SM1001907 Chapter 8 (DirectionSense)

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The questions on direction sense typically involve a Sol:
person moving certain distances in specified directions. 8 A
Then, the student is asked to find out the distance
between the initial and the final points. The easiest way 6
of solving these problems is to draw a diagram as you 8
read the information given in the problem and ensure C
that the diagram reflects all the information given in the
problem. 4

To solve these types of problems, the student should be F 5 E

aware of the directions. The student should also
recognize the left and right of a person walking in a Let A and F be the initial and the final positions.
particular direction. The following diagram shows all the ∴ Horizontal distance traveled
directions and left (L) and right (R) of a person walking in = FE + DC + BA = 5 + 8 + 8 = 21 m.
that direction and the student should memorise the
diagram. 3. Surya travels 3 m towards east and then turns right
North and travels 4 m. What is the distance between the
L R initial and the final positions of Surya?
North West ← →
North East
Sol: 3m
↑R ↑L
West East
↓L ↓R 4m

South East B
South West
← → Let A and B the initial and the final positions of
NOTE: The distance from a particular point after
travelling a distance of x metres in the horizontal AB = AC2 + BC2
direction and a distance of y metres in the vertical
= 32 + 42 = 5 m.
direction is equal to x +y
2 2
(Please note that in
common usage, North South direction is referred to as 4. Starting from his house, Sachin walks a distance of
"vertical" direction and the East West direction is referred 8m towards north, then he turns left and walks 6 m,
to as the "horizontal" direction). then walks 3 m towards south and finally travels
6 m towards west. to reach his office. What is the
Worked out examples: distance between his house and office and also
find in which direction is his office situated with
respect to his house.
1. A person travels a distance of 7 km towards east
from his house, then travels 7 km towards north
Sol: 6m
and then a distance of 7 km towards east and finally C B
7 km towards north. What is the vertical distance
traveled by him? 6m 3m
F 8m
Sol: E
7 7
7 7
A• Let A be the Sachin’s house and E his office.
The distance between A and E
Let A and E be the initial and the final positions.
= (EF)2 + ( AF)2
The vertical distance travelled = BC + ED
= (7 + 7) km = 14 km.
= (ED + CB)2 + (AB − FB)2
2. A person starts from his house and travels 8 m
towards west; then he travels 6 m towards his left, = (ED + CB)2 + (AB − CD)2
then 8 m towards west and then 4 m towards south.
= 122 + 52 = 13 m.
Finally, he turns right and travels 5 m. What is the
horizontal distance traveled by him? His office is towards northwest of his house.

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1001907/41
5. Starting from her house, Nisha traveled 8 m Let A and F be the initial and final positions.
towards west, then turned right and travelled 15 m.
Now AF = AE2 + EF2
She then traveled 20 m towards east, followed by
20 m to south to reach a hostel. How far is her AE = CD – BA = 20 – 8 = 12 m
house from the hostel and in which direction? EF = DF – DE = DF – CB = 20 – 15 = 5m
∴ AF = 144 + 25 = 169 = 13 m
Sol: C 20 D Her house is towards north-west from the hostel.

B 8 A

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Exercise – 8
Directions for questions 1 to 37: Select the correct 9. A person starts from a point A, travels 3 km towards
alternative from the given choices. north, then turns right and travels 4 km and then
travels 6 km towards south. He then turns right and
1. A person walks 4 km towards west, then turns to his travels 4 km. Finally, he travels 3 km towards north.
right to travel 9 km. He turns towards east and How far is he from the starting point, in kilometers?
travels 12 km. Finally, he travels 3 km towards (A) 12 (B) 13 (C) 5 (D) 0 (E) 26
south. How far is he from the initial position
(in km)? 10. Sruthi travels 7 km towards east then travels
(A) 15 (B) 23 (C) 18 25 km south. She then travels 10 km towards east
(D) 10 (E) 28 and then travels 6 km towards her right. After this
she travels 3 km towards west and stops. How far is
2. Laxman travels 7 km towards south and then she from starting point in vertical direction, in
5 km towards his left. He further travels 5 km kilometers?
towards south. How far is he from the starting point? (A) 30 (B) 31 (C) 32 (D) 33 (E) 37
(A) 13 km (B) 9 km (C) 149 km 11. Mr. Thakare starts jogging from his home to the
nearby park. He jogs 7 m towards east and then
(D) 119 km (E) 22 km
jogs 9 m to his left. He then jogs 6 m to his right and
then jogs 11 m towards north. He then jogs 13 m
3. Mr. Kale travels 5 km towards west, turns left and towards west. How far is he from the starting point,
travels 3 km and then travels another 5 km towards in meters?
south. He then turns right and travels 1 km to reach (A) 16 (B) 25 (C) 20 (D) 18 (E) 28
a church. How far is the church from his starting
position, in kilometers? 12. From her house, Shriya travels 8 km towards south.
(A) 8 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 14 (E) 16 She then turns right and travels 12 km. She again
travels 8 km to her left. How far is she from the
4. Rahul traveled 6 km towards north and then turned house (in km)?
left and moved a distance of 3 km. From there, he (A) 25 (B) 20 (C) > 30
turned left and moved a further distance of 2 km. (D) ≥ 40 (E) Cannot be determined.
How far is he from the starting point?
13. Rajesh travelled in the following path.12 km towards
(A) 3 km (B) 4 km (C) 5 km
south-west of house followed by 12 km towards
(D) 6 km (E) 8 km north-west, then 12 km towards north-east followed
by 12 km towards south-east. How far is he now
5. Rakesh traveled 500 m from his house towards from his starting point?
North. Then he took left turn and traveled 80 m, then (A) 33 km (B) 12 km (C) 18 km
260 m towards his left and again 400 m towards his (D) 8 km (E) 0 km
left. How far (in m) is he from the starting point?
14. Pavan went to station which is 12 km towards north
(A) 400 (B) 100 (C) 200
of his house. His wife Renu went to a shop which is
(D) 300 (E) 250 5 km towards west from their house. Then, they both
started walking towards each other at the same time
6. Mamatha travels towards north for 10 km and then and at the same speed. At what distance (in km)
towards west for 4 km. She then travels a distance from the station do they meet?
of 5 km towards her right and again 12 km towards (A) 13 (B) 7 (C) 10 (D) 6.5 (E) 5
right. What is the distance between the initial and
the final positions? 15. Two friends P and Q started walking towards each
(A) 16 km (B) 10 km (C) 15 km starting from points A and B respectively, which are
(D) 17 km (E) 22 km 200 km apart. On a straight road P traveled for
30 km on road and stopped. Q travelled for 70 km,
and took a left turn and traveled 20 km. Then he
7. Madhan travels 14 km towards east from his house.
took a right turn and traveled 45 km and then turned
He turns left and travels 19 km. Again, he turns to to the main road and reached it. What is the
his left and travels 10 km further. Finally, he walks distance, in km, between the friends now?
9 km towards north and then stops. At what vertical (A) 45 (B) 55 (C) 65 (D) 75 (E) 85
distance (in km) is he from his house?
(A) 19 (B) 9 (C) 24 16. Mr. Bachchan started from his house and walked for
20 m towards east, where his friend Kiran joined
(D) 26 (E) 28
him. They together walked for 10 m in the same
direction. Then Mr. Bachchan turned left while Kiran
8. Patel starts from his house and travels 8 km toward turned right and travelled 2 m and 8 m respectively.
north. Then he turns right, travels 2 km, then turns Kiran turned left to travel 4 m followed by 5 m to his
right again and travels 3 km and then travels 3 km right to reach his office. Mr. Bachchan turned right
towards east. Finally, he turns left and travels 7 km. and traveled 12 m to reach his office. What is the
How far is he from the starting point, in kilometers? shortest distance between the two offices?
(A) 12 (B) 13 (C) 5 (D) 0 (E) 24 (A) 17 m (B) 18 m (C) 20 m
(D) 16 m (E) 30 m
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1001907/43
17. My dog Bunty, runs 30 m towards west, turns left 25. Starting from his house Rahul walks 40 m towards
and runs 10 m, then turns right, and runs 5 m, then south. Then he turns right and walks 20 m then
turns left and runs 2 m and again turns right, runs turns right again and walks 15 m. He now travels
12 m. Finally it turns left and runs 7 m. In which 10 m towards east to reach the park. In which
direction is it running now. direction is the park with respect to his house?
(A) East (B) West (A) South-west
(C) North (D) South (B) North-east
(E) Cannot be determined (C) East
(D) West
18. Sachin travels 16 km towards west and from there, (E) North-west
he travels 8 km towards the east. Now, he goes
4 km towards the north. In which direction is he with
26. Mr. Deshmukh starts from his school, travels
respect to the starting point?
a distance of 2 km southwards, and then travels a
(A) North-west (B) West (C) South-east
(D) North (E) None of these distance of 4 km towards east, then a distance of
3 km to his right, and then he turned right and
19. My office is to the east of my house. My sister’s traveled 4 km and 2 km after the first and second
office is to the south-east of my office. A park is to turns respectively. Finally he traveled 4 km towards
the south of my office. In which direction is my east. How far is he from his school and in which
house located with respect to the park? direction?
(A) North-east (B) South-west (A) 5 km and South-east
(C) North-west (D) South-east (B) 5 km and North-west
(E) None of these (C) 7 km and South
(D) 7 km and South-east
20. Saurav walks 80 m to the east of post-office. He turns (E) 12 km and North
right and walks for 30 m and then walks 50 m towards
north. Finally, he again starts walking towards the 27. Mr. Gaykwad walks 20 km towards north. Then he
post-office along the straight line connecting the final turns right and walks further 21 km. How far is he
point and the post-office. In which direction is he from the starting point and in which direction?
walking now? (A) 29 km and North-east
(A) North (B) West (C) North-east
(D) East (E) South-west (B) 29 2 km and South-west
(C) 10 km and North-east
21. After travelling 8 km, I turned right and travelled (D) 20 km and North-west
3 km, then turned right and covered a distance of (E) 28 km and South-west
2 km, now I am moving towards west. In which
direction did I start my journey? 28. Harry Potter hit the magic ball that can change
directions on its own. It travelled 5 km towards east,
(A) North (B) South
turned left and travelled 20 km. Then, it turned right,
(C) East (D) West
travelled 11 km and then 5 km southwards. Then it
(E) North-east
further travelled 4 km towards east. How far is the
ball from Harry Potter and in which direction?
22. Lalitha started from her house and walked 6 km (A) 21 km and North
towards north, then 3 km towards east, then (B) 12 km and South-west
7 km towards her left, and then 4 km to her right, (C) 12 km and North-east
then 10 km towards south and finally 3 km to her (D) 32 km and South
right. In which direction is she from her house? (E) None of these
(A) South-east (B) South-west
(C) North-east (D) North-west 29. Mr. Thakre travels 12 km towards east, then
(E) South 8 km towards north and finally 6 km towards west.
How far is he from the starting point and in which
23. Mr. Powar travels 10 km towards west and turns direction?
right to travel 4 km. Now he turns right and travels (A) 10 km and North-east
7 km. In which direction is he now with respect to (B) 10 km and North-west
the starting position? (C) 18 km and North-west
(A) South-east (B) South-west (D) 24 km and North-east
(C) North-east (D) North-west (E) 32 km and North-west
(E) North
30. Kalpana travels 3 km eastwards and then turns left
24. After walking for 7 m, I turned left and jogged 12 m. and travels 6 km. She then turns right, and travels
After this I turned left and walked for 3 m, then 2 km and then travels 3 km northwards. She finally
travels 5 km westwards. How far is she from the
turned right and continued jogging. Now, I am
starting position and in which direction?
moving towards east. In which direction did I start
(A) 9 km and North-east
my journey?
(B) 9 km and North-west
(A) East (B) West (C) 13 km and North-east
(C) North (D) South (D) 9 km and North
(E) South-east (E) 12 km and South

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1001907/44
31. Mr. Dabolkar starts from his house and travels Directions for questions 38 and 39: The following
14 km towards north and then turns left and travels questions are based on the diagram given below,
30 km. He then turns right to travel 2 km followed by showing four persons at four corners. A, B, C, and D of a
another right to travel 6 km. Finally, he travels 9 km square piece.
southwards. Approximately, how far is the starting A
point from the final point and in which direction?
(A) 85 km and North-east
(B) 9 km and North-west W N
(C) 25 km and South-east C D
(D) 9 km and South-west E
(E) 16 km and North-east S

32. Aryan starts from point P and walks 50 m towards B

east. He then walks 10 m towards south and then
walks 20 m to his right. Finally, he walks 50 m 38. Rohan started walking from A towards B along the
towards north to reach Q. How far and in which shortest distance and midway turns left and after
direction is P with respect to Q? covering half the distance he covered in the
(A) 50 km and South-west previous direction, he turned 90° in clockwise.
(B) 30 km and North Which direction is he facing now?
(C) 36 km and North (A) North-west (B) South-east
(D) 36 km and North-east (C) North-east (D) South-west
(E) 40 km and South (E) South

33. Mr. Tendulkar travels a distance of 10 km towards 39. Mr. Vaidya started walking from C to A and in the
north, 7 km towards east and finally 14 km towards midway takes 90° turn in clockwise direction and af ter
his left. How far is the initial position from the final covering half the distance covered in previous direction,
position and in which direction? he turns right. Which direction is he facing now?
(A) 25 km and North-east (A) South-west (B) South (C) North
(B) 24 km and North-east (D) West (E) East
(C) 25 km and South-west
(D) 31 km and South-east Directions for questions 40 to 50: Select the correct
(E) 35 km and South-west alternative from the given choices.

34. Sohil travels 18 km southwards, and then travels 40. A clock is so placed that at 9 a.m. the minute hand
4 km to his left. Again, he travels 4 km southwards. points towards north-east. Which direction does the
He travels another 11 km to his right. Now he turns hour hand point at 3 p.m.?
to his right and travels 5 km. What is his position (A) North-west (B) South (C) North-east
from the starting point? (D) South-east (E) North
(A) 22 km south, 15 km West
(B) 19 km south, 15 km West 41. When a watch shows 7:45, the minute hand points
(C) 17 km south, 7 km West towards east. When the watch shows 3’Oclock,
(D) 23 km south, 15 km West which direction does the hour hand point?
(E) 29 km south, 17 km West (A) North (B) East
(C) West (D) South
35. Mr. Patekar traveled a distance of 60 m towards (E) North-west
south. Now, he turns right and travels 45 m. He then
travels 30 m towards north and further travels by 42. A clock is placed in such a way, that at 12‘Oclock,
turning 45° in clockwise direction. In which direct ion the hands point towards north-east. In which direction
is he traveling now? does the hour hand point at 6 p.m.?
(A) East (B) South-west (A) South-west (B) South-east
(C) North-east (D) North (C) East (D) South
(E) None of these (E) North-east

43. When watch shows 5:15. if the minute hand points

36. Sristi started walking towards north to reach his
towards the east, then in which direction will the
school. After reaching the school she turned 180° i n
hour hand point at 6:00?
clockwise direction and 45° in anticlockwise direct ion.
(A) North (B) South
Which direction is she facing now?
(C) North-west (D) South-west
(A) North-west (B) North-east
(E) East
(C) South-west (D) North
(E) South-east 44. A compass was damaged and its needle turned in
such a manner that the pointer, which was showing
37. Surabhi, who is facing north, turns 90° in clockwi se east, is now showing south. One person went
and then 135° in anticlockwise direction. Which towards west as per above compass. In which
direction is she facing now? direction did he actually go?
(A) North-east (B) North-west (A) North (B) South
(C) South-east (D) South-west (C) East (D) West
(E) North (E) North-east
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1001907/45
45. One evening, Dileep was facing a tree. The shadow 48. One morning Ravi observed that his shadow is
of the tree fell to his right. Which direction was he falling to his right, which direction is he facing?
facing? (A) North (B) South (C) East
(A) North (B) South (C) East (D) West (E) Cannot be determined
(D) South-east (E) West
49. One evening Avinash and Abhinav are talking to
46. One evening Dinesh and Swetha sat in a park such each other while sitting at either ends of See-Saw
that their backs are towards each other. If Dinesh’s facing each other. Avinash observed that his
shadow is falling to his left then which direction is shadow is falling to his left. Which direction is
Swetha facing? Abhinav facing?
(A) North-east (B) North (C) East (A) North (B) East (C) West
(D) South (E) South-east (D) South (E) Cannot be determined

47. One morning, Ram and Shyam were talking, facing 50. One evening Prajay and Pranav are sitting in a park.
each other. It is observed that Ram’s shadow fell to Prajay’s shadow is falling on Pranav, then which
his left. Then which direction was Shyam facing? direction is Prajay facing?
(A) East (B) South (C) North-east (A) South (B) East (C) West
(D) North (E) West (D) North (E) Cannot be determined

1. D 6. D 11. C 16. A 21. C 26. A 31. C 36. E 41. C 46. B
2. A 7. E 12. B 17. D 22. C 27. A 32. A 37. B 42. A 47. B
3. B 8. B 13. E 18. A 23. D 28. E 33. C 38. B 43. B 48. B
4. C 9. D 14. D 19. C 24. D 29. A 34. C 39. B 44. A 49. A
5. A 10. B 15. B 20. E 25. A 30. D 35. C 40. D 45. A 50. E

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1001907/46

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