Design of Control Systems: Case Studies
Design of Control Systems: Case Studies
Design of Control Systems: Case Studies
Case Studies
Motor Speed
Motor Position
Design Cycle
Modeling; Identification; Design, and Implementation
Plus Analysis and Simulation
Techniques Used
Modeling; PID; Root Locus; Frequency Response;
State Space
Control of Transient Response
• One of the most important characteristics of control systems is their
transient response.
Control Modes
There are many ways by which a control unit can react to an error
and supply an output for correcting elements.
• The integral mode (I): This produces a control action that is
proportional to the integral of the error with time. Therefore, a
constant error signal will produce an increasing correcting signal.
The correction continues to increase as long as the error persists.
DC Motors
• Electric motors are frequently used as the final control element in
positional or speed-control systems. Motors may be classified into
two main categories: DC motors and AC motors. Most motors used
in modern control systems are DC motors.
Case 1: DC Motor Speed Modeling
The DC motor has been the workhorse in industry for many reasons including
good torque speed characteristics. It is a common actuator in control systems.
It directly provides rotary motion and, coupled with wheels or drums and
cables, can provide transitional motion. The electric circuit of the armature and
the free body diagram of the rotor are shown in the following Figure.
We develop here the transfer function of a separately excited armature
controlled DC motor.
RF (T, ω)
VF kθ& VA
Va ia T ω
Armature Armature
+ circuit coil
K Vb
Armature - controlled DC motor
(Ls + R )(Js + b ) + K 2
T ω
Vf Field if Armature
1 coil
Ls + R
1 1
Ls + R Js + b
Speed Control
• Speed Control by Varying Circuit Resistance: The operating
speed can only be adjusted downwards by varying the external
resistance, Rext which is connected in the armature circuit.
Va − Ra I a Va (Ra + Rext )
ωm = = − rad/s
k aφ k aφ ka φ
2 2
Resistance, Excitation Flux, and Applied Voltage
Va ia ωr
1/(Las+Ra) Laf 1/(Js+b)
Vf if
Circuitry Dynamics
dia Ra Laf 1
= − ia − i f ωr + Va
dt La La La
di f Rf 1
=− if + Vf
dt Lf Lf
dωr Laf Bm TL
= ia i f − ωr −
dt J J J
Va − Ra ia Va Ra
ωr = = − T [steady − state]
Laf i f Laf i f ( L i
af f )
2 e
G1 G2 G3 Ra
La If
3-phase Ed
line D4 D1
G4 G5 G6 vS
D2 D3
Single-phase source
Example: A 750 hp, 250 V, 1200 r/min DC motor is connected to a 208 V, 3-
phase, 60 Hz line using a 3-phase bridge converter as shown. The full-load
armature current is 2500 A and the armature resistance is 2500 A and the
armature resistance is 4 mΩ.
2500 A If
α=27o 4 mΩ
3-phase E
208 V Ed = 250 V Eo
60 Hz
560 kW
1200 r/min
Find the required firing angle α under rated full - load conditions.
Find the firing angle required so that the motor develops its rated torque at 400 r/min
(a) At full load the converter must develop a DC output of 250 V
E d = 1.35 E cos α
250 = 1.35 × 208 cos α
α = 27 o
Armature IR drop at rated current = 2500 A × 0.004 Ω = 10V
Counter - emf at 1200 r/min ( Eo ) = 250 - 10 = 240 V
(b) To develop rated torque at 400 r/min, the armature current must still be
be 2500 A. The emf at 400 r/min is : Eo = × 240 = 80 V
Armature terminal voltage is E d = 80 + 10 = 90 V
The converter must generator 90 V. To determine the firing angle, we have
E d = 1.35 E cos α = 1.35 × 208 cos α
α = 71o (see the Figure in the next page)
Transfer Function
s ( Js + b)θ ( s ) = KI ( s )
( Ls + R) I ( s ) = V − Ksθ ( s )
θ K
V ( Js + b)( Ls + R) + K 2
R u θ&
Controller Plant
Data Measurement
• Once we have identified the transfer function of the system we may
proceed to the final two phases of the design cycle, the design of a
suitable controller and the implementation of the controller on the
actual system. In the case of speed control of the DC motor, the
control will prove to be quite easy.
• An important point to be highlighted here is that if we have a good
model of the plant to be controlled, and we already have identified
the parameters of the model, then the design of the controller is
Armature voltage
State Space
Chose the speed and current as the state variables and the
voltage as an input. The output is chosen to be the speed.
b K
& − & 0
d θ J J θ
= + 1 V
dt i K R i
− - L
θ& = [1 0]
Design Needs and System Performance
• The uncompensated motor may only rotate at 0.1 rad/sec with an input
voltage of 1 V. Since the most basic requirement of a motor is that it should
rotate at the desired speed, the steady-state error of the motor speed should
be less than 1%.
• The other performance requirement is that the motor must accelerate to its
steady-state speed as soon as it turns on. In this case, we want it to have a
settling time of 2 seconds for example. Since a speed faster than the
reference may damage the equipment, we want to have an overshoot of less
than 5%. If we simulate the reference input (r) by a unit step input, then the
motor speed output should have:
PID Design technique for DC Motor Speed Control
• Combining all three modes of control (proportional, integral and
derivative) enables a controller to be produced which has no offset
error and reduces the tendency for oscillations. Such a controller
is called PID controller.
I out = K P e + K I ∫ edt + K D + Io
(I out − I o )( s) = K P E ( s) + K I E ( s) + sK D ( s)
Transfer function = K P e + K I + sK D
• Design a PID controller and add it into the system.
• Recall the transfer function for a PID controller.
• See how the PID controller works in a closed-loop
system using the previous Figure. The variable (e)
represents the tracking error, the difference between the
desired input value (R) and the actual output (y). This
error signal (e) will be sent to the PID controller, and the
controller computes both the derivative and the integral of
this error signal.
• The signal (u) just past the controller is equal to the
proportional gain (Kp) times the magnitude of the error
plus the integral gain (KI) times the integral of the error
plus the derivative gain (KD) times the derivative of the
The Characteristics of P, I, and D Controllers
These correlations may not be exactly accurate, because Kp, KI, and KD are dependent of each
other. In fact, changing one of these variables can change the effect of the other two. For this
reason, the table should only be used as a reference when you are determining the values for
KI, Kp and KD.
Small Small
KD Change Decrease Decrease Change
The PID Adjustment Steps
Root Locus Design Method for DC Motor Speed Control
Drawing the Open-Loop Root Locus
• The main idea of root locus design is to find the closed-loop response
from the open-loop root locus plot. Then by adding zeros and/or
poles to the original plant, the closed-loop response can be modified.
• We need the settling time and the overshoot to be as small as
possible. Large damping corresponds to points on the root locus near
the real axis. A fast response corresponds to points on the root locus
far to the left of the imaginary axis.
• The system may be overdamped and the settling time will be about
one second, so the overshoot and settling time requirements could
be satisfied.
• The only problem we may see from the generated plot is the steady
state error. If we increase the gain to reduce the steady-state error,
the overshoot becomes too large. We need to add a lag controller to
reduce the steady-state error.
Adding a Lag Controller
• A first-order lag compensator can be designed using the root locus. A lag
compensator in root locus form is given by
s − zo
G ( s) =
s − po
• where the magnitude of zo is greater than the magnitude of po. A phase-lag
compensator tends to shift the root locus to the right, which is undesirable.
For this reason, the pole and zero of a lag compensator must be placed
close together (usually near the origin) so they do not appreciably change
the transient response or stability characteristics of the system.
How does the Lag Controller Shift the Root Locus to the
• Recall finding the asymptotes of the root locus that lead to the zeros at
infinity, the equation to determine the intersection of the asymptotes along
the real axis is:
α= ∑ poles − ∑ zeros
poles − zeros
Frequency Design Method for DC Motor Speed Control
• The idea of frequency-based design is to use the Bode plot of the
open-loop transfer function to estimate the closed-loop response.
Adding a controller to the system changes the open-loop Bode plot,
therefore changing the closed-loop response. First you should draw
the Bode plot for the original open-loop transfer function.
• Add proportional gain!
• Plot the closed-loop response.
• The settling time will be fast enough, but the overshoot and the
steady state error will be too high. The overshoot can be reduced by
reducing the gain a bit to get a higher phase margin, but this would
cause the steady-state error to increase. A lag controller is probably
• Add a lag controller to reduce the steady state error.
• At the same time, we should try to reduce the overshoot by reducing
the gain.
• Lag controller should only minimally change the transient
response because of its negative effect. If the phase-lag
compensator is not supposed to change the transient
response noticeably, what is it important for?
x& = Ax + Bu
y = cx
R u y
x& = (A − BK)x + Bu
k y = Cx
the characteristic polynomial for this closed - loop system is the determinant of
[sI - (A - BK)]
• Run the mfile to see the plot.
• Add a reference point. From this plot we may see that the steady-
state error is too large. In contrast to the other design methods,
where we feed back the output and compare it to the reference to
compute an error, here we are feeding back both states. We need to
compute what the steady-state value of the states should be, multiply
that by the chosen gain K, and use this new value as our reference
for computing the input. This can be done in one step by adding a
constant gain after the reference. See the plot after that.
x& = Ax + Bu
y = cx
u y
R +
• Since the matrices A and BK are both 2x2 matrices, there should be
2 poles for the system.
Project: Methods of Braking DC Motors
Va − Ra I a 125 − 0.25 × 16
k aφ = = 60 = 0.68 N - m/A
ωm 2π × 1750
The developed torque, Tem = k aφI a = 10.72 N - m
The internal voltage Eb = k aφωm = 122.76 V
Ea -(-Va ) = I am ( Rext + Ra )
Keep I a within 250% of its rated value
122.76 + 125
Rext = − 0.14 = 6 Ω
2.5 ×16
Dynamic Braking
Similar equation may be used to compute the limiting resistor for the
dynamic breaking method, except that Va during breaking will be zero.
Tload = −Tmech = 0.01 + 3.189e ωm
Regenerative Braking
Use the SIMULINK of a simple closed loop speed system that can be
used to demonstrate the raising, holding, and lowering operations.
• Sergey E. Lyshevski, Electromechanical Systems, Electric Machines
and Applied Electronics, CRS, 1999,
• W. Bolton, Mechatronics, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2003.
• Chee-Mun Ong, Dynamic Simulation of Electric Machines Using
Matlab/Simulink, Prentic Hall, 1998.
• John Dorsey, Continuous and Discrete Control Systems, McGraw
Hill, 2002.
• Control Tutorials for Matlab, Michigan University.
• Theodore Wildi, Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems,
Fifth Edition.
• The Textbook.