situation and the during the conduct decision-making. intervention (S.I.I.)
attainment of relevant of the review
life skills. Minutes of meeting
with stakeholders
on the review of
assessment tools

2.6. Learning managers and Stakeholders are Minutes of meetings/ Stakeholders begin to CPP Manual Learning environments, Accomplished checklist
facilitators (teachers, aware of child/learner- orientation/conferen- practice child/learner- Copies of Child-centered methods and resources in adherence to child
administrators and centered rights-based, ces on Child Protec- centered principles of DLL/strategies and are community driven, protection learning
community members) and inclusive principles tion Policy education in the design other instructional inclusive and adherent environment methods
nurture values and of education. Attendance Sheets of support to education. materials to child's rights and and resources (to be
environments that are Learning managers Advocacy campaign/ Learning managers Documents on the rights and protection clarified if checklist is
protective of all children and facilitators conduct symposia on the and facilitators apply conduct of Parenting requirements. availbale)
and demonstrate activities aimed to rights of children the principles in Seminar Learning managers Curriculum Guides/
behaviors consistent to increase stakeholders Photo document, designing learning and facilitators observe Teacher's Guides/
organization's vision, awareness and com- video clip, AVP on materials. learners' rights from Teacher's Manual/
mission and goals. mitment to fundamental the forum conducted designing the curriculum Teacher's Guides focu-
rights of children and focused on the rights to structuring the whole sing on children's
the basic principle of of children learning environment. rights
educating them. Copy of Learning
Materials designed/
made by teachers

2.7. Methods and resources 1A. Practices tools and Learners Projects 1B. Practices, tools, and Learners Achievement/ 1C. There is continuous Community Resource
are learner and commu- materials for developing materials for developing Accomplishment report exchange of information Center
nity-friendly, enjoyable, seld-directed learners Portfolio (student's self-directed learners sharing of expertise and
safe, inclusive, accessi- are highly observable in output) are beginning to emerge Progress/tracking materials among the List of 4Ps benificiary
ble and aimed at deve- school, but not in the Instructional devices/ in the homes and in the report schools, home and
loping self-directed home or in the commu- materials community. community for the deve- Brigada Eskwela Report
learners. Learners are nity. Documents on the Narrative Report/ lopment of self-directed
equipped with essential conduct of Quarterly Accomplishment report learners. Gulayan Sa Paaralan
knowledge, skilss, and Recital/Culmination Photocopy of at least 5 Project
values to assume res- Activity like Program, report card in every
ponsibility and accoun- Photos, Attendance grade level (form 137-E)
tability for their own Sheet, Narrative
learning. Report
Learning programs are Adopt-A-School The program is colla- Inspection Report with The program is Documents of curricu-
designed and developed Program documents boratively implemented findings that classrooms mainstreamed but lar and co-curricular
to produce learners who (example feeding and monitored by are well-ventilated and continuously improve to competition participated
are responsible and program, distribu- teachers and parents lighted make relevant to
accountable for their tion of school supp- to ensure that it produces emergent demands. Documentations of
learning. lies, etc.) desired learners. DRRM programs and
Anti-bullying Program activities
Reading Program DOH integrated prog-
ICT Integration rams in school
across curriculum Minutes of meetings
Research Work/ of the programs
Project initiated



A clear, transparent, inclusive, and responsive accountability system is in place, collaboratively developed by the school coomunity,
which monitors performance and acts appropriately on gaps and gains.
3.1. Roles and responsi- There is an active party List of Committees The stakeholders are List of committees and Shared and participa- Pictorials/documen-
biities of accountable that initiates clarification and their duties and engaged in clarifying and their duties and func- tory processes are used tations of the activities
person/s and collective of the roles and respon- functions of the defining their specific tions of the organized in determining roles, conducted by the SPT
body/ies are clearly sibilities in education organized commit- roles and responsibilities. committees responsibilities, and with the stakeholders
defined and agreed delivery. tees accountabilities of focused on the roles
upon by community Attendance sheets, stakeholders in mana- and responsibilities
stakeholders. Attendance sheets, accomplishment report/ ging and supporting of SPT
Accomplishment minutes/pictorials/ education.
report/minutes/ documentations of the
Pictorials/documen- meeting conducted on
tations of the meet- the roles and responsi-
ing conducted on the bilities of SPT
roles and responsi-
bilities of SPT
3.2. Achievement of goals Performance Accomplished O/ A community-level Program design to A community- accepted Stakeholders Recogni-
is recognized based on accountability is prac- IPCRF accountability system is conduct School Monito- performance accounta- tion
a collaboratively deve- ticed at the school level. evolving from school-led ring Evaluation and bility, recognition and
loped performance Sample of the ff. initiatives. Assessment (SMEA) incentive system is Attendance sheets
accountability system; school forms 4, 6 & being practiced.
gaps are addressed 138 SMEA tool to evaluate List of awardees:
through appropriate the school-led initiative -individual
action. Consolidated Quar- programs/intervention -committees
terly Test results
Attendance sheets School Program
School Report Card during SMEA (with initiatives
List of Least Learned Certificates of Awards
Skills Results of the SMEA & Recognition &

Photo documentation

3.3. The accountability The school articulates Approved activity/ Stakeholders are Assessment results/ School coomunity Project Management
system is owned by the the accountability program/project engaged in the deve- QUAME stakeholders continuous- review team
community and is assessment framework design by the lopment and operation ly and collaboratively
continuously enhanced with basic components, approving authority of an approprate Attendance of PAPs review and enhance Analysis/recommenda-
to ensure that manage- including implementation accountability assess- implemented accountability systems' tion for possible inter-
ment structures and guidelines to the stake- Acknowledged invita- ment system. processes, mechanisms ventions
mechanisms are res- holders. tion letters Pictorials of the stake- and tools.
ponsive to the emerging holders engagement Minutes/reports in the
learning needs and Copy of the accoun- conduct of review &
demands of the tability assessment Copy of the accounta- enhancement of
community. framework bility assessment system accountability systems
processes, mecha-
Copy of the imple- Approved activity de- nisms and tools
mentation guidelines sign in the conduct
development of
Activity report accountability assess-
ment system

Activity report in the

conduct of the accoun-
tability assessment
system development

3.4. Accountability assess- The school with the Ninety percent of the Stakeholders are Ninety five of the PAPs Stakeholders conti- One hundred percent of
ment criteria and tools, participation of stake- PAPs articulated to engaged in the develop- articulated with the nuously and collabora- the PAPs articulately &
feedback mechanism holders, articulates an the stakeholders ment and operation of engagement of the tively review and collaboratively reviewed
and information collec- accountability assess- an appropriate accoun- stakeholders enhance accountability by the school and other
tion and validation ment framework with Conduct of orientation tability assessment systems, processes, stakeholders
techniques and pro- baic components, on accountability system. Copy of the accounta- mechanisms and tools.
cesses are inclusive and including implementation assessment frame- bility assessment Minutes of the review
collaboratively deve- guidelines. work on the enhanced
loped and agreed. List of identified stake- accuntability systems,
Approved APP, AIP, holders process mechanisms &
PPMP tools
Attendance sheets
Attendance sheet during the conduct of Attendance sheets
in the conduct of the the development of the during the development
activity accountability assess- of the enhanced accoun-
ment system. tability systems, process
Copy of the imple- mechanisms and tools
mentation guidelines
of the accountability
assessment frame-
3.5. Participatory assess- School initiates periodic Targeted PAPs Collaboratively conduct Ninety percent of the School-community- One hundred percent
ment of performance performance assess- assessed with 90% of performance assess- stakeholders attendance developed performance stakeholders attendance
is done regularly with ments with the partici- attendance of the ment informs planning, collaboratively assessed assessment is practiced institutionalized the
the community. pation of stakeholders. stakeholders within plan adjustments and reviewed for plan ad- and is the basis for usage of the assess-
Assessment results the semester requirements for tech- justment and possible improving monitoring ment tools for rewards
and lessons learned nical assistance. TA and evaluation systems, and awards
serve as basis for providing technical
feedback, technical assistance, and recog-
assistance, recognition nizing and refining plans.
and plan adjustment.

Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness and efficiency.


4.1. Regular resource Stakeholders are aware Transparency Board Resource inventory is Minutes of the meeting Resource inventories Resource allocation
inventory is collabora- that a regular resource with MOOE report/ characterized by regula- reflecting the present- are systematically deve- and mobilization chart
tively undertaken by inventory is available cash allocation rity increased participa- ation of school budget loped and stakeholders (RAMPC) collaboratively
learning managers, and is used as the basis MOOE CDR signed tion of stakeholders, and to teachers and commu- are engaged in a colla- developed by:
learning facilitators, and for resource allocation by the SDS and communicated to the nity during PTA meetings borative process to make School Heads,
community stakeholders and mobilization. accountant community as the basis (opening, midyear, year- decisions on resource Teachers, PTA, SGC,
as basis for resource for resource allocation end) allocation and mobiliza- SPG
allocation and mobili- Liquidation Report on mobilization. tion.
zation. school funds Photo documentation Photo documentation
School report Card Attendance sheets List of Inventory of
during opening, mid- facilities, materials,
AIP, APP, PPMP year, and year-end chairs fixtures, lab.
assemblies apparatus
Canteen Fund

4.2. A regular dialogue for Stakeholders are Letter of invitation Stakeholders are regu- Stakeholders' logbook Stakeholders colla- Project Proposals
planning and resource invited to participate in larly engaged in the in planning and resource borate to ensure timely
programming, that is the development of an Adopt a School/ planning and resource programming/support and need-based plan- Resolutions
accessible and inclusive educational plan in Interest Form programming, and in ning and resource
continuously engage resource programming, the implementation of Minutes of planning & programming and Attendance sheet of
stakeholders and support and in the implementa- Attendance of Stake- the education plan. Resource Programming support continuous meetings
implementation of tion of the educational holders in the deve- implementation of the
community education plan. lopment of SIP education plan. Accomplishment Report
Developed educatio-
nal Plan (SIP/AIP)

4.3. In place is a commu- Stakeholders support Logbook/record of Stakeholders are Enhanced SIP/AIP Stakeholders sustain the Enhanced SIP. AIP, APP
nity-developed resource judicious, appropriate, resources utilization engaged and share implementation and
management system and effective use of expertise in the colla- Minutes, attendance & improvement of a colla- Minutes , attendance &
that drives appropriate resources. Distribution list of borative development photo documentation in boratively developed, photo documentation
behaviors of the stake- supplies and of resource manage- drafting the SIP periodically adjusted, (periodic evaluation &
holders to ensure materials distributed ment system. and constituent-focused revision)
judicious, appropriate, resource management
and effective use of Updated Transpa- system.
resources. rency Board

4.4. Regular monitoring, Stakeholders are invited Letter of invitation Stakeholders collabo- Minutes, attendance & Stakeholders are Minutes, attendance &
evaluation, and reporting to participate in the and confirmation in ratively participate in pictorials (crafting of enagaged, held accoun- pictorials
processes of resource development and imple- the development and the development and M & E) table and implement a (stakeholders meeting)
management are colla- mentation of monitoring, implementation of implementation of collaboratively deve-
boratively developed evaluation, and reporting M & E. monitoring, evaluation, M & E tool with signa- loped system of Analysis of the result
and implemented by the processes on resource and reporting processes ture monitoring, evaluation
learning managers, management. on resource management. and reporting for
facilitators, and Result of M & E resource management.
community stakeholders.
4.5. There is a system that An engagement pro- List of potential Stakeholders support a Statement of Interest An established system MOA, MOU and
manages the network cedure to identify an partners system of partnerships Form of partnership is resolution
and linkages which utilize partnerships with for improving resource managed and sustained
strength and sustain stakeholders for impro- Action Plan stating management. List of Donations by the stakeholders for Deed of Donation/
partnerships for ving resource manage- the engagement continuous improvement Acceptance
improving resource ment is evident. procedures of resource management.
1. The four (4) principles were assigned percentage weights on the basis of their relative importance to the aim of school (improved learning outcomes and school operations);
**Leadership and Governance - 30%
**Curriculum and Learning - 30%
**Accountability and Continuous Improvement - 25%
**Management of Resources - 15%
2. Each principle has several indicators. Based on the results of the D-O-D (Document Analysis, Observation, Discussion),
the evidence is summarized, and a consensual rating is arrived at. What rating would one give to each indicator;
3. Rate the items by checking the appropriate boxes. These are the points earned by the school for the specific indicator.
The rating scale is:
0 - No evidence
1 - Evidence indicates early or preliminary stages of implementation
2 - Evidence indicates planned practices and procedures are fully implemented
3 - Evidence indicates practices and procedures satisfy quality standards
4. Assemble the Rubrics rated by the respondents; edit them for errors like double entries or incomplete responses;
5. Count the number of check marks in each indicator and record in the appropriate box inside the summary table for the use area/standard rated;
6. Multiply the number of check marks in each column by the points (1-3)
7. Get the average rating for each principle by dividing the total score by the number of indicators of the principle;
8. Record the average ratings for the principle in the Summary Table for the computation of the General Average;
9. Multiply the rating for each principle by its percentage weight to get the weighted average rating;
10. To get the total rating for the four principles, get the sum of all weighted ratings. The value derived is the school rating based on D-O-D;
11. The level of practice will be computed based on the criteria below;
*60% based on the improvement of learning outcomes;
*40% according to the validated practices using D-O-D
12. The resulting score will be interpreted as:


The resulting levels are described as follows:
0.5 - 1.4 - Developing
1.5 - 2.4 - Maturing
2.5 - 3.5 - Advanced

LEVEL I: DEVELOPING - developing structures and mechanisms with acceptable level and extent of community participation on learning outcomes.
LEVEL II: MATURING - introducing and sustaining continuous improvement process that integrates wider community participation and significantly improve
performance and learning outcomes.
LEVEL III: ADVANCED (ACCREDITED) - ensuring the production of intended outputs/outcomes and meeting all standards of a system fully integrated
in the local community and is self-renewing and self-sustaining.
mation to gov't agencies

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