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Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 1(97)

Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 K ASB 150 02
Database reference

Installation Instruction Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

ASB 150 02 Traffic Capacity Estimation Using BDV 113 08 . . . . 44

Traffic Capacity Estimation Using BDVBS 101 0x . . 46
Contents Page Traffic Capacity of Base Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Board IC-CU (ROF 157 5128) (A-Protocol) . . . . . . . 47
General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Board IC-CU2 (ROF 157 5131/_) (GAP-Protocol) . . 48
Compliance Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Board IC-CU2 (ROF 157 5131/_) (GAP-Protocol) . . 49
Supplementary Documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Board IC-LU (ROF 157 5129) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Boards for ASB 150 02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Board IC-LU (ROF 157 5129) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Handling of PBAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Board IC-LU (ROF 157 5129) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Connection fields on the PBAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Base Station (KRCNB 201 03/_ , BS 330 & BS 340) 54
Board position numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Wireless Relay Station BS370 (KRCNB 303 01/1) . 63
Placing of boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 System Power Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
CPU-D2 (ROF 157 5118/2) CPU-D3 (ROF 157 5118/
Cables for ASB 150 02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3) AUX2 (ROF 1575 119/2) AUX3 (ROF 1575 119/
3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 BDVBS 101 06 cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
CPU-D4 (ROF 157 5124/1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Marking Of Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
CPU-D5 (ROF 157 5124/2) Auxilary Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
CPU-D5C (ROF 157 5124/3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Music Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
BTU-A (ROF 157 5110/_) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Temperature Sensor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
BTU-A2 (ROF 157 5120/_) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Alarm Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
BTU-C (ROF 157 5111/_) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Door Interface Unit (DIU) (BFYBS 10101/1) . . . . . . 95
Connection of CM-boards on BTU-A and BTU-C . . .16
Alarm Interface Unit (AIU) (RPMBS 130 002/01). . . 97
Power failure circuit (PFC) on BTU-A/BTU-A2 and
BTU-C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
BTU-B (ROF 157 5121/_) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
BTU-B2 (ROF 157 5121/_) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
BTU-D (ROF 157 5112/1) & REG (ROF 157 5112/2) . .
BTU-E (ROF 157 5113/_) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
ELU-C (ROF 157 5115/1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
ELU-A (ROF 157 5114/_) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
ELU-D3 (ROF 157 5130/_) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
MFU (ROF 157 5132/_) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
VMU-HD (ROF 157 5126/_) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
VMU-D (ROF 157 5117/1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
IPU (ROF 157 5133/1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
IAS (ROF 157 5134/1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Integrated Cordless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Board Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Board Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 2(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

General Boards for ASB 150 02

This document describes all the ASB 150 02 boards
Compliance Information from Release R3 upwards, which still might be
installed at the customer site. Some of these boards
Hereby, Ericsson Enterprise AB declare that are already phased out and can not be ordered
ASB 150 02 (BusinessPhone 250, anymore.
BusinessPhone 128i, BusinessPhone 50,
BusinessPhone Compact) is in conformity with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Handling of PBAs
Directive 1999/5/EC.
Service personnel shall always connect themselves to
a protective ground terminal point to prevent damage
Supplementary Documents caused by static discharges.

For mechanical issues like mounting of the cabinet, NOTE Boards with Electrostatic Sensitive
please turn to the following documents depending on
which system is to be installed. Devices (ESD) are marked with a
• Installation Instruction BusinessPhone 250 sign.In the interest of quality and reliability
(1531-BDV 113 08 Uen) of the system boards, always handle static
sensitive boards with special care. Always
• Installation Instruction BusinessPhone 128i use a wrist strap connected to a low
(1531-BDVBS 101 06 Uen) resistance ground e.g. provided on the
• Installation Instruction BusinessPhone Compact cabinet:
and BusinessPhone 50 (1531-BDVBS 101 05 Uen)

Use portable equipment LYA 30101 as a

protection against electrostatic
discharges. For safety reasons the wrist
strap should be equipped with a 1 MOhm
serial resistor.
Some of the benefits of ESD protection are:
• less failures/service calls
• lower maintenance costs
• higher customer satisfaction
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 3(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Connection fields on the PBAs Board position numbering

BP 250 (Cabinet: BDV 113 08)


0 1 2 3 8 16 17 18 19 24 48 49 50 51 56
Connection field 2



Cabinet 0 1 Cabinet 1 1 Cabinet 3

4/1 1 = Flat ribbon cable 591 685/2

2 Board position numbering for:
Connection field 4
4 • Cabinet 0: position 0,1 --- 8.
4/3 6 • Cabinet 1: position 16,17 --- 24.
8 • Cabinet 3: position 48,49 --- 56.
4/4 10
12 BP 128i (Cabinet: BDVBS 101 06)
16 .. .. .. 20

18 Cabinet 1
0 1 2 3 4

6/2 22
Connection field 6 Cabinet 0
6/3 26 1 = Flat ribbon cable 591 685/2
6/4 Board position numbering for:
• Cabinet 0: position 0,1,2,3,4.
• Cabinet 1: position 16,17,18,19,20.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 4(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

BP 50 and BP Compact (Cabinet: BDVBS 101 05)

front cover cabinet BDV 113 08
0 1 2 3 4


Board position numbering for:

• Basic unit: position 0,1,2,3,4.

ROF xxx xxxx

Placing of boards

The cabinets BDV 113 08, BDVBS 101 05 and

BDVBS 101 06 are prepared for arbitrary furnishing of
boards belonging to the ASB 150 02 system but BDVBS 101 06
certain constraints should be considered for best
performance results. The cabinet 0 and the optional cabinet 1 have to be
equipped as follows:

BDV 113 08 Pos. 0 Reserved for CPU-D_

Pos. 1-4 ,16-20
The cabinet 0 and the two optional cabinets 1 and 2 Available for arbitrary PBA configuration
have to be equipped as follows: like ELU-_,MFU, VMU-D, VMU-HD,
Pos. 0 Reserved for CPU-D_ AUX_, BTU-_ , REG, IC-CU_, IC-LU, IPU
and IAS.
Pos. 1-8, 16-24, 48-56
Available for arbitrary PBA configuration NOTE The cabinet BDVBS 101 06 does not
like ELU-_,MFU, VMU-D, VMU-HD, support ELU-C boards
AUX_, BTU-_ , REG, IC-CU_ and IC-LU.
The latter one requires PUB 5 or higher.
When installing boards with ground brackets in a BDVBS 101 05
cabinet of an earlier release of BDV 113 08, which was
not prepared for them, take out the screws of the
ground brackets at the top and bottom of the boards. BusinessPhone 50
Then bend the bracket at the top slightly away from the
cabinet to allow a clearance for the front cover to slip This single cabinet has to be equipped as follows.
on correctly. Pos. 0 Reserved for CPU-D_
Pos. 1-4 Available for arbitrary PBA configuration
like ELU-_,MFU, VMU-D, VMU-HD,
(requires PUB 50 R4A or higher) IPU and
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 5(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

BusinessPhone Compact IAS

This single cabinet solution supports five board For the IAS the very last possible position of a cabinet
positions however the CPU-D5C supports only the (pos 7 or 23 or 55 in case of a BP 250 cabinet, pos 3 in
board positions 1 and 2 or all board types, position 3 case of a BP 50 cabinet) has to be used. If any other
and 4 can only be used for the integrated cordless position has to be chosen then the next right hand
boards (IC-LU). board position of the IAS must be left free. This
limitation does not apply for BP 128i
In conjunction with an additional software license the
(Cabinet: BDVBS 101 06).
CPU-D5C can be upgraded to support all board
Pos. 0 Reserved for CPU-D5C Sub-equipped boards
Pos. 1-2 Available for arbitrary PBA configuration
Install sub-equipped boards in the last position after
like ELU-_,MFU, VMU-HD, AUX_, BTU-_
the standard boards to enable easy upgrading without
, REG, IC-CU_, IC-LU, IPU and IAS.
having to re-number trunks and extensions.
Pos. 3-4 IC-LU

NOTE The cabinet BDVBS 101 05 does not EMC

support ELU-C boards
The ferrites, with the ERICSSON ordering number
STF 82 601, should be situated close to the slot where
Board specific positioning the cables are led out of the cabinet. Two turns
through the ferrite core are sufficient to comply with
All boards except the CPU-D_ can be exchanged EN 55022 Class B and to avoid disturbances in non-
under power provided that the board is replaced by a industrial, residential (home) usage.
board of the same type and configuration. New boards
e.g. to upgrade the system, can be installed under
power in a free slot of the cabinet.

IPU boards

If an IPU is equipped with one DSM2 or two DSM1,

then the very last position of a cabinet has to be used.
If any other position has to be chosen or in case of
multiple IPUs then the next right hand board position of
the IPU must be left free. This limitation does not apply
for the BP 128i (Cabinet: BDVBS 101 06)
ASB 150 02 R12 supports one IPU with maximum
8 voice channels only.

IC-CU_ and IC-LU boards

The Integrated Cordless system has to be installed

within one cabinet. BMS cannot detect IC-LU boards
installed in the system so it is advisable to insert these
boards to the right of the IC-CU_ board. IC-LU boards
can be removed and replaced without needing to shut
down the exchange.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 6(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

CPU-D2 (ROF 157 5118/2) Connections on the CPU-D2(3)/AUX2(3)

CPU-D3 (ROF 157 5118/3)
AUX2 (ROF 1575 119/2) A C

BS2 9727
AUX3 (ROF 1575 119/3) Audio 18
Factory test
Audio 20
Before installing the board mount the system software red -48 VDC
yellow ALARM
PROMs in the appropriate positions (A, B and C). (out)
22 ALARM Polarity
0V independent
ALARM input
External 26
sensor 1
28 sensor 3
C External 30 Not used
sensor 2
0V 32
Not used

only this V.24
0V 12 DTR
port is active
RXD on the AUX3
14 DCD
red DSR 16 CTS
Cold TXD 18 RTS
strap 0V 20 DTR


0V 28 DTR


Temperature sensor

For connection of the Temperature sensor kit, see

chapter “Temperature Sensor” on page 89

Alarm input/output

The ALARM input is optically isolated and the voltage

A Insert SW PROM RYS 102 1x9/ yy has to be between 20 - 60 VDC.
B Insert SW PROM RYS 102 1x8/ yy The ALARM output is equipped with an open collector
x= Software Release 1-8 transistor with a load capacity of 20 mA at 12 VDC
yy= Country version (Maximum 14 VDC).

C Insert FW PROM RYS 102 518/1

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 7(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

CPU-D4 (ROF 157 5124/1)

Insert Flash SW PROM RYS 102 xx4/y

B Insert Flash SW PROM RYS 102 xx5/y

FW PROMS Insert Flash SW PROM RYS 102 xx6/y


F G xx=Software Release
R9=19; R10=20; R11=21;
R12=22; R13=23; R14=24 ; R15=25
yy=Country version
1st battery RAM (always mounted)

E Insert 2nd battery RAM KDYBS 101 02/2

Insert FW PROM RYS 102 533/1
Real Time Clock F

G Insert FW PROM RYS 102 533/2

To put the board in operation, mount the system

software Flash PROMs in the appropriate positions.
The number of battery RAMs mounted on the

CPU-D4/D5 board (default one 512 KB RAM) is

functionality dependent. After you have completed the
system configuration, please connect the BMS to the
system and verify the remaining ’Bytes for records
(free)’ in the Maintenance dialog. If this value is below
D E C B A 200KB in a Release 12 (or older) - supported by
CPU-D4 only - or 120KB in a Release 13 system it is
recommended to add an additional battery RAM
before you upgrade the system to Release 14 or
Battery RAMs SW PROMs
NOTE All CPU-D4 boards which have an older
revision than R10G/B
(HW-code 2, PCB: R2A) can not be
enhanced with an additional battery RAM.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 8(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Connections on the CPU-D4 Temperature sensor

For connection of the Temperature sensor kit, see
red chapter “Temperature Sensor” on page 89
yellow reset pins
Alarm input /output
alarm relay
The ALARM input is optically isolated and the voltage
B22 has to be between 20 - 60 VDC. The ALARM output is
equipped with an open collector transistor with a load
capacity of 20 mA at 12 VDC (Maximum 14 VDC).

Audio 18 Factory test Alarm relay

BS2 9727

Audio 20 -48 VDC

Max. switching parameters: 48VDC; 60VDC; 100mA.
red ALARM 22 ALARM in (+) To connect the alarm relay to the front panel, use the
yellow (out)
0V 24 ALARM in (-) plug RNV 321 0102 and a proper cable to the external
Temp 1
26 Temp3
0V 28 0V
Temp 2 30 Not used Serial Interfaces
0V 32 Not used Similar to the previous versions this board provides the
V.24 interfaces but additionally the RS-485 interface
TXD 10 RTS for longer cable ranges.
KDUBS 130 0V 12 DTR To connect the RS-485 data interface use the plug
xx/1-10 RNV 321 01 02 to be sure to loop the handshake
signals RTS with CTS, otherwise the data is lost if the
DSR 16 CTS printer is OFF. The cable range of the interface is up to
TXD + 18 RTS Transmit 1200m.
Coldstart RS 485
0V - 20 DTR Several converters may be used, but with the following

RXD + 22 DCD
types successful tests were accomplished:
DSR - 24 CTS RS 485 • IC-485SI from ARP DATACON and
TXD 26 RTS • 232<->485/422 Converter Plus IC-109AE from
0V DTR Black Box Corp.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 9(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Feature Enabling Control Unit (FECU)

Connecting this plug activates the appropriate

applications and features as ordered, depending on
the FECU index number.
If no plug is connected a limited system functionality
(Release 8 + some minor features) is available. The
index 1 of the FECU series always covers the basic
version of a certain Software Release. The indices 2 to
10 are focusing on certain applications such as
“Networking” and “CTI”, they always have the basic
version included.
Available FECUs on CPU-D4 and CPU-D5/CPU-D5C
• KDUBS 130 06 / 1-10 (ASB 150 02 R9, R10)
• KDUBS 130 07 / 1-10 (ASB 150 02 R11)
• KDUBS 130 12 / 1-10 (ASB 150 02 R12)
• KDUBS 130 13 / 1-10 (ASB 150 02 R13)
For detailed information about the features enabled by
the different FECUs refer to Facility Description
General (15534-ASB 150 02 Uen).
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 10(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

CPU-D5 (ROF 157 5124/2)

CPU-D5C (ROF 157 5124/3) Insert SW Flash PROM RYS 102 xx4/yy *)

B Insert SW Flash PROM RYS 102 xx5/yy *)

Battery RAM

C Insert SW Flash PROM RYS 102 xx6/yy *)

xx=Software Release
D E C B A R13=23; R14=24; R15=25
yy=Country version

D 1st battery RAM (always mounted)

spare Insert 2nd battery RAM KDYBS 101 02/2
Insert FW PROM RYS 102 548/1 **)
Real Time Clock F

G Insert FW PROM RYS 102 548/2 **)

*) part of order number: LZY 203 223x/yy

x= Software Release R13=3 (minimum R6A);
R14=4, R15=5
yy= Country version
**) part of order number: LZYBS 203 5124/2

Onboard Flash NOTE The CPU-D5C only supports Software

PROMS Release R15 or higher.
To put the board in operation, mount the system
software Flash PROMs in the appropriate positions.
The number of battery RAMs mounted on the
CPU-D4/D5 board (default one 512 KB RAM) is
F G functionality dependent. After you have completed the
system configuration, please connect the BMS to the
system and verify the remaining ’Bytes for records
(free)’ in the Maintenance dialog. If this value is below
200KB in a Release 12 (or older) - supported by
FW PROMs CPU-D4 only - or 120KB in a Release 13 system it is
recommended to add an additional battery RAM
before you upgrade the system to Release 14 or
The onboard Flash PROMS are not assembled on the
CPU-D5C boards as well as on CPU-D5 boards with
revision R1G or higher. For software and firmware Connections on the CPU-D5/CPU-D5C
upgrading the Compact Flash card is used as storage
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 11(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Temperature sensor
red ABC For connection of the Temperature sensor kit, see
green chapter “Temperature Sensor” on page 89

Alarm input/output
green The ALARM input is optically isolated and the voltage
reset pins
red has to be between 20 - 60 VDC.

Coldstart strap The ALARM output is equipped with an open collector

COMPACT transistor with a load capacity of 20 mA at 12 VDC
FLASH (Maximum 14 VDC).


FECU Alarm relay

KDUBS 130 XX/1-10
Max. switching parameters: 48VDC; 60VDC; 100mA.
alarm relay
To connect the alarm relay to the front panel, use the
plug RNV 321 0102 and a proper cable to the external
B6 equipment.

Serial Interfaces
Audio 2
-48V Similar to the previous versions this board provides the
Audio 4 External Temp. (+)
0V *)
V.24 interfaces but additionally the RS-485 interface
Alarm out 6 ALARM in (+) for longer cable ranges.
0V *) 8 ALARM in (-)
To connect the RS-485 data interface to the front panel
TXD 0 10 RTS 0 use the EURO connector RNV 321 0102 to be sure to
0V 0 12 DTR 0 loop the handshake signals RTS with CTS, otherwise
the data is lost if the printer is OFF. The cable range of
RXD 0 14 DCD 0
the interface is up to 1200m.
DSR 0 16 CTS 0 Several converters may be used, but with the following
TXD 1 + 10 RTS 1 types successful tests were accomplished:
0V 1 - 12 DTR 1 Transmit
• IC-485SI from ARP DATACON and

RS 485
RXD 1 + 14 DCD 1 Receiver • 232<->485/422 Converter Plus IC-109AE from
DSR 1 - 16 CTS 1 Black Box Corp.
TXD 2 10 RTS 2

0V 2 12 DTR 2
Feature Enabling Control Unit (FECU)
RXD 2 14 DCD 2
Connecting this plug activates the appropriate
DSR 2 16 CTS 2
applications and features as ordered, depending on
the FECU index number.
*) Can be used for Ext temp (-)
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 12(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

If no plug is connected a limited system functionality BTU-A (ROF 157 5110/_)

(Release 8 + some minor features) is available. The
index 1 of the FECU series always covers the basic • BTU-A (ROF 157 5110/_)
version of a certain Software Release. The indices 2 to 8 analogue trunk lines(for defined markets with
10 are focusing on certain applications such as DDI). The upper 4 individuals are switchable to
“Networking” and “CTI”, they always have the basic music source inputs.
version included.
• BTU-A (ROF 157 5127/_) subequipped
Available FECUs on CPU-D4 and CPU-D5/CPU-D5C 4 analogue trunk lines
• KDUBS 130 06 / 1-10 (ASB 150 02 R9, R10) Subboards for call metering (CM) can be mounted to
• KDUBS 130 07 / 1-10 (ASB 150 02 R11) the BTU-A. In case of mains power failure 1 to 4 of the
trunks (market dependend) can be through connected
• KDUBS 130 12 / 1-10 (ASB 150 02 R12) to analogue telephone extensions (Connection field
• KDUBS 130 13 / 1-10 (ASB 150 02 R13) 4a, phones to pins 18/20, 22/24, 26/28 and 30/32).

For detailed information about the features enabled by Board layout: ROF 157 5110 /_, PCB revision R5x
the different FECU‘s refer to Facility Description RYS 102 510/1 or
General (15534-ASB 150 02 Uen). RYS 102 525/1,
see table
NOTE FECU types from all software releases are
supported on the CPU-D5 but note that

only the central software R13 R6A and

higher is supported on the CPU-D5.
For new ASB 150 02 systems with central software
R14 or higher, all the features are controlled by a
license file on the CPU-D5‘s Compact Flash card. A

FECU is in this case not relevant.
The FECU is only relevant for systems which were

originally installed with the central software R13 and


afterwards be upgraded to central software R14 (or


higher). In this case the FECU acts a reference of the

former feature level being used for the creation of the
license file.



Compact Flash card

The Compact Flash card is acting as storage media for



software and firmware upgrading and as the license 87


file carrier for ASB 150 02 systems with central


software R14 or higher. For the license file creation

and registration refer to Maintenance instructions

(1541-ASB 150 02 Uen) 88



Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 13(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

BTU-A, ROF 157 5110/_, earlier than revision R5x: Connections to BTU-A
The DIP-switch is shown
with both contacts in 85 Connection field 6
OFF position LA0 A C
ON 18 LA1

Line 4 LB0
20 LB1
22 LA3
1 2
LB2 Line wires for
24 LB3
Line 5 connection to
26 LA5
LA4 Public Exchange
28 LB5
Line 6 *)
LA6 30 LA7
87 32 LB7
Line 7
*) Not available on sub-equipped boards

Power failure circuits

Music source input
The number of power failure circuits (PFC) is market
The upper four individuals of the BTU-A board, can
either be used as music source inputs or as normal
trunk lines. BTU-A (ROF 157 5110/_):

NOTE This function is not available on BTU-A ROF 157 5110 PFC
sub-equipped ROF 157 5127/_.
/11 (Standard) 2
The definition whether a trunk or a music source is
used, is selected by the DIP switches 85-88. /12 (Italy) 4
/13 (Spain) 4
On delivery from the factory both contacts are in the
OFF position, which means that the line is a normal /14 (Australia) 1
trunk. /16 (GB a.NZ) 4
When both contacts on a DIP-switch are set to position
ON, the line is selected as a music source input. BTU-A (ROF 157 5127/_) sub-equipped:

Different contact positions are not allowed.

ROF 157 5127 PFC
/11 (Standard) 1
Call metering boards /12 (Italy) 2
see “Connection of CM-boards on BTU-A and BTU-C” /13 (Spain) 2
on page 16 /14 (Australia) 1
/16 (GB a.NZ) 2

see “Power failure circuit (PFC) on BTU-A/BTU-A2

and BTU-C” on page 16
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 14(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

BTU-A2 (ROF 157 5120/_)

Insert PROM RYS102 520/1
• BTU-A2 (ROF 157 5120/_) A
(Order number: LZYBS 203 5120)
8 analogue trunk lines (for Austrian market only)
with DDI and call metering (CM).
• BTU-A2 (ROF 157 51xx/_) subequipped
Power failure circuits
4 analogue trunk lines (for Austrian market only)
with DDI and call metering (CM).
see “Power failure circuit (PFC) on BTU-A/BTU-A2
In case of mains power failure 2 of the trunks can be and BTU-C” on page 16
through connected to analogue telephone extensions
(Connection field 4a, phones to pins 26/28 and 30/32).
Connections to BTU-A2
Board layout:BTU-A2, PCB revision R4x:

A Connection field 6

18 LA1
20 LB1
22 LA3
LB2 Line wires for
24 LB3
connection to
26 LA5
LA4 Public Exchange
28 LB5
LA6 30 LA7
32 LB7

*) Not available on sub-equipped boards

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 15(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Earth connection on BTU-A2 (Austria only) BTU-C (ROF 157 5111/_)

Some markets require an earth connection of the • BTU-C (ROF 157 5111/1)
incoming PTT earth (functional earth) to the exchange. Features 8 incoming trunk lines with DDI
Use an extra Krone bar to connect the PTT earth wires
to the wires going to the board connector. The first four individuals can also be used for the
outgoing traffic (bothway trunks without DID) as well as
Connection field 4 for music source inputs.
• BTU-C2 (ROF 157 5111/2)
4 analogue tie lines with DC-loop signalling
In case of mains power failure one of the bothway
22 connect to PTT trunks can be through connected to an analogue
signalling ground telephone extension (Connection field 4a, phone to
pins 26/28).

Connections to BTU-C

Connection field 4 and 6
YELLOW The index number PF
GREEN refers to the individual
with the power failure
switchover (field 4)

PFa0 a0
PFb0 b0

Connection of the Connection to

analogue telephone ELU-A board
trunk lines (field 6)
La_0 La_1
Lb_0 Lb_1
La_2 La_3
Lb_2 Lb_3
La_4 La_5
Lb_4 Lb_5
La_6 La_7
Lb_6 Lb_7
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 16(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Connection of CM-boards on BTU-A and Power failure circuit (PFC) on BTU-A/


In the event of mains failure and if no back-up battery

is connected to the PBX, a relay on the BTU-A and
Line 0 - 1
BTU-C boards (see under BTU-C on the previous
page) automatically switches the trunk lines
board (generally 2) directly to the analogue telephones, if
connected to this board.

Line 2 - 3 BTU-A & BTU-C1


Power failure set
Line 4 - 5 La
Trunk Lb Indicator

Relay shown in power fail position

Line 6 - 7 If an ELU-A board is installed, these telephones can

be used as common extension during normal
operation but in case of power failure they will be
automatically connected directly to the public

Connect the correct type of the call metering board,

according to the figure above, to the BTU-A board
ROF 157 5110/_ or ROF 157 5127/_ and in the same
way to the BTU-C board ROF 157 5111/_. The BTU-C
cannot be equipped with a CM50 board, because the
BTU-C provides no matching socket for the plug on the
flat ribbon cable. There use the a CM12/16
(ROA 219 5135/1)
The following boards are available CM50 ROA 219
5064/1, with flat ribbon cable and CM12/16 ROA 219
5135/1 or ROA 219 5062/1 without cable.
For exact positioning of CM-boards, make use of all

NOTE When installing a CM50-board, connect

the cable before mounting the CM50-
board. The BTU-A board must also be
connected to earth.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 17(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Connection field 4
BTU-B (ROF 157 5121/_)
Only mounted if
the BTU-A has 4
Not always mounted PFC circuits Applies for _index 3
(market-dependent) A C (market
PFa0 18 a0 The BTU-B provides connection for up to 8 digital links
and each of this digital links can be configured as an
PFb0 20 b0 S- or T-interface (Subscriber line or ISDN-Trunk) in
point-to-point or multi-point mode. Set as S-interface
PFa1 22 a1
each link provides remote power feeding with
4/2 40V/50 mA = 2W and connection for up to 8 terminals.
PFb1 24 b1
Connectors to

Connection to
Connector to
ELU-A board
BTU-C board A
PFC: This PFa0 26 a0 B
connectors are
used for PF-
circuits on the
PFb0 28 b0
PFa1 30 a1

PFb1 32 b1 D










A Insert PROM RYS 102 521/ 1

B Insert PROM RYS 102 521/ 2

C Insert PROM RYS 102 521/ 3

D Insert PROM RYS 102 521/ 4

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 18(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

BTU-B2 (ROF 157 5121/_) The BTU-B2 (Bothway Trunk Unit for ISDN Basic
Access=BA) is configurable to provide any mix of up to
8 digital trunk or subscriber connections in the 2B+D
Applies for _indices 4 and 5 format. This amounts to a maximum of 16
simultaneous calls with associated B-channels or data
• BTU-B2 (ROF 157 5121/4) subequipped calls.
4 digital trunk lines.
• BTU-B2 (ROF 157 5121/5) DIP switch settings
8 digital trunk lines.

Position 410-417

These switches control the S- and T-interface

418 termination and the S-interface power feeding for the
links 0...7.
On factory delivery all switches are set to OFF
4 Connect power feeding ground
Connect -40V for power feeding

Connect 100 Ohm receive side terminat.


Connect 100 Ohm send side termination


NOTE At the end of each line a 100 Ohm

410 411 termination resistor must be installed (e.g.
in the last wall outlet).

412 The switch 1 selects the termination on the transmitter

interface and switch 2 selects the termination on the
receiver interface. The switches 3 and 4 enable the
remote power feeding to ISDN terminals connected to
414 415 a link. When connected as S-interface the switches
1...4 should be set to ON.

416 417

Insert PROM RYS 102 521/ 3 *)


Insert PROM RYS 102 521/ 4 *)


*) part of order number: LZY 203 2216/1

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 19(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Position 418 Wall outlet connection

When selecting which link is to be configured as a S-/Q-/ EIA/TIA 568 Wiring Schemes
4 5
T-interface, start with switch (the arrows show the order): Pin desig- NT function: :TE function:
6 3 nation (polarity of remote (polarity of remote
Line pairs: power feeding) power feeding)
8 1
order for Q/T-interface 0+1 5 Transmit (-) Receive (-)

7 2 4 Transmit (-) Receive (-)

OFF... Q/T-Interface 2+3

3 3 Receive (+) Transmit (+)
ON ...S-Interface Wiring side of 8-
6 Receive (+) Transmit (+)

pole wall outlet e.g. 1 Power sink 3 (+) Power source 3(+)
2 Power source 3(-)

6+7 KRONE RJ-K LN Power sink 3 (-)


order for Q/T-interface

7 Power source 2(-) Power sink 2(-)
8 Power source 2(+) Power sink 2(+)
On factory delivery all switches are set to OFF S-interface in T-interface on
socket plug

NOTE When selecting as S- or T-interfaces, start

by setting the T-interfaces using the
switches 4, 3, 2 and 1 in consecutive Settings of the S-interface
order, then set the S-interfaces starting
with the switches 1, 2, 3 and 4. Choose with BMS the configuration of the interface:
• Extended passive bus (default setting) or
Connections to the BTU-B/BTU-B2 • Short passive bus.

Connection field 6
A C Ranges on the interface
02 R0A
T0B The BTU-B/BTU-B2 is equipped with the S/T Bus
04 R0B Interface Circuit eXtended (SBCX). This circuit offers
T1A the advantage of covering a higher attenuation on
06 R1A
T1B cables.
08 R1B
10 R2A The standard S/T-interface specification considers
T2B cables with 6,5 dB attenuation equivalent to about
12 R2B
1000m cable length in single terminal configuration.
14 R3A
Using the S/T Bus Interface Circuit eXtended (SBCX)
T3B S/T-Interface for
16 R3B up to13 dB line attenuation can be covered. The figure
T4A connecting trunks and
18 R4A S-terminals below shows the ranges using standard 0.6 mm
T4B diameter twisted pair unshielded cables with a
20 R4B
capacitive load of max. 30nF per km and the terminal
22 R5A equipment (refer to documentation of the TE) is also
T5B equipped with a SBCX or equivalent.
24 R5B
T6A 26 R6A
1 km (standard range) and
T6B 28 R6B TE
up to 2 km with SBCX
TEs equipped with SBCX
T7A 30 R7A
T7B 32 R7B up to 500 m (standard range)
and up to 1.5 km with SBCX
TE TE TE TEs equipped with SBCX

Ranges on the extended passive bus BTU-B

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 20(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Short passive bus


with TR BTU-B
in outlet d3


d1 - 150 m to 25 0m (standard range) d4 - up to 1 m

d3 - line to terminal up to 10 m

Extended passive bus


with TR BTU-B
in outlet d3
d1 - up to 500 m (standard range), d2 - between terminals
1,5 km on 30 nF cables with 25 to 50 meters
TEs equipped with SBCX
d3 - line to terminal up to 10 m d4 - up to 1 m

TE Terminal Equipment
TR Termination Resistor (installed at the end of the
interface line. Use outlets with resistor mounted)

Outlet according to IEC 603-7 with termination

Outlet according to IEC 603-7 without

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 21(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

BTU-D (ROF 157 5112/1) & Board assembling for Revision R7A and higher
REG (ROF 157 5112/2)

The BTU-D (ROF 157 5112/1) uses for digital

connection to the public network utilized with a 30
channel (30B+D) interface with ISDN or CAS.
The REG (ROF 157 5112/1) is a subequipped BTU-D,
if only analogue trunks or tie lines are used. It provides
the register functions for MFC R2 and MFE signalling
Board assembling up to Revision R6A


197 198

199 Insert PROM RYS 102 5xx/1

B Insert PROM RYS 102 5xx/2
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 22(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

PROM -sets Positions 198 and 199

Depending on the firmware used, this board enables Selection of ground strapping for the 75 Ω coax cable
either ISDN or CAS function. The PROM set is or selection of the 120 Ω twisted pair cable interface.
available for CAS (LZY203 2212/1) or ISDN PRA
(LZY203 2213/1). 198/1 198/2
199/1 199/2 Function
PROM SET RP-ROMS OFF OFF 120 Ω connection (Factory setting)
CAS LZY203 2212/1 RYS 102 512/1 OFF ON cable screen connected to ground
RYS 102 512/2 ON OFF cable screen connected to ground
ISDN LZY203 2213/1 RYS 102 524/1 via an 1nF capacitor
RYS 102 524/2
On factory delivery the switches are set to OFF-
position = no ground, thus enabling 120 Ω interface
with a twisted pair cable. These DIP-switches connect
the 75 Ω interface coax cable screen to ground, either
directly to 0V or via a 1 nF capacitor. The DIP-switch
198 selects the receiver and the 199 the transmitter
Position 197 and 200
side. The screen shall normally be grounded on the
transmitter side. Normally, the screen on the reception
DIP-switch pos. 197 on BTU-D selects the register
side is not connected to ground. Refer to local market
function of the board. The switch 200 is reserved for
future use.

197/1 197/2 Function Ranges on the interface of the BTU-D

OFF OFF digital trunk MFC only BTU-D
This interface covers the short distance to the next NT
ON digital trunk MFE or Line Terminating Unit as the end point of a public or
ON OFF Register MFC BTU-D or REG. private network. The range is only defined in terms of
ON Register MFE the covered attenuation by the interface, that is 6 dB. If
required choose cables with low attenuation to achieve
a maximum distance.

Coax 75 Ω and twisted pair 120 Ω interface


Line terminating unit BTU-D

d1 - The line length depends on cable type used. The
board allows 6 dB cable attenuation at 1.024 MHz.
Check cable attenuation at 1,024 MHz per 100m.

For ranges exceeding 6 dB attenuation an additional

digital data transmission equipment is required. A Line
Terminating Unit (LTU) ASB 501 04 is available for
such purposes.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 23(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Connections to BTU-D

Connection field 6
20 Connection for 75 Ω
22 RING_IN coaxial cable
26 LA1 Outgoing
28 LB1 wires Connection for 120 Ω
30 twisted pairs
LA2 Incoming
32 wires

Some markets (e.g. Austrian PTT) require the use of a

double-shielded interface cable. The outer shield
should be connected to frame earth and the inner
shield should be connected to 0V on the board. A 20 m
long standard cable is available with the ERICSSON
ordering number TSR 901 0481/20000.

BTU-E (ROF 157 5113/_)

Board for tie-line (private trunk) traffic. Each board has

4 individuals with E&M signalling. Voice is transmitted
via 2 or 4 wires (a/b). The following signalling formats
are supported:
• E&M swedish format
• E&M continuous (A - and D - format)
• E&M discontinuous
• American E&M
• ESPA signalling to connect paging equipment
• CAILHO (transformer balanced lines with common
mode DC pulse signals)
• SSAC15 (tone type in-band signalling system of BT)
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 24(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02


2-wire connection 4-wire connection APPLICATION SPEECH M-WIRES
106...406 108/308 106...406 108/308
on on on on PAGING
1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 AMERICAN E&M S6, S7 and S8
see local
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 requirements
M-WIRE 4-wire
uses switches 106 and 108/1 uses switches 206 and 108/2
uses switches 306 and 308/1 uses switches 406 and 308/2
Speech Connection Settings 4-wire
Only on /2 boards
The switches select between 2- or 4-wire speech connection.
S6 connects -48V to M1 terminal via 6.2 Kohm
Two individuals share the switches 108 and 308.
S7 connects 0V to M0 wire locally.
On the boards with Rev. R2A these switches are replaced by S8 connects 0V to M20-wire.
relays. These relays are set automatically by programming
the filter coefficients.
Connection field 4 and 6 at front of BTU-E_
Speech (field 4) RED
LB_0 20 LD_0 GREEN
108 308
LA_1 22 LC_1 LA & LB - 2-wire send/
LB_1 24 LD_1 receive or 4-wire send.
LA_2 26 LC_2 LC & LD - 4-wire receive.
LB_2 28 LD_2
LA_3 30 LC_3
LB_3 106


Signalling (field 6)

M2_0 E2_0
M20_0 E20_0 306

M2_1 E2_1
M20_1 E20_1

1 M2_2 E2_2
M20_2 E20_2
M2_3 E2_3 109
S6 S7 S8

M20_3 E20_3

M1_0 E1_0 1 M20_ and M0_ can be 209

1 2

M0_0 E0_0 switched by S7 and S8 to


M1_1 E1_1 0V on the BTU-E_ locally.


M0_1 E0_1 309


1 M1_2 E1_2

M0_2 E0_2 409

M1_3 E1_3
M0_3 E0_3
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 25(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Paging connection
Switch settings
The figure shows how to connect the paging
equipment Ericall Contactor with 2 wire speech. The on This switch setting is used for
PBX sends paging information to the paging system signalling on E1 and M1.
(pin 6A18) using the M1 contact, and the information
about ’paging in progress’ or ’paging equipment not 1 2 3
present’ is received on the E1-wire (pin 6C18) from the S6 S7 S8
paging equipment.
Applies for switches 109, 209, 309 and 409.

PBX Paging equipment

4A18 LA
autom. 2/4wire

S5 4A20 LB


S7 M1
0V 6A18 M1 E1
Detector -48V

6A20 M0 E0

6C18 E1 M1
-48V Detector 0V

6C20 E0 M0

Figure showing Paging equipment and 2-wire speech with ’loop connection’ of the E&M-wires.

Four wire speech connection 2) CEPT L1/SSAC 15 with 2280 Hz tones. In this case
no DC signalling is used but instead signalling is
The four wire speech and signalling connection has performed by switching on and off a 2280 Hz tone,
the benefit of not needing additional signalling wires. which is detected by a tone receiver on the other side.
There are two different types of signalling supported: This is only available on index 2 boards.
1) Cailho E&M-signalling (balanced battery). The two
way signalling utilises common mode DC pulses via Switch settings
the centre tap of the transformer. On one side a
on This switch setting inhibits
detector is connected between the -48 VDC and the
signalling on E1 and M1. Only
centre tap of the transformer. The other end uses opto
AC or DC signalling on the
relay M4 to switch the line to 0V (Ground). The
1 2 3 four wire speech connection
detector reads the current flow to ground every time
S6 S7 S8 is used.
M4 closes.

Applies for switches 109, 209, 309 and 409.

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 26(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

PBX PBX or channel equipment

2280 Hz
4A18 LA
-48V Detector

autom. 2/4wire

1uF 560 Ω 4A20 LB

2280 Hz 4C18 LC

Detector -48V 0V

4C20 LD

Figure showing Cailho E&M signalling and CEPT L1 or SSAC 15 with tone signalling


Signalling on E & M wires is done either using one or

two E&M pairs depending on what is required. Using
just E1 and M1 is a very common practice. One case
to mention is the American E&M signalling, where the
M1 wire toggles between -48VDC and 0V.
Double E&M signalling requires the E1/M1 wires for
the signalling of information and the E2/M2 wires
indicate blocking of the connection. The E1/M1-wires
are used for signalling and the E2/M2-wires are used
for blocking. The figure shows the 0V connection to the
M-wires in both ends.

Switch settings
Standard E & M signalling
on This switch setting is used
for signalling on E1 and
1 2 3
S6 S7 S8

Double E & M signalling

on This is the switch setting when
E1, E2, M1 and M2 are used for
1 2 3
S6 S7 S8

Applies for switches 109, 209, 309 and 409.

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 27(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

PBX PBX or channel equipment

4A18 LA

autom. 2/4wire

4A20 LB
4C18 LC

S6** 4C20 LD
-48V ** application specific
toggles between 0 and -48VDC
S7 M1 (e.g. American signalling)
0V 6A18 M1 E1
Detector -48V

6A20 M0 E0


6C18 E1 M1
-48V Detector 0V

6C20 E0 M0
S8 M2
0V 6A02 M2 E2 Detector -48V

6A04 M20 E20 0V

6C02 E2 M2
-48V Detector 0V

6C04 E20 M20


Figure showing four wire speech and standard (double) E&M signalling.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 28(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

ELU-C (ROF 157 5115/1)

This board is used to connect the DBC 7xx series to

the ASB 150 02 system. This board shall be used only
in the cabinet BDV 113 08.

Connections to ELU-C

Connection field 6 at the front of the ELU-C

1 LA0
6*1 LA2
LA4 Line wires for
10 LB4 connection to extension
1 LA5 equipment
6*3 LB7
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 29(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

ELU-A (ROF 157 5114/_) A

Board layout

• ELU-A (ROF 157 5114/1)

16 analogue extensions

• ELU-A2 (ROF 157 5114/2)


16 analogue extensions with message waiting
indication (based on polarity reversal) S997/1 and /2
OFF: ground key
• ELU-A (ROF 157 5114/3 detection disabled
8 analogue extension (subequipped version of /1)

The ELU-A board is equipped with an automatic traffic

limiter restricting the internal power dissipation on the
board to a maximum of 12 W. This depends on both
the line length and the number of lines busy.
When the power consumption exceeds this limit, no
more lines can be accessed and - if at least two lines
go on hook again - all lines are accessible again.
When connecting external voice (mailbox) systems, a
maximum of 8 lines are recommended on each board.
The remaining lines on the board are usable for low
traffic extensions.


The DIP switch 997, being used for the ground key
detection, is only applicable on boards with following
minimum revision.
• ROF 1575 114/1 R6A
• ROF 1575 114/2 R5A Insert PROM RYS102 514/1
• ROF 1575 114/3 R4A (Order number: LZYBS 203 5114)
Older revisions of these boards have a strap instead of
the switch. If the ground key dectection needs to be
disabled on these boards, cut off the wire strap, which
is mounted on the same position as the DIP switch.

Connections to ELU-A

see “Connection to ELU-A, ELU-D and ELU-D3” on

page 30
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 30(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

ELU-D3 (ROF 157 5130/_)

Insert PROM RYS 102 532/2 *)
For digital telephone line connections (DASL 2B+D)
with -48V DC power feed: Insert PROM RYS 102 532/1 *)
• ELU-D3 (ROF 1575 5130/1)
32 digital extensions
*) part of order number: LZYBS 203 5130
• ELU-D3 (ROF 1575 5130/2) subequipped
16 digital extensions
Connection to ELU-A, ELU-D and ELU-D3
• ELU-D3 (ROF 1575 5130/3) subequipped
8 digital extensions
The connection of extension boards described in this
chapter are:
• ELU-A (ROF 1575 114/1)
• ELU-A2 (ROF 1575 114/2)
• ELU-D (ROF 1575 116/_)
• ELU-D3 (ROF 157 5130/_)
On sub-equipped ELU-A and ELU-D_ boards the
connectors for extensions 8...15 (32) are not mounted.

A Insert PROM RYS 102 532/2

B Insert PROM RYS 102 532/1
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 31(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

These terms and connections apply in connection

field 6 at front of an ELU-D, ELU-D3 and ELU-A

(LA16) LA0 A C
02 LA1 (LA17)
(LB16) LB0
04 LB1 (LB17)
(LA18) LA2
06 LA3 (LA19)
(LB18) LB2
08 LB3 (LB19)
10 LA3 (LA21)
(LA20) LA4
12 LB5 (LB21)
(LB20) LB4
(LA22) LA6 14 LA7 (LA23)
(LB22) LB6 Extension Line
16 LB7 (LB23) connector to ter-
(LA24) LA8 18 LA9 (LA25) minal equip-
LB9 (LB25)
(LB24) LB8
22 LA11 (LA27)
(LA26) LA10
(LB26) LB10 LB11 (LB27)
(LA28) LA12
26 LA13 (LA29)

28 LB13 (LB29)
(LB28) LB12
30 LA15 (LA31)
(LA30) LA14
(LB30) LB14
32 LB15 (LB31)

The connections in field 4 are in brackets (only on

ELU-D3 for individuals 16 to 31)

NOTE On the first ELU-D_ board in the system

the first three extension positions should
be used to connect the OPERATOR
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 32(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

MFU (ROF 157 5132/_)

The MFU board provides following functions:

• 4 digital interfaces (selectable 2B+D trunks or S-bus
• 4 analogue telephone interfaces as on the ELU-A
with Message waiting function (polarity reversal),
analog CLIP and 4 DTMF receivers.
• 8 digital extension (ELU-D3-type).
• 4 independent VMU voice channels
• Storing voice & message data (on flash card):
System messages, all types of announcements and
individual messages (including text messages on
telephones with display).
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 33(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02


Board disconnected red

Line blocked yellow
Line busy green

FLASH S41/1 ON: delayed DTMF detection
CARD OFF: standard DTMF detection
S42: refer to next page



green 42
LA0 18 LA1

Analogue LB0 20 LB1 ON

extension LA2 22 LA3

LB2 24 LB3
LA0 02 LA1

LB0 04 LB1

LA2 06 LA3
LB2 08 LB3 154 155
LA4 10 LA5


LB4 12 LB5 156 157




LB6 16 LB7 The switches 154 to 157 control the S- and

T0A 18 R0A T-interface termination and S-interface
T0B power feeding on the links 0...3.
20 R0B

T1A 22 R1A Connects power feeding ground


ISDN - Connects -40 V for power feeding


T1B 24 R1B
PORT Connects 100 Ohm receive side termination
T2A 26
1 2

Connects 100 Ohm send side termination

S/T-Interface for
connecting trunks T2B 28 R2B
and S-terminals The DIP-switch is shown with four contacts
T3A 30 R3A
in OFF position (factory setting)
T3B 32 R3B

*) part of order number: LZY 203 2215/1

Insert PROM RYS102 538/1 *)

B Insert PROM RYS102 538/2 *)

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 34(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

The ISDN part The VMU part

The VMU functionality and the (4) registers are

DIP switches available, if the Compact Flash Card is inserted.
For installation and configuration refer to the
requirements in the document Start Of Operation
Position 154 to 157
(1537-ASB 150 02 Uen).
Switch 1 selects the termination on the sender side.
NOTE The VMU will not start up without the
Switch 2 selects the termination on the receiver side.
internal directories created on the
Switches 3 and 4 enable remote power feeding to the
Compact Flash Card.
connected ISDN terminals. Switches 1...4 should be
The unlock key (file named DISK.ULK)
set to ON, if the link is set as S-interface .
must be valid on the compact flash card.
NOTE At the end of each line a 100 Ohm The MFU board can only use Flash cards supplied by
termination resistor must be installed (e.g. ERICSSON. These Flash cards are delivered with a
in the last wall outlet). control file called DISK.ULK containing a licence key.
This file must not be opened by any tool as this would
destroy the file and thus disable the compact flash
Position 42 card. This will cause an error condition indicated by
slow flashing of the yellow and green extension LEDs.
When selecting as S- or T-interfaces, first start by
The Flash cards will already be pre-configured in the
setting the T-interfaces using the switches 4, 3, 2 and
factory with announcements and voice prompts in the
1 in consecutive order, then continue with settting the
proper language (related to the country which has
S-interfaces starting with the switches 1, 2, 3 and 4.
placed the order).
The announcements and the voice prompts can
Q/T-interface Link: always be adapted according to the customer needs,
0 see the document BusinessPhone 250/50 VMU-HD &

OFF... Q/T-Interface 1 MFU (1553-ROF 157 5126 Uen).


ON ...S-Interface 2 In case you need another language version than the

1 2


pre-configured one, please contact your local Ericsson

S-interface Support Centre.
The directory structure on the Flash card looks as
On factory delivery all switches are set to OFF follows:
\Info0 \message2 \anno0
\Info1 \message3 \anno1
Position 41 \message4 \anno2
\message5 \anno3
For some customers the DTMF detection is to :
sensitive. In case of whistling/noisy speech, it might \annoF
occur that the MFU detects DTMF tones. By switching
Switch 1 to ON the early strobe evaluation will be To modify the files on the Flash card a special
delayed, this avoids that some frequencies in the PCMCIA Compact Flash Card Adapter
human speech will be detected as DTMF tones. (RNKBS 101 02) is required, to plug it into a PCMCIA

Settings and ranges on the T-/S-interface

Refer to “BTU-B2 (ROF 157 5121/_)” on page 18

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 35(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Limitations Board assembling up to Revision

ROF 157 5126/1 R4F and ROF 157 5126/3 R1F
Only four MFU boards may be mounted per system.
MFU board(s) can be mixed with VMU-HD board(s)
but if a MFU board is installed, none of the old VMU-D ON
boards may be installed in the system. The DIP-switch is shown with both
contacts in OFF position (factory setting)
Wrong: If a MFU board is installed without compact
flash card, the complete VMU part is marked inactive. 1 2
If later on the MFU should be upgraded with a compact
flash card, then this can not be done by simply

inserting the flash card thus using the hot swapping


feature, due to different card type recognition modes.

Right: The MFU without flash card has to be removed
completely from the system (from HW and SW point of
view) and then the MFU board with plugged-in flash
card can be reinserted in the system. The previous B 990
programming of the card, has to be done again.


VMU-HD (ROF 157 5126/_)

To install unpack the VMU-HD board with the mounted

Compact Flash Card. The Compact Flash cards are
available with a capacity of :
• 64MB (ROF 157 5126/1)
• 256MB (ROF 157 5126/3)
Remove the transport protection for the hard disk and
keep it in case of re-shipment e.g. factory repair. Install
and configure the VMU-HD in the cabinet according to
the requirements in
Start Of Operation (1537-ASB 150 02 Uen).

NOTE The VMU-HD will not start up without the C


internal directories created on the hard


disk. Compact Flash card


Insert PROM RYS 102 526/2 *)


Insert PROM RYS 102 526/1 *)


Press this button to disengage the hard disk and

take it out.

*) part of order number: LZYBS 203 5126

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 36(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Board assembling for Revision DIP switches

ROF 157 5126/1 R5A and ROF 157 5126/3 R2A
The DIP switch 990 selects whether the register
ON function is enabled or not.
The DIP-switch is shown with both
contacts in OFF position (factory setting)
990/1 990/2 Function
1 2
OFF ON or 16 channels, no register function
ON OFF 8 channels with MFC detection and
DTMF / Tone receiver
ON 8 channels with MFE detection and

DTMF / Tone receiver



Flash disk (prior Hard disk)

The Flash disks will already be pre-configured in the
B 990
factory with announcements and voice prompts in the
proper language (related to the country which has
placed the order).
The announcements and the voice prompts can
always be adapted according to the customer needs,

see document BusinessPhone 250/50 VMU-HD &


MFU (1553-ROF 157 5126 Uen).


In case you need another language version than the

pre-configured one, please contact your local Ericsson
Support Centre

The directory structure on the Flash disk looks as

COMPACT \Info0 \message2 \anno0
CARD \Info1 \message3 \anno1
\message4 \anno2
\message5 \anno3



To modify the files on the Flash disk use a PC with a

Insert PROM RYS 102 526/2 *) PCMCIA drive.

Insert PROM RYS 102 526/1 *)

B Limitations

*) part of order number: LZYBS 203 5126 Only one VMU-HD ( with a PCMCIA Hard disk) can be
mounted per cabinet and just one type either VMU-HD
or VMU-D can be installed in a system.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 37(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

VMU-D (ROF 157 5117/1)

The VMU-D has no switches, but is equipped with a

back up battery, RNV 991 942/001 to prevent loss of
data in case of a power failure. Install the battery to the
connection field 4 before the exchange is started. For
safe operation, replace this battery periodically every
five years in accordance with document Maintenance
Instruction (1541-ASB 150 02 Uen).

Installation of battery back-up on VMU-D

field 4 Battery RNV 991 942/001
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 38(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

IPU (ROF 157 5133/1)

Optional DSM submodules

General PBA LEDs
(indication of a started up board)
board disconnected red

Submodule 2
Submodule 0

Submodule 1
ethernet link is blocked yellow
link is busy green

a resource on the board yellow

is blocked
DSP resource allocation green - steady
Read/Write Access on the green x300

flash card
guide for the
locking mechanism

Compact Flash card

Storage medium for the IPU COMPACT
application image and license key for FLASH
the voice channels CARD

Ethernet LEDs
MAC Address xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx

10BaseT (half duplex) dark

10BaseT (full duplex) yellow - slow flashing
100BaseT (half duplex) yellow - steady
100BaseT (full duplex) yellow - fast flashing

Ethernet link active green

(physical layer)

Ethernet Interface ABC

Tx+ 02
Tx- MAC Address
Rx+ 04
Maintenance Port TXD RTS
(V.24 port for IPU 0V 28 DTR
command shell)
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 39(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

In order to install the IPU, the following steps have to IP address administration
be performed:
ASB 150 02 supports a static IP address, BOOTP or
1 Verification of the prerequisites to the customer LAN
DHCP. When using DHCP it is a must, that for the
ASB 150 02 system and its related unique MAC-
2 Board setup address (can be read out directly from the board) a
dedicated IP-address is defined in the DHCP server.
3 Board positioning
If there is no dedicated IP-address, the DCHP server
4 Connection to the LAN always assigns a new IP address after each
ASB 150 02 system or IPU board restart, which
5 Setting up the the Trunk Gateway.
automatically requires a re-configuration of all PNR
Program the IPU and the required network
tables in the other network nodes.
functionality, as described in document ’Networking
via VoIP-lines, (366/15534-ASB 150 02 Uen)
NOTE When changing a faulty IPU board, the
6 Setting up the IP-Extensions. BOOTP and DHCP server have to be
Program the IPU, as described in document IP- updated with the new MAC-Address
Extensions, (270/15534-ASB 150 02 Uen)
The MAC-Address is stated on a sticker which is
located on the front panel of the IPU (see drawing “IPU
(ROF 157 5133/1)” on page 38 ). The MAC-Address
Verification of the prerequisites to the customer
can also be read out via command 2159.
LAN environment

The following prerequisites should be clarified with the

LAN administrator at the customer site before
connecting the ASB 150 02 system to the LAN:
In order to avoid speech delay variation or
conversation interruption (due to packet loss) the
traffic situation on the LAN segments used for the VoIP
Physical LAN access
lines should be analysed. Depending on the selected
voice transmission quality, a certain bandwidth will be
The LAN socket used for the ASB 150 02 IP access
occupied per voice call. See ’Codec/Bandwidth and
shall be near to the BusinessPhone cabinet (5 or 10
packet size table’ in document ’Networking via VoIP-
metres when using the cable TSRBS 902 007/x). The
lines, (366/15534-ASB 150 02 Uen)
cabling between the Intranet and the Socket (RJ 45
connector) shall be wired for 100BaseT connections.
We recommend that the cable is UTP Category 5 as
Quality of Service
minimum requirement.
To provide Quality of Service for Voice over IP calls,
the IPU supports "Type of Service" (priorisation of
LAN environment
voice packets) in the IP header. It has to be verified, if
this service is supported and programmed on the
The ASB 150 02 provides an interface to an Ethernet
routers in the LAN environment. If the service is not
10BaseT/100BaseTX autosense LAN environment
supported by the routers, the voice packets will be sent
according to IEEE-802.3 for half- and full duplex
transparently without any prioritization, which might
result in some speech delay, related to the current LAN
Network protocol

TCP/IP, IP Version 4
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 40(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Board setup DIP Switch position x400

Before placing the IPU into the cabinet, the board has Due to different pull-up values for the HSSC
to be equipped with the compact flash card; optional communication link on BDV 113 08 and
DSM modules and the settings of DIP-switch X400 BDV BS 101 0x cabinets, it is necessary to turn on an
have to be verified in order to match with the used additional pull-up resistor, according to the following
backplane table.

1 2
Compact Flash Card

The Compact Flash Card is used to store the IPU
application image as well as the license of the enabled Switch 1 Switch 2 Backplane type
bi-directional voice channels, see document
on off BDV 113 08 (BP 250)
Maintenance Instructions (1541-ASB 150 02 Uen)
PUB 5 in combination with PUB 6
off off BDV 113 08 (BP 250)
NOTE In order to be able to use all licensed voice
channels, an appropriate number of
DSM1 submodules must be mounted, on off BDV BS 101 0x (BP 50,BP128i)
PUB 50, PUB50/19
supporting this amount of channels.
Plug the Compact Flash card into the position x300
according to the drawing “IPU (ROF 157 5133/1)” on Board positioning
page 38.
Place the IPU into the cabinet according to the rules
mentioned in chapter “Placing of boards” on page 4.
Digital signal processing modul (DSM)

Apart from the Compact Flash card, the IPU has to be Connection to the LAN
equipped with DSM submodules. The number of
supported voice channels depend on the type of the Connect the IPU to the LAN by using the cable
DSM module, TSRBS 902 0007/1 or /2, whereby the Ericsson plug
is connected to the position 6/1of the IPU.
Article number Function
ROA 219 5114/1 DSM1 - 12 bi-directional voice channels
independent of used voice codec.
ROA 219 5114/2 DSM2 - 16 bi-directional voice channels,
independent of used voice codec.
ROA 219 5114/3 DSM3 - 16 bi-directional voice channels,
independent of used voice codec.

Mount the the DSM submodule according to the

drawing “IPU (ROF 157 5133/1)” on page 38.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 41(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

IAS (ROF 157 5134/1)

General PBA LEDs X35 2 1

board disconnected red Switch 1 and 2 must have the
flashing at start up yellow same position. ON is default .
internal V.24 ind. busy green OFF disconnects the 48V ON
from the backplane - used in
case of external DC source.
IAS reset button
PC Leds
PC is powered green
PC - running red

LAN Leds
LAN link integrity. green
ON - connection alive
10 or 100 Mbps

LAN-activity: yellow
flashing - indicates
transmit/receive activity

External power input

for switch off protection

PC reset button
PC shutdown

Keyboard Place for

Mouse 2 x dongle
Monitor HASP
LAN Interface

2 x USB

V.24 interface (Com 1) X36 Switch 1 and 2 must have the

e,g, for CCS walldisplay same position. ON is default
SMS gateway OFF deactivates the onboard
modem clock
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 42(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

IP address administration

A PROM RYS 102 558/1 *)

The IAS supports a static IP address or DHCP. When
using DHCP it is a must, that for the IAS and its related
PROM RYS 102 558/2 *)
B unique MAC-address (can be read out with the IAS
config tool) a dedicated IP-address is defined in the
*) part of number: LZY 203 5134 DHCP server.

In order to install the IAS, the following steps have to NOTE When changing a faulty IAS board, the
be performed: DHCP server have to be updated with the
1 Verification of the prerequisites to the customer LAN new MAC-Address
environment The MAC-Address can be read out via IAS
2 Board setup configuration tool.

3 Board positioning
4 Connection to the LAN Board setup

5 Connection of the external power input Before placing the IAS into the cabinet, the settings of
(recommended) DIP-switch X35 (backplane feeding) and X36 (onboard
clock) have to be verified. Additionally a WIBU and/or
a HASP dongle might be connected.
Verification of the prerequisites to the customer
LAN environment
Board positioning
The following prerequisites should be clarified with the
LAN administrator at the customer site before Place the IAS into the cabinet according to the rules
connecting the ASB 150 02 system to the LAN: mentioned in chapter “Placing of boards” on page 4.

Physical LAN access Battery Backup

The IAS LAN connection shall be wired for 10/ The IAS board and it’s running applications are quite
100BaseT connections. We recommend that the cable sensible againts power loss. Possible problems might
is UTP Category 5 as minimum requirement. pop up: Head crash on the hard disk, damage of the
file system and data loss. To avoid these kind of
problems, it is highly recommended to connect a
LAN environment battery backup option to the system.

The ASB 150 02 provides an interface to an Ethernet For further details regarding battery backup option in
10BaseT/100BaseTX autosense LAN environment the BP 250 (BDV 113 08) and BP50 (BDVBS 101 05)
according to IEEE-802.3 for half- and full duplex cabinet see following documents:
operation Power Supply with Battery Charger BP 250
BML 351 013/6

Network protocol Power Supply with Battery Charger BP 250

BML 351 048
TCP/IP, IP Version 4 Power Supply with Battery Charger BP 50
BMLBS 101 01/_

NOTE As the BP128i (BDVBS 101 06) cabinet backup option an external UPS has to be
does not support any integrated battery considered for the 19” rack.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 43(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Switch off protection Integrated Cordless

The Switch off protection keeps the IAS running The Integrated Cordless (IC) is a digital cordless
even when the cabinet in which the IAS is positioned telephone solution complying to the DECT standard
will be unintentionally switched off. providing wireless connection for up to 108 portables
The function is supported in conjunction with a BP 250 with the A-protocol and 210 portables in GAP-protocol
cabinet + Battery Backup option + the power cable applications in the cabinet BDV 113 08. Applications
TSRBS 902 25/1 (part of every IAS delivery) equipped with the cabinet BDVBS 101 0x are limited to
64 portables.
1 Connect the ends of the power cable
TSRBS 902 25/1 to the external power input on the After the system has been physically installed use the
IAS as well as to the output D3 on the BML 351 048 BMS and for initialization, maintenance, updating, fault
or to the output C on the BML 351 013. finding and when possible to recover the PBX from
The Switch off protection is not supported in
conjunction with the BP 50 and BP128i cabinet.
When using a BP 50 or BP128i cabinet or if no Board Descriptions
Battery Backup option is available for the BP250
cabinet the IAS board must be shut down by using
the shut down button before the system can be IC-Control Unit (IC-CU)
switched off.
The IC-CU (only for cabinet BDV 113 08) is the control
In order to remind every technician about the installed
board supporting the A-protocol for all the IC-LUs
IAS a special sticker with a warning notice
located in the same cabinet. The board offers 2
(SVBBS 101 0/1, part of every IAS delivery) has to be
connections for:
attached to both cabinet types. For the exact position
of the sticker see dedicated installation instructions of • a printer to log errors.
the cabinets.
• the Feature Enabling Control Unit (FECU).

IC-Control Unit2 (IC-CU2)

The IC-CU2 is the control board supporting the DECT

GAP-protocol for all the IC-LUs located in the same
cabinet. The IC-CU2 comprises 8 voice channel units
and 4 Base Station (BS) interfaces. The wiring range
with remote power feeding to the BSs using only the
serial communication wires SC0 and SC1 is limited to
400 meters. For longer cable lines additional Express
Power feeding Pairs (EPP) need to be wired. The
maximum wire length between the BS (with local
power feeding) and IC-CU2 or IC-LU is only data
limited and may extend up to 1900 meters.
The board offers the following connections:
• a printer to log errors
• 4 Base Stations
• the Feature Enabling Control Unit (FECU).
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 44(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

IC-Line Unit (IC-LU) NOTE In case of the BDVBS 101 05 the

backplane PUB 50 R3A or higher is
The IC-LU is a line board controlling and feeding up to required to support the IC-LU board
8 Base Stations (BS). This board transcodes the voice
signal (PCM <-> ADPCM) for 8 simultaneous speech
channels in the Speech Processing Unit (SPU), Number of portables
provides echo cancelling, controls the digital link and
power feeding. The wiring distance with remote power The Feature Enabling Control Unit (FECU) which will
feeding to the BSs using only the serial communication be connected to the IC-CU_, determines the maximum
wires SC0 and SC1 is limited to 400m. For line lengths number of portables which are allowed to be
up to 1600 meters additional Express Power feeding connected to the system. This plug is available for
Pairs (EPP) need to be wired. The maximum wire various numbers of cordless telephones. For up to 8
length between BS (with local power feeding) and IC- portables no plug is required.
LU is only data limited and may extend up to 1900
meters. FECU no. Number of Portables
In any case the total current capability of the power KDU 130 05/1 16
supply(s) has to be considered. Refer to chapter
power consumption of the telephones when KDU 130 05/2 24
calculating the total system power demand. KDU 130 05/3 32
Usually the ranges mentioned above will be sufficient KDU 130 05/4 48
for most installations. For special cases where greater KDU 130 05/5 64
distances have to be covered, see “System Power
KDU 130 05/6 108 *)
Consumption” on page 64. Install the board in the
cabinet, after the prerequisites mentioned in “Placing KDU 130 05/7 210 *)
of boards” on page 4 have been provided.
*) Not applicable for the cabinets BDVBS 101 05
and BDVBS 101 06.
Board Positioning

The IC-CU_ board must always be one with the lowest Traffic Capacity Estimation Using
board position number, therefore insert the IC-LU BDV 113 08
boards on the right side of the IC-CU_ board in the
same cabinet. The IC-LUs can only be installed in the The traffic capacity of the Cordless part of the PBX is
same cabinet where the IC-CU2 is positioned. mainly determined by the IC-CU_ and type of cabinet
used and in exceptional cases also by the Base
Stations. The IC-CU2 can handle up to 60
Capacities simultaneous calls. Each Base Station has a capacity
of 8 simultaneous calls.
The traffic capacity of the IC-CU2 is determined by:
Number of IC-LUs and Base Stations
• the Grade Of Service (GOS) required by the
Cabinet BDV 113 08: customer
• IC-CU + max. 7 IC-LUs = 56 BS • the number of speech circuits available, with a limit
of 64.
• IC-CU2 + max. 7 IC-LUs = 60 BS
GOS: The Grade Of Service is the probability that a
Cabinets BDVBS 101 05 and BDVBS 101 06:
call is rejected because of system congestion. The
• IC-CU2 + max. 1 IC-LU = 12 BS customer has to indicate which Grade Of Service is
acceptable. A Grade Of Service of 1%, or 0.01, means
an average of 1 lost call in every 100 calls.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 45(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

The IC-CU2 and each IC-LU is equipped with an SPU Minutes per hour: mErlang:
providing 8 speech circuits that are shared by the
whole cordless system. So the number of installed (up 15 250
to 7) IC-LUs determines, how many circuits are 18 300
available to the system. 30 500
The two parameters mentioned above (GOS and the 45 750
number of speech circuits) and the total amount of
traffic (Erlang) required, are related to each other. The
table below shows the capacity at a required GOS. Example
Practically, this table is used to calculate from a given
GOS and Erlang value the number of IC-LUs needed. A customer orders a system with 55 portable
The Erlang value is the total traffic generated by all telephones, estimates that each portable generates
portables. The table below shows the Erlang values for 200 mE traffic in average. These values require a
a number of speech channels and at a required GOS. system with a traffic capacity of 11 E (0,2x55). With an
accepted GOS of 0.5% the number of IC-LUs is found
as follows:
Grade of service (GOS) The total traffic is 11 E. In the column of 0.5% GOS,
Speech the next higher value of 11 E is 14.2 E, resulting in 3
IC-LU circuits 2% 1% 0.5% 0.1% IC-LUs (0, 1 and 2 = 3).
0 8 3.6 3.2 2.7 2.1 So, the system shall be equipped with 3 IC-LUs,
1 16 9.8 8.9 8.1 6.7 offering the client 14.2 E instead of 11. This means that
2 24 16.6 15.3 14.2 12.2 the system has an over-capacity of 3.2 E, which allows
the concurrent system usage of up to 16 portables
3 32 23.8 22.1 20.6 18.2 without reducing the Grade Of Service nor the need of
4 40 31.0 29.0 27.3 24.5 more IC-LUs.
5 48 38.4 36.1 34.2 30.9 Thus 56 circuits with an accepted GOS of 0.5% would
6 56 45.9 43.3 41.2 37.5 result in a maximum traffic capacity of 41.2 E for the
7 64 53.4 50.6 48.3 44.2

NOTE 64 speech channels are available but only

60 portables can simultaneously initiate
For the calculation it is necessary to estimate the time
the portables actually make calls. The table below
shows the Erlang value depending on the estimated
mean call-minutes for a portable telephone. These
values may be different between departments
depending on their activities. These values multiplied
by the number of portables result in a traffic capacity
that has to be provided.

Minutes per hour: mErlang:

3 50
6 100
9 150
12 200
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 46(97)
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Traffic Capacity Estimation Using Traffic Capacity of Base Stations

BDVBS 101 0x
A Base Station, supports 8 speech channels, has an
The IC-CU2’s + 1 IC-LU traffic capacity is limited to 16 Erlang value of 2.7 at a GOS of 0.5%. This means that
speech transcoders. Each Base Station has a capacity each Base Station can serve 18 portables
of 8 simultaneous calls. The Grade Of Service (GOS) (2.7=0.15x18), assuming each portable generates 150
is the probability that a call is rejected because of mE during busy hour, or otherwise calculated it can
system congestion. The customer has to indicate serve 13.5 portables generating 200 mE each
which Grade Of Service is acceptable to her/him. A (2.7=0.2x13.5).
Grade Of Service of 1%, or 0.01 means an average of
1 lost call in every 100 calls.
How the GOS, the 16 speech circuits and the total
amount of traffic (Erlang) required in the system are A full coverage of a building shall be achieved using 4
related to each other are shown in the table below (the Base Stations. We calculate that 55 portables
Erlang value at a required GOS). generate 11 Erl. of traffic (e.g. 55 x 0.200 = 11 Erl). The
4 Base Stations traffic capacity is calculated by 4 x 2.7
Grade of service (GOS) = 10.8 Erl.(less than 11 Erl.)This is insufficient so
another Base Station in the area of the busiest part of
IC-LU circuits 2% 1% 0.5% 0.1%
the company has to be added.
0 8 3.6 3.2 2.7 2.1
Practically, the total capacity offered by the cordless
1 16 9.8 8.9 8.1 6.7 network is generally more than sufficient, but this is
from an average point of view. In certain places, traffic
For the calculation it is necessary to estimate the time demands may vary such that locally the network is
the portables actually make calls. The Erlang table in often blocked, or has a lower GOS than required. For
chapter Traffic Capacity Estimation Using BDV 113 08 instance a purchase department may easily generate
shows the traffic value depending on the estimated 300 mE per Portable during busy hour, thus, when e.g.
mean call-minutes for a portable telephone. These with 6 persons giving a very high load on the Base
values maybe differ between the departments Station close by. It may be necessary to add a Base
depending on their activities. These values multiplied Station in this area to have enough capacity for others
by the number of portables result in a traffic capacity to call as well. Also think of e.g. factory canteens
that has to be provided. during lunch time etc.


A customer orders a system with 24 portable

telephones and estimates that each portable
generates 150 mE in average (that is 9 minutes off-
hook time per portable per hour). With an accepted
GOS of 2.0% the system has a traffic capacity of 3.6
Erl. (0.15x24=3.6).
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 47(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Board IC-CU (ROF 157 5128) (A-Protocol)

RP yellow
Start-up red
CPU Error state green A
T & M active green
BS2 9627

(KDU 130 05/__)
ON Switch 1 in position OFF
disconnects the battery for
the RAM and DCT clock
1 2


0V 20 DTR
n.c. 24 CTS
RYS 102 529/1

TXM 26 RTS RYS 102 527/1

0V 28 DTR

A Insert PROM RYS 102 528/2

B Insert PROM RYS 102 528/1

NOTE When connecting the maintenance port to a modem for remote maintenance, first connect the BMS
cable to the maintenance port and the other end to a 0-modem plug/cable and then to the modem.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 48(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Board IC-CU2 (ROF 157 5131/_) (GAP-Protocol)

Revision lower than R3A.

Switch 1 and 2 must have the same
RP error red ON
Individual blocked yellow position. ON (default) 48V from the
Individual busy green backplane. OFF activates external
CPU error/DCT error log green DC input and disconnects the
SPU error red backplane. 1 2
CLU error red
RYS 102 531/1
RYS 102 531/2

BS2 9727

(KDU 130 05/__)

RYS 102 554/1
External power input via V0(-)
front connector (to enable
set switch 1and 2 to OFF)
RYSNB 101 20

to power supply BML 351 048 TSRBS 101 12/1500

Express Power feeding to base stations

A C RYSNB 101 19

EPP(V0(-)) 18 EPP(V1(+))
To BS 4
EPP(V0(-)) 22 EPP(V1(+)) RYS 102 553/1
To BS 3

EPP(V0(-)) 26 EPP(V1(+))
To BS 2 RYSNB 101 23/2 remove paper
28 insulation
EPP(V0(-)) 30 EPP(V1(+))
To BS 1
0V 20 DTR used to connect a
Serial communication to base stations printer, to perform traces
A C RCV 22 DCD or to connect the
02 n.c. 24 CTS
messaging server.
To BS 4 SC0 SC1
04 TXM 26 RTS
06 0V 28 DTR
To BS 3 SC0 SC1
To BS 2 SC0 SC1 DSR 32 CTS
To BS 1 SC0 SC1
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 49(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Board IC-CU2 (ROF 157 5131/_) (GAP-Protocol)

Revision R3A and higher.

Switch 1 and 2 must have the same
RP error red ON
Individual blocked yellow position. ON (default) 48V from the
Individual busy green backplane. OFF activates external
CPU error/DCT error log green DC input and disconnects the
backplane. 1 2
SPU error red
CLU error red
RYS 102 531/1 *)
DSP circuit OK: green (blinking)
RYS 102 531/2 *)

RYS 102 549/1
BS2 9727

(KDU 130 05/__)
RYS 102 554/1
External power input via V0(-)
front connector (to enable
set switch 1and 2 to OFF)
RYSNB 101 20

to power supply BML 351 048 TSRBS 101 12/1500

Express power feeding to Base stations
A C RYSNB 101 19

EPP(V0(-)) 18 EPP(V1(+))
To BS 4
EPP(V0(-)) 22 EPP(V1(+)) RYS 102 553/1
To BS 3

EPP(V0(-)) 26 EPP(V1(+))
To BS 2 RYSNB 101 23/2 remove paper
28 insulation
EPP(V0(-)) 30 EPP(V1(+))
To BS 1
0V 20 DTR used to connect a
Serial communication to base stations printer, to perform traces
A C RCV 22 DCD or to connect the
02 n.c. 24 CTS messaging server.
To BS 4 SC0 SC1
04 TXM 26 RTS
06 0V 28 DTR
To BS 3 SC0 SC1
To BS 2 SC0 SC1 DSR 32 CTS
To BS 1 SC0 SC1

*) part of order number: LZYBS 203 5131

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 50(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Board IC-LU (ROF 157 5129)

Up to revision R2A.

Speech reset active Red

Processing Unit board not polled Red RYS NB 101 22/3
board error Red
reset CLP Red
Cell Link Unit board not polled Red
board error and/or Red +

Base Station not initialized RYS NB 101 20

External power input via front
(to enable set switch 1 to ON) V1(+)
Set switch 1 to ON to
disconnect 48V feeding from
the backplane and enable

feeding from front connector
BS2 9627


to power supply TSRBS 101 12/1500 for all lines.

BML 351 013 or
BML 351 048 The IC-LU board can supply up to 1.5A to
Base station 7-8
the Base Stations via the back plane.
Higher currents have to be supplied via the
Base station 5-6 front connector.
Express Power fedding to base
Base station 3-4

Base station 1-2

(-)) 02
EPP (V0 EPP (V1(+))
To BS 2
04 +

EPP (V0(-)) 06 (+)

EPP (V1 ) To BS 1

Base station 5-8
Serial communication to RYS NB 101 19
base stations

A C Base station 1-4

SC0 SC1 To BS 4

SC0 SC1 To BS 3
SC0 SC1 To BS 2

SC0 SC1 To BS 1

NOTE Use only the cable TSRBS 902 0001/_ (or equivalent) for wiring to the MDF (Main distribution frame).
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 51(97)
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External power input

(Only for cabinet BDV 113 08) This cable is used if the
current of all Base Stations connected to the IC-LU
exceeds 1.5A. This cable connects either to another
power supply in another cabinet or to the same
cabinet’s power supply. The current feed by this cable
must also be considered in the power calculation of the
BML 351 048 and BML 351 013.

Overvoltage Protection

All lines leading outside the building to Base Stations

must be fitted with 90V gas-filled surge arresters
between every wire to ground.
Depending on the used MDF following overvoltage
protections are available:

Ericsson connection block:

• NFD 251 01 Overvoltage protection cassette

• NGC 402 01 Overvoltage arrestors (2pcs per line)

Krone connection block:

• 769 027/3 Overvoltage protection cassette

• NGC 402 01 Overvoltage arrestors (2pcs per line)
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 52(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Board IC-LU (ROF 157 5129)

Revision R2A and higher, but earlier than revision R3A.

Processing Unit

board error Red

Cell Link Unit board error and/or
Base Station not initialized

External power input via V0(-)

front connector (to enable RYS 102 554/1
RYS NB 101 20
Set switch 1 and 2 to ON to ON
connect 48V feeding from
BS2 9627

to power supply TSRBS 101 12/1500 RYS NB 101 19 the backplane. The IC-LU
BML 351 013 or board can supply up to 1.5A
BML 351 048 11 22
Base station 7-8 to the Base

Stations via the back plane. Set switch 1

Base station 5-6 and 2 to OFF, if higher currents are
Express Power feeding to needed. Connect external power via the
base station
Base station 3-4 front connector.

Base station 1-2

EPP (V0(-)) 02 EPP (V1(+))
To BS 2
EPP (V0(-)) 06 EPP (V1(+)) To BS 1

Base station 5-8
Serial communication to
base stations

Base station 1-4

SC0 SC1 To BS 4

SC0 SC1 To BS 3
SC0 SC1 To BS 2

SC0 SC1 To BS 1

NOTE Use only the cable TSRBS 902 0001/__ (or equivalent) for the wiring to the MDF.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 53(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Board IC-LU (ROF 157 5129)

Revision R3A and higher.

DSP circuit OK: green (blinking)
Processing Unit

board error Red

Cell Link Unit board error and/or
Base Station not initialized
RYS 102 549/1
External power input via V0(-)
front connector (to enable RYS 102 554/1
RYS NB 101 20
Set switch 1 and 2 to ON to ON
connect 48V feeding from
BS2 9627

to power supply TSRBS 101 12/1500 RYS NB 101 19 the backplane. The IC-LU
BML 351 013 or board can supply up to 1.5A
BML 351 048 11 22
Base station 7-8 to the Base

Stations via the back plane. Set switch 1

Base station 5-6 and 2 to OFF, if higher currents are
Express Power feeding to needed. Connect external power via the
base station
Base station 3-4 front connector.

Base station 1-2

EPP (V0(-)) 02 EPP (V1(+))
To BS 2
EPP (V0(-)) 06 EPP (V1(+)) To BS 1

Base station 5-8

Serial communication to
base stations

Base station 1-4

SC0 SC1 To BS 4

SC0 SC1 To BS 3
SC0 SC1 To BS 2

SC0 SC1 To BS 1

NOTE Use only the cable TSRBS 902 0001/__ (or equivalent) for the wiring to the MDF.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 54(97)
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External power input Base Station (KRCNB 201 03/_ , BS 330 &
BS 340)
(Only for cabinet BDV 113 08) This cable is used if the
current of all Base Stations connected to the IC-LU The Base Station (BS) enables radio communication
exceeds 1.5A. This cable connects either to another between the Integrated Cordless system and the
power supply in another cabinet or to the same portable telephones. The communication via two 2B+D
cabinet’s power supply. The current feed by this cable interfaces, requires two twisted pair cables. Both
must also be considered in the power calculation of the interfaces provide in total eight 32 kbit/s speech paths
BML 351 048 and BML 351 013. between a BS and a IC-LU, enabling a BS to handle
eight simultaneous calls. The BS is connected to the
IC-CU2 or IC-LU via two wire pairs called serial
Overvoltage Protection communication wires (SC0 & SC1) carrying up to 8
simultaneous digital voice connections and the central
All lines leading outside the building to Base Stations power feeding. Apart from data communication these
must be fitted with 90V gas-filled surge arresters two twisted pairs are also be used to distribute power
between every wire to ground. to the BSs. Two additional pairs can be wired to
Depending on the used MDF following overvoltage provide a greater powering range. There are three
protections are available: methods to power BSs:
• centrally via backplane (with or without EPP)

Ericsson connection block: • centrally via external input (with / w.o EPP)
• via local power supply (optional).
• NFD 251 01 Overvoltage protection cassette
With the first and second methods power is distributed
• NGC 402 01 Overvoltage arrestors (2pcs per line) via the IC-LU to the BS. The cable length between BS
and IC-LU depends on the number of wires used for
power feeding, the type of cable and the
Krone connection block: environmental noise. In the third case (local feeding),
BSs are powered by an AC-adapter or another power
• 769 027/3 Overvoltage protection cassette source which is not routed via the cabinet.
• NGC 402 01 Overvoltage arrestors (2pcs per line) The number of BSs used in a system depends on the
area to be covered and the traffic density. Typical in-
house coverage is up to 30 meter radius. In practice
the cell size may vary between 10 meters indoors in
worst case situations, up to 300 meters outdoor in free
space. The precise cable lenght specification is given
in “IC-Line Unit (IC-LU)” on page 44.
The BS has two main functions:
• to modulate a carrier with the digital encoded
information (TDMA frame directed to a portable)
• to demodulate a modulated carrier (TDMA frame
received from a portable).
A special cover (KRY NB 101 01) is available to mount
the BS (KRCNB 201 03) outdoors providing splash
proof housing and water tight sealings for the wiring.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 55(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Base Station Planning

The major task when providing a wireless service is to

estimate the number of BSs and to find their most
suitable location. A number of factors tends to limit the
range of a BS like the materials the wall is composed
Intermediate floor
of or the location and size of machines, furniture, air-
conditioning systems, elevators etc. This results in
unexpected reflections or absorption of radio waves. 3,5m
Generally BSs should not be located on outer walls,
except if the outdoor area has to be covered as well,
as this reduces the inhouse area actually covered. All e.g. 40m
of these unpredictable influencing factors makes it
extremely difficult to define rules for how to cover an
area with a suitable number of BSs. In difficult
environments the use of a site survey tool (LTT NB 101
Ground floor corridor
01/_) is recommended.

Establish a Base Station plan for the installation site to Base Station 1
determine the best location for the BSs.

Base Station aerial range

Base Stations Cabling
• In an office environment in a steel concrete building
up to 30 m in diameter can be covered including the Using a four-pair cable or multi-pair cable, the free
neighbouring floors, under normal conditions. cable pairs can be used as additional powering wires
• Production halls up to 200 m in diameter are (EPP, extra powering pair) to increase the feeding
covered but the ranges in it can be less if bulky distance and reduce overall power consumption (by
machines, cranes etc. are part of the interior. reducing the ohmic cable resistance) to the BS. The
BSs can also be powered by an on-site adapter (refer
• Outdoor ranges can be up to 300m. to “Power Feeding of Base Stations” on page 62).
When installing a BS, position it, then walk around to Connection of serial communication wires and EPP
determine the resulting cell coverage area either by lines is polarity-independent. SC0-0 and SC0-1 may
listening to the speech quality - whether mutes or be interchanged but SC0-x and SC1-x may not be
crackling sounds are heard in the portable - or interchanged. The diagram below shows the wiring
measure the RQI indicator using the portables Service principle to each base station connected to the IC-CU2
Display facility (see Fault Tracing, 1545-ASB 150 02 or IC-LU.

Power feeding of the Base Station

There are three alternatives to power feed (-48V) the

Base Station:
• The power feeding can be taken via the IC-CU2 or
IC-LU from the back plane in the cabinet. The DIP-
switch on the IC-LU is set to OFF.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 56(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

• From an external power source via the front • By an AC-adapter (see “Power Feeding of Base
connector on the IC-CU2 or IC-LU (≤56V). Note the Stations” on page 62). The switch on the IC-CU2
polarity on the input (see drawing of IC-CU2 or IC- and IC-LU should be set to ON, but no power is fed
LU board). The switch on the IC-CU2 or IC-LU is set from the external power source via the front
to ON. connector on the IC-LU.

-48V from V0- 48V external SC0-a

backplane V1+ (optional) SC0-b

S1&2 SC1-a
+ DC
Data/power connector 1
SC0-a - DC
up to 2 power pairs "EPP
CLC x +T carrying V0- and V1+
SC0-b EPPb
(one of 4
or 8)
+T SC0-a
EPPa Data/power SC0-b
connector 2
EPPb SC1-a
available only on
Base Station SC1-b
KRC NB 301 01/_
Base Station KRC NB 201 03/_ and
KRC NB 301 01/_

Base station cable delay measurement 3 Measure the cable delay. The measured delay is the
time between sending a pulse down the line and
After all base stations have been installed, the cable receiving the echo. Therefore the recorded value is
delays must be measured in order to program the base twice the cable delay and must be halved. The
station delays into the system at initialization time. On resulting value must have an accuracy of 200 ns
IC-LUs with the revision R1D and higher and IC-CU2 (corresponding with 20 – 30 m).
revision R1C or higher an automatic delay
4 Record on paper the delay value measured for each
measurement is performed. In this cases no
base station in microseconds, together with the
measurement is needed but using the cordless system
base station number.
manager (CSM) go to the menu "add Base Station"
and enter a "1" in the field "delay". 5 Repeat the delay measurement for all base stations.
Base station delays are measured at the radio 6 Re-connect the connectors to the IC-LU or IC-CU2.
exchange with an echo-meter connected to the cable
Another possibility is measuring the ohmic resistance:
data pair SC0 or SC1 and with the cable open ended
at both the neighbouring floors. So the cable must be • Connect to SC0 or SC1 measure the resistance of
disconnected from the IC-LU or IC-CU2 as well as the loop and divide the result by 3,3. This is the
from the base station. value to be entered at system initialization in the
Cordless System Manager.
1 Make sure that the base station cable is unplugged
from the base station and the relevant connector on This formula applies for wires of 0.5 mm diameter.
the matching IC-LU or IC-CU2. After all lines to the Base Stations have been
measured, connect the Base Stations by plugging-in
2 Connect an echo-meter to the cable pair SC0 or the connectors.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 57(97)
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Ranges on cables

The following ranges are given for base stations

connected to an IC-CU2 and IC-LU. Depending on the
cable type, the ranges depend on noise levels
imposed on the cables. The values stated are
maximum achievable ranges:

Maximum cable
length with
Cable diameter Capacitan- 8 mV/ 10 mV/
Type (∅) ce pHz pHz
Twisted 0.4 mm 45 nF/km 1.2 km 1.0 km
Twisted 0.5 mm 45 nF/km 1.6 km 1.4 km
Twisted 0.5 mm 120 nF/km 0.9 km 0.8 km
Twisted 0.6 mm 45 nF/km 1.9 km 1.7 km
Twisted 0.6 mm 120 nF/km 1.1 km 1.0 km
Double 0.6 mm 120 nF/km 1.0 km 0.9 km
twisted pair
(J-Y (St)Y
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 58(97)
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Base Station (KRC NB 203 01/_) If power is supplied by the adapter (BMLNB 101 04),
the screw/slide connector must be used. The serial
The Base Station (BS) is supplied with a drilling communication wires can be connected via the
template to mount the unit and 2 antennas with TNC modular jack or the screw/slide connector. A screw
connectors. Mount the unit in a suitable location to with a bundling cord holder is provided for traction
provide the best communication coverage. relief to the left of the connection field.The BS starts up
if the supply lines deliver more than 12 VDC.
Use the supplied drilling template and mount the BS
with four screws (6 mm ∅). Complete the electrical
connection according to the above drawing. Do not
connect to the Base station yet.


Status of LEDs Meaning

holes (4x) Power LED on (green) BS power on
TNC connector
Reset LED on (red) Power Fail/Reset
LED1 and LED2 on or LED1 and BS in non operational mode
LED2 flashing
LED1 and LED2 off BS operational (no traffic)
LED1 off and LED2 on BS operational (traffic)
LED1 on and LED2 off Fatal software error


X52 X51

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 screw/slide
modular jack or





Use connectors 5 & 6 for AC adapter



connection. This input is insensitive to

polarity reversal

NOTE If the Base Station (KRC NB 201 03/_) is accessible by persons other than trained personnel, mount the
cover (SDFNB 101101/_ or similar).
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 59(97)
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Base Station BS330 (KRCNB 301 03/_)


Front view Rear view

8 pin
LED1 modular plug

SC = Serial Channel
EPP = Express Power Pair Factory testing Data/power Data/power
NC = Not connected 6 pin modular plug

The BS 330 is connected to the radio exchange by LEDs

means of a standard twisted pair cable. The BS can be
fixed to a wall, a ceiling, a pole or a beam, by means of LED 1: Green power LED
the mounting bracket included. When fixing the BS to a
LED 2: Three colour LED, see table below
wall or ceiling the included plugs and screws must be
used. When fixing it to a pole or beam a (not included)
strap or a flexible metal band must be used. Status of LED2 Meaning
Off Base station operational and no
traffic on the base station
Green Base station operational and
• Two 8-pin modular jacks for data and powering traffic on the base station
Red Base station is malfunctioning
• A 6-pin modular jack for factory testing
Amber Base station is OK, but not
The two data/powering connectors are interconnected available (self-test, not initialized,
on the board. no communication with radio
Flashing green All 8 channels are in use
Flashing amber Software is being downloaded to
the base station

The BSs can be mounted vertically or horizontally.

Mount the BSs at places and positions as determined
in the system configuration plan. The BS must be
placed in a way, that it is not facing big metal objects
such as large heating pipes or machinery.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 60(97)
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Fixing the mounting bracket to a wall

Fix the mounting bracket (see figure below) to the wall as follows:
1 Hold the mounting bracket with its flat side against the wall such that the text ‘TOP’ is the right way up, and mark
the two holes. The minimum distance between the upper hole and the ceiling or any object above the BS must be
as least 65 mm. If the distance is less than 65 mm, the BS cannot be slid onto the bracket.
2 When using wall plugs, take a ∅ 6 mm drill and drill the two holes and insert the included wall plugs.
3 Position the mounting bracket with its flat side to the wall and fasten it with the two included ∅ 3.5 mm screws.

≥ 65 mm


Fixing the mounting bracket to a pole or beam

The mounting bracket can be attached to a pole (diameter ≥ 45 mm) or a beam (wider than 50 mm) by means of a
strap or flexible metal band less than 30 mm wide. Position the mounting bracket to a pole or a beam so that the text
‘TOP’ is right way up. The strap or flexible metal band must be purchased locally.

Tied wrongly
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 61(97)
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Cable ducts

65 mm

57 mm

125 mm

75 mm 70 mm

15 mm thick cable ducts

When the BS is mounted to the wall, cable ducts can be used to route the wiring through.
• Fix the cable duct to the wall in one of the positions shown in the left figure.
• For safety reasons secure the BS cable to a convenient point at about 30 cm from the base station.
If for some reason the BS drops, the cable is pulled out of the base station.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 62(97)
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Mounting the Base Station

Hold the BS flat against the mounting bracket and move it downwards until it clicks.

NOTE After completion of the installation, base stations must be initialized using the cordless system manager.

Power Feeding of Base Stations

When using any of the adapters mentioned below, care must be taken to configure the IC-CU2 boards for local BS
feeding. If the BSs are to be fed locally the remote power feeding switch on the boards should be set to the position
disconnecting the feeding from the back plane and no external feeding to the board should be connected.

Adapter for Base Station (KRCNB 201 03/_)

An AC-adapter to feed the BS locally is available for 230VAC/24VDC (BMLNB 101 04) for all European countries
except for the UK and Cyprus. In other countries it has to be purchased locally and must meet the specifications
given below:
• Output voltage: between 12 V and 56VDC
• Output power: 7.5W minimum

Adapter for Base Station (KRCNB 301 03/_)

The 24 VDC adapter (BMLNB 101 09/n) is fitted with a 8-pin modular plug that can be plugged into one of the data/
power connectors of the base station.

Software upgrade

If necessary, the software in the BS can be updated by downloading new software to the BS. Downloading can be
performed without disconnecting the BS. The new software is stored in the flash memory.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 63(97)
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Base Station BS 340 (KRCNB 302 01/1)

The BS340 could best be described as a BS330 base

station with two omni-directional external antennas.
For all other information please refer to chapter “Base
Station BS330 (KRCNB 301 03/_)” on page 59.

Content of the box

The box in which the base station is packed contains:

• A base station
• Two antennas
• A mounting bracket
• Two screws with wall plugs


NOTE The base station can not be mounted with

the antennas pointing downwards as the
mounting bracket does not support it.
Before following the installation instructions as
described in chapter “Base Station BS330 (KRCNB
301 03/_)” on page 59, insert the antennas into the
base station.

Wireless Relay Station BS370 (KRCNB 303


The BS370 Wireless Relay Station (WRS) is a base

station without cable connection to the system. The
BS370 is connected to a host base station through a
radio link. The BS370 provides coverage where
cabling is difficult or impossible, e.g. in parking areas.
The radio coverage of the BS370 is comparable to the
radio coverage of the BS340.
The BS330, BS340 and DCT1800/Core base station
can be used as host base station. All host base
stations must have base station software with revision
level R2A or higher.
For details refer to Installation instructions BS370
(1531-NTM/KRCNB 303 01 Uen) - available in PDF
format on the OaM - CD.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 64(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

System Power Consumption

Current Consumption
Extension Power Demand

(typical, mA)
The extension equipment DBC 7xx is not intended to
be used with BDVBS 101 0x.

DBC 223 + 1 DBY 419 01 12,8
Current Consumption DBC 223 + 2 DBY 419 01 13,1
DBC 223 + 3 DBY 419 01 13,4
DBC 223 + 4 DBY 419 01 13,7
(typical, mA)

Operator DBC 663 77

DBC 214 45
Telephones DBC 214 + 1* DBY 409 01 45

Basic DBC 199 30 DBC 214 + 2* DBY 409 01 45

DBC 210 14 DBC 214 + 1* DBY 409 02 45

Lite DBC 220 8,1 DBC 214 + 4* DBY 409 02 45

Economy DBC 751 38 DBC 224 13,6

DBC 601 27 DBC 224 + 1 DBY 419 01 13,9

Economyplus DBC 201 30 DBC 224 + 2 DBY 419 01 14,2

DBC 211 20 DBC 224 + 3 DBY 419 01 14,5

Standard DBC 752 50 DBC 224 + 4 DBY 419 01 14,8

DBC 755 50 Analoge telephones 20

DBC 631 65 TAU 2610 4

DBC 202 30 Desktop Adapter 23

DBC 212 20 S-Interface (per physical link) 50

Office DBC 222 12,5 * with connected external power supply.

DBC 222 + 1 DBY 419 01 12,8
Executive DBC 753 75
Base Station Power Demand
DBC 662 70
DBC 203 45 To minimise the power dissipation on the serial
DBC 203 + 1* DBY 409 01 47 communication wires EPP should be used extensively.
Up to 60 BSs can be connected to a cabinet. Short
DBC 203 + 2* DBY 409 01 57 power peaks can be covered by installing a battery
DBC 213 45 cabinet.
DBC 213 + 2* DBY 409 01 45
DBC 213 + 1* DBY 409 02 45
DBC 213 + 4* DBY 409 02 45
Professional DBC 223 12,5
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 65(97)
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The current limit for remote feeding to the BS per Power calculation example
IC-LU is 1.5A on the 48V if supplied from the
backplane and 2.1A when supplied via an external
power input at the front of the connector. The total BDV 113 08
current for all BS must be less than the power
supply(s) capacity. The total 48 VDC load on the power The BDV 113 08 can be equipped with two different
supply has to be calculated as follows. power supplies. The transformer unit supplies an AC
current that is rectified on the backplane in the cabinet.
The table states the current demand in mA for a Base
The available DC current for the transformer unit is
Station depending on the cable length and cable
3.5 A. Using the switched mode power supply with
battery charger a DC current of 5.0 A is available.
To calculate the available current for the telephone
sets subtract 0.8 A for the boards installed in the
Cable length 0,5 mm ∅ 0,6 mm ∅
If backup batteries are connected to the BML unit,
0m 104 104 104 104 subtract again 0.5 A for charging the batteries
100m 110 106 108 106
200m 114 110 110 108
300m 121 112 114 109
BDVBS 101 0x
400m 129 115 118 110
Using the switched mode power supply of the
500m — 119 — 112 BDVBS 101 0x with or without a battery charger, a DC
600m 121 114 current of 2,1 A is available for the telephones. The
700m 125 117 current consumption for boards and battery charging
800m 129 118 need not to be considered.
900m 133 121
1.0km 139 123
1.1km 146 125
1.2km 152 127 The BDV 113 08, with battery charging, with 66
1.3km 160 129 different types of connected telephones (see list
1.4km 171 131 below), and 7 already installed Base stations. One
1.5km 183 135
more Base Station shall be installed. Can it still be
supplied by the Battery charger?
1.6km 204 137

This total load for the exchange can be supplied by the Extension Equipment
battery charger as it is less than 5 A.

IAS Power Demand

Line Equipment Quantity Current (mA)
The IAS needs always 2 board positions. If the IAS DBC 220 32 259,2
board gets the feeding from the back plane, then the
DBC 222 10 125
IAS can be seen as two peripheral boards (e.g.
ELU-D3). Front feeding of the IAS is always DBC 223 3 37,5
recommended. In case of a BP 250 with battery DBC 224 1 13,6
charger and batteries 0,4 A have to be calculated. In
Total: 46 435,3
case of an external DC source no current consumption
from BP power supply has to be calculated.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 66(97)
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Base station

Line length to the 8th Base Station: 700 m

Cable diameter (f) 0,6 mm
Assuming 7 Base Stations are 1.300 mA
already connected they consume a
current of:
Current of BS 0,6 (φ) and 700m: +117 mA
Total current for all Base Stations is: 1.417 mA
(This current can be supplied by the
back plane)


Power demand for: Current (mA)

Base stations 1417 mA
Telephones: 435 mA
Battery charging 500 mA
Peripheral boards 800 mA
Total load on power supply: 3152 mA

The total load for the exchange can be supplied by the battery charger as it is less than 5A.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 67(97)
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Cables for ASB 150 02

MDF cables


Factory Year-W-D


a02 a10
(wt) a (wt) a (rd) a (rd) a
colour: wt bl wt or wt gn wt br rd bl rd or rd gn rd br
ind. 1 ind. 2 ind. 5 ind. 6
(bl) b (or) b (bl) b (or) b
A B a b a b a b a b a b a b a
(wt) a (wt) a (rd) a (rd) a 1 2 3 4 5 6
ind. 3 ind. 4 ind. 7 ind. 8
(gn) b (br) b (gn) b (br) b
ind.1 ind.2 etc. slotting side
wire wrap side


Factory Year-W-D

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b
connections see above
ind. 1 ind. 2 ind. 8
Open ends
Factory Year-W-D

connections see above
length a

part number lenght a usage Cable with 8 pairs, mounted with:

TSRBS 101 01 / 800 800 mm standard cable for integrated MDF
ERICSSON plug and Krone bar.
/1500 1500 mm standard cable for external MDF
/ 3000 3000 mm
TSR 902 0444/1 1500 mm standard cable for external MDF ERICSSON plug and ERICSSON MDF
TSR 902 0444/2 3000 mm standard cable for external MDF distribution bar
TSR 901 0472/3 6000 mm for external MDF, 120Ω for BTU-D ERICSSON plug
TSR 901 0472/2 15000 mm standard cable for external MDF and open ends
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 68(97)
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Coax cable for BTU-D

length a

part number lenght a usage

TSR 225 1304/20000 20000mm coax cable 75 Ω for BTU-D

Ethernet cable for IPU

A 8

length a

A02 Tx+ (wt/gn) 1
Tx+ (wt/gn) 02 B02 Tx- (gn)
Tx- (gn) 2
A Rx+(wt/or) B
Rx+ (wt/or) 04 A04 3
Rx- (or) B04 Rx- (wt) 6
06 A06 spare (wt/bl)
spare (bl)
08 B06 4
spare (wt/br)
A08 7
spare (br)
solder side B08 8

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 0007/1 5000mm UTP - Cat 5 cable between IPU and
an Ethernet LAN with an RJ 45 plug

UTP - Cat 5 cable between IPU and

TSRBS 902 0007/2 10000mm an Ethernet LAN with an RJ 45 plug
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 69(97)
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Music on hold, Temperature sensor and Alarm cable for CPU-D5/CPU-D5C

lenght a

C8 brown
A8 blue
B2 red
B6 red
C5 brown

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 26/1 3000 mm Cable connecting Music on hold *) equipment, temperatur
sensor and Alarm input/outputs to the CPU-D5/CPU-D5C.

*) in conjunction with Music on hold, this cable can also be

used for the CPU-D4.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 70(97)
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V.24 cables

25-pin connector
only on TSR 902 0466

13 1

25 14

C female
A length a Wiring of cables: TSR 902 0476
TSR 902 0448 up to R2A
Wiring of cable: TSR 902 0466

A02 TXD A02 TXD 2

A04 0V 7 A04 0V 7
A02 C02 C02 RTS 5 C02 RTS 4
C04 DTR 6 C04 DTR 20
A04 C04
A C A06 RXD 2 C A06 RXD 3
A06 C06 C08 CTS 4 C08 CTS 5
c06 C06 DCD 8
A08 C08 A08 DSR 20 A08 DSR 6

part number lenght a usage

TSR 902 0448/1 Rev.R2A 5000 mm cable connecting a PC to CPU-D_/AUX
TSR 902 0466/1 5000 mm cable connecting a modem to CPU-D_/AUX
TSR 902 0476/1 5000 mm cable connecting a printer to CPU-D_/AUX

9-pin connector

9 female

A A02 TXD 2
A04 0V 5
length a C02 RTS 8
C04 DTR 6
A02 C02
C A06 RXD 3
A A04 C04
C08 CTS 7
A06 C06
A08 DSR 4
A08 C08

part number lenght a usage

TSR 902 0448/1 Rev.R3A 5000 mm cable connecting a PC to CPU-D_/AUX
TSR 902 0448/2 Rev.R3A 15000 mm cable connecting a PC to CPU-D_/AUX
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 71(97)
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Exchange power cables

Only for BDV 113 08.

Factory Year-W-D
length a

part number lenght a usage

TRE 990 113/850 850mm exchange power cable

TRE 990 113/1500 1500mm exchange power cable

IC-LU power cable

Only for BDV 113 08.


Factory Year-W
R-state -D

length a

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 101 12/1500 1500mm IC-LU power cable

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 72(97)
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Switch off protection cable for the IAS board (only for BDV 113 08)

length a


1 1
A 2
2 B
3 3
4 4

view from connection sides A and B

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 25/1 1000 mm Cable connecting the battery charger BML 351 048 to the IAS.
The cable keeps the IAS running even when the cabinet in
which the IAS is positioned will be unintentionally switched off.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 73(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Mains power cables

Cable for Europe

length a

part number lenght a usage

RPM 945 323 2500mm mains power cable 230V 10A

Cable for Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela etc.

length a

part number lenght a usage

RPM 945 324 2500mm mains power cable 125V 10A

Cable for U.K.

length a

part number lenght a usage

RPM 945 326 2500mm mains power cable 250V 10A

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 74(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Cable for Australia, New Zealand, China etc.

length a

part number lenght a usage

RPM 945 311 2500mm mains power cable 250VAC 10A

Cable for Italy, Chile

length a

part number lenght a usage

RPM 945 313 2500mm mains power cable 250VAC 10A

Cable for Denmark

length a

part number lenght a usage

RPM 945 327 2500mm mains power cable 250VAC 10A

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 75(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

BDVBS 101 06 cables

Patch panel cable for extension and analog trunk boards :*)

*) also used for the extensions on the MFU

I length a

04 A02 Blue 5
A04 Blue/White 4 V
06 I Orange
A06 5
A08 Orange/White 4 IV
08 Brown
C02 5
C06 5
Green/White II
C08 4

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 01/1 650 mm cable connecting the extension line interfaces to the patch panel
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 76(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Patch panel cable for BTU-B2/MFU boards *)

*) on the MFU only used for the trunk interfaces

length a

04 A02 Blue 3
A04 Blue/White 6 II
06 I Orange
C02 4
C04 Orange/White 5
08 Brown
A06 3
A08 6
C08 5

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 02/1 650 mm Cable connecting the 2 BTU-B line interfaces to the patch panel.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 77(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Adapter cable (ISDN S-interface and TE) :

length a

8 1

1 8

- White/Green
- -
3 4
4 3
I White/Blue II
5 6
Orange RJ-45 coupler
6 5
- Brown -
- -

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 03/1 100 mm Cable required for the S-interface for the connection between
patch panel and the ISDN-extension (TE).
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 78(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Patch panel cable for BTU-D boards:

length a

02 Blue
A02 -
04 A04 White/Blue
A06 Orange
06 A08 Orange/White -
I Brown II
08 C02 4
C04 5
C06 1
C08 2

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 04/1 710 mm Cable connecting the BTU-D to the patch panel.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 79(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Patch panel cable for IPU boards:

length a

02 Blue
A02 1
04 A04 Brown
A06 Orange
06 A08 Orange/White
I 7 II
B02 Blue/White
08 Brown/White
B04 6
B06 4
B08 8

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 05/1 710 mm Cable connecting the IPU to the patch panel. The
cable package includes 5 extra cable clamps.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 80(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Patch panel cable for the IAS board:

length a



1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 brown/white 6
7 7
8 8

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 05/2 710 mm Cable connecting the IAS to the patch panel. The cable
package includes 5 extra cable clamps.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 81(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Patch panel cable for IC-CU2 and IC-LU boards:

EPP length a

C02 Orange 3
Data2 Blue
ABC A02 4
C04 Orange/White 6 A
02 A04 Blue/White 5
Data1 Green
04 C06 3
A06 4
06 C08
A08 5
C02 Orange 3
A02 Blue 4
C04 Orange/White 6
A04 Blue/White 5
Data2 C06 Green
A06 4
A08 5

A02 Blue 2
C02 Blue/White 1 A
A06 Orange 2
EPP C06 Orange/White 1 B
A04 2
Brown/White C
C04 1
A08 2
Green/White D
C08 1

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 06/1 650 mm Cable connecting the basestation ports of the IC-CU2
and IC-LU to the patch panel.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 82(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Cable to connect the CPU-D_ with the V.24 interface on the front panel:

length a

02 White/Blue
A08 Blue 1 04
A06 White/Orange 03
06 C08 Orange 2 II
I 07
C02 White/Green
08 08
Green 3
C04 06 solder side
solder side A02 02
Brown 4
A04 05

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 07/1 500 mm Cable connecting the CPU-D_ to the V.24 interface on
the front panel
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 83(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

V24 - Adpater cable between the BDVBS 101 06 cabinet and a PC:

Plug A (Female) Plug B (Male)

length a

Blue 1 04
White/Orange 03
03 2


07 07
BP 128i

08 08
Green 3
06 06
02 02
Brown 4
05 05

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 07/2 5000 mm V.24 adapter cable connecting the cabinet
BDVBS 101 06 to a PC.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 84(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Cable IAS V.24 19 Inch:

Connector A Connector B

Not connected
wire to be cut.


part number lenght usage

TSRBS 902 07/3 500 mm Cable to connect the IAS V.24 interface to the front
panel of the BDVBS 101 06 cabinet:
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 85(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Cable to connect the CPU-D_ to the alarm and audio-input on the front panel:

5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4

solder side

length a

02 2 Orange 8
II Blue
1 7
04 C8 Brown 6
C6 Brown White 5
06 Green III
B6 4
08 Green White
I B4
Orange White
B2 2
solder side Blue White
A6 1
A4 1
Blue IV
A2 5

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 08/1 250 mm Cable connecting the CPU-D_ to the alarm input (III)
and audio input (IV) on the front panel.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 86(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Cable to connect the PSU with the ON/OFF switch and with the power ON LED :

length a

4 Black -
2 White + 1 LED
3 Black
1 Red 2 Switch

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 09/1 300 mm Cable connecting from the power supply unit to the
ON/OFF switch and to the power ON LED.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 87(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

External alarm cable :

length a

Brown White 5
Green 4
Green White
Orange White
Blue White

part number lenght a usage

TSRBS 902 10/1 3000 mm Cable to connect external alarm application(s)
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 88(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Marking Of Cables Auxilary Equipment

Each cable that is connected to a PBX type ASB 150
should be marked on the cable’s designation holder Music Source
with the label set SVH 277 003/4, supplied for this
purpose. The cable TSR 902 0444/1 is supplied with a The music output from a radio, tape recorder or similar
designation holder, 860 1839, at the EURO-connector. item is fed into the system via the CPU-D_ ,
BTU-A(2) and BTU-C boards. By programming the
exchange, the output from the connected equipment
Label 2: Placing of can be distributed throughout the system.


01 2 34
Label 1: Type of Technical data
6 *2

Music input:
Label 3: Position of
pin contact unit on • Impedance: 600 ohm
4 • Voltage: 1 V max
Front side of 2nd
designation 1/4 Hardware installation
holder on cable 3rd
to PBA 1/4
Connection to CPU-D2, CPU-D3, CPU-D4

To connect the music source output to the CPU-D_

This label set contains three label types:
board there exists two options:
Label 1: This label indicates the abbreviated name
1 Connection via the standard MDF cable
for the PBA to which the cable is to be
TSR 902 0444 (Ericsson connector block ) or
TSRBS 101 01 (Krone connector block).
Example of parameter: BTU_
These cables will carry all feature connections from
Label 2: There is one 2-digit parameter. This
the CPU-D board to the MDF (Main Distribution
parameter indicates the position of the
Frame). Should the system already be using
PBA-slot in the PBA where the cable is to
features like alarm input/output or temperature
be connected.
sensors, then there is already such a cable installed.
Example of parameter: 03
a The wires from the music source output have to
Label 3: There are two 1-digit parameters. The first connected to the MDF connection block pin a1
parameter indicates the position of the and b1 (polarity independent).
pin-contact unit on the PBA. The second
b Connect the cable to the position 4/3 on the
parameter indicates the 1/4 of the pin
2 Direct connection to the CPU by using the cable
Example of parameters: 6*2 TSRBS 902 26/1.
These three labels indicate where the upper part of the a Connect the music source output to the cable
cable is to be connected and are placed on the front pair blue-white (pin A2 and A4 )
side of the designation holder.
b Connect the cable to the position 4/3 on the
When the label 1 for PBA has a "_" included in the CPU-D2, CPU-D3, CPU-D4.
name, please enter the correct letter with a marker
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 89(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Connection to CPU-D5/CPU-D5C Technical data

Compared to the presessor CPU-Ds, the music source • Measurement accuracy:

output can only be connected via a direct connection
– ± 0.5° C (between –24 ... +75° C)
to the CPU-D5/CPU-D5C by using the cable
TSRBS 902 26/1. – ± 1° C (between –40° C ... +100° C)
1 Connect the music source output to the cable pair • Temperature range: –40 ... +75° C
blue-white (pin A2 and A4 )
• Maximum recommended line length: 50 m (twisted
2 Connect the cable to the position 6/1 on the CPU- pair)

Hardware installation
Connection to BTU-A(2) or BTU-C
The sensor(s) are connected to the exchange by a
A twisted pair or a shielded cable should be connected 10m long cable. If the sensor is to be placed outside it
from the music source output to the connector block of should preferably be mounted on an outside wall (with
the standard MDF cable TSR 902 0444 (Ericsson the supplied screw) that is not placed in direct sunlight.
connector block ) or TSRBS 101 01 (Krone connector A desirable place is for instance a shady place under
block). Which of the individuals are used as music the roof. Do not try to place the sensor near a window
source input, depends on the customer configuration. that is often open for airing, or near an output for the
ventilation. If the sensor is located more than 10 m
Refer to “Connections to BTU-A2” on page 14 and
from the exchange, we recommend to use a twisted
“Connections to BTU-C” on page 15
pair cable normally used for extensions.
The following components are necessary to install the
Temperature Sensor temperature function:
• Cable kit RPM 603 339/1 which contains:
– the cable with temperature sensor
RPM 603 339 – a wood screw


The water proof temperature sensor(s) may be located

outdoors to measure the outside temperature. The
temperature is displayed on the system telephones
with display. The temperature trend, increasing or
decreasing, is indicated by” ^” for increasing and “v” for
decreasing. Please note that the indication of the
temperature trend, for the first 30 minutes after
installation may not be correct (while reference values
are being recorded).
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 90(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Connection to CPU-D2, CPU-D3, CPU-D4 Connection to CPU-D5/CPU-D5C

To connect the temperature sensor(s) to the CPU Compared to the presessor CPU-Ds, only one
board there exists two options: temperature sensor is supported which can only be
connected via a direct connection to the CPU-D5/
1 Connection via the standard MDF cable
CPU-D5C by using the cable TSRBS 902 26/1.
TSR 902 0444 (Ericsson connector block ) or
TSRBS 101 01 (Krone connector block). 1 Connect the free ends of the temperatur sensor to
the cable pair green-red (pin C4 and C5 )
These cables will carry all feature connections from
2 Connect the cable to the position 6/1 on the
the CPU board to the MDF (Main Distribution
Frame). Should the system already be using
features like music output or alarm input/output then
there is already such a cable installed.
The wires are connected to the MDF connection
block pins in the following way: (polarity
– Temperatur sensor 1: a5 and b5
– Temperatur sensor 2: a6 and b6
– Temperatur sensor 3: a7 and b7
Connect the completed cable to the position 4/3 on
the CPU-D2, CPU-D3, CPU-D4.
2 Direct connection to the CPU by using the EURO
connector RNV 321 0113.
Solder the free ends of the temperatur sensor to the
following pins.

Temp1 2

Temp2 6

Connect the completed cable to the position 4/4 on

the CPU-D2, CPU-D3, CPU-D4.
It is possible to connect 3 external temperature
sensors to the CPU-D2, CPU-D3, CPU-D4, whereby
only the values of the first one will be displayed on the
system telephones with display (no settings
necessary). The values of the 2nd and 3rd
temperature sensor can only be read out via BMS.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 91(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Alarm Equipment Connection to the CPU-D4 in a BP 128i cabinet :

Alarm signals of the CPU-D4

Pin numbers of the Molex connector when using the alarm
cabling in the BP128i cabinet

Connection to the CPU-D4 in a BP250, BP 50 or BP

Compact cabinet. CPU-D4
4C20 -48VDC
To connect the alarm input/outputs to the CPU board 4C22 Alarm input OC
use you have two options: 6
1 Connection via the standard MDF cable +12 V ~1 sec
TSR 902 0444 (Ericsson connector block ) or 4A24 0V-
TSRBS 101 01 (Krone connector block). RELAY 1
4A22 Alarm output

These cables will carry the most common alarm

2 4B18 Alarm relays
connections (except the alarm relay outputs )
from the CPU board to the MDF (Main Distribution 3 4B20 2 1
Frame). Should the system already be using EXTERNAL 4B22
features like music input or temperatur sensor then
there is already such a cable installed. For the 7
connection see figure below. 8 Fan breakdown alarm

2 Direct connection to the CPU by using the EURO

connector RNV 321 0113. For the connection see
figure below.
The 8pole Molex socket on the front panel provides:
Pin numbers of the Pin numbers of the Euro • the CPU-D4s Alarm output together with the
Ericsson and Krone connector RNV 321 0113
coupled Alarm relais switch - activated during the
connector block
first second.
CPU-D4 • the CPU-D4s Alarm input (polarity independent),
4C20 -48VDC and the Fan alarm output (to indicate the
4a C6
4C22 Alarm input OC breakdown/stop of the needed air flow cooling
4b C8 followed after 5-10 minutes by an automatic system
+12 V ~1 sec switch-off !).
4A24 0V- The use of an outside temperature sensor is not
4A22 Alarm output
Inside the BP128i cabinet the alarm socket (Molex
B2 4B18 Alarm relays type) and the 3,5 mm audio input jack are connected
B4 4B20
via the special cable (TSRBS 902 08/1) to the CPU-D4
2 1
EXTERNAL board, whereas this cable includes the two wires with
B6 4B22
LOAD 3 the fan breakdown alarm signal from the cabinet’s
The external alarm cable (TSRBS 902 10/1) is
3000 mm long and has a Molex plug on one end and
an open end on the other side.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 92(97)
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Pin assignment of the alarm socket for the CPU-D5

board with default wiring: Original pin positition of cable TSRBS 902 08/1 shown on page 85

0V +12V 2 Orange 8
1 7
5, 6 = Alarm input 48- 14 V/ax.20mA RELAY 02 C8 Brown 6
60 VDC, (polarity bl/wh C6 Brown White 5
independent) ~1 sec on A6 04 gr/wh Green III
on B4 B6 4
5 1 Green White
6 2 o 06 I B4 3
7, 8 = Fan Orange White
7 B2 2
breakdown alarm 3 o 08 Blue White
8 A6 1
(out) 5V/20mA 4 o EXTERNAL Orange
Contacts: LOAD solder side A4
A2 5 IV
Socket seen from front side 60VDC
Color codes of the alarm appl.cable TSRBS 902 10/1
5 - brown white 1 - blue white
Changed pin position of cable TSRBS 902 08/1 for CPU-D4 alarm
6 - brown 2 - orange white
7 - blue 3 - green white NEW Orange
II 2 8
8 - orange 4 - green ABC Blue
1 7
02 gr/wh C8 Brown 6
C6 Brown White 5
04 on C4 Green III
B6 4
bl/wh Green White
06 I C4 3
on A8 Orange White
B2 2
Fan breakdown alarm with the alarm input 08 A8
Blue White
solder side A4
Additional wiring needed: A2 5 IV
1 Modify the internal cable (alarm and audio input,
TSRBS 902 08/1) on the EURO connector for the 2 Now the Fan breakdown alarm signal (5 VDC/
CPU-D4 board position 4/3 in the following way: 20 mA) is used to activate the optocoupler-input of
a ’Solid state relais’ (locally supplied, e.g.: Clare
a Change the green-white wire from B4 to C4 to
PLA140) providing isolated switch contacts.
make the -48 VDC available on pin 3 of the Alarm
socket (Molex type). (Note: The CPU-D4 Alarm 3 The above mentioned -48 VDC can then be
output is then still available via the normally open switched on via the contact of this ’Solid state relais’
contact given on the pins 2 and 4 of the Molex to the pin 6 of the Alarm input (Molex socket). At last
socket) the pin 5 and pin 1 of this Molex socket must be
interlinked to get the ground pole (see picture
b Change the blue-white wire from A6 to A8 to
make the ground pole (0 V) available on pin 1 of
the Alarm socket (Molex type). Please compare External alarm tone: If another type of relais with 2
pictures below. switches is available, then the other contact can be
used to start e.g. an acoustic alarm tone (siren, horn) if
The picture below shows this wirings of the alarm
socket for the CPU-D4 board using the Fan
breakdown alarm signal to activate via the Alarm input
the 9A-alarm message of the ASB 150 02.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 93(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Alarm socket for CPU-D5/CPU-D5C

Solid state relais
(e.g: Clare PLA 140)
1 6 Connection to the CPU-D5/CPU-D5C in a BP250,
+ Control + Load
2 5 BP 50 or BP Compact cabinet.
- Control - Load
Do not use 4
Connection to the CPU-D4 in a BP 128i cabinet:
5 1 100mA
6 2 o Pin numbers of the cable
7 3 TSRBS 902 26/1
8 4 o --48 VDC
~1 sec

Socket seen from front side CPU-D5

5, 6 = Alarm input 48-60 VDC, 7, 8 = Fan breakdown 6C03 -48VDC
(polarity independent) alarm (out) 5V/20mA green C6
6C06 Alarm input OC
Color codes of the alarm appl.cable TSRBS 902 10/1
white C8
5 - brown white 1 - blue white 6C08
2 - orange white +12V ~1 sec
6 - brown
7 - blue 3 - green white 6A08 0V-
8 - orange 4 - green 6A06 Alarm output

blue B2 6B02 Alarm relay

red B4 6B04 2 1
LOAD orange B6 6B06
red B6
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 94(97)
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SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
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SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Connection to the CPU-D5 in a BP 128i cabinet: Possible wirings of the alarm socket for the CPU-D5/
CPU-D5C board:

0V +12V
Pin numbers for the Molex connector
5, 6 = Alarm input 5- 14 V/max.20mA RELAY
CPU-D5 60 VDC, (polarity
independent) ~1 sec
6C03 -48VDC 5 1
7, 8 = Fan
6 2 o
6C06 Alarm input OC
breakdown alarm
7 3 o
6 8
6C08 (out) 5V/20mA 4 o EXTERNAL
+12V ~1 sec Contacts:
Socket seen from front side 60VDC
0V 6A08 0V-
6A06 Alarm output Color codes of the alarm appl.cable TSRBS 902 10/1

2 5 - brown white 1 - blue white

6B02 Alarm relay
6 - brown 2 - orange white
3 6B04 2 1 7 - blue 3 - green white
4 6B06 8 - orange 4 - green

TEMP 6C04 Temp sensor 1

The wire bridges 5 to 8 and 6 to 7 lead the 5 V/20mA
Fan breakdown alarm signal directly to the CPU-D5
alarm input (5 - 60 VDC). The picture above shows this
RADIO Audio input wirings of the alarm socket for the CPU-D5/CPU-D5C
board using the Fan breakdown alarm signal to
activate via the Alarm input the 9A-alarm message of
8 Fan breakdown alarm the ASB 150 02.

The 8pole Molex socket on the front panel includes:

• the CPU-D5 Alarm output together with the coupled
Alarm relais switch - activated during the first
• the CPU-D5 Alarm input (polarity independent), and
the Fan alarm output (to indicate the breakdown/
stop of the needed air flow cooling followed after 5-
10 minutes by an automatic system switch-off !).
The use of an outside temperature sensor is not
Inside the BP 128i cabinet the alarm socket (Molex
type) and the 3,5 mm audio input jack are connected
via the special cable (TSRBS 902 08/1) to the
CPU-D5/CPU-D5C board, whereas this cable includes
the two wires for the fan breakdown alarm signal from
the cabinet’s backplane.
The external alarm cable (TSRBS 902 10/1) is 3000
mm long and has a Molex plug on one end and an
open end on the other side.
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 95(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Door Interface Unit (DIU) (BFYBS 10101/1) • If the voice in the speaker of the door phone sounds
too dim or is clipped, turn the mic potentiometer
screw two turns counterclockwise. Speak into the
Installation telephone microphone and verify that the speaker
sounds loud and clear enough, otherwise repeat the
The DIU is an interface connected via one or two adjustment.
extension lines to the ELU-A of the exchange and via a • No voice connection to the speaker of the
set of wires to the door phone. The DIU should be telephone.Turn the mic potentiometer screw two
mounted indoors on a dry wall. The door phone can be turns clock wise. Speak into the door phone
of any commercially available type as long as it meets microphone and verify that it is heard in the hand set
the requirements listed in the System Overview of the telephone, otherwise repeat the adjustment.
(1555-ASB 150 02 Uen) under section Technical Data
for DIU.


The wires to the speaker and microphone should be

led via two twisted pairs in a separate cable. Caution
when connecting a polarity-dependant microphone.
Check polarity on connector x1. Make the connections
to the door bell button, door opener and key lights etc
in another cable. This is to minimise disturbances on
the microphone line. The wires to the door opener
carry more current and should have a diameter greater
than 0.6 mm. The length between door phone and DIU
should be less than 50 m. The length between door
phone and exchange should be less than 500m.
The connector X18 is used for speech connection
between DIU and exchange. The connector X17 is
used to activate the door opener. If the door opener
wiring already exists the X17 connection can be
omitted and the connection X12 leads to an existing
Pressing the door phone button (connection X5)
activates the DIU and the programmed extension rings
(see Facility Description, 15534-ASB 150 02 Uen).
The interface stays active for the preset time selected
under "C" and shuts off after this time has elapsed.

Adjustments of DIU

The microphone level is factory set, but under certain

conditions the line attenuation can exceed
expectations resulting only in one way speech
connection or clipping of the voice between extension
and door phone. In this case cautious change of
microphone level setting has to be performed as
Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 96(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Settings on the DIU board

8 sec
6 sec Ext. B x17
4 sec TO Extension B
D 1 sec
(door opener)
(lead directly to the door opener 3 min
button if already available) 2 min
1 min
use cable with diameter ≥ 0,6mm
x12 DO

Ext. A x18
DIU (BFY BS 101 01) TO Extension A
Microphone sensi- (voice)
tivity level setting

A Mic Microphone connection with

polarity dependent 6 V-DC
+ - Volume BELL supply for microphones with
x2 x1 x5 amplifiers.
B The loudspeaker volume level is
factory set. To adjust turn the
Loudspeaker potentiometer.
spkr mic
door C Timeout for the interface to shut
door phone bell button
off. The jumper selects intervals
between 1...2...3 minutes.
opener D Set door opener activation time
1...4...6...8 sec.
mains 8...48VAC

Installation Instruction ASB 150 02 97(97)
Uppgjord/Prepared Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible Dokumentnr/Documentnr
SEA/D/S/D Preissner SEA/D 1531-ASB 150 02 Uen
Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved Kontr/Checked Datum/Date Rev Tillhör/Referens-File/Reference
SEA/D/S/D (Preissner) 2005-02-16 J ASB 150 02

Alarm Interface Unit (AIU) (RPMBS 130 002/01)

Line to exchange

DBY BS 410 01/1

nc ba a b bb nc

line to exchange
ba and bb are the
connectors to the
alarm button
nc are not used wires

wall outlet
a RPMBS 130 002/01
connect to the line input on the telephone

Line/Alarm (to wall outlet) Line out (to telephone) Optional Alarm

1 1 1
6-pin 4-pin 4-pin
modular jack modular jack modular jack
Pin Description Pin Description Pin Description
1 not used 1 not used 1 button a
2 button a 2 a 2 not used
3 a 3 b 3 not used
4 b 4 not used 4 button b
5 button b
6 not used

The ALARM INTERFACE UNIT is an optional equipment mounted in the case bottom of the DBC 21x telephones.
This equipment is used in the hospitality area to enable distress notification from e.g. a bathroom. A normally closed
switch is installed and the two terminals are connected to the pins (button a and button b) on the option unit. The
connection can be made in the wall outlet. Then the wiring shown above applies. If another type of wiring is used the
connector Optional alarm can be used.

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