GGIS ATHA Report On International Yoga Day, 21st June
GGIS ATHA Report On International Yoga Day, 21st June
GGIS ATHA Report On International Yoga Day, 21st June
21st June
The speaker started with the importance of prior preparations & planning before any
activity. On similar lines, Yoga also needs preparation for at least two major things viz;
Having fulfilling these prerequisites, one is ready to start yoga exercises typically called
as Yogasanas. Asana is a posture of the body which helps to maintain the body fit & its
growth cycle.
Before actually giving for Asanas, she informed about Sage Patanjali who is credited
with Yoga & Yogasutra introduction in Ancient India.
Anyone above the age of 4 or 5 can practice Yoga under the trained supervisor.
According to her, the bones of children below the age of 4 are not ready to perform
asanas. Some easy yet beneficial basic asanas were explained and demon strated by
Mrs. Bhide. Few are explained in the following para the graphs:
Padmasana: It is the ideal posture achieved by folding the legs on each other. In this
position, our spine remains straight; sitting posture is perfect for a stable state of body
and mind. With the demonstration of Asana, the importance of Dhyan Mudra was also
explained. In her opinion, Dhyan Mudra complements the body circuit which helps for
better concentration. It is an ideal position for Pranayama, Dhyan, and Dharana. In this
position, we perform breathing exercise exhaling with mouth and inhaling with a nose.
She underlines the importance of breathing through the stomach.
Anulom Vilom: This is not a Pranayama but is the preparatory phase for cleaning our
nostrils, relax and feel well from stress. Accordingly, to her, deep breathing is the key to
relaxation. A detailed procedure for Anulom Vilom was demonstrated.
Surya Namaskar postures were also demonstrated with breathing and its importance.
The speaker cautioned that children below the age of 6 years should not perform these
postures as their bones are not enough grown. Four cycles of Surya Namaskar were
done with parents.
Shavasana was performed highlighting the importance of relaxing the stretched body
parts and to achieve maximum benefits out of Yoga exercises.
In the second part of the session, Mrs. Kranti talked about Ergonomics. Ergonomics in
simpler term means taking care of our body posture at office desk, workstation, at home
as we sit for long hours. The intention is to give the body some movement at periodic
intervals. Few examples cited were keeping water bottle little away which will require
one to get up from the seat and move towards the bottle, sideways or up-down
movement of the neck, arm and leg stretching, etc.
The session ended with questions by parents.