Checklist For School Working Environments: Buildings and Structures
Checklist For School Working Environments: Buildings and Structures
Checklist For School Working Environments: Buildings and Structures
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Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent
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1. Presence and condition of asbestos
2. Presence of lead based paints
3. Condition of roofs, ceilings, walls, floors, doors, etc.
4. Condition of windows and locks
5. Condition of playground equipment
6. Condition of fencing, water tanks, football posts,
basket ball structures
7. Overhead powerlines, e.g. near trees etc.
8. Water tanks in good condition, e.g. no leaks, blocks
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9. Enough space for staff to carry out their duties
10. Adequate storage, e.g. cupboards, shelving, in
room for class requirements
11. Floors, walkways, entrances and exits free from
12. Electrical leads or cables off the floor and away
from walkways
13. Computer cables/leads secured and not on floors,
work area
14. Carpets, tiles in good repair. No broken tiles or
15. Folders, brief cases, bags off the floor and out of
16. Lighting levels adequate
17. Exits and entries free from hazards
18. Fire extinguishers readily accessible, their location
known, and checked regularly
19. Classroom tables and chairs at appropriate heights
20. Condition of roofs, ceilings, walls floors, doors, etc.
21. Condition of windows and locks
22. Ergonomic principles followed, e.g. seating, bench
height, chairs, screen glare etc.
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23. Screen based equipment guidelines followed by
staff and students (See ACTU Guidelines)
24. Setting work rates, e.g. OOS
25. Ergonomic principles, e.g. seating, bench height,
chairs, screen glare etc.
26. Copying machines, e.g. ventilation, gases,
chemicals, as per the WorkSafe Guidelines
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27. Serviceability of light fittings
28. Serviceability of power outlets and leads
29. Adequacy of power outlets (quantity and rating)
30. Accessibility of circuit breakers or fuses and main
31. Labelling of fuses, circuit breakers and main
32. Periodic maintenance
33. Electric shock resuscitation drill, notices and
34. Electric leads or cables off the floor and away from
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42. Canteen workers aware of guidelines laid down in
H&CS, Personal Hygiene for People Working With
Food, Hygienic, Food Preparation and Handling,
Safe Food Storage and Displaying, Food Poisoning -
and How to Prevent It and Food Premises Code
43. Hands washed thoroughly
44. All cuts or wounds covered with a waterproof
bandage (cover hand also with glove)
45. Food handling staff, if suffering from diseases which
are likely to be transmitted through food must not
46. Long hair tied back or covered
47. Protective clothing worn over normal clothes
48. Equipment used washed thoroughly
49. All fruit and vegetables washed in clean water and in
own sink
50. For cooked or ready-to-eat food, utensils such as
tongs, spoons, spatulas or disposable gloves used
51. Raw foods stored below cooked foods in refrigerator
52. Cooked and ready-to-eat foods separate from raw
53. Fixed temperature measurement devices on
refrigerators and freezers
54. Food storage containers clean and in good repair
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55. No unguarded nip points
56. Guards securely fitted
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61. Tread condition
62. Rubber feet
63. Side rails
64. Brace
65. Registered
Correct Use
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66. Used for purpose for which they are designed
67. Not extended or used beyond design capability
68. Sharp tools used away from the body
69. Job always held securely
70. Used according to acceptable practice
71. Stored in suitable area
72. Locked away when not in use
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90. Documented staff support program in place at the
91. Regular program for assessing school & individuals
92. Absentee record monitored to detect patterns
93. Regular contact maintained with sick or injured staff
94. School maintains a network of DET and or
community resources to meet staff counselling
95. Determine ‘hidden hazards’ and other concerns
determined, eg. noise, stress, personal problems,
96. Provided with information, clear instructions and
training to perform their work in a safe, risk free
manner, eg. staff receive copy of school’s OH&S
policy and other documents
97. Staff involved in decision making process
concerning OH&S matters
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143. Area accessibility
144. Defined areas
145. Condition of lifting aids, e.g. trolley
146. Isolation and labelling of harmful substances
147. School applies ‘just-in-time’ principles to purchase of
148. Stored materials regularly assessed and unused
material disposed of
149. Capacity adequate in each area
150. Storage laid out so that heavier materials are stored
at waist height
151. Staff not required to reach above shoulder heights
for extended periods
152. Manual handling tasks have been identified and
153. Adequate ventilation
154. Safe storage and disposal of cleaning, inflammable
155. Shelves free of dust and litter
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156. Students involved in identification of hazards to
reduce the risk of school related injuries, infections,
157. Guidelines set for students on the following issues:
(a) Strangers in and around the school
(b) Bicycle riding and maintenance, road rules
(c) Playground safety, e.g. shoe laces, warm
(d) Students know what to do if they find
“sharps” in the school yard, etc
(e) Classroom safety
(f) Trips/excursions/camps safety, e.g. bus
travel, supervision
(g) Travel to and from school, e.g. getting on
and off a bus, misbehaviour
(h) Students’ locker inspection, clean/tidy
(i) Parents dropping off and picking up from
(j) Promotion of health and safety, e.g. safety
competitions (colour drawings)
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158. Clean and in good working order, e.g. no leaks, no
159. Adequate numbers to meet school requirements
Broken or damaged amenities replaced
159. Regular inspections carried out