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The key takeaways are building a Facebook fan page business to generate free traffic and email subscribers to make money online.

The Facebook Fan Page Domination Formula involves building a Facebook fan page, posting engaging content to gain fans, and using the fans to build an email list and make money through ads and promotions.

Some examples of businesses that can benefit include e-commerce stores, affiliate marketers, local businesses, bloggers, and product launchers.



Have you been struggling to find a way to build your very own business on the Internet? If you’re
like me (and countless other people around the world) you’ve likely tried your hand at just about
everything to crack this whole “getting money online” code only to be dealt a harsh reality time
and time again.

It’s not as simple as most people make it seem, in fact, most of the stuff you read online is simply
outdated by the time you get your eyes on it. However, the system I am going to share with you
in this book (and the amazing way I have refined it) is time tested and has worked for literally
decades for people just like me and just like you.

All that really matters right now is you have the desire and drive to take action and make your
dreams become your reality. As you’ll discover in this short book my path to success was filled
with roadblocks and catastrophes, and what I share with you here is going to help you avoid all
of those things to have a clearer and more profound path to success.

Building your own Facebook Fan Page Business is simple IF you know the one key to massive
success that MOST people leave out or never even think of when they teach you.

Here’s a diagram of our Fan Page Domination Formula:



Anthony started his first online business from his college dorm room. He had absolutely no
experience or desire to start an online business.

After his family lost their life savings in in the stock market Anthony watched his family as they
were about to lose their home and everything they had worked their entire lives to achieve.

Necessity forced Anthony to spring into action and create his first business online. Within just
a couple of years his businesses were doing over $2,000,000 annually and his families financial
fortunes completely turned around. Anthony went on to build over 10 successful business
online, author 3 books on Internet Marketing and speak to over 250,000 people worldwide
about building their own email marketing businesses.

Anthony currently generates over $200,000 per month sending simple emails and he’s made it
his mission going forward to teach others exactly how he’s doing it and give them access to the
same tools and advantages top marketers around the world have access to in their businesses.

With the emergence of Facebook came many new opportunities for online marketers. Priding
himself on being “ahead of the curve” Anthony immediately started learning how to leverage this
social platform to build businesses.

In this book you’re going to learn his brand new strategy that’s enabled him to build a Facebook
Fan Page business with over 450,000 fans and 200,000 email subscribers that generates
thousands of dollars each month on autopilot.


The Facebook Fan Page Formula....................................................5

What’s The Key To Online Business Success?...............................10

Free Traffic From Facebook – It’s Possible!...................................13

Who Can Use This Method?............................................................ 17

You Are Invited To My Live Fan Page Domination Training........20

Disclaimer & Earnings......................................................................21



Ok so we are going to dive right in to the strategy that’s generating me thousands of dollars and
in turn spinning off hundreds of thousands of email subscribers at absolutely no cost to me.

The first thing to know is the actual diagram / formula for what we are doing so I am going to
show you that right now.

Now this formula has a few elements that you might not have heard of before so I am going to
break them down for you one by one to make sure you are fully aware of what each piece is and
what it does within the process.

Facebook Fan Page – Fan Pages are provided by Facebook and cost absolutely nothing to
create. Fan Pages are designed to be places where people of similar interest hang out and
comment on a specific topic or niche. There are fan pages for almost everything you can think
of right now including sports teams, bands, vacation locations, hobbies, celebrities and so much

If you think about this it’s a perfect marketing opportunity right?

As online marketers and business owners we are always looking for our target audience, or
group of people interested in the products we are selling. Creating a Fan Page lets you build your
target audience and then market your products to them completely free…

You’ve probably heard many people say “find your niche” or “select a niche” when starting your
online business and that’s exactly what these Fan Pages allow you to do completely free. You
simply select a niche, create a Fan Page, build your fan base up and you’ve got an automated
marketing machine that cost you absolutely nothing.

Opt In Page – This is a page where you will collect email addresses and build your email list.
This is especially important because you have control over your list. While Facebook is a great
platform and Fan Pages are an amazing way to reach your audience there’s no substitute for
having control. Our Fan Page Domination workshop will show you my unique method for
siphoning fans onto your email list right from your fan page, for free!

Thank You Page – This is the page your customers are sent to after they opt in to your email list.
This is what we call the “first point for profits” in the entire process. I am actively generating as
I write this book over $4,000 per month just from people landing on my thank you page. There
are many different ways to monetize these pages including Google AdSense, Affiliate Links,
Shopify Products and more.

Auto Responder – Your auto-responder is the key to sending your emails and generating
automated recurring income for years to come. We use for our email
marketing and love what they provide. Our entire Fan Page Domination strategy includes
sending emails at various times to generate revenue from your list.


The key to an online business being successful can be summed up in one single word.


Without Traffic the process of “making money online” or “building your business” never actually
gets started.

Typically we send this traffic to our website to accomplish 2 main goals:

Goal #1 – Generate Revenue

Goal #2 – Build Our Email List

This diagram shows you the typical online business model and as you’ll see it all starts with
generating traffic.

So now that we know TRAFFIC is the real key to success the question is how does that fit into the
Fan Page Business model?

The reality is the Internet is changing every single day and the way we generate traffic today isn’t
how we did it 10 years ago or even 5 years ago.

When I first started marketing online the only way to really generate traffic to your website was
Google Search or Yahoo! Search advertising.

I use to spend thousands of dollars generating traffic to my websites and in the end it turned out
pretty good. I was spending upwards of $50,000 per month on advertising and generating over
$200,000 per month in affiliate commissions – it was a positive ROI to say the least.

While Google and Yahoo! still remain viable ways to advertise social media has really taken t he
Internet by storm. People are spending more time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like
than on Google or Yahoo!

One thing I learned about Facebook years ago is that you’ll tell Facebook things about yourself
that you don’t even share with your own family!

Think about everything you tell Facebook when you create an account:

Phone #
Marital Status
Education Level
Music & Movie Interest

…. The list goes on and on and on and pretty much never ends. Every single day you’re telling
Facebook more things about you, where you travel and what you enjoy doing.

This makes Facebook one of the most powerful advertising platforms on the planet.

When you’re marketing on Facebook you can actually drill down to crazy things to show your
advertisements to only say Males, Age 25-27, Attended College, Who Like Baseball and the movie
Field of Dreams or something of that nature. This means you can drill right down to your exact
target audience far better than on any platform we’ve ever seen.

Not only can you do this, but you can also push all these people right on to a Fan Page where
you can advertise to them free of charge. That’s where the Fan Page Domination strategy really
comes in to play.

So we’ve determined that TRAFFIC is the key to a successful business at this point and I’ve told
you that Facebook is the best place to get targeted and quality traffic. Now we’re on the right
track to helping you build your very own successful business online.


So let’s start off first by saying that most FREE TRAFFIC sources are terrible and here’s why:



Basically when people tell you they will show you how to get FREE TRAFFIC you should typically
RUN the other direction because you’re likely wasting your time…

I’ve been the biggest proponent of the old saying “you get what you pay for” when it comes to
marketing online. I’ve never taught my students free traffic strategies because in the end I knew
it would never give them the results they truly needed in the time frame they wanted.

Let’s be honest as you read this book right now you wanted results yesterday.

You know it’s true…. And I am going to guess something else about you too…

If we’re being honest you’ve probably tried some of these “free traffic” methods and gotten no
results right?

I simply couldn’t get behind that nonsense because I knew it would leave my students frustrated
and thinking negatively. I do my best to always keep everyone positive and promote never giving
up on your goals and dreams so sharing things like “free traffic methods” with my students has
always been a no go.

Until I stumbled across this Fan Page Domination method by complete accident.

I started my first Fan Page as a hobby.

It has nothing to do with me at all; in fact, nobody even knows I own it. So the cool thing about
this method is big time marketers have just as fair an advantage and brand new marketers. Who
you are and what you’ve done mean absolutely nothing when using this method which is why
my BETA students have had such great results.

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT – Ira Jackson Incredible Results:


STUDENT SPOTLIGHT – Andrews Bertona Incredible Results

Using this method has allowed myself and BETA students to generate massive amounts of traffic
all from simple Fan Pages for FREE, which is truly amazing.

Using this complete method literally builds you a business from the ground up because you take
care of everything needed for an online business.

Traffic – You’ll use your Fan Page to generate FREE and VERY TARGETED traffic.

Optin Page – You’ll learn how to build a simple optin page so you can build your email list in the

Thank You Page – This is where you’ll generate money instantly using simple Google Ads

You could literally stop right there and have your entire business just earning revenue from
simple Google Ads on your Thank You page OR you could take it to the next level and let the Fan
Page Domination strategy generate traffic for your other businesses as well.v

You see the reason the Fan Page Domination strategy works well for FREE TRAFFIC is it defies
everything we typically think about when we think of “free traffic methods”

When you’re getting results like these it’s pretty easy to see why I am so excited about this
method for building your online business.

Yes you’re seeing that correctly…

In just 7 short days I was able to reach over 15,000,000 people on Facebook FREE

I was able to get almost 10,000,000 to watch my videos FREE

I was able to generate over 100,000 new Facebook Fans FREE



It’s pretty simple to see that this method builds a business in and of itself by generating the
traffic and generating revenue on the thank you page, but who else can use this Fan Page
Domination strategy?

What other ways are there to generate revenue?

First and foremost you’re going to be building a massive email list when you do this. As I write
this short book for you I am looking at over 200,000 people on my email list and it’s growing
every single day FREE, you’ll see in this image I have already gained over 220 new subscribes
today alone.

So what’s this worth and how do we really generate additional revenue from our email list?

A good rule of thumb is that if you were using traditional paid advertising to build your email list
you would pay between 50 cents and $1 per email subscriber to grow your list.

“As a side note building your email list is the key to long term sustainable growth and profits.
Nobody can take your list from you and you can continue to market to your list without spending
a single penny on advertising. I teach a lot about email marketing to my students since it’s one of
the main reason I have been successful over the last decade online.”

So if we just look at the screen shot above here is some simple math:

Scenario A: We assume subscribers normally cost 50 cents each

Scenario B: We assume subscribers normally cost $1 each

This means that our list would have cost us between $100,000 - $200,000 to generate, but it
actually didn’t cost me a single penny!

In fact, the great thing about this method is the email list is the “by product” of the core business
which is building the Fan Page and generating profits from your thank you pages.

I am currently generating over $4,000 per month in FREE MONEY from my thank you page so
you can see I actually GOT PAID $48,000 to generate an email list of 205,747 and growing.

Can you believe that?

The other thing that’s important to note is what an email subscriber is WORTH to you once they
subscribe to your list.

A good rule of thumb most marketers teach (and I am sure you’ve heard this before) is that
email subscribers should be worth up to $1/month.

That’s the goal you should have at the beginning of each month anyway, and that’s exactly how I
run my business.

So my GOAL this month is to generate at least $205,747.00 from this email list.

What f I fall short of my goal?

Say I am only able to generate half of that…. I am still making a cool $100,000.00 off an email list
that cost me absolutely nothing to build.

The great thing about this is that the Fan Page Domination method actually works for just about
anyone in any business right now.

If you’re doing a Shopify store and selling e-commerce then it makes total sense to have niche
Fan Pages driving traffic to your stores and building your email list so you can send out store
promotions to some of the highest quality free traffic you’ll ever find.

If you’re doing Amazon selling why wouldn’t you want to do this? You can generate massive
amounts of traffic (FREE) and send them right to the products you’re selling on Amazon.

If you are doing Affiliate Marketing think about the possibilities this method brings to the table
for you and your business. You’ll have an insane flow of traffic and be able to target almost any
niche on the planet.

If you’re doing local marketing for business owners this makes total sense. You can literally learn
the method and then implement it for businesses. Once they see their Fan Pages growing and
posts going viral they’ll love you.

If you’re launching your own product using the Fan Pages is a great way to create your own “Pre-
Launch” by going viral and instantly having fans ready to purchase your products, books, and
courses when they are completed.

If you’re a blogger you need traffic right? If you’re selling ad space or generating revenue from
ad networks the key is having traffic on your blog. We’re currently using this method to drive
thousands of people to our own blogs for the exact same reason!

The possibilities are completely endless when you think about it because again all businesses
start with TRAFFIC.


So I imagine you are stoked about this method right?

The facts are (like anything in life) there are a few catches that I will need to show you before you
just go blazing on Facebook.

How do you make your posts go viral?

What types of Facebook post generate the best results?

How do you make Facebook show your posts to all of your fans?

How do you properly setup your Optin and Thank You pages?

How do you place those Google Ads on your page so you can earn money?

How do you setup your Auto-Responder?

In this live training I walk step by step through the entire process building my own Fan Page
business right in front of you so you can easily duplicate what I am doing.

The real key here is to make sure you LEARN how to do this so you can duplicate it over and over
again because hey ….

There’s no limit to how many Fan Page Businesses you can start!


This book and its contents are protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. You may not
reproduce, modify or distribute this book or it’s contents in any way unless you have written
permission from Morrison Publishing, LLC. This book is for your use only.

Any trademarked names mentioned in this book are the sole property of their respective
companies. None of these companies are associated with Anthony Morrison and Morrison
Publishing, LLC.


The information contained in this book is designed to educate you on how to properly do email
marketing. Morrison Publishing, LLC makes absolutely no promises or guarantees of income or
earnings. Additionally you should always abide by Federal and Local laws and regulations when
doing anything online. By reading this book and implementing the training techniques you agree
to hold Morrison Publishing, LLC harmless should any of your actions result in financial losses.

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