Mechanical Properties Journal
Mechanical Properties Journal
Mechanical Properties Journal
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Powder metallurgy (PM) method for mass production of components plays a significant role in the fabrication of advanced ma-
terials for automobile, aerospace, defense, petroleum and chemical industries at cheaper rate. Aluminum Matrix Composites
(AMCs) including silicon carbide/Aluminum oxide (SiC/Al2O3) has received increased attention due to its excellent mechanical
properties such as hardness, strength, low density, corrosion resistance and toughness. PM gives better mechanical properties
due to good wettability between the matrix and the reinforcements, uniform microstructure with desirable phases in the compo-
site. This paper examines the effect of powder processing variables such as milling time, milling speed, compaction pressure,
sintering time and temperature on the mechanical properties of the AMC when adding to the different sizes and volumes of SiC
and Al2O3.
Keywords : Mechanical Properties; Silicon Carbide; Alumimium Oxide; Powder Metallurgy; Aluminium Matrix Composites
Composite is a multi-elements material possessing unique cal property [33], [34]. When SiC and Al2O3 are introduced
properties than the individual elements [1]. Decades ago, re- into the matrix hardness, tensile and elastic modulus are im-
search is focused upon exceptional materials like composite proved [34], [35]. Higher amount of reinforcement give better
[2]. Composite could be polymer, ceramic or metal base. Metal hardness, tensile strength and stiffness but loss of ductility
matrix composites (MMCs) are a helpful class of engineering and fracture toughness are witnessed [36]. PM processing var-
material having a light metal matrix in which hard fragments iables like sintering time, temperature, compaction load affect
are added thus possessing special importance [3], [4], [5], [6], the mechanical properties of AMCs [37]. Hence, this article
[7]. Popularly applied matrices are magnesium (Mg) [8], cop- will review mechanical properties of aluminum matrix includ-
per (Cu) [9], titanium (Ti) [10] and aluminum (Al) [11] or their ing SiC/Al2O3 produced via PM.
alloys. These matrices are better for the fabrication of MMCs.
Particulates, whiskers and fibers are utilized as reinforce-
ments[12]. Particulate Al2O3 and SiC MMCs are widely used
as reinforcements. AMCs including SiC/Al2O3 show better COMPOSITES (AMCS)
stiffness, hardness and tensile strength [13], [14], [15]. These The method of processing AMCs has been categorized into ex
composites have been used in automobile, aerospace, defense, situ whereby reinforcements are added into the matrix and in
chemical, structural as well as electronics industries [16], [17], situ in which there is production of hard particles by reaction
[18], [19], [20], [21], [22]. The strength of AMCs is a function of process [38], 40]. Industrially, there are solid and liquid routes
volume fraction as well as refinement of the reinforcements [41]. For liquid are squeeze casting [42], ultrasonic assisted
[23]. These particulate metal matrix composites (PMMCs) with casting and conventional stir casting [43] and solid include
better properties have given rise to a fresh breed of manipu- micro wave and conventional sintering [44], spark plasma [45]
lated engineering materials [24], [25]. Interfacial relation be- and powder metallurgy (PM) [46] to mention but a few. Selec-
tween matrix and reinforcement, dimension of ceramics, vol- tion of these depends upon optimum temperature for infiltra-
ume fraction and homogeneous dispersion of the reinforce- tion, wettability and adverse reactions at the interface [47]
ments and nature of bonding determine the structure and size, type, volume fraction of reinforcement, its distribution,
properties of these composites [26], [27], [28]. Different tech- simplicity, matrix-particle bonding, cost and control of matrix
niques are used to fabricate AMCs including SiC/Al2O3. Pow- morphology play role in the mechanical properties of the
der metallurgy (PM) is one such method used for its special AMCs [48].
attributes like lower temperature, cost effective and homoge-
neous distribution of reinforcements within matrix [29]. The 2.1 Solid State Process
mechanical properties of AMCs are a function of amount, size, 2.1.1 Powder Metallurgy
type of reinforcement and processing method used [30], [31]. Powder metallurgy (PM) involves less temperature, cost effec-
With respect to the size, nano scale yields wonderful mechani-
GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
tive [49], [50] and parts of complex geometry are easily fabri- While in MM there is no transfer of material the main purpose
cated by it [51] and in mass at cheaper rate [52], [53]. Funda- is to reduce the powder particles size to the barest minimum
mentally the steps in PM are mixing, compaction in a die or and increase surface area required [73]. More so, the main
mold and sintering in a furnace for consolidation [54] and sec- important factors in the process are the raw materials, mill and
ondary operation might be applied for special behavior or the process variables such as milling speed, time, ball-to-
dimensional precision [55] as indicated in Fig. 1. powder ration, process control agent and temperature [67].
Paraffin, stearic acid and methanol are utilized as process con-
trol agents acting as lubricants in order to reduce the impact of
cold welding and eventual production of large powders clus-
ters [74]. As the powders are plastically deformed, internal
structure enhancement of the powders might take place thus
yielding a nanostructured composite. Lubricants, milling time
and tools may contaminate the powders and as such the pro-
cess need to be controlled. More so, as the material is consoli-
dated, impurities may affect the microstructural evolution and
grain development thereby reducing the mechanical proper-
ties of the composite. Fig. 2 shows the representation of MA
process. Advantages and disadvantages MA as provided in
Fig. 1. Powder metallurgy process steps [56].
Table 2.
site produced by PM [58], [59], [60]. Generally, when the size
of reinforcement is scaled to nano the property will be good Parts have high strength Compaction forces involve are high
but fabrication becomes complicated [61]. The advantages and
Small sizes of powder due to re-
disadvantages of PM are given in Table 1. Homogenization is obtained
GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
and synthesize denser ceramics [113]. HIP improves on the
mechanical properties such as fatigue, creep, ductility and
impact resistance in addition to removal of inspection [114].
Up to now, HIP is seen as better tool of enhancing mechanical
behavior of a large number of materials [115]. Table 4 gives the
merits and demerits of HIP
SPS technique takes place under empty space or a shielded gas Fig. 4. Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) [116].
at atmospheric pressure. However the mechanism of SPS is
still unclear thus, fundamental study needs investigation.
GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
tensity of the microwave leading to temperature differential
and differences in microstructure and behaviors. To eliminate
this, a ‗bi-directional microwave-assisted rapid sintering has
been developed [82]. This procedure ensures uniform heating
between the core and the edge of the material and shown in
figure 5 (b). MWS produces composite with fine microstruc-
ture and better mechanical properties [125], [126] due to quick
heat transfer that reduces processing time [127], [128]. MWS is
novel, promising, attractive, efficient, valuable and economical
[129], [130], [131] manufacture method. Table 5 shows the ad- Fig. 5. Fundamental stir casting process [148].
vantages and disadvantages of MWS.
ADVANTAGES [148], [149] AND DISADVANTAGES [151], [152] OF
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GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
heavy, rich in resin and poor mechanical properties [154]. Fig. these variables. Disadvantages and advantages as provided in
6 shows the spray-up process. This method has many ad- Table 6. Fig. 7 indicates the squeeze casting method.
vantages and disadvantages as provided in Table 5.
Fig. 7. Pressure applied on the melt [158].
GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
disadvantages of the above process. investigate the impact of amount reinforcement, sintering
temperature and compaction force on composite. The finding
revealed that increasing the amount, sintering temperature as
well as pressing force enhanced the hardness and density of
the composite. The optimum hardness was achieved at 30%,
under the application of 15 ton and 500oC. [173]. Al-Raheed et
al. (1993) reinforced aluminum alloy with different percentage
of SiC [174]. Both findings revealed increase in hardness and
tensile strength with increase in reinforcement contents of SiC
as shown in figure 10. However, tensile strength decreased
above optimum value of 30-wt% SiC. Dalatkhan et al. (2012)
manufactured AMC via friction stir process by reinforcing
AA5052 of 5µm and 5nm SiC ceramics. It was observed that
with the change in rotational speed, direction between friction
stir process passes, decrease in size of SiC and increase in the
number of passes enhanced the hardness of the composite
[175]. The impact of SiC particle size in Al nanocomposite was
studied by El-Kady and Fathy (2014) fabricated via PM. It was
shown that reducing the size to nano scale greatly enhanced
the hardness (72 HV) and the compressive strength (601 MPa)
Fig. 8. Schematic of Ultrasonic-assisted casting [166]. at 10 wt.% SiC and 70 nm Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 [176]. Hossain,
Aarabi and Mohammadkhani (2015) studied the effect of
TABLE 7 amount and nano SiC on pure aluminium alloy composite
fabricated by PM and reported that there was an increase in
the hardness and tensile strength with increase in the amount
and decrease in size of SiC. The best results were achieved at
Advantages Disadvantages 10% of SiC and sintering temperature of 650oC [46].
Homogeneity and better mechanical It is expensive due to tooling
properties involved
UAC can be applied in the production of High sound frequency is in-
bulk composite volved
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GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
Joosawat, Panomtang and Wongtimnoi (2017) introduced sili- TENSILE, COMPRESSION STRENGTH AND STIFFNESS OF AL- AL2O3
ca sand into porous aluminum via PM technique to improve AND ELEMENTAL AL RESULTS [182]
the mechanical properties of the Al. The materials were blend-
ed at 100 rev/m for 4 hours. The blended powders were com-
pacted at room temperature under 400 MPa, heated at 5500C Micro in-
Tensile Compression Young
for 5 hours. They observed that hardness, porosity and com- dentation
Material strength strength Modulus
pressive strength improved with increase in content of silica hardness
(MPa) (MPa) (GPa)
sand while density decreased. However, increasing the silica (GPa)
above 15%, hardness and compressive strength decreased Al 396 ± 4 97 ± 1 169 ± 2 74 ± 2
[177].While studying the effect of binary reinforcements of
Al–Al2O3 5% 611 ± 4 118 ± 5 170 ± 2 58 ± 1
multi-carbon nanotube and silicon carbide on mechanical and
microstructure of AMC. Wagh and Jayakumar (2016) observed Al-
743 ± 28 151 ± 3 196 ± 1 84 ± 4
increase in hardness and ultimate tensile strength as the Al2O3 10%
amount of the MCNT and SiC increased but ductility de- Al–Al2O3 15% 897 ± 43 160 ± 13 232 ± 2 100 ± 10
creased. The maximum hardness 49 BHN and UTS 246.41 MPa 1355 ± 22
were obtained at 1.5% of reinforcements. The loss in ductility Al–Al2O3 20% 96 ± 13 247 ± 2 94 ± 3
was due to increase in contents of MCNT and SiC which
raised the hardness [178]. Reddy et al. (2017) prepared Al/SiC
More so, strain decreased due to increase of the amount of
nano composite via MWS and hot extrusion. The SiC was
reinforcements with pure Al having the greatest strain and
added in volume fraction of 0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 % to the Al.
20% alumna with lowest strain. The porosity also affects the
They reported that increasing the volume fraction enhanced
mechanical properties of sintered composite as shown. Small
the compressive and tensile strength of the composite though
volume of porosity decreased ductility therefore, in usage
ductility was lost and better mechanical properties were
where high ductility is needed it is important to decrease the
shown by hot extrude composite at 1.5 % of SiC [179].
porous level [183]. Min et al. (2005) studied the effect of sinter-
ing temperature on Al 2xxx reinforced with alumina (Al2O3)
4 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AL/AL2O3 REINFORCED produced through powder metallurgy technique. The findings
showed that as the sintering temperature and holding time
COMPOSITES increased the densities and sinterability increased. By exten-
Nuruzzaman etal. (2016) manufactured AMC by reinforcing sion, the hardness, tensile and compressive strengths in-
aluminum with Al2O3 at various amount via conventional creased [184]. Rahimian et al. (2009) investigated the impact
powder metallurgy. The blend was pressed at 20 ton in a die, sintering temperature and volume fraction of Al2O3 on me-
sintered at two different temperatures of 550oC and 580oC. It chanical of Al. The sample was fabricated through powder
was found out that density and compressive strength of AMC metallurgy. The results revealed hardness, tensile and com-
affected by sintering temperature and the amount of Al2O3 pressive strengths increased as the sintering temperature and
[180]. Knowles et al. (2014) introduced 10 wt. % and 15 wt. % content of reinforcements increased. However, when the
SiC reinforcement particles with average size lower than 500 amount of reinforcements and sintering temperature reached
nm into Al 6061. The sample was compacted with a load of 50 optimum value, compressive and tensile strengths dropped
tons, heated to 4500C in 15 min, and held for 20 min. The re- sharply [185] as shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12.
sult indicated that as the amount of reinforcement, ball-milling
energy, sintering temperature and pressing pressure increased
the Young modulus, yield strength and ultimate tensile
strength also increased. This improvement in mechanical
properties was due to homogeneous distribution Al2O3 in Al
and proper bonding between the two [181].Garbiec et al.
(2015) reinforced Al with Al2O3 in 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%
through spark plasma method. The four samples were sin-
tered at 6000C at a pressure of 50 MPa. The sintering rate was
1500C per minute for 150s. Current was passed through the
samples for 125ms that lasted 5 min. The result revealed im-
provement on hardness, compression and tensile strengths as
the amount of Al2O3 increased. The maximum micro hardness
of 1355 MPa and compression strength were achieved at 20%
Al2O3 while stiffness of 100 GPa and tensile strength of 160
MPa were obtained at 15% Al2O3 [182]. Table 8 shows the me-
chanical properties results of the experimental studies of some
Fig. 11. Effect of Al2O3 particle content and sintering temperature on yield
selected MMC.
stress and hardness [185].
GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
ticle, sintering time and temperature on mechanical properties with ageing at T6 temper and the maximum hardness was
of PM Al-Al2O3 composite and it was reported that as the size reached at retrogression and reageing of 120oC for one day
of particle was minimized, sintering time and temperature +180oC for 1800 s + 120oC for one day [191]. Liu et al. (2012)
increased hardness increased. It was concluded that the best investigated the impact of ball-milling time on CNT/Al com-
hardness (76HB) and strength (318 MPa) were achieved at 3 posite reported that as milling time increased the tensile and
µm, 600oC and 45 minutes as shown in Fig. 13 and Fig. 14 yield strengths of the composite increased reaching optimum
[187]. values at 6 hrs. This is attributed to homogeneous distribution
of the CNT in the Al. However, an increase in time above 6 hrs
reduced the mechanical properties and the elongation [192].
Dash, Murty and Aamanchi (2015) fabricated laminate nano
composite by reinforcing glass/epoxy with Al-Cu-Al2O3 parti-
cle via MA. SPS and conventional sintering sintered the green
compact. The results indicated that an increase in the amount
of Al-Cu-Al2O3 increased the hardness, yield strength and
compression of the composite, SPS composite revealed better
mechanical properties [193]. Chen et al. (2018) reinforced AA
6061 with B4C via PM. The sample having 30% B4C was ex-
truded, rolled and sintered by hot pressing. The results indi-
cated uniform dispersion of B4C within the 6061 Al and the
Fig. 13. Effect of Al2O3 size, sintering temperature and time on yield composite composed of Al2O3, B4C and Al. The yield and ul-
strength and hardness of AMC [187]. timate tensile strengths increased with increase in the defor-
mation and decrease due to breakage of sizeable B4C and
stress intensity within the site between 6061 Al and B4C [194].
Sadeghi et al. (2018) combined SPS and friction stir process to
produce a binary composite. Alumina of micro and nano size
were added to elemental Al. A load of 50 MPa and a tempera-
ture of 550oC at 5 min/oC were applied to the green compact.
The duration for heating was less than 25 minutes. They re-
ported increase in hardness as rotational speed, velocity,
pressing load and heat input increased. They concluded that
the variation in hardness was due to nano alumina particles
acting as recrystallization inducers [195].
Fig. 14. Effect of Al2O3 size, sintering temperature and time on yield
strength and hardness of AMC [187].
GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
Al2O3/Fly ash via powder metallurgy. The samples were Al5083-1%SiC 247 60 BHN
pressed at different pressing force from 4 ton to 8 ton and sin- Al5083-2%SiC 262 68 BHN
tering was performed through conventional and microwave
Al5083-3%SiC 270 78 BHN UAC [205]
sintering 5600C for 2.5 hrs and 5600C for ½ hr. respectively.
The outcome revealed that as the compacting load and tem- Micro Composite UTS (MPa) Hardness MOM Ref.
perature increased the hardness as well as the densification A356.2 alloy 263 68 BHN
increased. Also, MWS gave better hardness and densification
A356.2/2%RHA/2%SiC 296 74 BHN
than conventional sintering [199]. Alalkawai, Azid and Alja-
wad (2019) introduced nano particles of Fe2O3 and Al2O3 into A356.2/4%RHA/4%SiC 310 83 BHN
Al of size 60 µm via PM to study mechanical and other proper- A356.2/6%RHA/6%SiC 333 96 BHN SC [206]
ties of the hybrid composite. They reported important im- A356.2/8%RHA/8%SiC 356 104 BHN
provement on the hardness and compressive strength of the
Al 6061 184 60 BHN
composite by increasing the amount of the reinforcing parti-
cles and using nano size of 30 nm and 14-20 nm of Fe2O3 and Al 6061 10% Al2O3/SiC 270 85 BHN
Al2O3 respectively. The optimum compressive strength 152 Al 6061 15% Al2O3/SiC 359 105 BHN
MPa and hardness 47 HV were achieved at 2% Al2O3 and 1.5%
Al 6061 20% Al2O3/SiC 415 122 BHN SC [207]
Fe2O3 representing 30% and 18.5% increase when compared
with strength and hardness of the elemental aluminum [200] . Al3.38%Zn 0%FA.8% 93.38 47.39 BHN
Kumar et al (2018) studied the effect of Al2O3/SiC on pure Al Al2O3
fabricated through PM. The amount of SiC was varied from 0- Al3.38%Zn 4%FA.8% 100.07 51.25 BHN
8% while that Al2O3 was kept constant at 4%. The mixed sam- Al2O3
ple was compacted in a UTM under a pressure of 300 MPa, Al3.38%Zn 8%FA.8% 113.81 58.26 BHN
sintered at fixed temperature of 400c and time 45 min for Al2O3
hardness testing while for compressive testing the applied
Al3.38%Zn 12%FA.8% 133.74 65.37 BHN SC [208]
loads were varied. The result indicated increasing the amount
of SiC increased the hardness and the compressive strength of
the composite. However, compression strength decreased AALM4 130.5 52.5 HV
with a decrease in compaction load [201]. AALM4 5% Al2O3/SiC 137.2 67.5 HV
AALM4 10% Al2O3/SiC 145.6 135.5 HV
AALM4 12% Al2O3/SiC 161.6 157.5 HV SC [209]
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GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
A 7075
1%Gr/2%BA 259 87.3 BHN
A 7075 283.4 94.2 BHN Composite System Components Area
Al/SiC/Al2O3 Piston, disc brake, fastener fan Automotive, Aerospace
A 7075 299.4 99.6 BHN SC [210] exit guide vane, rotating blade [219–220]
5%Gr/6%BA Piston, Hydraulic actuators
Al 5058 228
Al5083-3%SiC 237 AlSi7Mg2Sr0.03/SiCp Bearings, piston Automotive [221]
Al-10%ZrB2 200 22 HV
Al-10%ZrB2 248 42 HV
Al- 275 54 HV
Al- 350 63 HV MWS [212]
Al-10 wt%B4C 240 78 HV
Al-10 wt% B4C - 270 82 HV
Al-15 wt% B4C - 300 110 HV
Al-20 wt% B4C - 330 112 HV MWS [213]
Al-15 wt% B4C - 281 ± 82 ± 15 HV MWS [214] Fig. 15. AMC brake rotors [226].
1.5wt%Co 15
Al-15 wt% B4C - 438 ± 241 ± 22HV SPS [214]
1.5wt%Co 31
Nano/Micro TS Hardness MOM Ref.
Composite (MPa)
AMC is a high performance material for industrial applica-
tions due to appreciable properties over the unreinforced Al or
its alloys [216], [217]. AMC is applied in the fabrication of dif- Fig. 16. AMC single piston sliding caliper disc brake [227].
GSJ© 2019
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
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